1996 American National Election Study Converted from DDL file: nes96.ddl Apr 27, 1999 (Tue 12:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time) survey 1714 2594 1 Berkeley Case ID Number ICPSR Study Number ICPSR STUDY NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------------- The study number is 6896. ICPSR Edition Number ICPSR EDITION NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------------------- All cases coded 1. ICPSR Part Number ICPSR Part Number ------------------------------------------------------------------- All cases coded 1. Release Date Release Date ------------------------------------------------------------------- "April 1997" Pre. 1996 Case ID Process.1 1996 Case ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- Panel cases 1001-2318. Cross-section cases 3001-3404. There are gaps in the numbering at 2108,2118,3081,3212,3213,3322,3348,3369. Pre. 1996 Panel/Cross indicator Process.3 Panel/cross indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Panel case 2 Cross-section case Pre. 1996 Full sample weight Process.4 Full sample weight ------------------------------------------------------------------- This weight compensates for the unequal probabilities of selection for respondents in different size households and for different non-response across geographic sample design categories and between panel and cross-section respondents. It is post-stratified to the July 1995 Census population projections for age, by sex by Census region categories (Current Population Reports P25-1111, Table 4). This is a 6 digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 actual decimal places. See also the "Construction of Analysis weights" in the Sample Design section of the Appendix to the codebook for the 1996 study. Pre. 1996 Panel-only weight Process.5 1996 Panel only weight ------------------------------------------------------------------- This weight is to be used for analyses which use only the 1316 panel cases; the cross-section cases have a value of "0" in this field. The weight compensates for the unequal probabilities of selection for respondents in different size households and for differential non-response across geographic sample design categories. It is post-stratified to the July 1995 Census population projections for age, by sex by Census region categories (Current Population Reports P25-1111, Table 4). This weight is centered with a mean of 1.0. This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 actual decimal places. Pre. 1996 Time-series weight Process.6 1996 Time-series weight ------------------------------------------------------------------- This weight should be used in analyses in which the 1996 Panel is compared to earlier unweighted National Election Studies data collections. This variable corrects for panel attrition and for the aging of the Panel respondents. Details on the construction of this variable are provided in the Sample Design section of the Appendix to the codebook for the 1996 Study. This weight is centered with a mean of 1.0. This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 actual decimal places. Cross-section cases have a value of 1.0000. Pre. 1995 Case ID (panel) Process.7 1995 Case ID (1995 Pilot) for panel cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-digit case ID, except: 00000 Inap, 1996 cross-section; panel case not interviewed in 1995 pilot Pre. 1994 Case ID (panel) Process.8 1994 Case ID for panel cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit case ID, except: 0000 Inap, 1996 cross-section Pre. 1993 Case ID (panel) Process.9 1993 Case ID (1993 Pilot) for panel cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-digit case ID, except: 0000 Inap, 1996 cross-section; panel case not interviewed in 1993 Pilot Pre. 1992 Case ID (panel) Process.10 1992 Case ID for panel cases ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit case ID, except: 0000 Inap, 1996 cross-section; panel case not interviewed in 1992 Pre. 1996 Pre Only or Pre-and-Post Process.11 1996 Participation: Pre-and Post/ Pre-Only ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Pre Only 1 Pre and Post Pre. Time Series participation 1992,1994,1996 Process.12 Summary: R's participation in 1992,1994,1996 timeseries ------------------------------------------------------------------- This summary describes R's participation in the 1992, 1994 and 1996 timeseries studies. Respondents who participated in the 1992 study were interviewed in both the 1992 Pre and 1992 Post. Participation in the 1996 study describes both pre-and-post cases and pre-only respondents. 1 Participated 1996 only 2 Participated 1996 and 1994 3 Participated 1996, 1994, 1992 Pre. Panel participation summary Process.13 Summary, R's participation 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 cross section respondents (codes 1 and 2) have been interviewed only in 1996 (pre only or pre and post interviews). All 1996 panel respondents have been interviewed in the 1994 Post time-series study and may have also been interviewed in the 1992 Pre-Post time-series study. If R was interviewed in 1992 (codes 21-24) he/she was necessarily interviewed in both the 1992 Pre and 1992 Post (this was a requirement to be eligible for the continuing panel). Panel respondents may also have been interviewed in the 1993 and/or 1995 Pilot Studies. 1995 Pilot: 1996 panel respondents who had been fresh cross-section in 1994 (first interviewed in 1994) were eligible for interviewing in the 1995 Pilot Study; 1996 Panel respondents who had been first interviewed in 1992 were not eligible for inclusion in the 1995 Pilot. 1993 Pilot: Panel respondents who were interviewed in both the 1992 Pre and Post were eligible for 1993 Pilot Study interviewing. 1996 ONLY: 01 1996 Pre only 02 1996 Pre and Post 1994 AND 1996: 11 1994, 1996 Pre 12 1994, 1996 Pre and Post 13 1994, 1995 Pilot, 1996 Pre 14 1994, 1995 Pilot, 1996 Pre and Post 1992,1994 AND 1996: 21 1992 Pre and Post, 1994, 1996 Pre 22 1992 Pre and Post, 1994, 1996 Pre and Post 23 1992 Pre and Post, 1993 Pilot, 1994, 1996 Pre 24 1992 Pre and Post, 1993 Pilot, 1994, 1996 Pre and Post Pre. Day of interview Admin.1 PRE-ELECTION Day of interview ------------------------------------------------------------------- Day of interiew 1-31 coded, except: 99 NA Pre. Month of interview Admin.2 PRE ELECTION Month of interview ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 September 10 October 11 November 99 NA Pre. Number of days between pre IW and election day Admin.3 PRE-ELECTION - Number of days before Election Day ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is based on the date of interview. It counts the number of days before the election day (November 5, 1996). 99 NA Pre. Beginning time Admin.4 PRE-ELECTION Beginning time (local) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 hour clock is used, midnight to 11:59 p.m. (0000-2359), except: 9999 NA Pre. Ending time Admin.5 PRE-ELECTION Ending time (local) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 hour clock is used, midnight to 11:59 p.m. (0000-2359), except: 9999 NA Pre. Interview length in minutes Admin.6 PRE-ELECTION Interview length in minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------- The actual number of minutes is coded, except: 999.0. NA Pre. Interview number Admin.7 PRE-ELECTION Interview number ------------------------------------------------------------------- This number records the sequence in which each interviewer's interviews were completed. 01 is the first interview taken by a particular interviewer. Actual number is coded except: 99 NA Pre. Date of beginning VQ file Admin.8 PRE-ELECTION Date of Beginning VQ file ------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview began. Changes were made to the VQ (CAPI application) while in the field. Most changes were not significant, with a few exceptions. The next variable documents the VQ version in use at the end of the interview; note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the VQ coded here. The 8/6/96 VQ was used in error in only 2 cases. In the 9/3/96 VQ, Rs who had been erroneously asked for placement of House candidates and major parties on the 7-point Liberal-Conservative scale (respondents who answered Haven't Thought Much for self-rating) were assigned an appropriate skip. Note that data for ratings of House candidates and parties do not included these cases. In the 9/11/96 VQ, Choate replaced Campbell as the Reform Party Vice-Presidential candidate (question D1f). In the 9/17/96 VQ, respondents no longer skipped Y12g if they do not answer "Yes" in Y12e. In the 9/25/96 VQ, several Perot items were dropped as documented in specific variables [G3a-G3d(1), K4a-K4a(1), K4b, L2d, L2d(1), L2d(2), L3d, L4d, M1d, M1d(1), M1d(2), M2d, M3d, M3d(1), M3d(2), M4d, N1d]. 1 8/6/96 2 8/27/96 3 9/3/96 4 9/11/96 5 9/17/96 6 9/25/96 7 9/30/96 8 10/4/96 9 NA Pre. Date of ending VQ file Admin.9 PRE-ELECTION Date of Ending VQ file ------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview concluded. Changes were made to the VQ (CAPI application) while in the field. Most changes were not significant, with a few exceptions. This variable documents the VQ version in use at the end of the interview; note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the beginning VQ (previous var). The 8/6/96 VQ was used in error in only 2 cases. In the 9/3/96 VQ, Rs who had been erroneously asked for placement of House candidates and major parties on the 7-point Liberal-Conservative scale (respondents who answered Haven't Thought Much for self-rating) were assigned an appropriate skip. Note that data for ratings of House candidates and parties do not included these cases. In the 9/11/96 VQ, Choate replaced Campbell as the Reform Party Vice-Presidential candidate (question D1f). In the 9/17/96 VQ, respondents no longer skipped Y12g if they do not answer "Yes" in Y12e. In the 9/25/96 VQ, several Perot items were dropped as documented in specific variables [G1a-G3d(1), K4a-K4a(1), K4b, L2d, L2d(1), L2d(2), L3d, L4d, M1d, M1d(1), M1d(2), M2d, M3d, M3d(1), M3d(2), M4d, N1d]. 1 8/6/96 2 8/27/96 3 9/3/96 4 9/11/96 5 9/17/96 6 9/25/96 7 9/30/96 8 10/4/96 9 NA Pre. Payment amount Admin.10 PRE-ELECTION - Payment amount ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 INAP, no respondent payment 5 $5 respondent payment 10 $5 respondent payment 15 $15 respondent payment 20 $20 respondent payment 25 $25 respondent payment Pre. Was interview tape recorded Admin.11 PRE-ELECTION - Was interview tape recorded ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. Verification indicator Admin.12 PRE-ELECTION - Verification indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Not flagged for verification 1 Flagged for verification 2 Verified 3 Verified with discrepancy 4 Not verified 5 Unable to verify Pre. Evaluation indicator Admin.13 PRE-ELECTION - Evaluation indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Interview not evaluated 1 Interview evaluated by supervisor 2 Interview evaluated by team leader Pre. Refusal conversion indicator Admin.14 PRE-ELECTION - Refusal conversion indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to interviews initially refused by someone when an interviewer was first attempting contact. The source of this refusal may or may not have been the Respondent. Conversion may be made by the initial interviewer or another interviewer. If the conversion is not made by the initial interviewer, the interviewer of record is the interviewer obtaining the conversion. 1 Refusal conversion attempted 5 Not a refusal conversion situation 9 NA Pre. Was persuasion letter sent Admin.15 PRE-ELECTION - Was persuasion letter sent? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 A persuasion letter was sent to R 2 No persuasion letter was sent 9 NA Pre. Type of persuasion letter Admin.16 IF PERSUASION LETTER WAS SENT: PRE-ELECTION - Type of persuasion letter ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No persuasion letter sent 1 A."Too busy" 2 B."Too personal" 3 C."Not interested" 4 D."Too old" 5 E. Evasive 6 F. Gatekeeper 7 X. Not at home 9 NA Pre. Number of telephone calls Admin.17 PRE-ELECTION - Number of telephone calls ------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of calls is coded, except: 99 NA Pre. Number of face to face calls Admin.18 PRE-ELECTION - Number of face to face calls ------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of calls is coded, except: 99 NA Pre. Total number of calls (Phone + FtF) Admin.19 PRE-ELECTION - Total number of calls (Phone + FtF) ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable adds the number of phone calls and face to face calls that were made to R's home in order to obtain the interview. This variable is comparable to the"number of calls" variable in past studies. Number of calls coded, except: 99 NA Pre. Final result code Admin.20 PRE-ELECTION - Final result code ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Interview, complete 5 Interview, partial Pre. Beginning interview mode Admin.21 PRE-ELECTION - Beginning mode, personal or telephone ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the mode when interview began 1 Personal 4 Telephone Pre. Mode summary - pre and post Admin.22 MODE SUMMARY - Pre and Post ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable documents the beginning mode of the Pre and Post interviews. PERSONAL ONLY: 1 Pre personal and Post personal or Pre personal and no Post IW TELEPHONE ONLY: 2 Pre telephone and Post telephone or Pre telephone and no Post IW PERSONAL AND TELEPHONE: 3 Pre personal and Post telephone 4 Pre telephone and Post personal Pre. Ending interview mode Admin.23 PRE-ELECTION - Ending mode, personal or telephone ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the mode when interview ended. 1 Personal mode 4 Telephone 9 NA Pre. Sample release Admin.24 Sample Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- In order that analyses of respondents' reactions to campaign events not be confounded with ease or difficulty of contacting or conducting interviews with respondents, NES has, since 1984, followed a strategy of releasing Pre-election sample in stages. In 1996 the sample was released in four quarter samples at approximately two week intervals. The allocation of sample lines to target periods was random, at the segment level; the sets of assigned lines are known as replicates. Dates of release were as follows: 1st replicate 9/3, 2nd replicate 9/12, 3rd replicate 9/26, 4th replicate 10/10. Panel cases that required tracking because the current address of the respondent was not known were released with the first replicate. Two replicates of cross-section cases were designated as 'reserve' to release as needed, depending on an evaluation of sample performance prior to the release of replicate 3. The reserve replicates of cross-section cases were released as follows: replicate 5 with replicate 3 and replicate 6 with replicate 4. 1 Replicate 1, released September 3 2 Replicate 2, released September 12 3 Replicate 3, released September 26 4 Replicate 4, released October 10 5 Reserve replicate 5, released with replicate 3 (Sept. 26) 6 Reserve replicate 5, released with replicate 4 (Oct. 10) Pre. Sample release summary Admin.25 Sample release summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from release variable and date of iw. 1 Target period 1, interviewed in target period 1 (Sept 3-Sept 11) 2 Target period 2, interviewed in target period 2 (Sept 12-Sept 25) 3 Target period 3, interviewed in target period 3 (Sept 26-Oct 9) 4 Target period 4, interviewed in target period 4 (Oct 10-Nov 4) 5 Target period 1, interviewed outside of target period 6 Target period 2, interviewed outside of target period 7 Target period 3, interviewed outside of target period 8 Target period 4, interviewed outside of target period Pre. Question 'form' summary Admin.26 Pre question 'form' summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable compares with the 'Form' variable of previous (non-CAPI) studies and describes the format of (questions included in) the instrument. Questions F1-F4 and H4-H8 were administered to a random half-sample of respondents. 0 R administered both F1-F4 and H4-H8 1 R not administered F1-F4 2 R not administered H4-H8 3 R administered neither F1-F4 nor H4-H8 Pre. (Panel only) Does R still live at address on sample label CSheet.1 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 3. (Panel only) Does R still live at the address on sample label ------------------------------------------------------------------- The address on the label for the Panel respondents reflected knowledge of R's whereabouts right before the field period began. (The Sample Label address may or may not have corresponded to R's address at the time of the interview; R's 1994 address may have been updated between the 1994 interview and the beginning of the 1996 Pre field period). 0 Inap, cross-section 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. (Panel only) New address is: CSheet.2 IF R NO LONGER LIVES AT ADDRESS ON SAMPLE LABEL PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 3d. (Panel only) New address is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- The address for every Panel repondents who had moved since the 1994 Post- election study was evaluated by the field supervisors. Addresses beyond reasonable driving distance by local interviewers were classified as out of range and assigned to phone interview to be completed by selected phone interviewers. 0 Inap, cross section case; 1 in question CSheet.3 1 Out of range 3 Within range 5 Can't find 9 NA Pre. Panel - correct name, birth date and gender on coversheet CSheet.3 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET,CS Item 5 (Panel only) I need to verify that your full name is [Name of Respondent]. I also need to verify that you were born on [Birth month and year]. R NAME, BIRTH, AND GENDER ARE: 0 INAP, 1996 Cross-section 1 Identical to sample label 5 Not identical 9 NA Pre. Panel - coversheet name marked different CSheet.4 IF NAME, BIRTH, OR GENDER IS NOT IDENTICAL TO SAMPLE LABEL PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET (Panel only) Name marked different 0 INAP, 1996 cross-section; 1,9 in question CSheet.5 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. Panel coversheet - gender marked different CSheet.5 IF NAME, BIRTH, OR GENDER IS NOT IDENTICAL TO SAMPLE LABEL PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET (Panel only) Sex marked different 0 INAP, 1996 cross-section; 1,9 in question CSheet.5 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. Panel coversheet - birth data marked different CSheet.6 IF NAME, BIRTH, OR GENDER IS NOT IDENTICAL TO SAMPLE LABEL PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET (Panel only) Different birth date marked 0 INAP, 1996 cross-section; 1,9 in question CSheet.5 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. Cross - Household listing obtained from CSheet.7 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 6 (Cross-section only) Household listing obtained from: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 INAP, panel respondent 1 HU member 2 Neighbor 3 Apartment manager 4 Landlord 5 Observation 7 Other 9 NA Pre. Cross - Selection table CSheet.8 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 8 HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Selection table ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Selection Table is used to select a respondent from all household members who are eligible adults. (An eligible adult is a U.S. citizen who is 18 years of age or older by Election Day.) The Selection Table appears on the Coversheet below the Household Listing. After a complete listing of the HH is taken, each eligible adult is assigned a "Number" based on the criteria of gender and age [beginning with the oldest male as number 1, males are numbered by increments of 1 according to descending age; females are numbered by descending age starting with the number one higher than that assigned to the youngest male]. The interviewer then uses the Selection Table to determine the "Number" of the eligible adult to be interviewed. The Selection Table itself consists of 2 parallel COLUMNS . In the first column the interviewer circles the total number of eligible adults in the household; in the second column (same row) is identified the Number" of the person who will be the respondent. There are 8 different Selection Tables used and they are randomly assigned. [Note that although only 8 tables are used, there are 12 codes in this variable because the 8 tables are used in cycles of 12; this procedure is used to equalize the probability of selection for each eligible adult]. A summary describing all 8 Selection Tables appears below. PERSONS PERSON SELECTED (person "Number") A B1 B2 C D E1 E2 F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 1 2 2 2 4 3 5 5 6 or more 1 2 2 2 4 5 5 6 0 Inap, panel 1 A 2 B1 3 B2 4 C 5 D 6 E1 7 E2 8 F 9 NA Pre. Cross - Person number selected as R CSheet.9 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Selection table: person number selected as R. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 INAP, panel respondent 1 R is person numbered 1 2 R is person numbered 2 3 R is person numbered 3 4 R is person numbered 4 5 R is person numbered 5 6 R is person numbered 6 Pre. Cross - Total number of persons in HH CSheet.10 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Total number of persons in HH: from household listing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 INAP, panel respondent 1 One person 2 Two persons 3 Three persons 4 Four persons 5 Five persons 6 Six persons 7 Seven persons 8 Eight or more persons 9 NA Pre. Cross - Total number of eligible adults in HU CSheet.11 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Total number of eligible adults in HU: from household listing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 INAP, panel respondent 1 One eligible adult 2 Two eligible adults 3 Three eligible adults 4 Four eligible adults 5 Five eligible adults 6 Six eligible adults 9 NA Pre. Panel and Cross - Total number of eligible adults in HU COVERSHEET -Pre HOUSEHOLD LISTING: Total number of eligible adults in HU ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Panel cases, data from the 1994 or 1992 Household Listing were included here. 1 One eligible adult 2 Two eligible adults 3 Three eligible adults 4 Four eligible adults 5 Five eligible adults 6 Six eligible adults 9 NA Pre. Cross - Household composition code CSheet.12 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Household composition code. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The HH composition code is derived from information provided in the household listing. "Adults" are 18 years of age (by election day) or older; all individuals included in the HH composition codes below refer to adults. A designation of a HH member as "the householder" (HHR) describes HU member who owns or rents the home (in whose name the lease is held). Cohabiting couples are coded as married (30,40, 50-52). Roommates of opposite sex are coded 11,12,21,22; in all cases of unrelated roommates the respondent is HHR. 00 INAP, panel respondent 10 1 adult male HHR 11 1 adult male HHR plus 1 other non-relative 12 1 adult male HHR plus 2 or more non-relatives 20 1 adult female HHR 21 1 adult female HHR plus 1 other non-relative 22 1 adult female HHR plus 2 or more non-relatives 30 1 married couple: no children or all children living at home are under 18 40 1 married couple plus 1 other relative 50 1 married couple plus 2 or more other relatives 51 1 married couple plus 1 other non-relative 52 1 married couple plus 2 or more non-relatives 60 1 unmarried male HHR plus 1 other relative 70 1 unmarried male HHR plus 2 or more other relatives 80 1 unmarried female HHR plus 1 other relative 90 1 unmarried female HHR plus 2 or more other relatives 95 Relatives of opposite sex, unclear who is HHR 99 NA Pre. Cross - Number of children under 6 years old in household CSheet.13 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Number of children under 6 years old in household. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No children under 6 years old in HH 1 One child 2 Two children 3 Three children 4 Four children 5 Five children 9 NA; INAP, panel respondent Pre. Cross - Number of children 6-9 years old in household CSheet.14 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Number of children 6-9 years old in household. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No children 6-9 years old 1 One child 2 Two children 3 Three children 4 Four children 5 Five children 9 NA; INAP, panel respondent Pre. Cross - Number of children 10-13 years old in household CSheet.15 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Number of children 10-13 years old in household. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No children 10-13 years old 1 One child 2 Two children 3 Three children 4 Four children 5 Five children 9 NA; INAP, panel respondent Pre. Cross - Number of children 14-17 years old in household CSheet.16 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: (Cross-section only) Number of children 14-17 years old in household. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No children 14-17 years old 1 One child 2 Two children 3 Three children 4 Four children 5 Five children 9 NA; INAP, panel respondent Pre. Type of structure in which the respondent lives CSheet.17 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD1 Describe the type of structure in which the respondent lives (sample address). ------------------------------------------------------------------- For panel cases, if this var was NA and R had not moved between 1994 and 1996, data from 1994 were duplicated here. 1 Mobile home 2 Detached single family 3 Multi-family 4 Apartment house 5 Condo complex 7 Other (specify) 9 NA Pre. Is there a blding manager, security grd, other gatekeeper CSheet.18 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD2. Is there a building manager, security guard, or other gatekeeper whose cooperation you need to gain access to the R's housing unit? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 2 No, but building is locked/subdivision is gated and locked 5 No 9 NA Pre. Type of blding manager, security grd, or other gatekeeper CSheet.19 IF BUILDING MANAGER / GUARD / GATEKEEPER OR LOCKED PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD2a Check the box below that best describes the situation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,9 in CD2 1 Building Manager or other Gatekeeper must let you in the building (on the grounds, into the mobile home park) but then you are free to attempt contact with R's HU 2 Building Manager/ other Gatekeeper must get permission from someone in R's HU before you are allowed to make contact with the household 7 Other (describe situation) 9 NA Pre. Did R refuse initially CSheet.20 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3c Did R refuse initially? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap due to incorrect skip, case not reviewed (5,9 in question CSheet22) and interviewer did not ignore skip error 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. Did R break any appointment CSheet.21 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3d. Did R break any appointment? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. (For CD3d, since recovery was only attempted for cases having resistance indicated in CD3a, information about appointments broken by unresisting respondents is not represented). 0 None 1 One 2 Two or more 9 NA; Inap, not reviewed (5,9 in CD3a) and not completed by interviewer Pre. Was there resistance from R CSheet.22 IF R HAS MADE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE AT THE HOUSHOLD UNIT/ PHONE NUMBER: PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3a. Was there resistance from this person? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This question can refer to resistance from anyone contacted at the HU. 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Waste of time; previous bad experience CSheet.23 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(1). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (A) Surveys are a waste of time; previous bad experience ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Very ill CSheet.24 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(2). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (B) Very ill ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Too busy CSheet.25 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(3). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (C) 'Too busy' ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Stressful family situation CSheet.26 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(4). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (D) Stressful family situation ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Confidentiality CSheet.27 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(5). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (E) Confidentiality ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most IW cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Invasion of privacy CSheet.28 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(6). If there was any resistance from R, what reasons were given: . . . (F) Invasion of privacy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most IW cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: No reason given CSheet.29 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(7). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (G) No reason given ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable indicates that R resisted but did not give a specific reason for unwillingness to be interviewed. Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most IW cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R Resistance: Other CSheet.30 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item CD3e(8). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (H) Other (specify) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to an error in the skip logic on the paper coversheets, in most interview cases items CD3c, CD3d and CD3e A-H were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover as much as possible of this missing information by reviewing call-records for all cases with responses of Yes or NA in CD3a, "Was there resistance from this person?" (Resistance from individuals other than the selected respondent was disregarded in the recovery process). Note that in some instances, interviewers ignored the incorrect skip and completed these items on the coversheet. 0 Inap, case not reviewed (5,9 in CSheet 22) 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Pre. R's gender CSheet.31 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z1. R's sex is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Male 2 Female Pre. R race CSheet.32 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z2. R's race is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- For panel cases, if the interviewer did not complete this variable, the data from the 1994 coversheet was duplicated here. 1 White 2 Black 3 American indian or Alaskan native 4 Asian or Pacific islander 7 Other 9 NA Pre. Others present during IW CSheet.33 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z3. Other persons present at the interview were (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 No one (no other box checked) 2 Children under 6 only 3 Older children only 4 Children under 6 and older children 5 Spouse only 6 Spouse and children under 6 7 Spouse and older children 8 Spouse, children under 6, older children 9 Other relatives only 10 Other relatives and children under 6 11 Other relatives and older children 12 Other relatives, children under 6, older children 13 Other relatives and spouse 14 Other relatives, spouse, children under 6 15 Other relatives, spouse, older children 16 Other relatives, spouse, children under 6, older children 17 Other adults only 18 Other adults and children under 6 19 Other adults and older children 20 Other adults, children under 6, older children 21 Other adults and spouse 22 Other adults, spouse, children under 6 23 Other adults, spouse, older children 24 Other adults, spouse, children under 6, older children 25 Other adults and other relatives 26 Other adults, other relatives, children under 6 27 Other adults, other relatives, older children 28 Other adults, other relatives, children under 6, older children 29 Other adults, other relatives, spouse 30 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, children under 6 31 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, older children 32 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, children under 6, older children (ALL BOXES CHECKED) 99 NA Pre. R's cooperation CSheet.34 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z4. R's cooperation was: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor 5 Very poor 9 NA Pre. R's general level of info about politics, public affairs CSheet.35 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z5. R's general level of information about politics and public affairs seemed: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Very high 2 Fairly high 3 Average 4 Fairly low 5 Very low 9 NA Pre. R's apparent intelligence CSheet.36 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z6. Rate R's apparent intelligence: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Very high 2 Fairly high 3 Average 4 Fairly low 5 Very low 9 NA Pre. How suspicious did R seem to be about the study CSheet.37 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z7. How suspicious did R seem to be about the study, before the interview? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Not at all suspicious 3 Somewhat suspicious 5 Very suspicious 9 NA Pre. R's interest in the interview CSheet.38 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. Overall, how great was R's interest in the interview? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Very high 2 Above average 3 Average 4 Below average 5 Very low 9 NA Pre. R's sincerity CSheet.39 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z9. How sincere did R seem to be in (his/her) answers? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Completely sincere 2 Usually sincere 3 Often seemed to be insincere 9 NA Pre. Did R reported income correctly CSheet.40 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z10. Do you feel R reported income correctly? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes, think R reported correctly 2 No, think R reported incorrectly 3 Refused income questions 5 No, think R reported dishonestly 9 NA Pre. Estimate of what R's actual family income is CSheet.41 IF IWR FEELS THAT R DID NOT REPORT CORRECT INCOME / : IF R REFUSED INCOME QUESTIONS : PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z10a. If possible, give a reasonable estimate of what R's family income is: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 1,9 in Z10 1 <$2999 2 $3.000-4,999 3 $5.000-6,999 4 $7.000-8,999 5 $9.000-9,999 6 $10.000-10,999 7 $11.000-11,999 8 $12.000-12,999 9 $13.000-13,999 10 $14.000-14,999 11 $15.000-16,999 12 $17.000-19,999 13 $20.000-21,999 14 $22.000-24,999 15 $25.000-29,999 16 $30.000-39,99 17 $35,000-39,999 18 $40,000-44,999 19 $45,000-49,999 20 $50,000-59,999 21 $60,000-74,999 22 $75,000 + 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's reaction to interview 1 CSheet.42 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <1st mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 80 Neutral or no feedback (1st mention only) 99 NA Pre. R's reaction to interview 2 CSheet.43 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <2nd mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 3 CSheet.44 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <3rd mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 4 CSheet.45 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <4th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 5 CSheet.46 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <5th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 6 CSheet.47 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <6th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 7 CSheet.48 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <7th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 8 CSheet.49 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <8th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 9 CSheet.50 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <9th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 10 CSheet.51 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <10th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. R's reaction to interview 11 CSheet.52 PRE-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z11. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <11th mention> ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview PROCESS 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to the old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not black/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read respondent booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant",etc.) 99 NA; inap, no further mention Pre. Interviewer of record ID IWR.1 Pre Interviewer of record ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's 4-digit ID and: 9999 NA Pre. Supervisor ID IWR.2 Pre Supervisor ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Supervisor's 4-digit ID and: 9999 NA Pre. Interviewer gender IWR.3 Pre Interviewer gender ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Male 2 Female 9 NA Pre. Interviewer education IWR.4 Pre Interviewer education ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1-8 grades 2 Some high school 3 High school graduate 4 Some college 5 College degree 6 Master's degree 7 Phd 9 NA Pre. Interviewer race IWR.5 Pre Interviewer race ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 White 2 Black 3 Native American 4 Asian 7 Other 9 NA Pre. Interviewer ethnicity IWR.6 Pre Interviewer ethnicicty ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No ethnic identity coded 1 Hispanic 7 Other 9 NA Pre. Interviewer languages IWR.7 Pre Interviewer languages ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 English (only) 1 Spanish 7 Other Pre. Interviewer experience IWR.8 Pre Interviewer experience ------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's years of experience, and: 99 NA Pre. Interviewer age (bracketed) IWR.9 Pre interviewer age (bracketted) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 18-34 years 2 35-40 years 3 41-45 years 4 46-50 years 5 51-55 years 6 56-60 years 7 61-64 years 8 65-79 years 9 NA Pre. House race type Cand.1 House race type ------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes represent type of race in the congressional district of R's 1996 interview location. For a complete list of codes usable for type of congressional race, see RACE TYPE Master Code. Note: 14 interviews were conducted before the status of the congressional race in R's district assumed its final form. These cases are flagged in V960127, and the race type projected at the time the interview was administered is documented in V960128. In these cases survey data are consistent with V960128. 00 Washington D.C. 12 Democrat incumbent running -- Republican challenger 14 Democrat incumbent running unopposed 21 Republican incumbent running -- Democratic challenger 24 Republican incumbent running unopposed 55 Democratic incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates 65 Republican incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates Pre. Senate race type Cand.2 Senate race type ------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes represent type of race in 1996 sample state. For a complete list of codes usable for type of Senate race, see RACE TYPE Master Code. 00 Inap, Washington DC 12 Democratic incumbent running -- Republican challenger 21 Republican incumbent running -- Democratic challenger 55 Democratic incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates 65 Republican incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates 81 Democratic incumbents -- no race in state 82 Republican incumbents -- no race in state 85 Democratic and Republican incumbents -- no race in state 95 Two senate races in state (Kansas only) Pre. Democratic House candidate code Cand.3 Democratic House candidate code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. 00 No Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC 31 Open race Democratic House candidate 33 Incumbent Democratic House candidate 35 Challenging democratic House candidate Pre. Republican House candidate code Cand.4 Republican House candidate code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. 00 No Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC 32 Open race Republican House candidate 34 Incumbent Republican House candidate 36 Challenging Republican House candidate Pre. Retiring House Representative code Cand.5 Retiring House Representative code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. 00 No retiring Representative (type race 12,14,21,24); Washington DC 41 Retiring Democratic House Representative 42 Retiring Republican House Representative Pre. Democratic Senate candidate code Cand.6 Democratic Senate candidate code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. In Kansas (type race 95) there were 2 Senate races, the regular Senate race and a special race. This variable describes the candidate in the regular Senate race. 00 No race in state; Washington DC 11 Open race Democratic Senate candidate 13 Incumbent Democratic Senate candidate 15 Challenging Democratic Senate candidate Pre. Republican Senate candidate code Cand.7 Republican Senate candidate code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. In Kansas (type race 95) there were 2 Senate races, the regular Senate race and a special race. This variable describes the candidate in the regular Senate race. 00 No race in state; Washington DC 12 Open Race Republican Senate candidate 14 Incumbent Republican Senate candidate 16 Challenging Republican Senate candidate Pre. Retiring Senator code Cand.8 Retiring Senator candidate code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the CANDIDATE NUMBER Master codes. In Kansas (type race 95) there were 2 Senate races, the regular Senate race and a special race. This variable describes the regular Senate race. 00 No race in state; no retiring senator (type race 12,14,21,24); Washington DC 19 Democratic Senator, Term Not Up (state with 1 race) 29 Republican Senator, Term Not Up (state with 1 race) Pre. State abbreviation and congressional district Sample.1 1996 State abbreviation and congressional district ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable provides the state (2-character Postal abbreviation) and congressional district in which R was residing at the time of the 1996 study. Pre. State and CD of Rs who voted out of CD of Interview Sample.1A State and congressional district of Rs who voted out of CD ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is alpha. In the first two characters are the Postal state abbreviation, in the last two characters the Congression district number. For Rs who answered "No" when asked if they voted within the county of their residence, an attempt was made to determine the CD where R voted. An attempt was also made to pursue any other indications that R voted in a CD other than the one identified in question Sample1. If the state of R's vote is determined but not the CD, then the state has been coded in the first two characters and the CD is represented as "99." If it has been determined that R voted out of the CD of residence but the location of vote (state and CD) was not identified, then 9999 has been coded. 9995. Inap, R voted in same CD as V105 (voted in county or out of county) 9997. Inap, nonvoter 9999. R voted out of CD, CD NA 0000. Inap, no Post IW Pre. State code and congressional district Sample.2 1996 State and congressional district ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable provides the state (ICPSR state code) and congressional district in which R was residing at the time of the 1996 study. State code resides in first 2 digits, CD number in last 2 digits. Pre. State and Congressional District 1994 (Panel) Sample.3 1994 State and Congressional District (Panel cases) ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, this variable provides the state (ICPSR state code) and congressional district in which R was residing at the time of the 1994 study. State code resides in first 2 digits, CD number in last 2 digits. 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section Pre. State and Congressional District 1992 (Panel) Sample.4 1992 State and Congressional District (Panel cases) ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, if R was originally selected in 1992, this variable provides the state (ICPSR state code) and congressional district in which R was residing at the time of the 1992 study. State code resides in first 2 digits, CD number in last 2 digits. 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section; panel case not interviewed in 1992 (selected in 1994) Pre. State and Congressional District 1993 (Panel) Sample.5 1993 State and Congressional District (Panel cases) ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, if R was originally selected in 1992, this is the state (ICPSR state code) and congressional district where R was residing in 1993 if R participated in the 1993 Pilot. Note that a comparable variable is not available for the 1995 Pilot; in the 1995 Pilot CD of respondent was not determined. 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section; 1994 cross-section; R not interviewed in 1993 Pre. Congressional district number Sample.6 Congressional district number ------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the congressional district in which R was residing at the time of the 1996 interview. Codes 1-52. Pre. FIPS state code Sample.7 FIPS state code - R's 1996 Interview location ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the FIPS [Federal Information Processing Standards] code of the state in which R was residing at the time of the 1996 interview. 1 Alabama 2 Alaska 4 Arizona 5 Arkansas 6 California 8 Colorado 9 Connecticut 10 Delaware 11 Washington DC 12 Florida 13 Georgia 15 Hawaii 16 Idaho 17 Illinois 18 Indiana 19 Iowa 20 Kansas 21 Kentucky 22 Louisiana 23 Maine 24 Maryland 25 Massachusetts 26 Michigan 27 Minnesota 28 Mississippi 29 Missouri 30 Montana 31 Nebraska 32 Nevada 33 New Hampshire 34 New Jersey 35 New Mexico 36 New York 37 North Carolina 38 North Dakota 39 Ohio 40 Oklahoma 41 Oregon 42 Pennsylvania 44 Rhode Island 45 South Carolina 46 South Dakota 47 Tennessee 48 Texas 49 Utah 50 Vermont 51 Virginia 53 Washington 54 West Virginia 55 Wisconsin 56 Wyoming Pre. ICPSR state code of Interview Location Sample.8 ICPSR state code of Interview Location ------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the state (ICPSR code) in which R was residing at the time of the 1996 interview. 1 Connecticut 2 Maine 3 Massachusetts 4 New Hampshire 5 Rhode Island 6 Vermont 11 Delaware 12 New Jersey 13 New York 14 Pennsylvania 21 Illinois 22 Indiana 23 Michigan 24 Ohio 25 Wisconsin 31 Iowa 32 Kansas 33 Minnesota 34 Missouri 35 Nebraska 36 North Dakota 37 South Dakota 40 Virginia 41 Alabama 42 Arkansas 43 Florida 44 Georgia 45 Louisiana 46 Mississippi 47 North Carolina 48 South Carolina 49 Texas 51 Kentucky 52 Maryland 53 Oklahoma 54 Tennessee 55 Washington DC 56 West Virginia 61 Arizona 62 Colorado 63 Idaho 64 Montana 65 Nevada 66 New Mexico 67 Utah 68 Wyoming 71 California 72 Oregon 73 Washington 81 Alaska 82 Hawaii Pre. FIPS state and county Sample.9 FIPS state and county ------------------------------------------------------------------- The FIPS State code is represented in digits 1 and 2 of this variable, the FIPS County code in the last 3 digits. For the Panel component, this variable refers to the location of the state and county from which the respondent's household was originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects the location of the state and county from which the respondent was selected in 1996. Pre. Primary area name Sample.10 Primary Area (PSU) Name ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Primary Selection Unit (PSU) name. For the Panel component, this variable refers to the location of the Primary Area from which the respondent's household was originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects the location of the Primary Area from which the respondent was selected in 1996. Pre. Primary area code Sample.11 Primary Area code ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Primary Selection Unit (PSU) code. First digits in the range 1,2,3 represent PSUs in the Cross-section component of the sample; first digits 4,5,6 represent PSUs in the 1996 Panel. For the Panel component, this variable refers to the location of the Primary Area from which the respondent's household was originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects the location of the Primary Area from which the respondent was selected in 1996. The first digits used with each of the 2-digit codes appears in parentheses. The slash "/" separates descriptions of distinct codes used for the cross-section/panel. 01 New York NY (5) 02 Los Angeles CA (5) 03 Chicago IL (5) 04 Philadelphia PA (5) 05 Detroit MI (5) 06 San Francisco CA (5) 07 Washington DC-MD-VA (5) 08 Dallas-Ft Worth TX (5) 09 Houston TX (5) 10 Boston MA (1,5) 11 New Haven CT/ Nassau-Suffolk NY (2/5) 12 St. Louis MO-IL (5) 13 Manchester-Nashua NH/ Pittsburgh PA (2/5) 14 Baltimore MD (5) 15 Minneapolis MN-WI (5) 16 Atlanta GA (5) 17 Buffalo NY (5) 18 Newark NJ (5) 20 New York NY/ Buffalo NY/ Elk Co. PA (1/2/3) 21 Philadelphia PA-NJ/ New Haven CT (1/5) 22 Nassau-Suffolk NY (1) 23 Atlantic City NJ (5) 24 Manchester NH (5) 26 Atlantic City NJ/ Milwaukee WI (2/5) 27 Dayton OH (5) 28 Kansas City MO-KS (5) 29 Des Moines (5) 30 Chicago IL/ Milwaukee WI (1/2) 31 Detroit MI/ Grand Rapids MI (1/5) 32 Cleveland OH/Switzerland-Ohio IN/ Fort Wayne IN (1/3/5) 33 Steubenville OH-WV (5) 34 Saginaw MI (5) 36 Madison WI/ Birmingham AL (2/5) 39 Wheeling-Steubenville WV-OH/ Columbus GA-AL (2/5) 40 Des Moines IA/ Miami FL (2/5) 41 St. Louis MO-IL (1) 42 Taney Co. MO/ Jacksonville FL (3/5,6) 43 Lakeland FL (5) 44 McAllen TX (5) 45 Waco TX (5) 47 Wheeling WV-OH (5) 49 Knoxville TN (5) 50 Washington DC/Richmond-Petersburg VA (1/2,5) 51 Harrisonburg VA (3) 52 Baltimore MD (1) 53 Seattle WA (5) 54 Miami-Hialeh FL/Whitfield Co. GA (1/3) 55 Columbus GA-AL/ Denver CO (2/5) 56 Anaheim CA (5) 57 Jacksonville FL/ Riverside CA (2/5) 58 Lakeland-WinterHaven FL/ Fresno CA (2/5) 59 Eugene OR (5) 60 Knoxville TN/ Phoenix AZ (2/5) 62 Birmingham AL (2) 63 Schuyler Co. NY (4) 64 Gardner MA (4) 65 Sanilac Co. MI (4) 68 Saline Co. NE (4) 70 Houston TX/ Jim Wells Co. TX/ Mower Co. MN (1,3/4) 71 Dallas-Ft Worth TX (1) 73 Waco TX/ Bulloch Co. GA (2/4) 74 McAllen TX/ Sabine Co. LA (2/4) 76 Hale Co. TX (4) 77 Ashley Co. AR (4) 78 Bedford Co. TN (4) 80 Salt Lake City-Ogden UT/ Montgomery Co. VA (2/4,6) 81 Denver CO/ Sandoval Co. NM/ Robeson Co. NC (1/3/4) 82 El Dorado Co. CA (4) 84 Carbon Co. WY (4) 90 Los Angeles CA (1) 91 Seattle/Tacoma WA (1) 92 Fresno CA (2) 93 Eugene-Springfield OR (2) 94 Anaheim CA (1) 96 San Francisco CA (1) Pre. Segment Number Sample.12 Segment Number ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, this variable refers to the location of the area segment from which the respondent's household was originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects the location of the area segment from which the respondent was selected in 1996. This variable has been recoded to missing data for the Public Use Data File. Contact NES if special access to this information is desired. Pre. Number of household units Sample.13 Number of Household Units ------------------------------------------------------------------- This describes the household of R's location at the time of the 1996 interview. 0 Inap, Panel case 1 One HU 2 Two HUs 3 Three HUs 9 NA Pre. 1996 Census region of Interview Location Sample.14 1996 Census Region - Interview Location ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Panel respondents, this is the region of R's interview location in 1996. 1 Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) 2 North Central (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) 3 South (AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV) 4 West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) Pre. Census Region in 1994 (Panel Respondents) Sample.15 Census Region in 1994 (Panel Respondents) ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Panel respondents, this is the region of R's location in 1994. 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section 1 Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) 2 North Central (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) 3 South (AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV) 4 West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) Pre. Census Region in 1992 (Panel Respondents) Sample.16 Census Region in 1992 (Panel Respondents) ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Panel respondents, this is the region of R's location in 1992 (if R was originally selected in 1992). 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section 1 Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) 2 North Central (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) 3 South (AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV) 4 West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) Pre. Belt Code Sample.17 Belt Code ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS (Appendix F). For the Panel component, this variable refers to R's location when originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects R's location where selected in 1996. Coded according to the 1990 Census and 1990 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions, 1990 Census Population reports (as reported in the 1992 Annual Metro, City and County Data book) and 1990 Census "urbanized area" (as shown in the 1994 Rand McNally Road Atlas - 70th edition. For segments from the 1980 National Sample Frame, code 1 includes all 1980 National Sample Frame self-representing areas, plus Newark, NJ (as well as SRP Nassau-Suffolk NY as part of the NYC CMSA) and Anaheim and Riverside CA (as part of the LA CMSA) plus six other non-selfrepresenting primary areas included within the population over 2,000,000' definition (Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL CMSA, Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, OH CMSA, Seattle-Tacoma, WA CMSA, San Diego, CA MSA, Phoenix AZ MSA and Tampa-St Petersburg-Clearwater, FL MSA) For Segments from the 1990 National Sample Frame, code 1 includes all except two of the 28 1990 National Sample Frame self-representing areas. Central Cities of Denver, Co MSA and Kansas City MSA are NOT to be coded 1. Central Cities of all other self-representing areas of the 1990 National Sample Frame are coded 1 (including Nassau-Suffolk NY and Newark NJ as part of the NYC, NY-Northern NJ CMSA; Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Riverside CA as part of the LA-etc. CMSA; and San Francisco and Oakland CA as part of the SF-Oakland CA CMSA). For the most part, no 1990 Frame non-selfrepresenting MSA Central Cities are coded 1, except as noted below. [NOTE: In 1990, the PSU definition in New England states is the New England County Metropolitan Area (NECMA). This means that for the 1990 Frame segments in New England--there may be Central Cities of MSAs included in the NECMA definition that are not in the CMSA/MSA definition. For example, in Boston MA (1990 frame) the Central Cities include not only those for Boston MSA but some from other New England MSAs -- some of which could be outside of the Boston CMSA definition and could be coded 2'. It also means that in the Manchester-Nashua NH NECMA (non-selfrepresenting) there are two segment selections in Nashua, NH (central city of Nashua MA PMSA) which is part of the Boston MA CMSA and has therefore been coded 1'.] Central Cities - as designated in Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 1990, U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. (June 1990). Six largest CMSAs - Statistical Abstract of the United States 1991, (111th Edition), U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, Table No. 38."70 Largest Metropolitan Areas--Racial and Hispanic Origin Populations: 1990" Pp 33. Suburbs - defined as all "urbanized areas" in the Primary Area exclusive of the areas coded 1' and 2' above, plus the remainder of any county which includes a central city or parts of a central city. (NOTE: For segments from the 1980 Frame only, in the New England division where MSA boundaries do not follow county lines, it is necessary to limit this category to the SMSA part of a county which includes a central city.) See also the note under code 1' for the 1990 Frame. 1 Central Cities of the six largest (population over 4,500,000) Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSAs), plus the 15 next largest CMSA/MSAs (population over 2,000,000) 2 Central Cities of CMSAs and MSAs with fewer than 2,000,000 population (exclusive of these in the 21 largest CMSA/MSAs -- code 1) 3 Suburbs of the six largest CMSA/MSAs 4 Suburb of all other CMSA/MSAs 5 Adjacent Areas: includes all territory beyond the outer boundary of the suburban belt, but within 50 miles of the central business district of a central city 6 Outlying Area: includes all territory more than 50 miles from the central business district of a central city Pre. Population in 1000s Sample.18 Population in 1000s ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, this variable refers to R's location when originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects R's location where selected in 1996. The actual 1990 Census Place population is coded in thousands, rounding to the nearest whole thousand (from the 1990 Population total for the city/place as reported in the 1992 Annual Metro City and County Data Book). 0000 Rural place, no defined Census Place, or Census Place with fewer than 500 persons 9999 9,998,500 persons or over Pre. Size of Place Sample.19 Size of Place ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS (Appendix F). For the Panel component, this variable refers to R's location when originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. Forthe Cross-section component, this reflects R's location where selected in 1996. Coded according to the 1990 Census. The major objective of the Census Bureau in delineating urbanized areas is to provide a better separation of urban and rural population in the vicinity of large citites. An urbanized area consists of a central city or cities, and surrounding closely settled territory ("urban fringe"). Size of Place codes 21 and 41 include areas that are in the "urban fringe" but are not Census Places. Note for Codes 50-53: in a few cases, Non-MSA PSUs (based on the 1980 OMB SMSA definitions) contain areas which are now part of a 1990 PMSA or MSA (based on the June 1990 OMB definition). In these cases, the Size of Place Code for any SSUs (segments) within such areas are coded in the "40s" rather than in the "50s" as shown. This occurred in El Dorado county CA (the major part of the El Dorado/Alpine Co, CA PSU #82) which is now a part of the Sacramento CA MSA, and also for one SSU (segment) in the Gardner MA PSU (#64), which is now a part of the Worchester MA MSA. THE 6 LARGEST CMSAs PLUS THE 15 NEXT LARGEST CMSAs/MSAs (i.e., those coded 1 or 3 [possibly 5, rarely, 6] on the Belt Code: 11 Central Cities (these would have been coded 1 on the Belt Code) SUBURBS OF THE 6 LARGEST CMSAs AND THE 15 NEXT LARGEST CMSAs/MSAs (coded 3, possibly 5, or rarely, 6) on the Belt Code: 20 Rural (including rural places with less than 2,500 population) 21 2,500-9,999 plus other urbanized areas ("urban fringe" not in Census places) 22 10,000-29,999 23 30,000-49,999 24 50,000-99,999 25 100,000-149,999 26 150,000-349,999 27 350,000 and over, exclusive of cities coded 11 CMSAs/MSAs WITH LESS THAN 2,000,000 POPULATION (exclusive of those in the six largests CMSAs and 15 next largest CMSA/MSAs): CENTRAL CITIES IN CMSAs/MSAs WITH LESS THAN 2,000,000 POPULATION (coded 2 on Belt Code): 30 Under 50,000 (identified by OMB, June 1990, as Central Cities) 31 50-000-99,999 32 100,000-149,999 33 150,000-349,999 34 350,000 and over SUBURBS IN CMSAs/MSAs WITH LESS THAN 2,000,000 POPULATION (coded 4 or 5 and, rarely 6 in Belt Code): 40 Rural (including rural places with less than 2,500 population) 41 2,500-9,999 42 10,000-29,999 43 30,000-49,999 44 50,000-99,999 45 100,000-149,999 46 150,000 and over "NON-CMSA/PMSA/MSAs": 50 Rural (including rural places with less than 2,500 population) 51 2,500-9,999 52 10,000-29,999 53 30,000-49,999 Pre. 1980 Census tract/ed indicator Sample.20 Census tract/ED indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Panel component, this variable refers to R's location when originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects R's location where selected in 1996. 1 Tracted 2 Enumeration District (ED) Pre. 1996 Sampling Error Code Sample.21 1996 Sampling Error Code ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Panel respondents who have moved, the data corresponding to their original sampling address was coded here. This code contains information for computing sampling errors for both combined cross-section/panel and panel-only analysis. See 1996 NES Sampling documentation in appendix to this codebook. Pre. 1994 Sampling Error Code Sample.22 1994 Sampling Error code (Panel Respondents) ------------------------------------------------------------------- This 3 digit variable corresponds to V63 and V64 in the 1994 Study: the first 2 digits contain the 1994 Sampling Error Stratum code and the last digit represents the 1994 SECU or Sampling Error Computation Unit code. 999 Inap, 1996 Cross-section Pre. 1992 Sampling Error Code Sample.23 1992 Sampling Error code (Panel Respondents) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 999 Inap, 1996 Cross-section; Panel case not interviewed in 1992 (first selected in 1994) Pre. 1980 SMSA Sample.24 1980 Census SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS (Appendix F). For Panel respondents who moved since their original NES contact (1992, 1994), the data corresponding to their original sampling address was coded here. These SMSA codes were obtained from the Federal Information Processing Standard Publication, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. The 1980 SMSA Codes have for the most part been carried over by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to the 1990 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's). However, some MSA names and definitions have been modified by OMB to reflect shifts in population and changes in characteristics of areas. In the 1996 NES data, the 1980 SMSA codes have been retained for all parts of the MSA primary sampling units (PSU's). It should be remembered that, particularly in the case of PMSAs (which are part of consolidated areas (or CMSAs) some counties or county parts may in 1990 be defined by OMB as part of a different PMSA (a good example is Chicago, IL). It was felt that for NES analysis, to retain the older SMSA codes, which correspond to the 1980 sampling frame used for the panel component of this sample, was most appropriate for all MSA or PMSA areas in that component. In those areas designated "Non-SMSA" in our sample frame ("Non-MSA" on most of our documentation for 1996 NES), there are two PSUs (#464, Gardner, MA, and #482, El Dorado/Alpine, CA) in which some of the 1980 rural area has in 1990 met the requirements for inclusion in an MSA; in these cases the size of place code was modified to reflect this and the 1990 MSA number is indicated for the affected segments (segment 009 in Gardner, MA, used in the 1996 panel, where Barre town--not associated with any SMSA in 1980--is now a part of the 1990 Worcester, MA, MSA, and all of the 1996 NES Panel segments in El Dorado/Alpine, CA,-- all in El Dorado county which is part of the 1990 Sacramento, CA, MSA.) 0 INAP; location not in SMSA (MSA) 200 Albuquerque NM 360 Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA 520 Atlanta, GA 560 Atlantic City, NJ 720 Baltimore, MD 1000 Birmingham, AL 1120 Boston, MA 1280 Buffalo, NY 1600 Chicago, IL 1680 Cleveland OH 1800 Columbus, GA-AL 1920 Dallas-Ft Worth, TX 2000 Dayton, OH 2080 Denver-Boulder, CO 2120 Des Moines, IA 2160 Detroit, MI 2400 Eugene-Springfield, OR 2760 Fort Wayne, IN 2840 Fresno, CA 3000 Grand Rapids, MI 3360 Houston, TX 3600 Jacksonville, FL 3760 Kansas City, MO-KS 3840 Knoxville, TN 3980 Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 4480 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 4720 Madison WI 4760 Manchester, NH 4880 McAllen-Pharr-Edinburgh, TX 5000 Miami, FL 5080 Milwaukee, WI 5120 Mpls-St Paul, MN-WI 5350 Nashua NH 5380 Nassau-Suffolk, NY 5480 New Haven-West Haven, CT 5600 New York, NY-NJ 5640 Newark, NJ 6140 Petersburg-Colonial Heights-Hopewell VA 6160 Philadelphia, PA-NJ 6200 Phoenix, AZ 6280 Pittsburgh, PA 6760 Richmond, VA 6780 Riverside-San Bernardino, Ontario, CA 6920 Sacramento, CA (1990 MSA definition) 6960 Saginaw, MI 7040 St. Louis, MO-IL 7160 Salt Lake City-Ogden UT 7360 San Francisco-Oakland,CA 7600 Seattle-Everett, WA 8080 Steubenville-Wierton, OH-WV 8800 Waco, TX 8840 Washington, DC-MD-VA 9000 Wheeling, WV-OH 9240 Worcester, MA (1990 MSA definition) Pre. 1990 SMSA/NECMA Sample.25 1990 NECMA/SMSA ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS (Appendix F). The NECMA is the New England County Metropolitan Area code as described in the 1990 SRC National Sample Design and Development documentation. For the Panel component, this variable refers to R's location when originally selected in 1992 or 1994; the respondent may have moved since then. For the Cross-section component, this reflects R's location where selected in 1996. In 1990 the U.S. Census adopted slightly different wording and abbreviations for metropolitan areas, now known collectively as Metropolitan Areas (MAs). What in 1980 were Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) became in 1990 either Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas (PMSAs). MSA is used for a metropolitan area which stands alone, i.e., is not a part of a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA). PMSA is used for a metropolitan area which is part of a larger CMSA. The metropolitan area standards for the 1990's generally reflect a continuity with those adopted for the 1980's and maintain the basic concepts originally developed in 1950. The few substantive changes made between 1980 and 1990 are detailed in the Federal Register, Vol. 55, No.62 cited in the footnote. New England County Metropolitan Areas (NECMAs) provide an alternative to the official city-and-town based metropolitan statistical areas in that Census region for the convenience of data users who desire a county-defined set of areas. NECMAs have their separate definition standards detailed in the Federal Register (p. 12159). Since the 1990 SRC National Sample primary stage of selection was based on the NECMA in New England, the 1990 NECMA is provided in place of 1990 MSA or PMSA for this variable. For consistency, New England Panel segments which are a part of a 1990 NECMA also have the NECMA coded here. NECMA numbers end with the numeral 3. 0 INAP; location not in SMSA (MSA)/ NECMA 360 Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA 520 Atlanta, GA 560 Atlantic City, NJ 720 Baltimore, MD 875 Bergen-Passiac, NJ PMSA (Former code and title: 6040 Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, NJ) 1000 Birmingham, AL 1123 Boston-Lawrence-Salem-Lowell-Brockton, MA NECMA 1125 Boulder-Longmont, CO PMSA 1145 Brazoria, TX PMSA 1280 Buffalo, NY 1600 Chicago, IL 1680 Cleveland OH 1800 Columbus, GA-AL 1920 Dallas-Ft Worth, TX 2000 Dayton, OH 2080 Denver-Boulder, CO 2120 Des Moines, IA 2160 Detroit, MI 2400 Eugene-Springfield, OR 2760 Fort Wayne, IN 2800 Fort Worth-Arlington, TX 2840 Fresno, CA 3000 Grand Rapids, MI 3360 Houston, TX 3600 Jacksonville, FL 3760 Kansas City, MO-KS 3840 Knoxville, TN 3965 Lake County, IL PMSA 3980 Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 4480 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 4720 Madison WI 4763 Manchester-Nashua, NH NECMA 4880 McAllen-Pharr-Edinburgh, TX 5000 Miami, FL 5015 Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon, NJ PMSA (former code and title: 5460 New Brunswick-Perth Amboy-Sayreville, NJ) 5080 Milwaukee, WI 5120 Minneapolis-St Paul, MN-WI 5350 Nashua, NH PMSA 5380 Nassau-Suffolk, NY 5480 New Haven-West Haven, CT 5483 New Haven-Waterbury-Meriden, CT NECMA 5600 New York, NY-NJ 5640 Newark, NJ 5700 Niagara Falls, NY PMSA 5775 Oakland, CA PMSA 6160 Philadelphia, PA-NJ 6200 Phoenix, AZ 6280 Pittsburgh, PA 6453 Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester, NH NECMA 6760 Richmond, VA 6780 Riverside-San Bernardino, Ontario, CA 6920 Sacramento, CA (1990 MSA definition) 6960 Saginaw, MI 7040 St. Louis, MO-IL 7160 Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT MSA 7360 San Francisco-Oakland,CA 7600 Seattle-Everett, WA 8003 Springfield, MA NECMA 8080 Steubenville-Wierton, OH-WV 8800 Waco, TX 8840 Washington, DC-MD-VA 9000 Wheeling, WV-OH 9243 Worcester-Fitchburn-Leominster, MA NECMA Pre. 1990 CMSA Sample.26 1990 Census CMSA (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area). ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS (Appendix F). For Panel respondents who moved since theIR ORIGINAL NES CONTACT (1992, 1994) the data corresponding to their original sampling address was coded here. The 1990 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) codes are in most cases identical to the 1980 SCSA codes with the exceptions noted in parenthesis. In addition to the major changes noted, minor changes in SCSA and CMSA names have also occurred between 1980 and 1990. The six largest CMSA's are marked with **. 0 INAP; Location not in CMSA This includes old code 32 (Dayton Springfield, OH) which is no longer consolidated in 1990 since Dayton and Springfield are combined in a single MSA in 1990). 7 Boston-Lawrence-Salem MA-NH 10 Buffalo-Niagara Falls NY 14 Chicago-Gary-Lake County IL-IN-WI** 28 Cleveland-Akron-Lorain OH 31 Dallas-Ft Worth TX (Since Dallas and Ft Worth were made separate PMSAs in 1990, this new CMSA was added in 1990) 34 Denver-Boulder CO (Since Denver and Boulder were made separate PMSAs in 1990, this new CMSA was added in 1990) 35 Detroit-Ann Arbor MI** 42 Houston-Galveston-Brazoria TX 49 Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside CA** 56 Miami-Fort Lauderdale FL 63 Milwaukee-Racine WI 70 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island NY-NJ-CT** 77 Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton PA-NJ-DE-MD** 78 Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley PA 84 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose CA** 91 Seattle-Tacoma WA Pre. 1990 Census Tract 1 Sample.27 1990 Census Tract 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable and the next (item Sample.30) provide the 1990 Census Tract number(s) for segment. For Panel cases, if more than 2 Census Tracts are identified with the segment or if a tract was divided up into more than 2 new tract numbers between the 1980 Census and the 1990 Census, this is the lowest 1990 Census Tract number representing the segment. For Cross-section cases there are not more than 2 Census Tracts associated with any segment. This variable has been recoded to missing data for the Public Use Data File. Contact NES if special access to this information is desired. Pre. 1990 Census Tract 2 Sample.28 1990 Census Tract 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable and the previous (item Sample.29) provide the 1990 Census Tract number(s) for segment. For Panel cases, if more than 2 Census Tracts are identified with the segment or if a tract was divided up into more than 2 new tract numbers between the 1980 Census and the 1990 Census, this is the lowest 1990 Census Tract number representing the segment. For Cross-section cases there are not more than 2 Census Tracts associated with any segment. This variable has been recoded to missing data for the Public Use Data File. Contact NES if special access to this information is desired. 0000.00. Inap, only 1 CT Pre. Flag - changed congressional race status Summary.1 Flag - changed congressional race status ------------------------------------------------------------------- In some congressional districts, the final form of the congressional race was not determined at the beginning of the 1996 Pre interviewing period. This variable documents (codes 1 and 2) 14 cases within such districts where interviewing occurred before the status of the congressional race was finalized. In these cases, the names of the most likely candidates were used in the administration of the interview (for code 1, see the next variable for the race type used at the time of interview in these cases). In all cases coded 1, the incumbent remained unchanged but challenger status was altered - either a challenger was added (change from unopposed to opposed incumbent) or else dropped (change from opposed to unopposed, expected challenger not present in final race). For cases coded 1, data about the incumbent candidate have been preserved and challenger data have been coded NA or Inap as appropriate according to the final race type. For cases coded 2, questions which identified wrong (Republican) candidate name have been coded NA. 0 Status of congressional race did not change during Pre interviewing period; status of congressional race changed during Pre interviewing period but interview conducted with final race type and candidate names 1 Status of congressional race changed during Pre interviewing period, interview not conducted with final race type and candidate names -- RACE TYPE CHANGED 2 Status of congressional race changed during Pre interviewing period, interview not conducted with final race type and candidate names, substitution of major party candidate name (in all cases, Republican candidate) -- RACE TYPE NOT CHANGED Pre. Race type at time of interview Summary.2 IF CONGRESSIONAL RACE TYPE WAS NOT FINAL AT TIME OF INTERVIEW AND CHANGED AFTER INTERVIEW WAS CONDUCTED: Change in Type Race - Congressional type race at time of interview ------------------------------------------------------------------- For cases where congressional race type changed to its final form after the interview was conducted, this variable describes the status of the congressional race at the time the interview was administered. The final form of the Congressional race is coded in congressional district vars and the type race var, and the data have been made consistent with final type race; data for non-final candidates are not represented in the datafile. 00 Inap, congressional race type did not change after interview was administered (0,2 in previous variable) 12 Democrat incumbent running -- Republican challenger 14 Democrat incumbent running unopposed 21 Republican incumbent running -- Democratic challenger 24 Republican incumbent running unopposed 55 Democratic incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates 65 Republican incumbent not running -- Democratic and Republican candidates Pre. CD error flag - Pre Summary.3 Flag - incorrect congressional district administered in Pre ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cases coded 1,2,3,4,5 have Pre variables referring to the House candidates NA. For code 2, if R also moved, the attempt to identify new CD was in error. Code 4 indicates cases where the IWR attempted to make CD correction for either an erroneous pre-load or else because IWR mistakenly thought assigned CD wrong. Code 5 indicates cases where IWR thought assigned CD assignment incorrect. For code 7, variables referring to the House candidates are not NA. 0 CD correctly identified for R in Pre; Washington DC 1 CD incorrect because R moved (new CD not followed) 2 CD incorrect because misidentified 3 CD information not loaded into Pre CAPI application, House candidate questions not administered 4 CD incorrect - IWR error; IWR administered House cand names from wrong CD 5 CD incorrect - IWR error; IWR skipped House-related questions 7 CD incorrect, R moved and new CD not followed, but interviewer substituted correct names in interview (data not in error) Pre. CD error flag - Post Summary.4 Flag - incorrect congressional district administered in Post ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cases coded 1,2,3,4,5 have Post variables referring to the House candidates NA. (Codes 1,2,3 include cases coded 1,2,3 in question Summary.3 which were still not corrected at the time of the Post.) Code 4 indicates cases where the IWR attempted to make CD correction for either an erroneous pre-load or else because IWR mistakenly thought assigned CD wrong. Code 5 indicates cases where IWR thought assigned CD assignment incorrect. 0 CD correctly identified for R in Post; Washington DC; no post IW 1 CD incorrect in Pre due to move (CD not followed) -- error continued in Post 2 CD incorrect because misidentified in Pre -- error continued in Post 3 CD information not loaded into Post CAPI application, House candidate questions not administered 4 CD incorrect - IWR error; IWR administered House cand names from wrong CD 5 CD incorrect - IWR error; IWR skipped House-related questions 7 CD incorrect; R moved and new CD not followed, but interviewer substituted correct names in interview (data not in error) Pre. Was R's Congressional District redistricted in 1996 Summary.5 Was R's Congressional district redistricted in 1996? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable describes the status of the congressional district of R's 1994 interview (R's 1996 location or move status is not reflected). 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section 1 Panel case - R's 1994 CD was redistricted in 1996 2 Panel case - R's 1994 CD was not redistricted in 1996 3 Portions of R's CD redistricted in 1996 but R not affected (R still in same CD in 1996) Pre. (Panel only) Move status 1994-1996 Summary.6 (Panel only) Move status 1994-1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable compares R's 1994 interview location with the location where R was found at the time of the 1996 Pre interview. Note: some congressional districts were redistricted in 1996. In all cases of redistricting (see question Summary 5), no Rs lived in the portions of their Congressional Districts which were affected by the redistricting, and all Rs coded 3 in Summary5 were coded in the same manner as Rs who lived in CDs where no redistricting took place. 0 Inap, 1996 cross-section 1 Moved OUT OF 1994 congressional district 2 Moved WITHIN 1994 congressional district 3 R did not move but has 2 residences and was at different residence in 1996 4 R DID NOT MOVE to different location in 1996 9 NA Pre. Move status 1996 Pre-1996 Post Summary.7 Move status, 1996 Pre-1996 Post ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable compares R's 1996 Pre interview location with R's 1996 Post interview location but has no bearing on the administration of House-candidate-related Post variables. Post variables are administered according to the state and CD at which R was located during the Pre interview, since in most cases Rs (if registered) have not changed registration since the Pre; moreover, in most cases Rs who moved between the Pre and Post were primarily exposed to the House campaigns of the candidates identified according to Pre state and CD. It was not systematically determined whether a new Post address was in a CD different from Pre CD unless R's new location was a different state. All cases where R was found in a different state in the Post are coded 1. Additionally, for several cases where R moved within state but information was discovered indicating change in CD, code 1 has also been coded. Cases coded 2 indicate that R moved within the same state, but CD status (regarding change of CD) was NA. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 R Moved out of Pre CD 2 R Moved, NA if CD changed (R moved within same state) 3 R did not move but has 2 residences and was at different residence in Post 4 R did not move between Pre and Post interviews Pre. How interested has R been in campaigns this year A1 Some people don't pay much attention to political campaigns. How about you? Would you say that you have been VERY MUCH INTERESTED, SOMEWHAT INTERESTED, or NOT MUCH INTERESTED in the political campaigns so far this year? 1 Very much interested 2 Somewhat interested 3 Not much interested 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How much does R care who wins the presidential election A2 Generally speaking, would you say that you personally CARE A GOOD DEAL who wins the presidential election this fall, or that you DON'T CARE VERY MUCH who wins? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Care a good deal 2 Don't care very much 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Did R vote for President in the 1992 election A3 In 1992 George Bush ran on the Republican ticket against Bill Clinton for the Democrats, and Ross Perot as an independent candidate. Do you remember for sure whether or not you voted in that election? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] 1 Yes, voted 5 No, didn't vote 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. For whom did R vote in the 1992 presidential race A3a IF R VOTED FOR PRESIDENT IN 1992: Which one did you vote for? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A3 1 George Bush 2 Bill Clinton 3 Ross Perot 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Anything that would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") A4 (Now I'd like to ask you about the good and bad points of the major candidates for President.) Is there anything in particular about MR. CLINTON that might make you want to vote FOR him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE]. Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first candidate. Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") #1 A4a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") #2 A4a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; 9998,9999 in A4a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") #3 A4a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; 9998,9999 in A4a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") #4 A4a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; 9998,9999 in A4a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Clinton ("likes") #5 A4a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; 9998,9999 in A4a(1); no further mention Pre. Anything that would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") A5 Is there anything in particular about MR. CLINTON that might make you want to vote AGAINST him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE] Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") #1 A5a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A5 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") #2 A5a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A5; 9998,9999 in A5a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") #3 A5a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A5; 9998,9999 in A5a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") #4 A5a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A5; 9998,9999 in A5a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Clinton ("dislikes") #5 A5a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST CLINTON: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A5; 9998,9999 in A5a(1); no further mention Pre. Anything that would make R vote for Dole ("likes") A6 (Now I'd like to ask you about the good and bad points of the major candidates for President.) Is there anything in particular about MR. DOLE that might make you want to vote FOR him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE] Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first candidate. Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote for Dole ("likes") #1 A6a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A6 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote for Dole ("likes") #2 A6a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A6; 9998,9999 in A6a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Dole ("likes") #3 A6a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A6; 9998,9999 in A6a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Dole ("likes") #4 A6a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A6; 9998,9999 in A6a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Dole ("likes") #5 A6a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A6; 9998,9999 in A6a(1); no further mention Pre. Anything that would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") A7 Is there anything in particular about MR. DOLE that might make you want to vote AGAINST him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE] Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") #1 A7a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A7 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") #2 A7a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A7; 9998,9999 in A7a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") #3 A7a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A7; 9998,9999 in A7a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") #4 A7a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A7; 9998,9999 in A7a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Dole ("dislikes") #5 A7a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST DOLE: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A7; 9998,9999 in A7a(1); no further mention Pre. Anything that would make R vote for Perot ("likes") A8 (Now I'd like to ask you about the good and bad points of the major candidates for President.) Is there anything in particular about MR. PEROT that might make you want to vote FOR him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE] Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first candidate. Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote for Perot ("likes") #1 A8a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A8 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote for Perot ("likes") #2 A8a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A8; 9998,9999 in A8a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Perot ("likes") #3 A8a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A8; 9998,9999 in A8a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Perot ("likes") #4 A8a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A8; 9998,9999 in A8a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote for Perot ("likes") #5 A8a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A8; 9998,9999 in A8a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") A9 Is there anything in particular about MR. PEROT that might make you want to vote AGAINST him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE "ANYTHING ELSE?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE] Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") #1 A9a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A9 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") #2 A9a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A9; 9998,9999 in A9a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") #3 A9a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A9; 9998,9999 in A9a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") #4 A9a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A9; 9998,9999 in A9a(1); no further mention Pre. What would make R vote agnst Perot ("dislikes") #5 A9a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST PEROT: What is that? (PROBE: Anything else? Until R says "NONE.") [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 3 Presidential candidates randomized in A4-A9a; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A9; 9998,9999 in A9a(1); no further mention Pre. Does R have cable or satellite TV A10 Do you have either cable or satellite television? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How many days in past week R watched nat'l news on TV A11 How many days IN THE PAST WEEK did you watch the national news on TV? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 None 1 One day 2 Two days 3 Three days 4 Four days 5 Five days 6 Six days 7 Every day 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Attention R paid to TV nat news shows about pres campaign A11a IF R HAS WATCHED NATIONAL NEWS ON TV IN THE PAST WEEK: (Please look at page 1 of the booklet). How much attention did you pay to news on national news shows about the campaign for President-- A GREAT DEAL, QUITE A BIT, SOME, VERY LITTLE, or NONE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in A11 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How many days in past week R watched the local news on TV A12 How many days IN THE PAST WEEK did you watch the local TV news, for example, "Eyewitness News" or "Action News"? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 None 1 One day 2 Two days 3 Three days 4 Four days 5 Five days 6 Six days 7 Every day 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Attention R paid to local TV news shows about pres campaign A12a IF R HAS WATCHED LOCAL NEWS ON TV IN THE PAST WEEK: (Looking at page 1 of the booklet). How much attention did you pay to news on local news shows about the campaign for President-- A GREAT DEAL, QUITE A BIT, SOME, VERY LITTLE, or NONE? 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in A12 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How many days in past week R read the newspaper A13 How many days IN THE PAST WEEK did you read a daily newspaper? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 None 1 One day 2 Two days 3 Three days 4 Four days 5 Five days 6 Six days 7 Every day 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Did R read about presidential campaign in the newspaper A13a IF R HAS READ A DAILY NEWSPAPER IN THE PAST WEEK: Did you read about the campaign in any newspaper? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in A13 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Attention R paid to presidential campaign in the newspaper A13b IF R HAS READ ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN IN A NEWSPAPER: (Looking at page 1 of the booklet). How much attention did you pay to newspaper articles about the campaign for President--A GREAT DEAL, QUITE A BIT, SOME, VERY LITTLE, or NONE? 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in A13; 5,8,9 in A13a 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Does R recall seeing any ads for political cand on TV A14 Do you recall seeing any ads for the political candidates on television this fall? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R recall of cand who sponsored political ad remembers best A14a IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV: I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best. Do you happen to recall which candidate sponsored that ad? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14 1 No - don't recall 2 Clinton 3 Dole 4 Perot 5 Ad was not for/by a specific candidate 6 State or local candidate 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Content of political ad R remembers best -- #1 A14b(1) IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV: (I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best.) Do you remember anything the ad said or showed? (IF NECESSARY: What was that?) [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: USE 'GIVE EXAMPLE' PROBE] See the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14; 9 in A14a 998 DK 999 NA Pre. Content of political ad R remembers best -- #2 A14b(2) IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV: (I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best.) Do you remember anything the ad said or showed? (IF NECESSARY: What was that?) [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: USE 'GIVE EXAMPLE' PROBE] See the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14; 998,999 in A14b(1); no further mention Pre. Content of political ad R remembers best -- #3 A14b(3) IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV: (I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best.) Do you remember anything the ad said or showed? (IF NECESSARY: What was that?) [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: USE 'GIVE EXAMPLE' PROBE] See the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14; 998,999 in A14b(1); no further mention Pre. Content of political ad R remembers best -- #4 A14b(4) IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV: (I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best.) Do you remember anything the ad said or showed? (IF NECESSARY: What was that?) [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: USE 'GIVE EXAMPLE' PROBE] See the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14; 998,999 in A14b(1); no further mention Pre. Content of political ad R remembers best -- #5 A14b(5) IF R RECALLS SEEING ADS FOR POLITICAL CANDIDATES ON TV : (I'd like you to think for a moment about the one ad you remember best.) Do you remember anything the ad said or showed? (IF NECESSARY: What was that?) [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: USE 'GIVE EXAMPLE' PROBE] See the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 5,8,9 in A14; 998,999 in A14b(1); no further mention Pre. Does R care about result of House election B1 As you know, representatives to Congress in Washington will be chosen in this election from congressional districts all around the country. How much would you say that you personally care about the way the election to the U.S. House of Representatives comes outdo you care VERY MUCH, PRETTY MUCH, NOT VERY MUCH or NOT AT ALL? 1 Very much 2 Pretty much 3 Not very much 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Does R remember names of House candidates in R's district B2 Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF; Inap, Washington DC Pre. R's recall of name of House candidate (first mention) B2a(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] 1ST RECALLED NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the candidate code for that correct name has been coded here. For cases where the status of the congressional race was not final at the time the interview was conducted but changed subsequently (codes 1 and 2 in V960127), in none of these 13 cases did R recall the name of a candidate within the congressional district who did not become one of the final candidates (names of persons who were never in the running at any stage of the campaign in R's CD are coded 97). 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's recall of party of House candidate (first mention) B2b(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What is [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF FIRST RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- This codes the party which R identified in association with name recalled. Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified or was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the party associated with that correct name has been coded here. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Actual party of House candidate recalled by R (#1 mention) B2c(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 1ST RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(1). See note B2a(1). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK name but know party 9 DK name and DK/NA party; NA Pre. Accuracy of R's recall of House candidate (#1 mention) B2x(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] What is [NAME'S] party? 1ST RECALL ACCURACY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(1), B2b(1). See notes in B2a(1), B2b(1). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7 No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party mention; No candidate name given (NA) -- DK for party mention 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Pre. R's recall of name of House candidate (#2 mention) B2a(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] ) 2ND RECALLED NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified or was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the candidate code for that correct name has been coded here. For cases where the status of the congressional race was not final at the time the interview was conducted but changed subsequently (codes 1 and 2 in V960127), in none of these 13 cases did R recall the name of a candidate within the congressional district who did not become one of the final candidates (names of persons who were never in the running at any stage of the campaign in R's CD are coded 97). 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's recall of party of House candidate (#2 mention) B2b(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What is [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF 2ND RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- This codes the party which R identified in association with name recalled. Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified or was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the party associated with that correct name has been coded here. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Actual party of House candidate recalled by R (#2 mention) B2c(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 2ND RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(2). See note B2a(2). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK name but know party 9 DK name and DK/NA party; NA Pre. Accuracy of R's recall of House candidate (#2 mention) B2x(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] What is [NAME'S] party? 2ND RECALL ACCURACY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(2), B2b(2). See notes in B2a(2), B2b(2). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA party mention 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7 No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party mention; No candidate name given (NA) -- DK for party mention 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Pre. R's recall of name of House candidate (#3 mention) B2a(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] 3RD RECALLED NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified or was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the candidate code for that correct name has been coded here. For cases where the status of the congressional race was not final at the time the interview was conducted but changed subsequently (codes 1 and 2 in V960127), in none of these 13 cases did R recall the name of a candidate within the congressional district who did not become one of the final candidates (names of persons who were never in the running at any stage of the campaign in R's CD are coded 97). 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's recall of party of House candidate (#3 mention) B2b(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What is [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF 3RD RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- This codes the party which R identified in association with name recalled. Note for cases where R's correct congressional district was not identified or was incorrectly identified in the information preloaded into the interview application (codes 1,2,3 in V960129): if R provided a name from his or her correct congressional district, then the party associated with that correct name has been coded here. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Actual party of House candidate recalled by R (#3 mention) B2c(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 3RD RECALLED CANDIDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(3). See note B2a(3). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK name but know party 9 DK name and DK/NA party; NA Pre. Accuracy of R's recall of House candidate (#3 mention) B2x(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who are they? [PROBE: Any others?] What is [NAME'S] party? 3RD RECALL ACCURACY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B2a(3), B2b(3). See notes in B2a(3), B2b(3). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in B2; 98,99 in B2a(1); no further mention 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA party mention 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7 No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party mention; No candidate name given (NA) -- DK for party mention 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Pre. Does R approve or disapprove of Congress B3 Do you APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of the way the U.S. Congress has been handling its job? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strongly approve or disapprove of Congress B3a/b IF R APPROVES OF THE WAY CONGRESS HAS BEEN HANDLING ITS JOB: / IF R DISAPPROVES OF THE WAY CONGRESS HAS BEEN HANDLING ITS JOB: a.Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b.Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B3, B3a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in B3 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Clinton feeling thermometer D1 (Please look at page 2 of the booklet.) I'd like to get your feelings toward some of our political leaders and other people who are in the news these days. I'll read the name of a person and I'd like you to rate that person using something we call the feeling thermometer. Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward the person. Ratings between 0 and 50 degrees mean that you don't feel favorable toward the person and that you don't care too much for that person. You would rate the person at the 50 degree mark if you don't feel particularly warm or cold toward the person. If we come to a person whose name you don't recognize, you dn't need to rate the person. Just tell me and we'll move on to the next one. D1a (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) BILL CLINTON? CLINTON THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Dole feeling thermometer D1b (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) BOB DOLE? DOLE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Perot feeling thermometer D1c (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) ROSS PEROT? PEROT THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Gore feeling thermometer D1d (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) AL GORE? GORE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Kemp feeling thermometer D1e (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) JACK KEMP? KEMP THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Choate feeling thermometer D1f (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) PAT CHOATE? CHOATE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] Pat Choate was chosen as the Reform Party Vice-Presidential candidate on September 10, 1996 and beginning September 11, a thermometer question was administered using his name. However, prior to September 11, a thermometer was was administered for James S. Campbell (V960277a), the name submitted by Perot to satisfy the requirements of candidacy status until a Vice-Presidential candidate was selected. See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, Campbell rating 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Campbell feeling thermometer D1f (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) JAMES S. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] Pat Choate was chosen as the Reform Party Vice-Presidential candidate on September 10, 1996 and beginning September 11, a thermometer question was administered using his name (V960277). However, prior to September 11, a thermometer was was administered for James S. Campbell, the name submitted by Perot to satisfy the requirements of candidacy status until a Vice-Presidential candidate was selected. See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, Choate rating 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA Pre. Democratic House candidate feeling thermometer D1g (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) [NAME #31,#33,#35]? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF; Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC Pre. Republican House candidate feeling thermometer D1h (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) [NAME #32,#34,#36]? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF; Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 14) or Washington DC Pre. Retiring House incumbent feeling thermometer D1j (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) [NAME #41,42]? RETIRING HOUSE INCUMBENT THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; Inap, no retiring House incumbent (type race 12,14,21,24) or Washington DC Pre. Hillary Clinton feeling thermometer D1k (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) HILLARY CLINTON? HILLARY CLINTON THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely followsurvey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Pat Buchanan feeling thermometer D1m (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) PAT BUCHANAN? BUCHANAN THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Jesse Jackson feeling thermometer D1n (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) JESSE JACKSON? JACKSON THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Newt Gingrich feeling thermometer D1p (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) NEWT GINGRICH? GINGRICH THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Colin Powell feeling thermometer D1q (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) COLIN POWELL? POWELL THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Steve Forbes feeling thermometer D1r (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) STEVE FORBES? FORBES THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Phil Gramm feeling thermometer D1s (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) PHIL GRAMM? GRAMM THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Louis Farrakhan feeling thermometer D1t (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) LOUIS FARRAKHAN? FARRAKHAN THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Lamar Alexander feeling thermometer D1u (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) LAMAR ALEXANDER? ALEXANDER THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Elizabeth Dole feeling thermometer D1v (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) ELIZABETH DOLE? ELIZABETH DOLE THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Pat Robertson feeling thermometer D1w (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate) PAT ROBERTSON? ROBERTSON THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] Order of names D1d-D1w was randomized. See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Democratic Party feeling thermometer D2a (Looking at page 2 of the booklet.) (Still using the thermometer, how would you rate:) The Democratic Party? DEMOCRATIC PARTY THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] Order of major parties D2a-D2b was randomized. See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Republican Party feeling thermometer D2b (Looking at page 2 of the booklet.) (Still using the thermometer, how would you rate:) The Republican Party? REPUBLICAN PARTY THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] Order of major parties D2a-D2b was randomized. See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Political parties feeling thermometer D2c [RB] (Still using the thermometer, how would you rate:) Political parties in general? POLITICAL PARTIES IN GENERAL - THERMOMETER RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: PROBE FOR 'DON'T KNOW' RESPONSE: "When you say 'don't know' do you mean that you don't know who the person is or do you have something else in mind?"] See D1 for full question text. Ratings 0-100 and: 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Pre. Does R approve or disapprove of Clinton E1 (Not using the booklet) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is HANDLING HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strgly approve or disapprove of Clinton E1a/b IF R APPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT: / IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING HIS JOB AS PRESIDENT: a.Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b.Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E1,E1a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E1 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R app/disapp of Clinton's handling of the econ E2 (Not using the booklet) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is HANDLING THE ECONOMY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of presidential performance items E2-E5 randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strgly app/disapp of Clinton's handling of the econ E2a/b IF R APPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF THE ECONOMY: / IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF THE ECONOMY: a.Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b.Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E2, E2a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E2 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R app/disapp of Clinton's handling of foreign rels E3 (Not using the booklet) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is HANDLING OUR RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of presidential performance items E2-E5 randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strgly app or disapp Clinton's handling for relat E3a/b IF R APPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES: / IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF RELATIONS WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES: a.Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b.Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E3, E3a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E3 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R app or disapp Clinton's handling the environment E4 (Not using the booklet) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is HANDLING THE ENVIRONMENT? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of presidential performance items E2-E5 randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strgly app or disapp of Clinton's hand of the envir E4a/b IF R APPROVES OF THE WAY CLINTON IS HANDLING THE ENVIRONMENT :/ IF R DISAPPROVES OF THE WAY CLINTON IS HANDLING THE ENVIRONMENT: a. Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b. Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E4, E4a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E4 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R approve or disapprove of Clinton's hand of hlth care E5 (Not using the booklet) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is HANDLING HEALTH CARE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of presidential performance items E2-E5 randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R strgly app or disapp of Clinton's hand of hlth care E5a/b IF R APPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF HEALTH CARE / IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF HEALTH CARE: a. Do you approve STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? b. Do you disapprove STRONGLY or NOT STRONGLY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E5, E5a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E5 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would do the best job of protect enviro E6a (Please turn to page 3 of the booklet) (Which presidential candidate do you think would do a better job at) PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT (--[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of issues E6a-E6d randomized. Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would do the best job of reducing budget def E6b (Please turn to page 3 of the booklet) (Which presidential candidate do you think would do a better job at) REDUCING THE BUDGET DEFICIT (--[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of issues E6a-E6d randomized. Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would do the best job of improve education E6c (Please turn to page 3 of the booklet) (Which presidential candidate do you think would do a better job at) IMPROVING PUBLIC EDUCATION (--[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of issues E6a-E6d randomized. Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would do the best job of campgn reform E6d (Please turn to page 3 of the booklet) (Which presidential candidate do you think would do a better job at) REDUCING THE POWER OF SPECIAL INTERESTS IN POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS (--[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of issues E6a-E6d randomized. Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would be most likely to raise taxes E7 (Looking at page 3 of the booklet) Which presidential candidate is more likely to RAISE TAXES --[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which pres cand would be most likely to cut Soc Security E8 (Looking at page 3 of the booklet) Which presidential candidate is more likely to CUT SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS --[Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot], or wouldn't there be any difference among them? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of the 3 names of major presidential candidates was randomized in question text among respondents (order same throughout E6a-E6d,E7,E8 for any individual respondent). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 There wouldn't be any difference (DO NOT PROBE) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Is Clinton or Congress more to blame for the budget def E9 Who do you think is more to blame for the federal budget deficit, the CLINTON ADMINISTRATION or the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Clinton 2 Republican Congress 3 Both Clinton and Republican Congress (VOL) 4 Neither Clinton nor Republican Congress (VOL) 5 Inheirited from the past/ developed over many years (VOL) 6 Reagan, Reagan/Bush, "Reaganomics" (VOL) 7 Past Republicans, "Republicans" (VOL) 8 Democratic Congress (VOL) 9 Past Democrats, "Democrats" (VOL) 10 Reagan/Bush and Democratic Congress (VOL) 11 Past administrations, past congresses (NFS - not further specified) (VOL) 97 Other (specify) (VOL) 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. (Interviewer checkpoint) Was R random selected for q F1-F4 E10 HALF-SAMPLE CHECKPOINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Half ot the respondents were randomly selected for administration of questions F1-F4. 0 Respondent not randomly selected for F1-F4 questions 1 Respondent randomly selected for F1-F4 questions Pre. Is there anything R likes about the Republican Party F1 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: (I'd like to ask you what you think are the good and bad points about the two NATIONAL PARTIES.) Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first party. Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in E10 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What does R like about the Republican Party #1 F1a(1) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F1 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What does R like about the Republican Party #2 F1a(2) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F1; 9998,9999 in F1a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Republican Party #3 F1a(3) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F1; 9998,9999 in F1a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Republican Party #4 F1a(4) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F1; 9998,9999 in F1a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Republican Party #5 F1a(5) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F1; 9998,9999 in F1a(1); no further mention Pre. Is there anything R dislikes about the Republican Party F2 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in E10 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What does R dislike about the Republican Party #1 F2a(1) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F2 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What does R dislike about the Republican Party #2 F2a(2) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F2; 9998,9999 in F2a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Republican Party #3 F2a(3) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F2; 9998,9999 in F2a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Republican Party #4 F2a(4) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F2; 9998,9999 in F2a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Republican Party #5 F2a(5) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Republican party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Republican party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F2; 9998,9999 in F2a(1); no further mention Pre. Is there anything R likes about the Democrat Party F3 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: (I'd like to ask you what you think are the good and bad points about the two NATIONAL PARTIES.) Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first party. Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in E10 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. What does R like about the Democrat Party #1 F3a(1) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F3 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What does R like about the Democrat Party #2 F3a(2) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F3; 9998,9999 in F3a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Democrat Party #3 F3a(3) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F3; 9998,9999 in F3a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Democrat Party #4 F3a(4) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F3; 9998,9999 in F3a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R like about the Democrat Party #5 F3a(5) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F3; 9998,9999 in F3a(1); no further mention Pre. Is there anything R dislikes about the Democrat Party F4 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in E10 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. What does R dislike about the Democrat Party #1 F4a(1) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F4 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. What does R dislike about the Democrat Party #2 F4a(2) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F4; 9998,9999 in F4a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Democrat Party #3 F4a(3) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 3] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F4; 9998,9999 in F4a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Democrat Party #4 F4a(4) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 4] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F4; 9998,9999 in F4a(1); no further mention Pre. What does R dislike about the Democrat Party #5 F4a(5) IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE F1-F4: IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: (Is there anything in particular that you DON'T LIKE about the Democratic party?) (IF NECESSARY: What is that?) (PROBE: "Anything else you don't like about the Democratic party?" Until R says None.) [MENTION 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major parties randomized in F1-F4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each party. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 0 in E10; 5,8,9 in F4; 9998,9999 in F4a(1); no further mention Pre. Is R better or worse off financially than a year ago F5 We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you (and your family living here) are BETTER off or WORSE off financially than you were a year ago? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Better 3 Worse 5 The same (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Is R much better or worse off financially than a year ago F5a/b IF R IS BETTER OFF FINANCIALLY THAN A YEAR AGO: / IF R IS WORSE OFF FINANCIALLY THAN A YEAR AGO: a.Is that MUCH better off or SOMEWHAT better off? b.Is that MUCH worse off or SOMEWHAT worse off? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from F5, F5a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in F5 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 Same (5 in F5) 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think R will be better or worse off financ next yr F6 Now looking ahead, do you think that a year from now you (and your family living here) will be BETTER off financially, WORSE off, or JUST ABOUT THE SAME as now? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Better 3 Worse 5 Just about the same (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think R will be much better/worse off financ next yr F6a/b IF R THINKS WILL BE BETTER OFF FINANCIALLY A YEAR FROM NOW: / IF R THINKS WILL BE WORSE OFF FINANCIALLY A YEAR FROM NOW: a. Is that MUCH better off or SOMEWHAT better off? b. Is that MUCH worse off or SOMEWHAT worse off? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from F6, F6a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in F6 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 Same (5 in F6) 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has Clinton ever made R feel angry G1 Now we would like to know something about the feelings you have toward the candidates for President. I am going to name a candidate, and I want you to tell me whether something about that person, or something he has done, has made you have certain feelings like anger or pride. G1a (Has BILL CLINTON-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) ANGRY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Clinton made R feel angry G1a(1) IF CLINTON HAS MADE R FEEL ANGRY: How often (would you say you've felt ANGRY --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G1a 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has Clinton ever made R feel hopeful G1b (Has BILL CLINTON-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) HOPEFUL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Clinton made R feel hopeful G1b(1) IF CLINTON HAS MADE R FEEL HOPEFUL: How often (would you say you've felt HOPEFUL--) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G1b 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Clinton ever made R feel afraid G1c (Has BILL CLINTON-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) AFRAID? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How often has Clinton made R feel afraid G1c(1) IF CLINTON HAS MADE R FEEL AFRAID: How often (would you say you've felt AFRAID --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G1c 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Clinton ever made R feel proud G1d (Has BILL CLINTON-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) PROUD? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Clinton made R feel proud G1d(1) IF CLINTON HAS MADE R FEEL PROUD: How often (would you say you've felt PROUD --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G1d 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has Dole ever made R feel angry G2a (Has BOB DOLE-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) ANGRY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How often has Dole made R feel angry G2a(1) IF DOLE HAS MADE R FEEL ANGRY: How often (would you say you've felt ANGRY --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G2a 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has Dole ever made R feel hopeful G2b (Has BOB DOLE-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) HOPEFUL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Dole made R feel hopeful G2b(1) IF DOLE HAS MADE R FEEL HOPEFUL: How often (would you say you've felt HOPEFUL --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G2b 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Dole ever made R feel afraid G2c (Has BOB DOLE-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) AFRAID? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Dole made R feel afraid G2c(1) IF DOLE HAS MADE R FEEL AFRAID: How often (would you say you've felt AFRAID --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G2c 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Dole ever made R feel proud G2d (Has BOB DOLE-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) PROUD? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Dole made R feel proud G2d(1) IF DOLE HAS MADE R FEEL PROUD: How often (would you say you've felt PROUD --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G2d 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has Perot ever made R feel angry G3a (Has ROSS PEROT-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) ANGRY? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Perot made R feel angry G3a(1) IF PEROT HAS MADE R FEEL ANGRY: How often (would you say you've felt ANGRY --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G3a; interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Perot ever made R feel hopeful G3b (Has ROSS PEROT-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) HOPEFUL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Perot made R feel hopeful G3b(1) IF PEROT HAS MADE R FEEL HOPEFUL: How often (would you say you've felt HOPEFUL --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G3b; interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Perot ever made R feel afraid G3c (Has ROSS PEROT-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) AFRAID? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Perot made R feel afraid G3c(1) IF PEROT HAS MADE R FEEL AFRAID: How often (would you say you've felt AFRAID --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G3c; interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has Perot ever made R feel proud G3d (Has ROSS PEROT-- because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done -- ever made you feel:) PROUD? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Presidential candidates G1-G3 appear in random order; affects are asked in random order for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How often has Perot made R feel proud G3d(1) IF PEROT HAS MADE R FEEL PROUD: How often (would you say you've felt PROUD --) (VERY OFTEN, FAIRLY OFTEN, OCCASIONALLY, or RARELY)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions G3a-G3d(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G3d; interview conducted after question withdrawn 1 Very often 2 Fairly often 3 Occasionally 4 Rarely 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's self-placement on liberal/conservative scale G4 Please look at page 4 of the booklet. We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Here is a seven-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal to extremely conservative. G4a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON 7-PT LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer instruction: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much (DO NOT PROBE) 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. If R had to choose, would R be lib or con G4aa IF R SAYS DK, HAVEN'T THOUGHT OR MODERATE FOR SELF-PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE SCALE: If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1-3,5-7,9 in G4a 1 Liberal 2 Conservative 3 Moderate (VOL) 7 R refuses to choose (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How certain is R of self-placement on lib/con scale G4a(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE AT G4a/G4aa: How certain are you of this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 9 in G4a; 7,8,9 in G4aa 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Summary of R's self-placement on lib/con scale G4x SUMMARY- SELF PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G4 and G4a/G4aa for full question texts. Built from G4a, G4aa. 0 NA to follow up question G4aa (0/8,9) 1 Liberal (1/2/3,0; 0/4/8,1) 3 Moderate (0/4/8,3; 4,7/8/9) 5 Conservative (5/6/7,0; 0/4/8,2) 7 Refused to choose (0/8,7) 8 DK (0/8,8) 9 NA/RF to entire question series (9,0) Pre. R's placement of Clinton on liberal-con scale G5 [RB] Where would you place Bill Clinton on this scale? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON 7-PT LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. Presidential candidate names G5-G7 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Clinton on lib/con scale G5a IF R HAS PLACED BILL CLINTON ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you (of BILL CLINTON'S position on this scale?) (VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN or NOT VERY CERTAIN?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in G5 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on lib-con scale G6 [RB] Where would you place Bob Dole on this scale? DOLE PLACEMENT ON 7-PT LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. Presidential candidate names G5-G7 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Dole on lib/con scale G6a IF R HAS PLACED BOB DOLE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you (of BOB DOLE'S position on this scale?) (VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN?) 0 Inap, 8,9 in G6 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on lib-con scale G7 [RB] Where would you place Ross Perot on this scale? PEROT PLACEMENT ON 7-PT LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. Presidential candidate names G5-G7 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Perot on lib/con scale G7a IF R HAS PLACED ROSS PEROT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you (of ROSS PEROT'S position on this scale?) (VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in G7 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dem Hse cand on lib/con scale G8 IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE AT G4/G4a: [RB] Where would you place [NAME #31,33,35] on this scale? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. House candidate names G8-G9 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (race type 24); 0,7,8,9 IN G4x; Washington DC 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How certain is R of place of Dem Hse cand on lib/con scale G8a IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: IF R HAS PLACED DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you (of [NAME #31,33,35]'s position on this scale?) (VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in G8; 0,7,8,9 in G4x; no Democratic House candidate (race type 24); Washington DC 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Rep Hse cand on lib/con scale G9 IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: [RB] Where would you place [NAME #32,34,36] on this scale? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. House candidate names G8-G9 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (race type14); 0,7,8,9 in G4x; Washington DC 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Rep Hse cand on lib/con scale G9a IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE : IF R HAS PLACED REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE : How certain are you (of [NAME #32,34,36]'s position on this scale?) (VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in G9; 07,8,9 in G4x; no Republican House candidate (race type 14); Washington DC 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Democratic Party on lib/con scale G10 IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: [RB] Where would you place the Democratic Party on this scale? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See G4 for full text. Major parties G10-G11 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,7,8,9 in G4x 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Republican Party on lib/con scale G11 IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: [RB] Where would you place the Republican Party on this scale? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"]. See G4 for full text. Major parties G10-G11 are asked in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,7,8,9 in G4x 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate; middle of the road 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Who does R think will be elected President G12 Who do you think will be elected President in November? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think the Presidential race will be close G12a/b IF R NAMES CANDIDATE R THINKS WILL WIN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: / IF R SAYS DON'T KNOW WHO WILL WIN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: a. Do you think the Presidential race will be close or will [NAME GIVEN] win by quite a bit? b. Do you think the Presidential race will be close or will one candidate win by quite a bit? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 9 in G12 1 Will be close 2 Win by quite a bit 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Which Pres cand does R think will carry R's state G12c What about here in (STATE)? Which candidate for President do you think will carry this state? [IF NECESSARY: Which candidate will WIN in this state?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bill Clinton 3 Bob Dole 5 Ross Perot 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R think the Pres race will be close in R's state G12d/e IF R NAMES CANDIDATE R THINKS WILL WIN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN R's STATE: / IF R SAYS DON'T KNOW WHO WILL WIN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN R's STATE: d. Do you think the Presidential race will be close here in (STATE) or will (NAME) win by quite a bit? e. Do you think the Presidential race will be close here in (STATE) or will one candidate win by quite a bit? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 9 in G12c 1 Close race 3 Win by quite a bit 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R think econ has gotten better/worse over past year H1 Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year the nation's economy has GOTTEN BETTER, STAYED ABOUT THE SAME, or GOTTEN WORSE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gotten better 3 Stayed about the same 5 Gotten worse 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R think econ has gotten much better/worse over past year H1a/b IF R SAYS ECONOMY HAS GOTTEN BETTER: / IF R SAYS ECONOMY HAS GOTTEN WORSE: a. Would you say MUCH better or SOMEWHAT better? b. Would you say MUCH worse or SOMEWHAT worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H1, H1a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in H1 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 Same (3 in H1) 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R expect econ to get better/worse over the next year H2 What about the next 12 months? Do you expect the economy to GET BETTER, GET WORSE or STAY ABOUT THE SAME? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Get better 3 Get worse 5 Stay about the same 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R expect econ to get much better or worse over the next year H2a/b IF R SAYS ECONOMY WILL GET BETTER: / IF R SAYS ECONOMY WILL GET WORSE: a. Would you say MUCH better or SOMEWHAT better? b. Would you say MUCH worse or SOMEWHAT worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H2, H2a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in H2 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 Same (5 in H2) 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R think the stand of living will be better or worse in 20 yrs H3 Do you think that twenty years from now, the standard of living for the people who are just children now will be BETTER, ABOUT THE SAME, or WORSE than it is today? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Better 3 About the same 5 Worse 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Have fed govt policy made the nation's econ better or worse H3.1 Over the past year would you say that the economic policies of the federal government have made the nation's economy BETTER, WORSE, or HAVEN'T THEY MADE MUCH DIFFERENCE either way? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Better 3 Worse 5 They haven't made much difference 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Have fed gov policy made nation's econ much better or worse H3.1a/b IF R SAYS POLICIES HAVE MADE ECONOMY BETTER: / IF R SAYS POLICIES HAVE MADE ECONOMY WORSE: a. Would you say MUCH better or SOMEWHAT better? b. Would you say MUCH worse or SOMEWHAT worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H3.1, H3.1a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in H3.1 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 Same (5 in H3.1) 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R think the budg def incr/decr under Clinton H3.2 Would you say that the size of the yearly budget deficit INCREASED, DECREASED, or STAYED ABOUT THE SAME during Clinton's time as President? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Increased 3 Stayed about the same 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R think the budg def incr/decr a lot under Clinton H3.2a/b IF R SAYS SIZE OF DEFICIT HAS INCREASED: / IF R SAYS SIZE OF DEFICIT HAS DECREASED: a. Would you say it increased A LOT or A LITTLE? b. Would you say it decreased A LOT or A LITTLE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H3.2, H3.2a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in H3.2 1 Increased a lot 2 Increased a little 3 Same (3 in H3.2) 5 Decreased a lot 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R think avg fed income tax incr/decr under Clinton H3.3 Would you say that the federal income tax paid by the average working person has INCREASED, DECREASED, or STAYED ABOUT THE SAME during Clinton's time as President? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Increased 3 Stayed about the same 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R think the avg fed income tax incr/decr a lot under Clinton H3.3a/b IF R SAYS INCOME TAX HAS INCREASED: / IF R SAYS INCOME TAX HAS DECREASED: a. Would you say it increased A LOT or A LITTLE? b. Would you say it decreased A LOT or A LITTLE? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H3.3, H3.3a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in H3.3 1 Increased a lot 2 Increased a little 3 Same (3 in H3.3) 5 Decreased a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Interviewer checkpoint) Was R randomly select for q H4a-H8 H4 H4. HALF-SAMPLE CHECKPOINT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Half of the respondents were randomly chosen for administration of questions H4a-H8 0 Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 1 Respondent was randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 Pre. Which party would do a better job handling the economy H4a IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) HANDLING THE NATION'S ECONOMY ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job handling for aff H4b IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) HANDLING FOREIGN AFFAIRS ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job hlth care afford H4c IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) MAKING HEALTH CARE MORE AFFORDABLE ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job reform welfare H4d IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) REFORMING THE WELFARE SYSTEM ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job hand the poverty prob H4e IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) HANDLING THE PROBLEM OF POVERTY ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job hand the budget deficit H4f IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) HANDLING THE BUDGET DEFICIT ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job hand the enviro H4g IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) HANDLING THE PROBLEM OF POLLUTION AND THE ENVIRONMENT ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would do a better job dealing with crime H4h IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: (Which do you think would do a better job of) DEALING WITH THE CRIME PROBLEM ([the Democrats, the Republicans] or wouldn't there be any difference between them)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of performance items H4a-H4h randomized. Order of the names of parties in question text was randomized in first item of series H4a-H4h (full text used optionally after first item; if full text used after first item, same order of parties was read as for first item of series). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would be more likely to cut soc security H5 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: Which party is more likely to CUT SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS (the Democrats, the Republicans), or wouldn't there be much difference between them? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of names of parties in question text was randomized in H5. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrat 2 Republican 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would be more likely to improve race relat H6 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: Which party is more likely to IMPROVE RACE RELATIONS, (the Democrats, the Republicans), or wouldn't there be much difference between them? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of names of parties in question text was randomized in H6. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrat 2 Republican 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would be more likely to raise taxes H7 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: Which party is more likely to RAISE TAXES, (the Democrats, the Republicans), or wouldn't there be much difference between them? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: IF 'NO DIFFERENCE' AND 'NEITHER PARTY' ARE VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE RESPONSES] Order of names of parties in question text was randomized in H7. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrat 2 Republican 3 Wouldn't be much difference between them/ No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which party would be more likely to keep out of war H8 IF R SELECTED FOR RANDOM HALF-SAMPLE H4-H8: Looking ahead, do you think the problem of KEEPING OUT OF WAR would be handled better in the next four years by (the Democrats, the Republicans), or about the same by both? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of names of parties in question text was randomized in H8. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0 in H4 1 Democrats 2 Republicans 3 About the same by both 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Has the US pos in the world grown str/weaker in the past year H9 During the past year, would you say that the United States' position in the world has grown WEAKER, STAYED ABOUT THE SAME, or has it grown STRONGER? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Weaker 2 Stayed about the same 3 Stronger 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Should the US not concern itself with problems abroad H10 Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with this statement: 'This country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world?' ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Agree 5 Disagree 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How willing should the US be to use military force H11 In the future, how willing should the United States be to use military force to solve international problems -- EXTREMELY WILLING, VERY WILLING, SOMEWHAT WILLING, NOT VERY WILLING, or NEVER WILLING? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Extremely willing 2 Very willing 3 Somewhat willing 4 Not very willing 5 Never willing 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R favor a 12-year term limit on members of Congress H12 A law has been proposed that would limit the members of Congress to no more than 12 consecutive years of service in that office. Do you favor or oppose such a law? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Favor 2 Oppose 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R know if either House cand the incumb H13a IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES 2 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES: Do you happen to know if either of these candidates ([NAME #31, 33, 35] or [NAME #32, 34, 36]) is currently in the House of Representatives? (IF NEEDED: which one is that?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order in question text of Democratic and Republican House candidate names was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, only one major party House candidate (type race 14 or 24) or Washington DC 1 Yes, Democratic candidate is 2 Yes, Republican candidate is 3 Both candidates are (VOL) 5 No, neither of them is 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Candidate code of recalled incumb (two-cand race) H13a(1) IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES 2 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES: IF R HAS IDENTIFIED 1 HOUSE CANDIDATE AS INCUMBENT: CODE OF HOUSE CANDIDATE RECALLED AS INCUMBENT (2-CANDIDATE RACE) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H13a. 00 Inap, 0,5,8,9 in H13a 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 90 Both Pre. Does R know if the unopposed Hse cand is the incumbent H13b IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES ONLY 1 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATE: Do you happen to know if (NAME #31, 33, 32, 34) is currently in the House of Representatives? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, two major party House candidates in race (type race 12, 21, 55 or 65) or Washington DC 1 Yes, candidate is 5 No, candidate is not 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Candidate code of recalled incumbent (unopposed race) H13b(1) IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES ONLY 1 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATE: IF R HAS IDENTIFIED HOUSE CANDIDATE AS INCUMBENT: CODE OF HOUSE CANDIDATE RECALLED AS INCUMBENT (UNOPPOSED RACE) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H13b. 00 Inap, 0,5,8,9 in H13b 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger Pre. R's party identification K1 Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Democrat 2 Republican 3 Independent 4 Other party 5 No preference 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Strength of R's party identification K1a/b IF R CONSIDERS SELF REPUBLICAN / IF R CONSIDERS SELF DEMOCRAT: a. Would you call yourself a strong Republican or a not very strong Republican? b. Would you call yourself a strong Democrat or a not very strong Democrat? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 3,4,5,8,9 in K1 1 Strong 5 Not very strong 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (If R is independent/no preference) R closer to one party K1c IF R CONSIDERS SELF INDEPENDENT, NO PREFERENCE, OTHER: Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party or to the Democratic Party? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1,2,8,9 in K1 1 Closer to Republican 3 Neither 5 Closer to Democratic 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Summary of R's party identification K1x SUMMARY - R PARTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K1, K1a/b, K1c for full question texts. Built from K1, K1a/b, K1c Code 8 (apolitical) was used only if the respondent had a code of 5 (no preference) in K1 and a code of 3,8 or 9 in K1c and also showed little or no interest in politics in response to the following questions: A1 (pre), B1 (pre), N2 (pre), F1 (post). 0 Strong Democrat (1,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 1 Weak Democrat (1,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 2 Independent-Democrat (3/4/5,0,5 in K1, K1a/b, K1c 3 Independent-Independent (3,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c; 5,0,3/8/9 if not apolitical) 4 Independent-Republican (3/4/5,0,1 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 5 Weak Republican (2,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 6 Strong Republican (2,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 7 Other; minor party; refuses to say (4,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 8 Apolitical (5,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c and no interest in politics) 9 NA (8/9,0,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) Pre. Does R consider Clinton intelligent K2 Please look at page 5 of the booklet. I am going to read a list of words and phrases people may use to describe political figures. For each, tell me whether the word or phrase describes the candidate I name. K2a (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) INTELLIGENT? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Clinton compassionate K2b (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) COMPASSIONATE? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Clinton moral K2c (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) MORAL? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Clinton is moral K2c(1) IF R GIVES OPINION ABOUT CLINTON AS 'MORAL': How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in K2c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Clinton inspiring K2d (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) INSPIRING? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Clinton provides strong leadership K2e (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Clinton really cares about people like R K2f (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Clinton knowledgeable K2g (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) KNOWLEDGEABLE? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Clinton honest K2h (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) HONEST? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Clinton gets things done K2j (Think about BILL CLINTON. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) GETS THINGS DONE? (Does .... describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Clinton. Order of Clinton traits K2a-K2j randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Clinton gets things done K2j(1) IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER CLINTON 'GETS THINGS DONE': How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in K2j 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Dole moral K3a (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) MORAL? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Dole is moral K3a(1) IF R GIVES OPINION ABOUT DOLE AS 'MORAL': How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in K3a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Dole inspiring K3b (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) INSPIRING? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Dole provides strong leadership K3c (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Dole really cares about people like R K3d (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE R? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Dole knowledgeable K3e (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) KNOWLEDGEABLE? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Dole honest K3f (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) HONEST? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Dole gets things done K3g (Think about BOB DOLE. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?)?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) GETS THINGS DONE? (Does .... describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Dole. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Dole gets things done K3g(1) IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER DOLE 'GETS THINGS DONE': How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in K3g 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Perot moral K4a (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) MORAL? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions K4a-K4a(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Perot is moral K4a(1) IF R GIVES OPINION ABOUT PEROT AS 'MORAL': (How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions K4a-K4a(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in K4a; question removed from the field 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Perot inspiring K4b (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) INSPIRING? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions K4b-K4b(1) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Perot provides strong leadership K4c (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Perot really cares about people like R K4d (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE R? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Perot knowledgeable K4e (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) KNOWLEDGEABLE? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R consider Perot honest K4f (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) HONEST? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that Perot gets things done K4g (Think about Ross Perot. In your opinion does the phrase "(he [is]) ....." describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) (Looking at page 5 of the booklet) (How about) GETS THINGS DONE? (Does .... describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See K2 for full text. Beginning 2 sentences used only if trait is first trait applied to Perot. Set of traits for Dole (K3a-K3g) or Perot (K4a-K4g) may be asked second or third after set of Clinton traits, which is always asked first. Order of traits for second presidential candidate randomized; order of traits for third candidate same as order for second candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R about whether Perot gets things done K4g(1) IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER PEROT 'GETS THINGS DONE': (How certain are you about this?) VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in K4g 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on services/spending scale L1 Please look at page 6 of the booklet. Some people think the government should provide fewer services even in areas such as health and eduation in order to reduce spending. Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1. Other people feel it is important for the government to provide many more services even if it means an increase in spending. Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7. And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5 or 6. L1a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of self-place on service/spend scale L1a(1) IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: How certain are YOU of your position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L1a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important is the services/spending issue to R L1a(2) ALL RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to YOU? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 9 in L1a 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Clinton on services/spending scale L1b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON on this scale? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L1b-L1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Clinton on service/spend scale L1b(1) IF R PLACES CLINTON ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of BILL CLINTON'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in L1b 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on services/spending scale L1c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE on this scale? DOLE PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L1b-L1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Dole on service/spend scale L1c(1) IF R PLACES DOLE ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of BOB DOLE'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in L1c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on services/spending scale L1d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT on this scale? PEROT PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L1b-L1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Perot on service/spend scale L1d(1) IF R PLACES PEROT ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of ROSS PEROT'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in L1d 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dem Hse cand on service/spending scale L1e IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #31,#33,#35] (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of House candidates L1e-L1f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L1a; R didn't recognize name (997 in D1g); no Democratic House candidate (race type 24); Washington DC 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep Hse cand on services/spending scale L1f IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #32,#34,#36] (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of House candidates L1e-L1f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1h); no Republican House candidate (race type 14); Washington DC 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dem Party on services/spending scale L1g IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY on this scale? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of major parties L1g-L1h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L1a 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep Party on services/spending scale L1h IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY on this scale? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON SERVICES/SPENDING SCALE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L1 for full text. Order of major parties L1g-L1h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L1a 1 Government should provide many fewer services; reduce spending a lot 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should provide many more services; increase spending a lot 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on defense spending scale L2 Please look at page 7 of the booklet. Some people believe that we should spend much less money for defense.Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1. Others feel that defense spending should be greatly increased. Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7. And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between at points 2,3,4,5, or 6. L2a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of self-plac on defense spending scale L2a(1) IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of YOUR position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L2a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important is the defense spending issue to R L2a(2) ALL RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to YOU? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 9 in L2a 1 Extremely imporant 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Clinton on defense spending scale L2b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L2b-L2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Clinton on defense spend scale L2b(1) IF R PLACES CLINTON ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of BILL CLINTON's position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2b 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important does R think defense spending is to Clinton L2b(2) IF R PLACES CLINTON ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How important is this issue to BILL CLINTON? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2b 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on defense spending scale L2c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L2b-L2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Dole on defense spending scale L2c(1) IF R PLACES DOLE ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of BOB DOLE'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important does R think defense spending is to Dole L2c(2) IF R PLACES DOLE ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How important is this issue to BOB DOLE? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2c 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on defense spending scale L2d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L2b-L2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions L2d, L2d(1),L2d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview conducted after question removed 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Perot on defense spend scale L2d(1) IF R PLACES PEROT ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How certain are you of ROSS PEROT'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions L2d, L2d(1),L2d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2d; interview conducted after question removed 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How important does R think defense spending is to Perot L2d(2) IF R PLACES PEROT ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: How important is this issue to ROSS PEROT? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions L2d, L2d(1),L2d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in L2d; interview conducted after question removed 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Dem Hse candidate on defense spend scale L2e IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #31,#33,#35] (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] [See L2 for full text. Order of House candidates L2e-L2f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L2a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1g); no Democratic House candidate (race type 24); Washington DC 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Rep Hse candidate on defense spending scale L2f IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #32,#34,#36] (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of House candidates L2e-L2f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L2a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1h); no Republican House candidate (race type 14); Washington DC 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Dem Party on defense spending scale L2g IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of major parties L2g-L2h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L2a 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's place of Rep Party on defense spending scale L2h IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON DEFENSE SPENDING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L2 for full text. Order of major parties L2g-L2h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L2a 1 Greatly decrease defense spending 2 3 4 5 6 7 Greatly increase defense spending 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's self-placement on govt health insurance scale L3 Please look at page 8 of the booklet. There is much concern about the rapid rise in medical and hospital costs. Some people feel there should be a government insurance plan which would cover all medical and hospital expenses for everyone. (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1). Others feel that all medical expenses should be paid by individuals and through private insurance plans like Blue Cross or some other company paid plans. (Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7). And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between at points 2,3,4,5, or 6. L3a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE SCALE: ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3 for full text. 0 Haven't though much about it 1 Government insurance plan 2 3 4 5 6 7 Private insurance plan 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Clinton on govt hlth insurance scale L3b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L3b-L3d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government insurance plan 2 3 4 5 6 7 Private insurance plan 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Dole on gov hlth insurance scale L3c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L3b-L3d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government insurance plan 2 3 4 5 6 7 Private insurance plan 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Perot on govt hlth insurance scale L3d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L3b-L3d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars.The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Government insurance plan 2 3 4 5 6 7 Private insurance plan 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on guar job/standard of living scale L4 Please look at page 9 of the booklet. Some people feel the government in Washington should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1.) Others think the government should just let each person get ahead on their own. (Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5, or 6. L4a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON GUARANTEED JOB/STANDARD OF LIVING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L4 for full text. 0 Haven't though much about it 1 Government should see to a job and good standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should let each person get ahead on own 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Clinton on guar job/standard of living scale L4b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON on this scale? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON GUARANTEED JOB/STANDARD OF LIVING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L4b-L4d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should see to a job and good standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should let each person get ahead on own 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Dole on guar job/standard of living scale L4c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE on this scale? DOLE PLACEMENT ON GUARANTEED JOB/STANDARD OF LIVING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L4b-L4d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should see to a job and good standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should let each person get ahead on own 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Perot on guar job/standard of living scale L4d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT on this scale? PEROT PLACEMENT ON GUARANTEED JOB/STANDARD OF LIVING SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See L4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L4b-L4d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Question L4d was not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and Ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Government should see to a job and good standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Government should let each person get ahead on own 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-place on aid to blacks scale L5 Please look at page 10 of the booklet. Some people feel that the government in Washington should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks. (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1.) Others feel that the government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves. (Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5, or 6. L5a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON AID TO BLACKS SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Government should help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Blacks should help themselves 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of self-place on aid to blacks scale L5a(1) IF R PLACES SELF ON 7-PT AID TO BLACKS SCALE: How certain are you of YOUR position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in L5a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important is the aid to blacks issue to R L5a(2) ALL RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to YOU? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 9 in L5a 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's place of Clinton on aid to blacks scale L5b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON on this scale? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON AID TO BLACKS SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L5b-L5d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Blacks should help themselves 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Clinton on aid to blacks scale L5b(1) IF R PLACES CLINTON ON 7-PT SCALE FOR AID TO BLACKS: How certain are you of BILL CLINTON'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L5b 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Dole on aid to blacks scale L5c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE on this scale? DOLE PLACEMENT ON AID TO BLACKS SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L5b-L5d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Blacks should help themselves 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Dole on aid to blacks scale L5c(1) IF R PLACES DOLE ON 7-PT SCALE FOR AID TO BLACKS: How certain are you of BOB DOLE'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L5c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's place of Perot on aid to blacks scale L5d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT on this scale? PEROT PLACEMENT ON AID TO BLACKS SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates L5b-L5d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Government should help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Blacks should help themselves 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Perot on aid to blacks scale L5d(1) IF R PLACES PEROT ON 7-PT SCALE FOR AID TO BLACKS: How certain are you of ROSS PEROT'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in L5d 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on food stamps should be incr/decr L6 (Not looking at the booklet.) If you had a say in making up the federal budget this year, for which of the following programs would you like to see spending INCREASED and for which would you like to see spending DECREASED? L6a (Should Federal Spending on) FOOD STAMPS (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on welfare programs should be incr/decr L6b (Should Federal Spending on) WELFARE PROGRAMS (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on AIDS research should be incr/decr L6c (Should Federal Spending on) AIDS RESEARCH (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on foreign aid should be incr/decr L6d (Should Federal Spending on) FOREIGN AID (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on aid to college students should be incr/decr L6e (Should Federal Spending on) FINANCIAL AID TO COLLEGE STUDENTS (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on the homeless should be incr/decr L6f (Should Federal Spending on) SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF THE HOMELESS (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on immigr control should be incr/decr L6g (Should Federal Spending on) TIGHTENING BORDER SECURITY AND PREVENTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)?? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6 for full text. Order of Federal spending items L6a-L6g was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on abortion issue M1a Please look at page 11 of the Booklet. There has been some discussion about abortion during recent years. Which one of the opinions on this page best agrees with your view? You can just tell me the number of the opinion you choose. 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of self-placement on abortion issue M1a(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON ABORTION ISSUE: How certain are you of your position on this issue? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important is the abortion issue to R M1a(2) ALL RESPONDENTS (ABORTION ISSUE): How important is this issue to you? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 9 in M1a 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Clinton on abortion issue M1b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M1b-M1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Clinton on abortion issue M1b(1) IF R HAS PLACED CLINTON ON ABORTION ISSUE: How certain are you of BILL CLINTON'S position on this issue? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1b 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important does R think the abortion issue is to Clinton M1b(2) IF R HAS PLACED CLINTON ON ABORTION ISSUE: How important is this issue to BILL CLINTON? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1b 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on abortion issue M1c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M1b-M1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Dole on abortion issue M1c(1) IF R HAS PLACED DOLE ON ABORTION ISSUE: How certain are you of BOB DOLE'S position on this issue? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How important does R think the abortion issue is to Dole M1c(2) IF R HAS PLACED DOLE ON ABORTION ISSUE: How important is this issue to BOB DOLE? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1c 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Perot on abortion issue M1d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M1b-M1d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions M1d, M1d(1), M1d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How certain is R of placement of Perot on abortion issue M1d(1) IF R HAS PLACED PEROT ON ABORTION ISSUE: How certain are you of ROSS PEROT'S position on this issue? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of Presidential candidates M1b-M1d was randomized. See M1a for full text. Questions M1d, M1d(1), M1d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1d; question removed from the field 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How important does R think the abortion issue is to Perot M1d(2) IF R HAS PLACED PEROT ON ABORTION ISSUE: How important is this issue to ROSS PEROT? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of Presidential candidates M1b-M1d was randomized. See M1a for full text. Questions M1d, M1d(1), M1d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1d; question removed from the field 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Dem House candidate on abortion issue M1e IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON ABORTION ISSUE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #31,#33,#35] (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of House candidates M1e-M1f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1g); no Democratic House candidate (race type 24); Washington DC 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep House candidate on abortion issue M1f IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON ABORTION ISSUE: [RB] (Where would you place) [NAME #32,#34,#36] (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of House candidates M1e-M1f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1h); no Republican House candidate (race type 14); Washington DC 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dem Party on abortion issue M1g IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON ABORTION ISSUE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of major parties M1g-M1h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1a 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep Party on abortion issue M1h IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON ABORTION ISSUE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON ABORTION ISSUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for full text. Order of major parties M1g-M1h was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M1a 1 Never permitted 2 Rape, incest, danger only 3 Clear need 4 Always as personal choice 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on reduction of crime scale M2 (Looking at page 12 of the booklet.) Some people say that the best way to reduce crime is to address the social problems that cause crime, like bad schools, poverty and joblessness. (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1.) Other people say the best way to reduce crime is to make sure that criminals are caught, convicted and punished. (Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between at points 2,3,4,5 or 6. M2a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON REDUCTION OF CRIME SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See M2 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Social problems that cause crime, like bad schools, poverty, and joblessness 2 3 4 5 6 7 Make sure criminals are caught, convicted and punished 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Clinton on reduction of crime scale M2b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON CRIME REDUCTION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See M2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M2b-M2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Social problems that cause crime, like bad schools, poverty, and joblessness 2 3 4 5 6 7 Make sure criminals are caught, convicted and punished 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on reduction of crime scale M2c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON CRIME REDUCTION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See M2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M2b-M2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Social problems that cause crime, like bad schools, poverty, and joblessness 2 3 4 5 6 7 Make sure criminals are caught, convicted and punished 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on reduction of crime scale M2d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON CRIME REDUCTION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] See M2 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M2b-M2d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, question removed from the field 1 Social problems that cause crime, like bad schools, poverty, and joblessness 2 3 4 5 6 7 Make sure criminals are caught, convicted and punished 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on jobs/environment scale M3 Please look at page 13 of the booklet. Some people think it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs or otherwise reduces our standard of living. (Suppose these people are at one end of the scale, at point number 1.) Other people think that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living. (Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point numbeer 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5 or 6. M3a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of self-placement on jobs/environment scale M3a(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How certain are you of YOUR position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in M3a 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important is the jobs/environment issue to R M3a(2) ALL RESPONDENTS (JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE): How important is this issue to YOU? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 9 in M3a 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Clinton on jobs/environment scale M3b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M3b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Clinton on jobs/enviro scale M3b(1) IF R HAS PLACED CLINTON ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How certain are you of BILL CLINTON'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3b 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important does R think jobs/enviro issue is to Clinton M3b(2) IF R HAS PLACED CLINTON ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How important is this issue to BILL CLINTON? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3b 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Dole on jobs/environment scale M3c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M3b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of place of Dole on jobs/enviro scale M3c(1) IF R HAS PLACED DOLE ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How certain are you of BOB DOLE'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3c 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How important does R think jobs/enviro issue is to Dole M3c(2) IF R HAS PLACED DOLE ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How important is this issue to BOB DOLE? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3c 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Perot on jobs/environment scale M3d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M3b-3d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Questions M3d, M3d(1), M3d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview after Sept 26, 1996 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How certain is R of placement of Perot on jobs/enviro scale M3d(1) IF R HAS PLACED PEROT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How certain are you of ROSS PEROT'S position on this scale? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions M3d, M3d(1), M3d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3d; interview after Sept 26, 1996 1 Very certain 2 Pretty certain 3 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Pre. How important does R think jobs/enviro issue is to Perot M3d(2) IF R HAS PLACED PEROT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: How important is this issue to ROSS PEROT? EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, VERY IMPORTANT, SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT, NOT TOO IMPORTANT, or NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions M3d, M3d(1), M3d(2) were not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, 8,9 in M3d; interview after Sept 26, 1996 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Somewhat important 4 Not too important 5 Not important at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's placement of Dem Party on jobs/environment scale M3e IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. Order of major parties M3e-M3f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in M3a 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep Party on jobs/environment scale M3f IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON JOBS/ENVIRONMENT SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. Order of major parties M3e-M3f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in M3a 1 Protect environment, even if it costs jobs, standard of living 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jobs, standard of living more important than environment 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on environmental regulation scale M4 Please look at page 14 of the booklet. Some people think we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environmnt. (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1.) Others think that current regulation to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business. (Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, a point number 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between at points 2,3,4,5 or 6. M4a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Clinton on environmental regulation scale M4b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M4b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on environmental regulation scale M4c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M4b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on environmental regulation scale M4d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. Order of Presidential candidates M4b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Question M4d was not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview after Sept 26, 1996 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dem Party on enviro regulation scale M4e IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON 7-PT ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (on this scale)? DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. Order of major parties M4e-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in M4a 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Rep Party on enviro regulation scale M4f IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON 7-PT ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE: [RB] (Where would you place) THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (on this scale)? REPUBLICAN PARTY PLACEMENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for full text. Order of major parties M4e-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 0 Inap, 0,8,9 in M4a 1 Tougher regulations on business needed to protect the environment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Regulations to protect environment already too much of a burden on business 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's self-placement on women's rights scale N1 Please look at page 15 of the booklet. Recently there was been a lot of talk about women's rights. Some people feel that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry, and government. (Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1.) Others feel that a woman's place is in the home. (Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7.) And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between, at points 2,3,4,5 or 6. N1a [RB] Where would you place YOURSELF on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT ON WOMEN'S ROLE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Women and men should have equal roles 2 3 4 5 6 7 A woman's place is in the home 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Clinton on women's rights scale N1b [RB] (Where would you place) BILL CLINTON (on this scale)? CLINTON PLACEMENT ON WOMEN'S ROLE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1 for full text. Order of presidential candidates N1b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Women and men should have equal roles 2 3 4 5 6 7 A woman's place is in the home 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Dole on women's rights scale N1c [RB] (Where would you place) BOB DOLE (on this scale)? DOLE PLACEMENT ON WOMEN'S ROLE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1 for full text. Order of presidential candidates N1b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Women and men should have equal roles 2 3 4 5 6 7 A woman's place is in the home 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's placement of Perot on women's rights scale N1d [RB] (Where would you place) ROSS PEROT (on this scale)? PEROT PLACEMENT ON WOMEN'S ROLE SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1 for full text. Order of presidential candidates N1b-d was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. Question N1d was not administered if the VQ version used by the interviewer at the time this question was asked was dated September 25 or later (inap). See the variables for Beginning VQ and ending VQ early in the pre data. 0 Inap, interview after September 26, 1996 1 Women and men should have equal roles 2 3 4 5 6 7 A woman's place is in the home 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R expect to vote in the national elections N2 (Not using the booklet) So far as you know now, do you expect to vote in the national elections this coming November or not? ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Interviewer note: DO NOT PROBE "DK"] 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Voters) For whom does R plan to vote for President N2a IF R INTENDS TO VOTE: Who do you think you will vote for in the election for President? (PROBE: We all know the election is some time away and people are not certain at this point who they will vote for. Still, who do you think you will vote for in the election for President?) 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N2 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 5 None (if voter, will not vote for President) (VOL) 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Voters) Strength of R's Presidential candidate preference N2b IF R INTENDS TO VOTE: IF R IDENTIFIES CANDIDATE FOR WHOM R INTENDS TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT: Would you say that your preference for this candidate is strong or not strong? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N2; 5,8,9 in N2a 1 Strong 2 Not strong 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Nonvoters) For whom would R vote for President N2c IF R DOES NOT INTEND TO VOTE: If you were going to vote, who do you think you would vote for in the election for President? (PROBE: We all know the election is some time away and people are not certain at this point who they will vote for. Still, who do you think you would vote for in the election for President?) 0 Inap, 1,8,9 in N2 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 5 None 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Nonvoters) Strength of R's Presidential cand preference N2d IF R DOES NOT INTEND TO VOTE: IF R IDENTIFIES CANDIDATE FOR WHOM R WOULD VOTE FOR PRESIDENT: Would you say that your preference for this candidate is strong or not strong? 0 Inap, 1,8,9 in N2; 5,8,9 in N2c 1 Strong 2 Not Strong 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Who would R most like to see elected President N3a Sometimes people do not vote for candidates who have no chance of winning. Regardless of who you think will win, who would you most like to see elected in November -- [Bob Dole], [Bill Clinton], or [Ross Perot]? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of presidential candidate names read in question text was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 5 None of the above (VOL) 6 R says "I don't care" (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Which other Pres cand would R find acceptable N3b IF R HAS IDENTIFIED A CANDIDATE WHOM R WOULD MOST LIKE TO SEE ELECTED PRESIDENT: If you could cast more than one vote in the presidential election this November, which other candidate would you find acceptable and vote for? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Candidate name in N3b was accepted only if different from N3a. 0 Inap, 5,6,8,9 in N3a 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 5 None of the above (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Voters) For whom does R plan to vote for House N4a IF R INTENDS TO VOTE: Who do you think you will vote for in the election for the U.S. House of Representatives in this district (alternatively -- in the district in which you will vote)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This question was intended for administration regardless of type of House race, however, with a single exception, an error in the application erroneously skipped this question for Rs in districts with unopposed House races. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N2; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 1 Democratic candidate name given 2 Republican candidate name given 3 No one (VOL) 4 'The Democrat' (VOL) 5 'The Republican' (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Voters) Candidate code of R's House vote N4ax IF R INTENDS TO VOTE: (Who do you think you will vote for in the election for the U.S. House of Representatives in this district?) CANDIDATE CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See note N4a. Built from N4a and type of race. Responses of 'the Democrat' and 'the Republican' were coded to the appropriate candidate code of the Democratic or Republican candidate in R's district. 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in N2; 3 in N4a; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Voters) Strength of R's House candidate preference N4b IF R INTENDS TO VOTE: IF R IDENTIFIES CANDIDATE FOR WHOM R INTENDS TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS: Would you say that your preference for this candidate is strong or not strong? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See note N4a. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N2; 3,8,9 in N4a; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 1 Strong 2 Not strong 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Nonvoters) For whom would R vote for House N4c IF R DOES NOT INTEND TO VOTE : Who do you think you would vote for in the election for the U.S. House of Representatives in this district? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This question was intended for administration regardless of type of House race, however, with a single exception, an error in the application erroneously skipped this question for Rs in districts with unopposed House races. 0 Inap, 1,8,9 in N2; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 1 Democratic candidate name given 2 Republican candidate name given 3 No one (VOL) 4 'The Democrat (VOL)' 5 'The Republican (VOL)' 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Nonvoters) Candidate code of R's preferred House candidate N4cx IF R DOES NOT INTEND TO VOTE : (Who do you think you would vote for in the election for the U.S. House of Representatives in this district?) CANDIDATE CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- See note N4c. Built from N4c and type of race. Responses of 'the Democrat' and 'the Republican' were coded to the appropriate candidate code of the Democratic or Republican candidate in R's district. 00 Inap, 1,8,9 in N2; 3 in N4c; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. (Nonvoters) Strength of R's House candidate preference N4d IF R DOES NOT INTEND TO VOTE: IF R IDENTIFIES CANDIDATE FOR WHOM R WOULD VOTE FOR CONGRESS: Would you say that your preference for this candidate is strong or not strong? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See note N4c. 0 Inap,1,8,9 in N2; 3,8,9 in N4c; type race 14 or 24 (exc. 1 case); Washington DC 1 Strong 2 Not strong 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Spending on Soc Sec should be incr or decr N5 Here are some questions about Federal spending. If you had a say in making up the federal budget this year, for which of the following programs would you like to see spending INCREASED and for which would you like to see spending DECREASED. N5a (Should Federal spending on) SOCIAL SECURITY (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on env protection should be incr or decreased N5b (Should Federal spending on) IMPROVING AND PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on public schools should be increased or decreased N5c (Should Federal spending on) PUBLIC SCHOOLS (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on crime reduction should be increased or decreased N5d (Should Federal spending on) DEALING WITH CRIME (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on child care should be increased or decreased N5e (Should Federal spending on) CHILD CARE (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Spending on poor people should be incr/decr N5f (Should Federal spending on) POOR PEOPLE (be INCREASED, DECREASED, or KEPT ABOUT THE SAME)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5 for full text. Order of Federal spending items N5a-f was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the pre-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question A4 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4]. 1 Increased 3 Kept about the same 7 Cut out entirely (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How much of the time does R trust the fed govt to do right Q1 People have different ideas about the government in Washington. These ideas don't refer to Democrats or Republicans in particular, but just to the GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL. We want to see how you feel about these ideas. For example: How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right--JUST ABOUT ALWAYS, MOST OF THE TIME, or ONLY SOME OF THE TIME? 1 Just about always 2 Most of the time 3 Only some of the time 7 None of the time (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that most people can be trusted Q2 Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Can be trusted 2 Can't be too careful dealing with people 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R agree that "People like me have no say in government" Q2.1 Please look at page 16 of the booklet. Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with this statement: "People like me don't have any say about what the government does." 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R think that most pple would try to take advan of R Q3 (Not using the booklet) Do you think most people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance or would they try to be fair? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Take advantage 2 Try to be fair 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How similar does R think other people are to R Q4 In terms of general attitudes and beliefs, how similar would you say other people are to you--VERY SIMILAR, SOMEWHAT SIMILAR, NOT VERY SIMILAR, or NOT AT ALL SIMILAR? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Very similar 2 Somewhat similar 3 Not very similar 4 Not at all similar 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Is religion an important part of R's life Q5 Do you consider religion to be an IMPORTANT part of your life, or NOT? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Important 2 Not important 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How much guidance does religion provide in R's life Q6 IF R SAYS RELIGION IS IMPORTANT: Would you say your religion provides SOME guidance in your day-to-day living, QUITE A BIT of guidance, or A GREAT DEAL of guidance in your day-to-day life? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 2,8,9 in Q5 1 Some 2 Quite a bit 3 A great deal 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How frequently does R pray Q7a Please look at page 17 of the booklet. People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, ONCE A DAY, A FEW TIMES A WEEK, ONCE A WEEK OR LESS or NEVER? 1 Several times a day 2 Once a day 3 A few times a week 4 Once a week or less 5 Never 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How frequently does R read the Bible Q7b (Looking at page 17 of the booklet) Outside of attending religious services, do you read the Bible SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, ONCE A DAY, A FEW TIMES A WEEK, ONCE A WEEK OR LESS or NEVER? 1 Several times a day 2 Once a day 3 A few times a week 4 Once a week or less 5 Never 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. R's view on whether the Bible is the word of God Q8 Please look at page 18 of the booklet. Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? You can just give me the number of your choice. 1 Bible is actual word of God 2 Bible is word of God, but not literally 3 Bible is not the word of God 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R attend religious services (apart from special events) X1 (Not using the booklet) Lots of things come up that keep people from attending religious services even if they want to. Thinking about your life these days, do you ever attend religious services, apart from occasional weddings, baptisms or funerals? 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK; RF 9 NA Pre. Does R consider himself/herself part of a church X1a IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Regardless of whether you now attend any religious services do you ever think of yourself as part of a particular church or denomination? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1,8,9 in X1 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK; RF 9 NA Pre. How frequently does R attend religious services X2 IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Do you go to religious services EVERY WEEK, ALMOST EVERY WEEK, ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH, A FEW TIMES A YEAR, OR NEVER? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in X1 1 Every week 2 Almost every week 3 Once or twice a month 4 A few times a year 5 Never 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Does R attend religious services more often than once a week X2a IF R SAYS ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES 'EVERY WEEK': Would you say you go to religious services ONCE A WEEK or MORE OFTEN THAN ONCE A WEEK? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in X1; 2-5,8,9 in X2 1 Once a week 2 More often than once 8 DK; RF 9 NA Pre. (Interviewer checkpoint) Does R attend a place of worship X3 IF R ATTENDS CHURCH: / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: DOES R ATTEND CHURCH? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a 1 Yes 5 No Pre. Religious affiliation of R's place of worship X3a IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Do you mostly attend a place of worship that is PROTESTANT, ROMAN CATHOLIC, JEWISH, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in X1; 5 in X2 1 Protestant 2 Roman Catholic 3 Jewish 7 Other 8 DK; RF 9 NA Pre. R's religious affiliation X3b IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: Do you consider yourself PROTESTANT, ROMAN CATHOLIC, JEWISH, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1,8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a 1 Protestant 2 Roman Catholic 3 Jewish 7 Other 8 DK; RF 9 NA Pre. (Protestant) R's church/denomination X4 IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER':/ IF R ATTENDS SERVICES AS PROTESTANT 'OTHER': What church or denomination is that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/X3b; 1 Baptist 2 Episcopalian/Anglican/Church of England 3 Lutheran 4 Methodist 5 'Just Protestant' 6 Presbyterian 7 Reformed 8 Brethren 9 Evangelical United Brethren 10 'Christian' or 'just Christian' 11 Christian Scientist 12 Church (or Churches) of Christ 13 United Church of Christ 14 Disciples of Christ 15 Church of God 16 Assembly of God 17 Congregationalist 18 Holiness 19 Pentacostal 20 Friends, Quaker 21 Orthodox, e.g. Greek, Russian (specify) 22 Non-denominational-- protestant 23 Mormons 24 Jehovah's Witnesses 25 Latter Day Saints 26 Unitarian/Universalist 27 Buddhist 28 Hindu 29 Muslim/Islam 30 Native American 97 Other (specify) 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. With what Baptist group is R's church affiliated X4a IF R DENOMINATION IS BAPTIST: With which Baptist group is your church associated? (Is it the Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., the American Baptist Association, an independent Baptist church or some other Baptist group?) 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 2-30,97-99 in X4 1 Southern Baptist Convention 2 American Baptist Churches in USA 3 American Baptist Association 4 Independent Baptist 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Baptist) Is R's church local or affil with a Baptist grp X4b IF R'S DENOMINATION IS BAPTIST: IF R'S CHURCH IS INDEPENDENT BAPTIST: Are you affiliated with any larger Baptist group or is this strictly a local church? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 2-30,97-99 in X4; 1,2,3,7,8,9 in X4a 1 Larger Baptist group (specify) 2 Local 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Lutheran group is R's church affiliated X4c IF R DENOMINATION IS LUTHERAN: Is this church part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American, the Missouri Synod, or some other Lutheran group? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1,2,4-30,97-99 in X4 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church 2 Missouri Synod 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Methodist group is R's church affiliated X4d IF R DENOMINATION IS METHODIST: Is your church part of the United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal, or some other Methodist group? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-3, 5-30, 97-99 in X4 1 United Methodist Church 2 African Methodist Episcopal 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Presbyterian group is R's church affiliated X4e IF R DENOMINATION IS PRESBYTERIAN: Is this the Presbyterian Church in the USA or some other Presbyterian group? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-5, 7-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Presbyterian Church USA (formerly United Presbyterian Church) 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Reformed group is R's church affiliated X4f IF R DENOMINATION IS REFORMED CHURCH: Is this the Christian Reformed Church, the Reformed Church in America or some other Reformed group? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-6, 8-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Christian Reformed Church 2 The Reformed Church in America 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Brethren group is R's church affiliated X4g IF R'S DENOMINATION IS BRETHREN: Is this the Church of the Brethren, the Plymouth Brethren, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-7, 9-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Church of the Brethren 2 The Plymouth Brethren 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. By "Christian" does R mean Disciples of Christ X4h IF R SAYS DENOMINATION IS 'JUST CHRISTIAN': When you say "Christian" does that mean the denomination called the "Christian Church Disciples of Christ," or some other Christian denomination, or do you mean to say "I am just a Christian"? 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-9,11-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Disciples of Christ 2 I am just a Christian 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Church of Christ group is R's church affiliated X4i IF R DENOMINATION IS CHURCH OF CHRIST: Is this the Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-11, 13-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Church of Christ 2 United Church of Christ 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. With what Church of God group is R's church affiliated X4j IF R DENOMINATION IS CHURCH OF GOD: Is this the Church of God of Anderson, Indiana; the Church of God of Cleveland, Tennessee; the Church of God in Christ; or some other Church of God? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-14, 16-30, 97-99 in X4 1 Of Anderson, Indiana 2 Of Cleveland, Tennessee 3 Church of God in Christ 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Holiness or Pentecostal) What is R's church X4k IF R'S DENOMINATION IS HOLINESS OR PENTACOSTAL: What kind of church is that? What is it called exactly? Is that part of a larger church or denomination? What is that church called? ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Interviewer note: THESE QUESTIONS ARE PROBES. USE THESE AND OTHERS TO GET AS MUCH SPECIFIC INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE) Q.X4k field is blank. The open-ended responses have been hand-coded into the religion summary variable, X10 but the actual response texts have been deleted. 0. Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-17, 20-30, 97-99 in X4 Pre. (Other Protestant group) What is the name/affil of R's church X4kx IF R'S DENOMINATION SPECIFIES 'OTHER' IN X4a-X4k: OTHER (SPECIFY) GROUPS: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q.X4kx field is blank. Open-ended responses coded as 'other' in X4a-X4k have been hand-coded into the religion summary var X10 but actual response texts have been deleted. Pre. (Not Prot/Cath/Jewish) What is R's place of worship X4m IF R DOES NOT IDENTIFY A DENOMINATION IN X4: What is it called exactly? Is that church part of a denomination? ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Interviewer note: USE ANY OR ALL AS NECESSARY; GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE). Q.X4m field has been blanked. Open-ended responses coded as 'other' in X4 have been hand-coded into the religion summary var X10 but actual response texts have been deleted. 0. Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-30, 98-99 in X4 Pre. (R not alry ident as Chrst) Is R's place of worship Christian X4m(1) IF R CONSIDERS SELF/ ATTENDS SERVICES AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER': / IF R DOES NOT IDENTIFY A DENOMINATION IN X4: IF R HAS NOT ALREADY IDENTIFIED SELF AS CHRISTIAN: (IF NECESSARY:) Is that group Christian? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 2,3,8,9 in X3a/b; 1-30, 98,99 in X4; 97 in X4 and 1 in X3a/X3b 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Jewish) Is R (or R's place of worship) Orth, Conser, or Ref X6a/b IF R ATTENDS JEWISH RELIGIOUS SERVICES: / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT CONSIDERS SELF JEWISH: a. Do you usually attend a synagogue or temple that is ORTHODOX, CONSERVATIVE, REFORM or what? b. Do you consider yourself ORTHODOX, CONSERVATIVE, REFORM, or what? 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 5 in X2; 1,2,7,8,9 in X3a/X3b 1 Orthodox 2 Conservative 3 Reform 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Is R officially a member of a place of worship X7 IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES: IF R THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF A CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: Are you officially a member of a parish, congregation, temple or other place of worship? 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Type of R's Christianity X8 IF R IS CHRISTIAN: (Please look at page 19 of the booklet.) Which one of these words BEST describes your kind of Christianity, Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Charismatic or Spirit-Filled, Moderate to Liberal? 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 3,8,9 in X3a/X3b; 27-30 in X4; 5,8,9 in X4m(1) 1 Fundamentalist 2 Evangelical 3 Charismatic or spirit filled 4 Moderate to liberal 5 Something else (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Is R a born-again Christian X9 IF R IS CHRISTIAN: (Not using the booklet.) Would you call yourself a born-again Christian, that is, have you personally had a conversion experience related to Jesus Christ? 0 Inap, 8,9 in X1; 5,8,9 in X1a; 3,8,9 in X3a/X3b; 27-30 in X4; 5,8,9 in X4m(1) 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Summary of R's religion X10 RELIGION SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------- See the RELIGION master code. This variable summarizes the information gathered in questions X3a/b, X4, X4a-m, X4m(1), X6a/b. Information collected in the open-ended responses to the religion section component questions have been hand coded into this summary variable. Codes followed by * have been newly added in 1996. Codes 010-997 and: 000 Inap, no religious identification or preference (and R does not attend), 5 in X1a 998 DK/refused (8 in X1, 8 in X1a, 8 in X3a/b, 98 in X4) 999 NA (9 in X1, 9 in X1a, 9 in X3a/b, 99 in X4) Pre. R's month of birth Y1a What is the month, day and year of your birth? (MONTH) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Month 1-12 and: 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 97 DK 98 Refused 99 NA Pre. R's year of birth Y1c What is the month, day and year of your birth? (YEAR) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual year was coded, and: 9997 DK 9998 Refused 9999 NA Pre. R's Age Y1x [What is the month, day and year of your birth?] R'S AGE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y1a-Y1b. Month and year of R's birth was subtracted from month and year of interview. If year of birth was NA or refused but age of respondent was given by informant in the household listing, then age from household listing was used. Age 18-96 and: 00 Inap, 9999 in Y1c 97 97 years or more 98 Refused 99 NA; DK Pre. R's marital status Y2 Are you married now and living with your (husband/wife)--or are you widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never married? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Married 2 Widowed 3 Divorced 4 Separated 5 Never married 6 Partners, not married (VOL) 9 NA; RF Pre. Highest grade R has completed Y3 What is the highest grade of school or year of college you have completed? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade 0-17 and: 17 17 or more 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. Has R earned a high school diploma/passed the GED Y3a IF R HAS COMPLETED FEWER THAN 13 YEARS OF EDUCATION: Did you get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 13-17, 98,99 in Y3 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Highest degree R has earned Y3b IF R HAS COMPLETED MORE THAN 12 YEARS OF EDUCATION: What is the highest degree that you have earned? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 0-12, 98,99 in Y3 1 Bachelor's degree 2 Master's degree 3 PHD, LIT, SCD, DFA, DLIT, DPH, DPHIL, JSC, SJD 4 LLB, JD 5 MD, DDS, DVM, MVSA, DSC, DO 6 JSC, STD, THD 7 Associate degree (AA) 96 No degree earned 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Summary of R's education Y3x SUMMARY - R'S EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y3, Y3a, Y3b. 1 8 grades or less and no diploma or equivalency (0-8 in Y3, 5 in Y3a) 2 9-11 grades, no further schooling (incl. 12 years without diploma or equivalency) (9-12 in Y3, 5 in Y3a) 3 High school diploma or equivalency test (0-12 in Y3, 1 in Y3a) 4 More than 12 years of schooling, no higher degree (13-17 in Y3, 96 in Y3b) 5 Junior or community college level degree (AA degrees) (13-17 in Y3, 7 in Y3b) 6 BA level degrees; 17+ years, no postgraduate degree (13-17 in Y3, 1 in Y3b) 7 Advanced degree, including LLB (13-17 in Y3, 2-6 in Y3b) 8 DK (98 in Y3, 8 in Y3a; 98 in Y3b) 9 NA (99 in Y3; 9 in Y3a; 99 in Y3b) Pre. Highest grade R's spouse has completed Y5 IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: What is the highest grade of school or year of college (your husband/your wife/your partner) has completed? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade 0-16 and: 17 17 years or more 98 DK 99 Inap, 2-5,9 in Y2; NA; RF Pre. Has R's spouse earned a high sch diploma earned/pass the GED Y5a IF SPOUSE/PARTNER HAS COMPLETED FEWER THAN 13 YEARS OF EDUCATION: Did (he/she) get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 2-5,9 in Y2; 13-17, 98,99 in Y5 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Highest degree R's spouse has earned Y5b IF SPOUSE/PARTNER HAS COMPLETED MORE THAN 12 YEARS OF EDUCATION: What is the highest degree that(he/she) has earned? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 2-5,9 in Y2; 0-12, 98, 99 in Y5 1 Bachelor's degree 2 Master's degree 3 PHD, LIT, SCD, DFA, DLIT, DPH, DPHIL, JSC, SJD 4 LLB, JD 5 MD, DDS, DVM, MVSA, DSC, DO 6 JSC, STD, THD 7 Associate degree (AA) 96 No degree earned 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Summary of R's spouse's education Y5x SUMMARY - SPOUSE/PARTNER'S EDUCATION ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y5, Y5a, Y5b. 0 Inap, 2-5,9 in Y2 1 8 grades or less and no diploma or equivalency (0-8 in Y5, 5 in Y5a) 2 9-11 grades, no further schooling (incl. 12 years without diploma or equivalency) (9-12 in Y5, 5 in Y5a) 3 High school diploma or equivalency test (0-12 in Y5, 1 in Y5a) 4 More than 12 years of schooling, no higher degree (13-17 in Y5, 96 in Y5b) 5 Junior or community college level degree (AA degrees) (13-17 in Y5, 7 in Y5b) 6 BA level degrees; 17+ years, no postgraduate degree (13-17 in Y5, 1 in Y5b) 7 Advanced degree, including LLB (13-17 in Y5, 2-6 in Y5b) 8 DK (98 in Y5; 8 in Y5a; 98 in Y5b) 9 NA (99 in Y5; 9 in Y5a; 98 in Y5b) Pre. R's employment status Y6 Please look at page 20 of the booklet. We'd like to know if YOU are working now, temporarily laid off, or are you unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) R EMPLOYMENT STATUS SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y6 and Y7e, Y12g, Y14g, Y15. Questions about R's employment (past and/or current) in the Y employment section applied to status in Y6 as follows. Y7 series (current employment) - 10,15,16,17,18,20,51,61,71,81 Y11,Y11a, and Y12 series (past employment) - 15,50,51 Y13 and Y14 series (past employment) - 16,60,61 Y15,Y15a, and Y16 series (past employment in recent 6 months) - 17,18,70,71,75,80,81 Y9 and Y10 series (past employment) - 40 10 WORKING NOW only 15 WORKING NOW and retired (R volunteers), currently working 20 or more hours per week 16 WORKING NOW and permanently disabled, currently working 20 hours or more a week 17 WORKING NOW and homemaker (R volunteers), currently working 20 hours or more a week 18 WORKING NOW and student (R volunteers), currently working 20 hours or more a week 20 TEMPORARILY LAID OFF 40 UNEMPLOYED 50 RETIRED, no other occupation 51 RETIRED and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours a week 60 PERMANENTLY DISABLED, not working 61 PERMANENTLY DISABLED and working now, currently working fewer than 20 hours a week 70 HOMEMAKER, no other occupation 71 HOMEMAKER and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours a week 75 HOMEMAKER and student (R volunteers), no other occupation 80 STUDENT, no other occupation 81 STUDENT and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours a week 99 NA Pre. R's employment status (collapsed) Y6x Please look at page 20 of the booklet. We'd like to know if YOU are working now, temporarily laid off, or are you unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) SUMMARY - R EMPLOYMENT STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y6. 1 R WORKING NOW, (working now only or working 20 hours or more per week if also retired, permanently disabled, homemaker or student) (10, 15-18 in Y6) 2 R TEMPORARILY LAID OFF (20 in Y6) 4 R UNEMPLOYED (40 in Y6) 5 R RETIRED, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week (50, 51 in Y6) 6 R PERMANENTLY DISABLED, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week (60,61 in Y6) 7 R HOMEMAKER, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week (also nonworking Rs who are both student and homemaker) (70,71,75 in Y6) 8 R STUDENT, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week (80,81 in Y6) 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Has R ever worked for pay Y9 IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: Have you ever done any work for pay? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC11, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Past occupation code Y10/Y10a IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Y16. What kind of work did you do on your last regular job? (What was your occupation) Y16a. What were your most important duties or activities? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC1, at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See 1980 CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50,51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Collapsed past occupation code Y10x(1) IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: CENSUS OCCUPATION, COLLAPSED ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC2, at end of R employment section. Built from Y10, Y10a. 1980 Census major group categories, collapsed from full categories in Y10/Y10a. 00 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of Armed Forces (Census category 900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Past occupation prestige score Y10x(2) IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC3, at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 00000 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 98, 99 in Y10/Y10a Pre. (Unemployed) Past business/industry code Y10b IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What kind of (business/industry) was that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC4, at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 000 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 998 DK 999 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Was R self-employed Y10c IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC5, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self employed 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Did R work for the government Y10d IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R WORKED NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF: Were you employed by a federal, state, or local government? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC6, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 3,8,9 in Y10c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Has R worked for pay in the last six months Y10e IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the last SIX months? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC9, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) Hours per week R worked Y10f IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC7, at end of R employment section. Number of hours, 1-96 and: 00 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y10e 97 97 or more hours 98 DK 99 Na Pre. (Unemployed) Is R looking for work Y10g IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Are you looking for work at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC10, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Unemployed) How worried is R about finding work Y10h IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future, A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC8, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much at all 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) Month of retirement Y11 IF R IS RETIRED: When did you retire? (MONTH) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. (Retired) Year of retirement Y11a IF R IS RETIRED: When did you retire? (YEAR) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit year of retirement, And: 0000 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. (Retired) Past occupation code Y12/Y12a IF R IS RETIRED: Y12. What kind of work did you do on your last regular job? (What was your occupation)? Y12a. What were your most important duties or activities? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC1, at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See 1980 CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Retired) Collapsed past occupation code Y12ax(1) IF R IS RETIRED: CENSUS OCCUPATION COLLAPSED ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y12, Y12a. The stacked version of this question is at RC2, at end of R employment section. 1980 Census major group categories, collapsed from full categoris in Y12/Y12a. 00 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of Armed Forces (Census category 900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Retired) Past occupation prestige score Y12ax(2) IF R IS RETIRED: OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC3, at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 00000 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 98, 99 in Y12/Y12a Pre. (Retired) Past business/industry code Y12b IF R IS RETIRED: What kind of (business/industry) was that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC4, at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 000 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 998 DK 999 NA Pre. (Retired) Was R self-employed Y12c IF R IS RETIRED: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC5, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self employed only 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) Did R work for the government Y12d IF R IS RETIRED: IF R DID NOT WORK EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF: Were you employed by a federal, state, or local government? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC6, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 3,8,9 in Y12c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) Has R worked for pay in the last six months Y12e IF R IS RETIRED: Have you had a job in the last SIX months? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC9, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) Hours per week R worked Y12f IF R IS RETIRED: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC7, at end of R employment section. Number of hours worked, 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y12e 97 97 or more hours 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Retired) Is R currently working for pay Y12g IF R IS RETIRED: Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) Is R looking for work Y12h IF R IS RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: Are you looking for work at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC10, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y12g 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Retired) How worried is R about finding work Y12j IF R IS RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future, A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC8, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 61, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y12g 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Has R ever worked for pay Y13 IF R IS DISABLED: Have you ever done any work for pay? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC11, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Past occupation code Y14/Y14a IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Y14. What kind of work did you do on your last regular job? (What was your occupation) Y14a. What were your most important duties or activities? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC1, at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See 1980 CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Disabled) Collapsed past occupation code Y14ax(1) IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: R DISABLED - PAST OCCUPATION COLLAPSED ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y14, Y14a. The stacked version of this question is at RC2, at end of R employment section. 1980 Census major group categories, collapsed from full categories in Y14/Y14a. 00 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of Armed Forces (Census category 900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Disabled) Past occupation prestige score Y14ax(2) IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: R DISABLED - PAST OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC3, at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 00000 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 98, 99 in Y14/Y14a Pre. (Disabled) Past business/industry code Y14b IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What kind of (business/industry) was that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC4, at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 000 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13 998 DK 999 NA Pre. (Disabled) Was R self-employed Y14c IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC5, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self-employed 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Did R work for the government Y14d IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R WORKED NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF: Were you employed by a federal, state, or local government? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC6, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 3,8,9 in Y14c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Has R worked for pay in the last six months Y14e IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the last SIX months? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC9, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Hours per week R worked Y14f IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R HAS WORKED IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC7, at end of R employment section. Number of hours, 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 5,8,9 in Y14e 97 97 hours or more 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Disabled) Is R currently working for pay Y14g IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R HAS WORKED IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS: Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 5,8,9 in Y14e 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) Is R looking for work Y14h IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: Are you looking for work at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC10, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 1 in Y14g 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Disabled) How worried is R about finding work Y14j IF R IS DISABLED: IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: IF R IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING : How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future, A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC8, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 40, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y13; 1 in Y14g 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Is R currently working for pay Y15 IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: Are you doing ANY work for pay at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Has R worked for pay in the last 6 mos Y15a IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: In the last six months, did you do any work for pay? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Past occupation code Y16/Y16a IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: Y16. What kind of work did you do on your last regular job? (What was your occupation) Y16a. What were your most important duties or activities? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See 1980 CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Collapsed past occupation code Y16ax(1) IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: CENSUS OCCUPATION, COLLAPSED ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y14, Y14a. 1980 Census major group categories, collapsed from Y16/Y16a. 00 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision, production, craft and repair occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of Armed Forces (Census category 900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Past occupation prestige score Y16ax(2) IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 00000 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a; 98, 99 in Y16/Y16a Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Past business/industry code Y16b IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: What kind of (business/industry) was that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 000 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a 998 DK 999 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Was R self-employed Y16c IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self-employed 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Did R work for the government Y16d IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: IF R WORKED NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF: Were you employed by a federal, state, or local government? 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a; 3,8,9 in Y16c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Hours per week R worked Y16f IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of hours worked 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15; 5,8,9 in Y15a 97 97 hours or more 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) Is R looking for work Y16h IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: IF R IS NOT WORKING FOR PAY AT PRESENT: Are you looking for work at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Homemaker/Student) How worried is R about finding work Y16j IF R IS HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future, A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 99 in Y6; 1 in Y15 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Working now) Occupation code Y7/Y7a IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: Y7. What is your main occupation? (What sort of work do you do?) Y7a. What are your most important activities or duties? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC1, at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See 1980 CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Working now) Collapsed occupation code Y7ax(1) IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: CURRENT CENSUS OCCUPATION, COLLAPSED ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7, Y7a. The stacked version of this question is at RC2, at end of R employment section. 1980 Census major group categories, collapsed from full categories in Y7,Y7a. 00 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision production, craft and repair occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of Armed Forces (Census category 900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Working now) Occupation prestige score Y7ax(2) IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: CURRENT OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC3, at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 0 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6; 98, 99 in Y7/Y7a Pre. (Working now) Business/industry code Y7b IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: What kind of (business/industry) is that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC4, at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 000 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 998 DK 999 NA Pre. (Working now) Is R self-employed Y7c IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: Do you work for someone else, are you self-employed, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC5, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self employed 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Working now) Does R work for the government Y7d IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: IF R DOES NOT WORK EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF: Are you employed by a federal, state or local government? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC6, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6; 3,8,9 in Y7c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Working now) Hours per week R works Y7e IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: About how many hours do you work on your job in the average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC7, at end of R employment section. Codes 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 97 97 hours or more 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. (Working now) Is R satisfied with num hrs R works per week Y7f IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: Is that MORE hours than you want to work, FEWER hours than you want to work, or generally ABOUT RIGHT? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6; 98,99 in Y7e 1 More 2 Fewer 3 About right 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Working now) How worried is R about losing job Y7g IF R IS WORKING NOW/ TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: How worried are you about losing your job in the near future, A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at RC8, at end of R employment section. 0 Inap, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Working now) Was R out of work in the last six months Y7h IF R IS WORKING NOW, NOT TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: Were you out of work or laid off at any time during the last six months? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. (Working now) Did R have reduction in wrk hrs in last 6 mos Y7j IF R IS WORKING NOW, NOT TEMPORARILY LAID OFF: During the last six months, have you had a reduction in your work hours or had to take a cut in pay at any time for reasons other than illness or personal choice? 0 Inap, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Stacked -- R occupation code RC1 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED- R CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7/Y7a, Y10/Y10a, Y12/Y12a, Y14/Y14a. This variable combines employment data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current employment in Y7/Y7a], - Unemployed [past employment in Y10/Y10a], - Retired [past employment in Y12/Y12a, whether R is currently working or not], - Permanently disabled, not working [past employment in Y14/Y14a]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 00 [Y16/Y16a data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7/Y7a coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12/Y12a coded here rather than current occupation in Y7/Y7a. The original 3-digit 1980 US Census Occupation variable has been recoded nto 71 subgroups, in order to protect Respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Stacked -- R collapsed occupation code RC2 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED- R COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable combines employment data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current employment in Y7ax(1)], - Unemployed [past employment in Y10ax(1)], - Retired [past employment in Y12ax(1), whether R is currently working or not], - Permanently disabled and not working [past employment in Y14ax(1)]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 00 [Y16ax(1) data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7ax(1) coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12ax(1) coded here rather than current occupation in Y7ax(1). 1980 Census Major Group categories, collapsed from full categories. 00 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision production, craft and repair occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of armed forces (900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Stacked -- R occupation prestige score RC3 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED- R PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7ax(2), Y10ax(2), Y12ax(2), Y14ax(2). This variable combines employment data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current employment in Y7ax(2)], - Unemployed [past employment in Y10ax(2)], - Retired [past employment in Y12ax(2), whether R is currently working or not], - Permanently disabled and not working [past employment in Y14ax(2)]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 0 [Y16ax(2) data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7ax(2) coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12ax(2) coded here rather than current occupation in Y7ax(2). NOTE: Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James a Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it s possible to gain access to the data. 00000 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13; 98,99 in Y7/Y7a, Y10/Y10a, Y12/Y12a, or Y14/Y14a Pre. Stacked -- R business/industry code RC4 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / What do/did they make or do where you work/ed? What kind of a business or industsry is/was that? STACKED- R CENSUS INDUSTRY CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7b, Y10b, Y12b, Y14b. This variable combines industry data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current industry in Y7b], - Unemployed [past industry in Y10b], - Retired [past industry in Y12b, whether R is currently working or not], - Permanently disabled and not working [past industry in Y14b]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are oded 000 [Y16b data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students ho are also currently working have industry data for their current occupation from Y7b coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have industry data for past occupation from Y12b coded here rather than for current occupation in Y7b. See CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 010-990 and: 000 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13 998 DK 999 NA Pre. Stacked -- is R self-employed RC5 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / Do/did you work for someone else, are/were you self-employed, or what? STACKED- R SELF EMPLOYED ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7c, Y10c, Y12c, Y14c. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current employment in Y7c], - Unemployed [past employment in Y10c], - Retired [past employment in Y12c, whether R is currently working or ot], - Permanently disabled and not working [past employment in Y14c]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are oded 0 [Y16c data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who re also currently working have data for their current occupation from Y7c oded here. Retirees who are also currently working have data for past ocupation from Y12c coded here rather than for current occupation in Y7c. 0 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 Someone else 2 Both someone else and self 3 Self-employed 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Stacked -- does R work for the government RC6 IF R WORKS/WORKED NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF and: R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : R IS RETIRED: / R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / Are/were you employed by a federal, state or local government? STACKED- R EMPLOYED BY GOVERNMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7d, Y10d, Y12d, Y14d. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [current employment in Y7d], - Unemployed [past employment in Y10d], - Retired [past employment in Y12d, whether R is currently working or not], - Permanently disabled and not working [past employment in Y14d]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 0 [Y16d data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have data for their current occupation from Y7d coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have data for past occupation from Y12d coded here rather than for current occupation in Y7d. 0 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13; 3,8,9 in Y7c, Y10c, Y12c or Y14c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Stacked -- hours per week R worked RC7 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: / IF R IS DISABLED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: / About how many hours do/did you work on your job in the average week? STACKED- HOURS R WORKS/WORKED PER WEEK ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7e, Y10f, Y12f, Y14f. This variable combines data for all Rs who have worked within the past six months and who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [present employment in Y7e], - Unemployed [employment within past 6 months in Y10f], - Retired [employment within past 6 months in Y12f], - Permanently disabled [employment within past 6 months in Y14f]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 00 [Y16f data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have data for their current occupation from Y7e coded here. For retirees, since data for number of hours worked describes recent employment within past 6 months, this may in effect describe pre-retirement employment (e.g. very recent retirees), current employment (e.g. working retirees continuing a post-retirement job), or employment that is neither pre-retirement nor a current job. Number of hours worked, 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13; 5,8,9 in Y10e, Y12e or Y14e 97 97 or more hours 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. Stacked -- how worried is R about finding/losing job RC8 IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: / IF R IS DISABLED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: / How worried are you about losing your job/ not being able to find a job in the near future: a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? STACKED- R WORRIED ABOUT FINDING/LOSING JOB ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y7g, Y10h, Y12j, Y14j. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temporarily laid off [Y7g], (including working retired and working disabled) - Unemployed [Y10h], - Retired and not working [Y12j], - Permanently disabled and not working [Y14j]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 0 [Y16j data are NOT used]. 0 Inap, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9; 5,8,9 in Y13 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Not much at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. Stacked -- has R worked for pay in the last six months RC9 IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the past 6 months? STACKED- HAS R HAD JOB IN LAST 6 MONTHS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y10e, Y12e, Y14e. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Unemployed [Y10e], - Retired [Y12e], - Permanently disabled, if R has ever worked [Y14e] 0 Inap, 10, 17, 18, 20, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 or Y13 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Stacked -- is R looking for work RC10 IF R IS RETIRED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED, HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY, IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: Are you looking for work at the present time? STACKED- IS R LOOKING FOR WORK ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y10g, Y12h, Y14h. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Unemployed [Y10g], - Retired, if R is not currently working [Y12h], - Permanently disabled, if R has ever worked but is not currently working [Y14h]. 0 Inap, 10, 17, 18, 20, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6; 5,8,9 in Y9 or Y13; 1 in Y12g; 1 in Y14g 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Stacked -- has R ever worked for pay RC11 IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: / IF R IS DISABLED: STACKED- HAS R EVER WORKED FOR PAY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y9 and Y13. 0 Inap, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 50, 51, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 99 in Y6 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's spouse's employment status Y17(1) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: Please turn to page 20 of the booklet. We'd like to know about your (husband/wife/partner). Is (he/she) working now, temporarily laid off, or is (he/she) unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) SPOUSE/ PARTNER EMPLOYMENT STATUS SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y17(1) and Y17c. The spouse employment status summary variables differ somewhat from previous years because number of hours of current employment was not consistently obtained (categories 15,16,17,18 here contain data formerly coded 15 and 51, 16 and 61, 17 and 71, 18 and 81). Y section questions apply to spouses/partners as follows: Y17a - 16, 40, 60 Y17b, Y7b(1) - 15, 50 Y17c, Y17d - 17, 18, 70, 75, 80 Y17e/f(1),Y17fx(1a), Y17fx(2a), Y17g(1), Y17h(1) - 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40 (if ever worked), 50, 60 (if ever worked) Y17e/f(2), Y17fx(1b), Y17fx(2b), Y17g(2), Y17h(2) - 70/75/80 (if worked in past 6 months) 00 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2 10 WORKING NOW only 15 WORKING NOW and retired (any number of hours) 16 WORKING NOW and permanently disabled (any number of hours) 17 WORKING NOW and homemaker (any number of hours) 18 WORKING NOW and student (any number of hours) 20 TEMPORARILY LAID OFF 40 UNEMPLOYED 50 RETIRED, not working 60 PERMANENTLY DISABLED, not working 70 HOMEMAKER, not working 75 HOMEMAKER and student (R volunteers), not working 80 STUDENT, not working 99 NA; RF Pre. R spouse employment status (collapsed) Y17(2) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: Please turn to page 20 of the booklet. We'd like to know about your (husband/wife/partner). Is (he/she) working now, temporarily laid off, or is (he/she) unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY) SUMMARY - SPOUSE EMPLOYMENT STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y17(1). See note Y17(1). 0 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2 1 SPOUSE/PARTNER WORKING NOW (may also be homemaker and/or student) 2 SPOUSE/PARTNER TEMPORARILY LAID OFF 4 SPOUSE/PARTNER UNEMPLOYED 5 SPOUSE/PARTNER RETIRED (may also be working) 6 SPOUSE/PARTNER PERMANENTLY DISABLED (may also be working) 7 SPOUSE/PARTNER HOMEMAKER, not working 8 SPOUSE/PARTNER STUDENT, not working 9 NA Pre. Has R's spouse ever worked for pay Y17a IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED: Has (he/she) ever done any work for pay? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 50, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y17(1) 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. (Spouse retired) Month of retirement Y17b IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED: When did (he/she) retire? MONTH 00 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y17(1) 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 98 DK 99 NA Pre. (Spouse retired) Year of retirement Y17b(1) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED: When did (he/she) retire? YEAR ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit year of retirement, and: 0000 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 40, 60, 70, 75, 80, 99 in Y17(1) 9998 DK 9999 NA Pre. Is R's spouse currently working for pay Y17c IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS HOMEMAKER OR STUDENT: Is (he/she) doing any work for pay at the present time? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 60, 99 in Y17(1) 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Has R's spouse worked for pay in the last six months Y17d IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS HOMEMAKER OR STUDENT: IF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING FOR PAY: In the last six months, did (he/she) do any work for pay? 0 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 10, 15, 16, 20, 40, 50, 60, 99 in Y17(1); 1,8,9 in Y17c 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's spouse's occupation code (1) Y17e/f(1) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED and: SPOUSE/PARTNER IS WORKING OR TLO / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED BUT HAS EVER WORKED : (Not using the booklet) What (is/was) (his/her) main occupation? What sort of work did (he/she) do? What (are/were) (his/her) most important activities or duties? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Occupation code data for nonworking homemaker/ student spouses (last 6 months) are found in Y17e/f(2). This variable represents PRESENT employment of spouses coded 10,17,18,20 in Y17(1), and represents PAST employment of spouses coded 15,16,40,50,60 in Y17(1). Rs coded 70,75,80 in Y17(1) are Inap [see Y17e/f(2) for employment within past 6 months]. The administration of spouse/partner employment questions differed from previous years in that a separate 'series' of questions was not administered for each employment status. Because a single set of questions describing R's occupation, industry, and hours of work was administered regardless of employment status, the traditional "stack" variables have not been constructed. However, for greater consistency with the "stack" format, there are 2 sets of variables representing questions Y17e/f, Y17fx(1), Y17fx(2), Y17g, Y17h, the first excluding occupation description information for nonworking homemakers/students who have worked in the last 6 months (but describing all others), and the second providing occupation data only for spouses in this category. "Stack" variables traditionally omitted this data. Note: if spouse was both currently working and retired or disabled, the interviewer may have asked (or the respondent may have preferred to respond) in terms of either current OR past employment for occupation description [Y17e/f, Y17fx(1),Y17fx(2)], industry description [Y17g], and number of hours worked [Y17h]. Reviewing the cases which fall into these employment status categories, it appears that most cases describe past employment, in conformity with employment descriptions for nonworking retirees/ disabled. However, cases 1945,2298,3161,3298 were ambiguous and have been coded 99 NA in this variable. The occupation codes which would have been otherwise assigned to these cases are, respectively, 30, 22,48,71. The original 3-digit 1980 US Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect Respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. See CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 00 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 70,75,80,99 in Y17(1); 5,8,9 in Y17a 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's spouse's occupation code (collapsed) (1) Y17fx(1a) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED and: SPOUSE/PARTNER IS WORKING OR TLO / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED BUT HAS EVER WORKED : (Not using the booklet) What (is/was) (his/her) main occupation? What sort of work did (he/she) do? What (are/were) (his/her) most important activities or duties? SPOUSE COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1980 Census Major group categories, collapsed from full categories in Y17e/f(1). This variable represents PRESENT employment of spouses coded 10,17,18,20 in Y17(1), and represents PAST employment of spouses coded 15,16,40,50,60 in Y17(1). Rs coded 70,75,80 in Y17(1) are Inap [see Y17fx(1b) for employment within past 6 months]. Occupation code data for nonworking homemaker/ student spouses (last 6 months) are found in Y17fx(1b) The administration of spouse/partner employment questions differed from previous years in that a separate 'series' of questions was not administered for each employment status. Because a single set of questions describing R's occupation, industry, and hours of work was administered regardless of employment status, the traditional "stack" variables have not been constructed. However, for greater consistency with the "stack" format, there are 2 sets of variables representing questions Y17e/f, Y17fx(1), Y17fx(2), Y17g, Y17h, the first excluding occupation description information for nonworking homemakers/students who have worked in the last 6 months (but describing all others), and the second providing occupation data only for spouses in this category. "Stack" variables traditionally omitted this data. Note: if spouse was both currently working and retired or disabled, the interviewer may have asked (or the respondent may have preferred to respond) in terms of either current OR past employment for occupation description [Y17e/f, Y17fx(1),Y17fx(2)], industry description [Y17g], and number of hours worked [Y17h]. Reviewing the cases which fall into these employment status categories, it appears that most cases describe past employment, in conformity with employment descriptions for nonworking retirees/ disabled. However, cases 1945,2298,3161,3298 were ambiguous and have been coded 99 NA in this variable. The occupation codes which would have been otherwise assigned to these cases are, respectively, 5,5,10,14. 00 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 70,75,80,99 in Y17(1); 5,8,9 in Y17a 1 Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2 Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3 Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4 Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5 Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6 Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7 Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8 Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9 Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10 Precision production, craft and repair occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11 Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13 Handler, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14 Member of armed forces (900) 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's spouse's occupation prestige score (1) Y17fx(2a) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED and: SPOUSE/PARTNER IS WORKING OR TLO / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED BUT HAS EVER WORKED : (Not using the booklet) What (is/was) (his/her) main occupation? What sort of work did (he/she) do? What (are/were) (his/her) most important activities or duties? SPOUSE OCCUPATION PRESTIGE SCORE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Prestige score data for nonworking homemaker/ student spouses (last 6 months) are found in Y17fx(2b). This variable represents PRESENT employment of spouses coded 10,17,18,20 in Y17(1), and represents PAST employment of spouses coded 15,16,40,50,60 in Y17(1). Rs coded 70,75,80 in Y17(1) are Inap [see Y17fx(2b) for employment within past 6 months]. The administration of spouse/partner employment questions differed from previous years in that a separate 'series' of questions was not administered for each employment status. Because a single set of questions describing R's occupation, industry, and hours of work was administered regardless of employment status, the traditional "stack" variables have not been constructed. However, for greater consistency with the "stack" format, there are 2 sets of variables representing questions Y17e/f, Y17fx(1), Y17fx(2), Y17g, Y17h, the first excluding occupation description information for nonworking homemakers/students who have worked in the last 6 months (but describing all others), and the second providing occupation data only for spouses in this category. "Stack" variables traditionally omitted this data. Note: if spouse was both currently working and retired or disabled, the interviewer may have asked (or the respondent may have preferred to respond) in terms of either current OR past employment for occupation description [Y17e/f, Y17fx(1),Y17fx(2)], industry description [Y17g], and number of hours worked [Y17h]. Reviewing the cases which fall into these employment status categories, it appears that most cases describe past employment, in conformity with employment descriptions for nonworking retirees/ disabled. However, cases 1945,2298,3161,3298 were ambiguous and have been coded NA in this variable. NOTE: Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James a Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been blanked out to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact NES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the data. 00000 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 70,75,80,99 in Y17(1); 5,8,9 in Y17a Pre. R's spouse's business/industry code (1) Y17g(1) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED and: SPOUSE/PARTNER IS WORKING OR TLO / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED BUT HAS EVER WORKED : What kind of (business/industry) (is/was) that? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Industry data for nonworking homemaker/ student spouses (last 6 months) are found in Y17g(2). This variable represents PRESENT employment of spouses coded 10,17,18,20 in Y17(1), and represents PAST employment of spouses coded 15,16,40,50,60 in Y17(1). Rs coded 70,75,80 in Y17(1) are Inap [see Y17g(2) for employment within past 6 months]. The administration of spouse/partner employment questions differed from previous years in that a separate 'series' of questions was not administered for each employment status. Because a single set of questions describing R's occupation, industry, and hours of work was administered regardless of employment status, the traditional "stack" variables have not been constructed. However, for greater consistency with the "stack" format, there are 2 sets of variables representing questions Y17e/f, Y17fx(1), Y17fx(2), Y17g, Y17h, the first excluding occupation description information for nonworking homemakers/students who have worked in the last 6 months (but describing all others), and the second providing occupation data only for spouses in this category. "Stack" variables traditionally omitted this data. Note: if spouse was both currently working and retired or disabled, the interviewer may have asked (or the respondent may have preferred to respond) in terms of either current OR past employment for occupation description [Y17e/f, Y17fx(1),Y17fx(2)], industry description [Y17g], and number of hours worked [Y17h]. Reviewing the cases which fall into these employment status categories, it appears that most cases describe past employment, in conformity with employment descriptions for nonworking retirees/ disabled. However, cases 1945,2298,3161,3298 were ambiguous and have been coded 99 NA in this variable. The industry codes which would have been otherwise assigned to these cases are, respectively, 412,441,060,932 See CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 010-990 and: 000 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 70,75,80,99 in Y17(1); 5,8,9 in Y17a 998 DK 999 NA Pre. R's spouse's average hours worked per week (1) Y17h(1) IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED and: SPOUSE/PARTNER IS WORKING OR TLO / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS RETIRED / SPOUSE/PARTNER IS UNEMPLOYED OR DISABLED BUT HAS EVER WORKED : How many hours (does/did) (he/she) work in an average week? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours worked data for nonworking homemaker/ student spouses (last 6 months)are found in Y17h(2). This variable represents PRESENT employment of spouses coded 10,17,18,20 in Y17(1), and represents PAST employment of spouses coded 15,16,40,50,60 in Y17(1). Rs coded 70,75,80 in Y17(1) are Inap [see Y17h(2) for employment within past 6 months]. The administration of spouse/partner employment questions differed from previous years in that a separate 'series' of questions was not administered for each employment status. Because a single set of questions describing R's occupation, industry, and hours of work was administered regardless of employment status, the traditional "stack" variables have not been constructed. However, for greater consistency with the "stack" format, there are 2 sets of variables representing questions Y17e/f, Y17fx(1), Y17fx(2), Y17g, Y17h, the first excluding occupation description information for nonworking homemakers/students who have worked in the last 6 months (but describing all others), and the second providing occupation data only for spouses in this category. "Stack" variables traditionally omitted this data. Note: if spouse was both currently working and retired or disabled, the interviewer may have asked (or the respondent may have preferred to respond) in terms of either current OR past employment for occupation description [Y17e/f, Y17fx(1),Y17fx(2)], industry description [Y17g], and number of hours worked [Y17h]. Reviewing the cases which fall into these employment status categories, it appears that most cases describe past employment, in conformity with employment descriptions for nonworking retirees/ disabled. However, cases 1945,2298,3161,3298 were ambiguous and have been coded 99 NA in this variable. The hours which which would have been otherwise assigned to these cases are, respectively, 40,40,50,20. Number of hours worked, 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Y2; 70,75,80,99 in Y17(1); 5,8,9 in Y17a 97 Ninety-seven or more hours 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. Do any of R's household members belong to a labor union Y18 Do you or anyone else in this household belong to a labor union? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's household members who belong to a labor union Y18a IF R OR SOMEONE IN R'S HOUSEHOLD BELONGS TO LABOR UNION: Who is it that belongs? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in Y18 11 Respondent only 12 Spouse only 13 Other household member only 21 R and spouse 22 R and other household member 23 Spouse and other household member 31 R, spouse and other household member 32 R and two or more other household members 33 Spouse and two or more other household members 99 NA Pre. (Interviewer checkpoint) is R the only hsehold member 14+ Y19 CHECKPOINT - IS R ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No Pre. R's family income in 1995 Y20 IF R IS NOT ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER 14 OR OLDER: Please look at page 21 of the booklet and tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income of all members of your family living here in 1995 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. [IF UNCERTAIN: What would be your best guess?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs who do not live with a family member age 14 or older were not asked this question. Their response to Y21 was duplicated in this variable. Note that in 53 cases, due to interviewer error in the Y19 checkpoint administration, the Y20 family income question was not administered although R was not the only household member aged 14 and older. These cases have been coded NA; their individual income data have not been duplicated here. Additional note: In 14 cases, interviewers entered responses where R's individual income (Y20a/Y21) was higher than family income (Y20) [case IDs 1134, 1239, 1287, 1420, 1615, 1649, 1703, 1809, 1950, 2287, 2302, 2304, 3250, 3361]. In some of these 14 cases, the response for family income and R income may have been provided or entered in the incorrect order. 00 Inap, 1 in Y19 (these cases duplicated from Y20a/Y21) 1 A. None or less than $2,999 2 B. $3,000-$4,999 3 C. $5,000-$6,999 4 D. $7,000-$8,999 5 E. $9,000-$9,999 6 F. $10,000-$10,999 7 G. $11,000-$11,999 8 H. $12,000-$12,999 9 J. $13,000-$13,999 10 K. $14,000-$14.999 11 M. $15,000-$16,999 12 N. $17,000-$19,999 13 P. $20,000-$21,999 14 Q. $22,000-$24,999 15 R. $25,000-$29,999 16 S. $30,000-$34,999 17 T. $35,000-$39,999 18 U. $40,000-$44,999 19 V. $45,000-$49,999 20 W. $50,000-$59,999 21 X. $60,000-$74,999 22 Z. $75,000-89,999 23 AA. $90,000-$104,999 24 BB. $105,000 and over 88 Refused 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's own income in 1995 Y20a/Y21 Y20a. IF R IS NOT ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER 14 OR OLDER: / Y21. IF R IS ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER 14 OR OLDER: Y20a.(Looking at page 21 of the booklet) Now we are interested in the income that you yourself received in 1995, not including any of the income received by (your spouse and) the rest of your family. Please look at this page and tell me the income you yourself had in 1995 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. [IF UNCERTAIN: What would be your best guess?] Y21. Looking at page 21 of the booklet tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income you had in 1995 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: In 14 cases, interviewers entered responses where R's individual income (Y20a/Y21) was higher than family income (Y20) [case IDs 1134, 1239, 1287, 1420, 1615, 1649, 1703, 1809, 1950, 2287, 2302, 2304, 3250, 3361]. In some of these 14 cases, the response for family income and R income may have been provided or entered in the incorrect order. 1 A. None or less than 2,999 2 B. $3,000-4,999 3 C. $5,000-6,999 4 D. $7,000-8,999 5 E. $9,000-9,999 6 F. $10,000-10,999 7 G. $11,000-11,999 8 H. $12,000-12,999 9 J. $13,000-13,999 10 K. $14,000-14,999 11 M. $15,000-15,999 12 N. $17,000-19,999 13 P. $20,000-21,999 14 Q. $22,000-24,999 15 R. $25,000-29,999 16 S. $30,000-34,999 17 T. $35,000-39,999 18 U. $40,000-44,999 19 V. $45,000-49,999 20 W. $50,000-59,999 21 X. $60,000-74,999 22 Z. $75,000-89,999 23 AA. $90,000-104,999 24 BB. $105,000 and over 88 Refused 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's ethnic/nationality group -- MENTION 1 Y22(1) In addition to being American, what do you consider your main ethnic group or nationality group? [MENTION 1] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See ICPSR Nationality MASTER CODE. If R gave 3 or more nationalities, the first two were coded except when the nationality given in Y22a is not one of the first two listed. Then, the nationality mentioned in Y22a was coded as the first mention, and the first mention was coded as mention 2. Codes 1-96 and: 00 None; "just American" 97 Other 98 DK 99 NA Pre. R's ethnic/nationality group -- MENTION 2 Y22(2) In addition to being American, what do you consider your main ethnic group or nationality group? [MENTION 2] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See ICPSR Nationality MASTER CODE. If R gave 3 or more nationalities, the first two were coded except when the nationality given in Y22a is not one of the first two listed. Then, the nationality mentioned in Y22a was coded as the first mention, and the first mention was coded as mention 2. Codes 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 0,98,99 in Y22(1); no further mention 97 Other Pre. (Interviewer checkpoint) # of ethnic/national grps mentioned Y22(3) CHECKPOINT - NUMBER OF NATIONALITY GROUPS R MENTIONED ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ONE NATIONALITY OR ETHNIC GROUP MENTIONED 2 MORE THAN ONE NATIONALITY OR ETHNIC GROUP MENTIONED 3 NO NATIONALITY/GROUP MENTIONED 9 R REFUSED OR DK ANSWER TO NATIONALITY OR ETHNICITY (98,99 in Y22(1)) Pre. Ethnic/nationality group with which R most closely identifies Y22a IF R HAS IDENTIFIED WITH MORE THAN 1 NATIONALITY GROUP: With which of these groups do you most closely identify? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs giving only 1 mention to Y22 were not asked this question; their single response to Y22 has been duplicated in this variable. See ICPSR Nationality MASTER CODE codes 1-96 and: 00 Inap, 1,3,9 in Y22(3) 90 None, neither 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Were both of R's parents born in the United States Y22b Were both your parents born in this country? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Is R of Spanish/Hispanic origin or descent Y23 Are you of Spanish or Hispanic origin or descent? / [Is R of Spanish or Hispanic origin or descent?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- This question was addressed to the respondent if R did not identify a hispanic group in Y22(1) or Y22(2). If R mentioned a hispanic group in Y22(1)/Y22(2) then the interviewer coded the appropriate response. 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Pre. Category of Hispanic origin that best describes R Y23a IF R HAS MENTIONED SPANISH/ HISPANIC ETHNIC OR NATIONALITY GROUP: Please look at page 22 of the booklet and tell me which category best describes your Hispanic origin. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in Y23 1 Mexican 2 Puerto Rican 3 Cuban 4 Latin American 5 Central American 6 Spanish 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Pre. R's father's occupation code Y24/Y24a Y24.What kind of work did your father (or father substitute) do for a living while you were growing up? Y24a.What was his main occupation? What were his most important activities or duties? Y24b.What kind of business or industry was that? FATHER'S OCCUPATION - CPS 2-DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE 00 Inap, no father/substitute when growing up 98 DK 99 NA Pre. Where did R grow up Y25 Where was it that you grew up? [IF UNITED STATES: Which state or state?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See ICPSR STATE AND COUNTRY Master Code. If R grew up in more than one state or country, the place where R lived longest between ages 6 and 18 was coded. Codes 101-997 and: 998 DK 999 NA Pre. How long has R lived in R's present city Y26 How long have you lived in your present (city/town/township/county)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- If R gave fraction of year, the fraction was dropped when number of years was greater than 2. Number of years coded, codes 3-88 and: 00 Less than 6 months 1 6-12 months; 1 year 2 13-24 months; 2 years 89 89 years or more 90 All of life 98 DK 99 NA Pre. How long has R lived in R's present house Y27 How long have you lived in this (house/condo/apartment)? ------------------------------------------------------------------- If R gave fraction of year, the fraction was dropped when number of years was greater than 2. Number of years coded, codes 3-88 and: 00 Less than 6 months 1 6-12 months; 1 year 2 13-24 months; 2 years 89 89 years or more 90 All of life 98 DK 99 NA; RF Pre. Does R own a home or pay rent Y28 (Do you/ Does your family) own your home, pay rent, or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Own house 2 Pay rent 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA; RF Pre. How many miles does R drive in a typical day Y29 And finally, about how many miles do you drive in a typical day? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 0- 600 and: 998 DK 999 NA Pre. Clinton Position A4-A9a(5) Random [Likes/Dislikes] Rand.A4 RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions A4-A9a(5) [Presidential candidates, 'Likes/Dislikes'] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for 'likes/dislikes' mentions for Clinton, Dole, and Perot [Clinton likes/dislikes are A4-A5a(5)]. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned). 99 NA Pre. Dole Position A4-A9a(5) Random [Likes/Dislikes] Rand.A6 RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions A4-A9a(5) [Presidential candidates, 'Likes/Dislikes'] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for 'likes/dislikes' mentions for Clinton, Dole, and Perot [Dole likes/dislikes are A6-A7a(5)]. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned). 99 NA Pre. Perot Position A4-A9a(5) Random [Likes/Dislikes] Rand.A8 RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions A4-A9a(5) [Presidential candidates, 'Likes/Dislikes'] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for 'likes/dislikes' mentions for Clinton, Dole, and Perot [Perot likes/dislikes are A8-A9a(5)]. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned). 99 NA Pre. Gore Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1d RANDOMIZATION Position of Gore in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Gore thermometer is D1d]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Kemp Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1e RANDOMIZATION Position of Kemp in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Kemp thermometer is D1e]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Choate/Campbell Position Therm Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1f RANDOMIZATION Position of Choate/Campbell in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Choate/Campbell thermometer is D1f]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Democratic Hse Cand Pos Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1g RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic House candidate in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Democratic House Candidate thermometer is D1g]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 00 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC 99 NA Pre. Republican Hse Cand Pos Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1h RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican House candidate in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Republican House Candidate thermometer is D1h]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 00 Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 14) or Washington DC 99 NA Pre. Retiring Hse Representative Position Therm Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1j RANDOMIZATION Position of Retiring House representative candidate in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Retiring House Representative thermometer is D1j]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 00 Inap, no retiring House representative (House race type 12,14, 21,24) or Washington DC 99 NA Pre. Hillary Clinton Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1k RANDOMIZATION Position of Hillary Clinton in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Hillary Clinton thermometer is D1k]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Buchanan Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1m RANDOMIZATION Position of Buchanan in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Buchanan thermometer is D1m]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Jackson Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1n RANDOMIZATION Position of Jackson in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Jackson thermometer is D1n]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Gingrich Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1p RANDOMIZATION Position of Gingrich in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Gingrich thermometer is D1p]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Powell Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1q RANDOMIZATION Position of Powell in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Powell thermometer is D1q]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Forbes Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1r RANDOMIZATION Position of Forbes in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Forbes thermometer is D1r]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Gramm Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1s RANDOMIZATION Position of Gramm in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Gramm thermometer is D1s]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Farrakhan Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1t RANDOMIZATION Position of Farrakhan in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Farrakhan thermometer is D1t]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Alexander Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1u RANDOMIZATION Position of Alexander in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Alexander thermometer is D1u]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Elizabeth Dole Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1v RANDOMIZATION Position of Elizabeth Dole in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Elizabeth Dole thermometer is D1v]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Robertson Position Thermometer Random (D1d-D1w) Rand.D1w RANDOMIZATION Position of Robertson in Pre questions D1a-D1w [Thermometers, D1d-D1w randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D1d-D1w in Pre survey vars [Robertson thermometer is D1w]. Note: 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions in thermometers for all cases (not randomized) were Clinton, Dole, Perot (D1a, D1b, D1c). Codes 4-20 (positions 4th-20th in thermometers). 99 NA Pre. Democratic Party Position Thermometer Random (D2a-D2b) Rand.D2a RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic party in Pre questions D2a,D2b [Major party thermometers] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D2a-D2b in Pre survey vars [Democratic party thermometer is D2a]. Major party thermometers follow thermometers for individual political figures (D1a-D1w) and are randomized separately. Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Republican Party Position Thermometer Random (D2a-D2b) Rand.D2b RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican party in Pre questions D2a,D2b [Major party thermometers] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See D2a-D2b in Pre survey vars [Republican party thermometer is D2b]. Major party thermometers follow thermometers for individual political figures (D1a-D1w) and are randomized separately. Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Economy Position in Presidential Performance Random E2-E5 Rand.E2 RANDOMIZATION Position of Economy in Pre questions E1-E5 [Presidential Performance, E2-E5 randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1-E5 in Pre survey vars [Economy performance is E2]. Note: 1st Presidential Performance item (E1) was not randomized. Codes 2,3,4,5 (positions 2nd - 5th in Presidential Performance items). 9 NA Pre. Foreign Affairs Position in Pres Performance Random E2-E5 Rand.E3 RANDOMIZATION Position of Foreign Relations in Pre questions E1-E5 [Presidential Performance, E2-E5 randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1-E5 in Pre survey vars [Foreign Relations performance is E3]. Note: 1st Presidential Performance item (E1) was not randomized. Codes 2,3,4,5 (positions 2nd - 5th in Presidential Performance items). 9 NA Pre. Environment Position in Pres Performance Random E2-E5 Rand.E4 RANDOMIZATION Position of Environment in Pre questions E1-E5 [Presidential Performance, E2-E5 randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1-E5 in Pre survey vars [Environment performance is E4]. Note: 1st Presidential Performance item (E1) was not randomized. Codes 2,3,4,5 (positions 2nd - 5th in Presidential Performance items). 9 NA Pre. Health Care Position in Pres Performance Random E2-E5 Rand.E5 RANDOMIZATION Position of Health Care in Pre questions E1-E5 [Presidential Performance, E2-E5 randomized] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1-E5 in Pre survey vars [Health Care performance is E5]. Note: 1st Presidential Performance item (E1) was not randomized. Codes 2,3,4,5 (positions 2nd - 5th in Presidential Performance items). 9 NA Pre. Order: random Pres Cand names E6a-E6d,E7,E8 perform items Rand.E6 RANDOMIZATION Order of Presidential candidate names read in texts of Pre questions E6a-E6d, E7,E8 [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E6a-E6d,E7,E8 in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 3 presidential candidate names (Clinton, Dole, Perot) was randomized; the resulting order was then read consistently in the texts of questions E6a-E6b,E7,E8. 1 Clinton, Dole, Perot 2 Dole, Perot, Clinton 3 Perot, Clinton, Dole 4 Clinton, Perot, Dole 5 Dole, Clinton, Perot 6 Perot, Dole, Clinton 9 NA Pre. Environment Position in Cand Performance Random E6a-E6b Rand.E6a RANDOMIZATION Position of Environment in Pre questions E6a-E6d [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E6a-E6d in Pre survey vars [Environment candidate performance is E6a]. Note: 5th, 6th candidate performance items were always E7 and E8 (not randomized) Codes 1-4 (1st-4th Candidate Performance item). 9 NA Pre. Budget Deficit Position in Cand Performance Random E6a-E6b Rand.E6b RANDOMIZATION Position of Budget Deficit in Pre questions E6a-E6d [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E6a-E6d in Pre survey vars [Budget Deficit candidate performance is E6b]. Note: 5th, 6th candidate performance items were always E7 and E8 (not randomized) Codes 1-4 (1st-4th Candidate Performance item). 9 NA Pre. Public Educ- Position in Cand Performance Random E6a-E6b Rand.E6c RANDOMIZATION Position of Public Education in Pre questions E6a-E6d [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E6a-E6d in Pre survey vars [Public Education candidate performance is E6c]. Note: 5th, 6th candidate performance items were always E7 and E8 (not randomized) Codes 1-4 (1st-4th Candidate Performance item). 9 NA Pre. Reduce Spec Interests -Pos in Cand Perform Random E6a-E6b Rand.E6d RANDOMIZATION Position of Reducing the Power of Special Interests in Pre questions E6a-E6d [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See E6a-E6d in Pre survey vars [Reducing Speical Interests candidate performance is E6d]. Note: 5th, 6th candidate performance items were always E7 and E8 (not randomized) Codes 1-4 (1st-4th Candidate Performance item). 9 NA Pre. Republican Party Position F1-F4a(5) Random [Likes/Dislikes] Rand.F1 RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions F1-F2a(5), F3-F4a(5) [Major parties, 'Likes/Dislikes'] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for 'like/dislikes' mentions for Republican Party and Democratic Party [Republican Party likes/dislikes are F1-F2a(5)]. Codes 1,2 (1st, 2nd party mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent not randomly selected for F1-F4 questions (0 in E10) 9 NA Pre. Democratic Party Position F1-F4a(5) Random [Likes/Dislikes] Rand.F3 RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions F1-F2a(5), F3-F4a(5) [Major parties, 'Likes/Dislikes'] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for 'like/dislikes' mentions for Republican Party and Democratic Party [Democratic Party likes/dislikes are F3-F4a(5)]. Codes 1,2 (1st, 2nd party mentioned) 0 Inap, Respondent not randomly selected for F1-F4 questions (0 in E10) 9 NA Pre. Clinton Position in G1a-G3d(1) Random [Pres Cand Affects] Rand.G1 RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions G1a-G3d(1) [Presidential candidates, affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for Clinton, Dole, Perot affects [Clinton affects are G1a-G1d(1)]. This variable describes whether Clinton's affects were administered 1st, 2nd or 3rd. All affects were administered for a candidate before another candidate's affects were asked. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole Position in G1a-G3d(1) Random [Pres Candidate Affects] Rand.G2 RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions G1a-G3d(1) [Presidential candidates, affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for Clinton, Dole, Perot affects [Dole affects are G2a-G2d(1)]. This variable describes whether Clinton's affects were administered 1st, 2nd or 3rd. All affects were administered for a candidate before another candidate's affects were asked. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot Position in G1a-G3d(1) Random [Pres Cand Affects] Rand.G3 RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions G1a-G3d(1) [Presidential candidates, affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See Pre survey vars for Clinton, Dole, Perot affects [Perot affects are G3a-G3d(1)]. This variable describes whether Clinton's affects were administered 1st, 2nd or 3rd. All affects were administered for a candidate before another candidate's affects were asked. Codes 1,2,3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Angry in G1a-G1d(1) Randomization [Clinton Affects] Rand.G1a RANDOMIZATION Position of Angry in Pre questions G1a-G1d(1) [4 Clinton affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G1a-G1d(1) in Pre survey vars for Clinton affects [Angry is G1a]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Clinton affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Hopeful in G1a-G1d(1) Randomization [Clinton Affects] Rand.G1b RANDOMIZATION Position of Hopeful in Pre questions G1a-G1d(1) [4 Clinton affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G1a-G1d(1) in Pre survey vars for Clinton affects [Hopeful is G1b]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Clinton affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Afraid in G1a-G1d(1) Randomization [Clinton Affects] Rand.G1c RANDOMIZATION Position of Afraid in Pre questions G1a-G1d(1) [4 Clinton affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G1a-G1d(1) in Pre survey vars for Clinton affects [Afraid is G1c]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Clinton affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Proud in G1a-G1d(1) Randomization [Clinton Affects] Rand.G1d RANDOMIZATION Position of Proud in Pre questions G1a-G1d(1) [4 Clinton affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G1a-G1d(1) in Pre survey vars for Clinton affects [Proud is G1d]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Clinton affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Angry in G2a-G2d(1) Randomization [Dole Affects] Rand.G2a RANDOMIZATION Position of Angry in Pre questions G2a-G2d(1) [4 Dole affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G2a-G2d(1) in Pre survey vars for Dole affects [Angry is G2a]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dole affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Hopeful in G2a-G2d(1) Randomization [Dole Affects] Rand.G2b RANDOMIZATION Position of Hopeful in Pre questions G2a-G2d(1) [4 Dole affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G2a-G2d(1) in Pre survey vars for Dole affects [Hopeful is G2b]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dole affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Afraid in G2a-G2d(1) Randomization [Dole Affects] Rand.G2c RANDOMIZATION Position of Afraid in Pre questions G2a-G2d(1) [4 Dole affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G2a-G2d(1) in Pre survey vars for Dole affects [Afraid is G2c]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dole affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Proud in G2a-G2d(1) Randomization [Dole Affects] Rand.G2d RANDOMIZATION Position of Proud in Pre questions G2a-G2d(1) [4 Dole affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G2a-G2d(1) in Pre survey vars for Dole affects [Proud is G2d]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Dole affect mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Angry in G3a-G3d(1) Randomization [Perot Affects] Rand.G3a RANDOMIZATION Position of Angry in Pre questions G3a-G3d(1) [4 Perot affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G3a-G3d(1) in Pre survey vars for Perot affects [Angry is G3a]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Perot affect mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Iw conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Hopeful in G3a-G3d(1) Randomization [Perot Affects] Rand.G3b RANDOMIZATION Position of Hopeful in Pre questions G3a-G3d(1) [4 Perot affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G3a-G3d(1) in Pre survey vars for Perot affects [Hopeful is G3b]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Perot affect mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Iw conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Afraid in G3a-G3d(1) Randomization [Perot Affects] Rand.G3c RANDOMIZATION Position of Afraid in Pre questions G3a-G3d(1) [4 Perot affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G3a-G3d(1) in Pre survey vars for Perot affects [Afraid is G3c]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Perot affect mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Iw conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Proud in G3a-G3d(1) Randomization [Perot Affects] Rand.G3d RANDOMIZATION Position of Proud in Pre questions G3a-G3d(1) [4 Perot affects] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G3a-G3d(1) in Pre survey vars for Perot affects [Proud is G3d]. Codes 1-4 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Perot affect mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Iw conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Clinton Pos in G5-G7a Random [Lib-Con Place of Pres.Cands] Rand.G5 RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions G5-G7a [Presidential candidates, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G5-G7a in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of Presidential candidates [Clinton is G5-G5a]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (G8-G9a) and the 2 Major Party placements (G10-G11), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole Pos in G5-G7a Random [Lib-Con of Pres. Cand] Rand.G6 RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions G5-G7a [Presidential candidates, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G5-G7a in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of Presidential candidates [Dole is G6-G6a]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (G8-G9a) and the 2 Major Party placements (G10-G11), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot Pos in G5-G7a Random [Lib-Con of Pres. Cand] Rand.G7 RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions G5-G7a [Presidential candidates, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G5-G7a in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of Presidential candidates [Perot is G7-G7a]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (G8-G9a) and the 2 Major Party placements (G10-G11), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dem Hse Cand Pos in G8-G9a Random [Lib-Con Hse Cand Pl] Rand.G8 RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic House Candidate in Pre questions G8-G9a [House candidates, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G8-G9a in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of Democratic and Republican House candidates [Democratic candidate is G8-G8a]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (G5-G7a) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (G10-G11), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC 9 NA Pre. Rep Hse Cand Pos in G8-G9a Random [Lib-Con Hse Cand Pl] Rand.G9 RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican House Candidate in Pre questions G8-G9a [House candidates, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G8-G9a in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of Democratic and Republican House candidates [Republican candidate is G9-G9a]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (G5-G7a) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (G10-G11), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 14) or Washington DC 9 NA Pre. Dem Party Position in G10-G11 Random [Lib-Con Party Pl] Rand.G10 RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions G10-G11 [Major parties, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G10-G11 in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of major parties [Democratic Party is G10]. Major party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (G5-G7a) and the 2 House candidate placements (G7-G9a), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Rep Party Position in G10-G11 Random [Lib-Con Party Pl] Rand.G11 RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions G10-G11 [Major parties, Liberal-conservative placements] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See G10-G11 in Pre survey vars for liberal-conservative placements of major parties [Republican Party is G11]. Major party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (G5-G7a) and the 2 House candidate placements (G7-G9a), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Liberal-Conservative placements affected by randomization (G5-G11), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Order of randomized parties in H4a-H4h performance items Rand.H4 RANDOMIZATION Order of major parties read in texts of Pre questions H4a-H4h [Party Performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read consistently in the texts of all questions H4a-H4h. 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 1 Democratic Party read first, Republican Party second 2 Republican Party read first, Democratic Party second 9 NA Pre. Pos of Nation's Econ in H4a-H4h Rand [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4a RANDOMIZATION Position of Nation's Economy in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Nation's Economy is H4a]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Foreign Affairs in H4a-H4h Rand [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4b RANDOMIZATION Position of Foreign Affairs in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4b]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Health Care in H4a-H4h Random [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4c RANDOMIZATION Position of Health Care in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4c]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Welfare Reform in H4a-H4h Random [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4d RANDOMIZATION Position of Welfare Reform in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4d]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Poverty in H4a-H4h Randomization [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4e RANDOMIZATION Position of Poverty in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4e]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Budget Deficit in H4a-H4h Random [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4f RANDOMIZATION Position of Budget Deficit in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4f]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Pollut/Envir in H4a-H4h Random [Pres Cand Perform] Rand.H4g RANDOMIZATION Position of Pollution and Environment in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4g]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Crime in H4a-H4h Random [Pres Cand Performance] Rand.H4h RANDOMIZATION Position of Crime in Pre questions H4a-H4h [Presidential candidate performance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H4a-H4h in Pre survey vars [Foreign Affairs is H4h]. Codes 1-8 (1st to 8th performance item mentioned) and: 0 Inap, Respondent was not randomly selected for questions H4a-H8 (0 in H4) 9 NA Pre. Order of parties in H5 perform item [Cut Soc Security] Rand.H5 RANDOMIZATION Order of major parties read in text of Pre question H5 (randomized). [Presidential candidate performance, Cut Social Security Benefits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H5 in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read in the text of question H5. 1 Democratic Party read first, Republican Party second 2 Republican Party read first, Democratic Party second 9 NA Pre. Order of parties in H6 perform item [Imprve Race Relat] Rand.H6 RANDOMIZATION Order of major parties read in text of Pre question H6 (randomized). [Presidential candidate performance, Improve Race Relations] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H6 in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read in the text of question H6. 1 Democratic Party read first, Republican Party second 2 Republican Party read first, Democratic Party second 9 NA Pre. Order of parties in H7 perform item [Raise Taxes] Rand.H7 RANDOMIZATION Order of major parties read in text of Pre question H7 (randomized). [Presidential candidate performance, Raise Taxes] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H7 in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read in the text of question H7. 1 Democratic Party read first, Republican Party second 2 Republican Party read first, Democratic Party second 9 NA Pre. Order of parties in H8 perform item [Keep Out of War] Rand.H8 RANDOMIZATION Order of major parties read in text of Pre question H8 (randomized). [Presidential candidate performance, Keep Out of War] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H8 in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read in the text of question H8. 1 Democratic Party read first, Republican Party second 2 Republican Party read first, Democratic Party second 9 NA Pre. Order of House cand names in H13a [Incumbency Status] Rand.H13a RANDOMIZATION Order of House candidate names read in text of Pre question H13a [Incumbency Status, Districts with 2 major party candidates]. ------------------------------------------------------------------- See H13a in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 2 major parties was randomized; the resulting order was then read in the text of question H13a. 0 Inap, only one major party candidate (type race 14 or 24) or Washington DC 1 Democratic candidate name read first, Republican candidate name second 2 Republican candidate name read first, Democratic candidate name second 9 NA Pre. Pos of Intelligent in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2a RANDOMIZATION Position of Intelligent in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Intelligent is K2a]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Compassionate in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2b RANDOMIZATION Position of Compassionate in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Compassionate is K2b]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Moral in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2c RANDOMIZATION Position of Moral in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Moral is K2c]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Inspiring in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2d RANDOMIZATION Position of Inspiring in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Inspiring is K2d]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Strong Leadership in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2e RANDOMIZATION Position of Provides Strong Leadership in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Provides Strong Leadership is K2e]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Really Cares in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2f RANDOMIZATION Position of Really Cares About People Like You in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Really Cares About People Like You is K2f]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Knowledgeable in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2g RANDOMIZATION Position of Knowledgeable in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Knowledgeable is K2g]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Honest in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2h RANDOMIZATION Position of Honest in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Honest is K2h]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Gets Things Done in K2a-j Random [Clinton Traits] Rand.K2j RANDOMIZATION Position of Gets Things Done in Pre questions K2a-j [9 Clinton traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K2a-j in Pre survey vars [Gets Things Done is K2j]. Note: Clinton traits were administered before Dole traits and Perot traits (Clinton's position among Presidential candidates was not randomized; Dole traits and Perot traits were randomly determined to be administered either 2nd or 3rd). Codes 1-9 (1st to 9th Clinton Trait mentioned) 0 NA Pre. Pos of Dole in K3a-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Pres Cand Traits] Rand.K3 RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions K2a-K4g [Presidential candidates, Traits, K3a-K4g randomized ] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3g/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars for traits of Dole and Perot[Dole traits are K3a-K3g]. This variable describes the order in which Dole and Perot traits were administered. Note that Clinton traits were always asked previously (not randomized). All traits were asked about a candidate before the next candidate's traits were administered. Codes 1,2 (2nd or 3rd Presidential candidate for administration of Traits questions) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Perot in K3a-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Pres Cand Traits] Rand.K4 RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions K2a-K4g [Presidential Candidates, Traits, K3a-K4g randomized ] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3g/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars for traits of Dole and Perot[Perot traits are K4a-K4g]. This variable describes whether Perot traits were administered 2nd or 3rd. Note that Clinton traits were always asked first (not randomized). All traits were asked about a candidate before the next candidate's traits were administered. Codes 2,3 (2nd or 3rd Presidential candidate) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Moral in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4a RANDOMIZATION Position of Moral in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Moral is K3a and K4a]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Inspiring in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4b RANDOMIZATION Position of Inspiring in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Inspiring is K3b and K4b]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Pos of Strong Lead in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4c RANDOMIZATION Position of Provides Strong Leadership in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Provides Strong Leadership is K3c and K4c]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Really Cares in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/Perot Rand.K3/4d RANDOMIZATION Position of Really Cares About People Like You in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Really Cares About People Like You is K3d and K4d]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Knowledgeable in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4e RANDOMIZATION Position of Knowledgeable in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Knowledgeable is K3e and K4e]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Honest in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4f RANDOMIZATION Position of Honest in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Honest is K3f and K4f]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Gets Things Done in K3-K3g/K4a-K4g Random [Dole/PerotTraits] Rand.K3/4g RANDOMIZATION Position of Gets Things Done in Pre questions K3a-K3g / K4a-K4g [7 Dole / Perot Traits] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See K3a-K3b/K4a-K4g in Pre survey vars [Gets Things Done is K3g and K4g]. The order of 7 traits was randomized once; that randomized order applied both to Dole traits (K3a-K3g) and PerotTraits (K4a-K4g). This variable describes the position of this trait both within Dole's set of traits and within Perot's set of traits. Note: the set of Clinton traits were always asked first; the sets of Dole and Perot traits were randomly determined to be asked 2nd or 3rd [see rand.K3 and Rand.K4]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th Dole/Perot trait) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in L1b-L1d Random [Pres Cand Services/Spend scales] Rand.L1b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions L1b-L1d [Presidential candidates, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1b-L1d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is L1b]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L1g-L1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in L1b-L1d Random [Pres Cand Services/Spending scales] Rand.L1c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions L1b-L1d [Presidential candidates, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1b-L1d in Pre survey vars [Dole is L1c]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L1g-L1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in L1b-L1d Random [Pres Cand Services/Spending scales] Rand.L1d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions L1b-L1d [Presidential candidates, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1b-L1d in Pre survey vars [Perot is L1d]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L1g-L1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dem House Cand in L1e-L1f Random [Services/Spending scale] Rand.L1e RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic House candidate in Pre questions L1e-L1f [House Candidates, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1e-L1f in Pre survey vars [Democratic House Candidate is L1e]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (L1g-L1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC; 0,8,9 in L1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1g) 9 NA Pre. Rep House Cand in L1e-L1f Random [Services/Spending scale] Rand.L1f RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican House candidate in Pre questions L1e-L1f [House Candidates, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1e-L1f in Pre survey vars [Republican House Candidate is L1f]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (L1g-L1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC; 0,8,9 in L1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1h) 9 NA Pre. Dem Party in L1g-L1h Random [Services/Spending scale] Rand.L1g RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions L1g-L1h [Major parties, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1e-L1f in Pre survey vars [Democratic party is L1g] Major party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Rep Party in L1g-L1h Random [Services/Spending scale] Rand.L1h RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions L1g-L1h [Major parties, Services/Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1e-L1f in Pre survey vars [Republican party is L1h] Major party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Services/Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in L2b-L2d Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions L2b-L2d [Presidential candidates, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2b-L2d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is L2b] Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L2e-L2f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L2g-L2h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L2b-L2h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in L2b-L2d Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions L2b-L2d [Presidential candidates, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2b-L2d in Pre survey vars [Dole is L2c] Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L2e-L2f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L2g-L2h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L2b-L2h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in L2b-L2d Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions L2b-L2d [Presidential candidates, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2b-L2d in Pre survey vars [Perot is L2d] Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (L2e-L2f) and the 2 Major Party placements (L2g-L2h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L2b-L2h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) and: 0 Inap, IW conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Dem House cand in L2e-L2f Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2e RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic House candidate in Pre questions L2f-L2e [House candidates, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2e-L2f in Pre survey vars [Democratic House candidate is L2e]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L2b-L2d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (L2g-L2h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L2b-L2h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC 9 NA Pre. Rep House cand in L2e-L2f Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2f RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican House candidate in Pre questions L2f-L2e [House candidates, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2e-L2f in Pre survey vars [Republican House candidate is L2f]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L2b-L2d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (L2g-L2h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L2b-L2h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC 9 NA Pre. Dem Party in L2e-L2f Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2g RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions L2g-L2h [Major parties, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2g-L2h in Pre survey vars [Democratic party is L2g]. Major Party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Rep Party in L2e-L2f Random [Defense Spending scale] Rand.L2h RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions L2g-L2h [Major parties, Defense Spending scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2g-L2h in Pre survey vars [Republican party is L2h]. Major Party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (L1b-L1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (L1e-L1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Defense Spending placements affected by randomization (L1b-L1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Clinton in L3b-L3d Random [Gov Health Insurance scale] Rand.L3b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions L3b-L3d [Presidential candidates, Government Health Insurance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3b-L3d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is L3b]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in L3b-L3d Random [Gov Health Insurance scale] Rand.L3c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions L3b-L3d [Presidential candidates, Government Health Insurance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3b-L3d in Pre survey vars [Dole is L3c]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in L3b-L3d Random [Gov Health Insurance scale] Rand.L3d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions L3b-L3d [Presidential candidates, Government Health Insurance] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3b-L3d in Pre survey vars [Perot is L3d]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 0 Inap, IW conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Clinton in L4b-L4d Random [Gov Gur Job/Standard of Livin Rand.L4b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions L4b-L4d [Presidential candidates, Government Guaranteed Job/Standard of Living] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L4b-L4d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is L4b] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in L4b-L4d Random [Gov Gur Job/Standard of Living sc Rand.L4c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions L4b-L4d [Presidential candidates, Government Guaranteed Job/Standard of Living] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L4b-L4d in Pre survey vars [Dole is L4c] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in L4b-L4d Random [Gov Gur Job/Standard of Living s Rand.L4d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions L4b-L4d [Presidential candidates, Government Guaranteed Job/Standard of Living] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L4b-L4d in Pre survey vars [Perot is L4d] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) and: 0 Inap, IW conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Clinton in L5b-L5d Randomization [Gov Ass to Blacks scale] Rand.L5b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions L5b-L5d [Presidential candidates, Government Assistance to Blacks] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5b-L5d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is Lb] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in L5b-L5d Randomization [Gov Ass to Blacks scale] Rand.L5c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions L5b-L5d [Presidential candidates, Government Assistance to Blacks] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5b-L5d in Pre survey vars [Dole is Lc] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in L5b-L5d Randomization [Gov Ass to Blacks scale] Rand.L6a RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions L5b-L5d [Presidential candidates, Government Assistance to Blacks] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5b-L5d in Pre survey vars [Perot is Ld] Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Food Stamps in L6a-L6g Randomization [Federal Spending] Rand.L6b RANDOMIZATION Position of Food Stamps in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Food Stamps is L6a]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Welfare Programs in L6a-L6g Randomization [Federal Spending] Rand.L6c RANDOMIZATION Position of Welfare Programs in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Welfare Programs is L6b]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. AIDS Research in L6a-L6g Randomization [Federal Spending] Rand.L6d RANDOMIZATION Position of AIDS Research in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [AIDS Research is L6c]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Foreign Aid in L6a-L6g Randomization [Federal Spending] Rand.L6e RANDOMIZATION Position of Foreign Aid in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Foreign Aid is L6d]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Aid to College Students in L6a-L6g Random [Fed Spending] Rand.L6f RANDOMIZATION Position of Financial Aid to College Students in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Financial Aid to College Students is L6e]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Assistance to the Homeless in L6a-L6g Random [Fed Spending] Rand.L6g RANDOMIZATION Position of Assistance to the Homeless in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Assistance to the Homeless is L6f]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Prevent Illegal Immigr in L6a-L6g Random [Fed Spending] Rand.L6h RANDOMIZATION Position of Preventing Illegal Immigration in Pre questions L6a-L6g [7 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See L6a-L6g in Pre survey vars [Preventing Illegal Immigration is L6g]. Codes 1-7 (1st-7th spending item mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in M1b-M1d Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions M1b-M1d [Presidential candidates, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1b-M1d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is M1b]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (M1e-M1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (M1g-M1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in M1b-M1d Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions M1b-M1d [Presidential candidates, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1b-M1d in survey vars [Dole is M1c]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (M1e-M1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (M1g-M1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in M1b-M1d Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions M1b-M1d [Presidential candidates, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1b-M1d in Pre survey vars [Perot is M1d]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 House candidate placements (M1e-M1f) and the 2 Major Party placements (M1g-M1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) and: 0 Inap, IW conducted after question withdrawn 9 NA Pre. Dem House Cand in M1e-M1f Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1e RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic House candidate in Pre questions M1e-M1f [House candidates, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1e-M1f in Pre survey vars [Democratic House candidate is M1e]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (M1b-M1d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (M1g-M1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) and: 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC; 8,9 in M1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1g) 9 NA Pre. Rep House Cand in M1e-M1f Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1f RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican House candidate in Pre questions M1e-M1f [House candidates, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1e-M1f in Pre survey vars [Republican House candidate is M1f]. House candidate placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (M1b-M1d) and precede the 2 Major Party placements (M1g-M1h), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1,2 (1st or 2nd House candidate mentioned) and: 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (House race type 24) or Washington DC; 8,9 in M1a; R did not recognize name (997 in D1h) 9 NA Pre. Dem Party in M1g-M1h Randomization [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1g RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions M1g-M1h [Major parties, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1g-M1h in Pre survey vars [Democratic Party is M1g]. Major Party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (M1b-M1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (M1e-M1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Republican Party in M1g-M1h Random [Abortion Scale] Rand.M1h RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions M1g-M1h [Major parties, Abortion scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1g-M1h in Pre survey vars [Republican Party is M1h]. Major Party placements follow the 3 Presidential candidate placements (M1b-M1d) and the 2 House candidate placements (M1e-M1f), and are randomized separately from both. In reference to the entire set of administered Abortion placements affected by randomization (M1b-M1h), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 6th and 7th placements within the full series of 7 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Clinton in M2b-M2d Random [Crime Scale] Rand.M2b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions M2b-M2d [Presidential candidates, Crime scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2b-M2d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is M2b]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in M2b-M2d Random [Crime Scale] Rand.M2c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions M2b-M2d [Presidential candidates, Crime scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2b-M2d in Pre survey vars [Dole is M2c]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in M2b-M2d Random [Crime Scale] Rand.M2d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions M2b-M2d [Presidential candidates, Crime scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2b-M2d in Pre survey vars [Perot is M2d]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in M3b-M3d Random [Jobs/Environment Scale] Rand.M3b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions M3b-M3d [Presidential candidates, Jobs/Environment scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3b-M3d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is M3b]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M3e-M3f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M3b-M3f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in M3b-M3d Random [Jobs/Environment Scale] Rand.M3c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions M3b-M3d [Presidential candidates, Jobs/Environment scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3b-M3d in Pre survey vars [Dole is M3c]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M3e-M3f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M3b-M3f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in M3b-M3d Random [Jobs/Environment Scale] Rand.M3d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions M3b-M3d [Presidential candidates, Jobs/Environment scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3b-M3d in Pre survey vars [Perot is M3d]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M3e-M3f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M3b-M3f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dem Party in M3e-M3f Random [Jobs/Environment Scale] Rand.M3e RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic Party in Pre questions M3e-M3f [Major parties, Jobs/Environment scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3e-M3f in Pre survey vars [Democratic Party is M3e]. Major Party placements follow Presidential candidate placements (M3b-M3d), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M3b-M3f), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Rep Party in M3e-M3f Random [Jobs/Environment Scale] Rand.M3f RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican Party in Pre questions M3e-M3f [Major parties, Jobs/Environment scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3e-M3f in Pre survey vars [Republican Party is M3f]. Major Party placements follow Presidential candidate placements (M3b-M3d), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M3b-M3f), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in M4b-M4d Random [Environmental Regulation Scale] Rand.M4b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions M4b-M4d [Presidential candidates, Environmental Regulation scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4b-M4d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is M4b]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M4e-M4f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M4b-M4f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in M4b-M4d Random [Environmental Regulation Scale] Rand.M4c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions M4b-M4d [Presidential candidates, Environmental Regulation scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4b-M4d in Pre survey vars [Dole is M4c]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M4e-M4f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M4b-M4f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in M4b-M4d Random [Environmental Regulation Scale] Rand.M4d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions M4b-M4d [Presidential candidates, Environmental Regulation scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4b-M4d in Pre survey vars [Perot is M4d]. Presidential candidate placements precede the 2 Major Party placements (M4e-M4f), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Jobs/Environment placements affected by randomization (M4b-M4f), codes 1,2 and 3 here represent (respectively) the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dem Party in M4e-M4f Random [Environmental Regulation Scale] Rand.M4e RANDOMIZATION Position of Democratic party in Pre questions M4e-M4f [Major parties, Environmental Regulation scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4e-M4f in Pre survey vars [Democratic Party is M4e]. Major Party placements follow Presidential candidate placements (M4b-M4d), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Environmental Regulation placements affected by randomization (M4b-M4f), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Rep Party in M4e-M4f Random [Environmental Regulation Scale] Rand.M4f RANDOMIZATION Position of Republican party in Pre questions M4e-M4f [Major parties, Environmental Regulation scale] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4e-M4f in Pre survey vars [Republican Party is M4f]. Major Party placements follow Presidential candidate placements (M4b-M4d), and are randomized separately from them. In reference to the entire set of administered Environmental Regulation placements affected by randomization (M4b-M4f), codes 1 and 2 here represent (respectively) the 4th and 5th placements within the full series of 5 placements. Note: For all 7-point scales, the full set of placements affected by randomization include any placements which follow self-placement; self-placement is always assigned prior administration (is never randomized). Codes 1-2 (1st or 2nd major party mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Clinton in N1b-N1d Random [Women's Role] Rand.N1b RANDOMIZATION Position of Clinton in Pre questions N1b-N1d [Presidential candidates, Women's Role] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1b-N1d in Pre survey vars [Clinton is N1b]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Dole in N1b-N1d Random [Women's Role] Rand.N1c RANDOMIZATION Position of Dole in Pre questions N1b-N1d [Presidential candidates, Women's Role] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1b-N1d in Pre survey vars [Dole is N1c]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Perot in N1b-N1d Random [Women's Role] Rand.N1d RANDOMIZATION Position of Perot in Pre questions N1b-N1d [Presidential candidates, Women's Role] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N1b-N1d in Pre survey vars [Perot is N1d]. Note: In all cases, Presidential candidate placements follow self-placement (self-placement not randomized). Codes 1-3 (1st-3rd Pres. candidate mentioned) 9 NA Pre. Pres. cand names in text of N3a [Who R Would Most Like Pres] Rand.N3a RANDOMIZATION Order of Presidential candidate names read in text of Pre question N3a [Who would R most like to see elected] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N3a in Pre survey vars. For each respondent, order of the 3 major Presidential candidates (Clinton, Dole, Perot) was randomized in the text of the question N3a. 1 Clinton, Dole, Perot 2 Dole, Perot, Clinton 3 Perot, Clinton, Dole 4 Clinton, Perot, Dole 5 Dole, Clinton, Perot 6 Perot, Dole, Clinton 9 NA Pre. Social Security Benefits in N5a-N5f [Federal Spending] Rand.N5a RANDOMIZATION Position of Social Security Benefits in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Social Security Benefits is N5a]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Improve/Protect the Environment in N5a-N5f [Fed Spending] Rand.N5b RANDOMIZATION Position of Improve and Protect the Environment in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Improve and Protect the Environment is N5b]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Public Schools in N5a-N5f [Federal Spending] Rand.N5c RANDOMIZATION Position of Public Schools in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Public School is N5c]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Dealing with Crime in N5a-N5f [Federal Spending] Rand.N5d RANDOMIZATION Position of Dealing with Crime in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Dealing with Crime is N5d]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Child Care in N5a-N5f [Federal Spending] Rand.N5e RANDOMIZATION Position of Child Care in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Child Care is N5e]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Pre. Poor People in N5a-N5f [Federal Spending] Rand.N5f RANDOMIZATION Position of Poor People in Pre questions N5a-N5f [6 Federal Spending items] ------------------------------------------------------------------- See N5a-N5f in Pre survey vars [Poor People is N5f]. Codes 1-6 (1st-6th spending item mentioned). 9 NA Post. 1996 Post ID Process.14 1996 Post ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviews range from 1001 to 2535 (Panel and Cross cases are not in separate series). There is a gap in the interview numbering at 2444. Cases in the range 4001-4187 are Post noninterviews or Pre only in 1996 (gaps at 4042, 4054, 4075, 4146, 4147, 4173,4186). Post. Form of questionnaire Admin.26 Post question 'form' variable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable compares with the 'Form' variable of previous (non-CAPI) studies and describes the format of (questions included in) the instrument. The set of questions F1-F4 and the set of questions H1-H1a were each administered to a random half-sample of respondents. Half-samples were also randomly selected for administration of either the series D30-D30g or the series S30-S30g (identical questions administered in different locations within the Post instrument). 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 R administered F1-F4, H1-H1a and D30 2 R administered F1-F4, H1-H1a and S30 3 R administered F1-F4 and D30 (not administered H1-H1a) 4 R administered F1-F4 and S30 (not administered H1-H1a) 5 R administered H1-H1a and D30 (not administered F1-F4) 6 R administered H1-H1a and S30 (not administered F1-F4) 7 R administered D30 (not administered F1-F4 or H1-H1a) 8 R administered S30 (not administered F1-F4 or H1-H1a) Post. Day of interview Admin.28 POST-ELECTION Day of interview ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Day of interiew 1-31 coded, except: 00 Inap, no Post IW Post. Month of interview Admin.29 POST ELECTION Month of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW 01 January 11 November 99 NA Post. Number of days since election day Admin.30 POST-ELECTION - Number of days since Election Day ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is based on the date of interview. It counts the number of days after the election day (November 5, 1996). 00 Inap, no Post IW 99 NA Post. Beginning time (local) Admin.31 POST-ELECTION Beginning time (local) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 hour clock is used, midnight to 11:59 p.m. (0000-2359), except: 0000 Inap, no Post IW 9999 NA Post. Ending time (local) Admin.32 POST-ELECTION Ending time (local) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 hour clock is used, midnight to 11:59 p.m. (0000-2359), except: 0000 Inap, no Post IW 9999 NA Post. Interview length in minutes Admin.33 POST-ELECTION Interview length in minutes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The actual number of minutes is coded, except: 999.0. NA 000.0. Inap, no Post IW Post. Interview number Admin.34 POST-ELECTION Interview number ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This number records the sequence in which each interviewer's interviews were completed. 01 is the first interview taken by a particular interviewer. Actual number is coded except: 00 Inap, no Post IW 99 NA Post. Date of beginning VQ file Admin.35 POST-ELECTION Date of Beginning VQ file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview began. Changes were made to the VQ (CAPI application) while in the field. Most changes were not significant, with a few exceptions. In 39 cases, the early training VQ was used in error. The significant effects of this error were the following 1) absence of randomization 2) D11x instruction changed from "SHOW BALLOT CARD" to "DO NOT SHOW BALLOT CARD" 3) questions F3 and F4 skipped. In the Pre and Post randomization variables, the unrandomized order in which the questions were administered is coded for these cases, and the half-sample checkpoints identify the (unrandomized) selection or non-selection of these 39 cases for question series. The next variable documents the VQ version in use at the end of the interview; note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the VQ coded here. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 10/14/96 2 10/30/96 3 11/11/96 4 11/14/96 9 NA Post. Date of ending VQ file Admin.36 POST-ELECTION Date of Ending VQ file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview ended. Changes were made to the VQ (CAPI application) while in the field. Most changes were not significant, with a few exceptions. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 10/14/96 2 10/30/96 3 11/11/96 4 11/14/96 9 NA Post. Respondent payment amount Admin.37 POST-ELECTION - Payment amount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Pre respondents were sent a check for $10.00 and a gift (message board), together with the contact letter requesting a Post interview. Note that even no-post cases (0 in this variable) were sent the payment and gift. 00 Inap, no Post IW 10 $10 Respondent payment Post. Was the interview tape recorded Admin.38 POST-ELECTION - Was interview tape recorded ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Post. Verification indicator Admin.39 POST-ELECTION - Verification indicator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Not flagged for verification 1 Flagged for verification 2 Verified 3 Verified with discrepancy 4 Not verified 5 Unable to verify 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Evaluation indicator Admin.40 POST-ELECTION - Evaluation indicator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Interview not evaluated 1 Interview evaluated by supervisor 2 Interview evaluated by team leader 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Refusal conversion indicator Admin.41 POST-ELECTION - Refusal conversion indicator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to interviews initially refused by someone when an interviewer was first attempting contact. The source of this refusal may or may not have been the Respondent. Conversion may be made by the initial interviewer or another interviewer. If the conversion is not made by the initial interviewer, the interviewer of record is the interviewer obtaining the conversion. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Refusal conversion attempted 5 Not a refusal conversion situation 9 NA Post. Was R sent a persuasion letter Admin.42 POST-ELECTION - Was persuasion letter sent? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- One form of general persuasion letter was sent to all respondents. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Persuasion letter was sent to R 5 No persuasion letter was sent to R 9 NA Post. Type of persuasion letter sent to R Admin.43 POST-ELECTION - Number of telephone calls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of calls is coded, except: 96 Inap, no Post IW 99 NA Post. Number of telephone calls Admin.44 POST-ELECTION - Number of face to face calls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of calls is coded, except: 96 Inap, no Post IW 99 NA Post. Number of face to face calls Admin.45 POST-ELECTION - Total number of calls (Phone + FtF) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable adds the number of phone calls and face to face calls that were made to R's home in order to obtain the interview. This variable is comparable to the"number of calls" variable in past studies. Number of calls coded, except: 00 Inap, no Post IW 99 NA Post. Total number of calls (phone + FtF) Admin.46 POST-ELECTION - Final result code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Interview, complete 5 Interview, partial 51 Noninterview: refusal by R 52 Noninterview: refusal by someone other than R 61 Noninterview: no contact 63 Noninterview: permanent condition 67 Noninterview: other reason Post. Final result on interview Admin.47 POST-ELECTION - Beginning mode, personal or telephone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the mode when interview began 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Personal 4 Telephone Post. Beginning mode of interview Admin.48 SUMMARY - POST MODE ASSIGNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post mode in this variable refers to beginning mode (question Admin.48). 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Assigned to personal, administered as personal IW 2 Assigned to personal, administered as telephone IW 3 Assigned to telephone, administered as personal IW 4 Assigned to telephone, administered as telephone IW Post. Ending mode of interview Admin.49 POST-ELECTION - Ending mode, personal or telephone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the mode when interview ended. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Personal 4 Telephone 9 NA Post. R live at same address CSheet.25. POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 1. Does R still live at the address on sample label -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The address in the label for the Panel respondents reflected our knowledge of their whereabouts right before the field period. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Post. R name/birth/gender same CSheet.26. POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET,CS Item 4. I need to verify that your full name is [Name of Respondent]. I also need to verify that you were born on [Birth month and year]. R NAME, BIRTH, AND GENDER ARE: 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Identical to Sample Label 5 Not identical 9 NA Post. Type of structure in which R lives CSheet.27. POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET, CS Item 5. Describe the type of structure in which the respondent lives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that in some telephone cases the interviewer was still able to make this observation during the calls made. 0 Phone case and no observation made 1 Mobile home 2 Detached single family 3 Multi-family 4 Apartment house 5 Condo complex 7 Other (specify) 9 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Did R refuse initially CSheet.28. POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6c. Did R refuse initially? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- An error in the skip logic was printed on Post paper coversheets, and in many interview cases items 6c and 6d were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover information by reviewing call record information for cases which were missing data in these 2 variables. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Post. Did R break any appointments CSheet.29 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6d. Did R break any appointment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- An error in the skip logic was printed on Post paper coversheets, and in many interview cases items CD3c and CD3d were not completed by the interviewer. An attempt was made to recover information by reviewing call record information for cases which were missing data in these 2 variables. 0 None 1 One 2 Two or more 9 NA ; Inap, no Post IW Post. Was there resistance from this person CSheet.30 IF R HAS MADE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE AT THE HOUSHOLD UNIT/ PHONE NUMBER: POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6a. Was there resistance from this person? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This question can refer to resistance from anyone contacted at the HU. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - waste of time/bad experience CSheet.31 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(1). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (A) Surveys are a waste of time; previous bad experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - very ill CSheet.32 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(2). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (B) Very ill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - too busy CSheet.33 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(3). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (C) 'Too busy' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - stressful family situation CSheet.34 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(4). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (D) Stressful family situation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - confidentiality CSheet.35 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(5). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (E) Confidentiality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - invasion of privacy CSheet.36 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(6). If there was any resistance from R, what reasons were given: . . . (F) Invasion of privacy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - no reason given CSheet.37 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(7). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (G) No reason given ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Reason for resistance - other CSheet.38 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION PAGE, Item 6e(8). If there was any resistance from the R, what reasons were given: . . . (H) Other (specify) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Marked 5 Not marked 9 NA Post. Others present at the interview CSheet.39 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z1. Other persons present at the interview were (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW 1 No one (NO OTHER BOX CHECKED) 2 Children under 6 only 3 Older children only 4 Children under 6 and older chldren 5 Spouse only 6 Spouse and children under 6 7 Spouse and older children 8 Spouse, children under 6, older children 9 Other relatives only 10 Other relatives and children under 6 11 Other relatives and older children 12 Other relatives, children under 6, older children 13 Other relatives and spouse 14 Other relatives, spouse, children under 6 15 Other relatives, spouse, older children 16 Other relatives, spouse, children under 6, older children 17 Other adults only 18 Other adults and children under 6 19 Other adults and older children 20 Other adults, children under 6, older children 21 Other adults and spouse 22 Other adults, spouse, children under 6 23 Other adults, spouse, older children 24 Other adults, spouse, children under 6 , older children 25 Other adults and other relatives 26 Other adults, other relatives, children under 6 27 Other adults, other relatives, older children 28 Other adults, other relatives, children under 6, older children 29 Other adults, other relatives, spouse 30 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, children under 6 31 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, older children 32 Other adults, other relatives, spouse, children under 6, older children (ALL BOXES CHECKED) 99 NA Post. R's level of cooperation CSheet.40 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z2. R's cooperation was: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor 5 Very poor 9 NA Post. R's level of information about politics CSheet.41 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z3. R's general level of information about politics and public affairs seemed: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very high 2 Fairly high 3 Average 4 Fairly low 5 Very low 9 NA Post. R's apparent intelligence CSheet.42 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z4. Rate R's apparent intelligence: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very high 2 Fairly high 3 Average 4 Fairly low 5 Very low 9 NA Post. R's suspiciousness CSheet.43 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z5. How suspicious did R seem to be about the study, before the interview? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Not at all suspicious 3 Somewhat suspicious 5 Very suspicious 9 NA Post. R's interest in interview CSheet.44 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z6. Overall, how great was R's interest in the interview? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very high 2 Above average 3 Average 4 Below average 5 Very low 9 NA Post. R's sincerity CSheet.45 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z7. How sincere did R seem to be in (his/her) answers? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Completely sincere 2 Usually sincere 3 Often seemed to be insincere 9 NA Post. #1 reaction to interview CSheet.46 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <1st mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) 80 Neutral or no feedback (1st mention only) 99 NA Post. #2 reaction to interview CSheet.47 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <2nd mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #3 reaction to interview CSheet.48 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <3rd mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #4 reaction to interview CSheet.49 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <4th mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #5 reaction to interview CSheet.50 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <5th mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #6 reaction to interview CSheet.51 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <6th mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #7 reaction to interview CSheet.52 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <7th mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. #8 reaction to interview CSheet.53 POST-ELECTION COVERSHEET INTERVIEWER'S SUPPLEMENT, Item Z8. What was R's reaction to interview, after completion or expressed during interview? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY.) <8th mention> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that 8 was the maximum number of reactions recorded by Post interviewers. 00 Inap, no Post IW; no further mention 10 Negative - general 11 Negative - too long 12 Negative - too complicated 13 Negative - boring/tedious/repetitious 15 R wanted to stop before interview completed. After starting the interview R made comments indicating he/she regretted having agreed to be interviewed 20 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was ill/deaf/tired/had bad eyesight etc.; interview was obviously hard for R 22 R complained and/or interviewer observed that R was confused by questions, "couldn't understand the scales," R was slow reader or non-reader; interview was obviously hard for R 30 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of knowledge or own suitability for interview 31 R expressed (especially repeatedly) doubts/apologies/embarrassment over lack of POLITICAL knowledge: candidates, names, elections issues, or own lack of political participation 40 R was agitated or stressed by interview process 41 R became angry at interview CONTENT 45 R became concerned about sampling purpose or bias: "why do you come to old folks home?" "why THIS neighborhood?" "why/why not blacks/hispanics?" "why me?" etc. 50 R could not read Respondent Booklet 70 R appeared to enjoy the interview (R was "cooperative"/"interested"/"pleasant," etc.) Post. Interviewer of record ID IWR.10 Post Interviewer of record ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's 4-digit ID and: 0000 Inap, no Post IW 9999 NA Post. Field supervisor ID IWR.13 Post Supervisor ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Supervisor's 4-digit ID and: 0000 Inap, no Post IW 9999 NA Post. Interviewer gender IWR.14 Post Interviewer gender ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Male 2 Female 9 NA Post. Interviewer education IWR.15 Post Interviewer education ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 1-8 grades 2 Some high school 3 High school graduate 4 Some college 5 College degree 6 Master's degree 7 PhD 9 NA Post. Interviewer race IWR.16 Post Interviewer race ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 White 2 Black 3 Native American 4 Asian 7 Other 9 NA Post. Interviewer ethnicity IWR.17 Post Interviewer ethnicicty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No ethnic identity coded 1 Hispanic 7 Other 9 NA ; Inap, no Post IW Post. Interviewer languages IWR.18 Post Interviewer languages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 English (only) 1 Spanish 7 Other 9 NA ; Inap, no Post IW Post. Interviewer experience IWR.19 Post Interviewer experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's years of experience, and: 99 NA; no Post IW Post. Interviewer age IWR.20 Post interviewer age (bracketed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 18-34 years 2 35-40 years 3 41-45 years 4 46-50 years 5 51-55 years 6 56-60 years 7 61-64 years 8 65-79 years 9 NA Post. R's interest in the political campaign A1 Some people don't pay much attention to political campaigns. How about you? Would you say that you were very much interested, somewhat interested, or not much interested in following the political campaigns this year? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very much interested 3 Somewhat interested 5 Not much interested 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R watch any programs about the campaign A2 Did you watch any programs about the campaign on television? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Amount of programs R watched about the campaign A2a IF R WATCHED PROGRAMS ABOUT THE CAMPAIGNS ON TV: Would you say you watched a good many, several, or just one or two? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A2; no post IW 1 A good many 3 Several 5 Just one or two 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R discuss politics with family/friends A3 Do you ever discuss politics with your family or friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Frequency of political discussion w/ friends/family A3a IF R DISCUSSES POLITICS WITH FAMILY OR FRIENDS: How many days in the past week did you talk about politics with family or friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 None 1 One day 2 Two days 3 Three days 4 Four days 5 Five days 6 Six days 7 Every day 8 DK 9 NA; Inap, 5,8,9 in A3; no post IW Post. Does R recall names of congressional candidates A4 Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. #1 recall - code A4a(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: "Any others?"] 1ST RECALLED NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; Washington DC 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name given not on candidate list for this race 98 DK 99 NA Post. #1 recall - party A4b(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What is [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF FIRST RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This codes the party which R identified in association with name recalled. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. #1 recall - actual party A4c(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 1ST RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(1). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK (98) 9 NA (99) Post. #1 recall - summary A4x(1) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] What was [NAME'S] party? 1ST RECALL ACCURACY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(1), A4b(1). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, with name DK or NA for party associated 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) - any party mention 7 No candidate name given (DK), DK or NA for party mention (first mention only) No candidate name mentioned (NA), DK for party mention (first mention only) 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Post. #2 recall - code A4a(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] 2ND RECALLED NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name given not on candidate list for this race 98 DK 99 NA Post. #2 recall - party A4b(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What was [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF 2ND RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This codes the party which R identified in association with name recalled. 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. #2 recall - actual party A4c(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 2ND RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(2). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK (98) 9 NA (99) Post. #2 recall - summary A4x(2) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] What was [NAME'S] party? 2ND RECALL ACCURACY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(2), A4b(2). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) - any party mention 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Post. #3 recall - code A4a(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] 3RD RECALLED NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name given not on candidate list for this race 98 DK 99 NA Post. #3 recall - party A4b(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: What was [NAME'S] party? RECALLED PARTY OF 3RD RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Democrat 2 Republican 7 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. #3 recall - actual party A4c(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] ACTUAL PARTY - 3RD RECALLED CANDIDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(3). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on candidate list (97) 8 DK (98) 9 NA (99) Post. #3 recall - summary A4x(3) IF R SAYS RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Who were they? [PROBE: Any others?] What was [NAME'S] party? 3RD RECALL ACCURACY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a(3), A4b(3). 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in A4; no post IW; no further mention 1 Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2 Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3 Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4 Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5 Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6 No candidate name given (DK or NA) - any party mention 9 NA for candidate name and NA for party mention Post. Feeling thermometer - Bill Clinton B1 Please look at page 1 of the booklet. I'd like to get your feelings toward some of our political leaders and other people who are in the news these days. I'll read the name of a person and I'd like you to rate that person using something we call the feeling thermometer. Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward the person. Ratings between 0 degrees and 50 degrees mean that you don't feel favorable toward that person and that you don't care too much for that person. You would rate the person at the 50 degree mark if you don't feel particular warm or cold toward the person. If we come to a person whose name you don't recognize, you don't need to rate that person. Just tell me and we'll move on to the next one. B1a [RB] (How would you rate) BILL CLINTON? BILL CLINTON THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of Presidential candidate names B1a-B1c was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Bob Dole B1b [RB] (How would you rate) BOB DOLE BOB DOLE THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of Presidential candidate names B1a-B1c was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Ross Perot B1c [RB] (How would you rate) ROSS PEROT ROSS PEROT THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of Presidential candidate names B1a-B1c was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Democratic House Candidate B1a1 [RB] (How would you rate) [NAME #31,#33,#35]? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of names House candidate names B1a1-B1b1 was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Republican House Candidate B1b1 [RB] (How would you rate) [NAME #32,#34,#36]? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of names House candidate names B1a1-B1b1 was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Retiring House Candidate B1c1 [RB] (How would you rate) [NAME #41,#42]? RETIRING HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Retiring House Representative was always 6th name administered (not randomized). Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no retiring House representative (type race 12,14,21,24); Washington DC; no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA Post. Feeling thermometer - Supreme Court B1d [RB] (Still using the thermometer how would you rate) THE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Congress B1e [RB] (How would you rate) CONGRESS CONGRESS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - The military B1f [RB] (How would you rate) THE MILITARY THE MILITARY - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Federal government B1g [RB] (How would you rate) THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGTON FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGTON - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - blacks B1h [RB] (How would you rate) BLACKS BLACKS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - whites B1j [RB] (How would you rate) WHITES WHITES - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - conservatives B1k [RB] (How would you rate) CONSERVATIVES CONSERVATIVES - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no Post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - liberals B1L [RB] (How would you rate) LIBERALS LIBERALS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - labor unions B1m [RB] (How would you rate) LABOR UNIONS LABOR UNIONS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA Post. Feeling thermometer - big business B1n [RB] (How would you rate) BIG BUSINESS BIG BUSINESS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - poor people B1p [RB] (How would you rate) POOR PEOPLE POOR PEOPLE - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - people on welfare B1q [RB] (How would you rate) PEOPLE ON WELFARE PEOPLE ON WELFARE - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Hispanics B1r (How would you rate) HISPANICS (HISPANIC-AMERICANS) HISPANICS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - Christian fundamentalists B1s [RB] (How would you rate) CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS- THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - the women's movement B1t [RB] (How would you rate) THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT- THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - older people B1u [RB] (How would you rate) OLDER PEOPLE (THE ELDERLY) OLDER PEOPLE- THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - environmentalists B1v [RB] (How would you rate) ENVIRONMENTALISTS ENVIRONMENTALISTS- THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - gay men and lesbians B1w [RB] (How would you rate) GAY MEN AND LESBIANS, HOMOSEXUALS GAY MEN AND LESBIANS - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Feeling thermometer - the Christian coalition B1x [RB] (How would you rate) THE CHRISTIAN COALITION THE CHRISTIAN COALITION - THERMOMETER RATING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See B1 for complete question text. Order of group and other names B1d-B1x was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. Ratings 0-100 and: 996 Inap, no post IW 997 R doesn't recognize name 998 DK where to rate; can't judge 999 NA; RF Post. Was there anything R liked about Dem House candidate C1 (Next I would like to ask you some questions about the candidates who ran in this district for the U.S. House of Representatives.) Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introductory sentence precedes question text only if first name. Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 7 "I don't know anything about this candidate" 8 DK 9 NA Post. #1 mention - R like of Democratic House candidate C1a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.) [MENTION 1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C1; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW 8888 NA 9998 DK Post. #2 mention - R like of Democratic House candidate C1a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.) [MENTION 2] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C1; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW Post. #3 mention - R like of Democratic House candidate C1a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.) [MENTION 3] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C1; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW Post. #4 mention - R like of Democratic House candidate C1a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.) [MENTION 4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C1; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW Post. #5 mention - R like of Democratic House candidate C1a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #31,#33,#35] the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.) [MENTION 5] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C1; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no post IW Post. Was there anything R disliked about Dem House candidate C2 Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 7 in C1; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. #1 mention - R dislike of Democratic House candidate C2a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C1; 5,8,9 in C2; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW; 9998 DK 9999 NA Post. #2 mention - R dislike of Democratic House candidate C2a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 2] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C1; 5,8,9 in C2; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW; Post. #3 mention - R dislike of Democratic House candidate C2a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 3] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C1; 5,8,9 in C2; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW; Post. #4 mention - R dislike of Democratic House candidate C2a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C1; 5,8,9 in C2; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW; Post. #5 mention - R dislike of Democratic House candidate C2a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #31,#33,#35], the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 5] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C1; 5,8,9 in C2; no further mention; no Democratic House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no post IW; Post. Was there anything R liked about Repub House candidate C3 Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 7 "I don't know anything about this candidate" 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. #1 mention - R like of Republican House candidate C3a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKED ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C3; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 9998 DK Post. #2 mention - R like of Republican House candidate C3a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKED ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 2] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C3; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #3 mention - R like of Republican House candidate C3a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKED ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 3] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C3; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #4 mention - R like of Republican House candidate C3a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKED ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C3; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #5 mention - R like of Republican House candidate C3a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKED ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you liked about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you liked about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 5] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in C3; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. Was there anything R disliked about Repub House cand C4 Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 7 in C3; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. #1 mention - R dislike of Republican House candidate C4a(1) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C3; 5,8,9 in C4; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 9998 DK 9999 NA Post. #2 mention - R dislike of Republican House candidate C4a(2) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 2] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C3; 5,8,9 in C4; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #3 mention - R dislike of Republican House candidate C4a(3) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 3] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C3; 5,8,9 in C4; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #4 mention - R dislike of Republican House candidate C4a(4) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C3; 5,8,9 in C4; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. #5 mention - R dislike of Republican House candidate C4a(5) IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE: Was there anything in particular that you didn't like about [NAME #32,#34,#36], the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? (What was that?) (PROBE: "Anything else that you didn't like about this candidate?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE) [MENTION 5] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order of 2 major party House candidates randomized in C1-C4; 'likes' always precede 'dislikes' for each candidate. See PARTY-CANDIDATE Master Code. Codes 0001-9997 and: 0000 Inap, 7 in C3; 5,8,9 in C4; no further mention; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW Post. Does R know if either House candidate is the incumbent C5a IF R CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES 2 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES: Do you happen to know if either of these candidates [NAME #31,#33,#35] or [NAME #32,#34,#36] was already in the U. S. House of Representatives before the election? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NOTE: PROBE IF R ANSWERS 'NO': Do you mean "neither" or "don't know"?) Order in question text of Democratic and Republican House candidate names was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, only one major party House candidate (type race 14 or 24) or Washington DC; no post IW 1 Yes, Democratic candidate was 2 Yes, Republican candidate was 3 Both (VOLUNTEERED) 5 Neither of them was 7 No, don't know; not sure 9 NA; RF Post. Code of candidate recalled as House incumbent C5a(1) IF R CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES 2 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATES: IF R HAS IDENTIFIED 1 HOUSE CANDIDATE AS INCUMBENT: CODE OF HOUSE CANDIDATE RECALLED AS INCUMBENT (2-CANDIDATE RACE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from C5a. 00 Inap, 0,5,7,9 in C5a 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 90 Both (VOL) Post. If only 1 candidate ran - was that candidate incumbent C5b IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES ONLY 1 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATE: Do you happen to know if [NAME #31,33,32,34] was already in the House of Representatives before the election? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (NOTE: PROBE IF R ANSWERS 'NO': Do you mean "no he wasn't" or "don't know"?) 0 Inap, two major party House candidates in race (type race 12,21,55 or 65) or Washington DC; no post IW 1 Yes, candidate was 5 No, candidate was not 7 No, don't know; not sure 9 NA Post. Unopposed race: Code of cand recalled as House incum C5b(1) IF R'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT RACE INCLUDES ONLY 1 MAJOR PARTY CANDIDATE: IF R HAS IDENTIFIED HOUSE CANDIDATE AS INCUMBENT: CODE OF HOUSE CANDIDATE RECALLED AS INCUMBENT (UNOPPOSED RACE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from C5b. 00 Inap, 0,5,7,9 in C5b 31 Democratic candidate in open race 32 Republican candidate in open race 33 Democratic incumbent 34 Republican incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger Post. Does R recall which party was in majority in the House C6 Do you happen to know which party had the most members in the House of Representatives in Washington before the election (this/last) month? (IF NECESSARY: "Which one?") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 The Democrats 5 The Republicans 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R recall which party was in majority in the Senate C7 Do you happen to know which party had the most members in the U.S. Senate before the election (this/last) month? (IF NECESSARY: "Which one?") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 The Democrats 5 The Republicans 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R vote D1 In talking to people about elections, we often find that a lot of people were not able to vote because they weren't registered, they were sick, or they just didn't have time. How about you--did you vote in the elections this November? 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Yes, voted 5 No, didn't vote 6 R refused to say whether voted 8 DK 9 NA Post. Was R registered D2 IF R DID NOT VOTE: Were you registered to vote in this election? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R voted (1 in D1); no post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Is R registered to vote in county D3/D3x IF R IS VOTER / IF R IS REGISTERED NONVOTER: Your residence is located in [county]. Are you registered to vote in [county]? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R not registered (5,8,9 in D2); no post IW 1 Yes, registered in county 5 No, registered in another county 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R vote on Nov 5th or before that D4 IF R VOTED: Did you vote on election day -- that is, November 5th 1996, or did you vote at some time before that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); no post IW 1 On election day 5 Some time before 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If before) How long before Nov 5th D4a IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED BEFORE ELECTION DAY: How long before November 5th did you vote? (PROBE: "A few days, a week, longer than that?") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not before election day (1,8,9 in D4); no post IW 1 Less than one week, 1-6 days 2 One week; 7 days 3 1-2 weeks; 8-14 days 4 2-3 weeks; 15-21 days 5 3-4 weeks; 22-28 days 6 One month; 29-31 days 7 More than one month; 32-60 days 11 A few days; a couple of days; several days -- NFS 12 A few weeks; a couple of weeks; several weeks -- NFS 91 More than a few days -- NFS 92 More than a few weeks --NFS 97 Other 98 DK; not sure 99 NA Post. Did R vote is person or by absentee ballot D5 IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED BEFORE ELECTION DAY: Did you vote in person or by absentee ballot? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not before election day (1,8,9 in D4); no post IW 1 In person 5 By absentee 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R vote for candidate for president D7 IF R VOTED: How about the election for President? Did you vote for a candidate for President? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); no post IW 1 Yes, voted for President 5 No, didn't vote for President 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which presidential candidate did R vote for D8 IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: Who did you vote for? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not for President (5,8,9 in D7); no Post IW 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 7 Other 8 Refused 9 NA Post. Was R's preference for presidential candidate strong D8a IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: Would you say that your preference for this candidate was strong or not strong? 0 Inap, 8,9 in D8; R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not for President (5,8,9 in D7); no Post IW 1 Strong 5 Not strong 8 DK 9 NA Post. How long before election had R decided who to vote for D9 IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: How long before the election did you decide that you were going to vote the way you did? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, 8,9 in D8; R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not for President (5,8,9 in D7); no Post IW 01 Knew all along/from the first; always vote for the same party; before the convention/nomination (no mention of Clinton, Dole or Perot); before the primaries; 9 months or more 02 Before the convention because of Clinton's, Dole's or Perot's candidacy; as soon as Clinton/Dole/Perot said he would run; "months before"; "early on"; "long time/quite a bit before the election" 03 At the time of the Republican convention/ when Dole was nominated; just after the Republican convention; 3 months; July; "a few months";"2-3 months" 04 During the Democratic convention when Clinton was nominated; just after the Democratic convention; 4 months; August 05 After the convention(s); during the campaign (NFS); 2 months; "a couple of months"; September 06 Five to seven weeks before the election 07 One month; three weeks; October; after the Presidential debates 08 About two weeks before the election; "ten days" 09 In the last few days of the campaign; the last part of it 10 On election day 11 During/after the primaries (not codeable in 02); "several months"; 5-8 months 12 After the vice-presidential debate 97 Other 98 DK 99 NA Post. If R had > 1 vote, who else would have voted for - #1 D10(1) IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: If you could have cast more than one vote in the Presidential election this (past) November, is there any other candidate you would have found acceptable and have voted for? [MENTION 1] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NOTE: IWR INSTRUCTION: DON'T TAKE THE SAME NAME TWICE.] 0 Inap, R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not for President (5,8,9 in D7); 8,9 in D8; no Post IW 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 4 No other candidate (VOL) (1st mention only) 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. If R had > 1 vote, who else would have voted for - #2 D10(2) IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: If you could have cast more than one vote in the Presidential election this (past) November, is there any other candidate you would have found acceptable and have voted for? [MENTION 2] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NOTE: IWR INSTRUCTION: DON'T TAKE THE SAME NAME TWICE.] 0 Inap, no further mention; R did not vote (5,6,8,9 in D1); R voted but not for President (5,8,9 in D7); 8,9 in D8; 4 in D10(1); no Post IW 1 Bill Clinton 2 Bob Dole 3 Ross Perot 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R vote for U.S. House candidate D11/D11x IF R VOTED: [SHOW BALLOT CARD] Here is a list of candidates for the major races in this district. How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? [DO NOT SHOW BALLOT CARD] How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1) 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK; refused 9 NA Post. R's vote - U.S. House candidate - code D11a/D11xa IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Who did you vote for? CANDIDATE CODE OF HOUSE VOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 97 includes cases where R volunteered that he/she voted "a straight ticket" but no candidate for R's party ran; it also includes cases where R insists that he/she voted for a specific party's candidate but no candidate from that party ran in R's district. For Rs who voted outside of their interview location, code 97 includes candidates named by R but whose CD and party are not known. It also includes cases where R names a candidate but the name is not among names of candidates within a known 'outside' CD. 00 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R did not vote in House election 5,8,9 in D11/D11x 30 Third party or independent House candidate on ballot card 31 Democratic candidate - open House race 32 Republican candidate - open House race 33 Democratic House incumbent 34 Republican House incumbent 35 Democratic House challenger 36 Republican House challenger CODES 80-92 IF R VOTED OUTSIDE DISTRICT OF INTERVIEW 80. Independent or minor party House candidate 81 Democratic candidate - open House race 82 Republican candidate - open House race 83 Democratic House incumbent 84 Republican House incumbent 85 Democratic House challenger 86 Republican House challenger 91 Democrat - no name given 92 Republican - no name given 97 Name not on candidate list for this race 98 DK; refused 99 NA Post. R's vote - U.S. House candidate - party D11a(1)/D11xa(1) IF R VOTED: IF R VOTED FOR CANDIDATE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Who did you vote for? PARTY OF HOUSE VOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from D11a/D11xa. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R did not vote in House election 5,8,9 in D11/D11x 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35,81,83,85,91) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36,82,84,86,92) 3 Third party/independent candidate (30,80) 7 Name given not on Candidate List for that race (97) 8 DK; refused (98) 9 NA (99) Post. Was there a senate race in state of interview D11xx Senate race in state of interview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 1 includes Kansas, which had 2 Senate races (regular Senate election and a special Senate election). Code 0 includes Washington DC. 0 No race in state (AZ, CA, CT, FL, HI, IN, MD, MO, NV, NY, OH, PA, UT, WA, WI) 1 Race in state (AL, AR, CO, GA, IL, IA, KS, LA, MA, MI, MN, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NC, OK, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WV, WY) Post. Senate race in state of vote D11xx(1) Senate race in state of vote ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This var is coded the same as D11xx (Senate race in state of interview) for all cases where R voted in the same state as state of interview (state in question Sample.1A is not different from state of interview in question Sample.1). 0 No race in state (AZ, CA, CT, FL, HI, IN, MD, MO, NV, NY, OH, PA, UT, WA, WI) 1 Race in state (AL, AR, CO, GA, IL, IA, KS, LA, MA, MI, MN, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NC, OK, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WV, WY) Post. Did R vote for a Senate candidate D12/D12x IF R VOTED: [SHOW BALLOT CARD] (Still looking at the list of candidates) How about the election for the United States Senate? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. Senate? [DO NOT SHOW BALLOT CARD] How about the election for the United States Senate? Did you vote for a candidate for the United States Senate? KANSAS: How about the two elections for the United States Senate? Did you vote for candidates for the U.S. Senate? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Rs are registered in states other than that of their residence. If R is registered out of state, this variable applies to the out-of-state race (if one occurred), not to any Senate race in R's state of residence (if one occurred). If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. For voters residing in Kansas who were registered in the county of their residence (first question format), an exact equivalent of this question was not asked: D12k(1a) and D12k(1b) were asked without a yes/no filter. To include KS in-county voters in this variable, if R voted for one or more candidates in D12k(1a)/D12k(1b) then this variable has been coded Yes. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); no race in state of vote (0 in D11xx(1)) 1 Yes 5 No 7 R volunteers: No Senate race in state 8 DK; refused 9 NA Post. R's vote - Senate - code D12a/D12xa IF R LOCATION IS NOT KANSAS: IF R VOTED: Who did you vote for? CANDIDATE CODE OF SENATE VOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Kansas voters, data for R's vote in the regular senate election have been duplicated here; for vote in special Kansas election, see D12k(1a) and D12k(1b). There were no cases where R was not resident in Kansas but voted in Kansas (outside state of residence), so that no information was lost about the second Senate election in Kansas. 00 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R did not vote in Senate election; no race in state of vote (0 in D11xx(1)); R voted in Kansas but did not vote in the regular Senate election 10 Third party or independent Senate candidate on Ballot card 11 Democratic candidate in open Senate race 12 Republican candidate in open Senate race 13 Democratic Senate incumbent 14 Republican Senate incumbent 15 Democratic Senate challenger 16 Republican Senate challenger CODES 80-92 IF R VOTED OUTSIDE STATE OF INTERVIEW 80. Third party or independent Senate candidate 81 Democratic candidate in open Senate race 82 Republican candidate in open Senate race 83 Democratic Senate incumbent 84 Republican Senate incumbent 85 Democratic Senate challenger 86 Republican Senate challenger 91 Democrat - no name given 92 Republican - no name given 97 Name given not on candidate list for this race 98 DK; refused 99 NA Post. R's vote - Senate - party D12a(1)/D12xa(1) IF R LOCATION IS NOT KANSAS: IF R VOTED: Who did you vote for? PARTY OF SENATE VOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from D12a/D12xa. For Kansas voters, data for R's vote in the regular senate election have been duplicated here. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R did not vote in Senate election; no race in state of vote (0 in D11xx(1)); R voted in Kansas but did not vote in the regular Senate election 1 Democratic candidate (11,13,15,81,83,85,91) 2 Republican candidate (12,14,16,82,84,86,92) 3 Third party/independent candidate (30,80) 7 Name given not on Candidate List for that race (97) 8 DK; refused (98) 9 NA (99) Post. #1 - Kansas Senate race - code D12k(1a)/D12xk(1a IF R LOCATION IS KANSAS: IF R VOTED: [BALLOT CARD] We had two Senate races here in Kansas. Which candidates did you vote for? [NO BALLOT CARD] Who did you vote for? KANSAS FIRST MENTION - CANDIDATE CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes for R'S vote in the regular Kansas senate election have been duplicated in D12a. If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. 00 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R location not Kansas; R did not vote in Senate election; R voted out of state (not in KS) and no race in other state (0 in D11xx(1)) 11 Democratic candidate in regular senate election 12 Republican candidate in regular senate election CODES 80-92 IF R VOTED OUTSIDE STATE OF INTERVIEW (OUTSIDE OF KANSAS) 80. Third party or independent Senate candidate 81 Democratic candidate in open Senate race 82 Republican candidate in open Senate race 83 Democratic Senate incumbent 84 Republican Senate incumbent 85 Democratic Senate challenger 86 Republican Senate challenger 91 Democrat - no name given 92 Republican - no name given 93 Democratic candidate in special senate election 94 Republican candidate in special senate election 97 Name given not on Candidate List for this race 98 DK; refused 99 NA Post. #1 - Kansas Senate race - party D12k(1b)/D12xk(1b IF R LOCATION IS KANSAS: IF R VOTED: [BALLOT CARD] We had two Senate races here in Kansas. Which candidates did you vote for? [NO BALLOT CARD] Who did you vote for? KANSAS FIRST MENTION - PARTY OF VOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from D12k(1a)/D12xk(1a). Codes for R'S vote in the regular Kansas senate election have been duplicated in D12a(1). If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R location not Kansas; R did not vote in Senate election; R voted out of state (not in KS) and no race in other state (0 in D11xx(1)) 1 Democratic candidate (93,11,81,83,85,91) 2 Republican candidate (94,12,82,84,86) 3 Third party/ independent candidate (80) 7 Name given not on Candidate List for this race (97) 8 DK; refused (98) 9 NA (99) Post. #2 - Kansas Senate race - code D12k(2a)/D12xk(2a IF R LOCATION IS KANSAS: IF R VOTED: [BALLOT CARD] We had two Senate races here in Kansas. Which candidates did you vote for? [NO BALLOT CARD] Who did you vote for? KANSAS SECOND MENTION - CANDIDATE CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes for R'S vote in the regular Kansas senate election have been duplicated in D12a(1). If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. 00 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R location not Kansas; R did not vote in Senate election; R voted in only 1 KS Senate election; R voted out of state (not in KS) and no race in other state (0 in D11xx(1)) 11 Democratic candidate in regular senate election 12 Republican candidate in regular senate election CODES 80-92 IF R VOTED OUTSIDE STATE OF INTERVIEW (OUTSIDE OF KANSAS) 80. Third party or independent Senate candidate 81 Democratic candidate in open Senate race 82 Republican candidate in open Senate race 83 Democratic Senate incumbent 84 Republican Senate incumbent 85 Democratic Senate challenger 86 Republican Senate challenger 91 Democrat - no name given 92 Republican - no name given 93 Democratic candidate in special senate election 94 Republican candidate in special senate election 97 Name given not on Candidate List for this race 98 DK; refused 99 NA Post. #2 - Kansas Senate race - party D12k(2b)/D12xk(2b IF R LOCATION IS KANSAS: IF R VOTED: [BALLOT CARD] We had two Senate races here in Kansas. Which candidates did you vote for? [NO BALLOT CARD] Who did you vote for? KANSAS SECOND MENTION - PARTY CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from D12k(2a)/D12xk(2a). Codes for R'S vote in the regular Kansas senate election have been duplicated in D12a(1). If R responded that he/she was not registered in county of residence, then R was not shown the ballot card and the second question format was used. 0 Inap, no post IW; R did not vote (5,8,9 in D1); R location not Kansas; R did not vote in Senate election; R voted in only 1 KS Senate election; R voted out of state (not in KS) and no race in other state (0 in D11xx(1)) 1 Democratic candidate (93,11,81,83,85,91) 2 Republican candidate (94, 12,82,84,86,92) 3 Third party/ independent candidate (80) 7 Name given not on Candidate List for this race (97) 8 DK; refused (98) 9 NA (99) Post. (If R did not vote) Did R prefer a cand for president D14 IF R DID NOT VOTE: How about the election for President? Did you prefer one of the candidates for President? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R voted or post IW DK/refused/NA if voted(1,6,8,9 in D1); no 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If R did not vote) Which candidate did R prefer D14a IF R DID NOT VOTE: IF R PREFERRED ONE OF THE CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT: Who did you prefer? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no preference (5,8,9 in D14); R voted or if voted (1,6,8,9 inD1); no post IW DK/refused/NA 1 Clinton 3 Dole 5 Perot 7 Other (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If R did not vote) Was R's preference strong/not D14b IF R DID NOT VOTE: IF R PREFERRED ONE OF THE CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT: IF R IDENTIFIED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OF PREFERENCE: Would you say that your preference for this candidate was strong or not strong? 0 Inap, 8,9 in D14a; no preference (5,8,9 in D14); R voted or DK/refused/NA if voted (1,6,8,9 in D1); no post IW 1 Strong 5 Not strong 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If R did not vote) Did R prefer candidate for House D15/D15x IF R DID NOT VOTE: [SHOW BALLOT CARD] Here is a list of candidates for the major races in this district. How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington? Did you prefer one of the candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives? / How about the election for the House of Representatives. Did you prefer one of the candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike previous years, and through an error in the questionnaire, nonvoters not registered in the county of interview were not asked the same version of this question as nonvoters who were registered in the county of interview. Thus, all 'out of county' nonvoters (17 cases) were not shown a ballot card (second version of question). Specifically regarding 'out of county' nonvoters who may have been registered in a CD different from the CD of interview: in past studies, all nonvoters were asked for preference among candidates within the CD of interview, regardless of where they were registered, and the ballot card for CD of interview was presented to R. In 1996 no ballot card was shown and no other identification of CD for candidate preference was offered to nonvoters registered in a different CD. Among the 17 'out of county' nonvoters, no clear indication was found within respondents' answers of preference for candidates from CDs other than CD of interview, however it is unclear how the 'out of county' nonvoter responses would have differed if the ballot card had been shown. 0 Inap, R voted or post IW DK/refused/NA if voted (1,6,8,9 in D1); no 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If R did not vote) Which House cand did R prefer - code D15a/D15xa IF R DID NOT VOTE: IF R PREFERRED ONE OF THE CANDIDATES FOR HOUSE: Which candidate was that?/ Which candidate did you prefer? CANDIDATE CODE OF HOUSE PREFERENCE 00 Inap, no preference (5,8,9 in D15); R voted or if voted (1,6,8,9 in D1); no post IW DK/refused/NA 31 Democratic House candidate in open race 32 Republican House candidate in open race 33 Democratic House incumbent 34 Republican House incumbent 35 Democratic challenger 36 Republican challenger 97 Name not on candidate list for this race 98 DK 99 NA Post. (If R did not vote) Which House cand R prefer - party D15a(1) IF R DID NOT VOTE: IF R PREFERRED ONE CANDIDATE FOR HOUSE RACE: Which candidate was that?/Which candidate did you prefer? PARTY CODE OF HOUSE PREFERENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build from D15/D15x and D15a/D15xa. 0 Inap, no preference (5,8,9 in D15); R voted or if voted (1,6,8,9 in D1); no post IW DK/refused/NA 1 Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2 Republican candidate (32,34,36) 7 Name given not on Candidate List for that race (97) 8 DK (98) 9 NA (99) Post. Assignment to half sample D30/S30 HALF-SAMPLE CHECKPOINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half of the respondents were randomly selected for administration of question D30a-D30g; the other half sample were administered S30a-S30g. 0 R selected for administration of S30a-S30g 1 R selected for administration of D30a-D30g 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Level of govt effort to protect the environment D30/S30 Now I am going to ask you what you think of the government's current activities in various areas of environmental policy. In each case, just tell me whether you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into that area than it does now. D30a/S30a Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into improving and protecting the environment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Level of govt effort to reduce air pollution D30b/S30b (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Reducing air pollution? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA Post. Level of govt effort to manage natural resources D30c/S30c (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Managing natural resources that are important to our economy, such as timber and fisheries? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Level of govt effort to clean up lakes and parks D30d/S30d (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Cleaning up lakes and parks for recreation such as hiking and boating? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Level of govt effort to clean up toxic waste D30e/S30e (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Cleaning up hazardous or toxic waste? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Level of govt effort to clean up solid waste D30f/S30f (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Reducing solid waste and garbage? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Level of govt effort to address global warming D30g/S30g (Do you think the government should put less, the same amount, or more effort into) Addressing global warming? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See D30/S30 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Less 3 The same amount 5 More 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Trait: Clinton - moral E1 (I am going to read a list of words and phrases people may use to describe political figures. For each, tell me whether the word or phrase describes the candidate name.) E1a Think about Bill Clinton. In your opinion, does the phrase "(he [is])....." describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? MORAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1 for full text. Order of Clinton and Dole traits in E1a-E2d randomized (both traits asked for first candidate before traits are asked about second candidate). For trait "Gets things done," Perot is always third. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Certainty of Clinton - moral E1b IF R GIVES OPINION ABOUT CLINTON AS 'MORAL:' How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in E1a; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Trait: Clinton - gets things done E2a GETS THINGS DONE? (Does the phrase "gets things done" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1 for full text. Order of Clinton and Dole traits in E1a-E2d randomized (both traits asked for first candidate before traits are asked about second candidate). For trait "Gets things done," Perot is always third. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. Certainty of Clinton - gets things done E2b IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER CLINTON 'GETS THINGS DONE:' How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in E1c; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Trait: Dole - moral E1c Think about Bob Dole. In your opinion, does the phrase "(he [is])....." describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? MORAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1 for full text. Order of Clinton and Dole traits in E1a-E2d randomized (both traits asked for first candidate before traits are asked about second candidate). For trait "Gets things done," Perot is always third. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Certainty of Dole - moral E1d IF R GIVES OPINION ABOUT DOLE AS 'MORAL:' How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in E2a; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Trait: Dole - gets things done E2c GETS THINGS DONE? (Does the phrase "gets things done" describe Bob Dole extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1 for full text. Order of Clinton and Dole traits in E1a-E2d randomized (both traits asked for first candidate before traits are asked about second candidate). For trait "Gets things done," Perot is always third. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely well 2 Quite well 3 Not too well 4 Not well at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Certainty of Dole - gets things done E2d IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER DOLE 'GETS THINGS DONE:' How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in E2c; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Trait: Perot - gets things done E3a Post. Certainty of Perot - gets things done GETS THINGS DONE? (Does the phrase "gets things done" describe Ross Perot extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See E1 for full text. Order of Clinton and Dole traits in E1a-E2d randomized (both traits asked for first candidate before traits are asked about second candidate). For trait "Gets things done," Perot is always third. 207 1. Extremely well 569 2. Quite well 407 3. Not too well 208 4. Not well at all 130 8 . DK 13 9. NA; RF 180 0. Inap, no Post IW E3b IF R GIVES OPINION WHETHER PEROT 'GETS THINGS DONE:' How certain are you about this? VERY CERTAIN, PRETTY CERTAIN, or NOT VERY CERTAIN? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See note E3a. 0 Inap, 8,9 in E3a; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Checkpoint: Running incumbent in R's district E3x CHECKPOINT - RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No running incumbent in R's district (type race 55,65) 1 Running incumbent in R's district (type race 12,14,21,24) 9 Inap, Washington DC; no Post IW Post. Does R approve/disapprove of running House incumbent E4 IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: In general, do you approve or disapprove of the way Representative [NAME #33 OR NAME #34] has been handling his/her job? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no running incumbent (0 in E3x); Washington DC; no post iW 1 Approve 5 Disapprove 8 DK 9 NA Post. Strength of R's approval/disapproval of House incumbent E4a/E4b IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R APPROVES OF PERFORMANCE OF RUNNING HOUSE INCUMBENT / IF R DISAPPROVES OF PERFORMANCE OF RUNNING HOUSE INCUMBENT: E4a. Do you approve strongly or not strongly? E4b. Do you disapprove strongly or not strongly? 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; 8,9 in E4; Washington DC; no post IW 1 Approve strongly 2 Approve not strongly 4 Disapprove not strongly 5 Disapprove strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R know the number yrs that incum has been in House E5 IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: Do you happen to know about how many years [NAME #33 OR NAME #34] has been in the House of Representatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; no post IW 1 Yes, R knows 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If yes) How many years has incumbent been in House E5a IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R SAYS R KNOWS ABOUT HOW MANY YEARS HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE: About how many? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code actual number and: 00 Inap, 0 in E3x; 5,8,9 in E5; Washington DC; no post IW 98 DK 99 NA Post. (If DK) Has incum been in House less/about/more 12 yrs E5b IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R DOESN'T KNOW HOW MANY YEARS HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE: Would you say less than 12 years, about 12 years, or more than 12 years? 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; 1,8,9 in E5; Washington DC; no post IW 1 Less than 12 years 3 About 12 years 5 More than 12 years 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. How well has incumbent kept in touch with district E6 IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: How good a job would you say U.S. Representative [NAME #33 OR NAME #34] does of keeping in touch with the people in your district -- does he/she do a very good job, fairly good, fairly poor, or a poor job of keeping in touch with the people in this district? 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; Washington DC; no post IW 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly poor 4 Very poor 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Does R know House incumbent's vote on welfare reform E7 IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: One of the main issues considered by Congress this year was welfare reform. Did Representative [NAME #33 OR NAME #34] vote for or against the welfare reform bill? 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; Washington DC; no post IW 1 For 3 Against 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. (If DK) R's guess -House incumb vote on welfare reform E7a IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R DOESN'T KNOW HOW REPRESENTATIVE VOTED ON WELFARE REFORM BILL: What would be your best guess? (Did [NAME #33 OR NAME #34] vote for or against the welfare reform bill?) 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; 1,3,9 in E7; Washington DC; no post IW 1 For 3 Against 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R thinkHouse incumbent supports Clinton E8 IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: How often has Representative[NAME #33 OR NAME #34] supported President Clinton's legislative proposals? More than half the time, half, less than half the time, or are you not sure? 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; Washington DC; no post IW 1 More than half 2 Half 3 Less than half 8 DK; not sure 9 NA; RF Post. (If more than half) Almost always E8a IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R SAYS REPRESENTATIVE HAS SUPPORTED CLINTON MORE THAN HALF THE TIME: Would you say it was almost always? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; 2-9 in E8; Washington DC; no post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. (If less than half) Almost never E8b IF RUNNING INCUMBENT IN R'S DISTRICT: IF R SAYS REPRESENTATIVE HAS SUPPORTED CLINTON LESS THAN HALF THE TIME: Would you say it was almost never? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0 in E3x; 1,2,8,9 in E8; Washington DC; no post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much does R follow government and public affairs E9 Some people seem to follow what's going on in government and public affairs most of the time, whether there's an election going on or not. Others aren't that interested. Would you say you follow what's going on in government and public affairs most of the time, some of the time, only now and then, or hardly at all? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Most of the time 2 Some of the time 3 Only now and then 4 Hardly at all 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Checkpoint: Half-sample E10 HALF-SAMPLE CHECKPOINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half the respondents were randomly selected for administration of questions F1-F4. 0 R not randomly selected for administration of F1-F4 1 R randomly selected for administration of F1-F4 9 Inap, no post IW Post. What does R think is most imp prob facing country - #1 F1(1) What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? [PROBE: "Any other important problems facing the country?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.] MENTION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the IMPORTANT PROBLEM Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 0 in E10; no Post IW 998 DK 999 NA Post. What does R think is most imp prob facing country - #2 F1(2) What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? [PROBE: "Any other important problems facing the country?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.] MENTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the IMPORTANT PROBLEM Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 0 in E10; no further mention; no post IW Post. What does R think is most imp prob facing country - #3 F1(3) What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? [PROBE: "Any other important problems facing the country?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.] MENTION 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the IMPORTANT PROBLEM Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 0 in E10; no further mention; no post IW Post. What does R think is most imp prob facing country - #4 F1(4) What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? [PROBE: "Any other important problems facing the country?" UNTIL R SAYS NONE.] MENTION 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See the IMPORTANT PROBLEM Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 0 in E10; no further mention; no post IW Post. Checkpoint: Number of mentions- 'Most important problem' F1a What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? CHECKPOINT - NUMBER OF MENTIONS FOR 'MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM' 0 Inap, 0 in E10; no post IW 1 R has mentioned only one problem 3 R has mentioned more than one problem 5 R has not mentioned any problems Post. What does R think is the single most important problem F2 IF R HAS MENTIONED MORE THAN 1 'MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM:' Of those you've mentioned, what would you say is the single most important problem the country faces? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Responses of Rs who mentioned only 1 problem were duplicated here. See the IMPORTANT PROBLEM Master Code. Codes 001-997 and: 000 Inap, 0 in E10; R has not mentioned any problems (5 in F1a); no post IW 998 DK 999 NA Post. How does R think fed govt is handling most imp problem F3 IF R HAS IDENTIFIED 'MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM:' How good a job is the government in Washington doing in dealing with this problem, a good job, only fair, or a poor job? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cases which were administered in error using an early-version training VQ (1 in question Admin.35) were administered without this question; these cases have been coded NA. 0 Inap, 0 in E10; R has not identified any problems (5 in F1a); no post IW 1 A good job 3 Only fair 5 A poor job 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party would do better job on most imp prob F4 IF R HAS IDENTIFIED 'MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM:' Which political party do you think would be most likely to get the government to do a better job in dealing with this problem--the Republicans, the Democrats, or wouldn't there be much difference between them? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cases which were administered in error using an early-version training VQ (1 in question Admin.35) were administered without this question; these cases have been coded NA. 0 Inap, 0 in E10; R has not identified any problems (5 in F1a); no post IW 1 The Republicans 3 The Democrats 5 There wouldn't be much difference between them 7 Neither party (vol) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think: Less govt the better /govt should do more F5 Next, I am going to ask you to choose which of two statements I read comes closer to your own opinion. You might agree to some extent with both, but we want to know which one is closer to your views. F5a One, the less government, the better; or two, there are more things that government should be doing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See F5 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 The less government the better 2 More things government should be doing 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think: Strg govt for econ prob /free markts handle F5b One, we need a strong government to handle today's complex economic problems; or two, the free market can handle these problems without government being involved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See F5 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Need a strong gov't to handle complex economic problems 2 Free market can handle without government involvement 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think: Govt big -too involved/govt big -probs big F5c One, the main reason government has become bigger over the years is because it has gotten involved in things that people should do for themselves; or two, government has become bigger because the problems we face have become bigger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See F5 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Govt is bigger because involved in things people should handle themselves 2 Govt has become bigger because problems are bigger 8 DK 9 NA; RF Post. Does R think: More import to be cooperative / self-reliant F5d One, it is more important to be a cooperative person who works well with others; or two, it is more important to be a self-reliant person able to take care of oneself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See F5 for full text. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 More important to be cooperative 2 More important to be self-reliant 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R watch 'Jeopardy' and 'Wheel of Fortune' F6 How many times in the last week have you watched "Jeopardy" or "Wheel of Fortune"? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 0-20 and: 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. How often does R watch sports on TV F7 How many times in the last week have you watched a sports event on TV? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 0-20 and: 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. How often does R watch 'ER' on TV F8 Do you watch "ER" every week, most weeks, only occasionally or not at all? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Every week 2 Most weeks 3 Only occasionally 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R watch 'Frasier' on TV F9 Do you watch "Frasier" every week, most weeks, only occasionally, or not at all? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Every week 2 Most weeks 3 Only occasionally 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R watch 'Dr. Quinn' on TV F10 How about "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman"? (Do you watch that show every week, most weeks, only occasionally, or not at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Every week 2 Most weeks 3 Only occasionally 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. How of does R watch 'Friends' on TV F11 Do you watch the show "Friends" (every week, most weeks, only occasionally, or not at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Every week 2 Most weeks 3 Only occasionally 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R watch 'Prime Time Live' on TV F12 How about "Prime Time Live"? (Do you watch this show every week, most weeks, only occasionally, or not at all?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Every week 2 Most weeks 3 Only occasionally 4 Not at all 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R ever listen to political talk radio programs F13 There are a number of programs on radio in which people call in to voice their opinions about politics. Do you ever listen to political talk radio programs of this type? 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Yes, listen 5 No, don't listen 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R listen to polit talk radio program F13a IF R LISTENS TO POLITICAL TALK RADIO PROGRAMS: How often do you listen to those programs -- every day, most days, once or twice a week, or only occasionally? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in F13; no post IW 1 Every day 2 Most days 3 Once or twice a week 4 Only occasionally 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much attention does R pay polit talk radio programs F13b IF R LISTENS TO POLITICAL TALK RADIO PROGRAMS: Some people listen carefully to these talk radio programs while others just keep them on in the background while they do other things. How about you? When you turn on a political talk radio program, would you say you pay very close attention, fairly close attention, occasional attention, or very little attention? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in F13; no post IW 1 Very close attention 2 Fairly close attention 3 Occasional attention 4 Very little attention 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R ever listen to Rush Limbaugh F14 IF R LISTENS TO POLITICAL TALK RADIO PROGRAMS: Do you ever listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IWR INSTRUCTION: if R volunteers that they only watch him on TV, code '5' and continue w/out comment.] 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in F13; no post IW 1 Yes, listen 5 No, don't listen 8 DK 9 NA Post. How often does R listen to Rush Limbaugh F14a IF R LISTENS TO POLITICAL TALK RADIO PROGRAMS: IF R LISTENS TO RUSH LIMBAUGH: How often do you listen to Rush Limbaugh -- every day, most days, once or twice a week, or only occasionally? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in F13; 5,8,9 in F14; no post IW 1 Every day 2 Most days 3 Once or twice a week 4 Only occasionally 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R have access to the Internet or the World Wide Web F15 Do you have access to the Internet or the World Wide Web ("the Web")? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R see any information about campaign on the Internet F15a IF R HAS ACCESS TO THE INTERNET: Have you seen any information about this election campaign on the (Internet/the Web)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in F15; no post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Was R contacted by any political party G1 As you know, the political parties try to talk to as many people as they can to get them to vote for their candidate. Did anyone from one of the political parties call you up or come around and talk to you about the campaign this year? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party contracted R G1a IF POLITICAL PARTY CONTACTED R ABOUT CAMPAIGNS: Did anyone from one of the political parties call you up or come around and talk to you about the campaign this year? Which party was that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G1; no Post IW 1 Democrats 5 Republicans 6 Both parties 7 Other party - specify 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did anyone else contact R about candidate in the election G2 Other than someone from the two major parties, did anyone (else) call you up or come around and talk to you about supporting specific candidates in this last election? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R talk to others about voting for/against party or cand G3 We would like to find out about some of the things people do to help a party or a candidate win an election. During the campaign, did you talk to any people and try to show them why they should vote for or against one of the parties or candidates? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R wear a button, place a sign, or put a sticker on car G4 Did you wear a campaign button, put a campaign sticker on your car, or place a sign in your window or in front of your house? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R attend any meetings, speeches, rallies for cand G5 Did you go to any political meetings, rallies, speeches, dinners, or things like that in support of a particular candidate? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R work for any one of the parties or candidates G6 Did you do any (other) work for one of the parties or candidates? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R contribute money to a candidate running for office G7 During an election year people are often asked to make a contribution to support campaigns. Did you give money to an individual candidate running for public office? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party the candidate that R contributed to belong G7a IF R MADE CONTRIBUTION TO CANDIDATE: Which party did that candidate belong to? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G7; no Post IW 1 Democrats 3 Republicans 5 Other (specify)(VOL) 6 Both a Democratic candidate and a Republican candidate 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R give money to a polit cand during election year G8 Did you give money to a political party during this election year? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party did R contribute money to G8a IF R MADE CONTRIBUTION TO PARTY? To which party did you give money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in G8; no Post IW 1 Democrats 3 Republicans 5 Other (specify)(VOL) 6 Both Democrats and Republicans (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R give money to other group that supported/opposed cand G9 Did you give any money to any other group that supported or opposed candidates? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did anyone talk to R about registering to vote G10 During the campaign this year, did anyone talk to you about registering to vote or getting out to vote? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, someone did 5 No, no one did 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did relig/moral group contact R about R's vote G11 Were there any groups concerned with moral or religious issues that tried to encourage you to vote in a particular way? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, there were groups 5 No, no groups tried to encourage 8 DK 9 NA Post. Campaign information available at R's place of worship G12 Was information about candidates, parties, or political issues made available in your place of worship before the election? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Yes 5 No, no information available 7 No, don't attend church (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R's clergy give advice to R on how to vote G13 IF R HAS NOT INDICATED NONATTENDANCE AT CHURCH IN G12: Did the clergy or other church leaders at your place of worship encourage you to vote for a particular candidate or party? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, R says he/she doesn't attend church (7 in G12); no post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which candidate did R's clergy recommend - #1 mention G13a(1) IF R ATTENDS CHURCH: IF CLERGY OR CHURCH LEADERS ENCOURAGED VOTE FOR SOME PARTICULAR CANDIDATE OR PARTY: Which candidate? [PROBE: IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME: "Which election or what office?" "Any others?"] MENTION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The codes for this variable have been slightly changed from previous years. PRESIDENTIAL 00 Inap, R does not attend church (7 in G12); no encouragement given (5,8,9 in G13); no post IW 01 Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Clinton) 02 Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Dole) 03 Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (1996: Perot) 05 Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Clinton) 06 Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Dole) SENATE 11 Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12 Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13 Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14 Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15 Republican Senate challenger candidate 16 Republican Senate challenger candidate 31 Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32 Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33 Democratic House incumbent candidate 34 Republican House incumbent candidate 35 Democratic House challenger candidate 36 Republican House challenger candidate OTHER PARTY-SPECIFIC 71 Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 72 Republican Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 73 Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74 Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80 Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81 Democratic Party 82 Republican Party 85 Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic candidate exc. Presidential 86 Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican candidate exc. Presidential 89 Other party (only) NOT PARTY-SPECIFIC 90 Vote on particular issue 93 Democratic Senate candidate for KS special election 94 Republican Senate candidate for KS special election HOUSE 95 Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96 Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates; advice to vote/ not vote 97 Candidate name given but party/office level NA (low priority) 98 Don't know, can't remember 99 NA Post. Which candidate did R's clergy recommend - #2 mention G13a(2) IF R ATTENDS CHURCH: IF CLERGY OR CHURCH LEADERS ENCOURAGED VOTE FOR SOME PARTICULAR CANDIDATE OR PARTY: Which candidate? [PROBE: IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME: "Which election or what office?" "Any others?"] MENTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The codes for this variable have been slightly changed from previous years. PRESIDENTIAL 00 Inap, R does not attend church (7 in G12); no encouragement given (5,8,9 in G13); no post IW; no further mention 01 Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Clinton) 02 Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Dole) 03 Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (1996: Perot) 05 Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Clinton) 06 Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Dole) SENATE 11 Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12 Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13 Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14 Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15 Republican Senate challenger candidate 16 Republican Senate challenger candidate 31 Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32 Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33 Democratic House incumbent candidate 34 Republican House incumbent candidate 35 Democratic House challenger candidate 36 Republican House challenger candidate OTHER PARTY-SPECIFIC 71 Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 72 Republican Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 73 Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74 Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80 Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81 Democratic Party 82 Republican Party 85 Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic candidate exc. Presidential 86 Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican candidate exc. Presidential 89 Other party (only) NOT PARTY-SPECIFIC 90 Vote on particular issue 93 Democratic Senate candidate for KS special election 94 Republican Senate candidate for KS special election HOUSE 95 Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96 Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates; advice to vote/ not vote 97 Candidate name given but party/office level NA (low priority) Post. Which candidate did R's clergy recommend - #3 mention G13a(3) IF R ATTENDS CHURCH: IF CLERGY OR CHURCH LEADERS ENCOURAGED VOTE FOR SOME PARTICULAR CANDIDATE OR PARTY: Which candidate? [PROBE: IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME: "Which election or what office?" "Any others?"] MENTION 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The codes for this variable have been slightly changed from previous years. PRESIDENTIAL 00 Inap, R does not attend church (7 in G12); no encouragement given (5,8,9 in G13); no post IW; no further mention 01 Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Clinton) 02 Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Dole) 03 Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (1996: Perot) 05 Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Clinton) 06 Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (1996: Anti-Dole) SENATE 11 Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12 Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13 Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14 Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15 Republican Senate challenger candidate 16 Republican Senate challenger candidate 31 Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32 Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33 Democratic House incumbent candidate 34 Republican House incumbent candidate 35 Democratic House challenger candidate 36 Republican House challenger candidate OTHER PARTY-SPECIFIC 71 Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 72 Republican Candidate(s)--NA which candidate(s) 73 Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74 Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80 Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81 Democratic Party 82 Republican Party 85 Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic candidate exc. Presidential 86 Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican candidate exc. Presidential 89 Other party (only) NOT PARTY-SPECIFIC 90 Vote on particular issue 93 Democratic Senate candidate for KS special election 94 Republican Senate candidate for KS special election HOUSE 95 Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96 Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates; advice to vote/ not vote 97 Candidate name given but party/office level NA (low priority) Post. Checkpoint: Half-sample G14 HALF-SAMPLE CHECKPOINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half the respondents were randomly selected for administration of questions H1-H1a. 0 R not randomly selected for administration of H1-H1a 1 R randomly selected for administration of H1-H1a 9 Inap, no post IW Post. Does R think there are imp diffs between Reps and Dems H1 Do you think there are any important differences in what the Republicans and Democrats stand for? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 0 in G14; no Post IW 1 Yes, differences 5 No, no differences 8 DK 9 NA Post. Important difference: #1 mention H1a(1) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; no Post IW 9998 DK 9999 NA Post. Important difference: Party reference - #1 mention H1b(1) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party 8 DK (998 in H1a(1)) 9 NA (999 in H1a(1)) Post. Important difference: #2 mention H1a(2) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no Post IW Post. Important difference: Party reference - #2 mention H1b(2) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party Post. Important difference: #3 mention H1a(3) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no Post IW Post. Important difference: Party reference - #3 mention H1b(3) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party Post. Important difference: #4 mention H1a(4) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no Post IW Post. Important difference: Party reference - #4 mention H1b(4) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party Post. Important difference: #5 mention H1a(5) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no Post IW Post. Important difference: Party reference - #5 mention H1b(5) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party Post. Important difference: #6 mention H1a(6) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] MENTION 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. See PARTY DIFFERENCES Master Code. 0000 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no Post IW Post. Important difference: Party reference - #6 mention H1b(6) IF R SAYS THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN WHAT THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS STAND FOR: What are those differences? [PROBE: "Any other important differences?" UNTIL R SAYS "NONE."] PARTY REFERENCE - MENTION 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H1 for full text. Responses that refer specifically to the candidates rather than parties are coded "7." However, if the candidates are referred to as leaders or representatives of the parties, the response is coded with the appropriate code category. 0 Inap, 0 in G14; 5,8,9 in H1; 998,999 in H1a(1); no further mention; no post IW 1 Democratic party mention 2 Democratic Presidential candidate mention 4 Republican Presidential candidate mention 5 Republican Party mention 6 Other party mentioned instead 7 Unclear party reference-- some substantive area of party difference mentioned, but party reference is not clear; reference to candidate rather than party Post. Does R know what office Al Gore holds H3 Now we have a set of questions concerning various public figures. We want to see how much information about them gets out to the public from television, newspapers and the like. H3a The first name is Al Gore. What job or political office does he now hold? AL GORE - R'S KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICAL OFFICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Correctly identifies Al Gore (as Vice-President) 5 Identification incomplete or wrong 8 DK; R makes no attempt to guess 9 NA Post. Does R know what office William Rehnquist hold H3b William Rehnquist? (What job or political office does he now hold?) WILLIAM REHNQUIST - R'S KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICAL OFFICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Correctly identifies Rehnquist as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 5 Identification incomplete or wrong 8 DK; R makes no attempt to guess 9 NA Post. Does R know what office Boris Yeltsin holds H3c Boris Yeltsin? (What job or political office does he now hold?) BORIS YELTSIN - R'S KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICAL OFFICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Correctly identifies Yeltsin as President of Russia or as leader/head/top man of Russia 5 Identification incomplete or wrong (incl. leader of Soviet Union/former Soviet Union) 8 DK; R makes no attempt to guess 9 NA Post. Does R know what office Newt Gingrich holds H3d Newt Gingrich? (What job or political office does he now hold?) NEWT GINGRICH - R'S KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICAL OFFICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See H3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Correctly identifies Gingrich as Speaker of the House of Representatives 5 Identification incomplete or wrong 8 DK; R makes no attempt to guess 9 NA Post. Does R favor/opp laws to protect homosexuals fr job discrim H4 Do you favor or oppose laws to protect homosexuals against job discrimination? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA Post. How strongly favor/oppose laws protecting homosexuals H4a/H4b IF R FAVORS LAWS TO PROTECT HOMOSEXUALS AGAINST JOB DISCRIMINATION / IF R OPPOSES LAWS TO PROTECT HOMOSEXUALS AGAINST JOB DISCRIMINATION / H4a. Do you favor such laws strongly or not strongly? H4b. Do you oppose such laws strongly or not strongly? 0 Inap, 8,9 in H4; no post IW 1 Favor strongly 2 Favor not strongly 4 Oppose not strongly 5 Oppose not strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think homosexuals should be allowed in the army H5 Do you think homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the United States Armed Forces or don't you think so? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Homosexuals should be allowed to serve 5 Homosexuals should not be allowed to serve 8 DK 9 NA Post. How strongly feel homosexuals serve / not serve in army H5a/H5b IF R FAVORS ALLOWING HOMOSEXUALS TO SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES / IF R FAVORS ALLOWING HOMOSEXUALS TO SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES: H5a. Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the United States Armed Forces? H5b. Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should not be allowed to serve in the United States Armed Forces? 0 Inap, 8,9 in H5; no post IW 1 Feel strongly - should be allowed to serve 2 Feel not strongly - should be allowed to serve 4 Feel not strongly - should not be allowed to serve 5 Feel strongly - should not be allowed to serve 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor or oppose the death penalty H6 Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA Post. How strongly favor /oppose death penalty H6a/H6b IF R FAVORS THE DEATH PENALTY FOR PERSONS CONVICTED OF MURDER / IF R OPPOSES THE DEATH PENALTY FOR PERSONS CONVICTED OF MURDER: H6a. Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder strongly or not strongly? H6b. Do you oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder strongly or not strongly? 0 Inap, 8,9 in H6; no post IW 1 Favor strongly 2 Favor not strongly 4 Oppose not strongly 5 Oppose strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R agree/disagree: mothers w/ children should not work H6c Looking at page 2 of the booklet, please tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: Mothers should remain at home with young children and not work. 0 Inap, no post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which level of govt should handle envir problems H7 (Not looking at the booklet) Which level of government do you think should be most involved in dealing with environmental problems -- the national government, state governments, or local governments? 0 Inap, no post IW 1 National government 3 State governments 5 Local governments 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which level of govt should handle welfare H8 What about welfare issues? Which level of government do you think should be most involved in dealing with welfare issues -- the national government, state governments, or local governments? 0 Inap, no post IW 1 National government 3 State governments 5 Local governments 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which level of govt should handle crime H9 What about crime? (Which level of government do you think should be most involved in dealing with crime -- the national government, state governments, or local governments?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no post IW 1 National government 3 State governments 5 Local governments 8 DK 9 NA Post. In which level govt does R have most faith /confidence H11 We find that people differ in how much faith and confidence they have in various levels of government in this country. In your case, do you have more faith and confidence in national government, the government of this state, or in the local government around here? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 National government 3 Government of this state 5 The local government around here 8 DK 9 NA Post. In which level govt does R have least faith / confidence H12 Which level of government do you have the least faith and confidence in: the national government, the government of this state, or the local government around here? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 National government 3 Government of this state 5 The local government around here 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R have opinion: govt see to fair job treatmt for blacks J2 Some people feel that if black people are not getting fair treatment in jobs, the government in Washington ought to see to it that they do. Others feel that this is not the federal government's business. Have you had enough interest in this question to favor one side over the other? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, have interest in question 5 No, haven't had interest in question 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: govt see to fair job treatment for blacks J2a How do you feel? Should the government in Washington see to it that black people get fair treatment in jobs or is this not the federal government's business? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in J2; no Post IW 1 Government should see to blacks' fair treatment in jobs 5 This is not the federal government's business 7 Other 8 DK 9 NA Post. How strongly feel about fair job treat for blacks J2a(1)/J2a(2) IF R FEELS THAT THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD SEE TO FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS FOR BLACKS / IF R FEELS THAT THIS IS NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS: J2a1. Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that the government in Washington should see to it that Black people get fair treatment in jobs)? J2a2. Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that this is not the federal government's business)? 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in J2; 7,8,9 in J2a; no Post IW 1 Strongly think that federal government should see to fair treatment 2 Not strongly think that federal government should see to fair treatment 4 Not strongly think that this is not the federal government's business 5 Strongly think that this is not the federal government's business 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor affirmative action in hiring and promotion J3 Some people say that because of past discrimination, blacks should be given preference in hiring and promotion. Others say that such preference in hiring and promotion of blacks is wrong because it gives blacks advantages they haven't earned. What about your opinion -- are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of blacks? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 For preferential hiring and promotion of blacks 5 Against preferential hiring and promotion of blacks 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor/oppose affir action strongly / not strongly J3a/J3b IF R FAVORS PREFERENTIAL HIRING AND PROMOTION FOR BLACKS / IF R OPPOSES PREFERENTIAL HIRING AND PROMOTION FOR BLACKS: J3a. Do you favor preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? J3b. Do you oppose preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from J3, J3a/b. 0 Inap, 7,8,9 in J3; no Post IW 1 Favor strongly 2 Favor not strongly 4 Oppose not strongly 5 Oppose strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's position on aid to blacks - 7 point scale J4 Looking at page 3 of the booklet: Some people feel that the government in Washington should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks. Suppose these people are at one end of a scale, at point 1. Others feel that the government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves. Suppose these people are at the other end, at point 7. And, of course, some other people have opinions somewhere in between at points 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. J4a Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R'S POSITION - AID TO BLACKS 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J4 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about this 1 Govt should make every effort to help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Govt should not make special effort to help blacks 8 DK 9 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Clinton's position on aid to blacks - 7 point scale J4b [RB] Where would you place Bill Clinton on this scale? CLINTON POSITION - AID TO BLACKS 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J4 for full text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in J4a-J4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Govt should make every effort to help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Govt should not make special effort to help blacks 8 DK 9 NA Post. Dole's position on aid to blacks - 7 point scale J4c [RB] Where would you place Bob Dole on this scale? DOLE POSITION - AID TO BLACKS 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J4 for full text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in J4a-J4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Govt should make every effort to help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Govt should not make special effort to help blacks 8 DK 9 NA Post. Perot's position on aid to blacks - 7 point scale J4d [RB] Where would you place Ross Perot on this scale? PEROT POSITION - AID TO BLACKS 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J4 for full text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in J4a-J4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Govt should make every effort to help blacks 2 3 4 5 6 7 Govt should not make special effort to help blacks 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's opinion on the issue of school prayer J5 Turning to page 4 of the booklet: Which of the following views comes closest to your opinion on the issue of school prayer? Just give me the number of your choice. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Not allowed in public schools 2 Allow children to pray silently 3 Schedule time for general prayer 4 Christian prayer required 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Strength of R's position on school prayer J5a IF R HAS AN OPINION ABOUT SCHOOL PRAYER: Do you favor that choice strongly or not strongly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in J5; no Post IW 1 Favor strongly 5 Favor not strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. How afraid is R of being crime victim in the coming year J6 How afraid are you that a member of your family, or a close friend, or you yourself might be the victim of an assault during the coming year? Would you say you are very afraid, somewhat afraid, a little bit afraid, or not afraid? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very afraid 2 Somewhat afraid 3 A little bit afraid 4 Not afraid 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor / oppose handgun control J7 Do you favor or oppose a ban on the sale of all handguns, except those that are issued to law enforcement officers? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA Post. (Phone IW only) Does R have a handgun in the house J8 IF INTERVIEW IS ASSIGNED TO TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION: Do you have a gun in the house? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1 and 5 apply to interviews assigned to telephone mode and administered in telephone mode (4 in question Admin.49). Interviews assigned to personal mode skipped this question; if an interview was assigned to personal mode but was actually administered by telephone this question was also skipped (1 and 2 in question Admin.49). If an interview was assigned as telephone but was in fact conducted in person (3 in question Admin.49), this screen appeared and the interviewer was instructed to code 7; however, in a few such instances the interviewer asked the question, and the respones in such cases have been coded 2 or 6. 0 Inap, interview administered as personal IW (1 or 2 in question Admin.48); no Post IW 1 Yes 2 Yes - assigned phone IW is conducted in person, IWR asked this question in error 5 No 6 No - assigned phone IW is conducted in person, IWR asked this question in error 7 Question not asked--assigned phone interview is conducted in person (3 in question Admin.49 and IWR correctly skipped this question) 8 DK 9 NA Post. R favor increasing deficit to increase domestic programs J9 Each year the government in Washington has to make decisions about taxes, spending, and the deficit. We'd like to know your opinions about what the government should do about the budget. Do you favor an increase in the federal budget deficit in order to increase spending on domestic programs like Medicare, education, and highways? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. R favor cuts in domestic programs to cut taxes J10 Do you favor cuts in spending on domestic programs like Medicare, education and highways in order to cut the taxes paid by ordinary Americans? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J9 for full introductory text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. R favor an increase in the deficit to cut taxes J11 Do you favor an increase in the federal budget deficit in order to cut the taxes paid by ordinary Americans? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See J9 for full introductory text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. How would R rate quality of air in our nation K1 Overall, how would you rate the air quality in our nation? Very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly bad 4 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. How would R rate quality of air in R's local community K2 What about in your local community? Is the air quality very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly bad 4 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. How would R rate quality of drinking water in our nation K3 Overall, how would you rate the safety of drinking water in our nation? Very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly bad 4 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. How would R rate quality of drinking water in community K4 What about in your local community? Is the safety of drinking water in your local community very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Fairly good 3 Fairly bad 4 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. R favor tax increase to increase spending on domestic progs K5 Here are a few more questions about what the government should do about the budget. Do you favor increases in the taxes paid by ordinary Americans in order to increase spending on domestic programs like Medicare, education and highways? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. R favor cuts in spending on domestic progs to cut taxes K6 Do you favor cuts in spending on domestic programs like Medicare, education, and highways in order to cut the federal budget deficit? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See K5 for introductory sentence. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor an increase in taxes to cut budget deficit K7 Do you favor increases in taxes paid by ordinary Americans in order to cut the federal budget deficit? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See K5 for introductory sentence. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, favor 5 No, don't favor 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Society should see to equal opportunity L1 Looking at page 5 of the booklet: I am going to read several statements. After each one, I would like you to tell me whether you agree strongly with the statement, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly. L1a [RB] The first statement is: Our society should do whatever is necessary to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. Respondent booklet used. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: We have gone too far pushing equal rights L1b [RB] (Still on p. 5) We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Big problem is that we don't give an equal chance L1c [RB] (Still on p. 5) One of the big problems in this country is that we don't give everyone an equal chance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Better off if we worried less about equality L1d [RB] (Still on p. 5) This country would be better off if we worried less about how equal people are. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Not a problem if not equal chance L1e [RB] (Still on p. 5) It is not really that big a problem if some people have more of a chance in life than others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Fewer problems if people treated more equally L1f [RB] (Still on p. 5) If people were treated more equally in this country we would have many fewer problems. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: One should help those less fortunate L2a Now I am going to read several statements about helping others. (Still looking at p.5 of the booklet) Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each one. One should always find ways to help others less fortunate than oneself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: One should always be concerned with others L2b [RB] (Still on p. 5) A person should always be concerned about the well-being of others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: It is best not to get involved helping others L2c [RB] (Still on p. 5) It is best not to get too involved in taking care of other people's needs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2a for introduction. 0 Inap 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: People pay too much attn to others' wellbeing L2d [RB] (Still on p. 5) People tend to pay more attention to the well-being of others than they should. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L2a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which network does R think that Tom Brokaw works for L3a Not using the booklet: We're interested in how much people learn about television news personalities. Take Tom Brokaw. Do you happen to know which network he works for-- is it CBS, CNN or which? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 ABC 2 NBC 3 CBS 4 CNN 5 Don't watch/have television (VOL) 6 R gave number or call letter of TV channel only (NFS) (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which network does R think that Peter Jennings works for L3b IF R HAS NOT INDICATED 'DON'T WATCH TELEVISION' IN L3a: What about Peter Jennings? (Do you happen to know what network he works for?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3a for introduction. 0 Inap, 5 in L3a; no Post IW 1 ABC 2 NBC 3 CBS 4 CNN 6 R gave number or call letter of TV channel only (NFS) (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which network does R think that Dan Rather works for L3c IF R HAS NOT INDICATED 'DON'T WATCH TELEVISION' IN L3a: What about Dan Rather? (Do you happen to know what network he works for?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3a for introduction. 0 Inap, 5 in L3a; no Post IW 1 ABC 2 NBC 3 CBS 4 CNN 6 R gave number or call letter of TV channel only (NFS) (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which network does R think that Bernard Shaw works for L3d IF R HAS NOT INDICATED 'DON'T WATCH TELEVISION' IN L3a: What about Bernard Shaw? (Do you happen to know what network he works for?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3a for introduction. 0 Inap, 5 in L3a; no Post IW 1 ABC 2 NBC 3 CBS 4 CNN 6 R gave number or call letter of TV channel only (NFS) (VOL) 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. What does R think of his/her financial situation L4 What do you think of your personal financial situation these days? Would you say that your personal financial situation is very good, good, neither good nor bad, bad, or very bad? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Neither good nor bad 4 Bad 5 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: pub officials don't care what people like R think M1a (Again looking at page 5 of the booklet) Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with these statements. The first is: Public officials don't care much what people like me think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: People like R don't have much say in govt M1b [RB] (Still on p. 5) People like me don't have any say about what the government does. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Politics and govt are too complicated M1c [RB] (Still on p. 5) Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can't really understand what's going on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M1a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Newer lifestyles contribute to social breakdown M2a [RB] (Still on p.5) Now I am going to read several statements. After each one, I would like you to tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, neither agree nor disagree, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly with this statement. The first statement is... The newer lifestyles are contributing to the breakdown of our society. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: We should adjust moral behavior to world changes M2b [RB] (Still on p. 5) The world is always changing and we should adjust our view of moral behavior to those changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: Fewer problems if more emphasis on trad'l family M2c [RB] (Still on p. 5) This country would have many fewer problems if there were more emphasis on traditional family ties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. R opinion: We should be more tolerant of other moral stds M2d [RB] (Still on p. 5) We should be more tolerant of people who choose to live according to their own moral standards, even if they are very different from our own. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M2a for introduction. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree somewhat 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree somewhat 5 Disagree strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much of the time R trusts the govt to do what is right M3 Not using the booklet - People have different ideas about the government in Washington. These ideas don't refer to Democrats or Republicans in particular, but just to the government in general. We want to see how you feel about these ideas. For example: M3a How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right--just about always, most of the time, or only some of the time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Just about always 2 Most of the time 3 Only some of the time 4 Never (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much of tax money does R think the govt wastes M4 Do you think that people in government waste a lot of the money we pay in taxes, waste some of it, or don't waste very much of it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Waste a lot 3 Waste some 5 Don't waste very much 8 DK 9 NA Post. Is govt run by a few big interests or the benefit of all M5 Would you say the government is pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for themselves or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Gov't run by a few big interests 5 Gov't run for the benefit of all 8 DK 9 NA Post. How many of the people in govt are crooked M6 Do you think that quite a few of the people running the government are crooked, not very many are, or do you think hardly any of them are crooked? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Quite a few are crooked 3 Not very many are crooked 5 Hardly any are crooked 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much does R think elections make govt pay attention M7 How much do you feel that having elections makes the government pay attention to what the people think -- a good deal, some, or not much? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 A good deal 3 Some 5 Not much 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much attention does govt pay to people in decisions M8 Over the years, how much attention do you feel the government pays to what people think when it decides what to do -- a good deal, some, or not much? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See M3 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 A good deal 3 Some 5 Not much 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R have time to do volunteer work N1 Many people say they have less time these days to do volunteer work. What about you, were you able to devote any time to volunteer work in the last 12 months? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think that people can be trusted N2 Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, that you can't be too careful in dealing with people? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Most people can be trusted 5 You can't be too careful in dealing with people 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think that most people would take advantage of R N3 Do you think most people would try to take advantage of you if the got the chance or would they try to be fair? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Most people would try to take advantage 5 They would try to be fair 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R talk to neighbors regularly N4 Do you have any neighbors that you know and talk to regularly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. How many neighbors does R talk to regularly N4a IF R HAS NEIGHBORS THAT R TALKS TO REGULARLY: About how many (do you talk to regularly)? (Would that be just on two or three, four or five, or more than five?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N4; no Post IW 1 Just one 2 Two or three 4 Four or five 5 More than five 8 DK 9 NA Post. Would R be willing to serve on a jury N5 If you were selected to serve on a jury, would you be happy to do so or would you rather not serve? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Happy to do it 5 Rather not serve 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R worked with others or in a community organization N6 In the last twelve months, have you worked with others or joined an organization in your community to do something about some community problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R contributed money to church or charity last 12 months N7 Many people are finding it more difficult to make contributions to church or charity as much as they used to. How about you, were you able to contribute any money to church or charity in the last 12 months? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's tax burden up / down during the Clinton administration N8 Would you say that your personal income tax burden has gone up, gone down, or stayed about the same during Clinton's time as President? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Gone up 3 Gone down 5 Stayed about the same 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R's tax burden gone up / done a lot / a little N8a/N8b IF R'S INCOME HAS GONE UP DURING CLINTON PRESIDENCY / IF R'S INCOME HAS GONE DOWN DURING CLINTON PRESIDENCY: N8a. Would you say it has gone up a lot or a little? N8b. Would you say it has gone down a lot or a little? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from N8 and N8a/b. 0 Inap, 8,9 in N8; no Post IW 1 Gone up a lot 2 Gone up a little 3 Same (5 in N8) 4 Gone down a little 5 Gone down a lot 8 DK 9 NA Post. Companies which discriminate shd have to have affirm action N10 Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, they should have to have affirmative action 5 No, they should not have to have affirmative action 7 Other (specify) (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R feel strong / not strong about forced affirm action N10a/N10b IF R FEELS THAT COMPANIES WHICH HAVE DISCRIMINATED SHOULD HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION / IF R FEELS THAT COMPANIES WHICH HAVE DISCRIMINATED SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: N10a. Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that they should have to have affirmative action)? N10b. Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that they should not have to have affirmative action)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from N10 and N10a/b. 0 Inap, 7,8,9 in N10; no Post IW 1 Strongly feel should have to have affirmative action 2 Not strongly feel should have to have affirmative action 4 Not strongly feel should not have to have affirmative action 5 Strongly feel should not have to have affirmative action 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's self-placement on lib-con 7 point scale N11a Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? R SELF-PLACEMENT - LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N11 for full text. 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. How certain is R of placement on lib-con scale N11aa IF R PLACED SELF AS 'MODERATE' ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE / IF R RESPONDED SCALE: DK OR 'HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH' TO PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1-3, 5-7,9 in N11a; no Post IW 1 Liberal 3 Moderate; middle of the road (vol) 5 Conservative 7 Refuses to choose (vol) 8 DK 9 NA Post. If R had to choose - placement on lib-con scale N11a(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE AT N11a/N11aa: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 9 in N11a; 7,8,9 in N11aa; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Summary: Self-placement on lib-con scale N11x SUMMARY - SELF-PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from N11a, N11aa. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Liberal (1/2/3,0; 0/4/8,1) 3 Moderate (0/4/8,3; 4,7/8/9) 5 Conservative (5/6/7,0; 0/4/8,5) 7 Refuses to choose (0/8,7) 8 DK (0/8,8) 9 NA to entire question series (NA in N11a) or NA to follow-up question N11aa (0/8,9) Post. R's placement of Clinton - lib-con 7 point scale N11b [RB] Where would you place Clinton on this scale? CLINTON PLACEMENT - LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N11 for full text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in N11b-d randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Post. How certain is R of Clinton's placement on lib-con N11b(1) IF R HAS PLACED CLINTON ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you of Clinton's position on this scale? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in N11b; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. R' placement of Dole - lib-con 7 point scale N11c [RB] Where would you place Dole on this scale? DOLE PLACEMENT - LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N11 for full text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in N11b-d randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Post. How certain is R of Dole's placement on lib-con N11c(1) IF R HAS PLACED DOLE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you of Dole's position on this scale? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in N11c; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement of Dem Hse cand - lib-con 7 point scale N11e IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: [RB] Where would you place [NAME #31, #33, #35] on this scale? DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N11 for full text. Order of House candidates in N11e-N11f randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 7,8,9 in N11x; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Post. How certain is R of Dem Hse cand placement N11e(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: IF R HAS PLACED DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you of [NAME #31,#33,#35]'s position on this scale? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in N11e; 7,8,9 in N11x; no Democratic House candidate (type race 24); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement of Rep Hse cand - lib-con 7 point scale N11f IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: [RB] Where would you place [NAME #32, #34, #36] on this scale? REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE PLACEMENT ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N11 for full text. Order of House candidates in N11e-N11f randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 7,8,9 in N11x; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Extremely liberal 2 Liberal 3 Slightly liberal 4 Moderate 5 Slightly conservative 6 Conservative 7 Extremely conservative 8 DK 9 NA Post. How certain is R of Rep Hse cand placement N11f(1) IF R HAS PLACED SELF ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: IF R HAS PLACED REPUBLICAN HOUSE CANDIDATE ON LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SCALE: How certain are you of [NAME #32,#34,#36]'s position on this scale? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in N11f; 7,8,9 in N11x; no Republican House candidate (type race 14); Washington DC; no Post IW 1 Very certain 3 Pretty certain 5 Not very certain 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R feel that he/she pays the right amount in taxes N12 Do you feel you are asked to pay much more than you should in federal income taxes, somewhat more than you should, about the right amount, or less than you should? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Much more 2 Somewhat more 3 About right 4 Less than should 7 Don't pay at all (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R have an opinion on the 15% tax cut issue N13 Some political leaders think federal income taxes should be cut by 15% over the next three years. Other political leaders think this would be a bad policy for the government to follow. Do you have an opinion on this matter, or haven't you thought much about this? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, have an opinion 5 No, no opinion 7 Haven't thought much about this 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's opinion on tax cut N14 IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: Looking on page 7 of the booklet, which of these statements best describes what you would like to se[RB] happen over the next three years? Over the next three years, federal income taxes: R'S POSITION - TAX CUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Should not be cut 2 Should be cut by 10% 3 Should be cut by 15% 4 Should be cut by 20% 5 Should be cut by 30% 6 Should be cut by more than 30% 8 DK 9 NA Post. What does R think that Clinton's position on tax cut is N14a IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: (Still looking at the booklet, what do you think is) Clinton's position? (On a tax cut?) CLINTON POSITION - TAX CUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N14 for introductory text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in N14a-N14c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Should not be cut 2 Should be cut by 10% 3 Should be cut by 15% 4 Should be cut by 20% 5 Should be cut by 30% 6 Should be cut by more than 30% 8 DK 9 NA Post. What does R think that Dole's position on tax cut is N14b IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: (Still looking at the booklet, what do you think is) Dole's position? (On a tax cut?) DOLE POSITION - TAX CUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N14 for introductory text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in N14a-N14c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Should not be cut 2 Should be cut by 10% 3 Should be cut by 15% 4 Should be cut by 20% 5 Should be cut by 30% 6 Should be cut by more than 30% 8 DK 9 NA Post. What does R think that Perot's position on tax cut is N14c IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: (Still looking at the booklet, what do you think is) Perot's position? (On a tax cut?) PEROT POSITION - TAX CUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N14 for introductory text. Order of Clinton, Dole and Perot in N14a-N14c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Should not be cut 2 Should be cut by 10% 3 Should be cut by 15% 4 Should be cut by 20% 5 Should be cut by 30% 6 Should be cut by more than 30% 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R heard anything about the effects of a tax cut N15 IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: There has been a great deal of talk about the probable effects of a 15% reduction of federal income taxes over the next three years. Have you read or heard anything about this? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think that inflation would increase w/ tax cut N16a IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: I am going to read a few of these ideas, and I would like you to tell me whether you think they would or would not happen. If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%, inflation would get worse. Do you think this would or would not happen? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think that employment would increase w/ tax cut N16b IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: More people would be employed. (Do you think this would or would happen?) (If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N16a for introductory text. 0 Inap 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think tax cut would benefit business more than R N16c IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: Most of the savings would go to business and not to the ordinary taxpayer like me. (Do you think this would or would not happen?) (If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N16a for introductory text. 0 Inap 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think services would be cut because of tax cut N16d IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: Government programs and services would be cut back to get along on less money. (Do you think this would or would not happen?) (If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N16a for introductory text. 0 Inap 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think deficit would increase because of tax cut N16e IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: Government deficit spending would go up. (Do you think this would or would not happen?) (If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N16a for introductory text. 0 Inap 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think govt revenue be same even after tax cut N16f IF R HAS OPINION ABOUT 15% TAX CUT: IF R HAS HEARD OR READ ABOUT EFFECTS OF POSSIBLE 15% FEDERAL TAX CUT: The government would receive about the same amount of tax money as now because the economy would be stronger. (Do you think this would or would not happen?) (If federal income taxes were reduced by 15%?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See N16a for introductory text. 0 Inap 5,8,9 in N15; 5,7,8,9 in N13; no Post IW 1 Would happen 5 Would not happen 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R feel close to poor people P1 Looking at page 8 of the booklet, here is a list of groups. Please read over the list and tell me the number for those groups you feel particularly close to -- people who are most like you in their ideas and interests and feelings about things. P1a [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'POOR PEOPLE' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to Asian-Americans P1b [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'ASIAN-AMERICANS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to liberals P1c [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'LIBERALS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to the elderly P1d [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'THE ELDERLY' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to blacks P1e [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'BLACKS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to labor unions P1f [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'LABOR UNIONS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to feminists P1g [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'FEMINISTS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to southerners P1h [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'SOUTHERNERS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to business people P1j [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'BUSINESS PEOPLE' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to young people P1k [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'YOUNG PEOPLE' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to conservatives P1m [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'CONSERVATIVES' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to Hispanic Americans P1n [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'HISPANIC AMERICANS' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to women P1p [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'WOMEN' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to working-class people P1q [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'WORKING-CLASS PEOPLE' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to whites P1r [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'WHITES' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to middle-class people P1s [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'MIDDLE-CLASS PEOPLE' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Does R feel close to men P1t [RB] GROUPS R FEELS CLOSE TO 'MEN' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for full text. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Mentioned/marked 5 Not mentioned/marked 8 Refused entire series 9 DK/NA to entire series Post. Where would R rate whites on hardworking scale P2 (Turning to page 9 of the booklet) Now I have some questions about different groups in our society. I'm going to show you a seven-point scale on which the characteristics of the people in a group can be rated. P2a [RB] In the first statement a score of 1 means that you think almost all of the people in that group tend to be "hard-working." A score of 7 means that you think most people in the group are "lazy." A score of 4 means that you think that most people in the group are not closer to one end or the other, and of course, you may choose any number in between. Where would you rate whites in general on this scale (hard-working)? 'HARDWORKING' - WHITES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P2b and P2c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Hardworking 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lazy 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate blacks on hardworking scale P2b [RB] (Where would you rate) Blacks? 'HARDWORKING' -BLACKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P2b and P2c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Hardworking 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lazy 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate Hispanics on hardworking scale P2c [RB] (Where would you rate) Hispanic-Americans? 'HARDWORKING' -Hispanic-Americans ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P2b and P2c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Hardworking 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lazy 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate whites on intelligent scale P3a The next set asks if people in each group tend to be "intelligent" or "unintelligent" Turning to page 10 of the booklet: (Where would you rate) Whites (in general on this scale)? 'INTELLIGENT' - WHITES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P3b and P3c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Intelligent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unintelligent 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate blacks on intelligent scale P3b [RB] (Still on page 10) (Where would you rate) Blacks? 'INTELLIGENT' - BLACKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P3b and P3c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Intelligent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unintelligent 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate Hispanics on intelligent scale P3c [RB] (Still on page 10) (Where would you rate) Hispanic-Americans? 'INTELLIGENT' - HISPANIC AMERICANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P3b and P3c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Intelligent 2 3 4 5 6 7 Unintelligent 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate whites on trustworthy scale P4a Do people in these groups tend to be "trustworthy" or do they tend to be "not trustworthy"? Turning to page 11 of the booklet: (Where would you rate) Whites (in general on this scale)? 'TRUSTWORTHY' - WHITES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P4b and P4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Trustworthy 2 3 4 5 6 7 Untrustworthy 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate blacks on trustworthy scale P4b [RB] (Still on page 11) (Where would you rate) Blacks? 'TRUSTWORTHY' - BLACKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P4b and P4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Trustworthy 2 3 4 5 6 7 Untrustworthy 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where would R rate Hispanics on trustworthy scale P4c [RB] (Still on page 11) (Where would you rate) Hispanic-Americans? 'TRUSTWORTHY' - HISPANIC AMERICANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for full question text. Whites are always administered first for this scale. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in P4b and P4c randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the post-election survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for question B1a there is a randomization variable Rand.B1a]. 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Trustworthy 2 3 4 5 6 7 Untrustworthy 8 DK 9 NA Post. R position: Govt reduce diff betw rich/poor 7 point scale P5 Turning to page 12 of the booklet: Some people think that the government in Washington ought to reduce income differences between the rich and the poor. Suppose these people are at one end of a scale at point 1. Other people think that the government should not concern itself with reducing income different between the rich and the poor. Suppose these people are at the other end of a scale at point 7. And, of course some other people have opinions at points 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Where would you place yourself on this scale or haven't you thought much about this? R'S POSITION - REDUCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RICH AND POOR 7-POINT SCALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Haven't thought much about it 1 Reduce differences between rich and poor 2 3 4 5 6 7 Govt should not concern itself 8 DK 9 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. R favor/opp welfare limit women having more children Q1 (Not using the booklet) Some people have proposed that a woman on welfare who has another child not be given an increase in her welfare check. Do you favor or oppose this change in welfare policy? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA Post. Strength - position on limiting welfare for more children Q1a/Q1b IF R FAVORS LAW THAT WOULD NOT ALLOW INCREASE IN WELFARE PAYMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN / IF R OPPOSES LAW THAT WOULD NOT ALLOW INCREASE IN WELFARE PAYMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN: Q1a. Do you favor this change strongly or not strongly? Q1b. Do you oppose this change strongly or not strongly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in Q1; no Post IW 1 Favor strongly 2 Favor not strongly 4 Oppose strongly 5 Oppose not strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor/oppose 2 year limit on welfare Q2 Another proposal is to put a two year limit on how long someone can receive welfare benefits. Do you favor or oppose this two year limit? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA Post. Strength - position on 2 year limit on welfare Q2a/Q2b IF R FAVORS 2-YEAR LIMIT ON WELFARE BENEFITS/ IF R OPPOSES 2-YEAR LIMIT ON WELFARE BENEFITS: Q2a. Do you favor the two year limit strongly or not strongly? Q2b. Do you oppose the two year limit strongly or not strongly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in Q2; no Post IW 1 Favor strongly 2 Favor not strongly 4 Oppose not strongly 5 Oppose strongly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Should number of immigrants should be increase/decreased Q3 Do you think the number of immigrants from foreign countries who are permitted to come to the United States to live should be increased a lot, increased a little, left the same as it is now, decreased a little, or decreased a lot? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Increased a lot 2 Increased a little 3 Left the same as it is now 5 Decreased a lot 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think immigrants should be eligible for benefits Q4 Do you think that immigrants who come to the U.S. should be eligible as soon as they come here for government services such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, Welfare, or should they have to be here a year or more? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Eligible as soon as they come here 5 Have to wait a year 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R favor/oppose limiting imports Q5 Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt American exports. Do you favor or oppose placing new limits on imports, or haven't you thought much about this? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Haven't thought much about this 1 Favor 5 Oppose 8 DK 9 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Which network new programs does R watch most often Q6 Which of the network news programs do you watch most often -- "World News Tonight" on ABC, "NBC Nightly News," "The CBS Evening News," or some other network news program? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Inap, no Post IW 1 ABC World News Tonight 2 NBC Nightly News 3 The CBS Evening News 4 CNN (VOL) 5 Local news only (VOL) 6 R gave number or call letters of TV channel (NFS) (VOL) 7 R mentions multiple news programs or multiple channels; "watch them all" (VOL) 8 'MacNeil/Lehrer' or 'News Hour with Jim Lehrer' or PBS (VOL) 9 Don't have/don't watch TV (VOL) 10 Watch no network news program (VOL) 11 "Watch whatever is on" (VOL) 12 Other (specify) (VOL) 98 DK 99 NA Post. Did R watch 1st presidential debate Q7 Did you watch the first televised presidential debate held on October 6, 1996 between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, watched 5 No, didn't watch 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R watch the entire debate or just part of it Q7a IF R WATCHED FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: Did you watch the entire debate or just part of it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in Q7; no Post IW 1 Watched entire debate 5 Just part of it 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R watch 2nd presidential debate Q8 Did you watch the second televised presidential debate held on October 16, 1996 between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes, watched 5 No, didn't watch 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R watch the entire debate or just part of it Q8a IF R WATCHED SECOND PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: Did you watch the entire debate or just part of it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in Q8; no post IW 1 Watched entire debate 5 Just part of it 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R read about the campaign in any magazine Q9 Did you read about the campaign in any magazines? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's attention to articles about campaign in magazines Q9a IF R READ ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN IN MAGAZINES: [RB, P. 13] How much attention did you pay to magazine articles about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in Q9; no Post IW 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Post. Did R listen to speeches/discussions on the radio Q10 Did you listen to any speeches or discussions about the campaign on the radio? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. How many programs did R listen to on the radio Q10a IF R LISTENED TO ANY SPEECHES OR DISCUSSION ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN ON THE RADIO: Would you say you listened to a good many, several, or just one or two? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in Q10; no Post IW 1 A good many 3 Several 5 Just one or two 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's attention to news about presidential campaign Q11 Looking again at p. 13 in the booklet: In general, how much attention did you pay to news about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's attention to news about congressional campaign Q12 (Still on p. 13 in the booklet) In general, how much attention did you pay to news about the campaigns for election to Congress -- that is, the House of Representatives in Washington -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 A great deal 2 Quite a bit 3 Some 4 Very little 5 None 8 DK 9 NA Post. How much of the time R trusts news media to report fairly Q13 (Not using the booklet) How much of the time do you think you can trust the media to report the news fairly? Just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Just about always 2 Most of the time 3 Only some of the time 4 Almost never 5 None of the time (VOL) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think the political system should remain two party Q14 Looking at page 14 of the booklet: Here is a question about political parties. Which one of the opinions on this page best agrees with your view? You can just tell me the number of the opinion you choose: 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 A continuation of the two party system of Democrats and Republicans 2 Elections in which candidates run as individuals without party labels 3 The growth of one or more parties that could effectively challenge the Democrats and Republicans 8 DK 9 NA Post. How similar are R's beliefs to other people R1 (Not using the booklet) In terms of general attitudes and beliefs, how similar would you say other people are to you--very similar, somewhat similar, not very similar, or not at all similar? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very similar 2 Somewhat similar 3 Not very similar 4 Not at all similar 8 DK 9 NA Post. Is R a smoker R2 Are you a smoker? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R ever smoked R2a IF R IS NOT A SMOKER: Have you ever smoked? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1 in R2; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Number of labor unions R is involved with R3 There are many types of organizations, groups, and charities that people might be involved with. We're interested in what kinds of groups you might be involved with. I'm going to read you a list of different types of organizations. For each type, could you tell me the name or names of the organizations you are involved with? R3a Our first type of group is labor unions. (Are you involved with any labor unions?) Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF LABOR UNIONS MENTIONED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of labor groups R is a member of R4a IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LABOR UNIONS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? LABOR UNION MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1,2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3a) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of labor unions groups R pays dues to R5a IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LABOR UNIONS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? LABOR UNION MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any labor unions (0,8,9 in R3a) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of labor unions groups R has had activities in R6a IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LABOR UNIONS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? LABOR UNION MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has attended a meeting and/or taken part in any activities. 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any labor unions (0,8,9 in R3a) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of labor unions groups which discuss politics R7a IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LABOR UNIONS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? LABOR UNION MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if politics is discussed "often" or "sometimes." 0 No group mentioned discusses politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1,2 and 3 124 Groups 1,2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2,3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any labor unions (0,8,9 in R3a) 9999 Inap, no post IW Post. Number of business groups R is involved with R3b How about other organizations associated with your work such as a business or professional association or a farm organization? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of business groups R is a member of R4b IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3b) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of business groups R pays dues to R5b IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3b) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of business groups R has had activities in R6b IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3b) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of business groups which discuss politics R7b IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? BUSINESS OR WORK-RELATED MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3b) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of veterans groups R is involved with R3c Veterans organizations such as the American Legion or the Veterans of Foreign wars? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF VETERANS GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of veterans groups R is a member of R4c IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY VETERANS GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? VETERANS GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3c) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of veterans groups R pays dues to R5c IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY VETERANS GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? VETERANS GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3c) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of veterans groups R has had activities in R6c IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY VETERANS GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? VETERANS GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3c) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of veterans groups which discuss politics R7c IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY VETERANS GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? VETERANS GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3c) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of church groups R is involved with R3d Are you a member of a local church, parish or synagogue? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of church groups R is a member of R4d IF R IS INVOLVED WITH CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3d) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of church groups R pays dues to R5d IF R IS INVOLVED WITH CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3d) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of church groups R has had activities in R6d IF R IS INVOLVED WITH CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3d) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of church groups which discuss politics R7d IF R IS INVOLVED WITH CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? CHURCH/PARISH/SYNAGOGUE MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3d) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other religious groups R is involved with R3e How about other organizations such affiliated with your religion besides that, such as the Knights of Columbus or B'nai B'rith, or a bible study group? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other religious groups R is a member of R4e IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3e) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other religious groups R pays dues to R5e IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3e) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other religious groups R has had activities in R6e IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3e) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other religious groups which discuss politics R7e IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3e) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of elderly groups R is involved with R3f Organizations for the elderly or senior citizens? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of elderly groups R is a member of R4f IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3f) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of elderly groups R pays dues to R5f IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3f) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of elderly groups R has had activities in R6f IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3f) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of elderly groups which discuss politics R7f IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? ELDERLY/SENIOR GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3f) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of ethnic groups R is involved with R3g Organizations representing your own particular nationality or ethnic group such as the Polish-American Congress, the Mexican-American Legal Defense, or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of ethnic groups R is a member of R4g IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3g) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of ethnic groups R pays dues to R5g IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3g) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of ethnic groups R has had activities in R6g IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3g) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of ethnic groups which discuss politics R7g IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? ETHNIC/NATIONALITY GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3g) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of women's groups R is involved with R3h Organizations mainly interested in issues promoting the rights or the welfare of women -- an organization such as the National Organization for women, or the Eagle Forum, or the American Association of University Women? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF WOMEN'S GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of women's groups R is a member of R4h IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY WOMENS' GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? WOMEN'S GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3h) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of women's groups R pays dues to R5h IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY WOMENS' GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? WOMEN'S GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3h) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of women's groups R has had activities in R6h IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY WOMENS' GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? WOMEN'S GROUPS MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3h) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of women's groups which discuss politics R7h IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY WOMENS' GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? WOMEN'S GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3h) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of polit. issue groups R is involved with R3i Organizations active on any particular political issues such as the environment or abortion (on either side), or gun control (on either side) or consumer's rights, or the rights of taxpayers or any other issues? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF POLITICAL ISSUE GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of polit. issue groups R is a member of R4i IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY POLITICAL ISSUE GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? POLITICAL ISSUE GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3j) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of polit. issue groups R pays dues to R5i IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY POLITICAL ISSUE GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? POLITICAL ISSUE GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3i) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of polit. issue groups R has had activities in R6i IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY POLITICAL ISSUE GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? POLITICAL ISSUE GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3i) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of polit. issue groups which discuss politics R5i IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY POLITICAL ISSUE GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? POLITICAL ISSUE GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3i) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of civic groups R is involved with R7j Nonpartisan civic organizations interested in the political life of the community or nation --such as the League of Women's Voters or a better government association? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF CIVIC GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of civic groups R is a member of R4j IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CIVIC GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? CIVIC GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3k) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of civic groups R pays dues to R5j IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CIVIC GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? CIVIC GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3j) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of civic groups R has had activities in R6j IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CIVIC GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? CIVIC GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3j) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of civic groups which discuss politics R7j IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CIVIC GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? CIVIC GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3j) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of liberal/conserv groups R is involved with R3k Organizations that support general liberal or conservative causes such as Americans for Democratic Action or the Conservative Caucus? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of liberal/conserv groups R is a member of R4k IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3m) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of liberal/conserv groups R pays dues to R5k IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3k) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of liberal/conserv groups R has had activities in R6k IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3k) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of liberal/conserv groups which discuss politics R7k IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3k) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of party/cand groups R is involved with R3L Organizations active in supporting candidates for elections such as a political party organization? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of party/cand groups R is a member of R4L IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3n) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of party/cand groups R pays dues to R5L IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3m) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of party/cand groups R has had activities in R6L IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3m) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of party/cand groups which discuss politics R7L IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? CANDIDATE SUPPORT GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3m) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of children's groups R is involved with R3m Groups in which children might participate, such as Girl Scouts, 4-H, youth sports leagues such as soccer or Little League? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of children's groups R is a member of R4m IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3p) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of children's groups R pays dues to R5m IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3n) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of children's groups R has had activities in R6m IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3n) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of children's groups which discuss politics R7m IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? CHILDREN' ACTIVITY GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3n) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of literary/art groups R is involved with R3n Literary, art, discussion or study groups? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of literary/art groups R is a member of R4n IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3q) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of literary/art groups R pays dues to R5n IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3p) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of literary/art groups R has had activities in R6n IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3p) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of literary/art groups which discuss politics R7n IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? LITERARY/ ART/ DISCUSSION GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3p) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of hobby groups R is involved with R3p Hobby clubs, sports or country clubs, bowling leagues, or other groups for leisure time activities? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of hobby groups R is a member of R4p IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3r) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of hobby groups R pays dues to R5p IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3q) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of hobby groups R has had activities in R6p IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3q) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of hobby groups which discuss politics R7p IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? HOBBY/ SPORTS GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3q) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of community groups R is involved with R3q Associations related to where you live --neighborhood or community associations, homeowners' or condominium associations, or block clubs? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of community groups R is a member of R4q IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3s) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of community groups R pays dues to R5q IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3r) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of community groups R has had activities in R6q IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3r) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of community groups which discuss politics R7q IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? NEIGHBORHOOD OR COMMUNITY GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3r) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of fraternal groups R is involved with R3r Service or fraternal organizations such as the Lions or Kiwanis or a local women's club or a college fraternity or sorority? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of fraternal groups R is a member of R4r IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3t) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of fraternal groups R pays dues to R5r IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3s) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of fraternal groups R has had activities in R6r IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3s) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of fraternal groups which discuss politics R7r IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? SERVICE OR FRATERNAL GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3s) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of service to needy groups R is involved with R3s Organizations that provide services in such fields as health or service to the needy-- for instance, a hospital, a cancer or heart drive, or a group like the Salvation Army that works for the poor? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of service to needy groups R is a member of R4s IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3u) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of service to needy groups R pays dues to R5s IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3t) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of service to needy groups R has had activities in R6s IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3t) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of service to needy groups which discuss politics R7s IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? SERVICE TO NEEDY GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3t) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of educational groups R is involved with R3t Educational institutions-- local schools, your own school or college, organizations associated with education such as school alumni associations or school service organizations such as the PTA? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF EDUCATIONAL GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of educational groups R is a member of R4t IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY EDUCATIONAL GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? EDUCATIONAL GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3v) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of educational groups R pays dues to R5t IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY EDUCATIONAL GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? EDUCATIONAL GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3u) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of educational groups R has had activities in R6t IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY EDUCATIONAL GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? EDUCATIONAL GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3u) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of educational groups which discuss politics R7t IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY EDUCATIONAL GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? EDUCATIONAL GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3u) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of cultural groups R is involved with R3u Organizations that are active in providing cultural services to the public --for example, museums, symphonies, or public radio or television? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF CULTURAL SERVICE GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of cultural groups R is a member of R4u IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CULTURAL SERVICE GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? CULTURAL SERVICE GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3w) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of cultural groups R pays dues to R5u IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CULTURAL SERVICE GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? CULTURAL SERVICE GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3v) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of cultural groups R has had activities in R6u IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CULTURAL SERVICE GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? CULTURAL SERVICE GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3v) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of cultural groups which discuss politics R7u IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY CULTURAL SERVICE GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? CULTURAL SERVICE GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3w) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of self-help groups R is involved with R3v Support or self-help groups such as AA or Gamblers' Anonymous? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of self-help groups R is a member of R4v IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3y) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of self-help groups R pays dues to R5v IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3w) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of self-help groups R has had activities in R6v IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3w) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of self-help groups which discuss politics R7v IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? SUPPORT/SELF-HELP GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3y) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other groups R is involved with R3w Any other organizations? Which ones? (PROBE: "Any others?" UNTIL R SAYS NO OR 4 GROUPS ARE NAMED) SUMMARY - NUMBER OF OTHER GROUP MENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. Code 0 includes DK/NA responses to filter ('Are you involved with any...'). 0 No, not involved with any 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 9 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other groups R is a member of R4w IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER GROUPS: How about the [NAME OF GROUP]? Are you a member of this group? OTHER GROUP MENTIONS MEMBERSHIP SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. 0 Not a member of any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3z) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other groups R pays dues to R5w IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER GROUPS: In the past 12 months have you paid dues or given any money to this group? OTHER GROUP MENTIONS DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- See R3 for full text and note. The groups identified as Group1, Group2, Group3 or Group4 are consistently identified in all questions. A group is coded if R has paid dues and/or made any other type of contribution. 0 No payment of any dues or contributions to any group mentioned by R 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3z) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other groups R has had activities in R6w IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER GROUPS: In the last 12 months have you taken part in any activities sponsored by this group or attended a meeting of this group? OTHER GROUP MENTIONS MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES SUMMARY 0 No meetings or activities in any group mentioned 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3z) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Number of other groups which discuss politics R7w IF R IS INVOLVED WITH ANY OTHER GROUPS: How often does this group discuss politics-- often, sometimes, rarely or never? OTHER GROUP MENTIONS DISCUSSION OF POLITICS "OFTEN" or "SOMETIMES" - SUMMARY 0 No group mentioned discussed politics "often" or "sometimes" 1 Group 1 only 2 Group 2 only 3 Group 3 only 4 Group 4 only 12 Groups 1 and 2 13 Groups 1 and 3 14 Groups 1 and 4 23 Groups 2 and 3 24 Groups 2 and 4 34 Groups 3 and 4 123 Groups 1, 2 and 3 124 Groups 1, 2 and 4 134 Groups 1, 3 and 4 234 Groups 2, 3 and 4 1234 Groups 1,2,3,4 9996 Inap, R not involved with any groups of this type (0,8,9 in R3z) 9999 Inap, no Post IW Post. Total Number of groups R is involved in R3x SUMMARY - TOTAL NUMBER OF GROUPS MENTIONED BY R -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from R3a-w. 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Total Number of groups R is a member of R4x SUMMARY - TOTAL NUMBER OF GROUPS IN WHICH R REPORTED BEING A MEMBER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built from R4a-w. 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Total Number of groups R pays dues to R5x SUMMARY - TOTAL NUMBER OF GROUPS TO WHICH R REPORTED PAYING DUES OR CONTRIBUTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built from R5a-w. 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Total Number of groups R has had activities in R6x SUMMARY - TOTAL NUMBER OF GROUPS FOR WHICH R REPORTED MEETINGS OR ACTIVITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built from R6a-w. 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Total Number of R groups which discuss politics R7x SUMMARY - TOTAL NUMBER OF GROUPS FOR WHICH R REPORTED POLITICAL DISCUSSION "OFTEN" OR "SOMETIMES" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built from R7a-w. 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Is R satisfied with the way that democracy works in the US T1 CSES Q1 On the whole, are you satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in the United States? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Satisfied 2 Fairly satisfied 3 Not very satisfied 4 Not at all satisfied 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think that the last election was conducted fairly T2 CSES Q2 [RB, P.15] Looking at page 15 in the booklet: In some countries, people believe their elections are conducted fairly. In other countries, people believe that their elections are conducted unfairly. Thinking of the last election in the United States, where would you place it on this scale of one to five where 1 means that the last election was conducted fairly and 5 means that the last election was conducted unfairly? 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Last election conducted fairly 2 3 4 5 Last election conducted unfairly 8 DK 9 NA Post. Does R think to self as close to a particular party T3 CSES Q3 (Not using the booklet) Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party does R think of self as close to - #1 T3(1) CSES Q3a IF R THINKS OF SELF AS CLOSE TO ANY POLITICAL PARTY: Which party is that? MENTION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in T3; no Post IW 1 Democratic Party 3 Republican Party 5 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party does R think of self as close to - #2 T3(2) CSES Q3a IF R THINKS OF SELF AS CLOSE TO ANY POLITICAL PARTY: Which party is that? MENTION 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 5,8,9 in T3; 8,9 in T3(1); no further mention; no Post IW 1 Democratic Party 3 Republican Party 5 Other party (specify) Post. Checkpoint: Number of parties that R feels close to T3b CSES QXPT CHECKPOINT NUMBER OF PARTIES R MENTIONED AS 'CLOSE TO' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 No party (5 in T3) 1 One party 2 Two or more parties 9 Inap, 8,9 in T3; 8,9 in T3(1); no Post IW Post. Does R feel a little closer to one of the parties T3c CSES Q3c IF R THINKS OF SELF AS CLOSE TO MORE THAN ONE POLITICAL PARTY / IF R DOESN'T THINK OF SELF AS CLOSE TO A POLITICAL PARTY: Do you feel yourself a little closer to one of the political parties than the others? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1,9 in T3b; no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. Which party does R feel closer to T3d CSES Q3d IF R THINKS OF SELF AS CLOSE TO 2 OR MORE POLITICAL PARTIES BUT 'A LITTLE CLOSER' TO ONE PARTY / IF R DOESN'T THINK OF SELF AS CLOSE TO A POLITICAL PARTY BUT 'A LITTLE CLOSER' TO ONE PARTY: Which party is that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 9 in T3b; 5,8,9 in T3c; no Post IW 1 Democratic Party 3 Republican Party 5 Other party (specify) 8 DK 9 NA Post. Strength of R's to closeness to political party T3e CSES Q3e IF R THINKS OF SELF AS CLOSE TO 2 OR MORE POLITICAL PARTIES BUT 'A LITTLE CLOSR' TO ONE PARTY / IF R DOESN'T THINK OF SELF AS CLOSE TO A POLITICAL PARTY BUT 'A LITTLE CLOSER' TO ONE PARTY: Do you feel very close to this party, somewhat close, or not very close? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 1,9 in T3b; 5,8,9 in T3c; 8,9 in T3d; no Post IW 1 Very close 3 Somewhat close 5 Not very close 8 DK 9 NA Post. R self placement on scale -'party cares what people think' T4 CSES Q4 Looking at page 16 in the booklet: Some people say that political parties in the United States care what ordinary people think. Others say that political parties in the United States don'tcare what ordinary people think. Using the scale in the booklet, where 1 means that political parties care about what ordinary people think, and 5 means that they don't care what ordinary people think, where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Political parties care about what ordinary people think 2 3 4 5 They don't care what ordinary people think 8 DK 9 NA Post. Where does R place self on need for polit. parties scale T5 CSES Q5 Looking at page 17 in the booklet: Some people say that political parties are necessary to make our political system work in the United States. Others think that political parties are not needed in the United States. Using the scale in the booklet, (where 1 means that political parties are necessary to make our political system work, and 5 means that political parties are not needed in the United States), where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Political parties are necessary to make our political system work 2 3 4 5 Political parties are not needed in the United States 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement of Dem party on like / dislike scale T7a CSES Q7a Looking at page 18 in the booklet. I'd like to know what you think about each of our political parties. After I read the name of a political party, please rate it on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you strongly dislike that party and 10 means that you strongly like that party. If I come to a party you haven't heard of or you feel you do not know enough about, just say so. The first party is: The Democratic party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. R's placement of Rep party on like / dislike scale T7b CSES Q7b (Still looking at page 18 in the booklet) The Republican Party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. R's placement of Reform party on like / dislike scale T7c CSES Q7c (Still looking at page 18 in the booklet) The Reform Party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. R's placement of Clinton on like / dislike scale T8a CSES Q8a (Still looking at page 18 in the booklet) And now, using the same scale, I'd like to ask you how much you like or dislike some political leaders. Again, if I come to a leader you haven't heard of or you feel you do not know enough about, just say so. The first political leader is Bill Clinton. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. R's placement of Dole on like / dislike scale T8b CSES Q8b (Still looking at page 18 in the booklet) Bob Dole ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. R's placement of Perot on like / dislike scale T8c CSES Q8c (Still looking at page 18 in the booklet) Ross Perot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Strongly dislike 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Strongly like 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no post IW Post. How would R rate the state of the economy in the US T9 CSES Q9 What do you think about the state of the economy these days in the United States? Would you say that the state of the economy is very good, good, neither good nor bad, bad, or very bad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Very good 2 Good 3 Neither bad nor good 4 Bad 5 Very bad 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has the state of the economy gotten better / worse / same T10 CSES Q10 Would you say that over the past twelve months, the state of the economy in the United States has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Gotten better 3 Stayed about the same 5 Gotten worse 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has economy gotten much better / much worse T10a/T10b CSES Q10a IF R THINKS U.S. ECONOMY HAS GOTTEN BETTER IN PAST 12 MONTHS / IF R THINKS U.S. ECONOMY HAS GOTTEN WORSE IN PAST 12 MONTHS: T10a. Would you say much better or somewhat better? T10b. Would you say much worse or somewhat worse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, 8,9 in T10; no Post IW 1 Gotten much better 2 Gotten somewhat better 3 Same (3 in T10) 4 Gotten somewhat worse 5 Gotten much worse 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement on 'Congress knows what people think' scale T11 CSES Q11 Looking at page 19 of the booklet, some people say that members of Congress know what ordinary people think. Others say that members of Congress don't know much about what ordinary people think. Using the scale in the booklet, (where 1 means that the members of Congress know what ordinary people think, and 5 means that the members of Congress don't know much about what ordinary people think), where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Members of Congress know what ordinary people think 2 3 4 5 Members of Congress don't know much about what ordinary people think 8 DK 9 NA Post. Has R had contact with a member of Congress T12 CSES Q12 During the past twelve months, have you had any contact with a member of Congress in any way? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Yes 5 No 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement on 'make difference who is in power' scale T13 CSES Q13 Looking at page 20 of the booklet, some people say it makes a difference who is in power. Others say that it doesn't make a difference who is in power. Using the scale in the booklet, (where 1 means that it makes a difference who is in power and 5 means that it doesn't make a difference who is in power), where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 It makes a difference who is in power 2 3 4 5 It doesn't make a difference who is in power 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement on 'voting makes a difference' scale T14 CSES Q14 Looking at page 21 of the booklet, some people say that no matter who people vote for, it won't make any difference to what happens. Others say that who people vote for can make a difference to what happens. Using the scale in the booklet, (where 1 means that voting won't make a difference to what happens and 5 means that voting can make a difference), where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Voting won't make a difference to what happens 2 3 4 5 Voting can make a difference 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement on 'people say what they think' scale T15 CSES Q15 Looking at page 22 of the booklet, when people are asked to express an opinion, do you believe most people in the United States usually say what they think about politics or do you believe most people usually hide what they really think about politics? Using the scale in the booklet, (where 1 means that most people in the United States usually say what they think about politics, and 5 means that most people usually hide what they really think), where would you place yourself? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Inap, no Post IW 1 Most people in the United States usually say what they think about politics 2 3 4 5 Most people in the United States usually hide what they think about politics 8 DK 9 NA Post. R's placement on left / right scale T16 CSES Q16 Looking at page 23 of the booklet, In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Right 98 DK 99 NA; Inap, no Post IW Post. Position of House candidates in Thermometers Rand.B1a1 Position of Democratic House candidate and Republican House candidate in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- House candidate thermometers were always administered as the 4th and 5th thermometers, but the order in which they were administered was randomized. 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate; no Republican House candidate; Washington DC 1 Democratic House candidate first, Republican House candidate second 2 Republican House candidate first, Democratic House candidate second 9 NA ; Inap, no Post IW Post. Position of Supreme Court in Thermometers Rand.B1d Position of The Supreme Court in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Congress in Thermometers Rand.B1e Position of Congress in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of the Military in Thermometers Rand.B1f Position of The Military in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Federal Govt in Thermometers Rand.B1g Position of The Federal Government in Washington in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Blacks in Thermometers Rand.B1h Position of Blacks in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Whites in Thermometers Rand.B1j Position of Whites in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Conservatives in Thermometers Rand.B1k Position of Conservatives in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Liberals in Thermometers Rand.B1L Position of Liberals in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Labor Unions in Thermometers Rand.B1m Position of Labor Unions in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Big Business in Thermometers Rand.B1n Position of Big Business in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Poor People in Thermometers Rand.B1p Position of Poor People in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of People on Welfare in Thermometers Rand.B1r Position of People on Welfare in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Hispanics in Thermometers Rand.B1r Position of Hispanics in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Christian Fundamentalists in Thermometers Rand.B1s Position of Christian Fundamentalists in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Women's Movement in Thermometers Rand.B1t Position of The Women's movement in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Older People in Thermometers Rand.B1u Position of Older people in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Environmentalists in Thermometers Rand.B1v Position of Environmentalists in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Gay Men and Lesbians in Thermometers Rand.B1w Position of Gay men and Lesbians, homosexuals in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Position of Christian Coalition in Thermometers Rand.B1x Position of The Christian Coalition in Thermometers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Presidential candidates were always administered as the first 3 thermometers, the House candidates as the 4th and 5th thermometers, and the retiring House representative as the 6th thermometer. The remaining thermometers for groups and institutions (e.g. Congress, the Supreme Court) were administered in random order as the 7th-25th thermometers. Codes 7-25 and: 99 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of House candidates in Likes/Dislikes Rand.C1 Order of House Democratic and Republican candidates in administration of 'Likes/Dislikes' questions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Likes' and 'Dislikes' questions were both administered for the first candidate before being administered for the second candidate ('Likes' always precede 'Dislikes') . This variable indicates whether the 'Likes/Dislikes' set of questions was asked first for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate. 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate; no Republican House candidate; Washington DC 1 Democratic House candidate first, Republican House candidate second 2 Republican House candidate first, Democratic House candidate second 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of Clinton and Dole in Traits Rand.E1a Order of Clinton and Dole in administration of Traits questions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two 'traits' questions were asked each for Clinton and Dole, and both traits were asked for the first candidate before being asked about the second candidate. The order of the candidates was randomized but not the order of the traits. (One question was asked about Perot, who always came third). 1 Clinton first, Dole second 2 Dole first, Clinton second 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of Clinton, Dole, Perot in Aid to Blacks scale Rand.J4b Order of Clinton, Dole, Perot in administration of Aid to Blacks 7-point scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-placement preceded the placements of the presidential candidates. This variables describes the order of the placements for Clinton, Dole and Perot after self-placement. 1 Clinton, Dole, Perot 2 Dole, Perot Clinton 3 Perot, Clinton, Dole 4 Clinton, Perot, Dole 5 Dole, Clinton, Perot 6 Perot, Dole, Clinton 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of Clinton and Dole in Liberal/Conserv scale Rand.N11b Order of Clinton, Dole in administration of Liberal-Conservative 7-point scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-placement preceded the placements of the presidential candidates. This variables describes the order of the placements for Clinton and Dole after self-placement (placement was not asked for Perot). 1 Clinton, Dole 2 Dole, Clinton 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of House candidates in Liberal/Conserv scale Rand.N11e Order of Democratic and Republican House candidates in administration of Liberal-Conservative 7-point scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After R self-placement, the Liberal-Conservative placement questions were asked about Clinton and Dole, and the House candidate placements were always asked afterwards (third or fourth placements after R's self-placement). This variable describes whether the Democratic or Republican candidate was administered first after the two presidential candidates. 0 Inap, no Democratic House candidate; no Republican House candidate; Washington DC 1 Democratic House candidate first, Republican House candidate second 2 Republican House candidate first, Democratic House candidate second 9 NA ; Inap, no opinion in N13; no post IW Post. Order of Clinton, Dole, Perot in Tax Cut scale Rand.N14a Order of Clinton, Dole, Perot in administration of Tax Cut scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Self-placement preceded the placements of the presidential candidates. This variables describes the order of the placements for Clinton, Dole and Perot after self-placement. 1 Clinton, Dole, Perot 2 Dole, Perot Clinton 3 Perot, Clinton, Dole 4 Clinton, Perot, Dole 5 Dole, Clinton, Perot 6 Perot, Dole, Clinton 9 NA ; Inap, no opinion in N13; no post IW Post. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in Hardworking scale Rand.P2b Order of Blacks and Hispanics in administration of 'Hardworking' scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Hardworking' scale was always asked about Whites first. This variable describes whether the same question was afterwards administered first for Blacks or first for Hispanics. 1 Blacks, Hispanics 2 Hispanics, Blacks 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in Intelligent scale Rand.P3b Order of Blacks and Hispanics in administration of 'Intelligent' scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Intelligent' scale was always asked about Whites first. This variable describes whether the same question was afterwards administered first for Blacks or first for Hispanics. 1 Blacks, Hispanics 2 Hispanics, Blacks 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW Post. Order of Blacks and Hispanics in Trustworthy scale Rand.P4b Order of Blacks and Hispanics in administration of 'Trustworthy' scale ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Trustworthy' scale was always asked about Whites first. This variable describes whether the same question was afterwards administered first for Blacks or first for Hispanics. 1 Blacks, Hispanics 2 Hispanics, Blacks 9 NA ; Inap, no post IW