# framework common functions for use in test suites and test cases # # run a test and keep stats on success/failure. # arguments: a command, possibly a shell function. # return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure. # side effects: increments global var NSUCC on success, NFAIL on failure. # run_testcase() { if "$@"; then ((NSUCC++)) return 0 else ((NFAIL++)) return 1 fi } # # verbosely check that the test output matches the expected value. # arguments: the test output, the expected value, and a description. # return value: 0 on if test output equals expected value; 1 otherwise. # side effects: prints a descriptive message. # asserteq() { typeset out="$1" expected="$2" desc="$3" echo -n "out=$out $desc" if [ "$out" = "$expected" ]; then echo " - ok" return 0 else echo " expected=$expected - bad" return 1 fi } # # verbosely check that the test output doesn't match the reference value. # return value: 1 on if test output equals expected value; 0 if not equal. # side effects: prints descriptive message. # assertneq() { typeset out="$1" ref="$2" desc="$3" echo -n "out=$out $desc" if [ "$out" = "$ref" ]; then echo " ref=$ref - bad" return 1 else echo " ref=$ref - ok" return 0 fi }