/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sysv.S - Copyright (c) 1998, 2008, 2011 Red Hat, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011 Plausible Labs Cooperative, Inc. Copyright (c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. ARM Foreign Function Interface Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define LIBFFI_ASM #include #include #include #include "internal.h" #include "ksarm.h" ; 8 byte aligned AREA to support 8 byte aligned jump tables MACRO NESTED_ENTRY_FFI $FuncName, $AreaName, $ExceptHandler ; compute the function's labels __DeriveFunctionLabels $FuncName ; determine the area we will put the function into __FuncArea SETS "|.text|" IF "$AreaName" != "" __FuncArea SETS "$AreaName" ENDIF ; set up the exception handler itself __FuncExceptionHandler SETS "" IF "$ExceptHandler" != "" __FuncExceptionHandler SETS "|$ExceptHandler|" ENDIF ; switch to the specified area, jump tables require 8 byte alignment AREA $__FuncArea,CODE,CODEALIGN,ALIGN=3,READONLY ; export the function name __ExportProc $FuncName ; flush any pending literal pool stuff ROUT ; reset the state of the unwind code tracking __ResetUnwindState MEND ; MACRO ; TABLE_ENTRY $Type, $Table ;$Type_$Table ; MEND #define E(index,table) return_##index##_##table ; r0: stack ; r1: frame ; r2: fn ; r3: vfp_used ; fake entry point exists only to generate exists only to ; generate .pdata for exception unwinding NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_call_VFP_fake PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr} ; save fp and lr for unwind ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_call_VFP cmp r3, #3 ; load only d0 if possible vldrle d0, [r0] vldmgt r0, {d0-d7} add r0, r0, #64 ; discard the vfp register args b ffi_call_SYSV NESTED_END ffi_call_VFP_fake ; fake entry point exists only to generate exists only to ; generate .pdata for exception unwinding NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_call_SYSV_fake PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr} ; save fp and lr for unwind ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_call_SYSV stm r1, {fp, lr} mov fp, r1 mov sp, r0 ; install the stack pointer mov lr, r2 ; move the fn pointer out of the way ldr ip, [fp, #16] ; install the static chain ldmia sp!, {r0-r3} ; move first 4 parameters in registers. blx lr ; call fn ; Load r2 with the pointer to storage for the return value ; Load r3 with the return type code ldr r2, [fp, #8] ldr r3, [fp, #12] ; Deallocate the stack with the arguments. mov sp, fp ; Store values stored in registers. ALIGN 8 lsl r3, #3 add r3, r3, pc add r3, #8 mov pc, r3 E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_S, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 vstr s0, [r2] pop {fp,pc} E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_D, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 vstr d0, [r2] pop {fp,pc} E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_N, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 vstm r2, {d0-d3} pop {fp,pc} E(ARM_TYPE_INT64, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 str r1, [r2, #4] nop E(ARM_TYPE_INT, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 str r0, [r2] pop {fp,pc} E(ARM_TYPE_VOID, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 pop {fp,pc} nop E(ARM_TYPE_STRUCT, ffi_call) ALIGN 8 cmp r3, #ARM_TYPE_STRUCT pop {fp,pc} NESTED_END ffi_call_SYSV_fake IMPORT |ffi_closure_inner_SYSV| /* int ffi_closure_inner_SYSV ( cif, ; r0 fun, ; r1 user_data, ; r2 frame ; r3 ) */ NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_go_closure_SYSV stmdb sp!, {r0-r3} ; save argument regs ldr r0, [ip, #4] ; load cif ldr r1, [ip, #8] ; load fun mov r2, ip ; load user_data b ffi_go_closure_SYSV_0 NESTED_END ffi_go_closure_SYSV ; r3: ffi_closure ; fake entry point exists only to generate exists only to ; generate .pdata for exception unwinding NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_closure_SYSV_fake PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr} ; save fp and lr for unwind ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_closure_SYSV ldmfd sp!, {ip,r0} ; restore fp (r0 is used for stack alignment) stmdb sp!, {r0-r3} ; save argument regs ldr r0, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET] ; ffi_closure->cif ldr r1, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET+4] ; ffi_closure->fun ldr r2, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET+8] ; ffi_closure->user_data ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_go_closure_SYSV_0 add ip, sp, #16 ; compute entry sp sub sp, sp, #64+32 ; allocate frame parameter (sizeof(vfp_space) = 64, sizeof(result) = 32) mov r3, sp ; set frame parameter stmdb sp!, {ip,lr} bl ffi_closure_inner_SYSV ; call the Python closure ; Load values returned in registers. add r2, sp, #64+8 ; address of closure_frame->result bl ffi_closure_ret ; move result to correct register or memory for type ldmfd sp!, {ip,lr} mov sp, ip ; restore stack pointer mov pc, lr NESTED_END ffi_closure_SYSV_fake IMPORT |ffi_closure_inner_VFP| /* int ffi_closure_inner_VFP ( cif, ; r0 fun, ; r1 user_data, ; r2 frame ; r3 ) */ NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_go_closure_VFP stmdb sp!, {r0-r3} ; save argument regs ldr r0, [ip, #4] ; load cif ldr r1, [ip, #8] ; load fun mov r2, ip ; load user_data b ffi_go_closure_VFP_0 NESTED_END ffi_go_closure_VFP ; fake entry point exists only to generate exists only to ; generate .pdata for exception unwinding ; r3: closure NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_closure_VFP_fake PROLOG_PUSH {r11, lr} ; save fp and lr for unwind ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_closure_VFP ldmfd sp!, {ip,r0} ; restore fp (r0 is used for stack alignment) stmdb sp!, {r0-r3} ; save argument regs ldr r0, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET] ; load cif ldr r1, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET+4] ; load fun ldr r2, [ip, #FFI_TRAMPOLINE_CLOSURE_OFFSET+8] ; load user_data ALTERNATE_ENTRY ffi_go_closure_VFP_0 add ip, sp, #16 ; compute entry sp sub sp, sp, #32 ; save space for closure_frame->result vstmdb sp!, {d0-d7} ; push closure_frame->vfp_space mov r3, sp ; save closure_frame stmdb sp!, {ip,lr} bl ffi_closure_inner_VFP ; Load values returned in registers. add r2, sp, #64+8 ; load result bl ffi_closure_ret ldmfd sp!, {ip,lr} mov sp, ip ; restore stack pointer mov pc, lr NESTED_END ffi_closure_VFP_fake /* Load values returned in registers for both closure entry points. Note that we use LDM with SP in the register set. This is deprecated by ARM, but not yet unpredictable. */ NESTED_ENTRY_FFI ffi_closure_ret stmdb sp!, {fp,lr} ALIGN 8 lsl r0, #3 add r0, r0, pc add r0, #8 mov pc, r0 E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_S, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 vldr s0, [r2] b call_epilogue E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_D, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 vldr d0, [r2] b call_epilogue E(ARM_TYPE_VFP_N, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 vldm r2, {d0-d3} b call_epilogue E(ARM_TYPE_INT64, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 ldr r1, [r2, #4] nop E(ARM_TYPE_INT, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 ldr r0, [r2] b call_epilogue E(ARM_TYPE_VOID, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 b call_epilogue nop E(ARM_TYPE_STRUCT, ffi_closure) ALIGN 8 b call_epilogue call_epilogue ldmfd sp!, {fp,pc} NESTED_END ffi_closure_ret AREA |.trampoline|, DATA, THUMB, READONLY EXPORT |ffi_arm_trampoline| |ffi_arm_trampoline| DATA thisproc adr ip, thisproc stmdb sp!, {ip, r0} ldr pc, [pc, #0] DCD 0 ;ENDP END