/* sha1-armv8-aarch64-ce.S - ARM/CE accelerated SHA-1 transform function * Copyright (C) 2016 Jussi Kivilinna * * This file is part of Libgcrypt. * * Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "asm-common-aarch64.h" #if defined(__AARCH64EL__) && \ defined(HAVE_COMPATIBLE_GCC_AARCH64_PLATFORM_AS) && \ defined(HAVE_GCC_INLINE_ASM_AARCH64_CRYPTO) && defined(USE_SHA1) .cpu generic+simd+crypto /* Constants */ SECTION_RODATA #define K1 0x5A827999 #define K2 0x6ED9EBA1 #define K3 0x8F1BBCDC #define K4 0xCA62C1D6 .align 4 ELF(.type gcry_sha1_aarch64_ce_K_VEC,%object;) gcry_sha1_aarch64_ce_K_VEC: .LK_VEC: .LK1: .long K1, K1, K1, K1 .LK2: .long K2, K2, K2, K2 .LK3: .long K3, K3, K3, K3 .LK4: .long K4, K4, K4, K4 /* Register macros */ #define sH4 s0 #define vH4 v0 #define vH0123 v1 #define qABCD q2 #define sABCD s2 #define vABCD v2 #define sE0 s3 #define vE0 v3 #define sE1 s4 #define vE1 v4 #define vT0 v5 #define vT1 v6 #define vW0 v16 #define vW1 v17 #define vW2 v18 #define vW3 v19 #define vK1 v20 #define vK2 v21 #define vK3 v22 #define vK4 v23 /* Round macros */ #define _(...) /*_*/ #define do_add(dst, src0, src1) add dst.4s, src0.4s, src1.4s; #define do_sha1su0(w0,w1,w2) sha1su0 w0.4s,w1.4s,w2.4s; #define do_sha1su1(w0,w3) sha1su1 w0.4s,w3.4s; #define do_rounds(f, e0, e1, t, k, w0, w1, w2, w3, add_fn, sha1su0_fn, sha1su1_fn) \ sha1su1_fn( v##w3, v##w2 ); \ sha1h e0, sABCD; \ sha1##f qABCD, e1, v##t.4s; \ add_fn( v##t, v##w2, v##k ); \ sha1su0_fn( v##w0, v##w1, v##w2 ); /* Other functional macros */ #define CLEAR_REG(reg) movi reg.16b, #0; .text /* * unsigned int * _gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce (void *ctx, const unsigned char *data, * size_t nblks) */ .align 4 .globl _gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce ELF(.type _gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce,%function;) _gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce: /* input: * x0: ctx, CTX * x1: data (64*nblks bytes) * x2: nblks */ CFI_STARTPROC(); cbz x2, .Ldo_nothing; GET_DATA_POINTER(x4, .LK_VEC); ld1 {vH0123.4s}, [x0] /* load h0,h1,h2,h3 */ ld1 {vK1.4s-vK4.4s}, [x4] /* load K1,K2,K3,K4 */ ldr sH4, [x0, #16] /* load h4 */ ld1 {vW0.16b-vW3.16b}, [x1], #64 mov vABCD.16b, vH0123.16b rev32 vW0.16b, vW0.16b rev32 vW1.16b, vW1.16b rev32 vW2.16b, vW2.16b do_add(vT0, vW0, vK1) rev32 vW3.16b, vW3.16b do_add(vT1, vW1, vK1) .Loop: do_rounds(c, sE1, sH4, T0, K1, W0, W1, W2, W3, do_add, do_sha1su0, _) sub x2, x2, #1 do_rounds(c, sE0, sE1, T1, K1, W1, W2, W3, W0, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(c, sE1, sE0, T0, K1, W2, W3, W0, W1, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(c, sE0, sE1, T1, K2, W3, W0, W1, W2, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(c, sE1, sE0, T0, K2, W0, W1, W2, W3, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K2, W1, W2, W3, W0, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, K2, W2, W3, W0, W1, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K2, W3, W0, W1, W2, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, K3, W0, W1, W2, W3, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K3, W1, W2, W3, W0, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(m, sE1, sE0, T0, K3, W2, W3, W0, W1, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(m, sE0, sE1, T1, K3, W3, W0, W1, W2, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(m, sE1, sE0, T0, K3, W0, W1, W2, W3, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(m, sE0, sE1, T1, K4, W1, W2, W3, W0, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(m, sE1, sE0, T0, K4, W2, W3, W0, W1, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K4, W3, W0, W1, W2, do_add, do_sha1su0, do_sha1su1) cbz x2, .Lend ld1 {vW0.16b-vW1.16b}, [x1], #32 /* preload */ do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, K4, _ , _ , W2, W3, do_add, _, do_sha1su1) rev32 vW0.16b, vW0.16b ld1 {vW2.16b}, [x1], #16 rev32 vW1.16b, vW1.16b do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K4, _ , _ , W3, _ , do_add, _, _) ld1 {vW3.16b}, [x1], #16 rev32 vW2.16b, vW2.16b do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) rev32 vW3.16b, vW3.16b do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) do_add(vT0, vW0, vK1) add vH4.2s, vH4.2s, vE0.2s add vABCD.4s, vABCD.4s, vH0123.4s do_add(vT1, vW1, vK1) mov vH0123.16b, vABCD.16b b .Loop .Lend: do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, K4, _ , _ , W2, W3, do_add, _, do_sha1su1) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, K4, _ , _ , W3, _ , do_add, _, _) do_rounds(p, sE1, sE0, T0, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) do_rounds(p, sE0, sE1, T1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) add vH4.2s, vH4.2s, vE0.2s add vH0123.4s, vH0123.4s, vABCD.4s CLEAR_REG(vW0) CLEAR_REG(vW1) CLEAR_REG(vW2) CLEAR_REG(vW3) CLEAR_REG(vABCD) CLEAR_REG(vE1) CLEAR_REG(vE0) str sH4, [x0, #16] /* store h4 */ st1 {vH0123.4s}, [x0] /* store h0,h1,h2,h3 */ CLEAR_REG(vH0123) CLEAR_REG(vH4) .Ldo_nothing: mov x0, #0 ret_spec_stop CFI_ENDPROC(); ELF(.size _gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce,.-_gcry_sha1_transform_armv8_ce;) #endif