diff options
authorPierre Joye <>2021-08-24 08:37:18 +0700
committerPierre Joye <>2021-08-24 08:37:18 +0700
commit88a31ad9b41eb1458d6ec8decbb71f46cd2faaa2 (patch)
parent5e919945be3aee2e727ceb8428fc17417400d88c (diff)
rm travis, appveyor
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f7f28bb..0e22d80 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
# GD Graphics (Draw) Library
-[![Build Status](](
[![Build Status](](
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 268fcef..0000000
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-version: 2.1.1.{build}
-shallow_clone: true
- # settings
- min_build: 0 # if 1 overwrites tbs_gd_* flags to leave png and jpeg
- tbs_gd_png: 1
- tbs_gd_jpeg: 1
- tbs_gd_freetype: 1
- tbs_gd_iconv: 0 # todo: add iconv thumbs
- tbs_gd_tiff: 1
- build_bindings: 1 # build .net bidnings
- pack_dlls: 1 # pack dll with upx
- matrix:
- - tbs_arch: "x86"
- tbs_tools: "msvc12"
- tbs_static_runtime: 0
- - tbs_arch: "x64"
- tbs_tools: "msvc12"
- tbs_static_runtime: 0
- - tbs_arch: "x86"
- tbs_tools: "mingw"
- tbs_static_runtime: 1
- - tbs_arch: "x64"
- tbs_tools: "mingw"
- tbs_static_runtime: 1
- - if [%min_build%]==[1] (
- SET tbs_gd_png=1&&
- SET tbs_gd_jpeg=1&&
- SET tbs_gd_freetype=0&&
- SET tbs_gd_iconv=0&&
- SET tbs_gd_tiff=0)
- - ps: if($env:build_platform -eq 'x64') {
- $env:vcvar_arg = 'x86_amd64';
- }
- else {
- $env:vcvar_arg = 'x86';
- }
- - ps: 'function prepend($file, $line) { Set-Content (Resolve-Path $file) -value $line,(Get-Content (Resolve-Path $file)) }'
- # get common functions
- - git clone
- - ps: . .\gd-appveyor-helpers\appveyor_funcs.ps1
- # fetch deps
- - mkdir deps
- - ps: if($env:build_bindings -eq 1) { invoke 'git' 'clone --depth 1' }
- - nuget install zlib-%tbs_tools%-%tbs_arch%-master -Source
- - ps: move zlib*\* deps -force
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[mingw] move deps\libzlibstatic.a deps\libz.a
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] move deps\zlibstatic.lib deps\zlib.lib
- - SET tbsd_zlib_built=1
- - SET tbsd_zlib_incdir=deps
- - SET tbsd_zlib_libdir=deps
- - if [%tbs_gd_jpeg%]==[1] (
- nuget install libjpeg-%tbs_tools%-%tbs_arch%-master -Source &&
- powershell -Command "move libjpeg*\* deps -force" &&
- (if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] move deps\jpeg_static.lib deps\jpeg.lib) &&
- SET tbsd_libjpeg_turbo_built=1)
- - if [%tbs_gd_png%]==[1] (
- nuget install libpng-%tbs_tools%-%tbs_arch%-master -Source &&
- powershell -Command "move libpng*\* deps -force" &&
- (if [%tbs_tools%]==[mingw] move deps\libpng16.a deps\libpng.a) &&
- (if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] move deps\libpng16_static.lib deps\png.lib) &&
- SET tbsd_libpng_built=1)
- - if [%tbs_gd_freetype%]==[1] (
- nuget install freetype-%tbs_tools%-%tbs_arch%-master -Source &&
- powershell -Command "move freetype*\* deps -force" &&
- (if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] move deps\freetype_static.lib deps\freetype.lib) &&
- SET tbsd_freetype_built=1)
- - if [%tbs_gd_tiff%]==[1] (
- nuget install libtiff-%tbs_tools%-%tbs_arch%-master -Source &&
- powershell -Command "move libtiff*\* deps -force" &&
- (if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] move deps\tiff_static.lib deps\tiff.lib) &&
- SET tbsd_libtiff_built=1)
- # remove dyn libs
- - del deps\*.dll*
- # get upx (cinst broken; gets dos ver)
- #- if [%pack_dlls%]==[1] cinst upx
- - if [%pack_dlls%]==[1] (
- curl -L -o &&
- 7z e *.exe -r )
- # get mingw-w64-dgn (C:\mingw64)
- - ps: if($env:tbs_tools -eq 'mingw' -and $env:tbs_arch -eq 'x64') {
- invoke 'curl' '-L -o mw64.7z ""';
- invoke '7z' 'x -oC:\ mw64.7z'; }
- # get mingw-w64-32bit (C:\mingw32)
- - ps: if($env:tbs_tools -eq 'mingw' -and $env:tbs_arch -eq 'x86' -and $env:build_bindings -eq 1) {
- invoke 'curl' '-L -o mw64-32.7z ""';
- invoke '7z' 'x -oC:\ mw64-32.7z'; }
- - '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall" %vcvar_arg%'
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[mingw] if [%tbs_arch%]==[x86] SET PATH=C:\mingw\bin;%PATH%
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[mingw] if [%tbs_arch%]==[x64] SET PATH=C:\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
- - SET
- - ps: $nupkg_b = "libgd-$($env:tbs_tools)-$($env:tbs_arch)-$($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)";
- - ps: $nupkg_c = "libgd-$($env:tbs_tools)-$($env:tbs_arch)-$($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT)";
- - if [%tbs_arch%]==[x86] SET dll_make=C:\mingw32\bin\mingw32-make.exe
- - if [%tbs_arch%]==[x64] SET dll_make=C:\mingw64\bin\mingw32-make.exe
- - for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('thumbs list_bin') do set dll_name=%%i
- - SET dll_name=%dll_name:/=\%
- - for /f %%i in ("%dll_name%") do set dll_basename=%%~nxi
- - SET dll_raw=%dll_name%.raw
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[msvc12] SET cli_args=%dll_basename%
- - if [%tbs_tools%]==[mingw] SET cli_args=%dll_make% %dll_basename%
- - thumbs make
- - for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('thumbs list') do set files=%%i
- - copy %dll_name% %dll_raw%
- - if [%pack_dlls%]==[1] (
- appveyor PushArtifact %dll_raw% &&
- del %dll_name% &&
- upx -o %dll_name% %dll_raw% )
- - 7z a %zip% %files%
- - appveyor PushArtifact %zip%
- - ps: if(Test-Path $env:zip) {
- zip2nuget $env:zip $nupkg_b;
- zip2nuget $env:zip $nupkg_c; }
- # build bindings
- - ps: if($env:with_tiff -eq 0 -and $env:build_bindings -eq 1) {
- prepend 'gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\LibGDExtensions.cs' '#define NO_TIFF';
- $env:test_defs += 'NO_TIFF;' }
- - ps: if($env:with_freetype -eq 0 -and $env:build_bindings -eq 1) {
- prepend 'gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\LibGDExtensions.cs' '#define NO_FREETYPE';
- $env:test_defs += 'NO_FREETYPE;' }
- - '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall"'
- - if [%build_bindings%]==[1] (
- cd gd-dotnet-bindings-generator &&
- msbuild LibGD.CLI\LibGD.CLI.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=AnyCPU /v:m &&
- copy ..\%dll_raw% LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug\%dll_basename% &&
- cd LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug &&
- LibGD.CLI.exe %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\src %cli_args% &&
- cd ..\..\.. &&
- msbuild LibGD.Tests\LibGD.Tests.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=AnyCPU /p:DefineConstants="%test_defs%" /v:m &&
- cd..)
- - SET
- - ps: if($env:build_bindings -eq 1) {
- invoke '7z' "a $($env:zip)
- .\$($env:dll_pack)
- .\gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug\_iobuf.cs
- .\gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug\LibGD.cs
- .\gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug\LibGDExtensions.cs
- .\gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.CLI\bin\Debug\LibGDSharp.dll";
- Push-AppveyorArtifact $($env:zip); }
- - appveyor PushArtifact src\config.h
- - SET fail=0
- - thumbs check || SET fail=1 & ver > nul
- - ps: Push-Ctest-Results 'build'
- - ps: Push-AppveyorArtifact build\Testing\Temporary\LastTest.log
- - exit %fail%
- - if [%build_bindings%]==[1] (
- copy %dll_name% gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.Tests\bin\Debug\%dll_basename% &&
- (if [%tbs_arch%]==[x86] (nunit-console-x86 gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.Tests\bin\Debug\LibGD.Tests.dll)
- else if [%tbs_arch%]==[x64] (nunit-console gd-dotnet-bindings-generator\LibGD.Tests\bin\Debug\LibGD.Tests.dll)) &&
- appveyor PushArtifact TestResult.xml )
- - ps: Push-AppveyorArtifact "$nupkg_b*.nupkg"
- - ps: Push-AppveyorArtifact "$nupkg_c*.nupkg"