diff options
authorkshepherd <none@none>2007-12-11 18:58:15 +0000
committerkshepherd <none@none>2007-12-11 18:58:15 +0000
commit5583a4194a348870371f22cb9eb85d3eebfd372f (patch)
parentb4db533552651af9ced8da98dd356678b3ae9ffa (diff)
Initial revision of the C++ helper files.
These files are wrapped in ifdef __cplusplus clauses, so do not affect 'C' use of the library. gd_io_stream contains a specialization of gdIOCtx for standard library streams, and can be used independently of gdpp.h. gdpp.h contains C++ classes which wrap the C API for the convenience of C++ use. All classes in gdpp are prefixed by GD:: Checked in by Kevin Shepherd <> Please see issue 131 in the libgd bug-tracking system for details:
4 files changed, 1704 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gd_io_stream.cxx b/src/gd_io_stream.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9bd3029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gd_io_stream.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* *****************************************************************************
+** $Id$
+** Initial file written and documented by:
+** Kevin Shepherd <> December 2007
+** of Scarlet Line
+/** \file gd_io_stream.cxx
+ \brief Implementation of the methods of the gdIOCtx std stream specialization.
+ Implements the derived specializations of gdIOCtx.
+ These methods are not called by users of libgd, they
+ are internal implementation.
+ Note that half of the below methods are trivial stubs,
+ as an input stream has no need of output methods, and vice-versa.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "gd_io_stream.h"
+/** Read into buffer from stream
+ Return the number of bytes successfully read.
+ If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value
+ is a short byte count (or zero).
+int istreamIOCtx::Getbuf (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, void * buf, int size)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (istreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ _str->read((char * )buf, size);
+ return _str->gcount();
+ }
+/** Write from buffer to stream
+ Return the number of bytes successfully written.
+ If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value
+ is a short byte count (or zero).
+int istreamIOCtx::Putbuf (struct gdIOCtx * , const void * , int )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Reads the next character from stream and returns it as an
+ unsigned char cast to an int, or EOF on end of file or error.
+int istreamIOCtx::Getchar (struct gdIOCtx * ctx)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (istreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ return _str->get();
+ }
+/** Write the character to stream
+ Character is cast to unsigned char before writing
+void istreamIOCtx::Putchar (struct gdIOCtx * , int )
+ {
+ }
+/** Seek to position offset from the beginning of the stream
+ must return 1 on SUCCESS, 0 on FAILURE. Unlike fseek!
+int istreamIOCtx::Seek (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const int pos)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (istreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ _str->seekg(pos);
+ return !_str->fail();
+ }
+/** Obtains the current value of the stream position.
+ Returns -1 on error.
+long istreamIOCtx::Tell (struct gdIOCtx * ctx)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (istreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ return _str->tellg();
+ }
+/** Deallocate the context
+void istreamIOCtx::FreeCtx (struct gdIOCtx * ctx)
+ {
+ delete (istreamIOCtx * )ctx;
+ }
+/** Read into buffer from stream
+ Return the number of bytes successfully read.
+ If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value
+ is a short byte count (or zero).
+int ostreamIOCtx::Getbuf (struct gdIOCtx * , void * , int )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Write from buffer to stream
+ Return the number of bytes successfully written.
+ If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value
+ is a short byte count (or zero).
+int ostreamIOCtx::Putbuf (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const void * buf, int size)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (ostreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ _str->write((const char * )buf, size);
+ return _str->bad()?0:size;
+ }
+/** Reads the next character from stream and returns it as an
+ unsigned char cast to an int, or EOF on end of file or error.
+int ostreamIOCtx::Getchar (struct gdIOCtx * )
+ {
+ return EOF;
+ }
+/** Write the character to stream
+ Character is cast to unsigned char before writing
+void ostreamIOCtx::Putchar (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, int c)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (ostreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ _str->put((char)c);
+ }
+/** Seek to position offset from the beginning of the stream
+ must return 1 on SUCCESS, 0 on FAILURE. Unlike fseek!
+int ostreamIOCtx::Seek (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const int pos)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (ostreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ _str->seekp(pos);
+ return !_str->fail();
+ }
+/** Obtains the current value of the stream position.
+ Returns -1 on error.
+long ostreamIOCtx::Tell (struct gdIOCtx * ctx)
+ {
+ stream_type * _str = ( (ostreamIOCtx * ) ctx )->_M_stream;
+ return _str->tellp();
+ }
+/** Deallocate the context
+void ostreamIOCtx::FreeCtx (struct gdIOCtx * ctx)
+ {
+ delete (ostreamIOCtx * )ctx;
+ }
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/src/gd_io_stream.h b/src/gd_io_stream.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..533c268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gd_io_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* *****************************************************************************
+** $Id$
+** Initial file written and documented by:
+** Kevin Shepherd <> December 2007
+** of Scarlet Line
+/** \file gd_io_stream.h
+ \brief C++ standard library iostream specializations of gdIOCtx.
+ Note that all of the methods defined in this header are internal to the
+ libgd library, except for the constructors.
+ Only the constructors are needed by a user of the libgd API.
+ This file does not use or need gdpp.h, but if GD::Image is
+ used, then C++ coding becomes even simpler, and the classes below
+ become entirely hidden implementation details.
+ Example usage, convert png to gif:
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include "gd_io_stream.h"
+ std::ifstream in("image.png", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
+ if (in.good())
+ {
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ gdImagePtr im_in = gdImageCreateFromPngCtx ( & _in_ctx);
+ std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImageGifCtx(im_in, & _out_ctx);
+ }
+ gdImageDestroy(im_in);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifndef _gd_io_stream_h
+#define _gd_io_stream_h
+#include "gd.h"
+#include <iostream>
+/** Standard library input stream specialization of gdIOCtx
+class BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL istreamIOCtx : public gdIOCtx
+ {
+ typedef std::istream stream_type;
+ /** Construct an instance of this input stream specialization,
+ given an input stream.
+ For example:
+ std::ifstream in("image.png", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
+ istreamIOCtx in_ctx(in);
+ */
+ istreamIOCtx(stream_type & __stream)
+ { init( & __stream); }
+ static int Getbuf (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, void * buf, int size);
+ static int Putbuf (struct gdIOCtx * , const void * , int );
+ static void Putchar (struct gdIOCtx * , int );
+ static int Getchar (struct gdIOCtx * ctx);
+ static int Seek (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const int pos);
+ static long Tell (struct gdIOCtx * ctx);
+ static void FreeCtx (struct gdIOCtx * ctx);
+ void init(stream_type * __stream)
+ {
+ getC = Getchar;
+ putC = Putchar;
+ getBuf = Getbuf;
+ putBuf = Putbuf;
+ tell = Tell;
+ seek = Seek;
+ gd_free = FreeCtx;
+ _M_stream = __stream;
+ }
+ stream_type * _M_stream;
+ };
+/** Allocate a new instance of the class
+inline gdIOCtx * gdNewIstreamCtx (std::istream * __stream)
+ {
+ return new istreamIOCtx(* __stream);
+ }
+/** Standard library output stream specialization of gdIOCtx
+class BGD_EXPORT_DATA_IMPL ostreamIOCtx : public gdIOCtx
+ {
+ typedef std::ostream stream_type;
+ /** Construct an instance of this output stream specialization,
+ given an output stream.
+ For example:
+ std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
+ ostreamIOCtx out_ctx(out);
+ */
+ ostreamIOCtx(stream_type & __stream)
+ { init( & __stream); }
+ static int Getbuf (struct gdIOCtx * , void * , int );
+ static int Putbuf (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const void * buf, int size);
+ static int Getchar (struct gdIOCtx * );
+ static void Putchar (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, int a);
+ static int Seek (struct gdIOCtx * ctx, const int pos);
+ static long Tell (struct gdIOCtx * ctx);
+ static void FreeCtx (struct gdIOCtx * ctx);
+ void init(stream_type * __stream)
+ {
+ getC = Getchar;
+ putC = Putchar;
+ getBuf = Getbuf;
+ putBuf = Putbuf;
+ tell = Tell;
+ seek = Seek;
+ gd_free = FreeCtx;
+ _M_stream = __stream;
+ }
+ stream_type * _M_stream;
+ };
+/** Allocate a new instance of the class
+inline gdIOCtx * gdNewOstreamCtx (std::ostream * __stream)
+ {
+ return new ostreamIOCtx(* __stream);
+ }
+#endif /* _gd_io_stream_h */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/src/gdpp.cxx b/src/gdpp.cxx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2505b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gdpp.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+/* *****************************************************************************
+** $Id$
+** Initial file written and documented by:
+** Kevin Shepherd <> December 2007
+** of Scarlet Line
+/** \file gdpp.cxx
+ \brief Implements the non-trivial methods of GD::Image.
+ Implementation of the more complex methods defined
+ in gdpp.h.
+ Notably includes the methods which determine the image file
+ format of a file before reading it into memory.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "gdpp.h"
+namespace GD
+ {
+ /**
+ Load an image from a file, after attempting to
+ determine it's image file format.
+ Invoke CreateFrom with an already opened
+ pointer to a file containing the desired image.
+ CreateFrom does not close the file.
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * pointer.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the
+ file is corrupt or does not contain a recognized image format).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its size.
+ */
+ bool Image::CreateFrom(FILE * in)
+ {
+ bool rtn;
+ int c = fgetc(in);
+ ungetc(c, in);
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ /* PNG
+ The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (decimal) values:
+ 0x89 0x50 0x4E 0x47 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A
+ == .PNG\r\n.\n
+ */
+ case 0x89: // PNG
+ rtn = CreateFromPng(in);
+ break;
+ /* GIF
+ 0x47 0x49 0x46
+ */
+ case 0x47: // GIF
+ rtn = CreateFromGif(in);
+ break;
+ /* JPEG
+ A JFIF-standard file will start with the four bytes (hex) FF D8 FF E0,
+ followed by two variable bytes (often hex 00 10), followed by 'JFIF'.
+ */
+ case 0xFF: // JPEG
+ rtn = CreateFromJpeg(in);
+ break;
+ /* WBMP
+ WBMP Type 0: B/W, Uncompressed bitmap is the only gd supported type
+ */
+ case 0x00: // WBMP
+ rtn = CreateFromWBMP(in);
+ break;
+ /* GD2
+ 0x67 0x64 0x32 0x00
+ == GD2\0
+ Starts with gd2
+ */
+ case 0x67: // GD2
+ rtn = CreateFromGd2(in);
+ break;
+ /* GD
+ 0xFF 0xFE
+ or
+ 0xFF 0xFF
+ Conflicts with Jpeg
+ */
+ /* XBM
+ #define test_width 16
+ #define test_height 7
+ */
+ case 0x23: // XBM
+ rtn = CreateFromXbm(in);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rtn = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return rtn;
+ }
+ /**
+ Load an image from a standard input stream, after attempting to
+ determine it's image file format.
+ Invoke CreateFrom with an already opened stream
+ containing the desired image.
+ CreateFrom does not close the stream.
+ \param[in] in An opened standard library input stream.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the
+ file is corrupt or does not contain a recognized image format).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its size.
+ Example usage, convert anything to gif:
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include <gdpp.h>
+ std::ifstream in("", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
+ GD::Image im;
+ im.CreateFrom(in);
+ if (im.good())
+ {
+ std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
+ im.Gif(out);
+ }
+ */
+ bool Image::CreateFrom(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ bool rtn;
+ switch (in.peek())
+ {
+ /* PNG
+ The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (decimal) values:
+ 0x89 0x50 0x4E 0x47 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A
+ == .PNG\r\n.\n
+ */
+ case 0x89: // PNG
+ rtn = CreateFromPng(in);
+ break;
+ /* GIF
+ 0x47 0x49 0x46
+ */
+ case 0x47: // GIF
+ rtn = CreateFromGif(in);
+ break;
+ /* JPEG
+ A JFIF-standard file will start with the four bytes (hex) FF D8 FF E0,
+ followed by two variable bytes (often hex 00 10), followed by 'JFIF'.
+ */
+ case 0xFF: // JPEG
+ rtn = CreateFromJpeg(in);
+ break;
+ /* WBMP
+ WBMP Type 0: B/W, Uncompressed bitmap is the only gd supported type
+ */
+ case 0x00: // WBMP
+ rtn = CreateFromWBMP(in);
+ break;
+ /* GD2
+ 0x67 0x64 0x32 0x00
+ == GD2\0
+ Starts with gd2
+ */
+ case 0x67: // GD2
+ rtn = CreateFromGd2(in);
+ break;
+ /* GD
+ 0xFF 0xFE
+ or
+ 0xFF 0xFF
+ Conflicts with Jpeg
+ */
+ default:
+ rtn = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return rtn;
+ }
+ /**
+ Load an image from an in-RAM memory block, after attempting to
+ determine it's image format.
+ CreateFrom does not de-allocate the memory.
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block.
+ \param[in] data A pointer to the memory block.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the
+ formatting is corrupt or does not contain a recognized image format).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its size.
+ */
+ bool Image::CreateFrom(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ bool rtn;
+ switch (((unsigned char * )data)[0])
+ {
+ /* PNG
+ The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (decimal) values:
+ 0x89 0x50 0x4E 0x47 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A
+ == .PNG\r\n.\n
+ */
+ case 0x89: // PNG
+ rtn = CreateFromPng(size, data);
+ break;
+ /* GIF
+ 0x47 0x49 0x46
+ */
+ case 0x47: // GIF
+ rtn = CreateFromGif(size, data);
+ break;
+ /* JPEG
+ A JFIF-standard file will start with the four bytes (hex) FF D8 FF E0,
+ followed by two variable bytes (often hex 00 10), followed by 'JFIF'.
+ */
+ case 0xFF: // JPEG
+ rtn = CreateFromJpeg(size, data);
+ break;
+ /* WBMP
+ WBMP Type 0: B/W, Uncompressed bitmap is the only gd supported type
+ */
+ case 0x00: // WBMP
+ rtn = CreateFromWBMP(size, data);
+ break;
+ /* GD2
+ 0x67 0x64 0x32 0x00
+ == GD2\0
+ Starts with gd2
+ */
+ case 0x67: // GD2
+ rtn = CreateFromGd2(size, data);
+ break;
+ /* GD
+ 0xFF 0xFE
+ or
+ 0xFF 0xFF
+ Conflicts with Jpeg
+ */
+ default:
+ rtn = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return rtn;
+ }
+ } // namespace GD
+ Load an image from a standard input stream, regardless of it's image file format.
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its size.
+ Example usage, convert anything to gif:
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include <gdpp.h>
+ std::ifstream in("", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
+ GD::Image im;
+ in >> im;
+ if (im.good())
+ {
+ std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
+ im.Gif(out);
+ }
+std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, GD::Image & img)
+ {
+ img.CreateFrom(in);
+ return in;
+ }
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/src/gdpp.h b/src/gdpp.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fef719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gdpp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
+/* *****************************************************************************
+** $Id$
+** Initial file written and documented by:
+** Kevin Shepherd <> December 2007
+** of Scarlet Line
+** with contributions from Torben Nielsen.
+/** \file gdpp.h
+ \brief Object Oriented C++ wrappers around libgd functionality.
+ Example usage, convert png to gif:
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include <gdpp.h>
+ std::ifstream in("image.png", std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
+ GD::Image im(in, GD::Png_tag());
+ if (im.good())
+ {
+ std::ofstream out("image.gif", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary );
+ im.Gif(out);
+ }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifndef _gdpp_h
+#define _gdpp_h
+#include "gd_io_stream.h"
+#include <string>
+/// namespace GD:: contains the C++ wrapper classes for libgd
+/** This namespace is primarily to avoid name clashes, and to
+ contain all of the gd classes within one namespace.
+ It is not recommended to use the "using namespace" directive with this namespace.
+ Example usage:
+ GD::Image im(64, 32, true); // Create a truecolor image 64 pixels wide by 32 pixels high
+ GD::Point pt(10, 8); // The point at x=10, y=8.
+ GD::Size sz(16, 8); // The size width=16, height=8.
+ GD::TrueColor col(0xFF, 0, 0); // The colour red; R=255, G=0, B=0.
+ im.Rectangle(pt, sz, col.Int()); // Draw a red rectangle with top left corner at pt, of size sz.
+namespace GD
+ {
+ class Point
+ {
+ public:
+ // Constructors
+ Point(int x, int y)
+ :_x(x), _y(y) {}
+ Point(const Point & p)
+ :_x(p._x), _y(p._y) {}
+ Point()
+ :_x(0), _y(0) {}
+ Point & operator=(const Point & p)
+ {
+ _x = p._x;
+ _y = p._y;
+ return (* this);
+ }
+ // Accessors
+ int X() const
+ { return _x; }
+ int Y() const
+ { return _y; }
+ // Updaters
+ void X(int x)
+ { _x = x; }
+ void Y(int y)
+ { _y = y; }
+ void set(int x, int y)
+ { _x = x; _y = y; }
+ int & lhsX()
+ { return _x; }
+ int & lhsY()
+ { return _y; }
+ gdPointPtr as_gdPointPtr()
+ { return (gdPointPtr) this; }
+ protected:
+ int _x, _y;
+ };
+ typedef Point * PointPtr;
+ class Size
+ {
+ public:
+ // Constructors
+ Size(int w, int h)
+ :_w(w), _h(h) {}
+ Size(const Size & p)
+ :_w(p._w), _h(p._h) {}
+ Size()
+ :_w(0), _h(0) {}
+ Size & operator=(const Size & p)
+ {
+ _w = p._w;
+ _h = p._h;
+ return (* this);
+ }
+ // Accessors
+ int W() const
+ { return _w; }
+ int H() const
+ { return _h; }
+ // Updaters
+ void W(int w)
+ { _w = w; }
+ void H(int h)
+ { _h = h; }
+ void set(int w, int h)
+ { _w = w; _h = h; }
+ int & lhsW()
+ { return _w; }
+ int & lhsH()
+ { return _h; }
+ protected:
+ int _w, _h;
+ };
+ typedef Size * SizePtr;
+ class TrueColor
+ {
+ public:
+ union as_types
+ {
+ int as_int;
+ struct uchars
+ {
+ unsigned char blue, green, red, alpha;
+ } as_uchar;
+ };
+ TrueColor()
+ { internal.as_int = 0; }
+ TrueColor(int c)
+ { internal.as_int = c; }
+ TrueColor(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a = 0)
+ {
+ internal.as_uchar.alpha = a;
+ = r;
+ = g;
+ = b;
+ }
+ // Accessors
+ int Int() const
+ { return internal.as_int; }
+ unsigned char Red() const
+ { return; }
+ unsigned char Green() const
+ { return; }
+ unsigned char Blue() const
+ { return; }
+ unsigned char Alpha() const
+ { return internal.as_uchar.alpha; }
+ // Updaters
+ void set(int c)
+ { internal.as_int = c; }
+ void set(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a = 0)
+ {
+ internal.as_uchar.alpha = a;
+ = r;
+ = g;
+ = b;
+ }
+ void Red(unsigned char c)
+ { = c; }
+ void Green(unsigned char c)
+ { = c; }
+ void Blue(unsigned char c)
+ { = c; }
+ void Alpha(unsigned char c)
+ { internal.as_uchar.alpha = c; }
+ protected:
+ as_types internal;
+ };
+ /* The following tags are simply empty structures which are used
+ to tell the compiler which constructor we want when we know
+ the image file format.
+ */
+ struct Png_tag {};
+ struct Gif_tag {};
+ struct WBMP_tag {};
+ struct Jpeg_tag {};
+ struct Gd_tag {};
+ struct Gd2_tag {};
+ struct Xbm_tag {};
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Construct a null image
+ */
+ Image()
+ :im(0)
+ {}
+ /** Construct a blank image, of the given size and colour format type.
+ \param[in] sx Width of the image
+ \param[in] sy Height of the image
+ \param[in] istruecolor Create a true colour image, defaults to false, i.e. create an indexed palette image.
+ */
+ Image(int sx, int sy, bool istruecolor = false)
+ :im(0)
+ {
+ if (istruecolor)
+ CreateTrueColor(sx, sy);
+ else
+ Create(sx, sy);
+ }
+ /** Construct a blank image, of the given size and colour format type.
+ \param[in] s Width and height of the image
+ \param[in] istruecolor Create a true colour image, defaults to false, i.e. create an indexed palette image.
+ */
+ Image(const Size & s, bool istruecolor = false)
+ :im(0)
+ {
+ if (istruecolor)
+ CreateTrueColor(s);
+ else
+ Create(s);
+ }
+ /** Construct an instance of the GD::Image class, given the internal gdImage poimter.
+ Note that gdImageDestroy will be called on the image pointer in the destructor.
+ \param[in] i Pointer to the internal gdImage
+ */
+ Image(gdImagePtr i)
+ :im(i) {}
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in. This constructor
+ will first attempt to determine the file format.
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in)
+ :im(0) { CreateFrom(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in. This constructor
+ will first attempt to determine the file format.
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in)
+ :im(0) { CreateFrom(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data. This constructor
+ will first attempt to determine the image formatting.
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data)
+ :im(0) { CreateFrom(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Png_tag()); // read a png file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, Png_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromPng(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Png_tag()); // read a png file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Png_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromPng(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Png_tag()); // read a png file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, Png_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromPng(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::Png_tag()); // read a png file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, Png_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromPng(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gif_tag()); // read a gif file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, Gif_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGif(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gif_tag()); // read a gif file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Gif_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGif(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gif_tag()); // read a gif file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, Gif_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGif(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::Gif_tag()); // read a gif file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, Gif_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGif(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::WBMP_tag()); // read a monchrome WBMP file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, WBMP_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromWBMP(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::WBMP_tag()); // read a monchrome WBMP file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, WBMP_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromWBMP(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::WBMP_tag()); // read a monchrome WBMP file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, WBMP_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromWBMP(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::WBMP_tag()); // read a monchrome WBMP file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, WBMP_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromWBMP(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Jpeg_tag()); // read a jpeg file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, Jpeg_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromJpeg(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Jpeg_tag()); // read a jpeg file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Jpeg_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromJpeg(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Jpeg_tag()); // read a jpeg file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, Jpeg_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromJpeg(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::Jpeg_tag()); // read a jpeg file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, Jpeg_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromJpeg(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gd_tag()); // read a gd file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, Gd_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gd_tag()); // read a gd file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Gd_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gd_tag()); // read a gd file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, Gd_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::Gd_tag()); // read a gd file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, Gd_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gd2_tag()); // read a gd2 file from input
+ \param[in] in The stream containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(std::istream & in, Gd2_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd2(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Png_tag()); // read a png file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Gd2_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd2(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Gd2_tag()); // read a gd2 file from input
+ \param[in] in The io context from which to read the image data
+ */
+ Image(gdIOCtx * in, Gd2_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd2(in); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from memory block \p data.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(sz, dat, GD::Gd2_tag()); // read a gd2 file from dat
+ \param[in] size The byte count of the memory block
+ \param[in] data Pointer to the memory block
+ */
+ Image(int size, void * data, Gd2_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromGd2(size, data); }
+ /** Construct an image by reading from \p in.
+ The tag is an empty struct which simply tells the compiler which image read function to use.
+ e.g. GD::Image img(input, GD::Xbm_tag()); // read an xbm file from input
+ \param[in] in An opened FILE * handle to a file containing the image data
+ */
+ Image(FILE * in, Xbm_tag)
+ :im(0) { CreateFromXbm(in); }
+ ~Image()
+ { clear(); }
+ /** Check to see if this appears to be a valid image
+ */
+ bool good() const
+ { return (im != 0); }
+ // Creation:
+ /**
+ Create a palette-based image, with no more than 256 colors.
+ \param sx Width of the desired image
+ \param sy Height of the desired image
+ \return true if it worked, else false
+ */
+ bool Create(int sx, int sy)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreate(sx, sy)) != 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ Create a truecolor image.
+ \param sx Width of the desired image
+ \param sy Height of the desired image
+ \return true if it worked, else false
+ */
+ bool CreateTrueColor(int sx, int sy)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(sx, sy)) != 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ Create a palette-based image, with no more than 256 colors.
+ \param s Width and height of the desired image
+ \return true if it worked, else false
+ */
+ bool Create(const Size & s)
+ { return Create(s.W(), s.H()); }
+ /**
+ Create a truecolor image.
+ \param s Width and height of the desired image
+ \return true if it worked, else false
+ */
+ bool CreateTrueColor(const Size & s)
+ { return CreateTrueColor(s.W(), s.H()); }
+ // Create, determining the image format from the data
+ /// Read an image from an open FILE * handle, after determining the image format
+ bool CreateFrom(FILE * in);
+ /// Read an image from an open standard library input stream, after determining the image format
+ bool CreateFrom(std::istream & in);
+ /// Read an image from a memory block, after determining the image format
+ bool CreateFrom(int size, void * data);
+ // Png
+ bool CreateFromPng(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromPng(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromPng(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromPngCtx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromPng(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromPngPtr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromPng(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromPngCtx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Gif
+ bool CreateFromGif(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGif(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGif(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGifCtx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGif(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGifPtr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGif(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGifCtx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // WBMP
+ bool CreateFromWBMP(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromWBMP(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromWBMP(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromWBMP(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromWBMPPtr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromWBMP(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Jpeg
+ /**
+ Load a truecolor image from a JPEG format file.
+ Invoke CreateFromJpeg with an already opened
+ pointer to a file containing the desired image.
+ CreateFromJpeg does not close the file.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because
+ the file is corrupt or does not contain a JPEG image).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its
+ size. The returned image is always a truecolor image.
+ */
+ bool CreateFromJpeg(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromJpeg(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ Load a truecolor image from a JPEG format file.
+ Invoke CreateFromJpeg with an already opened
+ pointer to a file containing the desired image.
+ CreateFromJpeg does not close the file.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the file is corrupt or does not contain a JPEG image).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its
+ size. The returned image is always a truecolor image.
+ */
+ bool CreateFromJpeg(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ Load a truecolor image from a JPEG format file.
+ Invoke CreateFromJpeg with an already opened
+ pointer to a file containing the desired image.
+ CreateFromJpeg does not close the file.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the file is corrupt or does not contain a JPEG image).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its
+ size. The returned image is always a truecolor image.
+ */
+ bool CreateFromJpeg(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ Load a truecolor image from a JPEG format file.
+ Invoke CreateFromJpeg with an image file in memory.
+ \return true for success, or false if unable to load the image (most often because the format is corrupt or does not contain a JPEG image).
+ You can call Width() and Height() member functions of the image to determine its
+ size. The returned image is always a truecolor image.
+ */
+ bool CreateFromJpeg(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Gd
+ bool CreateFromGd(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGdCtx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGdPtr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGdCtx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Gd2
+ bool CreateFromGd2(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2(gdIOCtx * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2(int size, void * data)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2Ptr(size, data)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2(std::istream & in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx( & _in_ctx)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Gd2 Part
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(FILE * in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2Part(in, srcx, srcy, w, h)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(gdIOCtx * in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx(in, srcx, srcy, w, h)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(int size, void * data, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2PartPtr(size, data, srcx, srcy, w, h)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(std::istream & in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h)
+ {
+ clear();
+ istreamIOCtx _in_ctx(in);
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx( & _in_ctx, srcx, srcy, w, h)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(FILE * in, const Point & src, const Size & s)
+ { return CreateFromGd2Part(in, src.X(), src.Y(), s.W(), s.H()); }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(gdIOCtx * in, const Point & src, const Size & s)
+ { return CreateFromGd2Part(in, src.X(), src.Y(), s.W(), s.H()); }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(int size, void * data, const Point & src, const Size & s)
+ { return CreateFromGd2Part(size, data, src.X(), src.Y(), s.W(), s.H()); }
+ bool CreateFromGd2Part(std::istream & in, const Point & src, const Size & s)
+ { return CreateFromGd2Part(in, src.X(), src.Y(), s.W(), s.H()); }
+ // Xbm
+ bool CreateFromXbm(FILE * in)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromXbm(in)) != 0);
+ }
+ // Xpm
+ bool CreateFromXpm(char * filename)
+ {
+ clear();
+ return ((im = gdImageCreateFromXpm(filename)) != 0);
+ }
+ bool CreateFromXpm(std::string & filename)
+ { return CreateFromXpm((char *)(filename.c_str())); }
+ // Accessors, Updaters & Methods:
+ void SetPixel(int x, int y, int color)
+ { gdImageSetPixel(im, x, y, color); }
+ void SetPixel(const Point & p, int color)
+ { SetPixel(p.X(), p.Y(), color); }
+ int GetPixel(int x, int y) const
+ { return gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y); }
+ int GetPixel(const Point & p) const
+ { return GetPixel(p.X(), p.Y()); }
+ int GetTrueColorPixel(int x, int y) const
+ { return gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(im, x, y); }
+ int GetTrueColorPixel(const Point & p) const
+ { return GetTrueColorPixel(p.X(), p.Y()); }
+ void SetPixel(int x, int y, TrueColor c)
+ { SetPixel(x, y, c.Int()); }
+ void SetPixel(const Point & p, TrueColor c)
+ { SetPixel(p.X(), p.Y(), c.Int()); }
+ void GetTrueColorPixel(TrueColor & c, int x, int y) const
+ { c.set(GetTrueColorPixel(x, y)); }
+ void GetTrueColorPixel(TrueColor & c, const Point & p) const
+ { c.set(GetTrueColorPixel(p.X(), p.Y())); }
+ void AABlend()
+ { gdImageAABlend(im); }
+ void Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
+ { gdImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color); }
+ void Line(const Point & p1, const Point & p2, int color)
+ { Line(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p2.X(), p2.Y(), color); }
+ void Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
+ { gdImageRectangle(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color); }
+ void Rectangle(const Point & p1, const Point & p2, int color)
+ { Rectangle(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p2.X(), p2.Y(), color); }
+ void Rectangle(const Point & p, const Size & s, int color)
+ { Rectangle(p.X(), p.Y(), p.X() + s.W(), p.Y() + s.H(), color); }
+ void FilledRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
+ { gdImageFilledRectangle(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color); }
+ void FilledRectangle(const Point & p1, const Point & p2, int color)
+ { FilledRectangle(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p2.X(), p2.Y(), color); }
+ void FilledRectangle(const Point & p, const Size & s, int color)
+ { FilledRectangle(p.X(), p.Y(), p.X() + s.W(), p.Y() + s.H(), color); }
+ void SetClip(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ { gdImageSetClip(im, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
+ void SetClip(const Point & p1, const Point & p2)
+ { SetClip(p1.X(), p1.Y(), p2.X(), p2.Y()); }
+ void SetClip(const Point & p, const Size & s)
+ { SetClip(p.X(), p.Y(), p.X() + s.W(), p.Y() + s.H()); }
+ void GetClip(int & x1, int & y1, int & x2, int & y2) const
+ { gdImageGetClip(im, & x1, & y1, & x2, & y2); }
+ void GetClip(Point & p1, Point & p2) const
+ { GetClip(p1.lhsX(), p1.lhsY(), p2.lhsX(), p2.lhsY()); }
+ void GetClip(Point & p, Size & s) const
+ {
+ Point p2;
+ GetClip(p.lhsX(), p.lhsY(), p2.lhsX(), p2.lhsY());
+ s.set(p2.X() - p.X(), p2.Y() - p.Y());
+ }
+ bool BoundsSafe(int x, int y) const
+ { return (gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y)?true:false); }
+ bool BoundsSafe(const Point & p) const
+ { return BoundsSafe(p.X(), p.Y()); }
+ void Char(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color)
+ { gdImageChar(im, f, x, y, c, color); }
+ void CharUp(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color)
+ { gdImageCharUp(im, f, x, y, c, color); }
+ void Char(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, int c, int color)
+ { Char(f, p.X(), p.Y(), c, color); }
+ void CharUp(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, int c, int color)
+ { CharUp(f, p.X(), p.Y(), c, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char * s, int color)
+ { gdImageString(im, f, x, y, (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char * s, int color)
+ { gdImageStringUp(im, f, x, y, (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short * s, int color)
+ { gdImageString16(im, f, x, y, (unsigned short *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short * s, int color)
+ { gdImageStringUp16(im, f, x, y, (unsigned short *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, char * s, int color)
+ { gdImageString(im, f, x, y, (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, char * s, int color)
+ { gdImageStringUp(im, f, x, y, (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, const std::string & s, int color)
+ { String(f, x, y, (char *)s.c_str(), color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, const std::string & s, int color)
+ { StringUp(f, x, y, (char *)s.c_str(), color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, unsigned char * s, int color)
+ { String(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, unsigned char * s, int color)
+ { StringUp(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, unsigned short * s, int color)
+ { String(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned short *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, unsigned short * s, int color)
+ { StringUp(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned short *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, char * s, int color)
+ { String(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, char * s, int color)
+ { StringUp(f, p.X(), p.Y(), (unsigned char *)s, color); }
+ void String(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, const std::string & s, int color)
+ { String(f, p, (char *)s.c_str(), color); }
+ void StringUp(gdFontPtr f, const Point & p, const std::string & s, int color)
+ { StringUp(f, p, (char *)s.c_str(), color); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ int x, int y, char * string)
+ { return gdImageStringFT(im, brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, x, y, string); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ int x, int y, char * string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex)
+ { return gdImageStringFTEx(im, brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, x, y, string, strex); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ int x, int y, const std::string & string)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, x, y, (char *)string.c_str()); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ int x, int y, const std::string & string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, x, y, (char *)string.c_str(), strex); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ const Point & p, char * string)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, p.X(), p.Y(), string); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ const Point & p, char * string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, p.X(), p.Y(), string, strex); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ const Point & p, const std::string & string)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, p, (char *)string.c_str()); }
+ char * StringFT(int * brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle,
+ const Point & p, const std::string & string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex)
+ { return StringFT(brect, fg, fontlist, ptsize, angle, p, (char *)string.c_str(), strex); }
+ void Polygon(gdPointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { gdImagePolygon(im, p, n, c); }
+ void OpenPolygon(gdPointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { gdImageOpenPolygon(im, p, n, c); }
+ void FilledPolygon(gdPointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { gdImageFilledPolygon(im, p, n, c); }
+ void Polygon(PointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { Polygon(p->as_gdPointPtr(), n, c); }
+ void OpenPolygon(PointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { OpenPolygon(p->as_gdPointPtr(), n, c); }
+ void FilledPolygon(PointPtr p, int n, int c)
+ { FilledPolygon(p->as_gdPointPtr(), n, c); }
+ int ColorAllocate(int r, int g, int b)
+ { return gdImageColorAllocate(im, r, g, b); }
+ int ColorAllocate(int r, int g, int b, int a)
+ { return gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(im, r, g, b, a); }
+ int ColorClosest(int r, int g, int b) const
+ { return gdImageColorClosest(im, r, g, b); }
+ int ColorClosest(int r, int g, int b, int a) const
+ { return gdImageColorClosestAlpha(im, r, g, b, a); }
+ int ColorClosestHWB(int r, int g, int b) const
+ { return gdImageColorClosestHWB(im, r, g, b); }
+ int ColorExact(int r, int g, int b) const
+ { return gdImageColorExact(im, r, g, b); }
+ int ColorExact(int r, int g, int b, int a) const
+ { return gdImageColorExactAlpha(im, r, g, b, a); }
+ int ColorResolve(int r, int g, int b)
+ { return gdImageColorResolve(im, r, g, b); }
+ int ColorResolve(int r, int g, int b, int a)
+ { return gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, r, g, b, a); }
+ void ColorDeallocate(int color)
+ { gdImageColorDeallocate(im, color); }
+ void TrueColorToPalette(int ditherFlag, int colorsWanted)
+ { gdImageTrueColorToPalette(im, ditherFlag, colorsWanted); }
+ void ColorTransparent(int color)
+ { gdImageColorTransparent(im, color); }
+ void PaletteCopy(gdImagePtr src)
+ { gdImagePaletteCopy(im, src); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in GIF file format to \p out.
+ \param out A FILE * handle
+ */
+ void Gif(FILE * out) const
+ { gdImageGif(im, out); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in GIF file format to \p out.
+ \param out A gdIOCtx * handle
+ */
+ void Gif(gdIOCtx * out) const
+ { gdImageGifCtx(im, out); }
+ /**
+ Allocate sufficient memory, and write this image, in GIF file format, to that memory.
+ \param size A pointer for the allocated memory
+ \return A pointer to the allocated memory, containing the image GIF file formatted. Caller is responsible for freeing with gdFree().
+ */
+ void * Gif(int * size) const
+ { return gdImageGifPtr(im, size); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in GIF file format to \p out.
+ \param out An output stream, already opened.
+ */
+ void Gif(std::ostream & out) const
+ {
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImageGifCtx(im, & _out_ctx);
+ }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A FILE * handle
+ */
+ void Png(FILE * out) const
+ { gdImagePng(im, out); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A gdIOCtx * handle
+ */
+ void Png(gdIOCtx * out) const
+ { gdImagePngCtx(im, out); }
+ /**
+ Allocate sufficient memory, and write this image, in PNG file format, to that memory.
+ \param size A pointer for the allocated memory
+ \return A pointer to the allocated memory, containing the image PNG file formatted. Caller is responsible for freeing with gdFree().
+ */
+ void * Png(int * size) const
+ { return gdImagePngPtr(im, size); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out An output stream, already opened.
+ */
+ void Png(std::ostream & out) const
+ {
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImagePngCtx(im, & _out_ctx);
+ }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A FILE * handle
+ \param level The level of compression: 0 == "no compression", 1 == "compressed as quickly as possible" --> 9 == "compressed as much as possible", -1 == zlib default compression level
+ */
+ void Png(FILE * out, int level) const
+ { gdImagePngEx(im, out, level); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A gdIOCtx * handle
+ \param level The level of compression: 0 == "no compression", 1 == "compressed as quickly as possible" --> 9 == "compressed as much as possible", -1 == zlib default compression level
+ */
+ void Png(gdIOCtx * out, int level) const
+ { gdImagePngCtxEx(im, out, level); }
+ /**
+ Allocate sufficient memory, and write this image, in PNG file format, to that memory.
+ \param size A pointer for the allocated memory
+ \param level The level of compression: 0 == "no compression", 1 == "compressed as quickly as possible" --> 9 == "compressed as much as possible", -1 == zlib default compression level
+ \return A pointer to the allocated memory, containing the image PNG file formatted. Caller is responsible for freeing with gdFree().
+ */
+ void * Png(int * size, int level) const
+ { return gdImagePngPtrEx(im, size, level); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in PNG file format to \p out.
+ \param out An output stream, already opened.
+ \param level The level of compression: 0 == "no compression", 1 == "compressed as quickly as possible" --> 9 == "compressed as much as possible", -1 == zlib default compression level
+ */
+ void Png(std::ostream & out, int level) const
+ {
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImagePngCtxEx(im, & _out_ctx, level);
+ }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in WBMP file format ( black and white only ) to \p out.
+ \param fg The color index of the foreground. All other pixels considered background.
+ \param out A FILE * handle
+ */
+ void WBMP(int fg, FILE * out) const
+ { gdImageWBMP(im, fg, out); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in WBMP file format ( black and white only ) to \p out.
+ \param fg The color index of the foreground. All other pixels considered background.
+ \param out A gdIOCtx * handle
+ */
+ void WBMP(int fg, gdIOCtx * out) const
+ { gdImageWBMPCtx(im, fg, out); }
+ /**
+ Allocate sufficient memory, and write this image, in WBMP file format ( black and white only ), to that memory.
+ \param size A pointer for the allocated memory
+ \param fg The color index of the foreground. All other pixels considered background.
+ \return A pointer to the allocated memory, containing the image WBMP file formatted. Caller is responsible for freeing with gdFree().
+ */
+ void * WBMP(int * size, int fg) const
+ { return gdImageWBMPPtr(im, size, fg); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in WBMP file format ( black and white only ) to \p out.
+ \param fg The color index of the foreground. All other pixels considered background.
+ \param out An output stream, already opened.
+ */
+ void WBMP(int fg, std::ostream & out) const
+ {
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImageWBMPCtx(im, fg, & _out_ctx);
+ }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in JPEG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A FILE * handle
+ \param quality Should be a value in the range 0-95, higher numbers imply both higher quality and larger image size. Default value is -1, indicating "use a sensible default value".
+ */
+ void Jpeg(FILE * out, int quality = -1) const
+ { gdImageJpeg(im, out, quality); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in JPEG file format to \p out.
+ \param out A gdIOCtx * handle
+ \param quality Should be a value in the range 0-95, higher numbers imply both higher quality and larger image size. Default value is -1, indicating "use a sensible default value".
+ */
+ void Jpeg(gdIOCtx * out, int quality = -1) const
+ { gdImageJpegCtx(im, out, quality); }
+ /**
+ Allocate sufficient memory, and write this image, in JPEG file format, to that memory.
+ \param size A pointer for the allocated memory
+ \param quality Should be a value in the range 0-95, higher numbers imply both higher quality and larger image size. Default value is -1, indicating "use a sensible default value".
+ \return A pointer to the allocated memory, containing the image JPEG file formatted. Caller is responsible for freeing with gdFree().
+ */
+ void * Jpeg(int * size, int quality = -1) const
+ { return gdImageJpegPtr(im, size, quality); }
+ /**
+ Write out this image in JPEG file format to \p out.
+ \param out An output stream, already opened.
+ \param quality Should be a value in the range 0-95, higher numbers imply both higher quality and larger image size. Default value is -1, indicating "use a sensible default value".
+ */
+ void Jpeg(std::ostream & out, int quality = -1) const
+ {
+ ostreamIOCtx _out_ctx(out);
+ gdImageJpegCtx(im, & _out_ctx, quality);
+ }
+ void GifAnimBegin(FILE * out, int GlobalCM, int Loops) const
+ { gdImageGifAnimBegin(im, out, GlobalCM, Loops); }
+ void GifAnimAdd(FILE * out, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm) const
+ { gdImageGifAnimAdd(im, out, LocalCM, LeftOfs, TopOfs, Delay, Disposal, previm); }
+ inline static void GifAnimEnd(FILE * out)
+ { gdImageGifAnimEnd(out); }
+ void GifAnimBegin(gdIOCtx * out, int GlobalCM, int Loops) const
+ { gdImageGifAnimBeginCtx(im, out, GlobalCM, Loops); }
+ void GifAnimAdd(gdIOCtx * out, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm) const
+ { gdImageGifAnimAddCtx(im, out, LocalCM, LeftOfs, TopOfs, Delay, Disposal, previm); }
+ inline static void GifAnimEnd(gdIOCtx * out)
+ { gdImageGifAnimEndCtx(out); }
+ void * GifAnimBegin(int * size, int GlobalCM, int Loops) const
+ { return gdImageGifAnimBeginPtr(im, size, GlobalCM, Loops); }
+ void * GifAnimAdd(int * size, int LocalCM, int LeftOfs, int TopOfs, int Delay, int Disposal, gdImagePtr previm) const
+ { return gdImageGifAnimAddPtr(im, size, LocalCM, LeftOfs, TopOfs, Delay, Disposal, previm); }
+ inline static void * GifAnimEnd(int * size)
+ { return gdImageGifAnimEndPtr(size); }
+ void Gd(FILE * out) const
+ { gdImageGd(im, out); }
+ void Gd(int * size) const
+ { gdImageGdPtr(im, size); }
+ void Gd2(FILE * out, int cs, int fmt) const
+ { gdImageGd2(im, out, cs, fmt); }
+ void Gd2(int cs, int fmt, int * size) const
+ { gdImageGd2Ptr(im, cs, fmt, size); }
+ void Ellipse(int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color)
+ { gdImageEllipse(im, cx, cy, w, h, color); }
+ /**
+ Draw a partial ellipse centered at the given point, with the specified width and height in pixels.
+ */
+ void FilledArc(int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color, int style)
+ { gdImageFilledArc(im, cx, cy, w, h, s, e, color, style); }
+ void Arc(int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color)
+ { gdImageArc(im, cx, cy, w, h, s, e, color); }
+ void FilledEllipse(int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color)
+ { gdImageFilledEllipse(im, cx, cy, w, h, color); }
+ void FillToBorder(int x, int y, int border, int color)
+ { gdImageFillToBorder(im, x, y, border, color); }
+ void Fill(int x, int y, int color)
+ { gdImageFill(im, x, y, color); }
+ void Ellipse(const Point & c, const Size & s, int color)
+ { Ellipse(c.X(), c.Y(), s.W(), s.H(), color); }
+ void FilledArc(const Point & c, const Size & si, int s, int e, int color, int style)
+ { FilledArc(c.X(), c.Y(), si.W(), si.H(), s, e, color, style); }
+ void Arc(const Point & c, const Size & si, int s, int e, int color)
+ { Arc(c.X(), c.Y(), si.W(), si.H(), s, e, color); }
+ void FilledEllipse(const Point & c, const Size & s, int color)
+ { FilledEllipse(c.X(), c.Y(), s.W(), s.H(), color); }
+ void FillToBorder(const Point & p, int border, int color)
+ { FillToBorder(p.X(), p.Y(), border, color); }
+ void Fill(const Point & p, int color)
+ { Fill(p.X(), p.Y(), color); }
+ void Copy(const gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h)
+ { gdImageCopy(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, w, h); }
+ void CopyMerge(const gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int pct)
+ { gdImageCopyMerge(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, w, h, pct); }
+ void CopyMergeGray(const gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int pct)
+ { gdImageCopyMergeGray(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, w, h, pct); }
+ void CopyResized(const gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)
+ { gdImageCopyResized(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH); }
+ void CopyResampled(const gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)
+ { gdImageCopyResampled(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, dstW, dstH, srcW, srcH); }
+ void CopyRotated(const gdImagePtr src, double dstX, double dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int angle)
+ { gdImageCopyRotated(im, src, dstX, dstY, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, angle); }
+ void Copy(const gdImagePtr src, const Point & dstP, const Point & srcP, const Size & s)
+ { Copy(src, dstP.X(), dstP.Y(), srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), s.W(), s.H()); }
+ void CopyMerge(const gdImagePtr src, const Point & dstP, const Point & srcP, const Size & s, int pct)
+ { CopyMerge(src, dstP.X(), dstP.Y(), srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), s.W(), s.H(), pct); }
+ void CopyMergeGray(const gdImagePtr src, const Point & dstP, const Point & srcP, const Size & s, int pct)
+ { CopyMergeGray(src, dstP.X(), dstP.Y(), srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), s.W(), s.H(), pct); }
+ void CopyResized(const gdImagePtr src, const Point & dstP, const Point & srcP, const Size & dstS, const Size & srcS)
+ { CopyResized(src, dstP.X(), dstP.Y(), srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), dstS.W(), dstS.H(), srcS.W(), srcS.H()); }
+ void CopyResampled(const gdImagePtr src, const Point & dstP, const Point & srcP, const Size & dstS, const Size & srcS)
+ { CopyResampled(src, dstP.X(), dstP.Y(), srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), dstS.W(), dstS.H(), srcS.W(), srcS.H()); }
+ void CopyRotated(const gdImagePtr src, double dstX, double dstY, const Point & srcP, const Size & srcS, int angle)
+ { CopyRotated(src, dstX, dstY, srcP.X(), srcP.Y(), srcS.W(), srcS.H(), angle); }
+ void SetBrush(gdImagePtr brush)
+ { gdImageSetBrush(im, brush); }
+ void SetTile(gdImagePtr tile)
+ { gdImageSetTile(im, tile); }
+ void SetAntiAliased(int c)
+ { gdImageSetAntiAliased(im, c); }
+ void SetAntiAliasedDontBlend(int c, int dont_blend)
+ { gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend(im, c, dont_blend); }
+ void SetStyle(int * style, int noOfPixels)
+ { gdImageSetStyle(im, style, noOfPixels); }
+ void SetThickness(int thickness)
+ { gdImageSetThickness(im, thickness); }
+ void Interlace(bool interlaceArg)
+ { gdImageInterlace(im, interlaceArg?1:0); }
+ void AlphaBlending(bool alphaBlendingArg)
+ { gdImageAlphaBlending(im, alphaBlendingArg?1:0); }
+ void SaveAlpha(bool saveAlphaArg)
+ { gdImageSaveAlpha(im, saveAlphaArg?1:0); }
+ bool IsTrueColor() const
+ { return (gdImageTrueColor(im)?true:false); }
+ int SX() const
+ { return gdImageSX(im); }
+ int SY() const
+ { return gdImageSY(im); }
+ int Width() const
+ { return SX(); }
+ int Height() const
+ { return SY(); }
+ void GetSize(Size & s) const
+ { s.set(SX(), SY()); }
+ int ColorsTotal() const
+ { return gdImageColorsTotal(im); }
+ int Red(int color) const
+ { return gdImageRed(im, color); }
+ int Green(int color) const
+ { return gdImageGreen(im, color); }
+ int Blue(int color) const
+ { return gdImageBlue(im, color); }
+ int Alpha(int color) const
+ { return gdImageAlpha(im, color); }
+ int GetTransparent() const
+ { return gdImageGetTransparent(im); }
+ int GetInterlaced() const
+ { return gdImageGetInterlaced(im); }
+ int PalettePixel(int x, int y) const
+ { return gdImagePalettePixel(im, x, y); }
+ int TrueColorPixel(int x, int y) const
+ { return gdImageTrueColorPixel(im, x, y); }
+ protected:
+ /// Free the internal image pointer
+ void clear()
+ {
+ if (im)
+ gdImageDestroy(im);
+ im = 0;
+ }
+ gdImagePtr im;
+ };
+ } // namespace GD
+/// Read in an image from a standard library input stream
+std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, GD::Image & img);
+#endif /* _gdpp_h */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */