option(BUILD_TEST "Compile examples in the build tree and enable ctest" OFF) # This expects TESTS_FILES to already be defined to the lists of tests. # Extra libs can be passed in as the 1st argument. MACRO(ADD_GD_TESTS) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(TEST_PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME_WE) FOREACH(test_name ${TESTS_FILES}) SET(test_prog_name "test_${TEST_PREFIX}_${test_name}") add_executable(${test_prog_name} "${test_name}.c") IF(WIN32) target_link_libraries (${test_prog_name} gdTest ${ARGV0}) ELSE(WIN32) target_link_libraries (${test_prog_name} gdTest m ${ARGV0}) ENDIF(WIN32) add_test(NAME ${test_prog_name} COMMAND ${test_prog_name}) ENDFOREACH(test_name) ENDMACRO(ADD_GD_TESTS)