%gtkdocentities; ]> GData Reference Manual for GData &package_version;. GData Overview Object Hierarchy Core API Core API Access Control List API Batch Operation API Authentication/Authorization API Comment API Namespace API Atom API Atom Publishing Protocol API GData API GContact API Media RSS API YouTube API Service APIs YouTube API Google Calendar API Google Contacts API Google Documents/Drive API Google PicasaWeb API Google Tasks API Appendices API Index Index of deprecated symbols Index of new symbols in 0.1.1 Index of new symbols in 0.2.0 Index of new symbols in 0.3.0 Index of new symbols in 0.4.0 Index of new symbols in 0.5.0 Index of new symbols in 0.6.0 Index of new symbols in 0.7.0 Index of new symbols in 0.8.0 Index of new symbols in 0.9.0 Index of new symbols in 0.9.1 Index of new symbols in 0.10.0 Index of new symbols in 0.11.0 Index of new symbols in 0.13.0 Index of new symbols in 0.13.1 Index of new symbols in 0.13.3 Index of new symbols in 0.13.4 Index of new symbols in 0.15.0 Index of new symbols in 0.15.1 Index of new symbols in 0.16.0 Index of new symbols in 0.17.0 Index of new symbols in 0.17.2 Index of new symbols in 0.17.7 Index of new symbols in 0.17.9 Index of new symbols in 0.17.10 Index of new symbols in 0.17.11