path: root/src/hashsig.c
diff options
authorRussell Belfer <>2013-02-14 17:25:10 -0800
committerRussell Belfer <>2013-02-20 15:09:40 -0800
commit5e5848eb15cc0dd8476d1c6882a9f770e6556586 (patch)
tree953fd30d6360b67c2174b6c03fd2984561c84cf6 /src/hashsig.c
parent99ba8f2322eaa2df51ace9782b8eadc8c5a6e8b8 (diff)
Change similarity metric to sampled hashes
This moves the similarity metric code out of buf_text and into a new file. Also, this implements a different approach to similarity measurement based on a Rabin-Karp rolling hash where we only keep the top 100 and bottom 100 hashes. In theory, that should be sufficient samples to given a fairly accurate measurement while limiting the amount of data we keep for file signatures no matter how large the file is.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hashsig.c')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hashsig.c b/src/hashsig.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9cd8fa53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hashsig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
+ * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
+ */
+#include "hashsig.h"
+#include "fileops.h"
+typedef uint32_t hashsig_t;
+typedef uint64_t hashsig_state;
+#define HASHSIG_SCALE 100
+#define HASHSIG_HEAP_SIZE ((1 << 7) - 1)
+typedef int (*hashsig_cmp)(const void *a, const void *b);
+typedef struct {
+ int size, asize;
+ hashsig_cmp cmp;
+ hashsig_t values[HASHSIG_HEAP_SIZE];
+} hashsig_heap;
+typedef struct {
+ hashsig_state state, shift_n;
+ char window[HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW];
+ int win_len, win_pos, saw_lf;
+} hashsig_in_progress;
+struct git_hashsig {
+ hashsig_heap mins;
+ hashsig_heap maxs;
+ git_hashsig_option_t opt;
+ int considered;
+#define HEAP_LCHILD_OF(I) (((I)*2)+1)
+#define HEAP_RCHILD_OF(I) (((I)*2)+2)
+#define HEAP_PARENT_OF(I) (((I)-1)>>1)
+static void hashsig_heap_init(hashsig_heap *h, hashsig_cmp cmp)
+ h->size = 0;
+ h->asize = HASHSIG_HEAP_SIZE;
+ h->cmp = cmp;
+static int hashsig_cmp_max(const void *a, const void *b)
+ hashsig_t av = *(const hashsig_t *)a, bv = *(const hashsig_t *)b;
+ return (av < bv) ? -1 : (av > bv) ? 1 : 0;
+static int hashsig_cmp_min(const void *a, const void *b)
+ hashsig_t av = *(const hashsig_t *)a, bv = *(const hashsig_t *)b;
+ return (av > bv) ? -1 : (av < bv) ? 1 : 0;
+static void hashsig_heap_up(hashsig_heap *h, int el)
+ int parent_el = HEAP_PARENT_OF(el);
+ while (el > 0 && h->cmp(&h->values[parent_el], &h->values[el]) > 0) {
+ hashsig_t t = h->values[el];
+ h->values[el] = h->values[parent_el];
+ h->values[parent_el] = t;
+ el = parent_el;
+ parent_el = HEAP_PARENT_OF(el);
+ }
+static void hashsig_heap_down(hashsig_heap *h, int el)
+ hashsig_t v, lv, rv;
+ /* 'el < h->size / 2' tests if el is bottom row of heap */
+ while (el < h->size / 2) {
+ int lel = HEAP_LCHILD_OF(el), rel = HEAP_RCHILD_OF(el), swapel;
+ v = h->values[el];
+ lv = h->values[lel];
+ rv = h->values[rel];
+ if (h->cmp(&v, &lv) < 0 && h->cmp(&v, &rv) < 0)
+ break;
+ swapel = (h->cmp(&lv, &rv) < 0) ? lel : rel;
+ h->values[el] = h->values[swapel];
+ h->values[swapel] = v;
+ el = swapel;
+ }
+static void hashsig_heap_sort(hashsig_heap *h)
+ /* only need to do this at the end for signature comparison */
+ qsort(h->values, h->size, sizeof(hashsig_t), h->cmp);
+static void hashsig_heap_insert(hashsig_heap *h, hashsig_t val)
+ /* if heap is full, pop top if new element should replace it */
+ if (h->size == h->asize && h->cmp(&val, &h->values[0]) > 0) {
+ h->size--;
+ h->values[0] = h->values[h->size];
+ hashsig_heap_down(h, 0);
+ }
+ /* if heap is not full, insert new element */
+ if (h->size < h->asize) {
+ h->values[h->size++] = val;
+ hashsig_heap_up(h, h->size - 1);
+ }
+GIT_INLINE(bool) hashsig_include_char(
+ char ch, git_hashsig_option_t opt, int *saw_lf)
+ if ((opt & GIT_HASHSIG_IGNORE_WHITESPACE) && git__isspace(ch))
+ return false;
+ if (ch == '\r' || (*saw_lf && git__isspace(ch)))
+ return false;
+ *saw_lf = (ch == '\n');
+ }
+ return true;
+static void hashsig_initial_window(
+ git_hashsig *sig,
+ const char **data,
+ size_t size,
+ hashsig_in_progress *prog)
+ hashsig_state state, shift_n;
+ int win_len;
+ const char *scan, *end;
+ /* init until we have processed at least HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW data */
+ if (prog->win_len >= HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW)
+ return;
+ state = prog->state;
+ win_len = prog->win_len;
+ shift_n = prog->shift_n;
+ scan = *data;
+ end = scan + size;
+ while (scan < end && win_len < HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW) {
+ char ch = *scan++;
+ if (!hashsig_include_char(ch, sig->opt, &prog->saw_lf))
+ continue;
+ state = (state * HASHSIG_HASH_SHIFT + ch) & HASHSIG_HASH_MASK;
+ if (!win_len)
+ shift_n = 1;
+ else
+ shift_n = (shift_n * HASHSIG_HASH_SHIFT) & HASHSIG_HASH_MASK;
+ prog->window[win_len++] = ch;
+ }
+ /* insert initial hash if we just finished */
+ if (win_len == HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW) {
+ hashsig_heap_insert(&sig->mins, state);
+ hashsig_heap_insert(&sig->maxs, state);
+ sig->considered = 1;
+ }
+ prog->state = state;
+ prog->win_len = win_len;
+ prog->shift_n = shift_n;
+ *data = scan;
+static int hashsig_add_hashes(
+ git_hashsig *sig,
+ const char *data,
+ size_t size,
+ hashsig_in_progress *prog)
+ const char *scan = data, *end = data + size;
+ hashsig_state state, shift_n, rmv;
+ if (prog->win_len < HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW)
+ hashsig_initial_window(sig, &scan, size, prog);
+ state = prog->state;
+ shift_n = prog->shift_n;
+ /* advance window, adding new chars and removing old */
+ for (; scan < end; ++scan) {
+ char ch = *scan;
+ if (!hashsig_include_char(ch, sig->opt, &prog->saw_lf))
+ continue;
+ rmv = shift_n * prog->window[prog->win_pos];
+ state = (state - rmv) & HASHSIG_HASH_MASK;
+ state = (state + ch) & HASHSIG_HASH_MASK;
+ hashsig_heap_insert(&sig->mins, state);
+ hashsig_heap_insert(&sig->maxs, state);
+ sig->considered++;
+ prog->window[prog->win_pos] = ch;
+ prog->win_pos = (prog->win_pos + 1) % HASHSIG_HASH_WINDOW;
+ }
+ prog->state = state;
+ return 0;
+static int hashsig_finalize_hashes(git_hashsig *sig)
+ if (sig->mins.size < HASHSIG_HEAP_SIZE) {
+ giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID,
+ "File too small for similarity signature calculation");
+ return GIT_EBUFS;
+ }
+ hashsig_heap_sort(&sig->mins);
+ hashsig_heap_sort(&sig->maxs);
+ return 0;
+static git_hashsig *hashsig_alloc(git_hashsig_option_t opts)
+ git_hashsig *sig = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_hashsig));
+ if (!sig)
+ return NULL;
+ hashsig_heap_init(&sig->mins, hashsig_cmp_min);
+ hashsig_heap_init(&sig->maxs, hashsig_cmp_max);
+ sig->opt = opts;
+ return sig;
+int git_hashsig_create(
+ git_hashsig **out,
+ const git_buf *buf,
+ git_hashsig_option_t opts)
+ int error;
+ hashsig_in_progress prog = HASHSIG_IN_PROGRESS_INIT;
+ git_hashsig *sig = hashsig_alloc(opts);
+ error = hashsig_add_hashes(sig, buf->ptr, buf->size, &prog);
+ if (!error)
+ error = hashsig_finalize_hashes(sig);
+ if (!error)
+ *out = sig;
+ else
+ git_hashsig_free(sig);
+ return error;
+int git_hashsig_create_fromfile(
+ git_hashsig **out,
+ const char *path,
+ git_hashsig_option_t opts)
+ char buf[4096];
+ ssize_t buflen = 0;
+ int error = 0, fd;
+ hashsig_in_progress prog = HASHSIG_IN_PROGRESS_INIT;
+ git_hashsig *sig = hashsig_alloc(opts);
+ if ((fd = git_futils_open_ro(path)) < 0) {
+ git__free(sig);
+ return fd;
+ }
+ while (!error) {
+ if ((buflen = p_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0) {
+ if ((error = buflen) < 0)
+ giterr_set(GITERR_OS,
+ "Read error on '%s' calculating similarity hashes", path);
+ break;
+ }
+ error = hashsig_add_hashes(sig, buf, buflen, &prog);
+ }
+ p_close(fd);
+ if (!error)
+ error = hashsig_finalize_hashes(sig);
+ if (!error)
+ *out = sig;
+ else
+ git_hashsig_free(sig);
+ return error;
+void git_hashsig_free(git_hashsig *sig)
+ git__free(sig);
+static int hashsig_heap_compare(const hashsig_heap *a, const hashsig_heap *b)
+ int matches = 0, i, j, cmp;
+ assert(a->cmp == b->cmp);
+ /* hash heaps are sorted - just look for overlap vs total */
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < a->size && j < b->size; ) {
+ cmp = a->cmp(&a->values[i], &b->values[j]);
+ if (cmp < 0)
+ ++i;
+ else if (cmp > 0)
+ ++j;
+ else {
+ ++i; ++j; ++matches;
+ }
+ }
+ return HASHSIG_SCALE * (matches * 2) / (a->size + b->size);
+int git_hashsig_compare(const git_hashsig *a, const git_hashsig *b)
+ return (hashsig_heap_compare(&a->mins, &b->mins) +
+ hashsig_heap_compare(&a->maxs, &b->maxs)) / 2;