# This function splits the sources files up into their appropriate # subdirectories. This is especially useful for IDEs like Xcode and # Visual Studio, so that you can navigate into the libgit2_tests project, # and see the folders within the tests folder (instead of just seeing all # source and tests in a single folder.) function(IDE_SPLIT_SOURCES target) if(MSVC_IDE OR CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL Xcode) get_target_property(sources ${target} SOURCES) foreach(source ${sources}) if(source MATCHES ".*/") string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ "" rel ${source}) if(rel) string(REGEX REPLACE "/([^/]*)$" "" rel ${rel}) if(rel) string(REPLACE "/" "\\\\" rel ${rel}) source_group(${rel} FILES ${source}) endif() endif() endif() endforeach() endif() endfunction()