/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "git2/blob.h" #include "diff.h" #include "diff_file.h" #include "diff_driver.h" #include "diff_patch.h" #include "diff_xdiff.h" #include "delta.h" #include "zstream.h" #include "fileops.h" static void diff_output_init( git_diff_output*, const git_diff_options*, git_diff_file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb, void*); static void diff_output_to_patch(git_diff_output *, git_patch *); static void diff_patch_update_binary(git_patch *patch) { if ((patch->delta->flags & DIFF_FLAGS_KNOWN_BINARY) != 0) return; if ((patch->ofile.file->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0 || (patch->nfile.file->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0) patch->delta->flags |= GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY; else if (patch->ofile.file->size > GIT_XDIFF_MAX_SIZE || patch->nfile.file->size > GIT_XDIFF_MAX_SIZE) patch->delta->flags |= GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY; else if ((patch->ofile.file->flags & DIFF_FLAGS_NOT_BINARY) != 0 && (patch->nfile.file->flags & DIFF_FLAGS_NOT_BINARY) != 0) patch->delta->flags |= GIT_DIFF_FLAG_NOT_BINARY; } static void diff_patch_init_common(git_patch *patch) { diff_patch_update_binary(patch); patch->flags |= GIT_DIFF_PATCH_INITIALIZED; if (patch->diff) git_diff_addref(patch->diff); } static int diff_patch_normalize_options( git_diff_options *out, const git_diff_options *opts) { if (opts) { GITERR_CHECK_VERSION(opts, GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_VERSION, "git_diff_options"); memcpy(out, opts, sizeof(git_diff_options)); } else { git_diff_options default_opts = GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_INIT; memcpy(out, &default_opts, sizeof(git_diff_options)); } out->old_prefix = opts && opts->old_prefix ? git__strdup(opts->old_prefix) : git__strdup(DIFF_OLD_PREFIX_DEFAULT); out->new_prefix = opts && opts->new_prefix ? git__strdup(opts->new_prefix) : git__strdup(DIFF_NEW_PREFIX_DEFAULT); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(out->old_prefix); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(out->new_prefix); return 0; } static int diff_patch_init_from_diff( git_patch *patch, git_diff *diff, size_t delta_index) { int error = 0; memset(patch, 0, sizeof(*patch)); patch->diff = diff; patch->delta = git_vector_get(&diff->deltas, delta_index); patch->delta_index = delta_index; if ((error = diff_patch_normalize_options( &patch->diff_opts, &diff->opts)) < 0 || (error = git_diff_file_content__init_from_diff( &patch->ofile, diff, patch->delta, true)) < 0 || (error = git_diff_file_content__init_from_diff( &patch->nfile, diff, patch->delta, false)) < 0) return error; diff_patch_init_common(patch); return 0; } static int diff_patch_alloc_from_diff( git_patch **out, git_diff *diff, size_t delta_index) { int error; git_patch *patch = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_patch)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(patch); if (!(error = diff_patch_init_from_diff(patch, diff, delta_index))) { patch->flags |= GIT_DIFF_PATCH_ALLOCATED; GIT_REFCOUNT_INC(patch); } else { git__free(patch); patch = NULL; } *out = patch; return error; } GIT_INLINE(bool) should_skip_binary(git_patch *patch, git_diff_file *file) { if ((patch->diff_opts.flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY) != 0) return false; return (file->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0; } static bool diff_patch_diffable(git_patch *patch) { size_t olen, nlen; if (patch->delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED) return false; /* if we've determined this to be binary (and we are not showing binary * data) then we have skipped loading the map data. instead, query the * file data itself. */ if ((patch->delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0 && (patch->diff_opts.flags & GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY) == 0) { olen = (size_t)patch->ofile.file->size; nlen = (size_t)patch->nfile.file->size; } else { olen = patch->ofile.map.len; nlen = patch->nfile.map.len; } /* if both sides are empty, files are identical */ if (!olen && !nlen) return false; /* otherwise, check the file sizes and the oid */ return (olen != nlen || !git_oid_equal(&patch->ofile.file->id, &patch->nfile.file->id)); } static int diff_patch_load(git_patch *patch, git_diff_output *output) { int error = 0; bool incomplete_data; if ((patch->flags & GIT_DIFF_PATCH_LOADED) != 0) return 0; /* if no hunk and data callbacks and user doesn't care if data looks * binary, then there is no need to actually load the data */ if ((patch->ofile.opts_flags & GIT_DIFF_SKIP_BINARY_CHECK) != 0 && output && !output->binary_cb && !output->hunk_cb && !output->data_cb) return 0; incomplete_data = (((patch->ofile.flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG__NO_DATA) != 0 || (patch->ofile.file->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_VALID_ID) != 0) && ((patch->nfile.flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG__NO_DATA) != 0 || (patch->nfile.file->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_VALID_ID) != 0)); /* always try to load workdir content first because filtering may * need 2x data size and this minimizes peak memory footprint */ if (patch->ofile.src == GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) { if ((error = git_diff_file_content__load( &patch->ofile, &patch->diff_opts)) < 0 || should_skip_binary(patch, patch->ofile.file)) goto cleanup; } if (patch->nfile.src == GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) { if ((error = git_diff_file_content__load( &patch->nfile, &patch->diff_opts)) < 0 || should_skip_binary(patch, patch->nfile.file)) goto cleanup; } /* once workdir has been tried, load other data as needed */ if (patch->ofile.src != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) { if ((error = git_diff_file_content__load( &patch->ofile, &patch->diff_opts)) < 0 || should_skip_binary(patch, patch->ofile.file)) goto cleanup; } if (patch->nfile.src != GIT_ITERATOR_TYPE_WORKDIR) { if ((error = git_diff_file_content__load( &patch->nfile, &patch->diff_opts)) < 0 || should_skip_binary(patch, patch->nfile.file)) goto cleanup; } /* if previously missing an oid, and now that we have it the two sides * are the same (and not submodules), update MODIFIED -> UNMODIFIED */ if (incomplete_data && patch->ofile.file->mode == patch->nfile.file->mode && patch->ofile.file->mode != GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT && git_oid_equal(&patch->ofile.file->id, &patch->nfile.file->id) && patch->delta->status == GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED) /* not RENAMED/COPIED! */ patch->delta->status = GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED; cleanup: diff_patch_update_binary(patch); if (!error) { if (diff_patch_diffable(patch)) patch->flags |= GIT_DIFF_PATCH_DIFFABLE; patch->flags |= GIT_DIFF_PATCH_LOADED; } return error; } static int diff_patch_invoke_file_callback( git_patch *patch, git_diff_output *output) { float progress = patch->diff ? ((float)patch->delta_index / patch->diff->deltas.length) : 1.0f; if (!output->file_cb) return 0; return giterr_set_after_callback_function( output->file_cb(patch->delta, progress, output->payload), "git_patch"); } static int create_binary( git_diff_binary_t *out_type, char **out_data, size_t *out_datalen, size_t *out_inflatedlen, const char *a_data, size_t a_datalen, const char *b_data, size_t b_datalen) { git_buf deflate = GIT_BUF_INIT, delta = GIT_BUF_INIT; unsigned long delta_data_len; int error; /* The git_delta function accepts unsigned long only */ if (!git__is_ulong(a_datalen) || !git__is_ulong(b_datalen)) return GIT_EBUFS; if ((error = git_zstream_deflatebuf(&deflate, b_data, b_datalen)) < 0) goto done; /* The git_delta function accepts unsigned long only */ if (!git__is_ulong(deflate.size)) { error = GIT_EBUFS; goto done; } if (a_datalen && b_datalen) { void *delta_data = git_delta( a_data, (unsigned long)a_datalen, b_data, (unsigned long)b_datalen, &delta_data_len, (unsigned long)deflate.size); if (delta_data) { error = git_zstream_deflatebuf( &delta, delta_data, (size_t)delta_data_len); git__free(delta_data); if (error < 0) goto done; } } if (delta.size && delta.size < deflate.size) { *out_type = GIT_DIFF_BINARY_DELTA; *out_datalen = delta.size; *out_data = git_buf_detach(&delta); *out_inflatedlen = delta_data_len; } else { *out_type = GIT_DIFF_BINARY_LITERAL; *out_datalen = deflate.size; *out_data = git_buf_detach(&deflate); *out_inflatedlen = b_datalen; } done: git_buf_free(&deflate); git_buf_free(&delta); return error; } static int diff_binary(git_diff_output *output, git_patch *patch) { git_diff_binary binary = {{0}}; const char *old_data = patch->ofile.map.data; const char *new_data = patch->nfile.map.data; size_t old_len = patch->ofile.map.len, new_len = patch->nfile.map.len; int error; /* Create the old->new delta (as the "new" side of the patch), * and the new->old delta (as the "old" side) */ if ((error = create_binary(&binary.old_file.type, (char **)&binary.old_file.data, &binary.old_file.datalen, &binary.old_file.inflatedlen, new_data, new_len, old_data, old_len)) < 0 || (error = create_binary(&binary.new_file.type, (char **)&binary.new_file.data, &binary.new_file.datalen, &binary.new_file.inflatedlen, old_data, old_len, new_data, new_len)) < 0) return error; error = giterr_set_after_callback_function( output->binary_cb(patch->delta, &binary, output->payload), "git_patch"); git__free((char *) binary.old_file.data); git__free((char *) binary.new_file.data); return error; } static int diff_patch_generate(git_patch *patch, git_diff_output *output) { int error = 0; if ((patch->flags & GIT_DIFF_PATCH_DIFFED) != 0) return 0; /* if we are not looking at the binary or text data, don't do the diff */ if (!output->binary_cb && !output->hunk_cb && !output->data_cb) return 0; if ((patch->flags & GIT_DIFF_PATCH_LOADED) == 0 && (error = diff_patch_load(patch, output)) < 0) return error; if ((patch->flags & GIT_DIFF_PATCH_DIFFABLE) == 0) return 0; if ((patch->delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0) { if (output->binary_cb) error = diff_binary(output, patch); } else { if (output->diff_cb) error = output->diff_cb(output, patch); } patch->flags |= GIT_DIFF_PATCH_DIFFED; return error; } static void diff_patch_free(git_patch *patch) { git_diff_file_content__clear(&patch->ofile); git_diff_file_content__clear(&patch->nfile); git_array_clear(patch->lines); git_array_clear(patch->hunks); git_diff_free(patch->diff); /* decrements refcount */ patch->diff = NULL; git_pool_clear(&patch->flattened); git__free((char *)patch->diff_opts.old_prefix); git__free((char *)patch->diff_opts.new_prefix); git__free((char *)patch->binary.old_file.data); git__free((char *)patch->binary.new_file.data); if (patch->flags & GIT_DIFF_PATCH_ALLOCATED) git__free(patch); } static int diff_required(git_diff *diff, const char *action) { if (diff) return 0; giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "Must provide valid diff to %s", action); return -1; } int git_diff_foreach( git_diff *diff, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { int error = 0; git_xdiff_output xo; size_t idx; git_patch patch; if ((error = diff_required(diff, "git_diff_foreach")) < 0) return error; memset(&xo, 0, sizeof(xo)); memset(&patch, 0, sizeof(patch)); diff_output_init( &xo.output, &diff->opts, file_cb, binary_cb, hunk_cb, data_cb, payload); git_xdiff_init(&xo, &diff->opts); git_vector_foreach(&diff->deltas, idx, patch.delta) { /* check flags against patch status */ if (git_diff_delta__should_skip(&diff->opts, patch.delta)) continue; if (binary_cb || hunk_cb || data_cb) { if ((error = diff_patch_init_from_diff(&patch, diff, idx)) != 0 || (error = diff_patch_load(&patch, &xo.output)) != 0) return error; } if ((error = diff_patch_invoke_file_callback(&patch, &xo.output)) == 0) { if (binary_cb || hunk_cb || data_cb) error = diff_patch_generate(&patch, &xo.output); } git_patch_free(&patch); if (error) break; } return error; } typedef struct { git_patch patch; git_diff_delta delta; char paths[GIT_FLEX_ARRAY]; } diff_patch_with_delta; static int diff_single_generate(diff_patch_with_delta *pd, git_xdiff_output *xo) { int error = 0; git_patch *patch = &pd->patch; bool has_old = ((patch->ofile.flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG__NO_DATA) == 0); bool has_new = ((patch->nfile.flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG__NO_DATA) == 0); pd->delta.status = has_new ? (has_old ? GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED : GIT_DELTA_ADDED) : (has_old ? GIT_DELTA_DELETED : GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED); if (git_oid_equal(&patch->nfile.file->id, &patch->ofile.file->id)) pd->delta.status = GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED; patch->delta = &pd->delta; diff_patch_init_common(patch); if (pd->delta.status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED && !(patch->ofile.opts_flags & GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED)) return error; error = diff_patch_invoke_file_callback(patch, (git_diff_output *)xo); if (!error) error = diff_patch_generate(patch, (git_diff_output *)xo); return error; } static int diff_patch_from_sources( diff_patch_with_delta *pd, git_xdiff_output *xo, git_diff_file_content_src *oldsrc, git_diff_file_content_src *newsrc, const git_diff_options *opts) { int error = 0; git_repository *repo = oldsrc->blob ? git_blob_owner(oldsrc->blob) : newsrc->blob ? git_blob_owner(newsrc->blob) : NULL; git_diff_file *lfile = &pd->delta.old_file, *rfile = &pd->delta.new_file; git_diff_file_content *ldata = &pd->patch.ofile, *rdata = &pd->patch.nfile; if ((error = diff_patch_normalize_options(&pd->patch.diff_opts, opts)) < 0) return error; if (opts && (opts->flags & GIT_DIFF_REVERSE) != 0) { void *tmp = lfile; lfile = rfile; rfile = tmp; tmp = ldata; ldata = rdata; rdata = tmp; } pd->patch.delta = &pd->delta; if (!oldsrc->as_path) { if (newsrc->as_path) oldsrc->as_path = newsrc->as_path; else oldsrc->as_path = newsrc->as_path = "file"; } else if (!newsrc->as_path) newsrc->as_path = oldsrc->as_path; lfile->path = oldsrc->as_path; rfile->path = newsrc->as_path; if ((error = git_diff_file_content__init_from_src( ldata, repo, opts, oldsrc, lfile)) < 0 || (error = git_diff_file_content__init_from_src( rdata, repo, opts, newsrc, rfile)) < 0) return error; return diff_single_generate(pd, xo); } static int diff_patch_with_delta_alloc( diff_patch_with_delta **out, const char **old_path, const char **new_path) { diff_patch_with_delta *pd; size_t old_len = *old_path ? strlen(*old_path) : 0; size_t new_len = *new_path ? strlen(*new_path) : 0; size_t alloc_len; GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, sizeof(*pd), old_len); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, alloc_len, new_len); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, alloc_len, 2); *out = pd = git__calloc(1, alloc_len); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(pd); pd->patch.flags = GIT_DIFF_PATCH_ALLOCATED; if (*old_path) { memcpy(&pd->paths[0], *old_path, old_len); *old_path = &pd->paths[0]; } else if (*new_path) *old_path = &pd->paths[old_len + 1]; if (*new_path) { memcpy(&pd->paths[old_len + 1], *new_path, new_len); *new_path = &pd->paths[old_len + 1]; } else if (*old_path) *new_path = &pd->paths[0]; return 0; } static int diff_from_sources( git_diff_file_content_src *oldsrc, git_diff_file_content_src *newsrc, const git_diff_options *opts, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { int error = 0; diff_patch_with_delta pd; git_xdiff_output xo; memset(&xo, 0, sizeof(xo)); diff_output_init( &xo.output, opts, file_cb, binary_cb, hunk_cb, data_cb, payload); git_xdiff_init(&xo, opts); memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd)); error = diff_patch_from_sources(&pd, &xo, oldsrc, newsrc, opts); git_patch_free(&pd.patch); return error; } static int patch_from_sources( git_patch **out, git_diff_file_content_src *oldsrc, git_diff_file_content_src *newsrc, const git_diff_options *opts) { int error = 0; diff_patch_with_delta *pd; git_xdiff_output xo; assert(out); *out = NULL; if ((error = diff_patch_with_delta_alloc( &pd, &oldsrc->as_path, &newsrc->as_path)) < 0) return error; memset(&xo, 0, sizeof(xo)); diff_output_to_patch(&xo.output, &pd->patch); git_xdiff_init(&xo, opts); if (!(error = diff_patch_from_sources(pd, &xo, oldsrc, newsrc, opts))) *out = (git_patch *)pd; else git_patch_free((git_patch *)pd); return error; } int git_diff_blobs( const git_blob *old_blob, const char *old_path, const git_blob *new_blob, const char *new_path, const git_diff_options *opts, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(old_blob, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(new_blob, new_path); return diff_from_sources( &osrc, &nsrc, opts, file_cb, binary_cb, hunk_cb, data_cb, payload); } int git_patch_from_blobs( git_patch **out, const git_blob *old_blob, const char *old_path, const git_blob *new_blob, const char *new_path, const git_diff_options *opts) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(old_blob, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(new_blob, new_path); return patch_from_sources(out, &osrc, &nsrc, opts); } int git_diff_blob_to_buffer( const git_blob *old_blob, const char *old_path, const char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *buf_path, const git_diff_options *opts, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(old_blob, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(buf, buflen, buf_path); return diff_from_sources( &osrc, &nsrc, opts, file_cb, binary_cb, hunk_cb, data_cb, payload); } int git_patch_from_blob_and_buffer( git_patch **out, const git_blob *old_blob, const char *old_path, const char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *buf_path, const git_diff_options *opts) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BLOB(old_blob, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(buf, buflen, buf_path); return patch_from_sources(out, &osrc, &nsrc, opts); } int git_diff_buffers( const void *old_buf, size_t old_len, const char *old_path, const void *new_buf, size_t new_len, const char *new_path, const git_diff_options *opts, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(old_buf, old_len, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(new_buf, new_len, new_path); return diff_from_sources( &osrc, &nsrc, opts, file_cb, binary_cb, hunk_cb, data_cb, payload); } int git_patch_from_buffers( git_patch **out, const void *old_buf, size_t old_len, const char *old_path, const char *new_buf, size_t new_len, const char *new_path, const git_diff_options *opts) { git_diff_file_content_src osrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(old_buf, old_len, old_path); git_diff_file_content_src nsrc = GIT_DIFF_FILE_CONTENT_SRC__BUF(new_buf, new_len, new_path); return patch_from_sources(out, &osrc, &nsrc, opts); } int git_patch_from_diff( git_patch **patch_ptr, git_diff *diff, size_t idx) { int error = 0; git_xdiff_output xo; git_diff_delta *delta = NULL; git_patch *patch = NULL; if (patch_ptr) *patch_ptr = NULL; if (diff_required(diff, "git_patch_from_diff") < 0) return -1; delta = git_vector_get(&diff->deltas, idx); if (!delta) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "Index out of range for delta in diff"); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } if (git_diff_delta__should_skip(&diff->opts, delta)) return 0; /* don't load the patch data unless we need it for binary check */ if (!patch_ptr && ((delta->flags & DIFF_FLAGS_KNOWN_BINARY) != 0 || (diff->opts.flags & GIT_DIFF_SKIP_BINARY_CHECK) != 0)) return 0; if ((error = diff_patch_alloc_from_diff(&patch, diff, idx)) < 0) return error; memset(&xo, 0, sizeof(xo)); diff_output_to_patch(&xo.output, patch); git_xdiff_init(&xo, &diff->opts); error = diff_patch_invoke_file_callback(patch, &xo.output); if (!error) error = diff_patch_generate(patch, &xo.output); if (!error) { /* TODO: if cumulative diff size is < 0.5 total size, flatten patch */ /* TODO: and unload the file content */ } if (error || !patch_ptr) git_patch_free(patch); else *patch_ptr = patch; return error; } void git_patch_free(git_patch *patch) { if (patch) GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(patch, diff_patch_free); } const git_diff_delta *git_patch_get_delta(const git_patch *patch) { assert(patch); return patch->delta; } size_t git_patch_num_hunks(const git_patch *patch) { assert(patch); return git_array_size(patch->hunks); } int git_patch_line_stats( size_t *total_ctxt, size_t *total_adds, size_t *total_dels, const git_patch *patch) { size_t totals[3], idx; memset(totals, 0, sizeof(totals)); for (idx = 0; idx < git_array_size(patch->lines); ++idx) { git_diff_line *line = git_array_get(patch->lines, idx); if (!line) continue; switch (line->origin) { case GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT: totals[0]++; break; case GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION: totals[1]++; break; case GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION: totals[2]++; break; default: /* diff --stat and --numstat don't count EOFNL marks because * they will always be paired with a ADDITION or DELETION line. */ break; } } if (total_ctxt) *total_ctxt = totals[0]; if (total_adds) *total_adds = totals[1]; if (total_dels) *total_dels = totals[2]; return 0; } static int diff_error_outofrange(const char *thing) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "Diff patch %s index out of range", thing); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } int git_patch_get_hunk( const git_diff_hunk **out, size_t *lines_in_hunk, git_patch *patch, size_t hunk_idx) { diff_patch_hunk *hunk; assert(patch); hunk = git_array_get(patch->hunks, hunk_idx); if (!hunk) { if (out) *out = NULL; if (lines_in_hunk) *lines_in_hunk = 0; return diff_error_outofrange("hunk"); } if (out) *out = &hunk->hunk; if (lines_in_hunk) *lines_in_hunk = hunk->line_count; return 0; } int git_patch_num_lines_in_hunk(const git_patch *patch, size_t hunk_idx) { diff_patch_hunk *hunk; assert(patch); if (!(hunk = git_array_get(patch->hunks, hunk_idx))) return diff_error_outofrange("hunk"); return (int)hunk->line_count; } int git_patch_get_line_in_hunk( const git_diff_line **out, git_patch *patch, size_t hunk_idx, size_t line_of_hunk) { diff_patch_hunk *hunk; git_diff_line *line; assert(patch); if (!(hunk = git_array_get(patch->hunks, hunk_idx))) { if (out) *out = NULL; return diff_error_outofrange("hunk"); } if (line_of_hunk >= hunk->line_count || !(line = git_array_get( patch->lines, hunk->line_start + line_of_hunk))) { if (out) *out = NULL; return diff_error_outofrange("line"); } if (out) *out = line; return 0; } size_t git_patch_size( git_patch *patch, int include_context, int include_hunk_headers, int include_file_headers) { size_t out; assert(patch); out = patch->content_size; if (!include_context) out -= patch->context_size; if (include_hunk_headers) out += patch->header_size; if (include_file_headers) { git_buf file_header = GIT_BUF_INIT; if (git_diff_delta__format_file_header( &file_header, patch->delta, NULL, NULL, 0) < 0) giterr_clear(); else out += git_buf_len(&file_header); git_buf_free(&file_header); } return out; } git_diff *git_patch__diff(git_patch *patch) { return patch->diff; } git_diff_driver *git_patch__driver(git_patch *patch) { /* ofile driver is representative for whole patch */ return patch->ofile.driver; } void git_patch__old_data( char **ptr, size_t *len, git_patch *patch) { *ptr = patch->ofile.map.data; *len = patch->ofile.map.len; } void git_patch__new_data( char **ptr, size_t *len, git_patch *patch) { *ptr = patch->nfile.map.data; *len = patch->nfile.map.len; } int git_patch__invoke_callbacks( git_patch *patch, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb line_cb, void *payload) { int error = 0; uint32_t i, j; if (file_cb) error = file_cb(patch->delta, 0, payload); if ((patch->delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0) { if (binary_cb) error = binary_cb(patch->delta, &patch->binary, payload); return error; } if (!hunk_cb && !line_cb) return error; for (i = 0; !error && i < git_array_size(patch->hunks); ++i) { diff_patch_hunk *h = git_array_get(patch->hunks, i); if (hunk_cb) error = hunk_cb(patch->delta, &h->hunk, payload); if (!line_cb) continue; for (j = 0; !error && j < h->line_count; ++j) { git_diff_line *l = git_array_get(patch->lines, h->line_start + j); error = line_cb(patch->delta, &h->hunk, l, payload); } } return error; } static int diff_patch_file_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *payload) { GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(progress); GIT_UNUSED(payload); return 0; } static int diff_patch_binary_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_binary *binary, void *payload) { git_patch *patch = payload; GIT_UNUSED(delta); memcpy(&patch->binary, binary, sizeof(git_diff_binary)); if (binary->old_file.data) { patch->binary.old_file.data = git__malloc(binary->old_file.datalen); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(patch->binary.old_file.data); memcpy((char *)patch->binary.old_file.data, binary->old_file.data, binary->old_file.datalen); } if (binary->new_file.data) { patch->binary.new_file.data = git__malloc(binary->new_file.datalen); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(patch->binary.new_file.data); memcpy((char *)patch->binary.new_file.data, binary->new_file.data, binary->new_file.datalen); } return 0; } static int diff_patch_hunk_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk_, void *payload) { git_patch *patch = payload; diff_patch_hunk *hunk; GIT_UNUSED(delta); hunk = git_array_alloc(patch->hunks); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(hunk); memcpy(&hunk->hunk, hunk_, sizeof(hunk->hunk)); patch->header_size += hunk_->header_len; hunk->line_start = git_array_size(patch->lines); hunk->line_count = 0; return 0; } static int diff_patch_line_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk_, const git_diff_line *line_, void *payload) { git_patch *patch = payload; diff_patch_hunk *hunk; git_diff_line *line; GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(hunk_); hunk = git_array_last(patch->hunks); assert(hunk); /* programmer error if no hunk is available */ line = git_array_alloc(patch->lines); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(line); memcpy(line, line_, sizeof(*line)); /* do some bookkeeping so we can provide old/new line numbers */ patch->content_size += line->content_len; if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION) patch->content_size += 1; else if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT) { patch->content_size += 1; patch->context_size += line->content_len + 1; } else if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT_EOFNL) patch->context_size += line->content_len; hunk->line_count++; return 0; } static void diff_output_init( git_diff_output *out, const git_diff_options *opts, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_binary_cb binary_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb data_cb, void *payload) { GIT_UNUSED(opts); memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); out->file_cb = file_cb; out->binary_cb = binary_cb; out->hunk_cb = hunk_cb; out->data_cb = data_cb; out->payload = payload; } static void diff_output_to_patch(git_diff_output *out, git_patch *patch) { diff_output_init( out, NULL, diff_patch_file_cb, diff_patch_binary_cb, diff_patch_hunk_cb, diff_patch_line_cb, patch); }