/* gpg-error.c - Determining gpg-error error codes. Copyright (C) 2004, 2016 g10 Code GmbH This file is part of libgpg-error. libgpg-error is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libgpg-error is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with libgpg-error; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H # include #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM # include "gettext.h" #else # include #endif # define _(a) gettext (a) # ifdef gettext_noop # define N_(a) gettext_noop (a) # else # define N_(a) (a) # endif #else # define _(a) (a) # define N_(a) (a) #endif #include #if HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* The implementation follows below. */ static char *get_locale_dir (void); static void drop_locale_dir (char *locale_dir); #else #define get_locale_dir() LOCALEDIR #define drop_locale_dir(dir) #endif static void i18n_init (void) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS char *locale_dir; #ifdef HAVE_LC_MESSAGES setlocale (LC_TIME, ""); setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, ""); #else # ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM setlocale (LC_ALL, "" ); # endif #endif /* Note that for this program we would only need the textdomain call because libgpg-error already initializes itself to its locale dir (via gpg_err_init or a constructor). However this is only done for the static standard locale and thus if the above setlocale calls select a different locale the bindtext below will do something else. */ locale_dir = get_locale_dir (); if (locale_dir) { bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, locale_dir); drop_locale_dir (locale_dir); } textdomain (PACKAGE); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM #include static char * get_locale_dir (void) { static wchar_t moddir[MAX_PATH+5]; char *result, *p; int nbytes; if (!GetModuleFileNameW (NULL, moddir, MAX_PATH)) *moddir = 0; #define SLDIR "\\share\\locale" if (*moddir) { nbytes = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, moddir, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (nbytes < 0) return NULL; result = malloc (nbytes + strlen (SLDIR) + 1); if (result) { nbytes = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, moddir, -1, result, nbytes, NULL, NULL); if (nbytes < 0) { free (result); result = NULL; } else { p = strrchr (result, '\\'); if (p) *p = 0; /* If we are installed below "bin" strip that part and use the top directory instead. */ p = strrchr (result, '\\'); if (p && !strcmp (p+1, "bin")) *p = 0; /* Append the static part. */ strcat (result, SLDIR); } } } else /* Use the old default value. */ { result = malloc (10 + strlen (SLDIR) + 1); if (result) { strcpy (result, "c:\\gnupg"); strcat (result, SLDIR); } } #undef SLDIR return result; } static void drop_locale_dir (char *locale_dir) { free (locale_dir); } #endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */ const char *gpg_strerror_sym (gpg_error_t err); const char *gpg_strsource_sym (gpg_error_t err); static int get_err_from_number (char *str, gpg_error_t *err) { unsigned long nr; char *tail; gpg_err_set_errno (0); nr = strtoul (str, &tail, 0); if (errno) return 0; if (nr > UINT_MAX) return 0; if (*tail) { unsigned long cnr = strtoul (tail + 1, &tail, 0); if (errno || *tail) return 0; if (nr >= GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM || cnr >= GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM) return 0; nr = gpg_err_make (nr, cnr); } *err = (unsigned int) nr; return 1; } static int get_err_from_symbol_one (char *str, gpg_error_t *err, int *have_source, int *have_code) { static const char src_prefix[] = "GPG_ERR_SOURCE_"; static const char code_prefix[] = "GPG_ERR_"; if (!strncasecmp (src_prefix, str, sizeof (src_prefix) - 1)) { gpg_err_source_t src; if (*have_source) return 0; *have_source = 1; str += sizeof (src_prefix) - 1; for (src = 0; src < GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM; src++) { const char *src_sym; src_sym = gpg_strsource_sym (src << GPG_ERR_SOURCE_SHIFT); if (src_sym && !strcasecmp (str, src_sym + sizeof (src_prefix) - 1)) { *err |= src << GPG_ERR_SOURCE_SHIFT; return 1; } } } else if (!strncasecmp (code_prefix, str, sizeof (code_prefix) - 1)) { gpg_err_code_t code; if (*have_code) return 0; *have_code = 1; str += sizeof (code_prefix) - 1; for (code = 0; code < GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM; code++) { const char *code_sym = gpg_strerror_sym (code); if (code_sym && !strcasecmp (str, code_sym + sizeof (code_prefix) - 1)) { *err |= code; return 1; } } } return 0; } static int get_err_from_symbol (char *str, gpg_error_t *err) { char *str2 = str; int have_source = 0; int have_code = 0; int ret; char *saved_pos = NULL; char saved_char; *err = 0; while (*str2 && ((*str2 >= 'A' && *str2 <= 'Z') || (*str2 >= '0' && *str2 <= '9') || *str2 == '_')) str2++; if (*str2) { saved_pos = str2; saved_char = *str2; *str2 = '\0'; str2++; } else str2 = NULL; ret = get_err_from_symbol_one (str, err, &have_source, &have_code); if (ret && str2) ret = get_err_from_symbol_one (str2, err, &have_source, &have_code); if (saved_pos) *saved_pos = saved_char; return ret; } static int get_err_from_str_one (char *str, gpg_error_t *err, int *have_source, int *have_code) { gpg_err_source_t src; gpg_err_code_t code; for (src = 0; src < GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM; src++) { const char *src_str = gpg_strsource (src << GPG_ERR_SOURCE_SHIFT); if (src_str && !strcasecmp (str, src_str)) { if (*have_source) return 0; *have_source = 1; *err |= src << GPG_ERR_SOURCE_SHIFT; return 1; } } for (code = 0; code < GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM; code++) { const char *code_str = gpg_strerror (code); if (code_str && !strcasecmp (str, code_str)) { if (*have_code) return 0; *have_code = 1; *err |= code; return 1; } } return 0; } static int get_err_from_str (char *str, gpg_error_t *err) { char *str2 = str; int have_source = 0; int have_code = 0; int ret; char *saved_pos = NULL; char saved_char = 0; /* (avoid warning) */ *err = 0; ret = get_err_from_str_one (str, err, &have_source, &have_code); if (ret) return ret; while (*str2 && ((*str2 >= 'A' && *str2 <= 'Z') || (*str2 >= 'a' && *str2 <= 'z') || (*str2 >= '0' && *str2 <= '9') || *str2 == '_')) str2++; if (*str2) { saved_pos = str2; saved_char = *str2; *((char *) str2) = '\0'; str2++; while (*str2 && !((*str2 >= 'A' && *str2 <= 'Z') || (*str2 >= 'a' && *str2 <= 'z') || (*str2 >= '0' && *str2 <= '9') || *str2 == '_')) str2++; } else str2 = NULL; ret = get_err_from_str_one (str, err, &have_source, &have_code); if (ret && str2) ret = get_err_from_str_one (str2, err, &have_source, &have_code); if (saved_pos) *saved_pos = saved_char; return ret; } static void print_desc (const char *symbol) { static int initialized; static FILE *fp; char line[512]; char *p; int indesc = 0; int blanklines = 0; int last_was_keyword = 0; if (!symbol) return; if (!initialized) { initialized = 1; fp = fopen (PKGDATADIR "/errorref.txt", "r"); } if (!fp) return; rewind (fp); while (fgets (line, sizeof line, fp)) { if (*line == '#') continue; if (*line && line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; if (!strncmp (line, "GPG_ERR_", 8)) { if (indesc == 1 && last_was_keyword) continue; /* Skip keywords immediately following a matched * keyword. */ last_was_keyword = 1; indesc = 0; p = strchr (line, ' '); if (!p) continue; *p = 0; if (!strcmp (line, symbol)) { indesc = 1; continue; /* Skip this line. */ } } else last_was_keyword = 0; if (!indesc) continue; if (indesc == 1 && !*line) continue; /* Skip leading empty lines in a description. */ if (indesc == 1) putchar ('\n'); /* One leading empty line. */ indesc = 2; if (!*line) { blanklines++; continue; } for (; blanklines; blanklines--) putchar ('\n'); printf ("%s\n", line); } putchar ('\n'); /* One trailing blank line. */ } static int show_usage (const char *name) { if (name) { fprintf (stderr, _("Usage: %s GPG-ERROR [...]\n"), strrchr (name,'/')? (strrchr (name, '/')+1): name); exit (1); } fputs ("gpg-error (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n", stdout); fputs ("Options:\n" " --version Print version\n" " --lib-version Print library version\n" " --help Print this help\n" " --list Print all error codes\n" " --defines Print all error codes as #define lines\n" " --desc Print with error description\n" , stdout); exit (0); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *pgmname = argv[0]; int last_argc = -1; int i; int listmode = 0; int desc = 0; const char *source_sym; const char *error_sym; gpg_error_t err; gpgrt_init (); i18n_init (); if (argc) { argc--; argv++; } while (argc && last_argc != argc ) { last_argc = argc; if (!strcmp (*argv, "--")) { argc--; argv++; break; } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--version")) { fputs ("gpg-error (" PACKAGE_NAME ") " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n", stdout); exit (0); } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help")) { show_usage (NULL); } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--lib-version")) { argc--; argv++; printf ("Version from header: %s (0x%06x)\n", GPG_ERROR_VERSION, GPG_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER); printf ("Version from binary: %s\n", gpg_error_check_version (NULL)); printf ("Copyright blurb ...:%s\n", gpg_error_check_version ("\x01\x01")); exit (0); } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--list")) { listmode = 1; argc--; argv++; } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--defines")) { listmode = 2; argc--; argv++; } else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--desc")) { desc = 1; argc--; argv++; } else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2)) show_usage (pgmname); } if ((argc && listmode) || (!argc && !listmode)) show_usage (pgmname); if (listmode == 1) { for (i=0; i < GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM; i++) { /* We use error code 1 because gpg_err_make requires a non-zero error code. */ err = gpg_err_make (i, 1); err -= 1; source_sym = gpg_strsource_sym (err); if (source_sym) { printf ("%u = (%u, -) = (%s, -) = (%s, -)\n", err, gpg_err_source (err), source_sym, gpg_strsource (err)); if (desc) print_desc (source_sym); } } for (i=0; i < GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM; i++) { err = gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, i); error_sym = gpg_strerror_sym (err); if (error_sym) { printf ("%u = (-, %u) = (-, %s) = (-, %s)\n", err, gpg_err_code (err), error_sym, gpg_strerror (err)); if (desc) print_desc (error_sym); } } } else if (listmode == 2) { int n, nmax; for (i=0, nmax=0; i < GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM; i++) { err = gpg_err_make (i, 1); source_sym = gpg_strsource_sym (err); if (source_sym) { n = strlen (source_sym); if (n > nmax) nmax = n; } } for (i=0; i < GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIM; i++) { err = gpg_err_make (i, 1); source_sym = gpg_strsource_sym (err); if (source_sym) printf ("#define %-*s %3u\n", nmax,source_sym,gpg_err_source (err)); } for (i=0, nmax = 0; i < GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM; i++) { err = gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, i); error_sym = gpg_strerror_sym (err); if (error_sym) { n = strlen (error_sym); if (n > nmax) nmax = n; } } for (i=0; i < GPG_ERR_CODE_DIM; i++) { err = gpg_err_make (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, i); error_sym = gpg_strerror_sym (err); if (error_sym) printf ("#define %-*s %5u\n", nmax, error_sym, gpg_err_code (err)); } } else /* Standard mode. */ { for (i=0; i < argc; i++) { if (get_err_from_number (argv[i], &err) || get_err_from_symbol (argv[i], &err) || get_err_from_str (argv[i], &err)) { source_sym = gpg_strsource_sym (err); error_sym = gpg_strerror_sym (err); printf ("%u = (%u, %u) = (%s, %s) = (%s, %s)\n", err, gpg_err_source (err), gpg_err_code (err), source_sym ? source_sym : "-", error_sym ? error_sym:"-", gpg_strsource (err), gpg_strerror (err)); if (desc) print_desc (error_sym); } else fprintf (stderr, _("%s: warning: could not recognize %s\n"), argv[0], argv[i]); } } exit (0); }