Notes ========================================================================= * When the cache is turned on, the front-end should not manipulate images directly. use the gp_image_ functions to do manipulation. the gp_image_ functions return the changed image. Saving images is done through gp_file_save. Program Flow ========================================================================= Here is the program flow (covering most everything hopefully): [FE] - Front-end [GC] - gPhoto core [LI] - gPhoto camera library Choosing a Camera ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User selects "Choose Camera" [FE] Calls "gp_camera_count" to retrieve the number of available cameras \ [GC] open the library directory. opens each library supported-camera file ("libraryname.supported"). A master list is generated and sorted. Total number of support cameras is returned. / [FE] Retrieve each camera name by calling "gp_camera_name". \ [GC] returns the camera name from the master list. / [FE] Presents the camera list to the user. They choose. "gp_camera_set" is then called \ [GC] Camera library is loaded based on camera_number. library functions are loaded. "init" is called. \ [LI] Does whatever it needs to do to initialize / [GC] sits here and looks pretty / [FE] Calls "gp_camera_abilities" to get the abilities of the selected camera. \ [GC] calls "abilities" \ [LI] returns the cameras abilities / [GC] doh dee doh / [FE] Configure GUI/settings according to the camera abilities (black out "preview" if it doesn't support it, etc...) Getting an Index ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User selects "Get Index" [FE] calls "gp_folder_count" \ [GC] calls "folder_count" \ [LI] returns the number of folders on the camera. If folder don't exist (only 1 place to keep images), returns 1. / [GC] returns the number of folders / [FE] if the number of folders is > 1, calls "gp_folder_name" for each folder. \ [GC] calls "folder_name" \ [LI] returns the name of a particular folder / [GC] ... / [FE] presents user with a folder list. user selects which folder. "gp_folder_set" is called \ [GC] if another folder is open already, calls "folder_close" \ [LI] does stuff to close the current folder / [GC] "folder_set" is called. \ [LI] does stuff to set the current folder / [GC] "folder_open" is called \ [LI] does stuff to open the current folder / [GC] uhhh.. / [FE] calls "gp_file_count" to retrieve the number of pictures in the current folder. \ [GC] calls "file_count" \ [LI] returns the number of files. / [GC] nothing. / [FE] calls "gp_file_get_preview" for each picture to get the thumbnail index. \ [GC] "file_get_preview" is called \ [LI] retrieves the preview / [GC] Caches the preview file. returns the file data / [FE] displays the index Getting a picture/sound/etc... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User select "Get Picture/Sound/etc..." [FE] calls "gp_file_get" \ [GC] calls "file_get" \ [LI] retrieves the file / [GC] caches the file. returns the file information. / [FE] displays the file Manipulating Images (rotate/flip) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User selects "Rotate/Flip Image" (either full-size image, or thumbnail) [FE] Calls gp_image_(flip_v | flip_h | rotate) or gp_image_preview_(flip_v | flip_h | rotate) \ [GC] Rotates image in cache. returns altered image. / [FE] Displays new image Saving Images ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User selects "Save (Image | Sound | whatever...)" [FE] Calls "gp_file_save" \ [GC] If file exists, calls gp_confirm. If return == GP_OK, then overwrites the file. If return == GP_ERROR, then just returns. / [FE] Says "File saved as ...". Retrieving library information (summary, manual, about) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ User wants to know something about the camera/library. [FE] calls "gp_(summary | manual | about" \ [GC] calls (summary | manual | about ) \ [LI] returns the appropriate information / [GC] ... / [FE] displays the information Files needed by each camera library ----------------------------------- * library itself "" ex: "" * supported camera list "libgphoto_name.supported" ex: "libgphoto_casio.supported" contents are a list of cameras, each on a separate line, that that library supports. ex: Casio QV10 Casio QV100 Casio QV39483 and so on. this makes it easy to add cameras to gPhoto when they are confirmed to work. * configuration specification "libgphoto_name.config" ex: "libgphoto_casio.config" contents are the spcification for the configuration interface. this format needs to be defined. check the gphoto.h file for a proposal. this makes it easy to change the configuration interface.