Kamerazusammenfassung: Hersteller: Canon Inc. Modell: Canon EOS M10 Version: 3- Seriennummer: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0) Aufnahmeformate: JPEG Anzeigeformate: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS Wave, JPEG, Defined Type, Unknown(b103), Unknown(b982), Unknown(b105), Unknown(bf01) Fähigkeiten des Geräts: Dateien Download, Löschen von Dateien, Hochladen von Dateien Keine Aufnahme von Bildern, keine Offene Aufnahme, Canon EOS Capture 2 Informationen über Speichermedium: Properties des Geräts: Event Emulations Modus(0xd045):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] value: 2 Property 0xd04a:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: 0 Datengröße beim Transfer von der Kamera(0xd02e):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288 Datengröße beim Transfer zur Kamera(0xd02f):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288 Batterie Ladezustand(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: 3% (3) Batterietyp(0xd002):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,3,4,5] value: Unknown (0) Batteriemodus(0xd003):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: Normal (1) UNIX Zeit(0xd034):(readwrite) (type=0x6) 1490793637 Art der Slideshow(0xd047):(read only) (type=0x4) 0 DPOF Version(0xd046):(read only) (type=0x4) 257 Kamera API Version(0xd030):(read only) (type=0x6) 256 Modell ID(0xd049):(read only) (type=0x6) 58982400 Kameramodell(0xd032):(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS M10' Kamerabesitzer(0xd033):(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[0] Firmware-Version(0xd031):(read only) (type=0x6) 16842752 Property 0xd050:(read only) (type=0x2) 0 Property 0xd051:(read only) (type=0x0) Undefined Property 0xd052:(read only) (type=0x2) 0 Property 0xd053:(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[0] Property 0xd054:(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[0] Property 0xd057:(read only) (type=0xffff) '313031005103' Property 0xd402:(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS M10' Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows' Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1 Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1 /main/actions/syncdatetimeutc Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/actions/uilock Label: UI Lock Type: TOGGLE Current: 2 /main/actions/autofocusdrive Label: Drive Canon DSLR Autofocus Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/actions/manualfocusdrive Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus Type: RADIO Current: None Choice: 0 Near 1 Choice: 1 Near 2 Choice: 2 Near 3 Choice: 3 None Choice: 4 Far 1 Choice: 5 Far 2 Choice: 6 Far 3 /main/actions/cancelautofocus Label: Cancel Canon DSLR Autofocus Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/actions/eoszoom Label: Canon EOS Zoom Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/actions/eoszoomposition Label: Canon EOS Zoom Position Type: TEXT Current: 0,0 /main/actions/viewfinder Label: Canon EOS Viewfinder Type: TOGGLE Current: 2 /main/actions/eosremoterelease Label: Canon EOS Remote Release Type: RADIO Current: None Choice: 0 None Choice: 1 Press Half Choice: 2 Press Full Choice: 3 Release Half Choice: 4 Release Full Choice: 5 Immediate Choice: 6 Press 1 Choice: 7 Press 2 Choice: 8 Press 3 Choice: 9 Release 1 Choice: 10 Release 2 Choice: 11 Release 3 /main/actions/opcode Label: PTP Opcode Type: TEXT Current: 0x1001,0xparam1,0xparam2 /main/settings/datetimeutc Label: Camera Date and Time Type: DATE Current: 1490790060 Printable: Wed Mar 29 14:21:00 2017 Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting. /main/settings/datetime Label: Camera Date and Time Type: DATE Current: 1490786460 Printable: Wed Mar 29 13:21:00 2017 Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting. /main/settings/output Label: Camera Output Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 Off Choice: 1 Unknown value 0008 /main/settings/evfmode Label: EVF Mode Type: RADIO Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 /main/settings/ownername Label: Owner Name Type: TEXT Current: /main/settings/ownername Label: Owner Name Type: TEXT Current: /main/settings/artist Label: Artist Type: TEXT Current: /main/settings/copyright Label: Copyright Type: TEXT Current: /main/settings/depthoffield Label: Depth of Field Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/settings/capturetarget Label: Capture Target Type: RADIO Current: Internal RAM Choice: 0 Internal RAM Choice: 1 Memory card /main/settings/capture Label: Capture Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/status/serialnumber Label: Serial Number Type: TEXT Current: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /main/status/manufacturer Label: Camera Manufacturer Type: TEXT Current: Canon Inc. /main/status/cameramodel Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: Canon EOS M10 /main/status/deviceversion Label: Device Version Type: TEXT Current: 3- /main/status/vendorextension Label: Vendor Extension Type: TEXT Current: None /main/status/model Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: Canon EOS M10 /main/status/model Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: 58982400 /main/status/firmwareversion Label: Firmware Version Type: TEXT Current: /main/status/Battery Level Label: Battery Level Type: TEXT Current: 3% /main/status/batterylevel Label: Battery Level Type: TEXT Current: 100% /main/status/lensname Label: Lens Name Type: TEXT Current: EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM /main/status/eosserialnumber Label: Serial Number Type: TEXT Current: 313031005103 /main/imgsettings/imageformat Label: Image Format Type: RADIO Current: Large Fine JPEG Choice: 0 Large Fine JPEG /main/imgsettings/iso Label: ISO Speed Type: RADIO Current: Auto Choice: 0 Auto /main/capturesettings/exposurecompensation Label: Exposure Compensation Type: RADIO Current: 0 Choice: 0 -3 Choice: 1 -2.6 Choice: 2 -2.3 Choice: 3 -2 Choice: 4 -1.6 Choice: 5 -1.3 Choice: 6 -1 Choice: 7 -0.6 Choice: 8 -0.3 Choice: 9 0 Choice: 10 0.3 Choice: 11 0.6 Choice: 12 1 Choice: 13 1.3 Choice: 14 1.6 Choice: 15 2 Choice: 16 2.3 Choice: 17 2.6 Choice: 18 3 /main/capturesettings/focusmode Label: Focus Mode Type: RADIO Current: One Shot Choice: 0 One Shot /main/capturesettings/continuousaf Label: Continuous AF Type: RADIO Current: On Choice: 0 Off Choice: 1 On /main/capturesettings/autoexposuremode Label: Canon Auto Exposure Mode Type: RADIO Current: TV Choice: 0 P Choice: 1 TV Choice: 2 AV Choice: 3 Manual Choice: 4 Bulb Choice: 5 A_DEP Choice: 6 DEP Choice: 7 Custom Choice: 8 Lock Choice: 9 Green Choice: 10 Night Portrait Choice: 11 Sports Choice: 12 Portrait Choice: 13 Landscape Choice: 14 Closeup Choice: 15 Flash Off /main/capturesettings/drivemode Label: Drive Mode Type: RADIO Current: Single Choice: 0 Single /main/capturesettings/aperture Label: Aperture Type: RADIO Current: 4 Choice: 0 4 /main/capturesettings/shutterspeed Label: Shutter Speed Type: RADIO Current: 1/125 Choice: 0 1/125 /main/other/d045 Label: Event Emulate Mode Type: MENU Current: 8 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 /main/other/d04a Label: PTP Property 0xd04a Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d02e Label: Size of Output Data from Camera Type: TEXT Current: 524288 /main/other/d02f Label: Size of Input Data to Camera Type: TEXT Current: 524288 /main/other/5001 Label: Battery Level Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d002 Label: Battery Type Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 /main/other/d003 Label: Battery Mode Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d034 Label: UNIX Time Type: TEXT Current: 1490793660 /main/other/d047 Label: Type of Slideshow Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/other/d046 Label: DPOF Version Type: TEXT Current: 257 /main/other/d030 Label: Remote API Version Type: TEXT Current: 256 /main/other/d049 Label: Model ID Type: TEXT Current: 58982400 /main/other/d032 Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: Canon EOS M10 /main/other/d033 Label: Camera Owner Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d031 Label: Firmware Version Type: TEXT Current: 16842752 /main/other/d050 Label: PTP Property 0xd050 Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/other/d051 Label: PTP Property 0xd051 Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d052 Label: PTP Property 0xd052 Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/other/d053 Label: PTP Property 0xd053 Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d054 Label: PTP Property 0xd054 Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d057 Label: PTP Property 0xd057 Type: TEXT Current: 313031005103 /main/other/d402 Label: PTP Property 0xd402 Type: TEXT Current: Canon EOS M10 /main/other/d406 Label: PTP Property 0xd406 Type: TEXT Current: Windows /main/other/d407 Label: PTP Property 0xd407 Type: TEXT Current: 1 /main/other/d303 Label: PTP Property 0xd303 Type: TEXT Current: 1 Device info: Manufacturer: Canon Inc. Model: Canon EOS M10 device version: 3- serial number: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' Vendor extension ID: 0x0000000b Vendor extension version: 100 Vendor extension description: (null) Functional Mode: 0x0000 PTP Standard Version: 100 Supported operations: 0x1014 (Get device property description) 0x1015 (Get device property value) 0x1016 (Set device property value) 0x1017 (Reset device property value) 0x1001 (Get device info) 0x1002 (Open session) 0x1003 (Close session) 0x9013 (PTP_OC_CANON_CheckEvent) 0x901f (PTP_OC_CANON_ChangeUSBProtocol) 0x1004 (Get storage IDs) 0x1005 (Get storage info) 0x1006 (Get number of objects) 0x1007 (Get object handles) 0x1008 (Get object info) 0x1009 (Get object) 0x100a (Get thumbnail) 0x101b (Get partial object) 0x100c (Send object info) 0x100d (Send object) 0x100b (Delete object) 0x100f (Format storage) 0x1012 (Set object protection) 0x9001 (PTP_OC_CANON_GetPartialObjectInfo) 0x9021 (PTP_OC_CANON_GetObjectInfoEx) 0x901b (PTP_OC_CANON_GetPartialObjectEx) 0x901e (PTP_OC_CANON_GetObjectAttributes) 0x9019 (PTP_OC_CANON_SendPartialObject) 0x9006 (PTP_OC_CANON_GetObjectHandleByName) 0x901c (PTP_OC_CANON_SetObjectTime) 0x9002 (PTP_OC_CANON_SetObjectArchive) 0x904c (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9024 (PTP_OC_CANON_SendObjectInfoByPath ) 0x9025 (PTP_OC_CANON_SendObjectByPath ) 0x9038 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9039 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x903a (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x903b (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x904b (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9060 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9062 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9801 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9802 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9803 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9804 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9805 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9116 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetEvent) 0x9101 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetStorageIDs) 0x9102 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetStorageInfo) 0x9103 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetObjectInfo) 0x9105 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_DeleteObject) 0x9106 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_FormatStore) 0x9107 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetPartialObject) 0x9109 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetObjectInfoEx) 0x910a (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetThumbEx) 0x910c (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetObjectAttributes) 0x9117 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_TransferComplete) 0x9118 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_CancelTransfer) 0x912c (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetPartialObjectEx) 0x9132 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_EndGetPartialObjectEx) 0x9135 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetCTGInfo) 0x9140 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetRating) 0x9141 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_RequestInnerDevelopStart) 0x9143 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_RequestInnerDevelopEnd) 0x911a (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_PCHDDCapacity) 0x913f (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetCameraSupport) 0x9115 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetEventMode) 0x911b (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetUILock) 0x911c (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_ResetUILock) 0x911d (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_KeepDeviceOn) 0x913d (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetRequestOLCInfoGroup) 0x9136 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetLensAdjust) 0x9137 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetLensAdjust) 0x9114 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetRemoteMode) 0x9153 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_GetViewFinderData) 0x9128 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_RemoteReleaseOn) 0x9129 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_RemoteReleaseOff) 0x9158 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_Zoom) 0x9159 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_ZoomPosition) 0x9154 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_DoAf) 0x9160 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_AfCancel) 0x9155 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_DriveLens) 0x915b (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_TouchAfPosition) 0x902f (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9110 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_SetDevicePropValueEx) 0x9127 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_RequestDevicePropValue) 0x9182 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_NotifyEstimateNumberofImport) 0x9183 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_NotifyNumberofImported) 0x9184 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_NotifySizeOfPartialDataTransfer) 0x9185 (PTP_OC_CANON_EOS_NotifyFinish) 0x9050 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9051 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x905c (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x905d (Unknown PTP_OC) Events Supported: 0x4001 (CancelTransaction) 0x4002 (ObjectAdded) 0x4003 (ObjectRemoved) 0x4004 (StoreAdded) 0x4005 (StoreRemoved) 0x4006 (DevicePropChanged) 0x4007 (ObjectInfoChanged) 0x4008 (DeviceInfoChanged) 0x4009 (RequestObjectTransfer) 0x400a (StoreFull) 0x400b (DeviceReset) 0x400c (StorageInfoChanged) 0x400e (UnreportedStatus) 0xc001 (Unknown Event) 0xc005 (Unknown Event) 0xc00a (Unknown Event) 0xc101 (Unknown Event) Device Properties Supported: 0xd045 (Event Emulate Mode) 0xd04a (Unknown DPC code) 0xd02e (Size of Output Data from Camera) 0xd02f (Size of Input Data to Camera) 0x5001 (Battery Level) 0xd002 (Battery Type) 0xd003 (Battery Mode) 0xd034 (UNIX Time) 0xd047 (Type of Slideshow) 0xd046 (DPOF Version) 0xd030 (Remote API Version) 0xd049 (Model ID) 0xd032 (Camera Model) 0xd033 (Camera Owner) 0xd031 (Firmware Version) 0xd050 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd051 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd052 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd053 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd054 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd057 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd402 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd406 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd407 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd303 (Unknown DPC code) event 0: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 21) 0: 0d 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 04 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 event 2: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 22) 0: 0e 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 02 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 event 4: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 20) 0: 0c 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 08 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 01 10: 00 11: 00 event 6: EOS prop d116 info record, datasize is 4 event 6: currentvalue of d116 is 3840000 event 7: EOS prop d111 info record, datasize is 4 event 7: currentvalue of d111 is 2 event 8: EOS prop d112 info record, datasize is 4 event 8: currentvalue of d112 is 0 event 9: EOS prop d1b1 info record, datasize is 4 event 9: currentvalue of d1b1 is 1 event 10: EOS prop d1b0 info record, datasize is 4 event 10: currentvalue of d1b0 is 0 event 11: EOS prop d108 info record, datasize is 4 event 11: currentvalue of d108 is 0 event 12: EOS prop d109 info record, datasize is 4 event 12: currentvalue of d109 is 0 event 13: EOS prop d107 info record, datasize is 4 event 13: currentvalue of d107 is 3 event 14: EOS prop d106 info record, datasize is 4 event 14: currentvalue of d106 is 0 event 15: EOS prop d120 info record, datasize is 20 event 15: decoded imageformat, currentvalue of d120 is 400 event 16: EOS prop d1ba info record, datasize is 4 event 16: Unknown EOS property d1ba, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 16: currentvalue of d1ba is 1 event 17: EOS prop d101 info record, datasize is 4 event 17: currentvalue of d101 is 28 event 18: EOS prop d102 info record, datasize is 4 event 18: currentvalue of d102 is 70 event 19: EOS prop d103 info record, datasize is 4 event 19: currentvalue of d103 is 0 event 20: EOS prop d104 info record, datasize is 4 event 20: currentvalue of d104 is 0 event 21: EOS prop d194 info record, datasize is 4 event 21: currentvalue of d194 is 7 event 22: EOS prop d1c9 info record, datasize is 4 event 22: currentvalue of d1c9 is 1 event 23: EOS prop d1b2 info record, datasize is 4 event 23: Unknown EOS property d1b2, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 0 event 23: currentvalue of d1b2 is 0 event 24: EOS prop d105 info record, datasize is 4 event 24: currentvalue of d105 is 0 event 25: EOS prop d138 info record, datasize is 4 event 25: Unknown EOS property d138, datasize is 4 0: 00 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 26: EOS prop d199 info record, datasize is 4 event 26: Unknown EOS property d199, datasize is 4 0: 08 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 27: EOS prop d17c info record, datasize is 4 event 27: currentvalue of d17c is 5b142510 event 28: EOS prop d11e info record, datasize is 4 event 28: currentvalue of d11e is 10001 event 29: EOS prop d1a8 info record, datasize is 4 event 29: Unknown EOS property d1a8, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 29: currentvalue of d1a8 is 1 event 30: EOS prop d177 info record, datasize is 24 event 30: Unknown EOS property d177, datasize is 24 0: 18 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 38 5: e3 6: 4c 7: cc 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 event 31: EOS prop d175 info record, datasize is 4 event 31: Unknown EOS property d175, datasize is 4 0: 07 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 32: EOS prop d13f info record, datasize is 60 event 32: Unknown EOS property d13f, datasize is 60 0: 01 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 6a 5: 70 6: 2e 7: 63 8: 6f 9: 2e 10: 63 11: 61 12: 6e 13: 6f 14: 6e 15: 2e 16: 69 17: 63 18: 2e 19: 63 20: 61 21: 6d 22: 65 23: 72 24: 61 25: 63 26: 6f 27: 6e 28: 6e 29: 65 30: 63 31: 74 32: 00 33: 00 34: 00 35: 00 36: 00 37: 00 38: 00 39: 00 40: 00 41: 00 42: 00 43: 00 44: 63 45: 61 46: 6e 47: 6f 48: 6e 49: 2d 50: 61 51: 30 52: 31 53: 00 54: 00 55: 00 56: 00 57: 00 58: 00 59: 00 event 33: EOS prop d160 info record, datasize is 32 event 33: Unknown EOS property d160, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 34: EOS prop d161 info record, datasize is 32 event 34: Unknown EOS property d161, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 35: EOS prop d162 info record, datasize is 32 event 35: Unknown EOS property d162, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 36: EOS prop d1d8 info record, datasize is 64 event 36: currentvalue of d1d8 is EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM event 37: EOS prop d1dd info record, datasize is 4 event 37: currentvalue of d1dd is 1039 event 38: EOS prop d058 info record, datasize is 4 event 38: Unknown EOS property d058, datasize is 4 0: 00 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 39: EOS prop d1b0 desc record, datasize 8, propxtype 3 event 39: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd1b0, data type is 0x0004, propxcnt is 2. event 39: suppval[0] of d1b0 is 0x0. event 39: suppval[1] of d1b0 is 0x8. event 40: EOS prop d108 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 40: propxtype is 0 for d108, unhandled, size 20 event 41: EOS prop d105 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 41: propxtype is 0 for d105, unhandled, size 20 event 42: EOS prop d107 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 42: propxtype is 0 for d107, unhandled, size 20 event 43: EOS prop d111 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 43: propxtype is 0 for d111, unhandled, size 20 event 44: EOS prop d112 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 44: propxtype is 0 for d112, unhandled, size 20 event 45: EOS prop d116 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 45: propxtype is 0 for d116, unhandled, size 20 event 46: EOS prop d11b desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 46: propdesc d11b, default value not found. event 47: EOS prop d120 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 47: propxtype is 0 for d120, unhandled, size 20 event 48: EOS prop d138 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 48: propxtype is 0 for d138, unhandled, size 20 event 49: EOS prop d194 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 49: propxtype is 0 for d194, unhandled, size 20 event 50: EOS prop d1b1 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 50: propxtype is 0 for d1b1, unhandled, size 20 event 51: EOS prop d101 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 52: EOS prop d102 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 53: EOS prop d103 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 54: EOS prop d104 desc record, datasize 76, propxtype 3 event 54: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd104, data type is 0x0002, propxcnt is 19. event 54: suppval[0] of d104 is 0xe8. event 54: suppval[1] of d104 is 0xeb. event 54: suppval[2] of d104 is 0xed. event 54: suppval[3] of d104 is 0xf0. event 54: suppval[4] of d104 is 0xf3. event 54: suppval[5] of d104 is 0xf5. event 54: suppval[6] of d104 is 0xf8. event 54: suppval[7] of d104 is 0xfb. event 54: suppval[8] of d104 is 0xfd. event 54: suppval[9] of d104 is 0x0. event 54: suppval[10] of d104 is 0x3. event 54: suppval[11] of d104 is 0x5. event 54: suppval[12] of d104 is 0x8. event 54: suppval[13] of d104 is 0xb. event 54: suppval[14] of d104 is 0xd. event 54: suppval[15] of d104 is 0x10. event 54: suppval[16] of d104 is 0x13. event 54: suppval[17] of d104 is 0x15. event 54: suppval[18] of d104 is 0x18. event 55: EOS prop d1c9 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 55: propxtype is 0 for d1c9, unhandled, size 20 event 56: EOS prop d177 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 56: propxtype is 0 for d177, unhandled, size 20 event 57: EOS prop d11e desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 57: propxtype is 0 for d11e, unhandled, size 20 event 58: EOS prop d17c desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 58: propxtype is 0 for d17c, unhandled, size 20 event 59: EOS prop d1a8 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 59: propxtype is 0 for d1a8, unhandled, size 20 event 60: EOS prop d160 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 60: propxtype is 0 for d160, unhandled, size 20 event 61: EOS prop d161 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 61: propxtype is 0 for d161, unhandled, size 20 event 62: EOS prop d162 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 62: propxtype is 0 for d162, unhandled, size 20 event 63: EOS prop d1d8 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 63: propxtype is 0 for d1d8, unhandled, size 20 event 64: EOS prop d1dd desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 64: propxtype is 0 for d1dd, unhandled, size 20 event 65: unknown EOS event c1a4 8: 01 9: 00 10: 01 11: 00 event 0: EOS prop d115 info record, datasize is 32 event 0: currentvalue of d115 is Marcus Meissner event 1: EOS prop d1d0 info record, datasize is 64 event 1: currentvalue of d1d0 is GPHOTO event 2: EOS prop d1d1 info record, datasize is 64 event 2: currentvalue of d1d1 is event 3: EOS prop d1af info record, datasize is 32 event 3: currentvalue of d1af is 313031005103 event 0: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 21) 0: 0d 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 04 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 event 2: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 22) 0: 0e 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 02 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 event 4: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 20) 0: 0c 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 08 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 01 10: 00 11: 00 event 6: EOS prop d116 info record, datasize is 4 event 6: currentvalue of d116 is 3840000 event 7: EOS prop d111 info record, datasize is 4 event 7: currentvalue of d111 is 2 event 8: EOS prop d112 info record, datasize is 4 event 8: currentvalue of d112 is 0 event 9: EOS prop d1b1 info record, datasize is 4 event 9: currentvalue of d1b1 is 1 event 10: EOS prop d1b0 info record, datasize is 4 event 10: currentvalue of d1b0 is 0 event 11: EOS prop d108 info record, datasize is 4 event 11: currentvalue of d108 is 0 event 12: EOS prop d109 info record, datasize is 4 event 12: currentvalue of d109 is 0 event 13: EOS prop d107 info record, datasize is 4 event 13: currentvalue of d107 is 3 event 14: EOS prop d106 info record, datasize is 4 event 14: currentvalue of d106 is 0 event 15: EOS prop d120 info record, datasize is 20 event 15: currentvalue of d120 is 1 event 15: decoded imageformat, currentvalue of d120 is 400 event 16: EOS prop d1ba info record, datasize is 4 event 16: Unknown EOS property d1ba, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 16: currentvalue of d1ba is 1 event 17: EOS prop d101 info record, datasize is 4 event 17: currentvalue of d101 is 28 event 18: EOS prop d102 info record, datasize is 4 event 18: currentvalue of d102 is 70 event 19: EOS prop d103 info record, datasize is 4 event 19: currentvalue of d103 is 0 event 20: EOS prop d104 info record, datasize is 4 event 20: currentvalue of d104 is 0 event 21: EOS prop d194 info record, datasize is 4 event 21: currentvalue of d194 is 7 event 22: EOS prop d1c9 info record, datasize is 4 event 22: currentvalue of d1c9 is 1 event 23: EOS prop d1b2 info record, datasize is 4 event 23: Unknown EOS property d1b2, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 0 event 23: currentvalue of d1b2 is 0 event 24: EOS prop d105 info record, datasize is 4 event 24: currentvalue of d105 is 0 event 25: EOS prop d138 info record, datasize is 4 event 25: Unknown EOS property d138, datasize is 4 0: 00 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 26: EOS prop d199 info record, datasize is 4 event 26: Unknown EOS property d199, datasize is 4 0: 08 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 27: EOS prop d17c info record, datasize is 4 event 27: currentvalue of d17c is 5b142510 event 28: EOS prop d11e info record, datasize is 4 event 28: currentvalue of d11e is 10001 event 29: EOS prop d1a8 info record, datasize is 4 event 29: Unknown EOS property d1a8, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 29: currentvalue of d1a8 is 1 event 30: EOS prop d177 info record, datasize is 24 event 30: Unknown EOS property d177, datasize is 24 0: 18 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 38 5: e3 6: 4c 7: cc 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 event 31: EOS prop d175 info record, datasize is 4 event 31: Unknown EOS property d175, datasize is 4 0: 07 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 32: EOS prop d13f info record, datasize is 60 event 32: Unknown EOS property d13f, datasize is 60 0: 01 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 6a 5: 70 6: 2e 7: 63 8: 6f 9: 2e 10: 63 11: 61 12: 6e 13: 6f 14: 6e 15: 2e 16: 69 17: 63 18: 2e 19: 63 20: 61 21: 6d 22: 65 23: 72 24: 61 25: 63 26: 6f 27: 6e 28: 6e 29: 65 30: 63 31: 74 32: 00 33: 00 34: 00 35: 00 36: 00 37: 00 38: 00 39: 00 40: 00 41: 00 42: 00 43: 00 44: 63 45: 61 46: 6e 47: 6f 48: 6e 49: 2d 50: 61 51: 30 52: 31 53: 00 54: 00 55: 00 56: 00 57: 00 58: 00 59: 00 event 33: EOS prop d160 info record, datasize is 32 event 33: Unknown EOS property d160, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 34: EOS prop d161 info record, datasize is 32 event 34: Unknown EOS property d161, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 35: EOS prop d162 info record, datasize is 32 event 35: Unknown EOS property d162, datasize is 32 0: 20 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 87 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 03 13: 00 14: 00 15: 00 16: 00 17: 00 18: 00 19: 00 20: 00 21: 00 22: 00 23: 00 24: 00 25: 00 26: 00 27: 00 28: 00 29: 00 30: 00 31: 00 event 36: EOS prop d1d8 info record, datasize is 64 event 36: currentvalue of d1d8 is EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM event 37: EOS prop d1dd info record, datasize is 4 event 37: currentvalue of d1dd is 1039 event 38: EOS prop d058 info record, datasize is 4 event 38: Unknown EOS property d058, datasize is 4 0: 00 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 39: EOS prop d1b0 desc record, datasize 8, propxtype 3 event 39: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd1b0, data type is 0x0004, propxcnt is 2. event 39: suppval[0] of d1b0 is 0x0. event 39: suppval[1] of d1b0 is 0x8. event 40: EOS prop d108 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 40: propxtype is 0 for d108, unhandled, size 20 event 41: EOS prop d105 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 41: propxtype is 0 for d105, unhandled, size 20 event 42: EOS prop d107 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 42: propxtype is 0 for d107, unhandled, size 20 event 43: EOS prop d111 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 43: propxtype is 0 for d111, unhandled, size 20 event 44: EOS prop d112 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 44: propxtype is 0 for d112, unhandled, size 20 event 45: EOS prop d116 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 45: propxtype is 0 for d116, unhandled, size 20 event 46: EOS prop d11b desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 46: propdesc d11b, default value not found. event 47: EOS prop d120 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 47: propxtype is 0 for d120, unhandled, size 20 event 48: EOS prop d138 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 48: propxtype is 0 for d138, unhandled, size 20 event 49: EOS prop d194 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 49: propxtype is 0 for d194, unhandled, size 20 event 50: EOS prop d1b1 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 50: propxtype is 0 for d1b1, unhandled, size 20 event 51: EOS prop d101 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 52: EOS prop d102 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 53: EOS prop d103 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 54: EOS prop d104 desc record, datasize 76, propxtype 3 event 54: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd104, data type is 0x0002, propxcnt is 19. event 54: suppval[0] of d104 is 0xe8. event 54: suppval[1] of d104 is 0xeb. event 54: suppval[2] of d104 is 0xed. event 54: suppval[3] of d104 is 0xf0. event 54: suppval[4] of d104 is 0xf3. event 54: suppval[5] of d104 is 0xf5. event 54: suppval[6] of d104 is 0xf8. event 54: suppval[7] of d104 is 0xfb. event 54: suppval[8] of d104 is 0xfd. event 54: suppval[9] of d104 is 0x0. event 54: suppval[10] of d104 is 0x3. event 54: suppval[11] of d104 is 0x5. event 54: suppval[12] of d104 is 0x8. event 54: suppval[13] of d104 is 0xb. event 54: suppval[14] of d104 is 0xd. event 54: suppval[15] of d104 is 0x10. event 54: suppval[16] of d104 is 0x13. event 54: suppval[17] of d104 is 0x15. event 54: suppval[18] of d104 is 0x18. event 55: EOS prop d1c9 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 55: propxtype is 0 for d1c9, unhandled, size 20 event 56: EOS prop d177 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 56: propxtype is 0 for d177, unhandled, size 20 event 57: EOS prop d11e desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 57: propxtype is 0 for d11e, unhandled, size 20 event 58: EOS prop d17c desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 58: propxtype is 0 for d17c, unhandled, size 20 event 59: EOS prop d1a8 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 59: propxtype is 0 for d1a8, unhandled, size 20 event 60: EOS prop d160 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 60: propxtype is 0 for d160, unhandled, size 20 event 61: EOS prop d161 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 61: propxtype is 0 for d161, unhandled, size 20 event 62: EOS prop d162 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 62: propxtype is 0 for d162, unhandled, size 20 event 63: EOS prop d1d8 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 63: propxtype is 0 for d1d8, unhandled, size 20 event 64: EOS prop d1dd desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 64: propxtype is 0 for d1dd, unhandled, size 20 event 65: unknown EOS event c1a4 8: 01 9: 00 10: 01 11: 00 event 66: EOS prop d1b0 info record, datasize is 4 event 66: currentvalue of d1b0 is 8 event 67: EOS prop d1a8 info record, datasize is 4 event 67: Unknown EOS property d1a8, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 67: currentvalue of d1a8 is 1 event 68: EOS prop d1d8 info record, datasize is 64 event 68: currentvalue of d1d8 is EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM event 69: EOS prop d1dd info record, datasize is 4 event 69: currentvalue of d1dd is 1039 event 70: EOS prop d101 info record, datasize is 4 event 70: currentvalue of d101 is 28 event 71: EOS prop d108 info record, datasize is 4 event 71: currentvalue of d108 is 0 event 72: EOS prop d1ba info record, datasize is 4 event 72: Unknown EOS property d1ba, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 72: currentvalue of d1ba is 1 event 73: EOS prop d1c9 info record, datasize is 4 event 73: currentvalue of d1c9 is 1 event 74: EOS prop d101 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 75: EOS prop d1ba desc record, datasize 8, propxtype 3 event 75: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd1ba, data type is 0x0006, propxcnt is 2. event 75: suppval[0] of d1ba is 0x2. event 75: suppval[1] of d1ba is 0x1. event 76: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 21) 0: 0d 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 04 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 event 78: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 22) 0: 0e 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 02 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 event 80: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 20) 0: 0c 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 08 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 01 10: 00 11: 00 event 82: EOS prop d101 info record, datasize is 4 event 82: currentvalue of d101 is 28 event 83: EOS prop d102 info record, datasize is 4 event 83: currentvalue of d102 is 70 event 84: EOS prop d103 info record, datasize is 4 event 84: currentvalue of d103 is 0 event 85: EOS prop d104 info record, datasize is 4 event 85: currentvalue of d104 is 0 event 86: EOS prop d105 info record, datasize is 4 event 86: currentvalue of d105 is 0 event 87: EOS prop d106 info record, datasize is 4 event 87: currentvalue of d106 is 0 event 88: EOS prop d107 info record, datasize is 4 event 88: currentvalue of d107 is 3 event 89: EOS prop d108 info record, datasize is 4 event 89: currentvalue of d108 is 0 event 90: EOS prop d109 info record, datasize is 4 event 90: currentvalue of d109 is 0 event 91: EOS prop d138 info record, datasize is 4 event 91: Unknown EOS property d138, datasize is 4 0: 00 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 event 92: EOS prop d1a8 info record, datasize is 4 event 92: Unknown EOS property d1a8, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 92: currentvalue of d1a8 is 1 event 93: EOS prop d1ba info record, datasize is 4 event 93: Unknown EOS property d1ba, datasize is 4, using uint32 0: 0x 1 event 93: currentvalue of d1ba is 1 event 94: EOS prop d1c9 info record, datasize is 4 event 94: currentvalue of d1c9 is 1 event 95: EOS prop d120 info record, datasize is 20 event 95: currentvalue of d120 is 1 event 95: decoded imageformat, currentvalue of d120 is 400 event 96: EOS prop d11b info record, datasize is 4 event 96: currentvalue of d11b is 2 event 97: EOS prop d112 info record, datasize is 4 event 97: currentvalue of d112 is 0 event 98: EOS prop d111 info record, datasize is 4 event 98: currentvalue of d111 is 2 event 99: EOS prop d101 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 100: EOS prop d102 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 3 event 101: EOS prop d103 desc record, datasize 36, propxtype 3 event 101: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd103, data type is 0x0004, propxcnt is 9. event 101: suppval[0] of d103 is 0x0. event 101: suppval[1] of d103 is 0x48. event 101: suppval[2] of d103 is 0x50. event 101: suppval[3] of d103 is 0x58. event 101: suppval[4] of d103 is 0x60. event 101: suppval[5] of d103 is 0x68. event 101: suppval[6] of d103 is 0x70. event 101: suppval[7] of d103 is 0x78. event 101: suppval[8] of d103 is 0x80. event 102: EOS prop d104 desc record, datasize 76, propxtype 3 event 102: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd104, data type is 0x0002, propxcnt is 19. event 102: suppval[0] of d104 is 0xe8. event 102: suppval[1] of d104 is 0xeb. event 102: suppval[2] of d104 is 0xed. event 102: suppval[3] of d104 is 0xf0. event 102: suppval[4] of d104 is 0xf3. event 102: suppval[5] of d104 is 0xf5. event 102: suppval[6] of d104 is 0xf8. event 102: suppval[7] of d104 is 0xfb. event 102: suppval[8] of d104 is 0xfd. event 102: suppval[9] of d104 is 0x0. event 102: suppval[10] of d104 is 0x3. event 102: suppval[11] of d104 is 0x5. event 102: suppval[12] of d104 is 0x8. event 102: suppval[13] of d104 is 0xb. event 102: suppval[14] of d104 is 0xd. event 102: suppval[15] of d104 is 0x10. event 102: suppval[16] of d104 is 0x13. event 102: suppval[17] of d104 is 0x15. event 102: suppval[18] of d104 is 0x18. event 103: EOS prop d106 desc record, datasize 16, propxtype 3 event 103: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd106, data type is 0x0004, propxcnt is 4. event 103: suppval[0] of d106 is 0x0. event 103: suppval[1] of d106 is 0x1. event 103: suppval[2] of d106 is 0x10. event 103: suppval[3] of d106 is 0x11. event 104: EOS prop d109 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 104: propxtype is 0 for d109, unhandled, size 20 event 105: EOS prop d1ba desc record, datasize 8, propxtype 3 event 105: propxtype is 3, prop is 0xd1ba, data type is 0x0006, propxcnt is 2. event 105: suppval[0] of d1ba is 0x2. event 105: suppval[1] of d1ba is 0x1. event 106: EOS prop d108 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 106: propxtype is 0 for d108, unhandled, size 20 event 107: EOS prop d1c9 desc record, datasize 0, propxtype 0 event 107: propxtype is 0 for d1c9, unhandled, size 20 event 108: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 18) 0: 0a 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 01 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 01 9: 00 event 110: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 21) 0: 0d 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 04 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 event 112: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 22) 0: 0e 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 02 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 event 114: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 20) 0: 0c 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 08 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 01 10: 00 11: 00 event 0: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 21) 0: 0d 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 04 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 event 2: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 22) 0: 0e 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 02 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 00 10: 00 11: 00 12: 00 13: 00 event 4: EOS event OLCInfoChanged (size 20) 0: 0c 1: 00 2: 00 3: 00 4: 08 5: 00 6: 00 7: 00 8: 00 9: 01 10: 00 11: 00 event 6: EOS prop d1b0 info record, datasize is 4 event 6: currentvalue of d1b0 is 0