pi@raspberrypi ~/webpy $ lsusb Bus 001 Device 013: ID 04b0:042c Nikon Corp. ######################################################## pi@raspberrypi ~/webpy $ env LANG=C gphoto2 --debug --debug-logfile= D3100-logifle.txt --capture-preview *** Error *** Sorry, your Nikon camera does not support LiveView mode *** Error (-6: 'Unsupported operation') *** ########################################################### pi@raspberrypi ~/webpy $ gphoto2 --summary Camera summary: Manufacturer: Nikon Corporation Model: D3200 Version: V1.00 Serial Number: nnnnnnn0000000000000000000000000 Vendor Extension ID: 0xa (1.0) Vendor Extension Description: microsoft.com: 1.0 Capture Formats: JPEG Undefined Type Display Formats: JPEG, Undefined Type, Association/Directory, DPOF, Script, Apple Quicktime Device Capabilities: File Download, File Deletion, File Upload Generic Image Capture, No Open Capture, No vendor specific capture Storage Devices Summary: store_00010001: StorageDescription: None VolumeLabel: EOS_DIGITAL [Slot 1] Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card) Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM) Access Capability: Read Only with Object deletion Maximum Capability: 16138633216 (15391 MB) Free Space (Bytes): 12849348608 (12254 MB) Free Space (Images): 823 Device Property Summary: Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 1] value: 35% (35) Image Size(0x5003):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Enumeration [ '6016x4000', '4512x3000', '3008x2000' ] value: '6016x4000' Compression Setting(0x5004):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,4,7] value: JPEG Fine (2) White Balance(0x5005):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,4,5,6,7,32784,32785,32787] value: Automatic (2) F-Number(0x5007):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [500,560,630,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600,1800,2000,2200,2500,2900,3200] value: f/5 (500) Focal Length(0x5008):(read only) (type=0x6) Range [1800 - 5500, step 1] value: 34 mm (3400) Focus Mode(0x500a):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,32784,32785,32786,32787] value: AF-A (32786) Exposure Metering Mode(0x500b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,3,4] value: Multi-spot (3) Flash Mode(0x500c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [4,32784,32785,32786,32787] value: Auto (32784) Exposure Time(0x500d):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20,25,31,40,50,62,80,100,125,166,200,250,333,400,500,666,769,1000,1250,1666,2000,2500,3333,4000,5000,6250,7692,10000,13000,16000,20000,25000,30000,40000,50000,60000,80000,100000,130000,150000,200000,250000,300000] value: 0.017 sec (1666) Exposure Program Mode(0x500e):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,32784,32785,32786,32787,32788,32789,32790,32791] value: A (3) Exposure Index (film speed ISO)(0x500f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400,12800] value: ISO 400 (400) Exposure Bias Compensation(0x5010):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Enumeration [-5000,-4666,-4333,-4000,-3666,-3333,-3000,-2666,-2333,-2000,-1666,-1333,-1000,-666,-333,0,333,666,1000,1333,1666,2000,2333,2666,3000,3333,3666,4000,4333,4666,5000] value: 0.0 stops (0) Date & Time(0x5011):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '20130531T143650' Still Capture Mode(0x5013):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,32785,32788,32789,32790] value: Single Shot (1) Burst Number(0x5018):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 100, step 1] value: 1 Focus Metering Mode(0x501c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,32784,32785,32786] value: Closest Subject (32785) Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1 Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows/6.0.5330.0 MTPClassDriver/ 6.0.5330.0' Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1 ################################################################## gphoto2 --list-all-config /main/settings/datetime Label: Camera Date and Time Type: DATE Current: 1369982454 Printable: Fri May 31 14:40:54 2013 /main/settings/fastfs Label: Fast Filesystem Type: TOGGLE Current: 1 /main/settings/capturetarget Label: Capture Target Type: RADIO Current: Memory card Choice: 0 Internal RAM Choice: 1 Memory card /main/status/serialnumber Label: Serial Number Type: TEXT Current: nnnnnnn0000000000000000000000000 /main/status/manufacturer Label: Camera Manufacturer Type: TEXT Current: Nikon Corporation /main/status/cameramodel Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: D3200 /main/status/deviceversion Label: Device Version Type: TEXT Current: V1.00 /main/status/vendorextension Label: Vendor Extension Type: TEXT Current: microsoft.com: 1.0 /main/status/batterylevel Label: Battery Level Type: TEXT Current: 35% /main/imgsettings/imagesize Label: Image Size Type: RADIO Current: 6016x4000 Choice: 0 6016x4000 Choice: 1 4512x3000 Choice: 2 3008x2000 /main/imgsettings/iso Label: ISO Speed Type: RADIO Current: 400 Choice: 0 100 Choice: 1 200 Choice: 2 400 Choice: 3 800 Choice: 4 1600 Choice: 5 3200 Choice: 6 6400 Choice: 7 12800 /main/imgsettings/whitebalance Label: WhiteBalance Type: RADIO Current: Automatic Choice: 0 Automatic Choice: 1 Daylight Choice: 2 Fluorescent Choice: 3 Tungsten Choice: 4 Flash Choice: 5 Cloudy Choice: 6 Shade Choice: 7 Preset /main/capturesettings/exposurecompensation Label: Exposure Compensation Type: RADIO Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5000 Choice: 1 -4666 Choice: 2 -4333 Choice: 3 -4000 Choice: 4 -3666 Choice: 5 -3333 Choice: 6 -3000 Choice: 7 -2666 Choice: 8 -2333 Choice: 9 -2000 Choice: 10 -1666 Choice: 11 -1333 Choice: 12 -1000 Choice: 13 -666 Choice: 14 -333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 333 Choice: 17 666 Choice: 18 1000 Choice: 19 1333 Choice: 20 1666 Choice: 21 2000 Choice: 22 2333 Choice: 23 2666 Choice: 24 3000 Choice: 25 3333 Choice: 26 3666 Choice: 27 4000 Choice: 28 4333 Choice: 29 4666 Choice: 30 5000 /main/capturesettings/flashmode Label: Flash Mode Type: RADIO Current: Auto Choice: 0 Red-eye automatic Choice: 1 Auto Choice: 2 Auto Slow Sync Choice: 3 Rear Curtain Sync + Slow Sync Choice: 4 Red-eye Reduction + Slow Sync /main/capturesettings/f-number Label: F-Number Type: RADIO Current: f/5 Choice: 0 f/5 Choice: 1 f/5.6 Choice: 2 f/6.3 Choice: 3 f/7.1 Choice: 4 f/8 Choice: 5 f/9 Choice: 6 f/10 Choice: 7 f/11 Choice: 8 f/13 Choice: 9 f/14 Choice: 10 f/16 Choice: 11 f/18 Choice: 12 f/20 Choice: 13 f/22 Choice: 14 f/25 Choice: 15 f/29 Choice: 16 f/32 /main/capturesettings/imagequality Label: Image Quality Type: RADIO Current: JPEG Fine Choice: 0 JPEG Basic Choice: 1 JPEG Normal Choice: 2 JPEG Fine Choice: 3 NEF (Raw) Choice: 4 NEF+Fine /main/capturesettings/focallength Label: Focal Length Type: RANGE Current: 34 Bottom: 18 Top: 55 Step: 0.01 /main/capturesettings/focusmode Label: Focus Mode Type: RADIO Current: AF-A Choice: 0 Manual Choice: 1 AF-S Choice: 2 AF-C Choice: 3 AF-A Choice: 4 Unknown value 8013 /main/capturesettings/expprogram Label: Exposure Program Type: RADIO Current: A Choice: 0 M Choice: 1 P Choice: 2 A Choice: 3 S Choice: 4 Auto Choice: 5 Portrait Choice: 6 Landscape Choice: 7 Macro Choice: 8 Sports Choice: 9 Night Portrait Choice: 10 Night Landscape Choice: 11 Children /main/capturesettings/capturemode Label: Still Capture Mode Type: RADIO Current: Single Shot Choice: 0 Single Shot Choice: 1 Burst Choice: 2 Timer Choice: 3 Quick Response Remote Choice: 4 Delayed Remote Choice: 5 Quiet Release /main/capturesettings/focusmetermode Label: Focus Metering Mode Type: RADIO Current: Closest Subject Choice: 0 Multi-spot Choice: 1 Single Area Choice: 2 Closest Subject Choice: 3 Group Dynamic /main/capturesettings/exposuremetermode Label: Exposure Metering Mode Type: RADIO Current: Multi Spot Choice: 0 Center Weighted Choice: 1 Multi Spot Choice: 2 Center Spot /main/capturesettings/shutterspeed Label: Shutter Speed Type: RADIO Current: 0.1000s Choice: 0 0.0002s Choice: 1 0.0003s Choice: 2 0.0004s Choice: 3 0.0005s Choice: 4 0.0006s Choice: 5 0.0008s Choice: 6 0.0010s Choice: 7 0.0012s Choice: 8 0.0015s Choice: 9 0.0020s Choice: 10 0.0025s Choice: 11 0.0031s Choice: 12 0.0040s Choice: 13 0.0050s Choice: 14 0.0062s Choice: 15 0.0080s Choice: 16 0.0100s Choice: 17 0.0125s Choice: 18 0.0166s Choice: 19 0.0200s Choice: 20 0.0250s Choice: 21 0.0333s Choice: 22 0.0400s Choice: 23 0.0500s Choice: 24 0.0666s Choice: 25 0.0769s Choice: 26 0.1000s Choice: 27 0.1250s Choice: 28 0.1666s Choice: 29 0.2000s Choice: 30 0.2500s Choice: 31 0.3333s Choice: 32 0.4000s Choice: 33 0.5000s Choice: 34 0.6250s Choice: 35 0.7692s Choice: 36 1.0000s Choice: 37 1.3000s Choice: 38 1.6000s Choice: 39 2.0000s Choice: 40 2.5000s Choice: 41 3.0000s Choice: 42 4.0000s Choice: 43 5.0000s Choice: 44 6.0000s Choice: 45 8.0000s Choice: 46 10.0000s Choice: 47 13.0000s Choice: 48 15.0000s Choice: 49 20.0000s Choice: 50 25.0000s Choice: 51 30.0000s /main/capturesettings/burstnumber Label: Burst Number Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 1 Top: 100 Step: 1 /main/other/5001 Label: Battery Level Type: MENU Current: 35 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 Choice: 41 41 Choice: 42 42 Choice: 43 43 Choice: 44 44 Choice: 45 45 Choice: 46 46 Choice: 47 47 Choice: 48 48 Choice: 49 49 Choice: 50 50 Choice: 51 51 Choice: 52 52 Choice: 53 53 Choice: 54 54 Choice: 55 55 Choice: 56 56 Choice: 57 57 Choice: 58 58 Choice: 59 59 Choice: 60 60 Choice: 61 61 Choice: 62 62 Choice: 63 63 Choice: 64 64 Choice: 65 65 Choice: 66 66 Choice: 67 67 Choice: 68 68 Choice: 69 69 Choice: 70 70 Choice: 71 71 Choice: 72 72 Choice: 73 73 Choice: 74 74 Choice: 75 75 Choice: 76 76 Choice: 77 77 Choice: 78 78 Choice: 79 79 Choice: 80 80 Choice: 81 81 Choice: 82 82 Choice: 83 83 Choice: 84 84 Choice: 85 85 Choice: 86 86 Choice: 87 87 Choice: 88 88 Choice: 89 89 Choice: 90 90 Choice: 91 91 Choice: 92 92 Choice: 93 93 Choice: 94 94 Choice: 95 95 Choice: 96 96 Choice: 97 97 Choice: 98 98 Choice: 99 99 Choice: 100 100 /main/other/5003 Label: Image Size Type: MENU Current: 6016x4000 Choice: 0 6016x4000 Choice: 1 4512x3000 Choice: 2 3008x2000 /main/other/5004 Label: Compression Setting Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 7 /main/other/5005 Label: White Balance Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 4 Choice: 2 5 Choice: 3 6 Choice: 4 7 Choice: 5 32784 Choice: 6 32785 Choice: 7 32787 /main/other/5007 Label: F-Number Type: MENU Current: 500 Choice: 0 500 Choice: 1 560 Choice: 2 630 Choice: 3 710 Choice: 4 800 Choice: 5 900 Choice: 6 1000 Choice: 7 1100 Choice: 8 1300 Choice: 9 1400 Choice: 10 1600 Choice: 11 1800 Choice: 12 2000 Choice: 13 2200 Choice: 14 2500 Choice: 15 2900 Choice: 16 3200 /main/other/5008 Label: Focal Length Type: RANGE Current: 3400 Bottom: 1800 Top: 5500 Step: 1 /main/other/500a Label: Focus Mode Type: MENU Current: 32786 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 Choice: 4 32787 /main/other/500b Label: Exposure Metering Mode Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 4 /main/other/500c Label: Flash Mode Type: MENU Current: 32784 Choice: 0 4 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 Choice: 4 32787 /main/other/500d Label: Exposure Time Type: MENU Current: 1000 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 4 Choice: 3 5 Choice: 4 6 Choice: 5 8 Choice: 6 10 Choice: 7 12 Choice: 8 15 Choice: 9 20 Choice: 10 25 Choice: 11 31 Choice: 12 40 Choice: 13 50 Choice: 14 62 Choice: 15 80 Choice: 16 100 Choice: 17 125 Choice: 18 166 Choice: 19 200 Choice: 20 250 Choice: 21 333 Choice: 22 400 Choice: 23 500 Choice: 24 666 Choice: 25 769 Choice: 26 1000 Choice: 27 1250 Choice: 28 1666 Choice: 29 2000 Choice: 30 2500 Choice: 31 3333 Choice: 32 4000 Choice: 33 5000 Choice: 34 6250 Choice: 35 7692 Choice: 36 10000 Choice: 37 13000 Choice: 38 16000 Choice: 39 20000 Choice: 40 25000 Choice: 41 30000 Choice: 42 40000 Choice: 43 50000 Choice: 44 60000 Choice: 45 80000 Choice: 46 100000 Choice: 47 130000 Choice: 48 150000 Choice: 49 200000 Choice: 50 250000 Choice: 51 300000 /main/other/500e Label: Exposure Program Mode Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 32784 Choice: 5 32785 Choice: 6 32786 Choice: 7 32787 Choice: 8 32788 Choice: 9 32789 Choice: 10 32790 Choice: 11 32791 /main/other/500f Label: Exposure Index (film speed ISO) Type: MENU Current: 400 Choice: 0 100 Choice: 1 200 Choice: 2 400 Choice: 3 800 Choice: 4 1600 Choice: 5 3200 Choice: 6 6400 Choice: 7 12800 /main/other/5010 Label: Exposure Bias Compensation Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5000 Choice: 1 -4666 Choice: 2 -4333 Choice: 3 -4000 Choice: 4 -3666 Choice: 5 -3333 Choice: 6 -3000 Choice: 7 -2666 Choice: 8 -2333 Choice: 9 -2000 Choice: 10 -1666 Choice: 11 -1333 Choice: 12 -1000 Choice: 13 -666 Choice: 14 -333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 333 Choice: 17 666 Choice: 18 1000 Choice: 19 1333 Choice: 20 1666 Choice: 21 2000 Choice: 22 2333 Choice: 23 2666 Choice: 24 3000 Choice: 25 3333 Choice: 26 3666 Choice: 27 4000 Choice: 28 4333 Choice: 29 4666 Choice: 30 5000 /main/other/5011 Label: Date & Time Type: TEXT Current: 20130531T144054 /main/other/5013 Label: Still Capture Mode Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32788 Choice: 4 32789 Choice: 5 32790 /main/other/5018 Label: Burst Number Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 Choice: 19 20 Choice: 20 21 Choice: 21 22 Choice: 22 23 Choice: 23 24 Choice: 24 25 Choice: 25 26 Choice: 26 27 Choice: 27 28 Choice: 28 29 Choice: 29 30 Choice: 30 31 Choice: 31 32 Choice: 32 33 Choice: 33 34 Choice: 34 35 Choice: 35 36 Choice: 36 37 Choice: 37 38 Choice: 38 39 Choice: 39 40 Choice: 40 41 Choice: 41 42 Choice: 42 43 Choice: 43 44 Choice: 44 45 Choice: 45 46 Choice: 46 47 Choice: 47 48 Choice: 48 49 Choice: 49 50 Choice: 50 51 Choice: 51 52 Choice: 52 53 Choice: 53 54 Choice: 54 55 Choice: 55 56 Choice: 56 57 Choice: 57 58 Choice: 58 59 Choice: 59 60 Choice: 60 61 Choice: 61 62 Choice: 62 63 Choice: 63 64 Choice: 64 65 Choice: 65 66 Choice: 66 67 Choice: 67 68 Choice: 68 69 Choice: 69 70 Choice: 70 71 Choice: 71 72 Choice: 72 73 Choice: 73 74 Choice: 74 75 Choice: 75 76 Choice: 76 77 Choice: 77 78 Choice: 78 79 Choice: 79 80 Choice: 80 81 Choice: 81 82 Choice: 82 83 Choice: 83 84 Choice: 84 85 Choice: 85 86 Choice: 86 87 Choice: 87 88 Choice: 88 89 Choice: 89 90 Choice: 90 91 Choice: 91 92 Choice: 92 93 Choice: 93 94 Choice: 94 95 Choice: 95 96 Choice: 96 97 Choice: 97 98 Choice: 98 99 Choice: 99 100 /main/other/501c Label: Focus Metering Mode Type: MENU Current: 32785 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 /main/other/d303 Label: PTP Property 0xd303 Type: TEXT Current: 1 /main/other/d406 Label: PTP Property 0xd406 Type: TEXT Current: Windows/6.0.5330.0 MTPClassDriver/6.0.5330.0 /main/other/d407 Label: PTP Property 0xd407 Type: TEXT Current: 1 Device info: Manufacturer: Nikon Corporation Model: D3200 device version: V1.00 serial number: 'nnnnnnn0000000000000000000000000' Vendor extension ID: 0x0000000a Vendor extension version: 100 Vendor extension description: microsoft.com: 1.0 Functional Mode: 0x0000 PTP Standard Version: 100 Supported operations: 0x1001 0x1002 0x1003 0x1004 0x1005 0x1006 0x1007 0x1008 0x1009 0x100a 0x100b 0x100c 0x100d 0x100e 0x100f 0x1014 0x1015 0x1016 0x101b 0x9801 0x9802 0x9803 0x9805 Events Supported: 0x4001 0x4002 0x4004 0x4005 0x4006 0x4009 0x400a 0x400c 0x400d 0x4008 Device Properties Supported: 0x5001 0x5003 0x5004 0x5005 0x5007 0x5008 0x500a 0x500b 0x500c 0x500d 0x500e 0x500f 0x5010 0x5011 0x5013 0x5018 0x501c 0xd303 0xd406 0xd407