Device info: Manufacturer: Nikon Corporation Model: D610 device version: V1.04 serial number: 'nnnnnnnnn00000000000000000000000' Vendor extension ID: 0x0000000a Vendor extension version: 100 Vendor extension description: 1.0 Functional Mode: 0x0000 PTP Standard Version: 100 Supported operations: 0x1001 (Get device info) 0x1002 (Open session) 0x1003 (Close session) 0x1004 (Get storage IDs) 0x1005 (Get storage info) 0x1006 (Get number of objects) 0x1007 (Get object handles) 0x1008 (Get object info) 0x1009 (Get object) 0x100a (Get thumbnail) 0x100b (Delete object) 0x100c (Send object info) 0x100d (Send object) 0x100e (Initiate capture) 0x100f (Format storage) 0x1014 (Get device property description) 0x1015 (Get device property value) 0x1016 (Set device property value) 0x101b (Get partial object) 0x90c0 (PTP_OC_NIKON_Capture) 0x90c1 (PTP_OC_NIKON_AfDrive) 0x90c2 (PTP_OC_NIKON_SetControlMode) 0x90c3 (PTP_OC_NIKON_DelImageSDRAM) 0x90c4 (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetLargeThumb) 0x90c7 (PTP_OC_NIKON_CheckEvent) 0x90c8 (PTP_OC_NIKON_DeviceReady) 0x90c9 (PTP_OC_NIKON_SetPreWBData) 0x90ca (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetVendorPropCodes) 0x90cb (PTP_OC_NIKON_AfCaptureSDRAM) 0x90cc (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetPictCtrlData) 0x90cd (PTP_OC_NIKON_SetPictCtrlData) 0x90ce (PTP_OC_NIKON_DelCstPicCtrl) 0x90cf (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetPicCtrlCapability) 0x9201 (PTP_OC_NIKON_StartLiveView) 0x9202 (PTP_OC_NIKON_EndLiveView) 0x9203 (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetLiveViewImg) 0x9204 (PTP_OC_NIKON_MfDrive) 0x9205 (PTP_OC_NIKON_ChangeAfArea) 0x9206 (PTP_OC_NIKON_AfDriveCancel) 0x9207 (PTP_OC_NIKON_InitiateCaptureRecInMedia) 0x9209 (PTP_OC_NIKON_GetVendorStorageIDs) 0x920a (PTP_OC_NIKON_StartMovieRecInCard) 0x920b (PTP_OC_NIKON_EndMovieRec) 0x920c (PTP_OC_NIKON_TerminateCapture) 0x9801 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9802 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9803 (Unknown PTP_OC) 0x9805 (Unknown PTP_OC) Events Supported: 0x4001 (CancelTransaction) 0x4002 (ObjectAdded) 0x4003 (ObjectRemoved) 0x4004 (StoreAdded) 0x4005 (StoreRemoved) 0x4006 (DevicePropChanged) 0x4007 (ObjectInfoChanged) 0x4009 (RequestObjectTransfer) 0x400a (StoreFull) 0x400c (StorageInfoChanged) 0x400d (CaptureComplete) 0x4008 (DeviceInfoChanged) 0xc101 (Unknown Event) 0xc102 (Unknown Event) Device Properties Supported: 0x5001 (Battery Level) 0x5003 (Image Size) 0x5004 (Compression Setting) 0x5005 (White Balance) 0x5007 (F-Number) 0x5008 (Focal Length) 0x500a (Focus Mode) 0x500b (Exposure Metering Mode) 0x500c (Flash Mode) 0x500d (Exposure Time) 0x500e (Exposure Program Mode) 0x500f (Exposure Index (film speed ISO)) 0x5010 (Exposure Bias Compensation) 0x5011 (Date & Time) 0x5013 (Still Capture Mode) 0x5018 (Burst Number) 0x501c (Focus Metering Mode) 0x501e (Artist) 0x501f (Copyright Info) 0xd303 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd406 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd407 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd015 (Reset Bank 0) 0xd016 (Raw Compression) 0xd017 (Auto White Balance Bias) 0xd018 (Tungsten White Balance Bias) 0xd019 (Fluorescent White Balance Bias) 0xd01a (Daylight White Balance Bias) 0xd01b (Flash White Balance Bias) 0xd01c (Cloudy White Balance Bias) 0xd01d (Shady White Balance Bias) 0xd01e (White Balance Colour Temperature) 0xd01f (White Balance Preset Number) 0xd021 (White Balance Preset Name 1) 0xd022 (White Balance Preset Name 2) 0xd023 (White Balance Preset Name 3) 0xd024 (White Balance Preset Name 4) 0xd026 (White Balance Preset Value 1) 0xd027 (White Balance Preset Value 2) 0xd028 (White Balance Preset Value 3) 0xd029 (White Balance Preset Value 4) 0xd02e (Lens Focal Length (Non CPU)) 0xd02f (Lens Maximum Aperture (Non CPU)) 0xd030 (Shooting Mode) 0xd031 (JPEG Compression Policy) 0xd032 (Color Space) 0xd033 (Auto DX Crop) 0xd035 (Remote Mode) 0xd045 (Reset Menu Bank) 0xd048 (PTP_DPC_NIKON_A1AFCModePriority) 0xd049 (PTP_DPC_NIKON_A2AFSModePriority) 0xd04f (Focus Area Wrap) 0xd051 (AF Lock On) 0xd053 (Enable Copyright) 0xd054 (Auto ISO) 0xd055 (Exposure ISO Step) 0xd056 (Exposure Step) 0xd059 (Centre Weight Area) 0xd05a (Exposure Base Matrix) 0xd05b (Exposure Base Center) 0xd05c (Exposure Base Spot) 0xd05d (Live View AF Area) 0xd061 (Live View AF Focus) 0xd067 (Angle Level) 0xd068 (Shooting Speed) 0xd069 (Maximum Shots) 0xd06a (Exposure delay mode) 0xd06b (Long Exposure Noise Reduction) 0xd06c (File Number Sequencing) 0xd070 (High ISO noise reduction) 0xd072 (Artist Name) 0xd073 (Copyright Information) 0xd074 (Flash Sync. Speed) 0xd075 (Flash Shutter Speed) 0xd078 (Bracket Set) 0xd07a (Bracket Order) 0xd07d (Unknown DPC code) 0xd07e (Unknown DPC code) 0xd087 (Aperture Setting) 0xd08a (No CF Card Release) 0xd08d (AF Area Point) 0xd08f (Clean Image Sensor) 0xd090 (Image Comment String) 0xd091 (Image Comment Enable) 0xd092 (Image Rotation) 0xd093 (Manual Set Lens Number) 0xd0a0 (Movie Screen Size) 0xd0a2 (Movie Microphone) 0xd0a3 (Movie Card Slot) 0xd0a4 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd0a7 (Movie Quality) 0xd0a8 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd0c0 (Bracketing Enable) 0xd0c1 (Exposure Bracketing Step) 0xd0c2 (Exposure Bracketing Program) 0xd0c3 (Auto Exposure Bracket Count) 0xd0c4 (White Balance Bracket Step) 0xd0c5 (White Balance Bracket Program) 0xd0c6 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd0c7 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd0e0 (Lens ID) 0xd0e1 (Lens Sort) 0xd0e2 (Lens Type) 0xd0e3 (Min. Focal Length) 0xd0e4 (Max. Focal Length) 0xd0e5 (Max. Aperture at Min. Focal Length) 0xd0e6 (Max. Aperture at Max. Focal Length) 0xd0f7 (Vignette Control) 0xd0f8 (Auto Distortion Control) 0xd0f9 (Scene Mode) 0xd0fc (Unknown DPC code) 0xd0fd (Unknown DPC code) 0xd100 (Nikon Exposure Time) 0xd101 (AC Power) 0xd102 (Warning Status) 0xd103 (Maximum Shots) 0xd104 (AF Locked) 0xd105 (AE Locked) 0xd106 (FV Locked) 0xd108 (Active AF Sensor) 0xd109 (Flexible Program) 0xd10b (Recording Media) 0xd10e (Camera Orientation) 0xd120 (External Flash Attached) 0xd121 (External Flash Status) 0xd122 (External Flash Sort) 0xd124 (External Flash Compensation) 0xd125 (External Flash Mode) 0xd126 (Flash Exposure Compensation) 0xd130 (HDR Mode) 0xd131 (HDR High Dynamic) 0xd132 (HDR Smoothing) 0xd141 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd148 (Slot 2 Save Mode) 0xd149 (Raw Bit Mode) 0xd14e (Active D-Lighting) 0xd14f (Flourescent Type) 0xd150 (Tune Colour Temperature) 0xd152 (Tune Preset 1) 0xd153 (Tune Preset 2) 0xd154 (Tune Preset 3) 0xd155 (Tune Preset 4) 0xd158 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd159 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd15a (Unknown DPC code) 0xd15c (Unknown DPC code) 0xd15d (Unknown DPC code) 0xd161 (Autofocus Mode) 0xd163 (AF Assist Lamp) 0xd164 (Auto ISO P/A/DVP Setting) 0xd166 (AF Area Illumination) 0xd167 (Flash Mode) 0xd16a (ISO Auto) 0xd183 (ISO Auto High Limit) 0xd197 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1a2 (Live View Status) 0xd1a3 (Live View Image Zoom Ratio) 0xd1a4 (Live View Prohibit Condition) 0xd1a6 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1a8 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1a9 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1aa (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1ab (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1ac (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1b0 (Exposure Display Status) 0xd1b1 (Exposure Indicate Status) 0xd1b2 (Info Display Error Status) 0xd1b3 (Exposure Indicate Lightup) 0xd1b4 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1c0 (Flash Open) 0xd1c1 (Flash Charged) 0xd1f0 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1f1 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1f2 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd1f4 (Unknown DPC code) 0xd200 (Active Pic Ctrl Item) 0xd201 (Change Pic Ctrl Item) Camera summary: Manufacturer: Nikon Corporation Model: D600 Version: V1.00 Serial Number: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Vendor Extension ID: 0xa (1.0) Vendor Extension Description: 1.0 Capture Formats: JPEG Undefined Type Display Formats: JPEG, Undefined Type, Association/Directory, DPOF, Script, Apple Quicktime Device Capabilities: File Download, File Deletion, File Upload Generic Image Capture, No Open Capture, Nikon Capture Storage Devices Summary: store_00010001: StorageDescription: None VolumeLabel: [Slot 1] Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card) Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM) Access Capability: Read Only with Object deletion Maximum Capability: 3955228672 (3772 MB) Free Space (Bytes): 3482550272 (3321 MB) Free Space (Images): 301 Device Property Summary: Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 1] value: 20% (20) Image Size(0x5003):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Enumeration [ '6016x4016', '4512x3008', '3008x2008' ] value: '6016x4016' Compression Setting(0x5004):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] value: JPEG Norm (1) White Balance(0x5005):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,4,5,6,7,32784,32785,32786,32787] value: Automatic (2) F-Number(0x5007):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [400,450,500,560,630,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600,1800,2000,2200,2500] value: f/4 (400) Focal Length(0x5008):(read only) (type=0x6) Range [2800 - 30000, step 1] value: 36 mm (3600) Focus Mode(0x500a):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,32784,32785,32786,32787] value: AF-A (32786) Exposure Metering Mode(0x500b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,3,4] value: Multi-spot (3) Flash Mode(0x500c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [4,32784,32785,32786,32787] value: Auto (32784) Exposure Time(0x500d):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20,25,31,40,50,62,80,100,125,166,200,250] value: 0.0025 sec (250) Exposure Program Mode(0x500e):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,32784,32790,32792,32848,32849] value: P (2) Exposure Index (film speed ISO)(0x500f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [50,64,80,100,125,160,200,250,320,400,500,640,800,1000,1250,1600,2000,2500,3200,4000,5000,6400,8000,10000,12800,25600] value: ISO 80 (80) Exposure Bias Compensation(0x5010):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Enumeration [-5000,-4666,-4333,-4000,-3666,-3333,-3000,-2666,-2333,-2000,-1666,-1333,-1000,-666,-333,0,333,666,1000,1333,1666,2000,2333,2666,3000,3333,3666,4000,4333,4666,5000] value: 0.0 stops (0) Date & Time(0x5011):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '20121116T175335' Still Capture Mode(0x5013):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,32784,32785,32786,32790,32791] value: 32786 Burst Number(0x5018):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 100, step 1] value: 1 Focus Metering Mode(0x501c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,32784,32785,32786,32787,32788] value: Closest Subject (32785) Artist(0x501e):(read only) (type=0xffff) '(null)' Copyright Info(0x501f):(read only) (type=0xffff) '(null)' Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1 Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows/6.0.5330.0 MTPClassDriver/6.0.5330.0' Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1 Reset Bank 0(0xd015):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Raw Compression(0xd016):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Auto White Balance Bias(0xd017):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Tungsten White Balance Bias(0xd018):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Fluorescent White Balance Bias(0xd019):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Daylight White Balance Bias(0xd01a):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Flash White Balance Bias(0xd01b):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Cloudy White Balance Bias(0xd01c):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Shady White Balance Bias(0xd01d):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 White Balance Colour Temperature(0xd01e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 30, step 1] value: 20 White Balance Preset Number(0xd01f):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [1 - 4, step 1] value: 1 White Balance Preset Name 1(0xd021):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) ' ' White Balance Preset Name 2(0xd022):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) ' ' White Balance Preset Name 3(0xd023):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) ' ' White Balance Preset Name 4(0xd024):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) ' ' White Balance Preset Value 1(0xd026):(read only) (type=0x6) 32047460 White Balance Preset Value 2(0xd027):(read only) (type=0x6) 32047460 White Balance Preset Value 3(0xd028):(read only) (type=0x6) 32047460 White Balance Preset Value 4(0xd029):(read only) (type=0x6) 32047460 Lens Focal Length (Non CPU)(0xd02e):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 40, step 1] value: 0 Lens Maximum Aperture (Non CPU)(0xd02f):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 22, step 1] value: 0 Shooting Mode(0xd030):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 JPEG Compression Policy(0xd031):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1 Color Space(0xd032):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Auto DX Crop(0xd033):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (1) Property 0xd035:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2] value: 0 Reset Menu Bank(0xd045):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 PTP_DPC_NIKON_A1AFCModePriority(0xd048):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 PTP_DPC_NIKON_A2AFSModePriority(0xd049):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Focus Area Wrap(0xd04f):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Off (0) AF Lock On(0xd051):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 5, step 1] value: 2 Enable Copyright(0xd053):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Off (0) Auto ISO(0xd054):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (1) Exposure ISO Step(0xd055):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Exposure Step(0xd056):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1/3 (0) Centre Weight Area(0xd059):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 4, step 1] value: 8 mm (1) Exposure Base Matrix(0xd05a):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-6 - 6, step 1] value: 0 Exposure Base Center(0xd05b):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-6 - 6, step 1] value: 0 Exposure Base Spot(0xd05c):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-6 - 6, step 1] value: 0 Live View AF Area(0xd05d):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 1 Live View AF Focus(0xd061):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,2,3,4] value: 0 Angle Level(0xd067):(read only) (type=0x5) 2295557 Shooting Speed(0xd068):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 4, step 1] value: 2 Maximum Shots(0xd069):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [1 - 100, step 1] value: 100 Exposure delay mode(0xd06a):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: Off (0) Long Exposure Noise Reduction(0xd06b):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (1) File Number Sequencing(0xd06c):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: Off (0) High ISO noise reduction(0xd070):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 2 Artist Name(0xd072):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '(null)' Copyright Information(0xd073):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '(null)' Flash Sync. Speed(0xd074):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 7, step 1] value: 2 Flash Shutter Speed(0xd075):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 11, step 1] value: 1/60s (0) Bracket Set(0xd078):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 4, step 1] value: AE & Flash (0) Bracket Order(0xd07a):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: MTR > Under (0) Property 0xd07d:(read only) (type=0x5) -1 Property 0xd07e:(read only) (type=0x5) -1 Aperture Setting(0xd087):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 No CF Card Release(0xd08a):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (0) AF Area Point(0xd08d):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (0) Property 0xd08f:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 3 Image Comment String(0xd090):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) ' ' Image Comment Enable(0xd091):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Off (0) Image Rotation(0xd092):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (0) Manual Set Lens Number(0xd093):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 8, step 1] value: 0 Movie Screen Size(0xd0a0):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 6, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd0a2:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 5, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd0a3:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd0a4:(read only) (type=0x6) 24576 Property 0xd0a7:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1 Property 0xd0a8:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [1 - 20, step 1] value: 15 Bracketing Enable(0xd0c0):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Off (0) Exposure Bracketing Step(0xd0c1):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 5, step 1] value: 3 Exposure Bracketing Program(0xd0c2):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 2 Auto Exposure Bracket Count(0xd0c3):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [1 - 0, step 1] value: 1 White Balance Bracket Step(0xd0c4):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 0 White Balance Bracket Program(0xd0c5):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 2 Property 0xd0c6:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd0c7:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 4, step 1] value: 0 Lens ID(0xd0e0):(read only) (type=0x2) 165 Lens Sort(0xd0e1):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1 Lens Type(0xd0e2):(read only) (type=0x2) 39 Min. Focal Length(0xd0e3):(read only) (type=0x6) 28 mm (2800) Max. Focal Length(0xd0e4):(read only) (type=0x6) 300 mm (30000) Max. Aperture at Min. Focal Length(0xd0e5):(read only) (type=0x4) f/3.5 (350) Max. Aperture at Max. Focal Length(0xd0e6):(read only) (type=0x4) f/5.6 (560) Vignette Control(0xd0f7):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 1 Auto Distortion Control(0xd0f8):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1 Property 0xd0f9:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 18, step 1] value: 13 Property 0xd0fc:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 24, step 1] value: 19 Property 0xd0fd:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 24, step 1] value: 19 Nikon Exposure Time(0xd100):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [69536,68736,68036,67536,67136,66786,66536,66336,66176,66036,65936,65856,65786,65736,65696,65661,65636,65616,65596,65586,65576] value: 65576 AC Power(0xd101):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) Warning Status(0xd102):(read only) (type=0x2) 0 Maximum Shots(0xd103):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 1] value: 8 AF Locked(0xd104):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) AE Locked(0xd105):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) FV Locked(0xd106):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) Active AF Sensor(0xd108):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [1 - 39, step 1] value: Top (1) Flexible Program(0xd109):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-30 - 30, step 2] value: 0 Recording Media(0xd10b):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: Card (0) Camera Orientation(0xd10e):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 0' (0) External Flash Attached(0xd120):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) External Flash Status(0xd121):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) External Flash Sort(0xd122):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 0 External Flash Compensation(0xd124):(read only) (type=0x1) Range [-18 - 18, step 1] value: 0 (0) External Flash Mode(0xd125):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 7, step 1] value: 0 Flash Exposure Compensation(0xd126):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-18 - 6, step 2] value: 0.0 stops (0) HDR Mode(0xd130):(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 0 HDR High Dynamic(0xd131):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 0 HDR Smoothing(0xd132):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 1 Property 0xd141:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Slot 2 Save Mode(0xd148):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: 0 Raw Bit Mode(0xd149):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 1 ISO Auto Time(0xd14e):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 5, step 1] value: 4 Fluorescent Type(0xd14f):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 6, step 1] value: 3 Tune Colour Temperature(0xd150):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Tune Preset 1(0xd152):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Tune Preset 2(0xd153):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Tune Preset 3(0xd154):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Tune Preset 4(0xd155):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 168, step 1] value: 84 Property 0xd158:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd159:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd15a:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd15c:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd15d:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Autofocus Mode(0xd161):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 4, step 1] value: AF-A (2) AF Assist Lamp(0xd163):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: On (0) Auto ISO P/A/DVP Setting(0xd164):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 24, step 1] value: 24 AF Area Illumination(0xd166):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 2, step 1] value: Auto (0) Flash Mode(0xd167):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: iTTL (0) Property 0xd16a:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 ISO Auto High Limit(0xd183):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 25, step 1] value: 20 Property 0xd197:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1] value: 0 Live View Status(0xd1a2):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) Live View Image Zoom Ratio(0xd1a3):(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 7, step 1] value: 0 Live View Prohibit Condition(0xd1a4):(read only) (type=0x6) 0 Property 0xd1a6:(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1] value: 0 Property 0xd1a8:(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [69536,68736,68036,67536,67136,66786,66536,66336,66176,66036,65936,65856,65786,65736,65696,65661,65636,65616,65596,65586,65576,65566] value: 65566 Property 0xd1a9:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [400,450,500,560,630,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600,1800,2000,2200,2500] value: 400 Property 0xd1aa:(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [100,125,160,200,250,320,400,500,640,800,1000,1250,1600,2000,2500,3200,4000,5000,6400,8000,10000,12800,25600] value: 100 Property 0xd1ab:(read only) (type=0x3) Enumeration [-3000,-2666,-2333,-2000,-1666,-1333,-1000,-666,-333,0,333,666,1000,1333,1666,2000,2333,2666,3000] value: 0 Property 0xd1ac:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 Exposure Display Status(0xd1b0):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: No (0) Exposure Indicate Status(0xd1b1):(read only) (type=0x1) Range [-60 - 60, step 1] value: 0.0 stops (0) Property 0xd1b2:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Yes (1) Exposure Indicate Lightup(0xd1b3):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: Yes (1) Property 0xd1b4:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 100, step 1] value: 9 Flash Open(0xd1c0):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) Flash Charged(0xd1c1):(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: No (0) Property 0xd1f0:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 1, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd1f1:(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 65535, step 1] value: 301 Property 0xd1f2:(read only) (type=0x2) Range [0 - 3, step 1] value: 1 Property 0xd1f4:(readwrite) (type=0x1) Range [-2 - 2, step 1] value: 0 Active Pic Ctrl Item(0xd200):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,101,102,103,104,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209] value: 1 Change Pic Ctrl Item(0xd201):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6] value: 0 /main/actions/autofocusdrive Label: Drive Nikon DSLR Autofocus Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/actions/manualfocusdrive Label: Drive Nikon DSLR Manual focus Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -32767 Top: 32767 Step: 1 /main/actions/viewfinder Label: Nikon Viewfinder Type: TOGGLE Current: 0 /main/settings/datetime Label: Camera Date and Time Type: DATE Current: 1353084815 Printable: Fri 16 Nov 2012 05:53:35 PM CET /main/settings/imagecomment Label: Image Comment Type: TEXT Current: /main/settings/imagecommentenable Label: Enable Image Comment Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/settings/recordingmedia Label: Recording Media Type: RADIO Current: Card Choice: 0 Card Choice: 1 SDRAM /main/settings/fastfs Label: Fast Filesystem Type: TOGGLE Current: 1 /main/settings/capturetarget Label: Capture Target Type: RADIO Current: Memory card Choice: 0 Internal RAM Choice: 1 Memory card /main/status/acpower Label: AC Power Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/externalflash Label: External Flash Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/batterylevel Label: Battery Level Type: TEXT Current: 20% /main/status/orientation Label: Camera Orientation Type: RADIO Current: 0' Choice: 0 0' Choice: 1 270' Choice: 2 90' Choice: 3 180' /main/status/flashopen Label: Flash Open Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/flashcharged Label: Flash Charged Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/minfocallength Label: Focal Length Minimum Type: TEXT Current: 28 mm /main/status/maxfocallength Label: Focal Length Maximum Type: TEXT Current: 300 mm /main/status/apertureatminfocallength Label: Maximum Aperture at Focal Length Minimum Type: TEXT Current: 4 /main/status/apertureatmaxfocallength Label: Maximum Aperture at Focal Length Maximum Type: TEXT Current: 6 /main/status/lowlight Label: Low Light Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 3 Step: 1 /main/status/lightmeter Label: Light Meter Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -60 Top: 60 Step: 1 /main/status/aflocked Label: AF Locked Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/aelocked Label: AE Locked Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/status/fvlocked Label: FV Locked Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/imgsettings/imagesize Label: Image Size Type: RADIO Current: 6016x4016 Choice: 0 6016x4016 Choice: 1 4512x3008 Choice: 2 3008x2008 /main/imgsettings/iso Label: ISO Speed Type: RADIO Current: 80 Choice: 0 50 Choice: 1 64 Choice: 2 80 Choice: 3 100 Choice: 4 125 Choice: 5 160 Choice: 6 200 Choice: 7 250 Choice: 8 320 Choice: 9 400 Choice: 10 500 Choice: 11 640 Choice: 12 800 Choice: 13 1000 Choice: 14 1250 Choice: 15 1600 Choice: 16 2000 Choice: 17 2500 Choice: 18 3200 Choice: 19 4000 Choice: 20 5000 Choice: 21 6400 Choice: 22 8000 Choice: 23 10000 Choice: 24 12800 Choice: 25 25600 /main/imgsettings/isoauto Label: ISO Auto Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/imgsettings/whitebalance Label: WhiteBalance Type: RADIO Current: Automatic Choice: 0 Automatic Choice: 1 Daylight Choice: 2 Fluorescent Choice: 3 Tungsten Choice: 4 Flash Choice: 5 Cloudy Choice: 6 Shade Choice: 7 Color Temperature Choice: 8 Preset /main/imgsettings/colorspace Label: Color Space Type: RADIO Current: sRGB Choice: 0 sRGB Choice: 1 AdobeRGB /main/imgsettings/autoiso Label: Auto ISO Type: RADIO Current: On Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/longexpnr Label: Long Exp Noise Reduction Type: RADIO Current: On Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/assistlight Label: Assist Light Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/exposurecompensation Label: Exposure Compensation Type: RADIO Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5000 Choice: 1 -4666 Choice: 2 -4333 Choice: 3 -4000 Choice: 4 -3666 Choice: 5 -3333 Choice: 6 -3000 Choice: 7 -2666 Choice: 8 -2333 Choice: 9 -2000 Choice: 10 -1666 Choice: 11 -1333 Choice: 12 -1000 Choice: 13 -666 Choice: 14 -333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 333 Choice: 17 666 Choice: 18 1000 Choice: 19 1333 Choice: 20 1666 Choice: 21 2000 Choice: 22 2333 Choice: 23 2666 Choice: 24 3000 Choice: 25 3333 Choice: 26 3666 Choice: 27 4000 Choice: 28 4333 Choice: 29 4666 Choice: 30 5000 /main/capturesettings/flashmode Label: Flash Mode Type: RADIO Current: Auto Choice: 0 Red-eye automatic Choice: 1 Auto Choice: 2 Auto Slow Sync Choice: 3 Rear Curtain Sync + Slow Sync Choice: 4 Red-eye Reduction + Slow Sync /main/capturesettings/nikonflashmode Label: Nikon Flash Mode Type: RADIO Current: iTTL Choice: 0 iTTL Choice: 1 Manual Choice: 2 Commander Choice: 3 Repeating /main/capturesettings/af-area-illumination Label: AF Area Illumination Type: RADIO Current: Auto Choice: 0 Auto Choice: 1 Off Choice: 2 On /main/capturesettings/f-number Label: F-Number Type: RADIO Current: f/4 Choice: 0 f/4 Choice: 1 f/4.5 Choice: 2 f/5 Choice: 3 f/5.6 Choice: 4 f/6.3 Choice: 5 f/7.1 Choice: 6 f/8 Choice: 7 f/9 Choice: 8 f/10 Choice: 9 f/11 Choice: 10 f/13 Choice: 11 f/14 Choice: 12 f/16 Choice: 13 f/18 Choice: 14 f/20 Choice: 15 f/22 Choice: 16 f/25 /main/capturesettings/flexibleprogram Label: Flexible Program Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -30 Top: 30 Step: 2 /main/capturesettings/imagequality Label: Image Quality Type: RADIO Current: JPEG Normal Choice: 0 JPEG Basic Choice: 1 JPEG Normal Choice: 2 JPEG Fine Choice: 3 NEF (Raw) Choice: 4 NEF+Basic Choice: 5 NEF+Normal Choice: 6 NEF+Fine /main/capturesettings/focallength Label: Focal Length Type: RANGE Current: 36 Bottom: 28 Top: 300 Step: 0.01 /main/capturesettings/focusmode Label: Focus Mode Type: RADIO Current: AF-A Choice: 0 Manual Choice: 1 AF-S Choice: 2 AF-C Choice: 3 AF-A /main/capturesettings/focusmode2 Label: Focus Mode 2 Type: RADIO Current: AF-A Choice: 0 AF-S Choice: 1 AF-C Choice: 2 AF-A Choice: 3 MF (fixed) Choice: 4 MF (selection) /main/capturesettings/expprogram Label: Exposure Program Type: RADIO Current: P Choice: 0 M Choice: 1 P Choice: 2 A Choice: 3 S Choice: 4 Auto Choice: 5 Night Landscape Choice: 6 Automatic (No Flash) /main/capturesettings/scenemode Label: Scene Mode Type: RADIO Current: Unknown value 000d Choice: 0 Night landscape Choice: 1 Party/Indoor Choice: 2 Beach/Snow Choice: 3 Sunset Choice: 4 Dusk/Dawn Choice: 5 Pet Portrait Choice: 6 Candlelight Choice: 7 Blossom Choice: 8 Autumn colors Choice: 9 Food Choice: 10 Night Portrait Choice: 11 Unknown value 000d /main/capturesettings/hdrhighdynamic Label: HDR High Dynamic Type: RADIO Current: Auto Choice: 0 Auto Choice: 1 1 EV Choice: 2 2 EV Choice: 3 3 EV /main/capturesettings/hdrsmoothing Label: HDR Smoothing Type: RADIO Current: Normal Choice: 0 High Choice: 1 Normal /main/capturesettings/capturemode Label: Still Capture Mode Type: RADIO Current: Mirror Up Choice: 0 Single Shot Choice: 1 Burst Choice: 2 Continuous Low Speed Choice: 3 Timer Choice: 4 Mirror Up Choice: 5 Quiet Release /main/capturesettings/focusmetermode Label: Focus Metering Mode Type: RADIO Current: Closest Subject Choice: 0 Multi-spot Choice: 1 Single Area Choice: 2 Closest Subject Choice: 3 Group Dynamic /main/capturesettings/exposuremetermode Label: Exposure Metering Mode Type: RADIO Current: Multi Spot Choice: 0 Center Weighted Choice: 1 Multi Spot Choice: 2 Center Spot /main/capturesettings/shutterspeed Label: Shutter Speed Type: RADIO Current: 0.0250s Choice: 0 0.0002s Choice: 1 0.0003s Choice: 2 0.0004s Choice: 3 0.0005s Choice: 4 0.0006s Choice: 5 0.0008s Choice: 6 0.0010s Choice: 7 0.0012s Choice: 8 0.0015s Choice: 9 0.0020s Choice: 10 0.0025s Choice: 11 0.0031s Choice: 12 0.0040s Choice: 13 0.0050s Choice: 14 0.0062s Choice: 15 0.0080s Choice: 16 0.0100s Choice: 17 0.0125s Choice: 18 0.0166s Choice: 19 0.0200s Choice: 20 0.0250s /main/capturesettings/shutterspeed2 Label: Shutter Speed 2 Type: RADIO Current: 1/40 Choice: 0 1/4000 Choice: 1 1/3200 Choice: 2 1/2500 Choice: 3 1/2000 Choice: 4 1/1600 Choice: 5 1/1250 Choice: 6 1/1000 Choice: 7 1/800 Choice: 8 1/640 Choice: 9 1/500 Choice: 10 1/400 Choice: 11 1/320 Choice: 12 1/250 Choice: 13 1/200 Choice: 14 1/160 Choice: 15 1/125 Choice: 16 1/100 Choice: 17 1/80 Choice: 18 1/60 Choice: 19 1/50 Choice: 20 1/40 /main/capturesettings/focusareawrap Label: Focus Area Wrap Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/exposuredelaymode Label: Exposure Delay Mode Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/liveviewaffocus Label: Live View AF Focus Type: RADIO Current: Single-servo AF Choice: 0 Single-servo AF Choice: 1 Full-time-servo AF Choice: 2 Manual Focus /main/capturesettings/filenrsequencing Label: File Number Sequencing Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/imagerotationflag Label: Image Rotation Flag Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/nocfcardrelease Label: Release without CF card Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/autofocusarea Label: Auto Focus Area Type: RADIO Current: Top Choice: 0 Top Choice: 1 Bottom Choice: 2 Left Choice: 3 Right /main/capturesettings/flashexposurecompensation Label: Flash Exposure Compensation Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -3 Top: 1 Step: 0.333333 /main/capturesettings/bracketing Label: Bracketing Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/capturesettings/evstep Label: EV Step Type: RADIO Current: 1/3 Choice: 0 1/3 Choice: 1 1/2 /main/capturesettings/bracketset Label: Bracket Set Type: RADIO Current: AE & Flash Choice: 0 AE & Flash Choice: 1 AE only Choice: 2 Flash only Choice: 3 WB bracketing Choice: 4 ADL bracketing /main/capturesettings/bracketorder Label: Bracket Order Type: RADIO Current: MTR > Under Choice: 0 MTR > Under Choice: 1 Under > MTR /main/capturesettings/burstnumber Label: Burst Number Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 1 Top: 100 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/maximumshots Label: Maximum Shots Type: TEXT Current: 8 /main/capturesettings/autowhitebias Label: Auto White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/tungstenwhitebias Label: Tungsten White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/flourescentwhitebias Label: Fluorescent White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/daylightwhitebias Label: Daylight White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/flashwhitebias Label: Flash White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/cloudywhitebias Label: Cloudy White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/shadewhitebias Label: Shady White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/capturesettings/whitebiaspresetno Label: White Balance Bias Preset Nr Type: RADIO Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 /main/capturesettings/whitebiaspreset1 Label: White Balance Bias Preset 1 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/capturesettings/whitebiaspreset2 Label: White Balance Bias Preset 2 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/capturesettings/whitebiaspreset3 Label: White Balance Bias Preset 3 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/capturesettings/whitebiaspreset4 Label: White Balance Bias Preset 4 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/capturesettings/centerweightsize Label: Center Weight Area Type: RADIO Current: 8 mm Choice: 0 6 mm Choice: 1 8 mm Choice: 2 10 mm Choice: 3 12 mm Choice: 4 Average /main/capturesettings/flashshutterspeed Label: Flash Shutter Speed Type: RADIO Current: 1/60 Choice: 0 1/60 Choice: 1 1/30 Choice: 2 1/15 Choice: 3 1/8 Choice: 4 1/4 Choice: 5 1/2 Choice: 6 1 Choice: 7 2 Choice: 8 4 Choice: 9 8 Choice: 10 15 Choice: 11 30 /main/capturesettings/microphone Label: Microphone Type: RADIO Current: Auto sensitivity Choice: 0 Auto sensitivity Choice: 1 High sensitivity Choice: 2 Medium sensitivity Choice: 3 Low sensitivity Choice: 4 Microphone off /main/capturesettings/autodistortioncontrol Label: Auto Distortion Control Type: RADIO Current: Off Choice: 0 On Choice: 1 Off /main/other/5001 Label: Battery Level Type: MENU Current: 20 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 Choice: 41 41 Choice: 42 42 Choice: 43 43 Choice: 44 44 Choice: 45 45 Choice: 46 46 Choice: 47 47 Choice: 48 48 Choice: 49 49 Choice: 50 50 Choice: 51 51 Choice: 52 52 Choice: 53 53 Choice: 54 54 Choice: 55 55 Choice: 56 56 Choice: 57 57 Choice: 58 58 Choice: 59 59 Choice: 60 60 Choice: 61 61 Choice: 62 62 Choice: 63 63 Choice: 64 64 Choice: 65 65 Choice: 66 66 Choice: 67 67 Choice: 68 68 Choice: 69 69 Choice: 70 70 Choice: 71 71 Choice: 72 72 Choice: 73 73 Choice: 74 74 Choice: 75 75 Choice: 76 76 Choice: 77 77 Choice: 78 78 Choice: 79 79 Choice: 80 80 Choice: 81 81 Choice: 82 82 Choice: 83 83 Choice: 84 84 Choice: 85 85 Choice: 86 86 Choice: 87 87 Choice: 88 88 Choice: 89 89 Choice: 90 90 Choice: 91 91 Choice: 92 92 Choice: 93 93 Choice: 94 94 Choice: 95 95 Choice: 96 96 Choice: 97 97 Choice: 98 98 Choice: 99 99 Choice: 100 100 /main/other/5003 Label: Image Size Type: MENU Current: 6016x4016 Choice: 0 6016x4016 Choice: 1 4512x3008 Choice: 2 3008x2008 /main/other/5004 Label: Compression Setting Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 /main/other/5005 Label: White Balance Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 4 Choice: 2 5 Choice: 3 6 Choice: 4 7 Choice: 5 32784 Choice: 6 32785 Choice: 7 32786 Choice: 8 32787 /main/other/5007 Label: F-Number Type: MENU Current: 400 Choice: 0 400 Choice: 1 450 Choice: 2 500 Choice: 3 560 Choice: 4 630 Choice: 5 710 Choice: 6 800 Choice: 7 900 Choice: 8 1000 Choice: 9 1100 Choice: 10 1300 Choice: 11 1400 Choice: 12 1600 Choice: 13 1800 Choice: 14 2000 Choice: 15 2200 Choice: 16 2500 /main/other/5008 Label: Focal Length Type: RANGE Current: 3600 Bottom: 2800 Top: 30000 Step: 1 /main/other/500a Label: Focus Mode Type: MENU Current: 32786 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 Choice: 4 32787 /main/other/500b Label: Exposure Metering Mode Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 4 /main/other/500c Label: Flash Mode Type: MENU Current: 32784 Choice: 0 4 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 Choice: 4 32787 /main/other/500d Label: Exposure Time Type: MENU Current: 250 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 4 Choice: 3 5 Choice: 4 6 Choice: 5 8 Choice: 6 10 Choice: 7 12 Choice: 8 15 Choice: 9 20 Choice: 10 25 Choice: 11 31 Choice: 12 40 Choice: 13 50 Choice: 14 62 Choice: 15 80 Choice: 16 100 Choice: 17 125 Choice: 18 166 Choice: 19 200 Choice: 20 250 /main/other/500e Label: Exposure Program Mode Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 32784 Choice: 5 32790 Choice: 6 32792 Choice: 7 32848 Choice: 8 32849 /main/other/500f Label: Exposure Index (film speed ISO) Type: MENU Current: 80 Choice: 0 50 Choice: 1 64 Choice: 2 80 Choice: 3 100 Choice: 4 125 Choice: 5 160 Choice: 6 200 Choice: 7 250 Choice: 8 320 Choice: 9 400 Choice: 10 500 Choice: 11 640 Choice: 12 800 Choice: 13 1000 Choice: 14 1250 Choice: 15 1600 Choice: 16 2000 Choice: 17 2500 Choice: 18 3200 Choice: 19 4000 Choice: 20 5000 Choice: 21 6400 Choice: 22 8000 Choice: 23 10000 Choice: 24 12800 Choice: 25 25600 /main/other/5010 Label: Exposure Bias Compensation Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5000 Choice: 1 -4666 Choice: 2 -4333 Choice: 3 -4000 Choice: 4 -3666 Choice: 5 -3333 Choice: 6 -3000 Choice: 7 -2666 Choice: 8 -2333 Choice: 9 -2000 Choice: 10 -1666 Choice: 11 -1333 Choice: 12 -1000 Choice: 13 -666 Choice: 14 -333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 333 Choice: 17 666 Choice: 18 1000 Choice: 19 1333 Choice: 20 1666 Choice: 21 2000 Choice: 22 2333 Choice: 23 2666 Choice: 24 3000 Choice: 25 3333 Choice: 26 3666 Choice: 27 4000 Choice: 28 4333 Choice: 29 4666 Choice: 30 5000 /main/other/5011 Label: Date & Time Type: TEXT Current: 20121116T175335 /main/other/5013 Label: Still Capture Mode Type: MENU Current: 32786 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 32784 Choice: 3 32785 Choice: 4 32786 Choice: 5 32790 Choice: 6 32791 /main/other/5018 Label: Burst Number Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 Choice: 19 20 Choice: 20 21 Choice: 21 22 Choice: 22 23 Choice: 23 24 Choice: 24 25 Choice: 25 26 Choice: 26 27 Choice: 27 28 Choice: 28 29 Choice: 29 30 Choice: 30 31 Choice: 31 32 Choice: 32 33 Choice: 33 34 Choice: 34 35 Choice: 35 36 Choice: 36 37 Choice: 37 38 Choice: 38 39 Choice: 39 40 Choice: 40 41 Choice: 41 42 Choice: 42 43 Choice: 43 44 Choice: 44 45 Choice: 45 46 Choice: 46 47 Choice: 47 48 Choice: 48 49 Choice: 49 50 Choice: 50 51 Choice: 51 52 Choice: 52 53 Choice: 53 54 Choice: 54 55 Choice: 55 56 Choice: 56 57 Choice: 57 58 Choice: 58 59 Choice: 59 60 Choice: 60 61 Choice: 61 62 Choice: 62 63 Choice: 63 64 Choice: 64 65 Choice: 65 66 Choice: 66 67 Choice: 67 68 Choice: 68 69 Choice: 69 70 Choice: 70 71 Choice: 71 72 Choice: 72 73 Choice: 73 74 Choice: 74 75 Choice: 75 76 Choice: 76 77 Choice: 77 78 Choice: 78 79 Choice: 79 80 Choice: 80 81 Choice: 81 82 Choice: 82 83 Choice: 83 84 Choice: 84 85 Choice: 85 86 Choice: 86 87 Choice: 87 88 Choice: 88 89 Choice: 89 90 Choice: 90 91 Choice: 91 92 Choice: 92 93 Choice: 93 94 Choice: 94 95 Choice: 95 96 Choice: 96 97 Choice: 97 98 Choice: 98 99 Choice: 99 100 /main/other/501c Label: Focus Metering Mode Type: MENU Current: 32785 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 32784 Choice: 2 32785 Choice: 3 32786 Choice: 4 32787 Choice: 5 32788 /main/other/501e Label: Artist Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/501f Label: Copyright Info Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d303 Label: PTP Property 0xd303 Type: TEXT Current: 1 /main/other/d406 Label: PTP Property 0xd406 Type: TEXT Current: Windows/6.0.5330.0 MTPClassDriver/6.0.5330.0 /main/other/d407 Label: PTP Property 0xd407 Type: TEXT Current: 1 /main/other/d015 Label: Reset Bank 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d016 Label: Raw Compression Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d017 Label: Auto White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d018 Label: Tungsten White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d019 Label: Fluorescent White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d01a Label: Daylight White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d01b Label: Flash White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d01c Label: Cloudy White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d01d Label: Shady White Balance Bias Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d01e Label: White Balance Colour Temperature Type: MENU Current: 20 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 /main/other/d01f Label: White Balance Preset Number Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 /main/other/d021 Label: White Balance Preset Name 1 Type: TEXT Current: /main/other/d022 Label: White Balance Preset Name 2 Type: TEXT Current: /main/other/d023 Label: White Balance Preset Name 3 Type: TEXT Current: /main/other/d024 Label: White Balance Preset Name 4 Type: TEXT Current: /main/other/d026 Label: White Balance Preset Value 1 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/other/d027 Label: White Balance Preset Value 2 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/other/d028 Label: White Balance Preset Value 3 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/other/d029 Label: White Balance Preset Value 4 Type: TEXT Current: 32047460 /main/other/d02e Label: Lens Focal Length (Non CPU) Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 /main/other/d02f Label: Lens Maximum Aperture (Non CPU) Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 /main/other/d030 Label: Shooting Mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d031 Label: JPEG Compression Policy Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d032 Label: Color Space Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d033 Label: Auto DX Crop Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d035 Label: PTP Property 0xd035 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d045 Label: Reset Menu Bank Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d048 Label: PTP_DPC_NIKON_A1AFCModePriority Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d049 Label: PTP_DPC_NIKON_A2AFSModePriority Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d04f Label: Focus Area Wrap Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d051 Label: AF Lock On Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 /main/other/d053 Label: Enable Copyright Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d054 Label: Auto ISO Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d055 Label: Exposure ISO Step Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d056 Label: Exposure Step Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d059 Label: Centre Weight Area Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 /main/other/d05a Label: Exposure Base Matrix Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -6 Choice: 1 -5 Choice: 2 -4 Choice: 3 -3 Choice: 4 -2 Choice: 5 -1 Choice: 6 0 Choice: 7 1 Choice: 8 2 Choice: 9 3 Choice: 10 4 Choice: 11 5 Choice: 12 6 /main/other/d05b Label: Exposure Base Center Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -6 Choice: 1 -5 Choice: 2 -4 Choice: 3 -3 Choice: 4 -2 Choice: 5 -1 Choice: 6 0 Choice: 7 1 Choice: 8 2 Choice: 9 3 Choice: 10 4 Choice: 11 5 Choice: 12 6 /main/other/d05c Label: Exposure Base Spot Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -6 Choice: 1 -5 Choice: 2 -4 Choice: 3 -3 Choice: 4 -2 Choice: 5 -1 Choice: 6 0 Choice: 7 1 Choice: 8 2 Choice: 9 3 Choice: 10 4 Choice: 11 5 Choice: 12 6 /main/other/d05d Label: Live View AF Area Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d061 Label: Live View AF Focus Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 /main/other/d067 Label: Angle Level Type: TEXT Current: 2313175 /main/other/d068 Label: Shooting Speed Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 /main/other/d069 Label: Maximum Shots Type: MENU Current: 100 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 Choice: 19 20 Choice: 20 21 Choice: 21 22 Choice: 22 23 Choice: 23 24 Choice: 24 25 Choice: 25 26 Choice: 26 27 Choice: 27 28 Choice: 28 29 Choice: 29 30 Choice: 30 31 Choice: 31 32 Choice: 32 33 Choice: 33 34 Choice: 34 35 Choice: 35 36 Choice: 36 37 Choice: 37 38 Choice: 38 39 Choice: 39 40 Choice: 40 41 Choice: 41 42 Choice: 42 43 Choice: 43 44 Choice: 44 45 Choice: 45 46 Choice: 46 47 Choice: 47 48 Choice: 48 49 Choice: 49 50 Choice: 50 51 Choice: 51 52 Choice: 52 53 Choice: 53 54 Choice: 54 55 Choice: 55 56 Choice: 56 57 Choice: 57 58 Choice: 58 59 Choice: 59 60 Choice: 60 61 Choice: 61 62 Choice: 62 63 Choice: 63 64 Choice: 64 65 Choice: 65 66 Choice: 66 67 Choice: 67 68 Choice: 68 69 Choice: 69 70 Choice: 70 71 Choice: 71 72 Choice: 72 73 Choice: 73 74 Choice: 74 75 Choice: 75 76 Choice: 76 77 Choice: 77 78 Choice: 78 79 Choice: 79 80 Choice: 80 81 Choice: 81 82 Choice: 82 83 Choice: 83 84 Choice: 84 85 Choice: 85 86 Choice: 86 87 Choice: 87 88 Choice: 88 89 Choice: 89 90 Choice: 90 91 Choice: 91 92 Choice: 92 93 Choice: 93 94 Choice: 94 95 Choice: 95 96 Choice: 96 97 Choice: 97 98 Choice: 98 99 Choice: 99 100 /main/other/d06a Label: Exposure delay mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d06b Label: Long Exposure Noise Reduction Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d06c Label: File Number Sequencing Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d070 Label: High ISO noise reduction Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d072 Label: Artist Name Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d073 Label: Copyright Information Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d074 Label: Flash Sync. Speed Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 /main/other/d075 Label: Flash Shutter Speed Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 /main/other/d078 Label: Bracket Set Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 /main/other/d07a Label: Bracket Order Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d07d Label: PTP Property 0xd07d Type: TEXT Current: -1 /main/other/d07e Label: PTP Property 0xd07e Type: TEXT Current: -1 /main/other/d087 Label: Aperture Setting Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d08a Label: No CF Card Release Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d08d Label: AF Area Point Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d08f Label: PTP Property 0xd08f Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d090 Label: Image Comment String Type: TEXT Current: /main/other/d091 Label: Image Comment Enable Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d092 Label: Image Rotation Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d093 Label: Manual Set Lens Number Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 /main/other/d0a0 Label: Movie Screen Size Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 /main/other/d0a2 Label: PTP Property 0xd0a2 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 /main/other/d0a3 Label: PTP Property 0xd0a3 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0a4 Label: PTP Property 0xd0a4 Type: TEXT Current: 24576 /main/other/d0a7 Label: PTP Property 0xd0a7 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0a8 Label: PTP Property 0xd0a8 Type: MENU Current: 15 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 Choice: 19 20 /main/other/d0c0 Label: Bracketing Enable Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0c1 Label: Exposure Bracketing Step Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 /main/other/d0c2 Label: Exposure Bracketing Program Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d0c3 Label: Auto Exposure Bracket Count Type: MENU Current: 1 /main/other/d0c4 Label: White Balance Bracket Step Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d0c5 Label: White Balance Bracket Program Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d0c6 Label: PTP Property 0xd0c6 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0c7 Label: PTP Property 0xd0c7 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 /main/other/d0e0 Label: Lens ID Type: TEXT Current: 165 /main/other/d0e1 Label: Lens Sort Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0e2 Label: Lens Type Type: TEXT Current: 39 /main/other/d0e3 Label: Min. Focal Length Type: TEXT Current: 2800 /main/other/d0e4 Label: Max. Focal Length Type: TEXT Current: 30000 /main/other/d0e5 Label: Max. Aperture at Min. Focal Length Type: TEXT Current: 350 /main/other/d0e6 Label: Max. Aperture at Max. Focal Length Type: TEXT Current: 560 /main/other/d0f7 Label: Vignette Control Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d0f8 Label: Auto Distortion Control Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d0f9 Label: PTP Property 0xd0f9 Type: MENU Current: 13 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 /main/other/d0fc Label: PTP Property 0xd0fc Type: MENU Current: 19 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 /main/other/d0fd Label: PTP Property 0xd0fd Type: MENU Current: 19 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 /main/other/d100 Label: Nikon Exposure Time Type: MENU Current: 65576 Choice: 0 69536 Choice: 1 68736 Choice: 2 68036 Choice: 3 67536 Choice: 4 67136 Choice: 5 66786 Choice: 6 66536 Choice: 7 66336 Choice: 8 66176 Choice: 9 66036 Choice: 10 65936 Choice: 11 65856 Choice: 12 65786 Choice: 13 65736 Choice: 14 65696 Choice: 15 65661 Choice: 16 65636 Choice: 17 65616 Choice: 18 65596 Choice: 19 65586 Choice: 20 65576 /main/other/d101 Label: AC Power Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d102 Label: Warning Status Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/other/d103 Label: Maximum Shots Type: MENU Current: 8 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 Choice: 41 41 Choice: 42 42 Choice: 43 43 Choice: 44 44 Choice: 45 45 Choice: 46 46 Choice: 47 47 Choice: 48 48 Choice: 49 49 Choice: 50 50 Choice: 51 51 Choice: 52 52 Choice: 53 53 Choice: 54 54 Choice: 55 55 Choice: 56 56 Choice: 57 57 Choice: 58 58 Choice: 59 59 Choice: 60 60 Choice: 61 61 Choice: 62 62 Choice: 63 63 Choice: 64 64 Choice: 65 65 Choice: 66 66 Choice: 67 67 Choice: 68 68 Choice: 69 69 Choice: 70 70 Choice: 71 71 Choice: 72 72 Choice: 73 73 Choice: 74 74 Choice: 75 75 Choice: 76 76 Choice: 77 77 Choice: 78 78 Choice: 79 79 Choice: 80 80 Choice: 81 81 Choice: 82 82 Choice: 83 83 Choice: 84 84 Choice: 85 85 Choice: 86 86 Choice: 87 87 Choice: 88 88 Choice: 89 89 Choice: 90 90 Choice: 91 91 Choice: 92 92 Choice: 93 93 Choice: 94 94 Choice: 95 95 Choice: 96 96 Choice: 97 97 Choice: 98 98 Choice: 99 99 Choice: 100 100 /main/other/d104 Label: AF Locked Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d105 Label: AE Locked Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d106 Label: FV Locked Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d108 Label: Active AF Sensor Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 Choice: 19 20 Choice: 20 21 Choice: 21 22 Choice: 22 23 Choice: 23 24 Choice: 24 25 Choice: 25 26 Choice: 26 27 Choice: 27 28 Choice: 28 29 Choice: 29 30 Choice: 30 31 Choice: 31 32 Choice: 32 33 Choice: 33 34 Choice: 34 35 Choice: 35 36 Choice: 36 37 Choice: 37 38 Choice: 38 39 /main/other/d109 Label: Flexible Program Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -30 Top: 30 Step: 2 /main/other/d10b Label: Recording Media Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d10e Label: Camera Orientation Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d120 Label: External Flash Attached Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d121 Label: External Flash Status Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d122 Label: External Flash Sort Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d124 Label: External Flash Compensation Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -18 Choice: 1 -17 Choice: 2 -16 Choice: 3 -15 Choice: 4 -14 Choice: 5 -13 Choice: 6 -12 Choice: 7 -11 Choice: 8 -10 Choice: 9 -9 Choice: 10 -8 Choice: 11 -7 Choice: 12 -6 Choice: 13 -5 Choice: 14 -4 Choice: 15 -3 Choice: 16 -2 Choice: 17 -1 Choice: 18 0 Choice: 19 1 Choice: 20 2 Choice: 21 3 Choice: 22 4 Choice: 23 5 Choice: 24 6 Choice: 25 7 Choice: 26 8 Choice: 27 9 Choice: 28 10 Choice: 29 11 Choice: 30 12 Choice: 31 13 Choice: 32 14 Choice: 33 15 Choice: 34 16 Choice: 35 17 Choice: 36 18 /main/other/d125 Label: External Flash Mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 /main/other/d126 Label: Flash Exposure Compensation Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -18 Top: 6 Step: 2 /main/other/d130 Label: HDR Mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d131 Label: HDR High Dynamic Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d132 Label: HDR Smoothing Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d141 Label: PTP Property 0xd141 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d148 Label: Slot 2 Save Mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d149 Label: Raw Bit Mode Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d14e Label: ISO Auto Time Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 /main/other/d14f Label: Fluorescent Type Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 /main/other/d150 Label: Tune Colour Temperature Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d152 Label: Tune Preset 1 Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d153 Label: Tune Preset 2 Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d154 Label: Tune Preset 3 Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d155 Label: Tune Preset 4 Type: RANGE Current: 84 Bottom: 0 Top: 168 Step: 1 /main/other/d158 Label: PTP Property 0xd158 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d159 Label: PTP Property 0xd159 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d15a Label: PTP Property 0xd15a Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d15c Label: PTP Property 0xd15c Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d15d Label: PTP Property 0xd15d Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d161 Label: Autofocus Mode Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 /main/other/d163 Label: AF Assist Lamp Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d164 Label: Auto ISO P/A/DVP Setting Type: MENU Current: 24 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 /main/other/d166 Label: AF Area Illumination Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 /main/other/d167 Label: Flash Mode Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d16a Label: PTP Property 0xd16a Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d183 Label: ISO Auto High Limit Type: MENU Current: 20 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 /main/other/d197 Label: PTP Property 0xd197 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1a2 Label: Live View Status Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1a3 Label: Live View Image Zoom Ratio Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 /main/other/d1a4 Label: Live View Prohibit Condition Type: TEXT Current: 0 /main/other/d1a6 Label: PTP Property 0xd1a6 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1a8 Label: PTP Property 0xd1a8 Type: MENU Current: 65566 Choice: 0 69536 Choice: 1 68736 Choice: 2 68036 Choice: 3 67536 Choice: 4 67136 Choice: 5 66786 Choice: 6 66536 Choice: 7 66336 Choice: 8 66176 Choice: 9 66036 Choice: 10 65936 Choice: 11 65856 Choice: 12 65786 Choice: 13 65736 Choice: 14 65696 Choice: 15 65661 Choice: 16 65636 Choice: 17 65616 Choice: 18 65596 Choice: 19 65586 Choice: 20 65576 Choice: 21 65566 /main/other/d1a9 Label: PTP Property 0xd1a9 Type: MENU Current: 400 Choice: 0 400 Choice: 1 450 Choice: 2 500 Choice: 3 560 Choice: 4 630 Choice: 5 710 Choice: 6 800 Choice: 7 900 Choice: 8 1000 Choice: 9 1100 Choice: 10 1300 Choice: 11 1400 Choice: 12 1600 Choice: 13 1800 Choice: 14 2000 Choice: 15 2200 Choice: 16 2500 /main/other/d1aa Label: PTP Property 0xd1aa Type: MENU Current: 100 Choice: 0 100 Choice: 1 125 Choice: 2 160 Choice: 3 200 Choice: 4 250 Choice: 5 320 Choice: 6 400 Choice: 7 500 Choice: 8 640 Choice: 9 800 Choice: 10 1000 Choice: 11 1250 Choice: 12 1600 Choice: 13 2000 Choice: 14 2500 Choice: 15 3200 Choice: 16 4000 Choice: 17 5000 Choice: 18 6400 Choice: 19 8000 Choice: 20 10000 Choice: 21 12800 Choice: 22 25600 /main/other/d1ab Label: PTP Property 0xd1ab Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -3000 Choice: 1 -2666 Choice: 2 -2333 Choice: 3 -2000 Choice: 4 -1666 Choice: 5 -1333 Choice: 6 -1000 Choice: 7 -666 Choice: 8 -333 Choice: 9 0 Choice: 10 333 Choice: 11 666 Choice: 12 1000 Choice: 13 1333 Choice: 14 1666 Choice: 15 2000 Choice: 16 2333 Choice: 17 2666 Choice: 18 3000 /main/other/d1ac Label: PTP Property 0xd1ac Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 /main/other/d1b0 Label: Exposure Display Status Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d1b1 Label: Exposure Indicate Status Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -60 Choice: 1 -59 Choice: 2 -58 Choice: 3 -57 Choice: 4 -56 Choice: 5 -55 Choice: 6 -54 Choice: 7 -53 Choice: 8 -52 Choice: 9 -51 Choice: 10 -50 Choice: 11 -49 Choice: 12 -48 Choice: 13 -47 Choice: 14 -46 Choice: 15 -45 Choice: 16 -44 Choice: 17 -43 Choice: 18 -42 Choice: 19 -41 Choice: 20 -40 Choice: 21 -39 Choice: 22 -38 Choice: 23 -37 Choice: 24 -36 Choice: 25 -35 Choice: 26 -34 Choice: 27 -33 Choice: 28 -32 Choice: 29 -31 Choice: 30 -30 Choice: 31 -29 Choice: 32 -28 Choice: 33 -27 Choice: 34 -26 Choice: 35 -25 Choice: 36 -24 Choice: 37 -23 Choice: 38 -22 Choice: 39 -21 Choice: 40 -20 Choice: 41 -19 Choice: 42 -18 Choice: 43 -17 Choice: 44 -16 Choice: 45 -15 Choice: 46 -14 Choice: 47 -13 Choice: 48 -12 Choice: 49 -11 Choice: 50 -10 Choice: 51 -9 Choice: 52 -8 Choice: 53 -7 Choice: 54 -6 Choice: 55 -5 Choice: 56 -4 Choice: 57 -3 Choice: 58 -2 Choice: 59 -1 Choice: 60 0 Choice: 61 1 Choice: 62 2 Choice: 63 3 Choice: 64 4 Choice: 65 5 Choice: 66 6 Choice: 67 7 Choice: 68 8 Choice: 69 9 Choice: 70 10 Choice: 71 11 Choice: 72 12 Choice: 73 13 Choice: 74 14 Choice: 75 15 Choice: 76 16 Choice: 77 17 Choice: 78 18 Choice: 79 19 Choice: 80 20 Choice: 81 21 Choice: 82 22 Choice: 83 23 Choice: 84 24 Choice: 85 25 Choice: 86 26 Choice: 87 27 Choice: 88 28 Choice: 89 29 Choice: 90 30 Choice: 91 31 Choice: 92 32 Choice: 93 33 Choice: 94 34 Choice: 95 35 Choice: 96 36 Choice: 97 37 Choice: 98 38 Choice: 99 39 Choice: 100 40 Choice: 101 41 Choice: 102 42 Choice: 103 43 Choice: 104 44 Choice: 105 45 Choice: 106 46 Choice: 107 47 Choice: 108 48 Choice: 109 49 Choice: 110 50 Choice: 111 51 Choice: 112 52 Choice: 113 53 Choice: 114 54 Choice: 115 55 Choice: 116 56 Choice: 117 57 Choice: 118 58 Choice: 119 59 Choice: 120 60 /main/other/d1b2 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b2 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1b3 Label: Exposure Indicate Lightup Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1b4 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b4 Type: MENU Current: 9 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 Choice: 41 41 Choice: 42 42 Choice: 43 43 Choice: 44 44 Choice: 45 45 Choice: 46 46 Choice: 47 47 Choice: 48 48 Choice: 49 49 Choice: 50 50 Choice: 51 51 Choice: 52 52 Choice: 53 53 Choice: 54 54 Choice: 55 55 Choice: 56 56 Choice: 57 57 Choice: 58 58 Choice: 59 59 Choice: 60 60 Choice: 61 61 Choice: 62 62 Choice: 63 63 Choice: 64 64 Choice: 65 65 Choice: 66 66 Choice: 67 67 Choice: 68 68 Choice: 69 69 Choice: 70 70 Choice: 71 71 Choice: 72 72 Choice: 73 73 Choice: 74 74 Choice: 75 75 Choice: 76 76 Choice: 77 77 Choice: 78 78 Choice: 79 79 Choice: 80 80 Choice: 81 81 Choice: 82 82 Choice: 83 83 Choice: 84 84 Choice: 85 85 Choice: 86 86 Choice: 87 87 Choice: 88 88 Choice: 89 89 Choice: 90 90 Choice: 91 91 Choice: 92 92 Choice: 93 93 Choice: 94 94 Choice: 95 95 Choice: 96 96 Choice: 97 97 Choice: 98 98 Choice: 99 99 Choice: 100 100 /main/other/d1c0 Label: Flash Open Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1c1 Label: Flash Charged Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1f0 Label: PTP Property 0xd1f0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 /main/other/d1f1 Label: PTP Property 0xd1f1 Type: RANGE Current: 301 Bottom: 0 Top: 65535 Step: 1 /main/other/d1f2 Label: PTP Property 0xd1f2 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 /main/other/d1f4 Label: PTP Property 0xd1f4 Type: MENU Current: 0 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