Camera summary: Manufacturer: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Model: FH1 Version: ver1.0.0 Serial Number: 0000Pnnnnnnn Vendor Extension ID: 0x6 (1.0) Vendor Extension Description: 1.0; Capture Formats: Display Formats: JPEG, Association/Directory, DPOF, AAC, MP4, Undefined Type Supported MTP Object Properties: JPEG/3801: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name dc87/Width dc88/Height dcd3/ImageBitDepth Association/Directory/3001: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name DPOF/3006: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name AAC/b903: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name MP4/b982: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name de97/ScanDepth de9b/VideoFourCCCodec de9c/VideoBitRate Undefined Type/3000: dc01/StorageID dc02/ObjectFormat dc03/ProtectionStatus dc04/ObjectSize dc07/ObjectFileName dc0b/ParentObject dc41/PersistantUniqueObjectIdentifier dc44/Name Device Capabilities: File Download, File Deletion, No File Upload No Image Capture, No Open Capture, No vendor specific capture Storage Devices Summary: Device Property Summary: Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [2,5,25,50,65,80,100] value: 100% (100) Date & Time(0x5011):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '20090201T000000' Friendly Device Name(0xd402):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) SANYO Digital Camera ('SANYO Digital Camera') Device Icon(0xd405):(read only) (type=0x4002) Perceived Device Type(0xd407):(read only) (type=0x6) 1 /main/settings/datetime Label: Camera Date and Time Type: DATE Current: 1233442800 Printable: Sun 01 Feb 2009 12:00:00 AM CET Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting. /main/status/serialnumber Label: Serial Number Type: TEXT Current: 0000Pnnnnnnn /main/status/manufacturer Label: Camera Manufacturer Type: TEXT Current: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. /main/status/cameramodel Label: Camera Model Type: TEXT Current: FH1 /main/status/deviceversion Label: Device Version Type: TEXT Current: ver1.0.0 /main/status/vendorextension Label: Vendor Extension Type: TEXT Current: 1.0; /main/other/5001 Label: Battery Level Type: MENU Current: 100 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 5 Choice: 2 25 Choice: 3 50 Choice: 4 65 Choice: 5 80 Choice: 6 100 /main/other/5011 Label: Date & Time Type: TEXT Current: 20090201T000000 /main/other/d402 Label: Friendly Device Name Type: TEXT Current: SANYO Digital Camera /main/other/d405 Label: Device Icon Type: TEXT Current: (null) /main/other/d407 Label: Perceived Device Type Type: TEXT Current: 1 Device info: Manufacturer: SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Model: FH1 device version: ver1.0.0 serial number: '0000Pnnnnnnn' Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006 Vendor extension version: 100 Vendor extension description: 1.0; Functional Mode: 0x0000 PTP Standard Version: 100 Supported operations: 0x1001 (Get device info) 0x1002 (Open session) 0x1003 (Close session) 0x1004 (Get storage IDs) 0x1005 (Get storage info) 0x1006 (Get number of objects) 0x1007 (Get object handles) 0x1008 (Get object info) 0x1009 (Get object) 0x100a (Get thumbnail) 0x100b (Delete object) 0x100f (Format storage) 0x1014 (Get device property description) 0x1015 (Get device property value) 0x1016 (Set device property value) 0x101b (Get partial object) 0x9801 (Get object properties supported) 0x9802 (Get object property description) 0x9803 (Get object property value) 0x9805 (Get object property list) Events Supported: 0x4001 0x4002 0x4004 0x4005 0x4006 0x4007 0x4008 0x4009 0x400a 0x400c 0x400e Device Properties Supported: 0x5001 0x5011 0xd402 0xd405 0xd407