/* compile with gcc -Wall -o sample-photobooth -lgphoto2 sample-photobooth.c * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "samples.h" #define CONFIG_FILE "config.txt" #define PREVIEW "preview.jpg" static void errordumper(GPLogLevel level, const char *domain, const char *str, void *data) { /* printf("%s (data %p)\n", str,data);*/ } /* set by signal handler */ static int capture_now = 0; static int read_config = 0; static int capture_to_file(Camera *camera, GPContext *context, char *fn) { int fd, retval; CameraFile *file; CameraFilePath camera_file_path; char *s, *t; retval = gp_camera_capture(camera, GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE, &camera_file_path, context); if (retval < GP_OK) return retval; s = strrchr (fn, '.'); t = strrchr (camera_file_path.name, '.'); /* replace the suffix by the one sent by the camera .. for RAW capture */ if (t && s && (strlen(t+1) == 3) && (strlen(s+1) == 3)) { strcpy (s+1, t+1); } fd = open (fn, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); if (fd == -1) return GP_ERROR; retval = gp_file_new_from_fd(&file, fd); if (retval < GP_OK) { close(fd); unlink(fn); return retval; } retval = gp_camera_file_get(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, file, context); if (retval < GP_OK) { gp_file_free(file); unlink(fn); return retval; } retval = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, context); gp_file_free(file); return GP_OK; } static void sig_handler_capture_now (int sig_num) { signal (SIGUSR1, sig_handler_capture_now); capture_now = 1; } static void sig_handler_read_config (int sig_num) { signal (SIGUSR2, sig_handler_read_config); read_config = 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Camera *camera; int retval; int capturecnt = 0; GPContext *context = sample_create_context(); printf("Sample photobooth.\n"); printf("Continously stores previews in 'preview.jpg'.\n"); printf("kill -USR1 %d to take a capture.\n", getpid()); printf("kill -USR2 %d to read the 'config.txt'.\n", getpid()); printf("kill -TERM %d to finish.\n", getpid()); signal (SIGUSR1, sig_handler_capture_now); signal (SIGUSR2, sig_handler_read_config); gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_ERROR, errordumper, 0); gp_camera_new(&camera); retval = gp_camera_init(camera, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" Retval: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } while (1) { CameraFile *file; char output_file[32]; /* * Capture a full picture on demand. Use unique filenames. */ if (capture_now) { capture_now = 0; sprintf(output_file, "image-%04d.jpg", capturecnt++); retval = capture_to_file(camera, context, output_file); if (retval == GP_OK) fprintf (stderr, "captured to %s\n", output_file); } /* * Read configuration changes from "config.txt". * Expected are key=value pairs where value is the value seen in "--get-config key", e.g. * iso=Auto * iso=200 * shutterspeed=1/200 */ if (read_config) { FILE *config; char buf[512]; read_config = 0; config = fopen (CONFIG_FILE, "r"); while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), config)) { char *s; /* kill linefeeds */ s = strchr(buf,'\r'); if (s) *s=0; s = strchr(buf,'\n'); if (s) *s=0; s = strchr(buf,'='); if (!s) continue; *s=0; retval = set_config_value_string (camera, buf, s+1, context); if (retval < GP_OK) fprintf (stderr, "setting configuration '%s' to '%s' failed with %d.\n", buf, s+1, retval); else fprintf (stderr, "changed configuration '%s' to '%s'\n", buf, s+1); } fclose (config); } /* * Capture a preview on every loop. Save as preview.jpg. */ retval = gp_file_new(&file); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"gp_file_new: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } retval = gp_camera_capture_preview(camera, file, context); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"gp_camera_capture_preview failed: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } retval = gp_file_save(file, PREVIEW); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"saving preview failed: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } gp_file_unref(file); /* * Check and drain the event queue. * Download newly captured images. * Ignore the rest events. */ while (1) { CameraEventType evttype; CameraFilePath *path; void *evtdata; int fd; evtdata = NULL; retval = gp_camera_wait_for_event (camera, 1, &evttype, &evtdata, context); if (retval != GP_OK) break; switch (evttype) { case GP_EVENT_FILE_ADDED: { char *t; path = (CameraFilePath*)evtdata; t = strrchr (path->name, '.'); if (t && (strlen(t+1) == 3)) { sprintf(output_file, "image-%04d.%s", capturecnt++, t+1); } else { sprintf(output_file, "image-%04d.jpg", capturecnt++); } fd = open (output_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_BINARY, 0644); retval = gp_file_new_from_fd(&file, fd); retval = gp_camera_file_get(camera, path->folder, path->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, file, context); retval = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, path->folder, path->name, context); gp_file_free(file); free (evtdata); fprintf (stderr, "saved to %s\n", output_file); break; } case GP_EVENT_FOLDER_ADDED: path = (CameraFilePath*)evtdata; printf("Folder added on camera: %s / %s\n", path->folder, path->name); free (evtdata); break; case GP_EVENT_CAPTURE_COMPLETE: printf("Capture Complete.\n"); break; case GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT: break; case GP_EVENT_UNKNOWN: if (evtdata) { printf("Unknown event: %s.\n", (char*)evtdata); free (evtdata); } else { printf("Unknown event.\n"); } break; default: printf("Type %d?\n", evttype); break; } if (evttype == GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT) break; } } gp_camera_exit(camera, context); return 0; }