static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_2[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotation mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x0027, /* 0x27 apostrophe: apostrophe */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x002f, /* 0x2F slash: slash */ 0x0030, /* 0x30 0: 0 */ 0x0031, /* 0x31 1: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x32 2: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x33 3: 3 */ 0x0034, /* 0x34 4: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x35 5: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x36 6: 6 */ 0x0037, /* 0x37 7: 7 */ 0x0038, /* 0x38 8: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x39 9: 9 */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x003b, /* 0x3B semicolon: semicolon */ 0x003c, /* 0x3C less: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: equals sign */ 0x003e, /* 0x3E greater: greater-than sign */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commercial at */ 0x1106, /* 0x41 A: choseong mieum */ 0x1172, /* 0x42 B: jungseong yu */ 0x110e, /* 0x43 C: choseong chieuch */ 0x110b, /* 0x44 D: choseong ieung */ 0x1104, /* 0x45 E: choseong ssangtikeut */ 0x1105, /* 0x46 F: choseong rieul */ 0x1112, /* 0x47 G: choseong hieuh */ 0x1169, /* 0x48 H: jungseong o */ 0x1163, /* 0x49 I: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x4A J: jungseong eo */ 0x1161, /* 0x4B K: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x4C L: jungseong i */ 0x1173, /* 0x4D M: jungseong eu */ 0x116e, /* 0x4E N: jungseong u */ 0x1164, /* 0x4F O: jungseong yae */ 0x1168, /* 0x50 P: jungseong ye */ 0x1108, /* 0x51 Q: choseong ssangpieup */ 0x1101, /* 0x52 R: choseong ssangkiyeok */ 0x1102, /* 0x53 S: choseong nieun */ 0x110a, /* 0x54 T: choseong ssangsios */ 0x1167, /* 0x55 U: jungseong yeo */ 0x1111, /* 0x56 V: choseong phieuph */ 0x110d, /* 0x57 W: choseong ssangcieuc */ 0x1110, /* 0x58 X: choseong thieuth */ 0x116d, /* 0x59 Y: jungseong yo */ 0x110f, /* 0x5A Z: choseong khieukh */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x1106, /* 0x61 a: choseong mieum */ 0x1172, /* 0x62 b: jungseong yu */ 0x110e, /* 0x63 c: choseong chieuch */ 0x110b, /* 0x64 d: choseong ieung */ 0x1103, /* 0x65 e: choseong tikeut */ 0x1105, /* 0x66 f: choseong rieul */ 0x1112, /* 0x67 g: choseong hieuh */ 0x1169, /* 0x68 h: jungseong o */ 0x1163, /* 0x69 i: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x6A j: jungseong eo */ 0x1161, /* 0x6B k: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x6C l: jungseong i */ 0x1173, /* 0x6D m: jungseong eu */ 0x116e, /* 0x6E n: jungseong u */ 0x1162, /* 0x6F o: jungseong ae */ 0x1166, /* 0x70 p: jungseong e */ 0x1107, /* 0x71 q: choseong pieup */ 0x1100, /* 0x72 r: choseong kiyeok */ 0x1102, /* 0x73 s: choseong nieun */ 0x1109, /* 0x74 t: choseong sios */ 0x1167, /* 0x75 u: jungseong yeo */ 0x1111, /* 0x76 v: choseong phieuph */ 0x110c, /* 0x77 w: choseong cieuc */ 0x1110, /* 0x78 x: choseong thieuth */ 0x116d, /* 0x79 y: jungseong yo */ 0x110f, /* 0x7A z: choseong khieukh */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical bar */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_2y[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotation mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x0027, /* 0x27 apostrophe: apostrophe */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x002f, /* 0x2F slash: slash */ 0x0030, /* 0x30 0: 0 */ 0x0031, /* 0x31 1: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x32 2: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x33 3: 3 */ 0x0034, /* 0x34 4: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x35 5: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x36 6: 6 */ 0x0037, /* 0x37 7: 7 */ 0x0038, /* 0x38 8: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x39 9: 9 */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x003b, /* 0x3B semicolon: semicolon */ 0x003c, /* 0x3C less: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: equals sign */ 0x003e, /* 0x3E greater: greater-than sign */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commercial at */ 0x1140, /* 0x41 A: choseong pansios */ 0x1154, /* 0x42 B: choseong chitueumchieuch */ 0x114e, /* 0x43 C: choseong chitueumcieuc */ 0x114c, /* 0x44 D: choseong yesieung */ 0x1104, /* 0x45 E: choseong ssangtikeut */ 0x111a, /* 0x46 F: choseong rieul-hieuh */ 0x1159, /* 0x47 G: choseong yeorinhieuh */ 0x1183, /* 0x48 H: jungseong o-u */ 0x1163, /* 0x49 I: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x4A J: jungseong eo */ 0x119e, /* 0x4B K: jungseong araea */ 0x1194, /* 0x4C L: jungseong yu-i */ 0x1173, /* 0x4D M: jungseong eu */ 0x1155, /* 0x4E N: choseong ceongchieumchieuch */ 0x1164, /* 0x4F O: jungseong yae */ 0x1168, /* 0x50 P: jungseong ye */ 0x1108, /* 0x51 Q: choseong ssangpieup */ 0x1101, /* 0x52 R: choseong ssangkiyeok */ 0x115d, /* 0x53 S: choseong nieun-hieuh */ 0x110a, /* 0x54 T: choseong ssangsios */ 0x1167, /* 0x55 U: jungseong yeo */ 0x1150, /* 0x56 V: choseong ceongchieumcieuc */ 0x110d, /* 0x57 W: choseong ssangcieuc */ 0x113e, /* 0x58 X: choseong ceongchieumsios */ 0x116d, /* 0x59 Y: jungseong yo */ 0x113c, /* 0x5A Z: choseong chitueumsios */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x1106, /* 0x61 a: choseong mieum */ 0x1172, /* 0x62 b: jungseong yu */ 0x110e, /* 0x63 c: choseong chieuch */ 0x110b, /* 0x64 d: choseong ieung */ 0x1103, /* 0x65 e: choseong tikeut */ 0x1105, /* 0x66 f: choseong rieul */ 0x1112, /* 0x67 g: choseong hieuh */ 0x1169, /* 0x68 h: jungseong o */ 0x1163, /* 0x69 i: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x6A j: jungseong eo */ 0x1161, /* 0x6B k: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x6C l: jungseong i */ 0x1173, /* 0x6D m: jungseong eu */ 0x116e, /* 0x6E n: jungseong u */ 0x1162, /* 0x6F o: jungseong ae */ 0x1166, /* 0x70 p: jungseong e */ 0x1107, /* 0x71 q: choseong pieup */ 0x1100, /* 0x72 r: choseong kiyeok */ 0x1102, /* 0x73 s: choseong nieun */ 0x1109, /* 0x74 t: choseong sios */ 0x1167, /* 0x75 u: jungseong yeo */ 0x1111, /* 0x76 v: choseong phieuph */ 0x110c, /* 0x77 w: choseong cieuc */ 0x1110, /* 0x78 x: choseong thieuth */ 0x116d, /* 0x79 y: jungseong yo */ 0x110f, /* 0x7A z: choseong khieukh */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical bar */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_32[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotation mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x0027, /* 0x27 apostrophe: apostrophe */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x002f, /* 0x2F slash: slash */ 0x0030, /* 0x30 0: 0 */ 0x0031, /* 0x31 1: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x32 2: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x33 3: 3 */ 0x0034, /* 0x34 4: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x35 5: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x36 6: 6 */ 0x0037, /* 0x37 7: 7 */ 0x0038, /* 0x38 8: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x39 9: 9 */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x003b, /* 0x3B semicolon: semicolon */ 0x003c, /* 0x3C less: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: equals sign */ 0x003e, /* 0x3E greater: greater-than sign */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commercial at */ 0x11b7, /* 0x41 A: jongseong mieum */ 0x1172, /* 0x42 B: jungseong yu */ 0x11be, /* 0x43 C: jongseong chieuch */ 0x11bc, /* 0x44 D: jongseong ieung */ 0x11ae, /* 0x45 E: jongseong tikeut */ 0x11af, /* 0x46 F: jongseong rieul */ 0x11c2, /* 0x47 G: jongseong hieuh */ 0x1169, /* 0x48 H: jungseong o */ 0x1163, /* 0x49 I: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x4A J: jungseong eo */ 0x1161, /* 0x4B K: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x4C L: jungseong i */ 0x1173, /* 0x4D M: jungseong eu */ 0x116e, /* 0x4E N: jungseong u */ 0x1164, /* 0x4F O: jungseong yae */ 0x1168, /* 0x50 P: jungseong ye */ 0x11b8, /* 0x51 Q: jongseong pieup */ 0x11a8, /* 0x52 R: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x11ab, /* 0x53 S: jongseong nieun */ 0x11ba, /* 0x54 T: jongseong sios */ 0x1167, /* 0x55 U: jungseong yeo */ 0x11c1, /* 0x56 V: jongseong phieuph */ 0x11bd, /* 0x57 W: jongseong cieuc */ 0x11c0, /* 0x58 X: jongseong thieuth */ 0x116d, /* 0x59 Y: jungseong yo */ 0x11bf, /* 0x5A Z: jongseong khieukh */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x1106, /* 0x61 a: choseong mieum */ 0x1172, /* 0x62 b: jungseong yu */ 0x110e, /* 0x63 c: choseong chieuch */ 0x110b, /* 0x64 d: choseong ieung */ 0x1103, /* 0x65 e: choseong tikeut */ 0x1105, /* 0x66 f: choseong rieul */ 0x1112, /* 0x67 g: choseong hieuh */ 0x1169, /* 0x68 h: jungseong o */ 0x1163, /* 0x69 i: jungseong ya */ 0x1165, /* 0x6A j: jungseong eo */ 0x1161, /* 0x6B k: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x6C l: jungseong i */ 0x1173, /* 0x6D m: jungseong eu */ 0x116e, /* 0x6E n: jungseong u */ 0x1162, /* 0x6F o: jungseong ae */ 0x1166, /* 0x70 p: jungseong e */ 0x1107, /* 0x71 q: choseong pieup */ 0x1100, /* 0x72 r: choseong kiyeok */ 0x1102, /* 0x73 s: choseong nieun */ 0x1109, /* 0x74 t: choseong sios */ 0x1167, /* 0x75 u: jungseong yeo */ 0x1111, /* 0x76 v: choseong phieuph */ 0x110c, /* 0x77 w: choseong cieuc */ 0x1110, /* 0x78 x: choseong thieuth */ 0x116d, /* 0x79 y: jungseong yo */ 0x110f, /* 0x7A z: choseong khieukh */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical bar */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x203b, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_390[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x11bd, /* 0x21 exclam: jongseong cieuc */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotatioin mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x1110, /* 0x27 apostrophe: choseong thieuth */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x1169, /* 0x2F slash: jungseong o */ 0x110f, /* 0x30 0: choseong khieukh */ 0x11c2, /* 0x31 1: jongseong hieuh */ 0x11bb, /* 0x32 2: jongseong ssangsios */ 0x11b8, /* 0x33 3: jongseong pieup */ 0x116d, /* 0x34 4: jungseong yo */ 0x1172, /* 0x35 5: jungseong yu */ 0x1163, /* 0x36 6: jungseong ya */ 0x1168, /* 0x37 7: jungseong ye */ 0x1174, /* 0x38 8: jungseong yi */ 0x116e, /* 0x39 9: jungseong u */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x1107, /* 0x3B semicolon: choseong pieup */ 0x0032, /* 0x3C less: 2 */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: euals sign */ 0x0033, /* 0x3E greater: 3 */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commertial at */ 0x11ae, /* 0x41 A: jongseong tikeut */ 0x0021, /* 0x42 B: exclamation mark */ 0x11b1, /* 0x43 C: jongseong rieul-mieum */ 0x11b0, /* 0x44 D: jongseong rieul-kiyeok */ 0x11bf, /* 0x45 E: jongseong khieukh */ 0x11a9, /* 0x46 F: jongseong ssangkiyeok */ 0x002f, /* 0x47 G: slash */ 0x0027, /* 0x48 H: apostrophe */ 0x0038, /* 0x49 I: 8 */ 0x0034, /* 0x4A J: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x4B K: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x4C L: 6 */ 0x0031, /* 0x4D M: 1 */ 0x0030, /* 0x4E N: 0 */ 0x0039, /* 0x4F O: 9 */ 0x003e, /* 0x50 P: greater-than sign */ 0x11c1, /* 0x51 Q: jongseong phieuph */ 0x1164, /* 0x52 R: jungseong yae */ 0x11ad, /* 0x53 S: jongseong nieun-hieuh */ 0x003b, /* 0x54 T: semicolon */ 0x0037, /* 0x55 U: 7 */ 0x11b6, /* 0x56 V: jongseong rieul-hieuh */ 0x11c0, /* 0x57 W: jongseong thikeuth */ 0x11b9, /* 0x58 X: jongseong pieup-sios */ 0x003c, /* 0x59 Y: less-than sign */ 0x11be, /* 0x5A Z: jongseong chieuch */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x11bc, /* 0x61 a: jongseong ieung */ 0x116e, /* 0x62 b: jungseong u */ 0x1166, /* 0x63 c: jungseong e */ 0x1175, /* 0x64 d: jungseong i */ 0x1167, /* 0x65 e: jungseong yeo */ 0x1161, /* 0x66 f: jungseong a */ 0x1173, /* 0x67 g: jungseong eu */ 0x1102, /* 0x68 h: choseong nieun */ 0x1106, /* 0x69 i: choseong mieum */ 0x110b, /* 0x6A j: choseong ieung */ 0x1100, /* 0x6B k: choseong kiyeok */ 0x110c, /* 0x6C l: choseong cieuc */ 0x1112, /* 0x6D m: choseong hieuh */ 0x1109, /* 0x6E n: choseong sios */ 0x110e, /* 0x6F o: choseong chieuch */ 0x1111, /* 0x70 p: choseong phieuph */ 0x11ba, /* 0x71 q: jongseong sios */ 0x1162, /* 0x72 r: jungseong ae */ 0x11ab, /* 0x73 s: jongseong nieun */ 0x1165, /* 0x74 t: jungseong eo */ 0x1103, /* 0x75 u: choseong tikeut */ 0x1169, /* 0x76 v: jungseong o */ 0x11af, /* 0x77 w: jongseong rieul */ 0x11a8, /* 0x78 x: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x1105, /* 0x79 y: choseong rieul */ 0x11b7, /* 0x7A z: jongseong mieum */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical line(bar) */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_3final[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x11a9, /* 0x21 exclam: jongseong ssangkiyeok */ 0x00b7, /* 0x22 quotedbl: middle dot */ 0x11bd, /* 0x23 numbersign: jognseong cieuc */ 0x11b5, /* 0x24 dollar: jongseong rieul-phieuph */ 0x11b4, /* 0x25 percent: jongseong rieul-thieuth */ 0x201c, /* 0x26 ampersand: left double quotation mark */ 0x1110, /* 0x27 apostrophe: choseong thieuth */ 0x0027, /* 0x28 parenleft: apostrophe */ 0x007e, /* 0x29 parenright: Tilde */ 0x201d, /* 0x2A asterisk: right double quotation mark */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x0029, /* 0x2D minus: right parenthesis */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x1169, /* 0x2F slash: jungseong o */ 0x110f, /* 0x30 0: choseong khieukh */ 0x11c2, /* 0x31 1: jongseong hieuh */ 0x11bb, /* 0x32 2: jongseong ssangsios */ 0x11b8, /* 0x33 3: jongseong pieup */ 0x116d, /* 0x34 4: jungseong yo */ 0x1172, /* 0x35 5: jungseong yu */ 0x1163, /* 0x36 6: jungseong ya */ 0x1168, /* 0x37 7: jungseong ye */ 0x1174, /* 0x38 8: jungseong yi */ 0x116e, /* 0x39 9: jungseong u */ 0x0034, /* 0x3A colon: 4 */ 0x1107, /* 0x3B semicolon: choseong pieup */ 0x002c, /* 0x3C less: comma */ 0x003e, /* 0x3D equal: greater-than sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x3E greater: period */ 0x0021, /* 0x3F question: exclamation mark */ 0x11b0, /* 0x40 at: jongseong rieul-kiyeok */ 0x11ae, /* 0x41 A: jongseong tikeut */ 0x003f, /* 0x42 B: question mark */ 0x11bf, /* 0x43 C: jongseong khieukh */ 0x11b2, /* 0x44 D: jongseong rieul-pieup */ 0x11ac, /* 0x45 E: jongseong nieun-cieuc */ 0x11b1, /* 0x46 F: jongseong rieul-mieum */ 0x1164, /* 0x47 G: jungseong yae */ 0x0030, /* 0x48 H: 0 */ 0x0037, /* 0x49 I: 7 */ 0x0031, /* 0x4A J: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x4B K: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x4C L: 3 */ 0x0022, /* 0x4D M: double quotation mark */ 0x002d, /* 0x4E N: minus sign */ 0x0038, /* 0x4F O: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x50 P: 9 */ 0x11c1, /* 0x51 Q: jongseong phieuph */ 0x11b6, /* 0x52 R: jongseong rieul-hieuh */ 0x11ad, /* 0x53 S: jongseong nieun-hieuh */ 0x11b3, /* 0x54 T: jongseong rieul-sios */ 0x0036, /* 0x55 U: 6 */ 0x11aa, /* 0x56 V: jongseong kiyeok-sios */ 0x11c0, /* 0x57 W: jongseong thikeuth */ 0x11b9, /* 0x58 X: jongseong pieup-sios */ 0x0035, /* 0x59 Y: 5 */ 0x11be, /* 0x5A Z: jongseong chieuch */ 0x0028, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left parenthesis */ 0x003a, /* 0x5C backslash: colon */ 0x003c, /* 0x5D bracketright: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x5E asciicircum: equals sign */ 0x003b, /* 0x5F underscore: semicolon */ 0x002a, /* 0x60 quoteleft: asterisk */ 0x11bc, /* 0x61 a: jongseong ieung */ 0x116e, /* 0x62 b: jungseong u */ 0x1166, /* 0x63 c: jungseong e */ 0x1175, /* 0x64 d: jungseong i */ 0x1167, /* 0x65 e: jungseong yeo */ 0x1161, /* 0x66 f: jungseong a */ 0x1173, /* 0x67 g: jungseong eu */ 0x1102, /* 0x68 h: choseong nieun */ 0x1106, /* 0x69 i: choseong mieum */ 0x110b, /* 0x6A j: choseong ieung */ 0x1100, /* 0x6B k: choseong kiyeok */ 0x110c, /* 0x6C l: choseong cieuc */ 0x1112, /* 0x6D m: choseong hieuh */ 0x1109, /* 0x6E n: choseong sios */ 0x110e, /* 0x6F o: choseong chieuch */ 0x1111, /* 0x70 p: choseong phieuph */ 0x11ba, /* 0x71 q: jongseong sios */ 0x1162, /* 0x72 r: jungseong ae */ 0x11ab, /* 0x73 s: jongseong nieun */ 0x1165, /* 0x74 t: jungseong eo */ 0x1103, /* 0x75 u: choseong tikeut */ 0x1169, /* 0x76 v: jungseong o */ 0x11af, /* 0x77 w: jongseong rieul */ 0x11a8, /* 0x78 x: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x1105, /* 0x79 y: choseong rieul */ 0x11b7, /* 0x7A z: jongseong mieum */ 0x0025, /* 0x7B braceleft: percent sign */ 0x005c, /* 0x7C bar: backslash */ 0x002f, /* 0x7D braceright: slash */ 0x203b, /* 0x7E asciitilde: reference mark */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_3sun[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotatioin mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x1110, /* 0x27 apostrophe: choseong thieuth */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x11bd, /* 0x2D minus: jongseong cieuc */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x11ae, /* 0x2F slash: jongseong tikeut */ 0x1164, /* 0x30 0: choseong yae */ 0x11c2, /* 0x31 1: jongseong hieuh */ 0x11bb, /* 0x32 2: jongseong ssangsios */ 0x11b8, /* 0x33 3: jongseong pieup */ 0x116d, /* 0x34 4: jungseong yo */ 0x1172, /* 0x35 5: jungseong yu */ 0x1163, /* 0x36 6: jungseong ya */ 0x1168, /* 0x37 7: jungseong ye */ 0x1174, /* 0x38 8: jungseong yi */ 0x110f, /* 0x39 9: choseong khieukh */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x1107, /* 0x3B semicolon: choseong pieup */ 0x0032, /* 0x3C less: 2 */ 0x11be, /* 0x3D equal: jongseong chieuch */ 0x0033, /* 0x3E greater: 3 */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commertial at */ 0x11bc, /* 0x41 A: jongseong ieung */ 0x0021, /* 0x42 B: exclamation mark */ 0x005c, /* 0x43 C: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x44 D: right bracket */ 0x1167, /* 0x45 E: jungseong yeo */ 0x1161, /* 0x46 F: jungseong a */ 0x002f, /* 0x47 G: slash */ 0x0027, /* 0x48 H: apostrophe */ 0x0038, /* 0x49 I: 8 */ 0x0034, /* 0x4A J: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x4B K: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x4C L: 6 */ 0x0031, /* 0x4D M: 1 */ 0x0030, /* 0x4E N: 0 */ 0x0039, /* 0x4F O: 9 */ 0x003e, /* 0x50 P: greater-than sign */ 0x11ba, /* 0x51 Q: jongseong sios */ 0x1162, /* 0x52 R: jungseong ae */ 0x005b, /* 0x53 S: left bracket */ 0x003b, /* 0x54 T: semicolon */ 0x0037, /* 0x55 U: 7 */ 0x1169, /* 0x56 V: jungseong o */ 0x11af, /* 0x57 W: jongseong rieul */ 0x003d, /* 0x58 X: equals sign */ 0x003c, /* 0x59 Y: less-than sign */ 0x002d, /* 0x5A Z: minus sign */ 0x11c0, /* 0x5B bracketleft: jongseong thieuth */ 0x11bf, /* 0x5C backslash: jongseong khieukh */ 0x11c1, /* 0x5D bracketright: jongseong phieuph */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x11bc, /* 0x61 a: jongseong ieung */ 0x116e, /* 0x62 b: jungseong u */ 0x1166, /* 0x63 c: jungseong e */ 0x1175, /* 0x64 d: jungseong i */ 0x1167, /* 0x65 e: jungseong yeo */ 0x1161, /* 0x66 f: jungseong a */ 0x1173, /* 0x67 g: jungseong eu */ 0x1102, /* 0x68 h: choseong nieun */ 0x1106, /* 0x69 i: choseong mieum */ 0x110b, /* 0x6A j: choseong ieung */ 0x1100, /* 0x6B k: choseong kiyeok */ 0x110c, /* 0x6C l: choseong cieuc */ 0x1112, /* 0x6D m: choseong hieuh */ 0x1109, /* 0x6E n: choseong sios */ 0x110e, /* 0x6F o: choseong chieuch */ 0x1111, /* 0x70 p: choseong phieuph */ 0x11ba, /* 0x71 q: jongseong sios */ 0x1162, /* 0x72 r: jungseong ae */ 0x11ab, /* 0x73 s: jongseong nieun */ 0x1165, /* 0x74 t: jungseong eo */ 0x1103, /* 0x75 u: choseong tikeut */ 0x1169, /* 0x76 v: jungseong o */ 0x11af, /* 0x77 w: jongseong rieul */ 0x11a8, /* 0x78 x: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x1105, /* 0x79 y: choseong rieul */ 0x11b7, /* 0x7A z: jongseong mieum */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical line(bar) */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_3yet[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x11bd, /* 0x21 exclam: jongseong cieuc */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotatioin mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x1110, /* 0x27 apostrophe: choseong thieuth */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x1169, /* 0x2F slash: jungseong o */ 0x110f, /* 0x30 0: choseong khieukh */ 0x11c2, /* 0x31 1: jongseong hieuh */ 0x11bb, /* 0x32 2: jongseong ssangsios */ 0x11b8, /* 0x33 3: jongseong pieup */ 0x116d, /* 0x34 4: jungseong yo */ 0x1172, /* 0x35 5: jungseong yu */ 0x1163, /* 0x36 6: jungseong ya */ 0x1168, /* 0x37 7: jungseong ye */ 0x1174, /* 0x38 8: jungseong yi */ 0x116e, /* 0x39 9: jungseong u */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x1107, /* 0x3B semicolon: choseong pieup */ 0x113c, /* 0x3C less: choseong chitueumsios */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: euals sign */ 0x113e, /* 0x3E greater: choseong ceongchieumsios */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x11eb, /* 0x40 at: jongseong pansios */ 0x11ae, /* 0x41 A: jongseong tikeut */ 0x0021, /* 0x42 B: exclamation mark */ 0x11b1, /* 0x43 C: jongseong rieul-mieum */ 0x11b0, /* 0x44 D: jongseong rieul-kiyeok */ 0x11bf, /* 0x45 E: jongseong khieukh */ 0x11a9, /* 0x46 F: jongseong ssangkiyeok */ 0x119e, /* 0x47 G: jungseong araea */ 0x0027, /* 0x48 H: apostrophe */ 0x1154, /* 0x49 I: choseong chitueumchieuch */ 0x114c, /* 0x4A J: choseong yesieung */ 0x114e, /* 0x4B K: choseong chitueumcieuc */ 0x1150, /* 0x4C L: choseong ceongchieumcieuc */ 0x1159, /* 0x4D M: choseong yeorinhieuh */ 0x1140, /* 0x4E N: choseong pansios */ 0x1155, /* 0x4F O: choseong ceongchieumchieuch */ 0x003e, /* 0x50 P: greater-than sign */ 0x11c1, /* 0x51 Q: jongseong phieuph */ 0x1164, /* 0x52 R: jungseong yae */ 0x11ad, /* 0x53 S: jongseong nieun-hieuh */ 0x003b, /* 0x54 T: semicolon */ 0x00b7, /* 0x55 U: middle dot */ 0x11b6, /* 0x56 V: jongseong rieul-hieuh */ 0x11c0, /* 0x57 W: jongseong thikeuth */ 0x11b9, /* 0x58 X: jongseong pieup-sios */ 0x003c, /* 0x59 Y: less-than sign */ 0x11be, /* 0x5A Z: jongseong chieuch */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x114c, /* 0x5E asciicircum: choseong yesieung */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x11f9, /* 0x60 quoteleft: jongseong yeorinhieuh */ 0x11bc, /* 0x61 a: jongseong ieung */ 0x116e, /* 0x62 b: jungseong u */ 0x1166, /* 0x63 c: jungseong e */ 0x1175, /* 0x64 d: jungseong i */ 0x1167, /* 0x65 e: jungseong yeo */ 0x1161, /* 0x66 f: jungseong a */ 0x1173, /* 0x67 g: jungseong eu */ 0x1102, /* 0x68 h: choseong nieun */ 0x1106, /* 0x69 i: choseong mieum */ 0x110b, /* 0x6A j: choseong ieung */ 0x1100, /* 0x6B k: choseong kiyeok */ 0x110c, /* 0x6C l: choseong cieuc */ 0x1112, /* 0x6D m: choseong hieuh */ 0x1109, /* 0x6E n: choseong sios */ 0x110e, /* 0x6F o: choseong chieuch */ 0x1111, /* 0x70 p: choseong phieuph */ 0x11ba, /* 0x71 q: jongseong sios */ 0x1162, /* 0x72 r: jungseong ae */ 0x11ab, /* 0x73 s: jongseong nieun */ 0x1165, /* 0x74 t: jungseong eo */ 0x1103, /* 0x75 u: choseong tikeut */ 0x1169, /* 0x76 v: jungseong o */ 0x11af, /* 0x77 w: jongseong rieul */ 0x11a8, /* 0x78 x: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x1105, /* 0x79 y: choseong rieul */ 0x11b7, /* 0x7A z: jongseong mieum */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical line(bar) */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x11f0, /* 0x7E asciitilde: jongseong yesieung */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_romaja[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotation mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x0027, /* 0x27 apostrophe: apostrophe */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x002c, /* 0x2C comma: comma */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x002e, /* 0x2E period: period */ 0x002f, /* 0x2F slash: slash */ 0x0030, /* 0x30 0: 0 */ 0x0031, /* 0x31 1: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x32 2: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x33 3: 3 */ 0x0034, /* 0x34 4: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x35 5: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x36 6: 6 */ 0x0037, /* 0x37 7: 7 */ 0x0038, /* 0x38 8: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x39 9: 9 */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x003b, /* 0x3B semicolon: semicolon */ 0x003c, /* 0x3C less: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: equals sign */ 0x003e, /* 0x3E greater: greater-than sign */ 0x003f, /* 0x3F question: question mark */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commercial at */ 0x1161, /* 0x41 A: jungseong a */ 0x1107, /* 0x42 B: choseong pieup */ 0x110e, /* 0x43 C: choseong chieuch */ 0x1103, /* 0x44 D: choseong tikeut */ 0x1166, /* 0x45 E: jungseong e */ 0x1111, /* 0x46 F: choseong phieuph */ 0x1100, /* 0x47 G: choseong kiyeok */ 0x1112, /* 0x48 H: choseong heiuh */ 0x1175, /* 0x49 I: jungseong i */ 0x110c, /* 0x4A J: choseong cieuc */ 0x110f, /* 0x4B K: choseong khieukh */ 0x1105, /* 0x4C L: choseong rieul */ 0x1106, /* 0x4D M: choseong mieum */ 0x1102, /* 0x4E N: choseong nieun */ 0x1169, /* 0x4F O: jungseong o */ 0x1111, /* 0x50 P: choseong phieuph */ 0x110f, /* 0x51 Q: choseong khieukh */ 0x1105, /* 0x52 R: choseong rieul */ 0x1109, /* 0x53 S: choseong sios */ 0x1110, /* 0x54 T: choseong thieuth */ 0x116e, /* 0x55 U: jungseong u */ 0x1107, /* 0x56 V: choseong pieup */ 0x116e, /* 0x57 W: jungseong u */ 0x110c, /* 0x58 X: choseong cieuc */ 0x1175, /* 0x59 Y: jungseong i */ 0x110c, /* 0x5A Z: choseong cieuc */ 0x005b, /* 0x5B bracketleft: left bracket */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x005d, /* 0x5D bracketright: right bracket */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x1161, /* 0x61 a: jungseong a */ 0x1107, /* 0x62 b: choseong pieup */ 0x110e, /* 0x63 c: choseong chieuch */ 0x1103, /* 0x64 d: choseong tikeut */ 0x1166, /* 0x65 e: jungseong e */ 0x1111, /* 0x66 f: choseong phieuph */ 0x1100, /* 0x67 g: choseong kiyeok */ 0x1112, /* 0x68 h: choseong hieuh */ 0x1175, /* 0x69 i: jungseong i */ 0x110c, /* 0x6A j: choseong cieuc */ 0x110f, /* 0x6B k: choseong khieukh */ 0x1105, /* 0x6C l: choseong rieul */ 0x1106, /* 0x6D m: choseong mieum */ 0x1102, /* 0x6E n: choseong nieun */ 0x1169, /* 0x6F o: jungseong o */ 0x1111, /* 0x70 p: choseong pieup */ 0x110f, /* 0x71 q: choseong khieukh */ 0x1105, /* 0x72 r: choseong rieul */ 0x1109, /* 0x73 s: choseong sios */ 0x1110, /* 0x74 t: choseong thieuth */ 0x116e, /* 0x75 u: jungseong u */ 0x1107, /* 0x76 v: choseong phieuph */ 0x116e, /* 0x77 w: jungseong u */ 0x11aa, /* 0x78 x: jongseong kiyeoksios */ 0x1175, /* 0x79 y: jungseong i */ 0x110c, /* 0x7A z: choseong cieuc */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical bar */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const ucschar hangul_keyboard_table_ahn[] = { 0x0000, /* 0x00 null */ 0x0000, /* 0x01 start of heading */ 0x0000, /* 0x02 start of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x03 end of text */ 0x0000, /* 0x04 end of transmission */ 0x0000, /* 0x05 enquiry */ 0x0000, /* 0x06 acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x07 bell */ 0x0000, /* 0x08 backspace */ 0x0000, /* 0x09 character tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0A line feed (lf) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0B line tabulation */ 0x0000, /* 0x0C form feed (ff) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0D carriage return (cr) */ 0x0000, /* 0x0E shift out */ 0x0000, /* 0x0F shift in */ 0x0000, /* 0x10 data link escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x11 device control one */ 0x0000, /* 0x12 device control two */ 0x0000, /* 0x13 device control three */ 0x0000, /* 0x14 device control four */ 0x0000, /* 0x15 negative acknowledge */ 0x0000, /* 0x16 synchronous idle */ 0x0000, /* 0x17 end of transmission block */ 0x0000, /* 0x18 cancel */ 0x0000, /* 0x19 end of medium */ 0x0000, /* 0x1A substitute */ 0x0000, /* 0x1B escape */ 0x0000, /* 0x1C information separator four */ 0x0000, /* 0x1D information separator three */ 0x0000, /* 0x1E information separator two */ 0x0000, /* 0x1F information separator one */ 0x0000, /* 0x20 space */ 0x0021, /* 0x21 exclam: exclamation mark */ 0x0022, /* 0x22 quotedbl: quotation mark */ 0x0023, /* 0x23 numbersign: number sign */ 0x0024, /* 0x24 dollar: dollar sign */ 0x0025, /* 0x25 percent: percent sign */ 0x0026, /* 0x26 ampersand: ampersand */ 0x002e, /* 0x27 apostrophe: period */ 0x0028, /* 0x28 parenleft: left parenthesis */ 0x0029, /* 0x29 parenright: right parenthesis */ 0x002a, /* 0x2A asterisk: asterisk */ 0x002b, /* 0x2B plus: plus sign */ 0x11b7, /* 0x2C comma: jongseong mieum */ 0x002d, /* 0x2D minus: minus sign */ 0x11af, /* 0x2E period: jongseong rieul */ 0x11c2, /* 0x2F slash: jongseong hieuh */ 0x0030, /* 0x30 0: 0 */ 0x0031, /* 0x31 1: 1 */ 0x0032, /* 0x32 2: 2 */ 0x0033, /* 0x33 3: 3 */ 0x0034, /* 0x34 4: 4 */ 0x0035, /* 0x35 5: 5 */ 0x0036, /* 0x36 6: 6 */ 0x0037, /* 0x37 7: 7 */ 0x0038, /* 0x38 8: 8 */ 0x0039, /* 0x39 9: 9 */ 0x003a, /* 0x3A colon: colon */ 0x116e, /* 0x3B semicolon: jungseong u */ 0x003c, /* 0x3C less: less-than sign */ 0x003d, /* 0x3D equal: equals sign */ 0x003e, /* 0x3E greater: greater-than sign */ 0x11f9, /* 0x3F question: jongseong yeorinhieuh */ 0x0040, /* 0x40 at: commercial at */ 0x1107, /* 0x41 A: choseong pieup */ 0x11f0, /* 0x42 B: jongseong yesieung */ 0x11b8, /* 0x43 C: jongseong pieup */ 0x1103, /* 0x44 D: choseong tikeut */ 0x1102, /* 0x45 E: choseong nieun */ 0x1100, /* 0x46 F: choseong kiyeok */ 0x114c, /* 0x47 G: choseong yesieung */ 0x1165, /* 0x48 H: jungseong eo */ 0x002f, /* 0x49 I: slash */ 0x119e, /* 0x4A J: jungseong araea */ 0x1175, /* 0x4B K: jungseong i */ 0x1169, /* 0x4C L: jungseong o */ 0x11ab, /* 0x4D M: jongseong nienu */ 0x11eb, /* 0x4E N: jongseung pansios */ 0x005b, /* 0x4F O: left bracket */ 0x005d, /* 0x50 P: right bracket */ 0x1106, /* 0x51 Q: choseong mieum */ 0x1105, /* 0x52 R: choseong rieul */ 0x110c, /* 0x53 S: choseong cieuc */ 0x1159, /* 0x54 T: choseong yeorinhieuh */ 0x0027, /* 0x55 U: apostrophe */ 0x11a8, /* 0x56 V: jongseong kiyeok */ 0x1140, /* 0x57 W: choseong pansios */ 0x11ae, /* 0x58 X: jongseong tikeut */ 0x003b, /* 0x59 Y: semicolon */ 0x11bd, /* 0x5A Z: jongseong cieuc */ 0x002c, /* 0x5B bracketleft: comma */ 0x005c, /* 0x5C backslash: backslash */ 0x003f, /* 0x5D bracketright: qustion mark */ 0x005e, /* 0x5E asciicircum: circumflex accent */ 0x005f, /* 0x5F underscore: underscore */ 0x0060, /* 0x60 quoteleft: grave accent */ 0x1107, /* 0x61 a: choseong pieup */ 0x11bc, /* 0x62 b: jongseong ieung */ 0x11b8, /* 0x63 c: jongseong pieup */ 0x1103, /* 0x64 d: choseong tikeut */ 0x1102, /* 0x65 e: choseong nieun */ 0x1100, /* 0x66 f: choseong kiyeok */ 0x110b, /* 0x67 g: choseong ieung */ 0x1165, /* 0x68 h: jungseong eo */ 0x1173, /* 0x69 i: jungseong eu */ 0x1161, /* 0x6A j: jungseong a */ 0x1175, /* 0x6B k: jungseong i */ 0x1169, /* 0x6C l: jungseong o */ 0x11ab, /* 0x6D m: jongseong nieun */ 0x11ba, /* 0x6E n: jongseong sios */ 0x116d, /* 0x6F o: jungseong yo */ 0x1172, /* 0x70 p: jungseong yu */ 0x1106, /* 0x71 q: choseong mieum */ 0x1105, /* 0x72 r: choseong rieul */ 0x110c, /* 0x73 s: choseong cieuc */ 0x1112, /* 0x74 t: choseong hieuh */ 0x1163, /* 0x75 u: jungseong ya */ 0x11a8, /* 0x76 v: jongseong kiyok */ 0x1109, /* 0x77 w: choseong sios */ 0x11ae, /* 0x78 x: jongseong tikeut */ 0x1167, /* 0x79 y: jungseong yeo */ 0x11bd, /* 0x7A z: jongseong cieuc */ 0x007b, /* 0x7B braceleft: left brace */ 0x007c, /* 0x7C bar: vertical bar */ 0x007d, /* 0x7D braceright: right brace */ 0x007e, /* 0x7E asciitilde: tilde */ 0x0000 /* 0x7F delete */ }; static const HangulCombinationItem hangul_combination_table_default[] = { { 0x11001100, 0x1101 }, /* choseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11001109, 0x11aa }, /* choseong kiyeok + sios = kiyeok-sios(jong) */ { 0x1102110c, 0x11ac }, /* choseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc(jong) */ { 0x11021112, 0x11ad }, /* choseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh(jong) */ { 0x11031103, 0x1104 }, /* choseong tikeut + tikeut = ssangtikeut */ { 0x11051100, 0x11b0 }, /* choseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok(jong) */ { 0x11051106, 0x11b1 }, /* choseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum(jong) */ { 0x11051107, 0x11b2 }, /* choseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup(jong) */ { 0x11051109, 0x11b3 }, /* choseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios(jong) */ { 0x11051110, 0x11b4 }, /* choseong rieul + thieuth = rieul-thieuth(jong) */ { 0x11051111, 0x11b5 }, /* choseong rieul + phieuph = rieul-phieuph(jong) */ { 0x11051112, 0x11b6 }, /* choseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh(jong) */ { 0x11071107, 0x1108 }, /* choseong pieup + pieup = ssangpieup */ { 0x11071109, 0x11b9 }, /* choseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios(jong) */ { 0x11091109, 0x110a }, /* choseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x110c110c, 0x110d }, /* choseong cieuc + cieuc = ssangcieuc */ { 0x11691161, 0x116a }, /* jungseong o + a = wa */ { 0x11691162, 0x116b }, /* jungseong o + ae = wae */ { 0x11691175, 0x116c }, /* jungseong o + i = oe */ { 0x116e1165, 0x116f }, /* jungseong u + eo = weo */ { 0x116e1166, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong u + e = we */ { 0x116e1175, 0x1171 }, /* jungseong u + i = wi */ { 0x11731175, 0x1174 }, /* jungseong eu + i = yi */ { 0x11a811a8, 0x11a9 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangekiyeok */ { 0x11a811ba, 0x11aa }, /* jongseong kiyeok + sios = kiyeok-sois */ { 0x11ab11bd, 0x11ac }, /* jongseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11ab11c2, 0x11ad }, /* jongseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11af11a8, 0x11b0 }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11af11b7, 0x11b1 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11af11b8, 0x11b2 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11af11ba, 0x11b3 }, /* jongseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios */ { 0x11af11c0, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong rieul + thieuth = rieul-thieuth */ { 0x11af11c1, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong rieul + phieuph = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11af11c2, 0x11b6 }, /* jongseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x11b811ba, 0x11b9 }, /* jongseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios */ { 0x11ba11ba, 0x11bb }, /* jongseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ }; static const HangulCombinationItem hangul_combination_table_romaja[] = { { 0x11001100, 0x1101 }, /* choseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11031103, 0x1104 }, /* choseong tikeut + tikeut = ssangtikeut */ { 0x11071107, 0x1108 }, /* choseong pieup + pieup = ssangpieup */ { 0x11091109, 0x110a }, /* choseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x110c110c, 0x110d }, /* choseong cieuc + cieuc = ssangcieuc */ { 0x110e1112, 0x110e }, /* choseong chieuch+ hieuh = chieuch */ { 0x11611166, 0x1162 }, /* jungseong a + e = ae */ { 0x11611175, 0x1162 }, /* jungseong a + i = ae */ { 0x11631166, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong ya + e = yae */ { 0x11631175, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong ya + i = yae */ { 0x11661169, 0x1165 }, /* jungseong e + o = eo */ { 0x1166116e, 0x1173 }, /* jungseong e + u = eu */ { 0x11681169, 0x1167 }, /* jungseong ye + o = yeo */ { 0x11691161, 0x116a }, /* jungseong o + a = wa */ { 0x11691162, 0x116b }, /* jungseong o + ae = wae */ { 0x11691175, 0x116c }, /* jungseong o + i = oe */ { 0x116a1166, 0x116b }, /* jungseong wa + e = wae */ { 0x116a1175, 0x116b }, /* jungseong wa + i = wae */ { 0x116e1161, 0x116a }, /* jungseong u + a = wa */ { 0x116e1165, 0x116f }, /* jungseong u + eo = weo */ { 0x116e1166, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong u + e = we */ { 0x116e1169, 0x116f }, /* jungseong u + o = weo */ { 0x116e1175, 0x1171 }, /* jungseong u + i = wi */ { 0x11701169, 0x116f }, /* jungseong we + o = weo */ { 0x11731175, 0x1174 }, /* jungseong eu + i = yi */ { 0x11751161, 0x1163 }, /* jungseong i + a = ya */ { 0x11751162, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong i + ae = yae */ { 0x11751165, 0x1167 }, /* jungseong i + eo = yeo */ { 0x11751166, 0x1168 }, /* jungseong i + e = ye */ { 0x11751169, 0x116d }, /* jungseong i + o = yo */ { 0x1175116e, 0x1172 }, /* jungseong i + u = yu */ { 0x11a811a8, 0x11a9 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangekiyeok */ { 0x11a811ba, 0x11aa }, /* jongseong kiyeok + sios = kiyeok-sois */ { 0x11ab11a8, 0x11bc }, /* jongseong nieun + kiyeok = ieung */ { 0x11ab11bd, 0x11ac }, /* jongseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11ab11c2, 0x11ad }, /* jongseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11af11a8, 0x11b0 }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11af11b7, 0x11b1 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11af11b8, 0x11b2 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11af11ba, 0x11b3 }, /* jongseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios */ { 0x11af11c0, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong rieul + thieuth = rieul-thieuth */ { 0x11af11c1, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong rieul + phieuph = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11af11c2, 0x11b6 }, /* jongseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x11b811ba, 0x11b9 }, /* jongseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios */ { 0x11ba11ba, 0x11bb }, /* jongseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ }; static const HangulCombinationItem hangul_combination_table_full[] = { { 0x11001100, 0x1101 }, /* choseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11001103, 0x115a }, /* choseong kiyeok + tikeut = kiyeok-tikeut */ { 0x11021100, 0x1113 }, /* choseong nieun + kiyeok = nieun-kiyeok */ { 0x11021102, 0x1114 }, /* choseong nieun + nieun = ssangnieun */ { 0x11021103, 0x1115 }, /* choseong nieun + tikeut = nieun-tikeut */ { 0x11021107, 0x1116 }, /* choseong nieun + pieup = nieun-pieup */ { 0x11021109, 0x115b }, /* choseong nieun + sios = nieun-sios */ { 0x1102110c, 0x115c }, /* choseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11021112, 0x115d }, /* choseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11031100, 0x1117 }, /* choseong tikeut + kiyeok = tikeut-kiyeok */ { 0x11031103, 0x1104 }, /* choseong tikeut + tikeut = ssangtikeut */ { 0x11031105, 0x115e }, /* choseong tikeut + rieul = tikeut-rieul */ { 0x11031106, 0xa960 }, /* choseong tikeut + mieum = tikeut-mieum */ { 0x11031107, 0xa961 }, /* choseong tikeut + pieup = tikeut-pieup */ { 0x11031109, 0xa962 }, /* choseong tikeut + sios = tikeut-sios */ { 0x1103110c, 0xa963 }, /* choseong tikeut + cieuc = tikeut-cieuc */ { 0x11051100, 0xa964 }, /* choseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11051101, 0xa965 }, /* choseong rieul + ssangkiyeok = rieul-ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11051102, 0x1118 }, /* choseong rieul + nieun = rieul-nieun */ { 0x11051103, 0xa966 }, /* choseong rieul + tikeut = rieul-tikeut */ { 0x11051104, 0xa967 }, /* choseong rieul + ssangtikeut = rieul-ssangtikeut */ { 0x11051105, 0x1119 }, /* choseong rieul + rieul = ssangrieul */ { 0x11051106, 0xa968 }, /* choseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11051107, 0xa969 }, /* choseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11051108, 0xa96a }, /* choseong rieul + ssangpieup = rieul-ssangpieup */ { 0x11051109, 0xa96c }, /* choseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios */ { 0x1105110b, 0x111b }, /* choseong rieul + ieung = kapyeounrieul */ { 0x1105110c, 0xa96d }, /* choseong rieul + cieuc = rieul-cieuc */ { 0x1105110f, 0xa96e }, /* choseong rieul + khieukh = rieul-khieukh */ { 0x11051112, 0x111a }, /* choseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x1105112b, 0xa96b }, /* choseong rieul + kapyeounpieup = rieul-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11061100, 0xa96f }, /* choseong mieum + kiyeok = mieum-kiyeok */ { 0x11061103, 0xa970 }, /* choseong mieum + tikeut = mieum-tikeut */ { 0x11061107, 0x111c }, /* choseong mieum + pieup = mieum-pieup */ { 0x11061109, 0xa971 }, /* choseong mieum + sios = mieum-sios */ { 0x1106110b, 0x111d }, /* choseong mieum + ieung = kapyeounmieum */ { 0x11071100, 0x111e }, /* choseong pieup + kiyeok = pieup-kiyeok */ { 0x11071102, 0x111f }, /* choseong pieup + nieun = pieup-nieun */ { 0x11071103, 0x1120 }, /* choseong pieup + tikeut = pieup-tikeut */ { 0x11071107, 0x1108 }, /* choseong pieup + pieup = ssangpieup */ { 0x11071109, 0x1121 }, /* choseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios */ { 0x1107110a, 0x1125 }, /* choseong pieup + ssangsios = pieup-ssangsios */ { 0x1107110b, 0x112b }, /* choseong pieup + ieung = kapyeounpieup */ { 0x1107110c, 0x1127 }, /* choseong pieup + cieuc = pieup-cieuc */ { 0x1107110e, 0x1128 }, /* choseong pieup + chieuch = pieup-chieuch */ { 0x1107110f, 0xa973 }, /* choseong pieup + khieukh = pieup-khieukh */ { 0x11071110, 0x1129 }, /* choseong pieup + thieuth = pieup-thieuth */ { 0x11071111, 0x112a }, /* choseong pieup + phieuph = pieup-phieuph */ { 0x11071112, 0xa974 }, /* choseong pieup + hieuh = pieup-hieuh */ { 0x1107112b, 0x112c }, /* choseong pieup + kapyeounpieup = kapyeounssangpieup */ { 0x1107112d, 0x1122 }, /* choseong pieup + sios-kiyeok = pieup-sios-kiyeok */ { 0x1107112f, 0x1123 }, /* choseong pieup + sios-tikeut = pieup-sios-tikeut */ { 0x11071132, 0x1124 }, /* choseong pieup + sios-pieup = pieup-sios-pieup */ { 0x11071136, 0x1126 }, /* choseong pieup + sios-cieuc = pieup-sios-cieuc */ { 0x11071139, 0xa972 }, /* choseong pieup + sios-thieuth = pieup-sios-thieuth */ { 0x1108110b, 0x112c }, /* choseong ssangpieup + ieung = kapyeounssangpieup */ { 0x11091100, 0x112d }, /* choseong sios + kiyeok = sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11091102, 0x112e }, /* choseong sios + nieun = sios-nieun */ { 0x11091103, 0x112f }, /* choseong sios + tikeut = sios-tikeut */ { 0x11091105, 0x1130 }, /* choseong sios + rieul = sios-rieul */ { 0x11091106, 0x1131 }, /* choseong sios + mieum = sios-mieum */ { 0x11091107, 0x1132 }, /* choseong sios + pieup = sios-pieup */ { 0x11091109, 0x110a }, /* choseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x1109110a, 0x1134 }, /* choseong sios + ssangsios = sios-ssangsios */ { 0x1109110b, 0x1135 }, /* choseong sios + ieung = sios-ieung */ { 0x1109110c, 0x1136 }, /* choseong sios + cieuc = sios-cieuc */ { 0x1109110e, 0x1137 }, /* choseong sios + chieuch = sios-chieuch */ { 0x1109110f, 0x1138 }, /* choseong sios + khieukh = sios-khieukh */ { 0x11091110, 0x1139 }, /* choseong sios + thieuth = sios-thieuth */ { 0x11091111, 0x113a }, /* choseong sios + phieuph = sios-phieuph */ { 0x11091112, 0x113b }, /* choseong sios + hieuh = sios-hieuh */ { 0x1109111e, 0x1133 }, /* choseong sios + pieup-kiyeok = sios-pieup-kiyeok */ { 0x11091132, 0xa975 }, /* choseong sios + sios-pieup = ssangsios-pieup */ { 0x110a1107, 0xa975 }, /* choseong ssangsios + pieup = ssangsios-pieup */ { 0x110a1109, 0x1134 }, /* choseong ssangsios + sios = sios-ssangsios */ { 0x110b1100, 0x1141 }, /* choseong ieung + kiyeok = ieung-kiyeok */ { 0x110b1103, 0x1142 }, /* choseong ieung + tikeut = ieung-tikeut */ { 0x110b1105, 0xa976 }, /* choseong ieung + rieul = ieung-rieul */ { 0x110b1106, 0x1143 }, /* choseong ieung + mieum = ieung-mieum */ { 0x110b1107, 0x1144 }, /* choseong ieung + pieup = ieung-pieup */ { 0x110b1109, 0x1145 }, /* choseong ieung + sios = ieung-sios */ { 0x110b110b, 0x1147 }, /* choseong ieung + ieung = ssangieung */ { 0x110b110c, 0x1148 }, /* choseong ieung + cieuc = ieung-cieuc */ { 0x110b110e, 0x1149 }, /* choseong ieung + chieuch = ieung-chieuch */ { 0x110b1110, 0x114a }, /* choseong ieung + thieuth = ieung-thieuth */ { 0x110b1111, 0x114b }, /* choseong ieung + phieuph = ieung-phieuph */ { 0x110b1112, 0xa977 }, /* choseong ieung + hieuh = ieung-hieuh */ { 0x110b1140, 0x1146 }, /* choseong ieung + pansios = ieung-pansios */ { 0x110c110b, 0x114d }, /* choseong cieuc + ieung = cieuc-ieung */ { 0x110c110c, 0x110d }, /* choseong cieuc + cieuc = ssangcieuc */ { 0x110d1112, 0xa978 }, /* choseong ssangcieuc + hieuh = ssangcieuc-hieuh */ { 0x110e110f, 0x1152 }, /* choseong chieuch + khieukh = chieuch-khieukh */ { 0x110e1112, 0x1153 }, /* choseong chieuch + hieuh = chieuch-hieuh */ { 0x11101110, 0xa979 }, /* choseong thieuth + thieuth = ssangthieuth */ { 0x11111107, 0x1156 }, /* choseong phieuph + pieup = phieuph-pieup */ { 0x1111110b, 0x1157 }, /* choseong phieuph + ieung = kapyeounphieuph */ { 0x11111112, 0xa97a }, /* choseong phieuph + hieuh = phieuph-hieuh */ { 0x11121109, 0xa97b }, /* choseong hieuh + sios = hieuh-sios */ { 0x11121112, 0x1158 }, /* choseong hieuh + hieuh = ssanghieuh */ { 0x11211100, 0x1122 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + kiyeok = pieup-sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11211103, 0x1123 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + tikeut = pieup-sios-tikeut */ { 0x11211107, 0x1124 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + pieup = pieup-sios-pieup */ { 0x11211109, 0x1125 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + sios = pieup-ssangsios */ { 0x1121110c, 0x1126 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + cieuc = pieup-sios-cieuc */ { 0x11211110, 0xa972 }, /* choseong pieup-sios + thieuth = pieup-sios-thieuth */ { 0x11321100, 0x1133 }, /* choseong sios-pieup + kiyeok = sios-pieup-kiyeok */ { 0x113c113c, 0x113d }, /* choseong chitueumsios + chitueumsios = chitueumssangsios */ { 0x113e113e, 0x113f }, /* choseong ceongchieumsios + ceongchieumsios = ceongchieumssangsios */ { 0x114e114e, 0x114f }, /* choseong chitueumcieuc + chitueumcieuc = chitueumssangcieuc */ { 0x11501150, 0x1151 }, /* choseong ceongchieumcieuc + ceongchieumcieuc = ceongchieumssangcieuc */ { 0x11591159, 0xa97c }, /* choseong yeorinhieuh + yeorinhieuh = ssangyeorinhieuh */ { 0x11611161, 0x119e }, /* jungseong a + a = arae-a */ { 0x11611169, 0x1176 }, /* jungseong a + o = a-o */ { 0x1161116e, 0x1177 }, /* jungseong a + u = a-u */ { 0x11611173, 0x11a3 }, /* jungseong a + eu = a-eu */ { 0x11611175, 0x1162 }, /* jungseong a + i = ae */ { 0x11631169, 0x1178 }, /* jungseong ya + o = ya-o */ { 0x1163116d, 0x1179 }, /* jungseong ya + yo = ya-yo */ { 0x1163116e, 0x11a4 }, /* jungseong ya + u = ya-u */ { 0x11631175, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong ya + i = yae */ { 0x11651169, 0x117a }, /* jungseong eo + o = eo-o */ { 0x1165116e, 0x117b }, /* jungseong eo + u = eo-u */ { 0x11651173, 0x117c }, /* jungseong eo + eu = eo-eu */ { 0x11651175, 0x1166 }, /* jungseong eo + i = e */ { 0x11671163, 0x11a5 }, /* jungseong yeo + ya = yeo-ya */ { 0x11671169, 0x117d }, /* jungseong yeo + o = yeo-o */ { 0x1167116e, 0x117e }, /* jungseong yeo + u = yeo-u */ { 0x11671175, 0x1168 }, /* jungseong yeo + i = ye */ { 0x11691161, 0x116a }, /* jungseong o + a = wa */ { 0x11691162, 0x116b }, /* jungseong o + ae = wae */ { 0x11691163, 0x11a6 }, /* jungseong o + ya = o-ya */ { 0x11691164, 0x11a7 }, /* jungseong o + yae = o-yae */ { 0x11691165, 0x117f }, /* jungseong o + eo = o-eo */ { 0x11691166, 0x1180 }, /* jungseong o + e = o-e */ { 0x11691167, 0xd7b0 }, /* jungseong o + yeo = o-yeo */ { 0x11691168, 0x1181 }, /* jungseong o + ye = o-ye */ { 0x11691169, 0x1182 }, /* jungseong o + o = o-o */ { 0x1169116e, 0x1183 }, /* jungseong o + u = o-u */ { 0x11691175, 0x116c }, /* jungseong o + i = oe */ { 0x116a1175, 0x116b }, /* jungseong wa + i = wae */ { 0x116d1161, 0xd7b2 }, /* jungseong yo + a = yo-a */ { 0x116d1162, 0xd7b3 }, /* jungseong yo + ae = yo-ae */ { 0x116d1163, 0x1184 }, /* jungseong yo + ya = yo-ya */ { 0x116d1164, 0x1185 }, /* jungseong yo + yae = yo-yae */ { 0x116d1165, 0xd7b4 }, /* jungseong yo + eo = yo-eo */ { 0x116d1167, 0x1186 }, /* jungseong yo + yeo = yo-yeo */ { 0x116d1169, 0x1187 }, /* jungseong yo + o = yo-o */ { 0x116d1175, 0x1188 }, /* jungseong yo + i = yo-i */ { 0x116e1161, 0x1189 }, /* jungseong u + a = u-a */ { 0x116e1162, 0x118a }, /* jungseong u + ae = u-ae */ { 0x116e1165, 0x116f }, /* jungseong u + eo = weo */ { 0x116e1166, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong u + e = we */ { 0x116e1167, 0xd7b5 }, /* jungseong u + yeo = u-yeo */ { 0x116e1168, 0x118c }, /* jungseong u + ye = u-ye */ { 0x116e116e, 0x118d }, /* jungseong u + u = u-u */ { 0x116e1175, 0x1171 }, /* jungseong u + i = wi */ { 0x116e117c, 0x118b }, /* jungseong u + eo-eu = u-eo-eu */ { 0x116ed7c4, 0xd7b6 }, /* jungseong u + i-i = u-i-i */ { 0x116f1173, 0x118b }, /* jungseong weo + eu = u-eo-eu */ { 0x116f1175, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong weo + i = we */ { 0x11711175, 0xd7b6 }, /* jungseong wi + i = u-i-i */ { 0x11721161, 0x118e }, /* jungseong yu + a = yu-a */ { 0x11721162, 0xd7b7 }, /* jungseong yu + ae = yu-ae */ { 0x11721165, 0x118f }, /* jungseong yu + eo = yu-eo */ { 0x11721166, 0x1190 }, /* jungseong yu + e = yu-e */ { 0x11721167, 0x1191 }, /* jungseong yu + yeo = yu-yeo */ { 0x11721168, 0x1192 }, /* jungseong yu + ye = yu-ye */ { 0x11721169, 0xd7b8 }, /* jungseong yu + o = yu-o */ { 0x1172116e, 0x1193 }, /* jungseong yu + u = yu-u */ { 0x11721175, 0x1194 }, /* jungseong yu + i = yu-i */ { 0x11731161, 0xd7b9 }, /* jungseong eu + a = eu-a */ { 0x11731165, 0xd7ba }, /* jungseong eu + eo = eu-eo */ { 0x11731166, 0xd7bb }, /* jungseong eu + e = eu-e */ { 0x11731169, 0xd7bc }, /* jungseong eu + o = eu-o */ { 0x1173116e, 0x1195 }, /* jungseong eu + u = eu-u */ { 0x11731173, 0x1196 }, /* jungseong eu + eu = eu-eu */ { 0x11731175, 0x1174 }, /* jungseong eu + i = yi */ { 0x1174116e, 0x1197 }, /* jungseong yi + u = yi-u */ { 0x11751161, 0x1198 }, /* jungseong i + a = i-a */ { 0x11751163, 0x1199 }, /* jungseong i + ya = i-ya */ { 0x11751164, 0xd7be }, /* jungseong i + yae = i-yae */ { 0x11751167, 0xd7bf }, /* jungseong i + yeo = i-yeo */ { 0x11751168, 0xd7c0 }, /* jungseong i + ye = i-ye */ { 0x11751169, 0x119a }, /* jungseong i + o = i-o */ { 0x1175116d, 0xd7c2 }, /* jungseong i + yo = i-yo */ { 0x1175116e, 0x119b }, /* jungseong i + u = i-u */ { 0x11751172, 0xd7c3 }, /* jungseong i + yu = i-yu */ { 0x11751173, 0x119c }, /* jungseong i + eu = i-eu */ { 0x11751175, 0xd7c4 }, /* jungseong i + i = i-i */ { 0x11751178, 0xd7bd }, /* jungseong i + ya-o = i-ya-o */ { 0x1175119e, 0x119d }, /* jungseong i + araea = i-araea */ { 0x11821175, 0xd7b1 }, /* jungseong o-o + i = o-o-i */ { 0x11991169, 0xd7bd }, /* jungseong i-ya + o = i-ya-o */ { 0x119a1175, 0xd7c1 }, /* jungseong i-o + i = i-o-i */ { 0x119e1161, 0xd7c5 }, /* jungseong araea + a = araea-a */ { 0x119e1165, 0x119f }, /* jungseong araea + eo = araea-eo */ { 0x119e1166, 0xd7c6 }, /* jungseong araea + e = araea-e */ { 0x119e116e, 0x11a0 }, /* jungseong araea + u = araea-u */ { 0x119e1175, 0x11a1 }, /* jungseong araea + i = araea-i */ { 0x119e119e, 0x11a2 }, /* jungseong araea + araea = ssangaraea */ { 0x11a811a8, 0x11a9 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11a811ab, 0x11fa }, /* jongseong kiyeok + nieun = kiyeok-nieun */ { 0x11a811af, 0x11c3 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + rieul = kiyeok-rieul */ { 0x11a811b8, 0x11fb }, /* jongseong kiyeok + pieup = kiyeok-pieup */ { 0x11a811ba, 0x11aa }, /* jongseong kiyeok + sios = kiyeok-sios */ { 0x11a811be, 0x11fc }, /* jongseong kiyeok + chieuch = kiyeok-chieuch */ { 0x11a811bf, 0x11fd }, /* jongseong kiyeok + khieukh = kiyeok-khieukh */ { 0x11a811c2, 0x11fe }, /* jongseong kiyeok + hieuh = kiyeok-hieuh */ { 0x11a811e7, 0x11c4 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + sios-kiyeok = kiyeok-sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11aa11a8, 0x11c4 }, /* jongseong kiyeok-sios + kiyeok = kiyeok-sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11ab11a8, 0x11c5 }, /* jongseong nieun + kiyeok = nieun-kiyeok */ { 0x11ab11ab, 0x11ff }, /* jongseong nieun + nieun = ssangnieun */ { 0x11ab11ae, 0x11c6 }, /* jongseong nieun + tikeut = nieun-tikeut */ { 0x11ab11af, 0xd7cb }, /* jongseong nieun + rieul = nieun-rieul */ { 0x11ab11ba, 0x11c7 }, /* jongseong nieun + sios = nieun-sios */ { 0x11ab11bd, 0x11ac }, /* jongseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11ab11be, 0xd7cc }, /* jongseong nieun + chieuch = nieun-chieuch */ { 0x11ab11c0, 0x11c9 }, /* jongseong nieun + thieuth = nieun-thieuth */ { 0x11ab11c2, 0x11ad }, /* jongseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11ab11eb, 0x11c8 }, /* jongseong nieun + pansios = nieun-pansios */ { 0x11ae11a8, 0x11ca }, /* jongseong tikeut + kiyeok = tikeut-kiyeok */ { 0x11ae11ae, 0xd7cd }, /* jongseong tikeut + tikeut = ssangtikeut */ { 0x11ae11af, 0x11cb }, /* jongseong tikeut + rieul = tikeut-rieul */ { 0x11ae11b8, 0xd7cf }, /* jongseong tikeut + pieup = tikeut-pieup */ { 0x11ae11ba, 0xd7d0 }, /* jongseong tikeut + sios = tikeut-sios */ { 0x11ae11bd, 0xd7d2 }, /* jongseong tikeut + cieuc = tikeut-cieuc */ { 0x11ae11be, 0xd7d3 }, /* jongseong tikeut + chieuch = tikeut-chieuch */ { 0x11ae11c0, 0xd7d4 }, /* jongseong tikeut + thieuth = tikeut-thieuth */ { 0x11ae11e7, 0xd7d1 }, /* jongseong tikeut + sios-kiyeok = tikeut-sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11aed7cf, 0xd7ce }, /* jongseong tikeut + tikeut-pieup = ssangtikeut-pieup */ { 0x11af11a8, 0x11b0 }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11af11a9, 0xd7d5 }, /* jongseong rieul + ssangkiyeok = rieul-ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11af11aa, 0x11cc }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok-sios = rieul-kiyeok-sios */ { 0x11af11ab, 0x11cd }, /* jongseong rieul + nieun = rieul-nieun */ { 0x11af11ae, 0x11ce }, /* jongseong rieul + tikeut = rieul-tikeut */ { 0x11af11af, 0x11d0 }, /* jongseong rieul + rieul = ssangrieul */ { 0x11af11b7, 0x11b1 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11af11b8, 0x11b2 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11af11b9, 0x11d3 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup-sios = rieul-pieup-sios */ { 0x11af11ba, 0x11b3 }, /* jongseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios */ { 0x11af11bb, 0x11d6 }, /* jongseong rieul + ssangsios = rieul-ssangsios */ { 0x11af11bc, 0xd7dd }, /* jongseong rieul + ieung = kapyeounrieul */ { 0x11af11bf, 0x11d8 }, /* jongseong rieul + khieukh = rieul-khieukh */ { 0x11af11c0, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong rieul + thieuth = rieul-thieuth */ { 0x11af11c1, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong rieul + phieuph = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11af11c2, 0x11b6 }, /* jongseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x11af11d8, 0xd7d7 }, /* jongseong rieul + rieul-khieukh = ssangrieul-khieukh */ { 0x11af11da, 0x11d1 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum-kiyeok = rieul-mieum-kiyeok */ { 0x11af11dd, 0x11d2 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum-sios = rieul-mieum-sios */ { 0x11af11e1, 0xd7d8 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum-hieuh = rieul-mieum-hieuh */ { 0x11af11e4, 0xd7da }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup-phieuph = rieul-pieup-phieuph */ { 0x11af11e5, 0x11d4 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup-hieuh = rieul-pieup-hieuh */ { 0x11af11e6, 0x11d5 }, /* jongseong rieul + kapyeounpieup = rieul-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11af11eb, 0x11d7 }, /* jongseong rieul + pansios = rieul-pansios */ { 0x11af11f0, 0xd7db }, /* jongseong rieul + yesieung = rieul-yesieung */ { 0x11af11f9, 0x11d9 }, /* jongseong rieul + yeorinhieuh = rieul-yeorinhieuh */ { 0x11af11fe, 0xd7d6 }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok-hieuh = rieul-kiyeok-hieuh */ { 0x11afd7e3, 0xd7d9 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup-tikeut = rieul-pieup-tikeut */ { 0x11b011a8, 0xd7d5 }, /* jongseong rieul-kiyeok + kiyeok = rieul-ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11b011ba, 0x11cc }, /* jongseong rieul-kiyeok + sios = rieul-kiyeok-sios */ { 0x11b011c2, 0xd7d6 }, /* jongseong rieul-kiyeok + hieuh = rieul-kiyeok-hieuh */ { 0x11b111a8, 0x11d1 }, /* jongseong rieul-mieum + kiyeok = rieul-mieum-kiyeok */ { 0x11b111ba, 0x11d2 }, /* jongseong rieul-mieum + sios = rieul-mieum-sios */ { 0x11b111c2, 0xd7d8 }, /* jongseong rieul-mieum + hieuh = rieul-mieum-hieuh */ { 0x11b211ae, 0xd7d9 }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + tikeut = rieul-pieup-tikeut */ { 0x11b211ba, 0x11d3 }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + sios = rieul-pieup-sios */ { 0x11b211bc, 0x11d5 }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + ieung = rieul-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11b211c1, 0xd7da }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + phieuph = rieul-pieup-phieuph */ { 0x11b211c2, 0x11d4 }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + hieuh = rieul-pieup-hieuh */ { 0x11b311ba, 0x11d6 }, /* jongseong rieul-sios + sios = rieul-ssangsios */ { 0x11b711a8, 0x11da }, /* jongseong mieum + kiyeok = mieum-kiyeok */ { 0x11b711ab, 0xd7de }, /* jongseong mieum + nieun = mieum-nieun */ { 0x11b711af, 0x11db }, /* jongseong mieum + rieul = mieum-rieul */ { 0x11b711b7, 0xd7e0 }, /* jongseong mieum + mieum = ssangmieum */ { 0x11b711b8, 0x11dc }, /* jongseong mieum + pieup = mieum-pieup */ { 0x11b711b9, 0xd7e1 }, /* jongseong mieum + pieup-sios = mieum-pieup-sios */ { 0x11b711ba, 0x11dd }, /* jongseong mieum + sios = mieum-sios */ { 0x11b711bb, 0x11de }, /* jongseong mieum + ssangsios = mieum-ssangsios */ { 0x11b711bc, 0x11e2 }, /* jongseong mieum + ieung = kapyeounmieum */ { 0x11b711bd, 0xd7e2 }, /* jongseong mieum + cieuc = mieum-cieuc */ { 0x11b711be, 0x11e0 }, /* jongseong mieum + chieuch = mieum-chieuch */ { 0x11b711c2, 0x11e1 }, /* jongseong mieum + hieuh = mieum-hieuh */ { 0x11b711eb, 0x11df }, /* jongseong mieum + pansios = mieum-pansios */ { 0x11b711ff, 0xd7df }, /* jongseong mieum + ssangnieun = mieum-ssangnieun */ { 0x11b811ae, 0xd7e3 }, /* jongseong pieup + tikeut = pieup-tikeut */ { 0x11b811af, 0x11e3 }, /* jongseong pieup + rieul = pieup-rieul */ { 0x11b811b5, 0xd7e4 }, /* jongseong pieup + rieul-phieuph = pieup-rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11b811b7, 0xd7e5 }, /* jongseong pieup + mieum = pieup-mieum */ { 0x11b811b8, 0xd7e6 }, /* jongseong pieup + pieup = ssangpieup */ { 0x11b811ba, 0x11b9 }, /* jongseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios */ { 0x11b811bc, 0x11e6 }, /* jongseong pieup + ieung = kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11b811bd, 0xd7e8 }, /* jongseong pieup + cieuc = pieup-cieuc */ { 0x11b811be, 0xd7e9 }, /* jongseong pieup + chieuch = pieup-chieuch */ { 0x11b811c1, 0x11e4 }, /* jongseong pieup + phieuph = pieup-phieuph */ { 0x11b811c2, 0x11e5 }, /* jongseong pieup + hieuh = pieup-hieuh */ { 0x11b811e8, 0xd7e7 }, /* jongseong pieup + sios-tikeut = pieup-sios-tikeut */ { 0x11b911ae, 0xd7e7 }, /* jongseong pieup-sios + tikeut = pieup-sios-tikeut */ { 0x11ba11a8, 0x11e7 }, /* jongseong sios + kiyeok = sios-kiyeok */ { 0x11ba11ae, 0x11e8 }, /* jongseong sios + tikeut = sios-tikeut */ { 0x11ba11af, 0x11e9 }, /* jongseong sios + rieul = sios-rieul */ { 0x11ba11b7, 0xd7ea }, /* jongseong sios + mieum = sios-mieum */ { 0x11ba11b8, 0x11ea }, /* jongseong sios + pieup = sios-pieup */ { 0x11ba11ba, 0x11bb }, /* jongseong sios + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x11ba11bd, 0xd7ef }, /* jongseong sios + cieuc = sios-cieuc */ { 0x11ba11be, 0xd7f0 }, /* jongseong sios + chieuch = sios-chieuch */ { 0x11ba11c0, 0xd7f1 }, /* jongseong sios + thieuth = sios-thieuth */ { 0x11ba11c2, 0xd7f2 }, /* jongseong sios + hieuh = sios-hieuh */ { 0x11ba11e6, 0xd7eb }, /* jongseong sios + kapyeounpieup = sios-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11ba11e7, 0xd7ec }, /* jongseong sios + sios-kiyeok = ssangsios-kiyeok */ { 0x11ba11e8, 0xd7ed }, /* jongseong sios + sios-tikeut = ssangsios-tikeut */ { 0x11ba11eb, 0xd7ee }, /* jongseong sios + pansios = sios-pansios */ { 0x11bb11a8, 0xd7ec }, /* jongseong ssangsios + kiyeok = ssangsios-kiyeok */ { 0x11bb11ae, 0xd7ed }, /* jongseong ssangsios + tikeut = ssangsios-tikeut */ { 0x11bd11b8, 0xd7f7 }, /* jongseong cieuc + pieup = cieuc-pieup */ { 0x11bd11bd, 0xd7f9 }, /* jongseong cieuc + cieuc = ssangcieuc */ { 0x11bdd7e6, 0xd7f8 }, /* jongseong cieuc + ssangpieup = cieuc-ssangpieup */ { 0x11c111b8, 0x11f3 }, /* jongseong phieuph + pieup = phieuph-pieup */ { 0x11c111ba, 0xd7fa }, /* jongseong phieuph + sios = phieuph-sios */ { 0x11c111bc, 0x11f4 }, /* jongseong phieuph + ieung = kapyeounphieuph */ { 0x11c111c0, 0xd7fb }, /* jongseong phieuph + thieuth = phieuph-thieuth */ { 0x11c211ab, 0x11f5 }, /* jongseong hieuh + nieun = hieuh-nieun */ { 0x11c211af, 0x11f6 }, /* jongseong hieuh + rieul = hieuh-rieul */ { 0x11c211b7, 0x11f7 }, /* jongseong hieuh + mieum = hieuh-mieum */ { 0x11c211b8, 0x11f8 }, /* jongseong hieuh + pieup = hieuh-pieup */ { 0x11ce11c2, 0x11cf }, /* jongseong rieul-tikeut + hieuh = rieul-tikeut-hieuh */ { 0x11d011bf, 0xd7d7 }, /* jongseong ssangrieul + khieukh = ssangrieul-khieukh */ { 0x11d911c2, 0xd7dc }, /* jongseong rieul-yeorinhieuh + hieuh = rieul-yeorinhieuh-hieuh */ { 0x11dc11ba, 0xd7e1 }, /* jongseong mieum-pieup + sios = mieum-pieup-sios */ { 0x11dd11ba, 0x11de }, /* jongseong mieum-sios + sios = mieum-ssangsios */ { 0x11e311c1, 0xd7e4 }, /* jongseong pieup-rieul + phieuph = pieup-rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11ea11bc, 0xd7eb }, /* jongseong sios-pieup + ieung = sios-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11eb11b8, 0xd7f3 }, /* jongseong pansios + pieup = pansios-pieup */ { 0x11eb11e6, 0xd7f4 }, /* jongseong pansios + kapyeounpieup = pansios-kapyeounpieup */ { 0x11ec11a8, 0x11ed }, /* jongseong ieung-kiyeok + kiyeok = ieung-ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11f011a8, 0x11ec }, /* jongseong yesieung + kiyeok = yesieung-kiyeok */ { 0x11f011a9, 0x11ed }, /* jongseong yesieung + ssangkiyeok = yesieung-ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11f011b7, 0xd7f5 }, /* jongseong yesieung + mieum = yesieung-mieum */ { 0x11f011ba, 0x11f1 }, /* jongseong yesieung + sios = yesieung-sios */ { 0x11f011bf, 0x11ef }, /* jongseong yesieung + khieukh = yesieung-khieukh */ { 0x11f011c2, 0xd7f6 }, /* jongseong yesieung + hieuh = yesieung-hieuh */ { 0x11f011eb, 0x11f2 }, /* jongseong yesieung + pansios = yesieung-pansios */ { 0x11f011f0, 0x11ee }, /* jongseong yesieung + yesieung = ssangyesieung */ { 0xa9641100, 0xa965 }, /* choseong rieul-kiyeok + kiyeok = rieul-ssangkiyeok */ { 0xa9661103, 0xa967 }, /* choseong rieul-tikeut + tikeut = rieul-ssangtikeut */ { 0xa9691107, 0xa96a }, /* choseong rieul-pieup + pieup = rieul-ssangpieup */ { 0xa969110b, 0xa96b }, /* choseong rieul-pieup + ieung = rieul-kapyeounpieup */ { 0xd7c51161, 0x11a2 }, /* jungseong araea-a + a = ssangaraea */ { 0xd7cd11b8, 0xd7ce }, /* jongseong ssangtikeut + pieup = ssangtikeut-pieup */ { 0xd7d011a8, 0xd7d1 }, /* jongseong tikeut-sios + kiyeok = tikeut-sios-kiyeok */ { 0xd7de11ab, 0xd7df }, /* jongseong mieum-nieun + nieun = mieum-ssangnieun */ { 0xd7f311bc, 0xd7f4 }, /* jongseong pansios-pieup + ieung = pansios-kapyeounpieup */ { 0xd7f711b8, 0xd7f8 }, /* jongseong cieuc-pieup + pieup = cieuc-ssangpieup */ }; static const HangulCombinationItem hangul_combination_table_ahn[] = { { 0x11001103, 0x1104 }, /* choseong kiyeok + tikeut = ssangtikeut */ { 0x1100110b, 0x1101 }, /* choseong kiyeok + ieung = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11001112, 0x110f }, /* choseong kiyeok + hieuh = khieukh */ { 0x11021109, 0x110a }, /* choseong nieun + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x11031100, 0x1104 }, /* choseong tikeut + kiyeok = ssangtikeut */ { 0x1103110c, 0x110d }, /* choseong tikeut + cieuc = ssangcieuc */ { 0x11031112, 0x1110 }, /* choseong tikeut + hieuh = thieuth */ { 0x1107110c, 0x1108 }, /* choseong pieup + cieuc = ssangpieup */ { 0x11071112, 0x1111 }, /* choseong pieup + hieuh = phieuph */ { 0x11091102, 0x110a }, /* choseong sios + nieun = ssangsios */ { 0x110b1100, 0x1101 }, /* choseong ieung + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x110c1103, 0x110d }, /* choseong cieuc + tikeut = ssangcieuc */ { 0x110c1107, 0x1108 }, /* choseong cieuc + pieup = ssangpieup */ { 0x110c1112, 0x110e }, /* choseong cieuc + hieuh = chieuch */ { 0x11121100, 0x110f }, /* choseong hieuh + kiyeok = khieukh */ { 0x11121103, 0x1110 }, /* choseong hieuh + tikeut = thieuth */ { 0x11121107, 0x1111 }, /* choseong hieuh + pieup = phieuph */ { 0x1112110c, 0x110e }, /* choseong hieuh + cieuc = chieuch */ { 0x11611169, 0x116a }, /* jungseong a + o = wa */ { 0x11611175, 0x1162 }, /* jungseong a + i = ae */ { 0x11621169, 0x116b }, /* jungseong ae + o = wae */ { 0x11631175, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong ya + i = yae */ { 0x1165116e, 0x116f }, /* jungseong eo + u = weo */ { 0x11651175, 0x1166 }, /* jungseong eo + i = e */ { 0x1166116e, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong e + u = we */ { 0x11671175, 0x1168 }, /* jungseong yeo + i = ye */ { 0x11691161, 0x116a }, /* jungseong o + a = wa */ { 0x11691175, 0x116c }, /* jungseong o + i = oe */ { 0x116a1175, 0x116b }, /* jungseong wa + i = wae */ { 0x116c1161, 0x116b }, /* jungseong oe + a = wae */ { 0x116e1165, 0x116f }, /* jungseong u + eo = weo */ { 0x116e1175, 0x1171 }, /* jungseong u + i = wi */ { 0x116f1175, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong weo + i = we */ { 0x11711165, 0x1170 }, /* jungseong wi + eo = we */ { 0x11731175, 0x1174 }, /* jungseong eu + i = yi */ { 0x11751161, 0x1162 }, /* jungseong i + a = ae */ { 0x11751163, 0x1164 }, /* jungseong i + ya = yae */ { 0x11751165, 0x1166 }, /* jungseong i + eo = e */ { 0x11751167, 0x1168 }, /* jungseong i + yeo = ye */ { 0x11751169, 0x116c }, /* jungseong i + o = oe */ { 0x1175116e, 0x1171 }, /* jungseong i + u = wi */ { 0x11751173, 0x1174 }, /* jungseong i + eu = yi */ { 0x11a811af, 0x11b0 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + rieul = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11a811ba, 0x11aa }, /* jongseong kiyeok + sios = kiyeok-sios */ { 0x11a811bc, 0x11a9 }, /* jongseong kiyeok + ieung = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11a811c2, 0x11bf }, /* jongseong kiyeok + hieuh = khieukh */ { 0x11ab11ba, 0x11bb }, /* jongseong nieun + sios = ssangsios */ { 0x11ab11bd, 0x11ac }, /* jongseong nieun + cieuc = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11ab11c2, 0x11ad }, /* jongseong nieun + hieuh = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11ae11af, 0x11ce }, /* jongseong tikeut + rieul = rieul-tikeut */ { 0x11ae11c2, 0x11c0 }, /* jongseong tikeut + hieuh = thieuth */ { 0x11af11a8, 0x11b0 }, /* jongseong rieul + kiyeok = rieul-kiyeok */ { 0x11af11ae, 0x11ce }, /* jongseong rieul + tikeut = rieul-tikeut */ { 0x11af11b7, 0x11b1 }, /* jongseong rieul + mieum = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11af11b8, 0x11b2 }, /* jongseong rieul + pieup = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11af11ba, 0x11b3 }, /* jongseong rieul + sios = rieul-sios */ { 0x11af11c2, 0x11b6 }, /* jongseong rieul + hieuh = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x11b211c2, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong rieul-pieup + hieuh = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11b611ae, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong rieul-hieuh + tikeut = rieul-thieuth */ { 0x11b611b8, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong rieul-hieuh + pieup = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11b711af, 0x11b1 }, /* jongseong mieum + rieul = rieul-mieum */ { 0x11b811af, 0x11b2 }, /* jongseong pieup + rieul = rieul-pieup */ { 0x11b811ba, 0x11b9 }, /* jongseong pieup + sios = pieup-sios */ { 0x11b811c2, 0x11c1 }, /* jongseong pieup + hieuh = phieuph */ { 0x11ba11a8, 0x11aa }, /* jongseong sios + kiyeok = kiyeok-sios */ { 0x11ba11ab, 0x11bb }, /* jongseong sios + nieun = ssangsios */ { 0x11ba11af, 0x11b3 }, /* jongseong sios + rieul = rieul-sios */ { 0x11ba11b8, 0x11b9 }, /* jongseong sios + pieup = pieup-sios */ { 0x11bc11a8, 0x11a9 }, /* jongseong ieung + kiyeok = ssangkiyeok */ { 0x11bd11ab, 0x11ac }, /* jongseong cieuc + nieun = nieun-cieuc */ { 0x11bd11c2, 0x11be }, /* jongseong cieuc + hieuh = chieuch */ { 0x11c011af, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong thieuth + rieul = rieul-thieuth */ { 0x11c111af, 0x11b5 }, /* jongseong phieuph + rieul = rieul-phieuph */ { 0x11c211a8, 0x11bf }, /* jongseong hieuh + kiyeok = khieukh */ { 0x11c211ab, 0x11ad }, /* jongseong hieuh + nieun = nieun-hieuh */ { 0x11c211ae, 0x11c0 }, /* jongseong hieuh + tikeut = thieuth */ { 0x11c211af, 0x11b6 }, /* jongseong hieuh + rieul = rieul-hieuh */ { 0x11c211b8, 0x11c1 }, /* jongseong hieuh + pieup = phieuph */ { 0x11c211bd, 0x11be }, /* jongseong hieuh + cieuc = chieuch */ { 0x11ce11c2, 0x11b4 }, /* jongseong rieul-tikeut + hieuh = rieul-thieuth */ };