Libical v1.0 and above uses the CMake buildsystem. The autoconf build system has been removed and is no longer supported. Please see the comments at the top of CMakeLists.txt for the available configuration options you can pass to cmake. The installation directory defaults to /usr/local on UNIX and c:/Program Files on Windows. You can change this by passing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path to cmake. To build a debug version pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to cmake. To build libical you will need: - CMake version 2.8.9 or higher - Perl - libicu (not required but strongly recommended) - a C compiler (let us know if the build fails with your C compiler) Building on Unix with gcc or clang: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake .. % make % make install Building on Windows with MicroSoft Visual Studio: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. % nmake % nmake install Building on Windows with mingw: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. % mingw32-make % mingw32-make install Building on Windows under Cygwin: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake .. % make % make install Building on MSYS with mingw: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. % nmake % nmake install To run the test suite, from inside the build directory run 'make test' (or 'nmake test' or 'mingw32-make test') To run the test suite in verbose mode, pass ARGS="-V" to the make command For example: nmake test ARGS="-V" By default, the buildsystem creates shared(dynamic) and static versions of the libraries, but that behavior can be modified at CMake time: - To build the static libraries only, pass -DSTATIC_ONLY=True to CMake. - To build the shared libraries only, pass -DSHARED_ONLY=True to CMake. == Building with Different Compilers == For example, say you want to use Clang to build on Linux. Then you can set the C and C++ compilers at CMake time, like so: % CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake .. == Optional Dependencies == * Berkeley DB storage. If want to use (try) the Berkeley Database storage you can pass the -DWITH_BDB=True option to CMake. You'll need to have the Berkeley DB toolkit development package installed beforehand. This is very old code that disappeared in the 1.x series but has been resurrected it in the 2.x series. ** This code path has not been fully tested. ** Don't be surprised if there are bugs. ** Do NOT use for production code. * GObject Introspection. To generate GObject introspection "typelib" files pass the -DGOBJECT_INTROSPECTION=True option to CMake. You'll need to have the GObject Introspection development package v0.6.7 or higher installed beforehand. == Language Bindings == This C library can be built with bindings for these other languages: * C++. By default the buildsystem will create and install the C++ bindings API. Turn this off by passing -DWITH_CXX_BINDINGS=False option to CMake.