/*====================================================================== FILE: icalrecur.h CREATOR: eric 20 March 2000 (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, Eric Busboom http://www.softwarestudio.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1, available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html Or: The Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ ========================================================================*/ /** @file icalrecur.h @brief Routines for dealing with recurring time How to use: 1) Get a rule and a start time from a component @code icalproperty rrule; struct icalrecurrencetype recur; struct icaltimetype dtstart; rrule = icalcomponent_get_first_property(comp,ICAL_RRULE_PROPERTY); recur = icalproperty_get_rrule(rrule); start = icalproperty_get_dtstart(dtstart); @endcode Or, just make them up: @code recur = icalrecurrencetype_from_string("FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=SU,WE"); dtstart = icaltime_from_string("19970101T123000") @endcode 2) Create an iterator @code icalrecur_iterator *ritr; ritr = icalrecur_iterator_new(recur,start); @endcode 3) Iterator over the occurrences @code struct icaltimetype next; while (next = icalrecur_iterator_next(ritr) && !icaltime_is_null_time(next){ Do something with next } @endcode Note that that the time returned by icalrecur_iterator_next is in whatever timezone that dtstart is in. */ #ifndef ICALRECUR_H #define ICALRECUR_H #include "libical_ical_export.h" #include "icalarray.h" #include "icaltime.h" /* * Recurrence enumerations */ typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_frequency { /* These enums are used to index an array, so don't change the order or the integers */ ICAL_SECONDLY_RECURRENCE = 0, ICAL_MINUTELY_RECURRENCE = 1, ICAL_HOURLY_RECURRENCE = 2, ICAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE = 3, ICAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE = 4, ICAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE = 5, ICAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE = 6, ICAL_NO_RECURRENCE = 7 } icalrecurrencetype_frequency; typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday { ICAL_NO_WEEKDAY, ICAL_SUNDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_MONDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_TUESDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_WEDNESDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_THURSDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_FRIDAY_WEEKDAY, ICAL_SATURDAY_WEEKDAY } icalrecurrencetype_weekday; typedef enum icalrecurrencetype_skip { ICAL_SKIP_BACKWARD = 0, ICAL_SKIP_FORWARD, ICAL_SKIP_OMIT, ICAL_SKIP_UNDEFINED } icalrecurrencetype_skip; enum icalrecurrence_array_max_values { ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX = 0x7f7f, ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX_BYTE = 0x7f }; /* * Recurrence enumerations conversion routines. */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT icalrecurrencetype_frequency icalrecur_string_to_freq(const char *str); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT const char *icalrecur_freq_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_frequency kind); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT icalrecurrencetype_skip icalrecur_string_to_skip(const char *str); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT const char *icalrecur_skip_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_skip kind); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT const char *icalrecur_weekday_to_string(icalrecurrencetype_weekday kind); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecur_string_to_weekday(const char *str); /** * Recurrence type routines */ /* See RFC 5545 Section 3.3.10, RECUR Value, and RFC 7529 * for an explanation of the values and fields in struct icalrecurrencetype. * * The maximums below are based on lunisolar leap years (13 months) */ #define ICAL_BY_SECOND_SIZE 62 /* 0 to 60 */ #define ICAL_BY_MINUTE_SIZE 61 /* 0 to 59 */ #define ICAL_BY_HOUR_SIZE 25 /* 0 to 23 */ #define ICAL_BY_MONTH_SIZE 14 /* 1 to 13 */ #define ICAL_BY_MONTHDAY_SIZE 32 /* 1 to 31 */ #define ICAL_BY_WEEKNO_SIZE 56 /* 1 to 55 */ #define ICAL_BY_YEARDAY_SIZE 386 /* 1 to 385 */ #define ICAL_BY_SETPOS_SIZE ICAL_BY_YEARDAY_SIZE /* 1 to N */ #define ICAL_BY_DAY_SIZE 7*(ICAL_BY_WEEKNO_SIZE-1)+1 /* 1 to N */ /** Main struct for holding digested recurrence rules */ struct icalrecurrencetype { icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq; /* until and count are mutually exclusive. */ struct icaltimetype until; int count; short interval; icalrecurrencetype_weekday week_start; /* The BY* parameters can each take a list of values. Here I * assume that the list of values will not be larger than the * range of the value -- that is, the client will not name a * value more than once. * Each of the lists is terminated with the value * ICAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX unless the list is full. */ short by_second[ICAL_BY_SECOND_SIZE]; short by_minute[ICAL_BY_MINUTE_SIZE]; short by_hour[ICAL_BY_HOUR_SIZE]; short by_day[ICAL_BY_DAY_SIZE]; /* Encoded value, see below */ short by_month_day[ICAL_BY_MONTHDAY_SIZE]; short by_year_day[ICAL_BY_YEARDAY_SIZE]; short by_week_no[ICAL_BY_WEEKNO_SIZE]; short by_month[ICAL_BY_MONTH_SIZE]; /* Encoded value, see below */ short by_set_pos[ICAL_BY_SETPOS_SIZE]; /* For RSCALE extension (RFC 7529) */ char *rscale; icalrecurrencetype_skip skip; }; LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecurrencetype_rscale_is_supported(void); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT icalarray *icalrecurrencetype_rscale_supported_calendars(void); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT void icalrecurrencetype_clear(struct icalrecurrencetype *r); /** * Array Encoding * * The @p day element of the by_day array is encoded to allow * representation of both the day of the week ( Monday, Tueday), but also * the Nth day of the week ( First tuesday of the month, last thursday of * the year) These routines decode the day values */ /** 1 == Monday, etc. */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week(short day); /** 0 == any of day of week. 1 == first, 2 = second, -2 == second to last, etc */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecurrencetype_day_position(short day); /** Encodes the @p weekday and @p position into a form, which can be stored * to icalrecurrencetype::by_day array. Use icalrecurrencetype_day_day_of_week() * and icalrecurrencetype_day_position() to split the encoded value back into the parts. * @since 3.1 */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT short icalrecurrencetype_encode_day(enum icalrecurrencetype_weekday weekday, int position); /** * The @p month element of the by_month array is encoded to allow * representation of the "L" leap suffix (RFC 7529). * These routines decode the month values. */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecurrencetype_month_is_leap(short month); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecurrencetype_month_month(short month); /** Encodes the @p month and the @p is_leap into a form, which can be stored * to icalrecurrencetype::by_month array. Use icalrecurrencetype_month_is_leap() * and icalrecurrencetype_month_month() to split the encoded value back into the parts * @since 3.1 */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT short icalrecurrencetype_encode_month(int month, int is_leap); /** Recurrance rule parser */ /** Convert between strings and recurrencetype structures. */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT struct icalrecurrencetype icalrecurrencetype_from_string(const char *str); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT char *icalrecurrencetype_as_string(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur); LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT char *icalrecurrencetype_as_string_r(struct icalrecurrencetype *recur); /** Recurrence iteration routines */ typedef struct icalrecur_iterator_impl icalrecur_iterator; /** Create a new recurrence rule iterator, starting at DTSTART */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT icalrecur_iterator *icalrecur_iterator_new(struct icalrecurrencetype rule, struct icaltimetype dtstart); /** * Sets the date-time at which the iterator will start, * where @p start is a value between DTSTART and UNTIL. * * NOTE: CAN NOT be used with RRULEs that contain COUNT. * @since 3.0 */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecur_iterator_set_start(icalrecur_iterator *impl, struct icaltimetype start); /** Set the date-time at which the iterator will stop at the latest. * Values equal to or greater than end will not be returned by the iterator. */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecur_iterator_set_end(icalrecur_iterator *impl, struct icaltimetype end); /** Get the next occurrence from an iterator */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT struct icaltimetype icalrecur_iterator_next(icalrecur_iterator *); /** Free the iterator */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT void icalrecur_iterator_free(icalrecur_iterator *); /** * Fills array up with at most 'count' time_t values, each * representing an occurrence time in seconds past the POSIX epoch */ LIBICAL_ICAL_EXPORT int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(const char *rule, time_t start, int count, time_t *array); #endif