path: root/src/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/')
1 files changed, 799 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/ b/src/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdcd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- Mode: python -*-
+# FILE:
+# CREATOR: eric
+# $Id:,v 1.15 2002-10-24 13:41:17 acampi Exp $
+# $Locker: $
+# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Eric Busboom <>
+# (C) COPYRIGHT 2001, Patrick Lewis <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of either:
+# The LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation, version
+# 2.1, available at:
+# Or:
+# The Mozilla Public License Version 1.0. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+from LibicalWrap import *
+from types import DictType, StringType, IntType
+from Property import Property
+from Collection import *
+from Attendee import Attendee, Organizer
+from Time import Time
+from Duration import Duration
+from Period import Period
+import string
+WrapperNULL = None
+class Component:
+ def __init__(self,ref=None,kind=None):
+ if ref != None:
+ self._ref = ref
+ elif kind != None:
+ self._ref = icalcomponent_new(
+ icalcomponent_string_to_kind("VCALENDAR"))
+ _kind = icalcomponent_string_to_kind(kind)
+ inner = icalcomponent_new(_kind)
+ icalcomponent_add_component(self._ref,inner);
+ else:
+ raise "Could not construct component of kind" + kind
+ self.cached_props = {}
+ self.cached_comps = {}
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self._ref != None and icalcomponent_get_parent(self._ref) != WrapperNULL:
+ for k in self.cached_props.keys():
+ del self.cached_props[k]
+ icalcomponent_free(self._ref)
+ self._ref = None
+ def _prop_from_ref(self,p):
+ if(p == None or p== WrapperNULL):
+ return None;
+ d = {}
+ d['value'] = icalproperty_get_value_as_string(p)
+ d['name'] = icalproperty_get_name(p)
+ propkind = icalproperty_string_to_kind(d['name'])
+ kind = icalproperty_kind_to_value_kind(propkind)
+ d['value_type'] = icalvalue_kind_to_string(kind)
+ d['ref'] = p
+ if not self.cached_props.has_key(p):
+ if d['value_type'] == 'DATE-TIME' or d['value_type'] == 'DATE':
+ prop = Time(d,)
+ elif d['value_type'] == 'PERIOD':
+ prop = Period(d)
+ elif d['value_type'] == 'DURATION':
+ prop = Duration(d)
+ elif d['name'] == 'ATTACH':
+ prop = Attach(d)
+ elif d['name'] == 'ATTENDEE':
+ prop = Attendee(d)
+ elif d['name'] == 'ORGANIZER':
+ prop = Organizer(d)
+ else:
+ prop=Property(ref=p)
+ self.cached_props[p] = prop
+ def property(self, type):
+ p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type)
+ if p !=WrapperNULL:
+ self._prop_from_ref(p)
+ prop = self.cached_props[p]
+ return prop
+ else :
+ return None
+ def properties(self,type='ANY'):
+ """
+ Return a list of Property instances, each representing a
+ property of the type 'type.'
+ """
+ props = []
+ p = icallangbind_get_first_property(self._ref,type)
+ while p !=WrapperNULL and p != None:
+ self._prop_from_ref(p) # Puts property in self.cached_props
+ prop = self.cached_props[p]
+ props.append(prop)
+ p = icallangbind_get_next_property(self._ref,type)
+ return Collection(self,props)
+ def add_property(self, prop):
+ "Adds the property object to the component."
+ if not isinstance(prop,Property):
+ raise TypeError
+ prop_p = prop.ref()
+ if not prop_p:
+ s = str(prop)
+ prop_p = icalproperty_new_from_string(s)
+ if prop_p == WrapperNULL:
+ raise "Bad property string: " + s
+ prop.ref(prop_p)
+ if icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p)==WrapperNULL:
+ icalcomponent_add_property(self._ref, prop_p)
+ elif icalproperty_get_parent(prop_p) != self._ref:
+ raise "Property is already a child of another component"
+ def remove_property(self,prop):
+ if prop.ref() and self.cached_props.has_key(prop.ref()):
+ del self.cached_props[prop.ref()]
+ icalcomponent_remove_property(self._ref,prop.ref())
+ def components(self,type='ANY'):
+ comps = []
+ kind = icalcomponent_string_to_kind(type)
+ c = icalcomponent_get_first_component(self._ref,kind);
+ while c != WrapperNULL and c != None:
+ if not self.cached_comps.has_key(c):
+ self.cached_comps[c] = Component(c)
+ comp = self.cached_comps[c]
+ comps.append(comp)
+ c = icalcomponent_get_next_component(self._ref,kind);
+ return comps
+ def inner_component(self):
+ inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(self._ref)
+ if inner == WrapperNULL and inner != None:
+ return None
+ return NewComponent(inner)
+ def add_component(self, comp):
+ "Adds a child component."
+ if not isinstance(comp,Component):
+ raise ValueError("Expected a Component")
+ if icalcomponent_get_parent(comp._ref) != WrapperNULL:
+ raise "Failed to add child component. Child already has a parent";
+ icalcomponent_add_component(self._ref,comp._ref)
+ def remove_component(self, comp):
+ "Removes a child component"
+ if not isinstance(comp,Component):
+ raise ValueError("Expected a Component")
+ icalcomponent_remove_component(self._ref,comp._ref)
+ def as_ical_string(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return icalcomponent_as_ical_string(self._ref)
+ def ref(self):
+ """ Return the internal reference to the libical icalproperty """
+ return self._ref
+def CloneComponent(c):
+ "Clones a string or C icalcomponent into the right component object."
+ wasStr=0 # Were we passed a string or an icalcomponent?
+ if isinstance(c, Component):
+ comp = icalparser_parse_string(c.as_ical_string())
+ elif isinstance (c, StringType) and string.find(c,"icalcomponent") == -1:
+ comp = icalparser_parse_string(c)
+ else:
+ comp = c
+ if comp == None or comp == WrapperNULL:
+ raise ValueError("Expected a libical reference or an iCal string")
+ kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp)
+ kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)
+ if kindStr == 'VCALENDAR':
+ inner = icalcomponent_get_inner(comp)
+ kind = icalcomponent_isa(inner)
+ kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)
+ if kindStr == 'VEVENT':
+ newComp = Event(comp)
+ elif kindStr == 'VTODO':
+ newComp = Todo(comp)
+ elif kindStr == 'VJOURNAL':
+ newComp = Journal(comp)
+ else:
+ newComp = Component(comp)
+ # I don't think I need to free the component created when passed a string,
+ # as it wasn't created with a _new function.
+ return newComp
+def NewComponent(c):
+ "Converts a string or C icalcomponent into the right component object."
+ wasStr=0 # Were we passed a string or an icalcomponent?
+ if isinstance (c, StringType) and string.find(c,"icalcomponent") == -1:
+ comp = icalparser_parse_string(c)
+ else:
+ comp = c
+ if comp == None or comp == WrapperNULL:
+ raise ValueError("Expected a libical reference or an iCal string")
+ kind = icalcomponent_isa(comp)
+ kindStr = icalcomponent_kind_to_string(kind)
+ if kindStr == 'VEVENT':
+ newComp = Event(comp)
+ elif kindStr == 'VTODO':
+ newComp = Todo(comp)
+ elif kindStr == 'VJOURNAL':
+ newComp = Journal(comp)
+ else:
+ newComp = Component(comp)
+ # I don't think I need to free the component created when passed a string,
+ # as it wasn't created with a _new function.
+ return newComp
+class GenericComponent(Component):
+ def __init__(self,ref=None,kind=None):
+ if ref != None:
+ Component.__init__(self, ref=ref) # Call from subclasses
+ elif type != None:
+ Component.__init__(self, kind=kind) # Call from subclasses
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Expected either a icalcomponent reference or a kind string")
+ self._recurrence_set=None
+ def _singular_property(self, name, value_type, value=None,
+ property_obj=None, enumerated_values=None):
+ """Sets or gets the value of a method which exists once per Component.
+ This is a constructor method for properties without a strictly defined
+ object."""
+ # Depending on the property name, this routine will either
+ # operate on the VCALENDAR container or on the inner VEVENT,
+ if name in ['METHOD','PRODID','CALSCALE','VERSION']:
+ comp = self
+ else:
+ comp = self.inner_component()
+ curr_properties =
+ # Get the value
+ if value==None:
+ if len(curr_properties) == 0:
+ return None
+ elif len(curr_properties) == 1:
+ return curr_properties[0]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType
+ # Set the value
+ else:
+ # Check if value is in enumerated_values
+ if enumerated_values:
+ value = string.upper(value)
+ if value not in enumerated_values:
+ raise ValueError, "%s is not one of %s" \
+ % (value, enumerated_values)
+ # Create the new property
+ if property_obj:
+ if not isinstance(value, property_obj):
+ # Create a special property_obj property
+ if property_obj == Time:
+ p = Time(value, name)
+ ## p.value_type(value_type)
+ elif property_obj == Duration:
+ p = Duration(value)
+ else:
+ p = property_obj()
+ ## p.value_type(value_type)
+ p.value(value)
+ else:
+ p = value # value is already a property_obj
+ else:
+ # Create a generic property
+ p = Property(name)
+ ## p.value_type(value_type)
+ p.value(value)
+ if len(curr_properties) == 1:
+ comp.remove_property(curr_properties[0])
+ elif len(curr_properties) > 1:
+ raise ValueError, "too many properties of type %s" % propType
+ comp.add_property(p)
+ # METHOD, PRODID, CALSCALE and VERSION are properties of the
+ # VCALENDAR, not the inner component
+ def method(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the METHOD property."
+ return self._singular_property("METHOD", "TEXT", v)
+ def prodid(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the PRODID property."
+ return self._singular_property("PRODID", "TEXT", v)
+ def calscale(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the CALSCALE property."
+ return self._singular_property("CALSCALE", "TEXT", v)
+ def version(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the Version property."
+ return self._singular_property("VERSION", "TEXT", v)
+ # The remaining properties are all in the inner component
+ def clone(self):
+ "Returns a copy of the object."
+ return CloneComponent(self)
+ def class_prop(self, v=None): # Class is a reserved word
+ "Sets or returns the value of the CLASS property."
+ if v!=None:
+ v = string.upper(v)
+ return self._singular_property('CLASS', 'TEXT', v)
+ def created(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the CREATED property.
+ Usage:
+ created(time_obj) # Set the value using a Time object
+ created('19970101T123000Z') # Set using an iCalendar string
+ created(982362522) # Set using seconds
+ created() # Return an iCalendar string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property("CREATED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
+ def description(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the DESCRIPTION property."
+ return self._singular_property("DESCRIPTION", "TEXT", v)
+ def dtstamp(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTAMP property.
+ Usage:
+ dtstamp(time_obj) # Set the value using a Time object
+ dtstamp('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
+ dtstamp(982362522) # Set using seconds
+ dtstamp() # Return an iCalendar string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property("DTSTAMP", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
+ def dtstart(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the DTSTART property.
+ Usage:
+ dtstart(time_obj) # Set the value using a Time object
+ dtstart('19970101T123000Z') # Set the value as an iCalendar string
+ dtstart(982362522) # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
+ dtstart() # Return the time as an iCalendar string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property("DTSTART", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
+ def last_modified(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the LAST-MODIFIED property.
+ Usage:
+ last_modified(time_obj) # Set the value using a Time object
+ last_modified('19970101T123000Z')# Set using an iCalendar string
+ last_modified(982362522) # Set using seconds
+ last_modified() # Return an iCalendar string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property("LAST-MODIFIED", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
+ def organizer(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or gets the value of the ORGANIZER property.
+ Usage:
+ organizer(orgObj) # Set value using an organizer object
+ organizer('') # Set value using a CAL-ADDRESS string
+ organizer() # Return a CAL-ADDRESS string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property('ORGANIZER', 'CAL-ADDRESS', v,
+ Organizer)
+ def recurrence_id(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or gets the value for the RECURRENCE-ID property.
+ Usage:
+ recurrence_id(recIdObj) # Set using a Recurrence_Id object
+ recurrence_id("19700801T133000") # Set using an iCalendar string
+ recurrence_id(8349873494) # Set using seconds from epoch
+ recurrence_id() # Return an iCalendar string
+ """
+ return self._singular_property('RECURRENCE-ID', 'DATE-TIME', v,
+ Recurrence_Id)
+ def sequence(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or gets the SEQUENCE value of the Event.
+ Usage:
+ sequence(1) # Set the value using an integer
+ sequence('2') # Set the value using a string containing an integer
+ sequence() # Return an integer
+ """
+ if isinstance(v, StringType):
+ v = int(str)
+ return self._singular_property('SEQUENCE', 'INTEGER', v)
+ def summary(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or gets the SUMMARY value of the Event."
+ return self._singular_property('SUMMARY', 'TEXT', v)
+ def uid(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or gets the UID of the Event."
+ return self._singular_property('UID', 'TEXT', v)
+ def url(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the URL property."""
+ return self._singular_property('URL', 'URI', v)
+ ####
+ # Not quite sure if this is how we want to handle recurrence rules, but
+ # this is a start.
+ def recurrence_set(self):
+ "Returns the Events RecurrenceSet object."
+ if self._recurrence_set == None: # i.e haven't initialized one
+ self._recurrence_set = RecurrenceSet()
+ return self._recurrence_set
+ ###
+ # Alarm interface. Returns an ComponentCollection.
+ def alarms(self, values=None):
+ """Sets or returns ALARM components.
+ Examples:
+ alarms((alarm1,)) # Set using Alarm component
+ alarms() # Returns an ComponentCollection of all Alarms
+ """
+ if values!=None:
+ for alarm in values:
+ self.add_component(alarm)
+ else:
+ return ComponentCollection(self, self.components('VALARM'))
+ ####
+ # Methods that deal with Properties that can occur multiple times are
+ # below. They use the Collection class to return their Properties.
+ def _multiple_properties(self, name, value_type, values,
+ property_obj=None):
+ "Processes set/get for Properties that can have multiple instances."
+ comp = self.inner_component()
+ # Set value
+ if values!=None:
+ if not isinstance(values, TupleType) \
+ and not isinstance(values, ListType):
+ raise TypeError, "%s is not a tuple or list."
+ # Delete old properties
+ for p in
+ comp.remove_property(p)
+ for v in values:
+ if property_obj: # Specialized properties
+ if not isinstance(v, property_obj): # Make new object
+ new_prop = property_obj()
+ new_prop.value(v)
+ else: # Use existing object
+ new_prop = v
+ else: # Generic properties
+ new_prop=Property(name)
+ # new_prop.value_type(value_type)
+ new_prop.value(v)
+ comp.add_property(new_prop)
+ # Get value
+ else:
+ return Collection(self,
+ def attachments(self, values=None):
+ """Sets or returns a Collection of Attach properties.
+ 'values' can be a sequence containing URLs (strings) and/or file-ish
+ objects.
+ """
+ return self._multiple_properties("ATTACH", "", value, Attach)
+ def attendees(self, value=None):
+ """Sets attendees or returns a Collection of Attendee objects.
+ If setting the attendees, pass a sequence as the argument.
+ Examples:
+ # Set using Attendee objects
+ attendees((attObj1, attObj2))
+ # Set using a CAL-ADDRESS string
+ attendees([''])
+ # Set using a combination of Attendee objects and strings
+ attendees(['', attObj1])
+ # Returns a list of Attendee objects
+ attendees()
+ When setting the attendees, any previous Attendee objects in the Event
+ are overwritten. If you want to add to the Attendees, one way to do it
+ is:
+ attendees().append(Attendee(''))
+ """
+ return self._multiple_properties("ATTENDEE", "", value, Attendee)
+ def categories(self, value=None):
+ """Sets categories or returns a Collection of CATEGORIES properties.
+ If setting the categories, pass a sequence as the argument.
+ Examples:
+ # Set using string[s]
+ categories(('APPOINTMENT', 'EDUCATION'))
+ # Returns a list of Category properites
+ categories()
+ When setting the attendees, any previous category Properties in the
+ Event are overwritten. If you want to add to the categories, one way
+ to do it is:
+ new_cat=Property('CATEGORIES')
+ new_cat.value_type('TEXT')
+ new_cat.value('PERSONAL')
+ categories().append(new_cat)
+ """
+ return self._multiple_properties("CATEGORIES", "TEXT", value)
+ def comments(self, value=None):
+ "Sets or returns a Collection of COMMENT properties."
+ return self._multiple_properties('COMMENT', 'TEXT', value)
+ def contacts(self, value=None):
+ "Sets or returns a Collection of CONTACT properties."
+ return self._multiple_properties('CONTACT', 'TEXT', value)
+ def related_tos(self, value=None):
+ "Sets or returns a Collection of RELATED-TO properties."
+ return self._multiple_properties('RELATED-TO', 'TEXT', value)
+ def x_properties(self, name, value=None):
+ "Sets or returns a Collection of X- properties."
+ return self._multiple_properties(name, 'TEXT', value)
+class Event(GenericComponent):
+ "The iCalendar Event object."
+ def __init__(self,ref=None):
+ if ref != None:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
+ else:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VEVENT')
+ def component_type(self):
+ "Returns the type of component for the object."
+ return "VEVENT"
+ def dtend(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the DTEND property.
+ Usage:
+ dtend(time_obj) # Set the value using a Time object
+ dtend('19970101T123000Z') # Set the value as an iCalendar string
+ dtend(982362522) # Set the value using seconds (time_t)
+ dtend() # Return the time as an iCalendar string
+ If the dtend value is being set and duration() has a value, the
+ duration property will be removed.
+ """
+ if v != None:
+ duration ='DURATION')
+ for d in duration: # Clear DURATION properties
+ self.remove_property(d)
+ return self._singular_property("DTEND", "DATE-TIME", v, Time)
+ def duration(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the duration property.
+ Usage:
+ duration(dur_obj) # Set the value using a Duration object
+ duration("P3DT12H") # Set value as an iCalendar string
+ duration(3600) # Set duration using seconds
+ duration() # Return duration as an iCalendar string
+ If the duration value is being set and dtend() has a value, the dtend
+ property will be removed.
+ """
+ if v != None:
+ dtend ='DTEND')
+ for d in dtend:
+ self.remove_property(d) # Clear DTEND properties
+ return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", v, Duration)
+ def status(self, v=None):
+ "Sets or returns the value of the STATUS property."
+ # These values are only good for VEVENT components (i.e. don't copy
+ # & paste into VTODO or VJOURNAL
+ valid_values=('TENTATIVE', 'CONFIRMED', 'CANCELLED')
+ return self._singular_property("STATUS", "TEXT", v,
+ enumerated_values=valid_values)
+ def geo(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the value of the GEO property.
+ Usage:
+ geo(value) or
+ geo() # Returns the icalendar string
+ 'value' is either a icalendar GEO string or a sequence with two 'float'
+ numbers.
+ Examples:
+ geo('40.232;-115.9531') # Set value using string
+ geo((40.232, -115.9531)) # Set value using a sequence
+ geo() # Returns "40.232;-115.9531"
+ To get the GEO property represented as a tuple and numbers instead of
+ the iCalendar string, use geo_get_tuple().
+ """
+ if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
+ v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
+ return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", v)
+ def geo_get_tuple(self):
+ """Returns the GEO property as a tuple."""
+ geo = self.geo()
+ geo = split(geo, ';')
+ return float(geo[0]), float(geo[1])
+ def location(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the LOCATION property."""
+ return self._singular_property("LOCATION", "TEXT", v)
+ def transp(self, v=None):
+ """Sets or returns the TRANSP property."""
+ ok_values = ('OPAQUE', 'TRANSPARENT')
+ return self._singular_property('TRANSP', 'TEXT', v,
+ enumerated_values=ok_values)
+ def resources(self, v=None):
+ pass
+class Todo(GenericComponent):
+ "The iCalendar TODO component."
+ def __init__(self,ref=None):
+ if ref != None:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
+ else:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VTODO')
+ def component_type(self):
+ "Returns the type of component for the object."
+ return "VTODO"
+ def completed(self, value=None):
+ return self._singular_property('COMPLETED', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)
+ def geo(self, value=None):
+ if isinstance(v, ListType) or isinstance(v, TupleType):
+ v = "%s;%s" % (float(v[0]), float(v[1]))
+ return self._singular_property("GEO", "FLOAT", value)
+ def location(self, value=None):
+ return self._singular_property('LOCATION', 'TEXT', value)
+ def percent(self, value=None):
+ if value!=None:
+ value = str(int(value))
+ return self._singular_property('PERCENT', 'INTEGER', value)
+ def status(self, value=None):
+ if value!=None:
+ value=string.upper(value)
+ return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', value,
+ enumerated_values=ok_values)
+ def due(self, value=None):
+ if value != None:
+ duration ='DURATION')
+ for d in duration:
+ self.remove_property(d) # Clear DURATION properties
+ return self._singular_property('DUE', 'DATE-TIME', value, Time)
+ def duration(self, value=None):
+ if value != None:
+ due = self.properites('DUE')
+ for d in due:
+ self.remove_property(d) # Clear DUE properties
+ return self._singular_property("DURATION", "DURATION", value, Duration)
+ def resources():
+ pass
+class Journal(GenericComponent):
+ "The iCalendar JOURNAL component."
+ def __init__(self):
+ if ref != None:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, ref=ref)
+ else:
+ GenericComponent.__init__(self, kind='VJOURNAL')
+ def component_type(self):
+ "Returns the type of component for the object."
+ return "VJOURNAL"
+ def status(self, v=None):
+ if v!=None:
+ v = string.upper(v)
+ ok_values=('DRAFT', 'FINAL', 'CANCELLED')
+ return self._singular_property('STATUS', 'TEXT', v,
+ enumerated_values=ok_values)