BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cliusabilityPrevent output of a few error messages that are actually not criticalMartin Szulecki10 years
masterautoconf: Automatically derive version number from latest git tagNikias Bassen17 months
mobileactivationideviceactivation: Use mobileactivation API for newer iOS versionsNikias Bassen8 years
pkgconfigAdd API version to library and pkgconfig file for proper linkingNikias Bassen4 years
prereleaseUnify --network option with the other idevice toolsNikias Bassen4 years
readmeImprove with feature, installation and usage sectionsMartin Szulecki4 years
1.1.1libideviceactivation-1.1.1.tar.gz  Martin Szulecki4 years
1.1.0libideviceactivation-1.1.0.tar.gz  Nikias Bassen6 years
1.0.0libideviceactivation-1.0.0.tar.gz  Martin Szulecki10 years
0.9.0libideviceactivation-0.9.0.tar.gz  Martin Szulecki10 years