2006-02-25 Paul van den Berg * created branch jpeg6b_vollbeding * added jpegclub.org/jpegexiforient.c and a modified version of jpegclub.org/exifautotran.txt as exifautotran.sh * applied changes to jpeg6b_original * removed changed testimages * replaced jaricom.c, jcarith.c, and jdarith.c with dummies from sylvana.net/jpeg-ari/jpeg-ari-28mar98.tar.gz * removed dos-isms, Makefile and jconfig.h * Got latest source from jpegclub.org/libjpeg-6c.tar.gz 2006-02-15 Frank Warmerdam * Introduced ChangeLog file. * modified nominal version to be 6.1.0 instead of 6b. * Applied all Bob Friesenhahn's autoconf/automake/libtool changes. * Committed jpeb6b from the ijg download site as the baseline. Tagged it as jpeg6b_original.