These are the formatting rules for mpeg2dec code. Please try to follow these for any new contributions: * Code should not be wider than 79 columns. * A tab character should be displayed as 8 columns wide. * Indentations are 4 columns wide. * Braces are never alone on a line, instead they are on the same line as their associated control flow (if/then/else/while/for) statement. Functions are a special case, their opening and ending braces are alone on their own line, in the leftmost column. This is all standard K&R coding style. * Braces are optional. It's ok to skip them if there is only one statement in the block you'd put the braces around. * There is always a space separating the function name and the associated argument list i.e. f () * There is always a space separating an if/while/for control flow statement and the associated conditions i.e. if (x) * Function argument lists are of the form f (a, b, c) i.e. there is always a space between the arguments. * Pointers are declared with spaces both before and after the star. * There are no parenthesis around a return expression i.e. return x; * Non-static functions have names of the form mpeg2_* Here is a short example for reference: static int foo (int bar, int baz, int * quux) { if (bar == baz) return *quux; else do { bar += *quux; quux++; } while (bar != baz); return *quux + bar; } * For xemacs users, this is what I use: (defconst mpeg2-c-style '("gnu" (c-basic-offset . 4) (c-label-minimum-indentation . 0) (c-offsets-alist . ( (knr-argdecl-intro . +) (topmost-intro-cont . +) )) )) (c-add-style "mpeg2" mpeg2-c-style) Then to use that coding style, type M-x c-set-style mpeg2 * For emacs users, the following should work: (defun mpeg2-c-mode () "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with mpeg2dec." (interactive) (c-mode) (c-set-style "gnu") (setq c-basic-offset 4)) Then to use that coding style, type M-x mpeg2-c-mode * For vim users, the following might help: set noexpandtab set tabstop=8 set shiftwidth=4