diff options
authorSam Roberts <>2011-03-29 15:31:47 -0700
committerSam Roberts <>2011-03-29 15:31:47 -0700
commitf18c4aff08ae5b8ef3c371434b02b1d4da4e6809 (patch)
parentc5158ac3433fcbb9f6aed2c9f4f7e79a3306d27c (diff)
Prototype code using nfct to do a userspace conntracker.
3 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lua/echoclient b/lua/echoclient
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..556021b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/echoclient
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1
+-- echoclient host ctrl_port string1 string2....
+-- request one port
+-- connect to requested port
+-- send/receive each string in turn
+-- close echo port
+-- close control port
+local host = arg[1]
+local ctrl_port = arg[2]
+if #arg < 3 then
+ print("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " host ctrl_port string1 [string2 string3 ...]")
+ os.exit(0)
+function connect(host, port)
+ local s = socket.tcp()
+ assert(s:settimeout(5))
+ assert(s:connect(host, port))
+ print("Connected to:", host, port, "from", s:getsockname())
+ return s
+local function get_echo_port(ctrl_sock)
+ print"Get port..."
+ assert(ctrl_sock:send("GET\n"))
+ local port = assert(ctrl_sock:receive())
+ print("Got port:", port)
+ return tonumber(port)
+local function send_strings(host, port)
+ print("Connect to echo port:", host, port)
+ local s = connect(host, port)
+ for i = 3, #arg do
+ print(i, "Send:", arg[i])
+ assert(s:send(arg[i].."\n"))
+ local data, err = assert(s:receive())
+ print(i, "Recv:", data)
+ end
+ return s
+local function pause()
+ os.execute"sleep 1" -- pause so conntrack -L can show the expectations
+print("Connect to broker...")
+local ctrl_sock = connect(host, ctrl_port)
+echo_port = get_echo_port(ctrl_sock)
+echo_sock1 = send_strings(host, echo_port, "first")
+echo_sock2 = send_strings(host, echo_port, "second")
+print("Use echo port as long as we can...")
+while send_strings(host, echo_port, "... as long as we can") do
+ pause()
diff --git a/lua/echoconntracker b/lua/echoconntracker
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df622cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/echoconntracker
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1
+Use a combination of nfq and nfct to do userspace connection tracking for a sample RPC-like
+service over TCP, that uses ephemeral persistent ports.
+The server is the echoserver running on localhost, client is the echoclient.
+Start server:
+ ./echoserver 9999
+Test client:
+ ./echoclient localhost 9999 hello world
+Kill it after a few connections.
+Start conntracker:
+ sudo ./echoconntracker port=9999 verbose=y
+Try client again... kill conntracker...
+To clear the conntracker's rules:
+ sudo ./echoconntracker port=9999 verbose=y clear=y
+local function debug(...) end
+local function verbose(...) end
+-- arguments
+function usage(k)
+ if arg[k] then
+ return
+ end
+ print("arg '"..k.."' not provided")
+ print("usage "..arg[0].." port=num [clear=y] [verbose=y|very]")
+ os.exit(1)
+for i,a in ipairs(arg) do
+ local s,e,k,v = a:find("^([^=]+)=(.*)$")
+ arg[k] = v
+if arg.verbose then verbose = print end
+if arg.verbose == "very" then
+ debug = print
+-- iptables rule setup
+local function execute(cmd)
+ if type(cmd) == "table" then
+ cmd = table.concat(cmd, " ")
+ end
+ print("cmd=<"..cmd..">")
+ local status = os.execute(cmd)
+ if status == 0 then
+ return status
+ end
+ return nil, string.format("%q", cmd).." failed with "..status
+function clear_filter(clear)
+ execute"iptables -L -n"
+ execute"iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT"
+ execute"iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT"
+ execute"iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT"
+ execute"iptables -F"
+ execute"iptables -L -n"
+ if clear then
+ os.exit(0)
+ end
+What table means:
+FORWARD - packets that traverse
+OUTPUT - packets we generate
+INPUT - packets we receive
+Client/Server on localhost:
+./echoportbroker 9999
+while ./echoclient localhost 9999 hello world; do sleep 5; done
+sudo ./inline-listen host= port=9999 table=OUTPUT
+-- TODO this assumes host is ourselves, tables would have to be different
+-- if it was remote, or we were a firewall/forwarding traffic
+function set_filter(port)
+ local execute = function (cmd)
+ assert(execute(cmd))
+ end
+ -- default for input is to DROP
+ execute{
+ "iptables -t filter",
+ }
+ -- outgoing responses from server are queued
+ execute{
+ "iptables -t filter",
+ "-A OUTPUT",
+ "-p tcp",
+ "--sport "..port,
+ "-j QUEUE" -- queue 0 is implicit
+ }
+ -- incoming established connections accepted
+ execute{
+ "iptables -t filter",
+ "-A INPUT",
+ "-p tcp",
+ "-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED",
+ "-j ACCEPT"
+ }
+ -- outgoing new and established connections accepted
+ execute{
+ "iptables -t filter",
+ "-A OUTPUT",
+ "-p tcp",
+ "-m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED",
+ "-j ACCEPT"
+ }
+ -- incoming connections to server are accepted
+ execute{
+ "iptables -t filter",
+ "-A INPUT",
+ "-p tcp",
+ "--dport "..port,
+ "-m state --state NEW",
+ "-j ACCEPT",
+ }
+ execute"iptables -L -n"
+-- nfct helpers
+local function ctprint(ct, name, ...)
+ print("ct="..nfct.tostring(ct).." -- ", ...)
+local function expprint(exp, name, ...)
+ print("exp="..nfct.exp_tostring(exp).." -- ", ...)
+local function check(...)
+ if (...) then
+ return ...
+ end
+ local _, emsg, eno = ...
+ local emsg = "["..tostring(eno).."] "..tostring(emsg)
+ return assert(_, emsg)
+local function tuple(name, src, dst, sport, dport)
+ local ct = assert(
+ nfct.set_attr_pf(ct, "l3proto", "inet")
+ nfct.set_attr_ipv4(ct, "ipv4-src", src)
+ nfct.set_attr_ipv4(ct, "ipv4-dst", dst)
+ nfct.set_attr_ipproto(ct, "l4proto", "tcp")
+ if sport then
+ nfct.set_attr_port(ct, "port-src", sport)
+ end
+ nfct.set_attr_port(ct, "port-dst", dport)
+ ctprint(ct, name)
+ return ct
+local function expect(src, dst, sport, dport, expectport)
+ -- identify the master to which this expectation is related
+ local master = tuple("master", src, dst, sport, dport)
+ local expected = tuple("expected", src, dst, nil, expectport)
+ local mask = tuple("mask", 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, nil, expectport)
+ local timeout = 10 -- seconds FIXME we need this to be longer than the real server's timeout
+ local exp = assert(nfct.exp_new(master, expected, mask, timeout, "permanent"))
+ nfct.destroy(master)
+ nfct.destroy(expected)
+ nfct.destroy(mask)
+ expprint(exp, "expectation")
+ local h = assert("expect"))
+ -- FIXME this can fail if conntrack hasn't tracked the master... but is that possible? we just
+ -- got data from nfq, the connection must exist
+ check(nfct.exp_query(h, "create", exp))
+ nfct.exp_destroy(exp)
+ nfct.close(h)
+-- Expectation tracking
+local qhandle = assert(
+nfq.unbind_pf(qhandle, "inet")
+nfq.bind_pf(qhandle, "inet")
+local queue = assert(nfq.create_queue(qhandle, 0))
+assert(nfq.set_mode(queue, "packet"))
+local n = net.init()
+nfq.catch(qhandle, function (nfqdata)
+ debug("CB nfq")
+ local inip = assert(nfq.get_payload(nfqdata))
+ n:clear()
+ n:decode_ip(inip)
+ local _, tcp = pcall(n.get_tcp, n)
+ local _, ip = pcall(n.get_ipv4, n)
+ if not tcp or not ip then
+ -- not of requested protocol
+ debug("ignore protocol", n:dump())
+ return "accept"
+ end
+ -- Original connection was client->server, and this packet is
+ -- server->client, so reverse src and dst
+ local src, dst, sport, dport = ip.dst, ip.src, tcp.dst, tcp.src
+ local indata = tcp.payload
+ if indata then
+ debug("data", indata)
+ local expectport = tonumber(indata)
+ if expectport ~= nil then
+ verbose("Q", "master", src, dst, sport, dport)
+ verbose("Q", "expect", src, dst, "*", expectport)
+ expect(src, dst, sport, dport, expectport)
+ end
+ else
+ debug("Q", "flags", string.format("%#x", tcp.flags), "(non-data)")
+ end
+ return "accept"
diff --git a/lua/echoserver b/lua/echoserver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5f94e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/echoserver
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1
+control sockets are never closed, they leak
+echo listen sockets are never close, they listen forever
+local TIMEOUT = 0.1
+local ctrl_port = arg[1]
+if not ctrl_port then
+ print("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " control_listen_port")
+ os.exit(0)
+local ctrl_listen_sock = assert(socket.bind("*", ctrl_port))
+print("Waiting for connection...")
+local mon_socks = {ctrl_listen_sock} -- all socks, starting with just server ctrl sock
+local echo_listen_socks = {} -- echo listen socks
+local echo_data_socks = {} -- echo data socks
+local ctrl_data_socks = {} -- client ctrl socks
+local function remove(t, item)
+ for i, v in pairs(t) do
+ if v == item then
+ table.remove(t, i)
+ end
+ end
+local function generate_echo_listen_socks(client_ctrl)
+ while true do
+ local part, msg = client_ctrl:receive()
+ -- read data and if any obtained, create socket, send port number
+ if part then
+ local echo_sock = assert(socket.bind("*", 0))
+ assert(echo_sock:settimeout(TIMEOUT))
+ table.insert(mon_socks, echo_sock)
+ table.insert(echo_listen_socks, echo_sock)
+ local ip, port = echo_sock:getsockname()
+ print("Sending port " .. port)
+ assert(client_ctrl:send(port.."\n"))
+ elseif msg == "closed" then
+ -- client closed control connection
+ print("Removing closed control data socket")
+ remove(ctrl_data_socks, client_ctrl)
+ remove(mon_socks, client_ctrl)
+ return
+ else
+ -- client doesn't need any more echo ports
+ return
+ end
+ end
+while true do
+ print("Waiting for activity on " .. #mon_socks .. " sockets")
+ local readsocks =
+ for _, sock in ipairs(readsocks) do
+ -- control listen sock
+ if sock == ctrl_listen_sock then
+ print("Handling control listen sock activity")
+ local client_ctrl = ctrl_listen_sock:accept()
+ table.insert(mon_socks, client_ctrl)
+ table.insert(ctrl_data_socks, client_ctrl)
+ client_ctrl:settimeout(TIMEOUT)
+ print("Control connection obtained from: ")
+ print(client_ctrl:getpeername())
+ generate_echo_listen_socks(client_ctrl)
+ else
+ -- control data socks
+ for _, cc_sock in ipairs(ctrl_data_socks) do
+ if sock == cc_sock then
+ print("Handling control data sock activity")
+ generate_echo_listen_socks(cc_sock)
+ end
+ end
+ -- echo listen socks
+ for _, esock in ipairs(echo_listen_socks) do
+ if sock == esock then
+ print("Handling echo listen sock activity")
+ local client = sock:accept()
+ client:settimeout(TIMEOUT)
+ table.insert(mon_socks, client)
+ table.insert(echo_data_socks, client)
+ print("Echo connection obtained from: ")
+ print(client:getpeername())
+ end
+ end
+ -- echo data socks
+ for i, csock in ipairs(echo_data_socks) do
+ if sock == csock then
+ print("Handling client sock activity")
+ local part, err = sock:receive()
+ if part then
+ print("Echo: " .. part)
+ sock:send(part.."\n")
+ elseif err == "closed" then
+ print("Removing closed echo data socket")
+ table.remove(echo_data_socks, i)
+ remove(mon_socks, sock)
+ else
+ print("Echo data error: "..err)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end