TESTING === Unit Testing ------------ For Unit Testing the [cmocka](https://cmocka.org/) is used. Unit Tests resides in `tests\unit_tests.c`. Lets see the example of how to add the test for `libnet_build_ethernet` function. 1. In `tests\unit_tests.c` add `test_libnet_build_ethernet` function. In this function implement all neccessary logic. ```c static void test_libnet_build_ethernet(void **state) { (void)state; /* unused */ ... } ``` 2. Let to the `cmocka` to run this function. Add the test to the `tests[]` ```c int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test(test_libnet_build_ethernet), }; return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); } ``` 3. Compile and Run. See `Running Unit Tests with CMocka` in README