docpath = join_paths(nice_datadir, 'gtk-doc', 'html') ignore_headers = [ 'conncheck.h', 'discovery.h', 'stream.h', 'component.h', 'agent-priv.h', 'iostream.h', 'inputstream.h', 'candidate-priv.h', 'outputstream.h', 'gstnice.h', 'gstnicesrc.h', 'gstnicesink.h', 'md5.h', 'sha1.h', 'stunhmac.h', 'utils.h', 'rand.h', 'stun5389.h', 'stuncrc32.h', 'stund.h', 'agent-signals-marshal.h', 'win32_common.h', ] if dependency('gtk-doc', version: '<1.30', required: false).found() prog_python = import('python').find_installation('python3') fake_makefile = custom_target ('libnice-docs-test-Makefile', output: 'Makefile', command: [ prog_python, '-c', 'with open("@OUTPUT@","w") as f: f.writelines(["""DOC_MODULE=libnice\nDOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE=libnice-docs.sgml\n"""])' ]) else fake_makefile = [] endif gnome.gtkdoc('libnice', main_xml: 'libnice-docs.xml', namespace: 'nice', mode: 'none', src_dir: [agent_include, stun_include], content_files: fake_makefile, dependencies: libnice_dep, scan_args: [ '--rebuild-types', #'--deprecated-guards=G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', #'--ignore-decorators=' + '|'.join(ignore_decorators), '--ignore-headers=' + ' '.join(ignore_headers), ], html_assets: [ 'states.png', ], fixxref_args:[ '--html-dir=' + docpath, ], mkdb_args: [ # not sure if these need to be specified explicitly here '--xml-mode', '--output-format=xml', '--name-space=Nice', ], install: true, check: true) # If we ever need to regenerate this diagram. # Since it’s not expected to change much, let’s not depend on GraphViz to # build the docs (that's also why we don't use find_program('dot') here) run_target('update-states.png', command: ['dot', '-Tpng', '-o', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'states.png'), '-Gsize=9.6,2.9!', '-Gdpi=200', files('states.gv')])