project('libnice', 'c', version: '', meson_version : '>= 0.49.1', default_options : ['warning_level=1', 'buildtype=debugoptimized']) nice_version = meson.project_version() version_arr = nice_version.split('.') version_major = version_arr[0] version_minor = version_arr[1] version_micro = version_arr[2] if version_arr.length() == 4 version_nano = version_arr[3] else version_nano = 0 endif # maintain compatibility with the previous libtool versioning soversion = 10 libversion = '10.9.0' glib_req = '>= 2.54' gnutls_req = '>= 2.12.0' gupnp_igd_req = '>= 0.2.4' gst_req = '>= 1.0.0' nice_datadir = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('datadir')) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') syslibs = [] if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' add_project_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments(['/utf-8']), # set the input encoding to utf-8 language : 'c') endif if host_machine.system() == 'windows' syslibs += [cc.find_library('iphlpapi')] syslibs += [cc.find_library('ws2_32')] elif host_machine.system() == 'sunos' add_project_arguments('-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', language: 'c') add_project_arguments('-D__EXTENSIONS__=1', language: 'c') # inet_pton() is only used by the tests syslibs += [cc.find_library('nsl')] if not cc.has_function('inet_pton') libnsl = cc.find_library('nsl', required: false) if libnsl.found() and cc.has_function('inet_pton', dependencies: libnsl) syslibs += [libnsl] endif endif if not cc.has_function('socket') libsocket = cc.find_library('socket', required: false) libinet = cc.find_library('inet', required: false) if cc.has_function('socket', dependencies: libsocket) syslibs += [libsocket] elif cc.has_function('socket', dependencies: libinet) syslibs += [libinet] else error('Could not find right library for socket() on Solaris') endif endif endif if not cc.has_function('clock_gettime') librt = cc.find_library('rt', required: false) if cc.has_function('clock_gettime', dependencies: librt) syslibs += [librt] endif endif glib_req_minmax_str = glib_req.split().get(1).underscorify() add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-DGLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=GLIB_VERSION_' + glib_req_minmax_str, '-DGLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED=GLIB_VERSION_' + glib_req_minmax_str, language: 'c') cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', meson.project_name()) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) cdata.set_quoted('VERSION', meson.project_version()) cdata.set('NICEAPI_EXPORT', true, description: 'Public library function implementation') # headers foreach h : ['arpa/inet.h', 'net/in.h', 'netdb.h', 'ifaddrs.h', 'unistd.h'] if cc.has_header(h) define = 'HAVE_' + h.underscorify().to_upper() cdata.set(define, 1) endif endforeach # functions foreach f : ['poll', 'getifaddrs'] if cc.has_function(f) define = 'HAVE_' + f.underscorify().to_upper() cdata.set(define, 1) endif endforeach if cc.has_argument('-fno-strict-aliasing') add_project_arguments('-fno-strict-aliasing', language: 'c') endif # Extra compiler warnings (FIXME: not sure this makes sense to keep like this) warning_level = get_option('warning_level').to_int() werror = get_option('werror') warnings = [] message('warning level: @0@'.format(warning_level)) message('werror enabled: @0@'.format(werror)) if warning_level >= 2 warnings += [ '-Wextra', '-Wundef', '-Wnested-externs', '-Wwrite-strings', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wredundant-decls', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '-Wformat=2', '-Wold-style-definition', '-Wcast-align', '-Wformat-nonliteral', '-Wformat-security', ] endif if warning_level >= 3 warnings += [ '-Wsign-compare', '-Wstrict-aliasing', '-Wshadow', '-Winline', '-Wpacked', '-Wmissing-format-attribute', '-Winit-self', '-Wredundant-decls', '-Wmissing-include-dirs', '-Wunused-but-set-variable', '-Warray-bounds', ] warnings += [ '-Wswitch-default', '-Waggregate-return', ] endif if werror warnings += [ '-Wno-suggest-attribute=format', '-Wno-cast-function-type', ] endif foreach w : warnings if cc.has_argument(w) add_project_arguments(w, language: 'c') endif endforeach # Dependencies gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', version: glib_req, fallback: ['glib', 'libgio_dep']) gio_deps = [gio_dep] if gio_dep.type_name() == 'internal' # A workaround for libgio_dep not having its dependencies correctly declared. # Should be fixed in GLib 2.60. gio_deps += [ dependency('', fallback: ['glib', 'libglib_dep']), dependency('', fallback: ['glib', 'libgmodule_dep']), dependency('', fallback: ['glib', 'libgobject_dep']) ] endif gthread_dep = dependency('gthread-2.0', fallback: ['glib', 'libgthread_dep']) # Cryto library opt_cryptolib = get_option('crypto-library') message('Crypto library: ' + opt_cryptolib) if opt_cryptolib != 'openssl' crypto_dep = dependency('gnutls', version: gnutls_req, required: false) cdata.set('HAVE_GNUTLS', crypto_dep.found()) if not crypto_dep.found() if opt_cryptolib != 'auto' error('GnuTLS requested as crypto library, but not found') endif crypto_dep = dependency('openssl', required: false, fallback: ['openssl', 'openssl_dep']) cdata.set('HAVE_OPENSSL', crypto_dep.found()) endif else crypto_dep = dependency('openssl', required: false) cdata.set('HAVE_OPENSSL', crypto_dep.found()) if not crypto_dep.found() if opt_cryptolib != 'auto' error('OpenSSL requested as crypto library, but not found') endif crypto_dep = dependency('gnutls', version: gnutls_req, required: false) cdata.set('HAVE_GNUTLS', crypto_dep.found()) endif endif if not crypto_dep.found() error('Either GnuTLS or OpenSSL is required as crypto library, but neither was found') endif # GStreamer gst_dep = dependency('gstreamer-base-1.0', version: gst_req, required: get_option('gstreamer'), fallback : ['gstreamer', 'gst_base_dep']) cdata.set('HAVE_GSTREAMER', gst_dep.found(), description: 'Build GStreamer plugin') # GUPnP IGD gupnp_igd_dep = dependency('gupnp-igd-1.0', version: gupnp_igd_req, required: get_option('gupnp')) cdata.set('HAVE_GUPNP', gupnp_igd_dep.found(), description: 'Use the GUPnP IGD library') libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false) nice_incs = include_directories('.', 'agent', 'random', 'socket', 'stun') nice_deps = gio_deps + [gthread_dep, crypto_dep, gupnp_igd_dep] + syslibs ignored_iface_prefix = get_option('ignored-network-interface-prefix') if ignored_iface_prefix != [] ignored_iface_prefix_quoted = [] foreach i : ignored_iface_prefix ignored_iface_prefix_quoted += '"' + i + '"' endforeach cdata.set('IGNORED_IFACE_PREFIX', ','.join(ignored_iface_prefix_quoted)) endif gir = find_program('g-ir-scanner', required : get_option('introspection')) subdir('agent') subdir('stun') subdir('socket') subdir('random') subdir('nice') if gst_dep.found() subdir('gst') endif if build_machine.system() == 'windows' message('Disabling gtk-doc while building on Windows') else if find_program('gtkdoc-scan', required: get_option('gtk_doc')).found() subdir('docs/reference/libnice') else message('Not building documentation as gtk-doc was not found or disabled') endif endif if not get_option('tests').disabled() subdir('tests') endif if not get_option('examples').disabled() subdir('examples') endif configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata)