A Guide for Contributors ======================== Contributors must agree to the [Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)](https://developercertificate.org/). You should indicate compliance by adding the following to each commit (using `git commit --signoff`): ``` Signed-off-by: NAME ``` When opening a merge request, please enable this option: > [ ] Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch. This will allow committers to do simple fixups to your commits, and to rebase them prior to merging. A Guide for Committers ====================== * All patches must be reviewed before pushing, with some exceptions: - Trivial changes (obvious updates) - Build fixes * The repository should have no merge commits Reviewers should use the following workflow to merge a merge request: * Review it! * Pull the branch locally * Rebase onto the top of master * Force-push to the contributor's branch * Approve on the web interface * Merge through the web interface