/** \ingroup popt * \file popt/popt.c */ /* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING file accompanying popt source distributions, available from ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist */ #undef MYDEBUG #include "system.h" #if defined(__LCLINT__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) /*@-declundef -exportheader @*/ extern long long int strtoll(const char *nptr, /*@null@*/ char **endptr, int base) /*@modifies *endptr@*/; /*@=declundef =exportheader @*/ #endif /* defined(__LCLINT__) */ #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H #include #endif #include #include "poptint.h" #if defined(HAVE_ASSERT_H) #include #else #define assert(_x) #endif #ifdef MYDEBUG /*@unchecked@*/ int _popt_debug = 0; #endif /*@unchecked@*/ unsigned int _poptArgMask = POPT_ARG_MASK; /*@unchecked@*/ unsigned int _poptGroupMask = POPT_GROUP_MASK; #if !defined(HAVE_STRERROR) && !defined(__LCLINT__) static char * strerror(int errno) { extern int sys_nerr; extern char * sys_errlist[]; if ((0 <= errno) && (errno < sys_nerr)) return sys_errlist[errno]; else return POPT_("unknown errno"); } #endif #ifdef MYDEBUG /*@unused@*/ static void prtcon(const char *msg, poptContext con) { if (msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg); fprintf(stderr, "\tcon %p os %p nextCharArg \"%s\" nextArg \"%s\" argv[%d] \"%s\"\n", con, con->os, (con->os->nextCharArg ? con->os->nextCharArg : ""), (con->os->nextArg ? con->os->nextArg : ""), con->os->next, (con->os->argv && con->os->argv[con->os->next] ? con->os->argv[con->os->next] : "")); } #endif void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute) { con->execPath = _free(con->execPath); con->execPath = xstrdup(path); con->execAbsolute = allowAbsolute; return; } static void invokeCallbacksPRE(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt) /*@globals internalState@*/ /*@modifies internalState@*/ { if (opt != NULL) for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) { poptArg arg; arg.ptr = opt->arg; if (arg.ptr) switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE: /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */ poptSubstituteHelpI18N(arg.opt); /* XXX side effects */ invokeCallbacksPRE(con, arg.opt); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_CALLBACK: /* Perform callback. */ if (!CBF_ISSET(opt, PRE)) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; /*@-noeffectuncon @*/ /* XXX no known way to annotate (*vector) calls. */ arg.cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_PRE, NULL, NULL, opt->descrip); /*@=noeffectuncon @*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } } } static void invokeCallbacksPOST(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt) /*@globals internalState@*/ /*@modifies internalState@*/ { if (opt != NULL) for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) { poptArg arg; arg.ptr = opt->arg; if (arg.ptr) switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE: /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */ poptSubstituteHelpI18N(arg.opt); /* XXX side effects */ invokeCallbacksPOST(con, arg.opt); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_CALLBACK: /* Perform callback. */ if (!CBF_ISSET(opt, POST)) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; /*@-noeffectuncon @*/ /* XXX no known way to annotate (*vector) calls. */ arg.cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_POST, NULL, NULL, opt->descrip); /*@=noeffectuncon @*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } } } static void invokeCallbacksOPTION(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt, const struct poptOption * myOpt, /*@null@*/ const void * myData, int shorty) /*@globals internalState@*/ /*@modifies internalState@*/ { const struct poptOption * cbopt = NULL; poptArg cbarg; cbarg.ptr = NULL; if (opt != NULL) for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) { poptArg arg; arg.ptr = opt->arg; switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE: /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */ poptSubstituteHelpI18N(arg.opt); /* XXX side effects */ if (opt->arg != NULL) invokeCallbacksOPTION(con, opt->arg, myOpt, myData, shorty); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_CALLBACK: /* Save callback info. */ if (CBF_ISSET(opt, SKIPOPTION)) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; cbopt = opt; cbarg.ptr = opt->arg; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: /* Perform callback on matching option. */ if (cbopt == NULL || cbarg.cb == NULL) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; if ((myOpt->shortName && opt->shortName && shorty && myOpt->shortName == opt->shortName) || (myOpt->longName != NULL && opt->longName != NULL && !strcmp(myOpt->longName, opt->longName))) { const void *cbData = (cbopt->descrip ? cbopt->descrip : myData); /*@-noeffectuncon @*/ /* XXX no known way to annotate (*vector) calls. */ cbarg.cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_OPTION, myOpt, con->os->nextArg, cbData); /*@=noeffectuncon @*/ /* Terminate (unless explcitly continuing). */ if (!CBF_ISSET(cbopt, CONTINUE)) return; } /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } } } poptContext poptGetContext(const char * name, int argc, const char ** argv, const struct poptOption * options, unsigned int flags) { poptContext con = (poptContext) xcalloc(1, sizeof(*con)); assert(con); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con == NULL) return NULL; con->optionDepth = POPTINT_OPTION_DEPTH; con->os = con->optionStack; #ifdef SUPPORT_GLOBAL_CALCULATOR con->calcDepth = POPTINT_CALC_DEPTH; con->stk = con->calcStack; #endif con->os->argc = argc; /*@-dependenttrans -assignexpose@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */ con->os->argv = argv; /*@=dependenttrans =assignexpose@*/ con->os->argb = NULL; if (!(flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST)) con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */ con->leftovers = (poptArgv) xcalloc( (size_t)(argc + 1), sizeof(*con->leftovers) ); /*@-dependenttrans -assignexpose@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */ con->options = options; /*@=dependenttrans =assignexpose@*/ con->aliases = NULL; con->numAliases = 0; con->flags = flags; con->execs = NULL; con->numExecs = 0; con->nav = argc * 2; con->av = (poptArgv) xcalloc( (size_t)con->nav, sizeof(*con->av) ); con->execAbsolute = 1; con->arg_strip = NULL; if (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT") || getenv("POSIX_ME_HARDER")) con->flags |= POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER; if (name) con->appName = xstrdup(name); invokeCallbacksPRE(con, con->options); return con; } static void cleanOSE(/*@special@*/ struct optionStackEntry *os) /*@uses os @*/ /*@releases os->nextArg, os->argv, os->argb @*/ /*@modifies os @*/ { #if !defined(SUPPORT_CONTIGUOUS_ARGV) int i; for (i = 0; os->argv[i]; i++) os->argv[i] = _free(os->argv[i]); #endif os->argv = _free(os->argv); os->argb = PBM_FREE(os->argb); os->nextArg = _free(os->nextArg); } void poptResetContext(poptContext con) { if (con == NULL) return; while (con->os > con->optionStack) { cleanOSE(con->os--); } con->os->argb = PBM_FREE(con->os->argb); con->os->currAlias = NULL; con->os->nextCharArg = NULL; con->os->nextArg = NULL; con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */ con->numLeftovers = 0; con->nextLeftover = 0; con->restLeftover = 0; con->doExec = NULL; if (con->av != NULL) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < con->ac; i++) { /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ /* FIX: typedef double indirection. */ con->av[i] = _free(con->av[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ } } con->ac = 0; con->arg_strip = PBM_FREE(con->arg_strip); /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: con->av != NULL */ return; /*@=nullstate@*/ } /* Only one of longName, shortName should be set, not both. */ static int handleExec(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, /*@null@*/ const char * longName, char shortName) /*@uses con->execs, con->numExecs, con->flags, con->doExec, con->av, con->nav, con->ac @*/ /*@modifies con @*/ { poptItem item; int i; if (con->execs == NULL || con->numExecs <= 0) return 0; for (i = con->numExecs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = con->execs + i; if (longName && !(item->option.longName && !strcmp(longName, item->option.longName))) continue; else if (shortName != item->option.shortName) continue; break; } if (i < 0) return 0; if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC) return 1; if (con->doExec == NULL) { con->doExec = con->execs + i; return 1; } /* We already have an exec to do; remember this option for next time 'round */ if ((con->ac + 1) >= (con->nav)) { con->nav += 10; con->av = (poptArgv) xrealloc(con->av, sizeof(*con->av) * con->nav); } i = con->ac++; assert(con->av); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con->av != NULL) { char *s = (char*) xmalloc((longName ? strlen(longName) : 0) + sizeof("--")); assert(s); /* XXX can't happen */ if (s != NULL) { con->av[i] = s; *s++ = '-'; if (longName) s = stpcpy( stpcpy(s, "-"), longName); else *s++ = shortName; *s = '\0'; } else con->av[i] = NULL; } return 1; } /** * Compare long option for equality, adjusting for POPT_ARGFLAG_TOGGLE. * @param opt option * @param longName arg option * @param longNameLen arg option length * @return does long option match? */ static int longOptionStrcmp(const struct poptOption * opt, /*@null@*/ const char * longName, size_t longNameLen) /*@*/ { const char * optLongName = opt->longName; int rc; assert(optLongName && longName); /* XXX can't heppen */ if (optLongName == NULL || longName == NULL) return 0; if (F_ISSET(opt, TOGGLE)) { if (optLongName[0] == 'n' && optLongName[1] == 'o') { optLongName += sizeof("no") - 1; if (optLongName[0] == '-') optLongName++; } if (longName[0] == 'n' && longName[1] == 'o') { longName += sizeof("no") - 1; longNameLen -= sizeof("no") - 1; if (longName[0] == '-') { longName++; longNameLen--; } } } rc = (int)(strlen(optLongName) == longNameLen); if (rc) rc = (int)(strncmp(optLongName, longName, longNameLen) == 0); return rc; } /* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */ static int handleAlias(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, /*@null@*/ const char * longName, size_t longNameLen, char shortName, /*@exposed@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * nextArg) /*@uses con->aliases, con->numAliases, con->optionStack, con->os, con->os->currAlias, con->os->currAlias->option.longName @*/ /*@modifies con @*/ { poptItem item = con->os->currAlias; int rc; int i; if (item) { if (longName && item->option.longName != NULL && longOptionStrcmp(&item->option, longName, longNameLen)) return 0; else if (shortName && shortName == item->option.shortName) return 0; } if (con->aliases == NULL || con->numAliases <= 0) return 0; for (i = con->numAliases - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = con->aliases + i; if (longName) { if (item->option.longName == NULL) continue; if (!longOptionStrcmp(&item->option, longName, longNameLen)) continue; } else if (shortName != item->option.shortName) continue; break; } if (i < 0) return 0; if ((con->os - con->optionStack + 1) == con->optionDepth) return POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP; if (longName == NULL && nextArg != NULL && *nextArg != '\0') con->os->nextCharArg = nextArg; con->os++; con->os->next = 0; con->os->stuffed = 0; con->os->nextArg = NULL; con->os->nextCharArg = NULL; con->os->currAlias = con->aliases + i; { const char ** av; int ac = con->os->currAlias->argc; /* Append --foo=bar arg to alias argv array (if present). */ if (longName && nextArg != NULL && *nextArg != '\0') { av = (const char**) xmalloc((ac + 1 + 1) * sizeof(*av)); assert(av); /* XXX won't happen. */ if (av != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) { av[i] = con->os->currAlias->argv[i]; } av[ac++] = nextArg; av[ac] = NULL; } else /* XXX revert to old popt behavior if malloc fails. */ av = con->os->currAlias->argv; } else av = con->os->currAlias->argv; rc = poptDupArgv(ac, av, &con->os->argc, &con->os->argv); if (av != NULL && av != con->os->currAlias->argv) free(av); } con->os->argb = NULL; return (rc ? rc : 1); } /** * Return absolute path to executable by searching PATH. * @param argv0 name of executable * @return (malloc'd) absolute path to executable (or NULL) */ static /*@null@*/ const char * findProgramPath(/*@null@*/ const char * argv0) /*@*/ { char *path = NULL, *s = NULL, *se; char *t = NULL; assert(argv0); /* XXX can't happen */ if (argv0 == NULL) return NULL; /* If there is a / in argv[0], it has to be an absolute path. */ /* XXX Hmmm, why not if (argv0[0] == '/') ... instead? */ if (strchr(argv0, '/')) return xstrdup(argv0); if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL || (path = xstrdup(path)) == NULL) return NULL; /* The return buffer in t is big enough for any path. */ if ((t = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(path) + strlen(argv0) + sizeof("/"))) != NULL) for (s = path; s && *s; s = se) { /* Snip PATH element into [s,se). */ if ((se = strchr(s, ':'))) *se++ = '\0'; /* Append argv0 to PATH element. */ (void) stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(t, s), "/"), argv0); /* If file is executable, bingo! */ if (!access(t, X_OK)) break; } /* If no executable was found in PATH, return NULL. */ /*@-compdef@*/ if (!(s && *s) && t != NULL) t = _free(t); /*@=compdef@*/ /*@-modobserver -observertrans -usedef @*/ path = _free(path); /*@=modobserver =observertrans =usedef @*/ return t; } static int execCommand(poptContext con) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { poptItem item = con->doExec; poptArgv argv = NULL; int argc = 0; int ec = POPT_ERROR_ERRNO; assert(item); /*XXX can't happen*/ if (item == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_NOARG; if (item->argv == NULL || item->argc < 1 || (!con->execAbsolute && strchr(item->argv[0], '/'))) return POPT_ERROR_NOARG; argv = (poptArgv) xmalloc(sizeof(*argv) * (6 + item->argc + con->numLeftovers + con->ac)); assert(argv); /* XXX can't happen */ if (argv == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_MALLOC; if (!strchr(item->argv[0], '/') && con->execPath != NULL) { char *s = (char*) xmalloc(strlen(con->execPath) + strlen(item->argv[0]) + sizeof("/")); if (s) (void)stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(s, con->execPath), "/"), item->argv[0]); argv[argc] = s; } else argv[argc] = findProgramPath(item->argv[0]); if (argv[argc++] == NULL) { ec = POPT_ERROR_NOARG; goto exit; } if (item->argc > 1) { memcpy(argv + argc, item->argv + 1, sizeof(*argv) * (item->argc - 1)); argc += (item->argc - 1); } if (con->av != NULL && con->ac > 0) { memcpy(argv + argc, con->av, sizeof(*argv) * con->ac); argc += con->ac; } if (con->leftovers != NULL && con->numLeftovers > 0) { memcpy(argv + argc, con->leftovers, sizeof(*argv) * con->numLeftovers); argc += con->numLeftovers; } argv[argc] = NULL; #if defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux) { int rc; rc = setresgid(getgid(), getgid(),-1); if (rc) goto exit; rc = setresuid(getuid(), getuid(),-1); if (rc) goto exit; } #else /* * XXX " ... on BSD systems setuid() should be preferred over setreuid()" * XXX sez' Timur Bakeyev * XXX from Norbert Warmuth */ #if defined(HAVE_SETUID) { int rc; rc = setgid(getgid()); if (rc) goto exit; rc = setuid(getuid()); if (rc) goto exit; } #elif defined (HAVE_SETREUID) { int rc; rc = setregid(getgid(), getgid()); if (rc) goto exit; rc = setreuid(getuid(), getuid()); if (rc) goto exit; } #else ; /* Can't drop privileges */ #endif #endif #ifdef MYDEBUG if (_popt_debug) { poptArgv avp; fprintf(stderr, "==> execvp(%s) argv[%d]:", argv[0], argc); for (avp = argv; *avp; avp++) fprintf(stderr, " '%s'", *avp); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif /*@-nullstate@*/ execvp(argv[0], (char *const *)argv); /*@=nullstate@*/ exit: if (argv) { if (argv[0]) free((void *)argv[0]); free(argv); } return ec; } /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ static const struct poptOption * findOption(const struct poptOption * opt, /*@null@*/ const char * longName, size_t longNameLen, char shortName, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ poptCallbackType * callback, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const void ** callbackData, unsigned int argInfo) /*@modifies *callback, *callbackData */ { const struct poptOption * cb = NULL; poptArg cbarg; cbarg.ptr = NULL; /* This happens when a single - is given */ if (LF_ISSET(ONEDASH) && !shortName && (longName && *longName == '\0')) shortName = '-'; for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) { poptArg arg; arg.ptr = opt->arg; switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE: /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */ { const struct poptOption * opt2; poptSubstituteHelpI18N(arg.opt); /* XXX side effects */ if (arg.ptr == NULL) continue; /* XXX program error */ opt2 = findOption(arg.opt, longName, longNameLen, shortName, callback, callbackData, argInfo); if (opt2 == NULL) continue; /* Sub-table data will be inheirited if no data yet. */ /*@-observertrans -dependenttrans @*/ if (callback && *callback && callbackData && *callbackData == NULL) *callbackData = opt->descrip; /*@=observertrans =dependenttrans @*/ return opt2; } /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_CALLBACK: cb = opt; cbarg.ptr = opt->arg; continue; /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } if (longName != NULL && opt->longName != NULL && (!LF_ISSET(ONEDASH) || F_ISSET(opt, ONEDASH)) && longOptionStrcmp(opt, longName, longNameLen)) { break; } else if (shortName && shortName == opt->shortName) { break; } } if (opt->longName == NULL && !opt->shortName) return NULL; /*@-modobserver -mods @*/ if (callback) *callback = (cb ? cbarg.cb : NULL); if (callbackData) /*@-observertrans -dependenttrans @*/ *callbackData = (cb && !CBF_ISSET(cb, INC_DATA) ? cb->descrip : NULL); /*@=observertrans =dependenttrans @*/ /*@=modobserver =mods @*/ return opt; } static const char * findNextArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, unsigned argx, int delete_arg) /*@uses con->optionStack, con->os, con->os->next, con->os->argb, con->os->argc, con->os->argv @*/ /*@modifies con @*/ { struct optionStackEntry * os = con->os; const char * arg; do { int i; arg = NULL; while (os->next == os->argc && os > con->optionStack) os--; if (os->next == os->argc && os == con->optionStack) break; if (os->argv != NULL) for (i = os->next; i < os->argc; i++) { /*@-sizeoftype@*/ if (os->argb && PBM_ISSET(i, os->argb)) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (*os->argv[i] == '-') /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; if (--argx > 0) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; arg = os->argv[i]; if (delete_arg) { if (os->argb == NULL) os->argb = PBM_ALLOC(os->argc); assert(os->argb); /* XXX can't happen */ if (os->argb != NULL) PBM_SET(i, os->argb); } /*@innerbreak@*/ break; /*@=sizeoftype@*/ } if (os > con->optionStack) os--; } while (arg == NULL); return arg; } static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * expandNextArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, const char * s) /*@uses con->optionStack, con->os, con->os->next, con->os->argb, con->os->argc, con->os->argv @*/ /*@modifies con @*/ { const char * a = NULL; char *t, *te; size_t tn = strlen(s) + 1; char c; te = t = (char*) xmalloc(tn); assert(t); /* XXX can't happen */ if (t == NULL) return NULL; *t = '\0'; while ((c = *s++) != '\0') { switch (c) { #if 0 /* XXX can't do this */ case '\\': /* escape */ c = *s++; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; #endif case '!': if (!(s[0] == '#' && s[1] == ':' && s[2] == '+')) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; /* XXX Make sure that findNextArg deletes only next arg. */ if (a == NULL) { if ((a = findNextArg(con, 1U, 1)) == NULL) /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } s += sizeof("#:+") - 1; tn += strlen(a); { size_t pos = (size_t) (te - t); /* cppcheck-suppress memleakOnRealloc */ t = (char*) xrealloc(t, tn); assert(t); /* XXX can't happen */ if (t == NULL) return NULL; te = stpcpy(t + pos, a); } continue; /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } *te++ = c; } *te++ = '\0'; /* If the new string is longer than needed, shorten. */ if ((t + tn) > te) { /*@-usereleased@*/ /* XXX splint can't follow the pointers. */ if ((te = (char*) xrealloc(t, (size_t)(te - t))) == NULL) free(t); t = te; /*@=usereleased@*/ } return t; } static void poptStripArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, int which) /*@uses con->optionStack @*/ /*@defines con->arg_strip @*/ /*@modifies con @*/ { /*@-compdef -sizeoftype -usedef @*/ if (con->arg_strip == NULL) con->arg_strip = PBM_ALLOC(con->optionStack[0].argc); assert(con->arg_strip); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con->arg_strip != NULL) PBM_SET(which, con->arg_strip); return; /*@=compdef =sizeoftype =usedef @*/ } /*@unchecked@*/ unsigned int _poptBitsN = _POPT_BITS_N; /*@unchecked@*/ unsigned int _poptBitsM = _POPT_BITS_M; /*@unchecked@*/ unsigned int _poptBitsK = _POPT_BITS_K; /*@-sizeoftype@*/ static int _poptBitsNew(/*@null@*/ poptBits *bitsp) /*@globals _poptBitsN, _poptBitsM, _poptBitsK @*/ /*@modifies *bitsp, _poptBitsN, _poptBitsM, _poptBitsK @*/ { if (bitsp == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; /* XXX handle negated initialization. */ if (*bitsp == NULL) { if (_poptBitsN == 0) { _poptBitsN = _POPT_BITS_N; _poptBitsM = _POPT_BITS_M; } if (_poptBitsM == 0U) _poptBitsM = (3 * _poptBitsN) / 2; if (_poptBitsK == 0U || _poptBitsK > 32U) _poptBitsK = _POPT_BITS_K; *bitsp = PBM_ALLOC(_poptBitsM-1); } /*@-nullstate@*/ return 0; /*@=nullstate@*/ } int poptBitsAdd(poptBits bits, const char * s) { size_t ns = (s ? strlen(s) : 0); uint32_t h0 = 0; uint32_t h1 = 0; if (bits == NULL || ns == 0) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; poptJlu32lpair(s, ns, &h0, &h1); for (ns = 0; ns < (size_t)_poptBitsK; ns++) { uint32_t h = h0 + ns * h1; uint32_t ix = (h % _poptBitsM); PBM_SET(ix, bits); } return 0; } int poptBitsChk(poptBits bits, const char * s) { size_t ns = (s ? strlen(s) : 0); uint32_t h0 = 0; uint32_t h1 = 0; int rc = 1; if (bits == NULL || ns == 0) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; poptJlu32lpair(s, ns, &h0, &h1); for (ns = 0; ns < (size_t)_poptBitsK; ns++) { uint32_t h = h0 + ns * h1; uint32_t ix = (h % _poptBitsM); if (PBM_ISSET(ix, bits)) continue; rc = 0; break; } return rc; } int poptBitsClr(poptBits bits) { static size_t nbw = (__PBM_NBITS/8); size_t nw = (__PBM_IX(_poptBitsM-1) + 1); if (bits == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; memset(bits, 0, nw * nbw); return 0; } int poptBitsDel(poptBits bits, const char * s) { size_t ns = (s ? strlen(s) : 0); uint32_t h0 = 0; uint32_t h1 = 0; if (bits == NULL || ns == 0) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; poptJlu32lpair(s, ns, &h0, &h1); for (ns = 0; ns < (size_t)_poptBitsK; ns++) { uint32_t h = h0 + ns * h1; uint32_t ix = (h % _poptBitsM); PBM_CLR(ix, bits); } return 0; } int poptBitsIntersect(poptBits *ap, const poptBits b) { __pbm_bits *abits; __pbm_bits *bbits; __pbm_bits rc = 0; size_t nw = (__PBM_IX(_poptBitsM-1) + 1); size_t i; if (ap == NULL || b == NULL || _poptBitsNew(ap)) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; abits = __PBM_BITS(*ap); bbits = __PBM_BITS(b); for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) { abits[i] &= bbits[i]; rc |= abits[i]; } return (rc ? 1 : 0); } int poptBitsUnion(poptBits *ap, const poptBits b) { __pbm_bits *abits; __pbm_bits *bbits; __pbm_bits rc = 0; size_t nw = (__PBM_IX(_poptBitsM-1) + 1); size_t i; if (ap == NULL || b == NULL || _poptBitsNew(ap)) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; abits = __PBM_BITS(*ap); bbits = __PBM_BITS(b); for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) { abits[i] |= bbits[i]; rc |= abits[i]; } return (rc ? 1 : 0); } int poptBitsArgs(poptContext con, poptBits *ap) { const char ** av; int rc = 0; if (con == NULL || ap == NULL || _poptBitsNew(ap) || con->leftovers == NULL || con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; /* some apps like [like RPM ;-) ] need this NULL terminated */ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers] = NULL; for (av = con->leftovers + con->nextLeftover; *av != NULL; av++) { if ((rc = poptBitsAdd(*ap, *av)) != 0) break; } /*@-nullstate@*/ return rc; /*@=nullstate@*/ } int poptSaveBits(poptBits * bitsp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(unsigned int argInfo), const char * s) { char *tbuf = NULL; char *t, *te; int rc = 0; if (bitsp == NULL || s == NULL || *s == '\0' || _poptBitsNew(bitsp)) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; /* Parse comma separated attributes. */ te = tbuf = xstrdup(s); assert(te); while ((t = te) != NULL && *t) { while (*te != '\0' && *te != ',') te++; if (*te != '\0') *te++ = '\0'; /* XXX Ignore empty strings. */ if (*t == '\0') continue; /* XXX Permit negated attributes. caveat emptor: false negatives. */ if (*t == '!') { t++; if ((rc = poptBitsChk(*bitsp, t)) > 0) rc = poptBitsDel(*bitsp, t); } else rc = poptBitsAdd(*bitsp, t); if (rc) break; } tbuf = _free(tbuf); return rc; } /*@=sizeoftype@*/ int poptSaveString(const char *** argvp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(unsigned int argInfo), const char * val) { int argc = 0; if (argvp == NULL || val == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; /* XXX likely needs an upper bound on argc. */ if (*argvp != NULL) while ((*argvp)[argc] != NULL) argc++; /*@-unqualifiedtrans -nullstate@*/ /* XXX no annotation for (*argvp) */ if ((*argvp = (const char**) xrealloc(*argvp, (argc + 1 + 1) * sizeof(**argvp))) != NULL) { (*argvp)[argc++] = xstrdup(val); (*argvp)[argc ] = NULL; } return 0; /*@=unqualifiedtrans =nullstate@*/ } /*@unchecked@*/ static unsigned seed = 0; typedef int64_t * poptStack_t; static long long poptCalculator(long long arg0, unsigned argInfo, long long arg1, /*@null@*/ const char * expr, int * rcp) { int ixmax = 20; /* XXX overkill */ poptStack_t stk = (poptStack_t) memset((poptStack_t)alloca(ixmax*sizeof(*stk)), 0, (ixmax*sizeof(*stk))); int ix = 0; size_t nt = 64; /* XXX overkill */ char * t = (char*) alloca(nt); char * te = t; const char * s; int rc = 0; /* assume success */ long long retval = 0; int i; const char ** av = NULL; int ac = 0; /* cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable */ int xx; stk[ix++] = arg0; if (arg1 != 0 && LF_ISSET(RANDOM)) { #if defined(HAVE_SRANDOM) if (!seed) { srandom((unsigned)getpid()); srandom((unsigned)random()); } arg1 = random() % (arg1 > 0 ? arg1 : -arg1); arg1++; #else /* XXX avoid adding POPT_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED to minimize i18n churn. */ rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION; goto exit; #endif } if (!LF_ISSET(CALCULATOR) && LF_ISSET(NOT)) arg1 = ~arg1; stk[ix++] = arg1; /* XXX hotwire a RPN program. */ if (expr == NULL) { switch (LF_ISSET(LOGICALOPS)) { case POPT_ARGFLAG_OR: *te++ = '|'; break; case POPT_ARGFLAG_AND: *te++ = '&'; break; case POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR: *te++ = '^'; break; default: if (LF_ISSET(CALCULATOR)) /* XXX hotwire +/- operations. */ *te++ = LF_ISSET(NOT) ? '-' : '+'; else if (!LF_ISSET(LOGICALOPS)) *te++ = '='; else { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION; goto exit; } break; } *te = '\0'; } s = (expr ? expr : t); xx = poptParseArgvString(s, &ac, &av); /* XXX split on CSV character set. */ assert(!xx && av); if (av) for (i = 0; av[i] != NULL; i++) { const char * arg = av[i]; size_t len = strlen(arg); int c = (int) *arg; if (len == 0) continue; if (len > 1) { char * end = NULL; if (ix >= ixmax) { rc = POPT_ERROR_STACKOVERFLOW; goto exit; } stk[ix++] = strtoll(arg, &end, 0); if (end && *end != '\0') { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER; goto exit; } } else { if (ix-- < 2) { rc = POPT_ERROR_STACKUNDERFLOW; goto exit; } switch (c) { case 'd': /* duplicate */ ix++; stk[ix] = stk[ix-1]; ix++; break; /* XXX FIXME: initial arg0 cannot be dupe'd. */ case 'P': /* pop */ break; /* XXX FIXME: initial arg0 cannot be pop'd. */ case 'r': /* reverse */ ix++; stk[ix] = stk[ix-2]; stk[ix-2] = stk[ix-1]; stk[ix-1] = stk[ix]; break; case '=': stk[ix-1] = stk[ix]; break; case '|': stk[ix-1] |= stk[ix]; break; case '&': stk[ix-1] &= stk[ix]; break; case '^': stk[ix-1] ^= stk[ix]; break; case '+': stk[ix-1] += stk[ix]; break; case '-': stk[ix-1] -= stk[ix]; break; case '*': stk[ix-1] *= stk[ix]; break; case '/': case '%': if (stk[ix] == 0) { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION; /* XXX POPT_ERROR_DIVZERO */ goto exit; } if (c == (int)'%') stk[ix-1] %= stk[ix]; else stk[ix-1] /= stk[ix]; break; default: rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION; goto exit; /*@notreached@*/ break; } } } if (ix-- < 1) { rc = POPT_ERROR_STACKUNDERFLOW; goto exit; } retval = stk[ix]; exit: if (av) { #if !defined(SUPPORT_CONTIGUOUS_ARGV) for (i = 0; av[i]; i++) av[i] = _free(av[i]); #endif av = _free(av); } *rcp = rc; return retval; } int poptSaveLongLong(long long * arg, unsigned int argInfo, long long aLongLong) { long long retval = 0; int rc = 0; if (arg == NULL #ifdef NOTYET /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */ || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1)) #endif ) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; retval = poptCalculator(*arg, argInfo, (long long)aLongLong, NULL, &rc); if (!rc) *arg = (long long) retval; return rc; } int poptSaveLong(long * arg, unsigned int argInfo, long aLong) { long long retval = 0; int rc = 0; /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */ if (arg == NULL || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1))) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; retval = poptCalculator(*arg, argInfo, (long long)aLong, NULL, &rc); if (!rc) *arg = (long) retval; return rc; } int poptSaveInt(/*@null@*/ int * arg, unsigned int argInfo, long aLong) { long long retval = 0; int rc = 0; /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */ if (arg == NULL || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1))) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; retval = poptCalculator(*arg, argInfo, (long long)aLong, NULL, &rc); if (!rc) *arg = (int) retval; return rc; } int poptSaveShort(/*@null@*/ short * arg, unsigned int argInfo, long aLong) { long long retval = 0; int rc = 0; /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */ if (arg == NULL || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1))) return POPT_ERROR_NULLARG; retval = poptCalculator(*arg, argInfo, (long long)aLong, NULL, &rc); if (!rc) *arg = (short) retval; return rc; } /** * Return argInfo field, handling POPT_ARGFLAG_TOGGLE overrides. * @param con context * @param *opt option * @return argInfo */ static unsigned int poptArgInfo(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt) /*@*/ { unsigned int argInfo = opt->argInfo; if (con->os->argv != NULL && con->os->next > 0 && opt->longName != NULL) if (LF_ISSET(TOGGLE)) { const char * longName = con->os->argv[con->os->next-1]; while (*longName == '-') longName++; /* XXX almost good enough but consider --[no]nofoo corner cases. */ if (longName[0] != opt->longName[0] || longName[1] != opt->longName[1]) { if (!LF_ISSET(XOR)) { /* XXX dont toggle with XOR */ /* Toggle POPT_BIT_SET <=> POPT_BIT_CLR. */ if (LF_ISSET(LOGICALOPS)) argInfo ^= (POPT_ARGFLAG_OR|POPT_ARGFLAG_AND); argInfo ^= POPT_ARGFLAG_NOT; } } } return argInfo; } /** * Parse an integer expression. * @retval *llp integer expression value * @param argInfo integer expression type * @param val integer expression string * @return 0 on success, otherwise POPT_* error. */ static int poptParseInteger(long long * llp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(unsigned int argInfo), /*@null@*/ const char * val) /*@modifies *llp @*/ { if (val) { char *end = NULL; *llp = strtoll(val, &end, 0); /* XXX parse scaling suffixes here. */ if (!(end && *end == '\0')) return POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER; } else *llp = 0; return 0; } /** * Save the option argument through the (*opt->arg) pointer. * @param con context * @param opt option * @return 0 on success, otherwise POPT_* error. */ static int poptSaveArg(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt) /*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies con, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { int rc = 0; /* assume success */ poptArg arg; arg.ptr = opt->arg; switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_BITSET: /* XXX memory leak, application is responsible for free. */ rc = poptSaveBits(arg.ptr, opt->argInfo, con->os->nextArg); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_ARGV: /* XXX memory leak, application is responsible for free. */ rc = poptSaveString(arg.ptr, opt->argInfo, con->os->nextArg); /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_STRING: /* XXX memory leak, application is responsible for free. */ arg.argv[0] = (con->os->nextArg) ? xstrdup(con->os->nextArg) : NULL; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_LONGLONG: case POPT_ARG_LONG: case POPT_ARG_INT: case POPT_ARG_SHORT: case POPT_ARG_NONE: case POPT_ARG_VAL: { unsigned argInfo = poptArgInfo(con, opt); long long aNUM = 0; const char * expr = LF_ISSET(CALCULATOR) ? opt->argDescrip : NULL; if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_NONE) aNUM = 1LL; else if (poptArgType(opt) == POPT_ARG_VAL) aNUM = (long long) opt->val; else if ((rc = poptParseInteger(&aNUM, argInfo, con->os->nextArg)) != 0) break; switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_LONGLONG: /* XXX let's not demand C99 compiler flags for quite yet. */ #if !defined(LLONG_MAX) # define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807LL # define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL) #endif if (aNUM == LLONG_MIN || aNUM == LLONG_MAX) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } /* XXX pointer alignment check? */ aNUM = poptCalculator(arg.longlongp[0], argInfo, aNUM, expr, &rc); if (!rc) arg.longlongp[0] = (long long) aNUM; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_LONG: if (aNUM < (long long)LONG_MIN || aNUM > (long long)LONG_MAX) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } /* XXX pointer alignment check? */ aNUM = poptCalculator(arg.longp[0], argInfo, aNUM, expr, &rc); if (!rc) arg.longp[0] = (long) aNUM; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_INT: if (aNUM < (long long)INT_MIN || aNUM > (long long)INT_MAX) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } /*@fallthrough@*/ case POPT_ARG_NONE: case POPT_ARG_VAL: /* XXX pointer alignment check? */ aNUM = poptCalculator(arg.intp[0], argInfo, aNUM, expr, &rc); if (!rc) arg.intp[0] = (int) aNUM; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_SHORT: if (aNUM < (long long)SHRT_MIN || aNUM > (long long)SHRT_MAX) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } /* XXX pointer alignment check? */ aNUM = poptCalculator(arg.shortp[0], argInfo, aNUM, expr, &rc); if (!rc) arg.shortp[0] = (short) aNUM; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } } /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_FLOAT: case POPT_ARG_DOUBLE: { char *end = NULL; double aDouble = 0.0; if (con->os->nextArg) { /*@-mods@*/ int saveerrno = errno; errno = 0; aDouble = strtod(con->os->nextArg, &end); if (errno == ERANGE) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } errno = saveerrno; /*@=mods@*/ if (*end != '\0') { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER; goto exit; } } switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_DOUBLE: arg.doublep[0] = aDouble; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_FLOAT: #if !defined(DBL_EPSILON) && !defined(__LCLINT__) #define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16 #endif #define POPT_ABS(a) ((((a) - 0.0) < DBL_EPSILON) ? -(a) : (a)) if ((FLT_MIN - POPT_ABS(aDouble)) > DBL_EPSILON || (POPT_ABS(aDouble) - FLT_MAX) > DBL_EPSILON) { rc = POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; goto exit; } arg.floatp[0] = (float) aDouble; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } } /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case POPT_ARG_MAINCALL: /*@-assignexpose -type@*/ con->maincall = opt->arg; /*@=assignexpose =type@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: fprintf(stdout, POPT_("option type (%u) not implemented in popt\n"), poptArgType(opt)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } exit: return rc; } /* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */ int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con) { const struct poptOption * opt = NULL; int done = 0; int rc = -1; if (con == NULL) goto exit; while (!done) { poptCallbackType cb = NULL; const void * cbData = NULL; const char * longArg = NULL; int canstrip = 0; int shorty = 0; while (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc && con->os > con->optionStack) { cleanOSE(con->os--); } if (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc) { invokeCallbacksPOST(con, con->options); if (con->maincall) { /*@-noeffectuncon @*/ (void) (*con->maincall) (con->ac, con->av); /*@=noeffectuncon @*/ rc = -1; goto exit; } rc = (con->doExec) ? execCommand(con) : -1; goto exit; } /* Process next long option */ if (!con->os->nextCharArg) { const char * origOptString = NULL; const char * optString; int thisopt; /*@-sizeoftype@*/ if (con->os->argb && PBM_ISSET(con->os->next, con->os->argb)) { con->os->next++; continue; } /*@=sizeoftype@*/ thisopt = con->os->next; assert(con->os->argv); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con->os->argv != NULL) origOptString = con->os->argv[con->os->next++]; assert(origOptString); /* XXX can't happen */ if (origOptString == NULL) { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; goto exit; } if (con->restLeftover || *origOptString != '-' || (*origOptString == '-' && origOptString[1] == '\0')) { if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER) con->restLeftover = 1; if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_ARG_OPTS) { con->os->nextArg = xstrdup(origOptString); rc = 0; goto exit; } assert(con->leftovers); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con->leftovers != NULL) con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers++] = origOptString; continue; } /* Make a copy we can hack at */ optString = origOptString; if (optString[0] == '\0') { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; goto exit; } if (optString[1] == '-' && !optString[2]) { con->restLeftover = 1; continue; } else { unsigned int argInfo = 0; const char *oe; size_t optStringLen; optString++; if (*optString == '-') optString++; else argInfo |= POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH; /* Check for "--long=arg" option. */ for (oe = optString; *oe && *oe != '='; oe++) {}; optStringLen = (size_t)(oe - optString); if (*oe == '=') longArg = oe + 1; /* XXX aliases with arg substitution need "--alias=arg" */ if (handleAlias(con, optString, optStringLen, '\0', longArg)) { longArg = NULL; continue; } if (handleExec(con, optString, '\0')) continue; opt = findOption(con->options, optString, optStringLen, '\0', &cb, &cbData, argInfo); if (!opt && !LF_ISSET(ONEDASH)) { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; goto exit; } } if (!opt) { con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString + 1; longArg = NULL; } else { if (con->os == con->optionStack && F_ISSET(opt, STRIP)) { canstrip = 1; poptStripArg(con, thisopt); } shorty = 0; } } /* Process next short option */ if (con->os->nextCharArg) { const char * nextCharArg = con->os->nextCharArg; con->os->nextCharArg = NULL; if (handleAlias(con, NULL, 0, *nextCharArg, nextCharArg + 1)) continue; if (handleExec(con, NULL, *nextCharArg)) { /* Restore rest of short options for further processing */ nextCharArg++; if (*nextCharArg != '\0') con->os->nextCharArg = nextCharArg; continue; } opt = findOption(con->options, NULL, 0, *nextCharArg, &cb, &cbData, 0); if (!opt) { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; goto exit; } shorty = 1; nextCharArg++; if (*nextCharArg != '\0') con->os->nextCharArg = nextCharArg + (int)(*nextCharArg == '='); } assert(opt != NULL); /* XXX can't happen */ if (opt == NULL) { rc = POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; goto exit; } rc = 0; /* assume success */ switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_NONE: case POPT_ARG_VAL: if (longArg || (con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->nextCharArg[0] == '=')) rc = POPT_ERROR_UNWANTEDARG; break; default: con->os->nextArg = _free(con->os->nextArg); if (longArg) { longArg = expandNextArg(con, longArg); con->os->nextArg = (char *) longArg; } else if (con->os->nextCharArg) { int skip = (con->os->nextCharArg[0] == '='); longArg = expandNextArg(con, con->os->nextCharArg + skip); con->os->nextArg = (char *) longArg; con->os->nextCharArg = NULL; } else { while (con->os->next == con->os->argc && con->os > con->optionStack) { cleanOSE(con->os--); } if (con->os->next == con->os->argc) { if (!F_ISSET(opt, OPTIONAL)) { rc = POPT_ERROR_NOARG; break; } con->os->nextArg = NULL; } else { /* Avoid short args and alias expansions. */ if (con->os == con->optionStack && F_ISSET(opt, STRIP) && canstrip) poptStripArg(con, con->os->next); assert(con->os->argv); /* XXX can't happen */ if (con->os->argv != NULL) { if (F_ISSET(opt, OPTIONAL) && con->os->argv[con->os->next][0] == '-') { con->os->nextArg = NULL; } else { /* XXX watchout: subtle side-effects live here. */ longArg = con->os->argv[con->os->next++]; longArg = expandNextArg(con, longArg); con->os->nextArg = (char *) longArg; } } } } break; } longArg = NULL; if (rc || (opt->arg && (rc = poptSaveArg(con, opt)) != 0)) goto exit; if (cb) invokeCallbacksOPTION(con, con->options, opt, cbData, shorty); else if (opt->val && (poptArgType(opt) != POPT_ARG_VAL)) done = 1; if ((con->ac + 2) >= (con->nav)) { con->nav += 10; con->av = (poptArgv) xrealloc(con->av, sizeof(*con->av) * con->nav); } assert(con->av); if (con->av) { size_t nb = (opt->longName ? strlen(opt->longName) : 0) + sizeof("--"); char *s = (char*) xmalloc(nb); assert(s); /* XXX can't happen */ if (s != NULL) { con->av[con->ac++] = s; *s++ = '-'; if (opt->longName) { if (!F_ISSET(opt, ONEDASH)) *s++ = '-'; (void)stpcpy(s, opt->longName); } else { *s++ = opt->shortName; *s = '\0'; } } else con->av[con->ac++] = NULL; } switch (poptArgType(opt)) { case POPT_ARG_NONE: case POPT_ARG_VAL: break; default: if (con->os->nextArg) con->av[con->ac++] = xstrdup(con->os->nextArg); break; } } assert(opt); /* XXX can't happen */ rc = (opt ? opt->val : -1); exit: return rc; } char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con) { char * ret = NULL; if (con) { ret = con->os->nextArg; con->os->nextArg = NULL; } return ret; } const char * poptGetArg(poptContext con) { const char * ret = NULL; if (con && con->leftovers != NULL && con->nextLeftover < con->numLeftovers) ret = con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover++]; return ret; } const char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con) { const char * ret = NULL; if (con && con->leftovers != NULL && con->nextLeftover < con->numLeftovers) ret = con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover]; return ret; } const char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con) { if (!(con && con->leftovers && con->numLeftovers != con->nextLeftover)) return NULL; /* some apps like [like RPM ] need this NULL terminated */ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers] = NULL; /*@-nullret -nullstate @*/ /* FIX: typedef double indirection. */ return (con->leftovers + con->nextLeftover); /*@=nullret =nullstate @*/ } static /*@null@*/ poptItem poptFreeItems(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ poptItem items, int nitems) /*@modifies items @*/ { if (items != NULL) { poptItem item = items; int i; while (--nitems >= 0) { /*@-modobserver -observertrans -dependenttrans@*/ item->option.longName = _free(item->option.longName); item->option.descrip = _free(item->option.descrip); item->option.argDescrip = _free(item->option.argDescrip); /*@=modobserver =observertrans =dependenttrans@*/ #if !defined(SUPPORT_CONTIGUOUS_ARGV) for (i = 0; item->argv[i]; i++) item->argv[i] = _free(item->argv[i]); #endif item->argv = _free(item->argv); item++; } items = _free(items); } return NULL; } poptContext poptFreeContext(poptContext con) { if (con == NULL) return con; poptResetContext(con); con->os->argb = _free(con->os->argb); con->aliases = poptFreeItems(con->aliases, con->numAliases); con->numAliases = 0; con->execs = poptFreeItems(con->execs, con->numExecs); con->numExecs = 0; con->leftovers = _free(con->leftovers); con->av = _free(con->av); con->appName = _free(con->appName); con->otherHelp = _free(con->otherHelp); con->execPath = _free(con->execPath); con->arg_strip = PBM_FREE(con->arg_strip); con = _free(con); return con; } int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias alias, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int flags)) { struct poptItem_s item_buf; poptItem item = &item_buf; memset(item, 0, sizeof(*item)); item->option.longName = alias.longName; item->option.shortName = alias.shortName; item->option.argInfo = POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN; item->option.arg = 0; item->option.val = 0; item->option.descrip = NULL; item->option.argDescrip = NULL; item->argc = alias.argc; item->argv = alias.argv; return poptAddItem(con, item, 0); } int poptAddItem(poptContext con, poptItem newItem, int flags) { poptItem * items, item; size_t * nitems = NULL; int * naliases = NULL; switch (flags) { case 1: items = &con->execs; nitems = &con->numExecs; *items = (poptItem) xrealloc(*items, ((*nitems) + 1) * sizeof(**items)); break; case 0: items = &con->aliases; naliases = &con->numAliases; *items = (poptItem) xrealloc(*items, ((*naliases) + 1) * sizeof(**items)); break; default: return 1; /*@notreached@*/ break; } assert(*items); /* XXX can't happen */ if ((*items) == NULL) return 1; item =(flags ? (*items) + (*nitems) : (*items) + (*naliases) ); item->option.longName = (newItem->option.longName ? xstrdup(newItem->option.longName) : NULL); item->option.shortName = newItem->option.shortName; item->option.argInfo = newItem->option.argInfo; item->option.arg = newItem->option.arg; item->option.val = newItem->option.val; item->option.descrip = (newItem->option.descrip ? xstrdup(newItem->option.descrip) : NULL); item->option.argDescrip = (newItem->option.argDescrip ? xstrdup(newItem->option.argDescrip) : NULL); item->argc = newItem->argc; item->argv = newItem->argv; (flags ? (*nitems)++ : (*naliases)++ ); return 0; } const char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, unsigned int flags) { struct optionStackEntry * os = NULL; if (con != NULL) os = (flags & POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS) ? con->optionStack : con->os; return (os != NULL && os->argv != NULL ? os->argv[os->next - 1] : NULL); } const char * poptStrerror(const int error) { switch (error) { case POPT_ERROR_NOARG: return POPT_("missing argument"); case POPT_ERROR_BADOPT: return POPT_("unknown option"); case POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION: return POPT_("mutually exclusive logical operations requested"); case POPT_ERROR_NULLARG: return POPT_("opt->arg should not be NULL"); case POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP: return POPT_("aliases nested too deeply"); case POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE: return POPT_("error in parameter quoting"); case POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER: return POPT_("invalid numeric value"); case POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW: return POPT_("number too large or too small"); case POPT_ERROR_MALLOC: return POPT_("memory allocation failed"); case POPT_ERROR_BADCONFIG: return POPT_("config file failed sanity test"); case POPT_ERROR_UNWANTEDARG: return POPT_("option does not take an argument"); case POPT_ERROR_STACKUNDERFLOW: return POPT_("stack underflow"); case POPT_ERROR_STACKOVERFLOW: return POPT_("stack overflow"); case POPT_ERROR_ERRNO: return strerror(errno); default: return POPT_("unknown error"); } } int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, const char ** argv) { int argc; int rc; if ((con->os - con->optionStack) == con->optionDepth) return POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP; for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) {}; con->os++; con->os->next = 0; con->os->nextArg = NULL; con->os->nextCharArg = NULL; con->os->currAlias = NULL; rc = poptDupArgv(argc, argv, &con->os->argc, &con->os->argv); con->os->argb = NULL; con->os->stuffed = 1; return rc; } const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con) { return (con->os->argv ? con->os->argv[0] : ""); } int poptStrippedArgv(poptContext con, int argc, char ** argv) { int numargs = argc; int j = 1; int i; /*@-sizeoftype@*/ if (con->arg_strip) for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (PBM_ISSET(i, con->arg_strip)) numargs--; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (con->arg_strip && PBM_ISSET(i, con->arg_strip)) continue; argv[j] = (j < numargs) ? argv[i] : NULL; j++; } /*@=sizeoftype@*/ return numargs; }