/******************************************************************************* * libproxy - A library for proxy configuration * Copyright (C) 2006 Nathaniel McCallum * * Based on work found in GLib GIO: * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ******************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #include #define open _open #define O_RDONLY _O_RDONLY #define close _close #endif #include // For ::open() #include // For memcpy() #include // For int/string conversion (using stringstream) #include // For sscanf() #include // For atoi() #include // For stat() #include // For transform() #include // For read() close() #ifdef WIN32 #include #define close _close #define read _read #define SHUT_RDWR SD_BOTH #endif #include "url.hpp" using namespace libproxy; using namespace std; // This mime type should be reported by the web server #define PAC_MIME_TYPE "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" // Fall back to checking for this mime type, which servers often report wrong #define PAC_MIME_TYPE_FB "text/plain" // This is the maximum pac size (to avoid memory attacks) #define PAC_MAX_SIZE 102400 static inline int get_default_port(string scheme) { struct servent *serv; size_t plus = scheme.find('+'); if (plus != string::npos) scheme = scheme.substr(plus + 1); if ((serv = getservbyname(scheme.c_str(), NULL))) return ntohs(serv->s_port); return 0; } template static inline string to_string_ (const T& t) { stringstream ss; ss << t; return ss.str(); } #define _copyaddr_t(type, addr) (sockaddr*) memcpy(new type, &(addr), sizeof(type)) static inline sockaddr* copyaddr(const struct sockaddr& addr) { switch (addr.sa_family) { case (AF_INET): return _copyaddr_t(sockaddr_in, addr); case (AF_INET6): return _copyaddr_t(sockaddr_in6, addr); default: return NULL; } } bool url::is_valid(const string url_) { bool rtv = true; try { url url(url_); } catch (parse_error&) { rtv = false; } return rtv; } string url::encode(const string &data, const string &valid_reserved) { ostringstream encoded; for (unsigned int i=0; i < data.size(); i++) { if (isalnum((unsigned char)data[i]) || valid_reserved.find(data[i]) != string::npos || string("-._~").find(data[i]) != string::npos) encoded << data[i]; else encoded << '%' << ((unsigned char)data[i] < 16 ? "0" : "") << hex << (((int)data[i]) & 0xff); } return encoded.str(); } url::url(const string &url) throw(parse_error) : m_orig(url), m_port(0), m_ips(NULL) { size_t idx = 0; size_t hier_part_start, hier_part_end; size_t path_start, path_end; string hier_part; /* From RFC 3986 Decodes: * URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] */ idx = 0; /* Decode scheme: * scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) */ if (!isalpha(url[idx])) throw parse_error("Invalid URL: " + url); while (1) { char c = url[idx++]; if (c == ':') break; if (!(isalnum(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.')) throw parse_error("Invalid URL: " + url); } m_scheme = url.substr(0, idx - 1); transform(m_scheme.begin(), m_scheme.end(), m_scheme.begin(), ::tolower); hier_part_start = idx; hier_part_end = url.find('?', idx); if (hier_part_end == string::npos) hier_part_end = url.find('#', idx); hier_part = url.substr(hier_part_start, hier_part_end == string::npos ? string::npos : hier_part_end - hier_part_start); /* 3: * hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty * / path-absolute * / path-rootless * / path-empty */ if (hier_part.size() >= 2 && hier_part[0] == '/' && hier_part[1] == '/') { size_t authority_start, authority_end; size_t userinfo_start, userinfo_end; size_t host_start, host_end; authority_start = 2; /* authority is always followed by / or nothing */ authority_end = hier_part.find('/', authority_start); if (authority_end == string::npos) authority_end = hier_part.size(); path_start = authority_end; /* 3.2: * authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] */ /* Get user and password */ userinfo_start = authority_start; userinfo_end = hier_part.find('@', authority_start); if (userinfo_end != string::npos) { size_t user_end; user_end = hier_part.rfind(':', userinfo_end); if (user_end == string::npos) user_end = userinfo_end; else m_pass = hier_part.substr(user_end + 1, userinfo_end - (user_end + 1)); m_user = hier_part.substr(userinfo_start, user_end - userinfo_start); } /* Get hostname */ if (userinfo_end == string::npos) host_start = authority_start; else host_start = userinfo_end + 1; /* Check for IPv6 IP */ if (host_start < hier_part.size() && hier_part[host_start] == '[') { host_end = hier_part.find(']', host_start); if (host_end == string::npos) throw parse_error("Invalid URL: " + url); host_end++; if (hier_part[host_end] == '\0') host_end = string::npos; } else { host_end = hier_part.find(':', host_start); if (path_start < host_end) host_end = path_start; } /* If not port, host ends where path starts */ if (host_end == string::npos) host_end = path_start; m_host = hier_part.substr(host_start, host_end - host_start); transform(m_host.begin(), m_host.end(), m_host.begin(), ::tolower); /* Get port */ m_port = get_default_port(m_scheme); if (host_end < hier_part.size() && hier_part[host_end] == ':') { size_t port_start = host_end + 1; m_port = atoi(hier_part.c_str() + port_start); } } else { path_start = 0; } /* Get path */ if (path_start != string::npos) { path_end = hier_part_end; if (path_end == string::npos) m_path = hier_part.substr(path_start); else m_path = hier_part.substr(path_start, path_end - path_start); } } url::url(const url &url) : m_ips(NULL) { *this = url; } url::~url() { empty_cache(); } bool url::operator==(const url& url) const { return m_orig == url.to_string(); } url& url::operator=(const url& url) { // Ensure these aren't the same objects if (&url == this) return *this; m_host = url.m_host; m_orig = url.m_orig; m_pass = url.m_pass; m_path = url.m_path; m_port = url.m_port; m_scheme = url.m_scheme; m_user = url.m_user; empty_cache(); if (url.m_ips) { int i; // Copy the new ip cache for (i=0 ; url.m_ips[i] ; i++) {}; m_ips = new sockaddr*[i]; for (i=0 ; url.m_ips[i] ; i++) m_ips[i] = copyaddr(*url.m_ips[i]); } return *this; } url& url::operator=(string strurl) throw (parse_error) { url tmp(strurl); *this = tmp; return *this; } string url::get_host() const { return m_host; } sockaddr const* const* url::get_ips(bool usedns) { // Check the cache if (m_ips) return m_ips; // Check without DNS first if (usedns && get_ips(false)) return m_ips; // Check DNS for IPs struct addrinfo* info; struct addrinfo flags; memset(&flags, '\0', sizeof(addrinfo)); flags.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; flags.ai_socktype = 0; flags.ai_protocol = 0; flags.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; if (!getaddrinfo(m_host.c_str(), NULL, usedns ? NULL : &flags, &info)) { struct addrinfo* first = info; unsigned int i = 0; // Get the size of our array for (info = first ; info ; info = info->ai_next) i++; // Return NULL if no IPs found if (i == 0) return m_ips = NULL; // Create our array since we actually have a result m_ips = new sockaddr*[++i]; memset(m_ips, '\0', sizeof(sockaddr*)*i); // Copy the sockaddr's into m_ips for (i = 0, info = first ; info ; info = info->ai_next) { if (info->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET || info->ai_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { m_ips[i] = copyaddr(*(info->ai_addr)); if (!m_ips[i]) break; ((sockaddr_in **) m_ips)[i++]->sin_port = htons(m_port); } } freeaddrinfo(first); return m_ips; } // No addresses found return NULL; } string url::get_password() const { return m_pass; } string url::get_path() const { return m_path; } uint16_t url::get_port() const { return m_port; } string url::get_scheme() const { return m_scheme; } string url::get_username() const { return m_user; } string url::to_string() const { return m_orig; } static inline string recvline(int fd) { // Read a character. // If we don't get a character, return empty string. // If we are at the end of the line, return empty string. char c = '\0'; if (recv(fd, &c, 1, 0) != 1 || c == '\n') return ""; return string(1, c) + recvline(fd); } char* url::get_pac() { int sock = -1; bool chunked = false; unsigned long int content_length = 0, status = 0; char* buffer = NULL; string request; // In case of a file:// url we open the file and read it if (m_scheme == "file" || m_scheme == "pac+file") { struct stat st; if ((sock = ::open(m_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) < 0) return NULL; if (!fstat(sock, &st) && st.st_size < PAC_MAX_SIZE) { buffer = new char[st.st_size+1]; memset(buffer, 0, st.st_size+1); if (read(sock, buffer, st.st_size) == 0) { delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; } } return buffer; } // DNS lookup of host if (!get_ips(true)) return NULL; // Iterate through each IP trying to make a connection // Stop at the first one for (int i=0 ; m_ips[i] ; i++) { sock = socket(m_ips[i]->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) continue; if (m_ips[i]->sa_family == AF_INET && !connect(sock, m_ips[i], sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) break; else if (m_ips[i]->sa_family == AF_INET6 && !connect(sock, m_ips[i], sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))) break; close(sock); sock = -1; } // Test our socket if (sock < 0) return NULL; // Build the request string request = "GET " + (m_path.size() > 0 ? m_path : "/") + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; request += "Host: " + m_host + "\r\n"; request += "Accept: " + string(PAC_MIME_TYPE) + "\r\n"; request += "Connection: close\r\n"; request += "\r\n"; // Send HTTP request if ((size_t) send(sock, request.c_str(), request.size(), 0) != request.size()) { close(sock); return NULL; } /* Verify status line */ string line = recvline(sock); if (sscanf(line.c_str(), "HTTP/1.%*d %lu", &status) == 1 && status == 200) { /* Check for correct mime type and content length */ for (line = recvline(sock) ; line != "\r" && line != "" ; line = recvline(sock)) { // Check for chunked encoding if (line.find("Content-Transfer-Encoding: chunked") == 0 || line.find("Transfer-Encoding: chunked") == 0) chunked = true; // Check for content length else if (content_length == 0) sscanf(line.c_str(), "Content-Length: %lu", &content_length); } // Get content unsigned int recvd = 0; buffer = new char[PAC_MAX_SIZE]; *buffer = '\0'; do { unsigned int chunk_length; if (chunked) { // Discard the empty line if we received a previous chunk if (recvd > 0) recvline(sock); // Get the chunk-length line as an integer if (sscanf(recvline(sock).c_str(), "%x", &chunk_length) != 1 || chunk_length == 0) break; // Add this chunk to our content length, // ensuring that we aren't over our max size content_length += chunk_length; } if (content_length >= PAC_MAX_SIZE) break; while (recvd != content_length) { int r = recv(sock, buffer + recvd, content_length - recvd, 0); if (r < 0) break; recvd += r; } buffer[content_length] = '\0'; } while (chunked); if (string(buffer).size() != content_length) { delete buffer; buffer = NULL; } } // Clean up shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); return buffer; } void url::empty_cache() { if (m_ips) { // Free any existing ip cache for (int i=0 ; m_ips[i] ; i++) delete m_ips[i]; delete[] m_ips; m_ips = NULL; } }