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"type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Vertical Uncertainty", "id" : "0x1C", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Vertical Confidence", "id" : "0x1D", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint8" }, { "name" : "Vertical Reliability", "id" : "0x1E", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32" }, { "name" : "Vertical Speed", "id" : "0x1F", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Heading", "id" : "0x20", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Heading Uncertainty", "id" : "0x21", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Magnetic Deviation", "id" : "0x22", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Technology Used", "id" : "0x23", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocTechnologyUsed" }, { "name" : "Dilution of Precision", "id" : "0x24", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "struct", "contents" : [ { "name" : "Position Dilution of Precision", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Horizontal Dilution of Precision", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Vertical Dilution of Precision", "format" : "gfloat" } ] }, { "name" : "UTC Timestamp", "id" : "0x25", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint64" }, { "name" : "Leap Seconds", "id" : "0x26", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint8" }, { "name" : "GPS Time", "id" : "0x27", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "struct", "contents" : [ { "name" : "GPS Weeks", "format" : "guint16" }, { "name" : "GPS Time of Week Milliseconds", "format" : "guint32" } ] }, { "name" : "Time Uncertainty", "id" : "0x28", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "gfloat" }, { "name" : "Time Source", "id" : "0x29", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocTimeSource" }, { "name" : "Sensor Data Usage", "id" : "0x2A", "type" : "TLV", 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"name" : "Part Number", "id" : "0x03", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint16" }, { "name" : "Part Data", "id" : "0x04", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "array", "array-element" : { "format" : "guint8" }, "size-prefix-format" : "guint16", "max-size" : "1024" }, { "name" : "Format Type", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocPredictedOrbitsDataFormat" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Inject Predicted Orbits Data", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0035", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" }, { "name" : "Part Number", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint16" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Get Predicted Orbits Data Source", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0036", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Get Predicted Orbits Data Source", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0036", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" }, { "name" : "Allowed Sizes", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "sequence", "contents" : [ { "name" : "Max File Size", "format" : "guint32" }, { "name" : "Max Part Size", "format" : "guint32" } ] }, { "name" : "Server List", "id" : "0x11", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "array", "size-prefix-format" : "guint8", "array-element" : { "format" : "string", "size-prefix-format" : "guint8" } } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Set Engine Lock", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003A", "since" : "1.28", "input" : [ { "name" : "Lock Type", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.28", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocLockType" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Set Engine Lock", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003A", "since" : "1.28", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" , "since" : "1.28" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Get Engine Lock", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003B", "since" : "1.28", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Get Engine Lock", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003B", "since" : "1.28", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status", "since" : "1.28" }, { "name" : "Lock Type", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.28", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocLockType" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Set NMEA Types", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003E", "since" : "1.26", "input" : [ { "name" : "NMEA Types", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.26", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocNmeaType" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Set NMEA Types", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003E", "since" : "1.26", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Get NMEA Types", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003F", "since" : "1.26", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Get NMEA Types", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x003F", "since" : "1.26", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" }, { "name" : "NMEA Types", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.26", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocNmeaType" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Set Server", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0042", "since" : "1.22", "input" : [ { "name" : "Server Type", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocServerType" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server IPv4" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server IPv6" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server URL" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Set Server", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0042", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Get Server", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0043", "since" : "1.22", "input" : [ { "name" : "Server Type", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocServerType" }, { "name" : "Server Address Type", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint8", "public-format" : "QmiLocServerAddressType" }], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Get Server", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0043", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" }, { "name" : "Server Type", "id" : "0x02", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocServerType" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server IPv4" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server IPv6" }, { "common-ref" : "LOC Server URL" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Delete Assistance Data", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0044", "since" : "1.22", "input" : [ { "name" : "Delete All", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint8", "public-format" : "gboolean" }, { "name" : "Delete SV Info", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "array", "size-prefix-format" : "guint8", "array-element" : { "name" : "Element", "format" : "struct", "contents" : [ { "name" : "GNSS SV ID", "format" : "guint16" }, { "name" : "System", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocSystem" }, { "name" : "Delete SV Info Mask", "format" : "guint8", "public-format" : "QmiLocDeleteSvInfo" } ] } }, { "name" : "Delete GNSS Data Mask", "id" : "0x11", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint64", "public-format" : "QmiLocDeleteGnssData" }, { "name" : "Delete Cell Database Mask", "id" : "0x12", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocDeleteCellDatabase" }, { "name" : "Delete Clock Info Mask", "id" : "0x13", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocDeleteClockInfo" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Delete Assistance Data", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x0044", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" } ] 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"name" : "Operation Mode", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32", "public-format" : "QmiLocOperationMode" } ] }, // ********************************************************************************* { "name" : "Inject Xtra Data", "type" : "Message", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x00A7", "since" : "1.22", "input" : [ { "name" : "Total Size", "id" : "0x01", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint32" }, { "name" : "Total Parts", "id" : "0x02", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint16" }, { "name" : "Part Number", "id" : "0x03", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint16" }, { "name" : "Part Data", "id" : "0x04", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "array", "array-element" : { "format" : "guint8" }, "size-prefix-format" : "guint16", "max-size" : "1024" } ], "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }, { "name" : "Inject Xtra Data", "type" : "Indication", "service" : "LOC", "id" : "0x00A7", "since" : "1.22", "output" : [ { "common-ref" : "LOC Indication Status" }, { "name" : "Part Number", "id" : "0x10", "type" : "TLV", "since" : "1.22", "format" : "guint16" } ] } ]