use std::ptr::null_mut; use gdk_pixbuf::ffi::{ GdkPixbuf, GdkPixbufFormat, GdkPixbufModule, GdkPixbufModulePattern, GdkPixbufModulePreparedFunc, GdkPixbufModuleSizeFunc, GdkPixbufModuleUpdatedFunc, GDK_PIXBUF_FORMAT_SCALABLE, GDK_PIXBUF_FORMAT_THREADSAFE, }; use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_uint}; use glib::ffi::{gboolean, gpointer, GError}; use glib::translate::*; use glib::Bytes; use gio::prelude::MemoryInputStreamExt; use gio::MemoryInputStream; use glib::gobject_ffi::GObject; use rsvg::rsvg_convert_only::LegacySize; use rsvg::Loader; use cstr::cstr; struct SvgContext { size_func: GdkPixbufModuleSizeFunc, prep_func: GdkPixbufModulePreparedFunc, update_func: GdkPixbufModuleUpdatedFunc, user_data: gpointer, stream: MemoryInputStream, } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn begin_load( size_func: GdkPixbufModuleSizeFunc, prep_func: GdkPixbufModulePreparedFunc, update_func: GdkPixbufModuleUpdatedFunc, user_data: gpointer, error: *mut *mut GError, ) -> gpointer { if !error.is_null() { *error = null_mut(); } let stream = MemoryInputStream::new(); let ctx = Box::new(SvgContext { size_func, prep_func, update_func, user_data, stream, }); Box::into_raw(ctx) as gpointer } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn load_increment( user_data: gpointer, buffer: *const u8, size: c_uint, error: *mut *mut GError, ) -> gboolean { if !error.is_null() { *error = null_mut(); } let ctx = user_data as *mut SvgContext; let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(buffer, size as usize); (*ctx).stream.add_bytes(&Bytes::from(data)); true.into_glib() } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn stop_load(user_data: gpointer, error: *mut *mut GError) -> gboolean { let ctx = Box::from_raw(user_data as *mut SvgContext); if !error.is_null() { *error = null_mut(); } fn _inner_stop_load(ctx: &SvgContext) -> Result { let handle = Loader::new() .read_stream::<_, gio::File, gio::Cancellable>(&, None, None) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; let renderer = rsvg::CairoRenderer::new(&handle); let (w, h) = renderer.legacy_document_size().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; let mut w = w.ceil() as c_int; let mut h = h.ceil() as c_int; if let Some(size_func) = ctx.size_func { let mut tmp_w: c_int = w; let mut tmp_h: c_int = h; unsafe { size_func( &mut tmp_w as *mut c_int, &mut tmp_h as *mut c_int, ctx.user_data, ) }; if tmp_w != 0 && tmp_h != 0 { w = tmp_w; h = tmp_h; } } let pb = rsvg::c_api::pixbuf_utils::render_to_pixbuf_at_size( &renderer, w as f64, h as f64, w as f64, h as f64, ) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; Ok(pb) } let pixbuf = match _inner_stop_load(&ctx) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => { if !error.is_null() { let gerr = glib::Error::new(gdk_pixbuf::PixbufError::Failed, &e); *error = gerr.into_glib_ptr(); } return false.into_glib(); } }; let w = pixbuf.width(); let h = pixbuf.height(); let pixbuf: *mut GdkPixbuf = pixbuf.to_glib_full(); if let Some(prep_func) = ctx.prep_func { prep_func(pixbuf, null_mut(), ctx.user_data); } if let Some(update_func) = ctx.update_func { update_func(pixbuf, 0, 0, w, h, ctx.user_data); } // The module loader increases a ref so we drop the pixbuf here glib::gobject_ffi::g_object_unref(pixbuf as *mut GObject); true.into_glib() } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn fill_vtable(module: &mut GdkPixbufModule) { module.begin_load = Some(begin_load); module.stop_load = Some(stop_load); module.load_increment = Some(load_increment); } const SIGNATURE: [GdkPixbufModulePattern; 3] = [ GdkPixbufModulePattern { prefix: cstr!(" GdkPixbufFormat { let mut info = super::GdkPixbufFormat { name: null_mut(), signature: null_mut(), description: null_mut(), mime_types: null_mut(), extensions: null_mut(), flags: 0, license: null_mut(), disabled: false.into_glib(), domain: null_mut(), }; super::fill_info(&mut info); info } #[test] fn fill_info() { let info = pb_format_new(); assert_ne!(, null_mut()); assert_ne!(info.signature, null_mut()); assert_ne!(info.description, null_mut()); assert_ne!(info.mime_types, null_mut()); assert_ne!(info.extensions, null_mut()); assert_eq!( info.flags, GDK_PIXBUF_FORMAT_SCALABLE | GDK_PIXBUF_FORMAT_THREADSAFE ); assert_ne!(info.license, null_mut()); } fn check_null_terminated_arr_cstrings(arr: &[*const c_char]) { let n_strings = arr .iter() .filter(|e| !e.is_null()) .map(|e| { if !e.is_null() { // We use strlen in all of them to ensure some safety // We could use CStr instead but it'd be a bit more cumbersome assert!(unsafe { libc::strlen(*e as *const c_char) } > 0) } }) .count(); // Count all non_null items // Ensure last item is null and is the only null item assert_eq!(n_strings, arr.len() - 1); assert!(arr.last().unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] fn extensions_bounds() { check_null_terminated_arr_cstrings(&EXTENSIONS); } #[test] fn mime_bounds() { check_null_terminated_arr_cstrings(&MIME_TYPES) } #[test] fn signature() { let info = pb_format_new(); unsafe { for i in 0..2 { let ptr = info.signature.offset(i); if i == 2 { assert!((*ptr).prefix.is_null()); continue; } else { assert!(!(*ptr).prefix.is_null()); if (*ptr).mask != null_mut() { // Mask can be null assert_eq!( libc::strlen((*ptr).prefix as *mut c_char), libc::strlen((*ptr).mask as *mut c_char) ); } // Relevance must be 0 to 100 assert!((*ptr).relevance >= 0); assert!((*ptr).relevance <= 100); } } } } const SVG_DATA: &'static str = r#" "#; #[test] fn minimal_svg() { unsafe extern "C" fn prep_cb( pb: *mut gdk_pixbuf::ffi::GdkPixbuf, pba: *mut gdk_pixbuf::ffi::GdkPixbufAnimation, user_data: *mut libc::c_void, ) { assert_eq!(user_data, null_mut()); assert_eq!(pba, null_mut()); let w = gdk_pixbuf::ffi::gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pb); let h = gdk_pixbuf::ffi::gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pb); let stride = gdk_pixbuf::ffi::gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pb); assert_eq!(w, 100); assert_eq!(h, 150); let pixels = gdk_pixbuf::ffi::gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pb); // Upper left pixel #aa1144ff assert_eq!(*pixels, 0xaa); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset(1), 0x11); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset(2), 0x44); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset(3), 0xff); // Bottom left pixel assert_eq!(*pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize), 0xaa); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + 1), 0x11); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + 2), 0x44); assert_eq!(*pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + 3), 0xff); // Bottom right pixel assert_eq!( *pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + (w as isize - 1) * 4), 0xaa ); assert_eq!( *pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + (w as isize - 1) * 4 + 1), 0x11 ); assert_eq!( *pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + (w as isize - 1) * 4 + 2), 0x44 ); assert_eq!( *pixels.offset((stride * (h - 1)) as isize + (w as isize - 1) * 4 + 3), 0xff ); } unsafe { let ctx = crate::begin_load(None, Some(prep_cb), None, null_mut(), null_mut()); assert_ne!(ctx, null_mut()); let inc = crate::load_increment(ctx, SVG_DATA.as_ptr(), SVG_DATA.len() as u32, null_mut()); assert_ne!(inc, 0); crate::stop_load(ctx, null_mut()); } } }