[package] name = "rsvg_convert" version.workspace = true authors.workspace = true description.workspace = true license.workspace = true homepage.workspace = true repository.workspace = true edition.workspace = true rust-version.workspace = true # So that we can use an rsvg-convert name instead of the default rsvg_convert autobins = false [package.metadata.system-deps] cairo-pdf = { version = "1.16", optional = true } cairo-ps = { version = "1.16", optional = true } cairo-svg = { version = "1.16", optional = true } [dependencies] # Keep these in sync with respect to the cairo-rs version: # src/lib.rs - toplevel example in the docs cairo-rs = { version = "0.17", features=["v1_16", "png", "pdf", "ps", "svg"] } cast = "0.3.0" chrono = { version = "0.4.23", default-features = false, features = ["clock", "std"] } clap = { version = "4.0.17", features = ["cargo", "derive"] } # rsvg-convert clap_complete = "4.0.5" # rsvg-convert cssparser = "0.29.0" gio = "0.17" glib = "0.17" libc = "0.2" librsvg = { path = "../rsvg" } librsvg-c = { path = "../librsvg-c" } [dev-dependencies] assert_cmd = "2.0.2" predicates = "3.0.3" tempfile = "3" url = "2" lopdf = "0.30.0" png = "0.17.2" float-cmp = "0.9.0" librsvg = { path = "../rsvg", features = ["test-utils"] } [build-dependencies] system-deps = "6.0.0" [[bin]] name = "rsvg-convert" path = "src/main.rs"