/*= -*- c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * * librsync -- the library for network deltas * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 by Martin Pool * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*= | The hard, lifeless I covered up the | warm, pulsing It; protecting and | sheltering. */ #include #include #include #include "librsync.h" #include "job.h" #include "scoop.h" #include "trace.h" #include "util.h" static rs_result rs_job_work(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buffers); rs_job_t *rs_job_new(char const *job_name, rs_result (*statefn)(rs_job_t *)) { rs_job_t *job; job = rs_alloc_struct(rs_job_t); job->job_name = job_name; job->dogtag = RS_JOB_TAG; job->statefn = statefn; job->stats.op = job_name; job->stats.start = time(NULL); rs_trace("start %s job", job_name); return job; } rs_result rs_job_free(rs_job_t *job) { free(job->scoop_buf); if (job->job_owns_sig) rs_free_sumset(job->signature); rs_bzero(job, sizeof *job); free(job); return RS_DONE; } static rs_result rs_job_complete(rs_job_t *job, rs_result result) { rs_job_check(job); assert(result != RS_RUNNING && result != RS_BLOCKED); assert(rs_tube_is_idle(job) || result != RS_DONE); job->final_result = result; job->stats.end = time(NULL); if (result != RS_DONE) { rs_error("%s job failed: %s", job->job_name, rs_strerror(result)); } else { rs_trace("%s job complete", job->job_name); } return result; } rs_result rs_job_iter(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buffers) { rs_result result; size_t orig_in, orig_out; rs_job_check(job); assert(buffers); orig_in = buffers->avail_in; orig_out = buffers->avail_out; result = rs_job_work(job, buffers); if (result == RS_BLOCKED || result == RS_DONE) if ((orig_in == buffers->avail_in) && (orig_out == buffers->avail_out) && orig_in && orig_out) { rs_error("internal error: job made no progress " "[orig_in=" FMT_SIZE ", orig_out=" FMT_SIZE ", final_in=" FMT_SIZE ", final_out=" FMT_SIZE "]", orig_in, orig_out, buffers->avail_in, buffers->avail_out); return RS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return result; } static rs_result rs_job_work(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buffers) { rs_result result; rs_job_check(job); assert(buffers); job->stream = buffers; while (1) { result = rs_tube_catchup(job); if (result == RS_DONE && job->statefn) { result = job->statefn(job); if (result == RS_DONE) { /* The job is done so clear statefn. */ job->statefn = NULL; /* There might be stuff in the tube, so keep running. */ continue; } } if (result == RS_BLOCKED) return result; if (result != RS_RUNNING) return rs_job_complete(job, result); } } const rs_stats_t *rs_job_statistics(rs_job_t *job) { return &job->stats; } rs_result rs_job_drive(rs_job_t *job, rs_buffers_t *buf, rs_driven_cb in_cb, void *in_opaque, rs_driven_cb out_cb, void *out_opaque) { rs_result result, iores; rs_bzero(buf, sizeof *buf); do { if (!buf->eof_in && in_cb) { iores = in_cb(job, buf, in_opaque); if (iores != RS_DONE) return iores; } result = rs_job_iter(job, buf); if (result != RS_DONE && result != RS_BLOCKED) return result; if (out_cb) { iores = (out_cb) (job, buf, out_opaque); if (iores != RS_DONE) return iores; } } while (result != RS_DONE); return result; }