/* Copyright 2002-2004 Justin Erenkrantz and Greg Stein * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "serf.h" #include "serf_bucket_util.h" #include "serf_private.h" /* Older versions of APR do not have the APR_VERSION_AT_LEAST macro. Those implementations are safe. If the macro *is* defined, and we're on WIN32, and APR is version 1.4.0, then we have a broken WSAPoll() implementation. See serf_context_create_ex() below. */ #if defined(APR_VERSION_AT_LEAST) && defined(WIN32) #if APR_VERSION_AT_LEAST(1,4,0) #define BROKEN_WSAPOLL #endif #endif /** * Callback function (implements serf_progress_t). Takes a number of bytes * read @a read and bytes written @a written, adds those to the total for this * context and notifies an interested party (if any). */ void serf__context_progress_delta( void *progress_baton, apr_off_t read, apr_off_t written) { serf_context_t *ctx = progress_baton; ctx->progress_read += read; ctx->progress_written += written; if (ctx->progress_func) ctx->progress_func(ctx->progress_baton, ctx->progress_read, ctx->progress_written); } /* Check for dirty connections and update their pollsets accordingly. */ static apr_status_t check_dirty_pollsets(serf_context_t *ctx) { int i; /* if we're not dirty, return now. */ if (!ctx->dirty_pollset) { return APR_SUCCESS; } for (i = ctx->conns->nelts; i--; ) { serf_connection_t *conn = GET_CONN(ctx, i); apr_status_t status; /* if this connection isn't dirty, skip it. */ if (!conn->dirty_conn) { continue; } /* reset this connection's flag before we update. */ conn->dirty_conn = 0; if ((status = serf__conn_update_pollset(conn)) != APR_SUCCESS) return status; } /* reset our context flag now */ ctx->dirty_pollset = 0; return APR_SUCCESS; } static apr_status_t pollset_add(void *user_baton, apr_pollfd_t *pfd, void *serf_baton) { serf_pollset_t *s = (serf_pollset_t*)user_baton; pfd->client_data = serf_baton; return apr_pollset_add(s->pollset, pfd); } static apr_status_t pollset_rm(void *user_baton, apr_pollfd_t *pfd, void *serf_baton) { serf_pollset_t *s = (serf_pollset_t*)user_baton; pfd->client_data = serf_baton; return apr_pollset_remove(s->pollset, pfd); } void serf_config_proxy(serf_context_t *ctx, apr_sockaddr_t *address) { ctx->proxy_address = address; } void serf_config_credentials_callback(serf_context_t *ctx, serf_credentials_callback_t cred_cb) { ctx->cred_cb = cred_cb; } void serf_config_authn_types(serf_context_t *ctx, int authn_types) { ctx->authn_types = authn_types; } serf_context_t *serf_context_create_ex( void *user_baton, serf_socket_add_t addf, serf_socket_remove_t rmf, apr_pool_t *pool) { serf_context_t *ctx = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*ctx)); ctx->pool = pool; if (user_baton != NULL) { ctx->pollset_baton = user_baton; ctx->pollset_add = addf; ctx->pollset_rm = rmf; } else { /* build the pollset with a (default) number of connections */ serf_pollset_t *ps = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*ps)); #ifdef BROKEN_WSAPOLL /* APR 1.4.x switched to using WSAPoll() on Win32, but it does not * properly handle errors on a non-blocking sockets (such as * connecting to a server where no listener is active). * * So, sadly, we must force using select() on Win32. * * http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/apr-dev/201105.mbox/%3CBANLkTin3rBCecCBRvzUA5B-14u-NWxR_Kg@mail.gmail.com%3E */ (void) apr_pollset_create_ex(&ps->pollset, MAX_CONN, pool, 0, APR_POLLSET_SELECT); #else (void) apr_pollset_create(&ps->pollset, MAX_CONN, pool, 0); #endif ctx->pollset_baton = ps; ctx->pollset_add = pollset_add; ctx->pollset_rm = pollset_rm; } /* default to a single connection since that is the typical case */ ctx->conns = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(serf_connection_t *)); /* Initialize progress status */ ctx->progress_read = 0; ctx->progress_written = 0; ctx->authn_types = SERF_AUTHN_ALL; return ctx; } serf_context_t *serf_context_create(apr_pool_t *pool) { return serf_context_create_ex(NULL, NULL, NULL, pool); } apr_status_t serf_context_prerun(serf_context_t *ctx) { apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; if ((status = serf__open_connections(ctx)) != APR_SUCCESS) return status; if ((status = check_dirty_pollsets(ctx)) != APR_SUCCESS) return status; return status; } apr_status_t serf_event_trigger( serf_context_t *s, void *serf_baton, const apr_pollfd_t *desc) { apr_pollfd_t tdesc = { 0 }; apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; serf_io_baton_t *io = serf_baton; if (io->type == SERF_IO_CONN) { serf_connection_t *conn = io->u.conn; serf_context_t *ctx = conn->ctx; /* If this connection has already failed, return the error again, and try * to remove it from the pollset again */ if (conn->status) { tdesc.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; tdesc.desc.s = conn->skt; tdesc.reqevents = conn->reqevents; ctx->pollset_rm(ctx->pollset_baton, &tdesc, conn); return conn->status; } /* apr_pollset_poll() can return a conn multiple times... */ if ((conn->seen_in_pollset & desc->rtnevents) != 0 || (conn->seen_in_pollset & APR_POLLHUP) != 0) { return APR_SUCCESS; } conn->seen_in_pollset |= desc->rtnevents; if ((conn->status = serf__process_connection(conn, desc->rtnevents)) != APR_SUCCESS) { /* it's possible that the connection was already reset and thus the socket cleaned up. */ if (conn->skt) { tdesc.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET; tdesc.desc.s = conn->skt; tdesc.reqevents = conn->reqevents; ctx->pollset_rm(ctx->pollset_baton, &tdesc, conn); } return conn->status; } } else if (io->type == SERF_IO_LISTENER) { serf_listener_t *l = io->u.listener; status = serf__process_listener(l); if (status) { return status; } } else if (io->type == SERF_IO_CLIENT) { serf_incoming_t *c = io->u.client; status = serf__process_client(c, desc->rtnevents); if (status) { return status; } } return status; } apr_status_t serf_context_run( serf_context_t *ctx, apr_short_interval_time_t duration, apr_pool_t *pool) { apr_status_t status; apr_int32_t num; const apr_pollfd_t *desc; serf_pollset_t *ps = (serf_pollset_t*)ctx->pollset_baton; if ((status = serf_context_prerun(ctx)) != APR_SUCCESS) { return status; } if ((status = apr_pollset_poll(ps->pollset, duration, &num, &desc)) != APR_SUCCESS) { /* ### do we still need to dispatch stuff here? ### look at the potential return codes. map to our defined ### return values? ... */ return status; } while (num--) { serf_connection_t *conn = desc->client_data; status = serf_event_trigger(ctx, conn, desc); if (status) { return status; } desc++; } return APR_SUCCESS; } void serf_context_set_progress_cb( serf_context_t *ctx, const serf_progress_t progress_func, void *progress_baton) { ctx->progress_func = progress_func; ctx->progress_baton = progress_baton; } serf_bucket_t *serf_context_bucket_socket_create( serf_context_t *ctx, apr_socket_t *skt, serf_bucket_alloc_t *allocator) { serf_bucket_t *bucket = serf_bucket_socket_create(skt, allocator); /* Use serf's default bytes read/written callback */ serf_bucket_socket_set_read_progress_cb(bucket, serf__context_progress_delta, ctx); return bucket; } /* ### this really ought to go somewhere else, but... meh. */ void serf_lib_version(int *major, int *minor, int *patch) { *major = SERF_MAJOR_VERSION; *minor = SERF_MINOR_VERSION; *patch = SERF_PATCH_VERSION; } const char *serf_error_string(apr_status_t errcode) { switch (errcode) { case SERF_ERROR_CLOSING: return "The connection is closing"; case SERF_ERROR_REQUEST_LOST: return "A request has been lost"; case SERF_ERROR_WAIT_CONN: return "The connection is blocked, pending further action"; case SERF_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_FAILED: return "An error occurred during decompression"; case SERF_ERROR_BAD_HTTP_RESPONSE: return "The server sent an improper HTTP response"; case SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_FAILED: return "An error occurred during authentication"; case SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "The requested authentication type(s) are not supported"; case SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE: return "An authentication attribute is missing"; case SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_INITALIZATION_FAILED: return "Initialization of an authentication type failed"; default: return NULL; } /* NOTREACHED */ }