path: root/doc/static/man/tiff2pdf.1.html
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-<h1 align="center">TIFF2PDF</h1>
-<a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
-<a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a><br>
-<a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a><br>
-<a href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a><br>
-<a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a><br>
-<a href="#SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</a><br>
-<a name="NAME"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">tiff2pdf
-&minus; convert a TIFF image to a PDF document</p>
-<a name="SYNOPSIS"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>tiff2pdf</b>
-[ <i>options</i> ] <i>input.tiff</i></p>
-<a name="DESCRIPTION"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><i>tiff2pdf</i>
-opens a TIFF image and writes a PDF document to standard
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The program
-converts one TIFF file to one PDF file, including multiple
-page TIFF files, tiled TIFF files, black and white.
-grayscale, and color TIFF files that contain data of TIFF
-photometric interpretations of bilevel, grayscale, RGB,
-YCbCr, CMYK separation, and ICC L*a*b* as supported by
-<i>libtiff</i> and PDF.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If you have
-multiple TIFF files to convert into one PDF file then use
-<i>tiffcp</i> or other program to concatenate the files into
-a multiple page TIFF file. If the input TIFF file is of huge
-dimensions (greater than 10000 pixels height or width)
-convert the input image to a tiled TIFF if it is not
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The standard
-output is standard output. Set the output file name with the
-<b>&minus;o</b> <i>output.pdf</i> option.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">All black and
-white files are compressed into a single strip CCITT G4 Fax
-compressed PDF, unless tiled, where tiled black and white
-images are compressed into tiled CCITT G4 Fax compressed
-PDF, <i>libtiff</i> CCITT support is assumed.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Color and
-grayscale data can be compressed using either JPEG
-compression, ITU-T T.81, or Zip/Deflate LZ77 compression.
-Set the compression type using the <b>&minus;j</b> or
-<b>&minus;z</b> options. JPEG compression support requires
-that <i>libtiff</i> be configured with JPEG support, and
-Zip/Deflate compression support requires that <i>libtiff</i>
-be configured with Zip support, in tiffconf.h. Use only one
-or the other of <b>&minus;j</b> and <b>&minus;z.</b></p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If the input
-TIFF contains single strip CCITT G4 Fax compressed
-information, then that is written to the PDF file without
-transcoding, unless the options of no compression and no
-passthrough are set, <b>&minus;d</b> and
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">If the input
-TIFF contains JPEG or single strip Zip/Deflate compressed
-information, and they are configured, then that is written
-to the PDF file without transcoding, unless the options of
-no compression and no passthrough are set.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The default
-page size upon which the TIFF image is placed is determined
-by the resolution and extent of the image data. Default
-values for the TIFF image resolution can be set using the
-<b>&minus;x</b> and <b>&minus;y</b> options. The page size
-can be set using the <b>&minus;p</b> option for paper size,
-or <b>&minus;w</b> and <b>&minus;l</b> for paper width and
-length, then each page of the TIFF image is centered on its
-page. The distance unit for default resolution and page
-width and length can be set by the <b>&minus;u</b> option,
-the default unit is inch.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Various items
-of the output document information can be set with the
-<b>&minus;e</b>, <b>&minus;c</b>, <b>&minus;a</b>,
-<b>&minus;t</b>, <b>&minus;s</b>, and <b>&minus;k</b>
-options. Setting the argument of the option to &quot;&quot;
-for these tags causes the relevant document information
-field to be not written. Some of the document information
-values otherwise get their information from the input TIFF
-image, the software, author, document name, and image
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The Portable
-Document Format (PDF) specification is copyrighted by Adobe
-Systems, Incorporated.</p>
-<a name="OPTIONS"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>&minus;o</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set the output to go to file.
-<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
- cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Compress with JPEG (requires <i>libjpeg</i> configured
-with <i>libtiff</i>).</p></td></tr>
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Compress with Zip/Deflate (requires <i>zlib</i>
-configured with <i>libtiff</i>).</p></td></tr>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;q</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set the compression quality,
-1-100 for JPEG.</p>
-<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
- cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Do not allow data to be converted without uncompressing,
-no compressed data passthrough.</p></td></tr>
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Set PDF &lsquo;&lsquo;Interpolate&rsquo;&rsquo; user
-preference.</p> </td></tr>
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Do not compress (decompress).</p></td></tr>
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="78%">
-<p>Invert colors.</p></td></tr>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;p</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set paper size, e.g.,
-<b>letter</b>, <b>legal</b>, <b>A4</b>.</p>
-<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
- cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="55%">
-<p>Cause the tiff to fill the PDF page.</p></td>
-<td width="23%">
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;u</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set distance unit, <b>i</b> for
-inch, <b>m</b> for centimeter.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;w</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set width in units.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;l</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set length in units.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;x</b> <i>xres</i></p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set x/width resolution
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;y</b> <i>yres</i></p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set y/length resolution
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;r</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set <b>d</b> for resolution
-default for images without resolution, <b>o</b> for
-resolution override for all images.</p>
-<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
- cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="60%">
-<p>Set PDF &lsquo;&lsquo;Fit Window&rsquo;&rsquo; user
-preference.</p> </td>
-<td width="18%">
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;e</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information date,
-overrides image or current date/time default,
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;c</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information
-creator, overrides image software default.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;a</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information
-author, overrides image artist default.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;t</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information title,
-overrides image document name default.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;s</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information
-subject, overrides image image description default.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;k</b>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set document information
-<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;m</b> <i>size</i></p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">Set memory allocation limit (in
-MiB). Default is 256MiB. Set to 0 to disable the limit.</p>
-<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
- cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-<tr valign="top" align="left">
-<td width="11%"></td>
-<td width="3%">
-<td width="8%"></td>
-<td width="60%">
-<p>List usage reminder to stderr and exit.</p></td>
-<td width="18%">
-<a name="EXAMPLES"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The following
-example would generate the file output.pdf from <br>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">tiff2pdf &minus;o output.pdf
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The following
-example would generate PDF output from input.tiff and write
-it to standard output.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">tiff2pdf input.tiff</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">The following
-example would generate the file output.pdf from input.tiff,
-putting the image pages on a letter sized page, compressing
-the output with JPEG, with JPEG quality 75, setting the
-title to &lsquo;&lsquo;Document&rsquo;&rsquo;, and setting
-the &lsquo;&lsquo;Fit Window&rsquo;&rsquo; option.</p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%;">tiff2pdf &minus;p letter
-&minus;j &minus;q 75 &minus;t &quot;Document&quot; &minus;f
-&minus;o output.pdf input.tiff</p>
-<a name="BUGS"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Please report
-bugs via the web interface at</p>
-<p style="margin-left:22%; margin-top: 1em"></p>
-<a name="SEE ALSO"></a>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>libtiff</b>(3),
-<b>tiffcp</b>(1), <b>tiff2ps</b>(1)</p>
-<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Libtiff library
-home page: <b></b></p>