environment: AV_PROJECTS: 'c:\projects' AV_TIFF_DOWNLOAD: 'c:\projects\download' AV_TIFF_SOURCE: 'c:\projects\libtiff' AV_TIFF_BUILD: 'c:\projects\build' AV_TIFF_INSTALL: 'c:\projects\install' matrix: - compiler: cygwin-cmake configuration: Release generator: Unix Makefiles shared: ON - compiler: cygwin-cmake configuration: Debug generator: Unix Makefiles shared: OFF - compiler: mingw-cmake configuration: Release generator: MinGW Makefiles shared: ON - compiler: mingw-cmake configuration: Debug generator: MinGW Makefiles shared: OFF - compiler: vc14-cmake configuration: Release arch: x64 generator: Visual Studio 16 2019 shared: ON - compiler: vc14-cmake configuration: Debug arch: Win32 generator: Visual Studio 16 2019 shared: OFF cache: #- 'c:\projects\download -> appveyor.yml' # Operating system (build VM template) os: 'Visual Studio 2019' # clone directory clone_folder: 'c:\projects\libtiff' clone_depth: 5 platform: x64 init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input before_build: - 'FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpath -u %AV_TIFF_SOURCE%`) DO SET AV_TIFF_CYG_SOURCE=%%F' - 'FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`C:\cygwin64\bin\cygpath -u %AV_TIFF_INSTALL%`) DO SET AV_TIFF_CYG_INSTALL=%%F' - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64 -q -R C:\cygwin64 -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -l %AV_TIFF_DOWNLOAD%\cygwin -P cmake,libjpeg-devel,zlib-devel' - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake set "PATH=C:\cygwin64\bin;%PATH%"' - set - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake cygpath --version || echo cygpath not found' - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake cmake --version || echo CMake not found' - set "AV_CMAKE_ARGS=-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=%shared%" - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake set "AV_CMAKE_ARGS=%AV_CMAKE_ARGS% -Dfatal-warnings=ON"' - 'if %compiler%==mingw32-cmake set "AV_CMAKE_ARGS=%AV_CMAKE_ARGS% -Dfatal-warnings=ON"' - set "AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE=%AV_TIFF_SOURCE%" - set "AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL=%AV_TIFF_INSTALL%" - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake set "AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE=%AV_TIFF_CYG_SOURCE%' - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake set "AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL=%AV_TIFF_CYG_INSTALL%' - 'if %compiler%==mingw-cmake set "PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%"' - mkdir %AV_TIFF_BUILD% - cd %AV_TIFF_BUILD% - echo Running cmake -G "%generator%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration% %AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE% - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake bash -c "cmake -G \"%generator%\" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration% %AV_CMAKE_ARGS% %AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE%"' - 'if %compiler%==mingw-cmake cmake -G "%generator%" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration% %AV_CMAKE_ARGS% %AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE%' - 'if %compiler%==vc14-cmake cmake -G "%generator%" -A %arch% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%AV_TIFF_CMAKE_INSTALL% -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration% %AV_CMAKE_ARGS% %AV_TIFF_CMAKE_SOURCE%' build_script: - cd %AV_TIFF_BUILD% - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake bash -c "cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target install"' - 'if %compiler%==mingw-cmake cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target install' - 'if %compiler%==vc14-cmake cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target install' - 'if %compiler%==vc9-cmake cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target install' # scripts to run after build after_build: - cd %AV_TIFF_BUILD% - '7z a %AV_TIFF_SOURCE%\libtiff-build.zip * -tzip' - cd %AV_TIFF_INSTALL% - '7z a %AV_TIFF_SOURCE%\libtiff.zip * -tzip' before_test: - cd %AV_TIFF_BUILD% - 'if %compiler%==cygwin-cmake bash -c "ctest -V -C %configuration%"' - 'if %compiler%==mingw-cmake ctest -V -C %configuration%' - 'if %compiler%==vc14-cmake ctest -V -C %configuration%' - 'if %compiler%==vc9-cmake ctest -V -C %configuration%' # AppVeyor don't yet have a configurable retention policy, so this will # eventually use up all the storage allowance. #artifacts: # - path: libtiff.zip # name: libtiff.zip # - path: libtiff-build.zip # name: libtiff-build.zip