To: cc: cc: cc: Subject: libtiff fork X-Mailer: VM 6.63 under Emacs 20.3.2 --text follows this line-- I've finished merging a forked libtiff that was being shipped with ImageMagick (that added IPTC newsphoto support) with the last libtiff release (tiff-v3.4beta037). I'm going to make this available at (as tiff-v3.4beta037-IPTC). I'm very reluctant to fork code, and I woud refrain, but for the following: 1. Repeated mail to you about the patches has gone unanswered. 2. I keep getting mail from people strugging to get IPTC newphoto support to work properly with ImageMagick. 3. The NT source distibution was already shipping with a forked version. In order for the situation to be less confusing, I'm going to make an archive of the forked version available. I very much would like for there not to be a fork. Are you still maintaining libtiff? If not, is there a current maintainer? I'm willing to adopt it if there isn't. I'd hate to see such an important library fragment. It's extremely likely that onShore (, will donate web space, bandwidth, and listserv services if so. ------------------------------------------------------ M. L. Welles -------------------------------------------------------