To compile libusb 1.0 using either Microsoft Visual Studio or the Windows DDK - If needed, edit msvc/config.h according to your needs (you might want to comment out ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING for instance). That's it! You should now be able to compile the solution. Note 1: For Visual Studio, 3 sets of solution files are provided depending on whether you are running MSVC6, Visual Studio 2008 (MSVC9) or Visual Studio 2005 (MSVC8). For the DDK, just run ddk_build.cmd from a DDK build environment command prompt. Note 2: If the the compilation process complains about missing libraries, you will need to ensure that the default library paths for your project point to a directory that contains setupapi.lib and ole32.lib. If needed, these libraries can be obtained by downloading either the latest Windows SDK or the DDK. Note 3: Provided that you have the required environment, it is possible to produce either a 32 or 64 bit version of the library. Both these version are supported and have been equally tested during development. For additional information, please refer to: