# Contributing to intel-vaapi-driver Intel-vaapi-driver is an open source project licensed under the [MIT License] (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ## Coding Style In our project we follow the Linux coding style with a few changes. You may run 'astyle --style=linux -cnpUH -s4 -M120 ' to format/indent a single file or run './style_unify' in the top-level directory to handle all .c/.h files in the src directory. You will fail to commit your patch if your patch doesn't follow the coding style and the pre-commit hook will prompt you to fix the coding style. For example: ``` Checking coding style... --- .merge_file_tZMQ4C 2017-03-31 11:02:36.244617415 +0800 +++ /tmp/.merge_file_tZMQ4C.D0V 2017-03-31 11:02:36.274617276 +0800 @@ -438,8 +438,7 @@ intel_batchbuffer_align(struct intel_bat assert((pad_size & 3) == 0); assert(intel_batchbuffer_space(batch) >= pad_size); - while (pad_size >= 4) - { + while (pad_size >= 4) { intel_batchbuffer_emit_dword(batch, 0); pad_size -= 4; } ************************************************************************** Coding style error in src/intel_batchbuffer.c Please fix the coding style before committing. You may run the command below to fix the coding style from the top-level directory astyle --style=linux -cnpUH -s4 -M120 src/intel_batchbuffer.c ************************************************************************** ``` ## Certificate of Origin In order to get a clear contribution chain of trust we use the [signed-off-by language] (https://01.org/community/signed-process) used by the Linux kernel project. ## Patch format Beside the signed-off-by footer, we expect each patch to comply with the following format: ``` : Change summary More detailed explanation of your changes: Why and how. Wrap it to 72 characters. See [here] (http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) for some more good advices. Signed-off-by: ``` For example: ``` i965_encoder: remove double check for VAStatus result after creating underlying surface there's a double check on the VAStatus result. Replace it with ASSERT_RET. Signed-off-by: Daniel Charles Reviewed-by: Sean V Kelley ``` ## Pull requests We accept github pull requests. Once you've finished making your changes push them to your fork and send the PR via the github UI. ## Issue tracking If you have a problem, please let us know. IRC is a perfectly fine place to quickly informally bring something up, if you get a response. The [mailing list](https://lists.01.org/mailman/listinfo/intel-vaapi-media) is a more durable communication channel. If it's a bug not already documented, by all means please [open an issue in github](https://github.com/01org/intel-vaapi-driver/issues/new) so we all get visibility to the problem and can work towards a resolution. For feature requests we're also using github issues, with the label "enhancement". Our github bug/enhancement backlog and work queue are tracked in a [Intel vaapi driver waffle.io kanban](https://waffle.io/01org/intel-vaapi-driver). ## Closing issues You can either close issues manually by adding the fixing commit SHA1 to the issue comments or by adding the `Fixes` keyword to your commit message: ``` ssntp: test: Add Disconnection role checking tests We check that we get the right role from the disconnection notifier. Fixes #121 Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz ``` Github will then automatically close that issue when parsing the [commit message](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/).