/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include "sysdeps.h" #include "va.h" #include "va_backend.h" #include "va_internal.h" #include "va_trace.h" #include "va_fool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Do dummy decode/encode, ignore the input data * In order to debug memory leak or low performance issues, we need to isolate driver problems * We export env "VA_FOOL", with which, we can do fake decode/encode: * * LIBVA_FOOL_DECODE: * . if set, decode does nothing * LIBVA_FOOL_ENCODE=: * . if set, encode does nothing, but fill in the coded buffer from the content of files with * name framename.0,framename.1,..., framename.N, framename.0,..., framename.N,...repeatly * Use file name to determine h264 or vp8 * LIBVA_FOOL_JPEG=:fill the content of filename to codedbuf for jpeg encoding * LIBVA_FOOL_POSTP: * . if set, do nothing for vaPutSurface */ /* global settings */ int va_fool_codec = 0; int va_fool_postp = 0; #define FOOL_BUFID_MAGIC 0x12345600 #define FOOL_BUFID_MASK 0xffffff00 struct fool_context { int enabled; /* va_fool_codec is global, and it is for concurent encode/decode */ char *fn_enc;/* file pattern with codedbuf content for encode */ char *segbuf_enc; /* the segment buffer of coded buffer, load frome fn_enc */ int file_count; char *fn_jpg;/* file name of JPEG fool with codedbuf content */ char *segbuf_jpg; /* the segment buffer of coded buffer, load frome fn_jpg */ VAEntrypoint entrypoint; /* current entrypoint */ /* all buffers with same type share one malloc-ed memory * bufferID = (buffer numbers with the same type << 8) || type * the malloc-ed memory can be find by fool_buf[bufferID & 0xff] * the size is ignored here */ char *fool_buf[VABufferTypeMax]; /* memory of fool buffers */ unsigned int fool_buf_size[VABufferTypeMax]; /* size of memory of fool buffers */ unsigned int fool_buf_element[VABufferTypeMax]; /* element count of created buffers */ unsigned int fool_buf_count[VABufferTypeMax]; /* count of created buffers */ VAContextID context; }; #define FOOL_CTX(dpy) ((struct fool_context *)((VADisplayContextP)dpy)->vafool) #define DPY2FOOLCTX(dpy) \ struct fool_context *fool_ctx = FOOL_CTX(dpy); \ if (fool_ctx == NULL) \ return 0; /* no fool for the context */ \ #define DPY2FOOLCTX_CHK(dpy) \ struct fool_context *fool_ctx = FOOL_CTX(dpy); \ if ((fool_ctx == NULL) || (fool_ctx->enabled == 0)) \ return 0; /* no fool for the context */ \ void va_FoolInit(VADisplay dpy) { char env_value[1024]; struct fool_context *fool_ctx = calloc(sizeof(struct fool_context), 1); if (fool_ctx == NULL) return; if (va_parseConfig("LIBVA_FOOL_POSTP", NULL) == 0) { va_fool_postp = 1; va_infoMessage(dpy, "LIBVA_FOOL_POSTP is on, dummy vaPutSurface\n"); } if (va_parseConfig("LIBVA_FOOL_DECODE", NULL) == 0) { va_fool_codec |= VA_FOOL_FLAG_DECODE; va_infoMessage(dpy, "LIBVA_FOOL_DECODE is on, dummy decode\n"); } if (va_parseConfig("LIBVA_FOOL_ENCODE", &env_value[0]) == 0) { va_fool_codec |= VA_FOOL_FLAG_ENCODE; fool_ctx->fn_enc = strdup(env_value); va_infoMessage(dpy, "LIBVA_FOOL_ENCODE is on, load encode data from file with patten %s\n", fool_ctx->fn_enc); } if (va_parseConfig("LIBVA_FOOL_JPEG", &env_value[0]) == 0) { va_fool_codec |= VA_FOOL_FLAG_JPEG; fool_ctx->fn_jpg = strdup(env_value); va_infoMessage(dpy, "LIBVA_FOOL_JPEG is on, load encode data from file with patten %s\n", fool_ctx->fn_jpg); } ((VADisplayContextP)dpy)->vafool = fool_ctx; } int va_FoolEnd(VADisplay dpy) { int i; DPY2FOOLCTX(dpy); for (i = 0; i < VABufferTypeMax; i++) {/* free memory */ if (fool_ctx->fool_buf[i]) free(fool_ctx->fool_buf[i]); } if (fool_ctx->segbuf_enc) free(fool_ctx->segbuf_enc); if (fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg) free(fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg); if (fool_ctx->fn_enc) free(fool_ctx->fn_enc); if (fool_ctx->fn_jpg) free(fool_ctx->fn_jpg); free(fool_ctx); ((VADisplayContextP)dpy)->vafool = NULL; return 0; } int va_FoolCreateConfig( VADisplay dpy, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, VAConfigAttrib *attrib_list, int num_attribs, VAConfigID *config_id /* out */ ) { DPY2FOOLCTX(dpy); fool_ctx->entrypoint = entrypoint; /* * check va_fool_codec to align with current context * e.g. va_fool_codec = decode then for encode, the * vaBegin/vaRender/vaEnd also run into fool path * which is not desired */ if (((va_fool_codec & VA_FOOL_FLAG_DECODE) && (entrypoint == VAEntrypointVLD)) || ((va_fool_codec & VA_FOOL_FLAG_JPEG) && (entrypoint == VAEntrypointEncPicture))) fool_ctx->enabled = 1; else if ((va_fool_codec & VA_FOOL_FLAG_ENCODE) && (entrypoint == VAEntrypointEncSlice)) { /* H264 is desired */ if (((profile == VAProfileH264Baseline || profile == VAProfileH264Main || profile == VAProfileH264High || profile == VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline)) && strstr(fool_ctx->fn_enc, "h264")) fool_ctx->enabled = 1; /* vp8 is desired */ if ((profile == VAProfileVP8Version0_3) && strstr(fool_ctx->fn_enc, "vp8")) fool_ctx->enabled = 1; } if (fool_ctx->enabled) va_infoMessage(dpy, "FOOL is enabled for this context\n"); else va_infoMessage(dpy, "FOOL is not enabled for this context\n"); return 0; /* continue */ } VAStatus va_FoolCreateBuffer( VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, /* in */ VABufferType type, /* in */ unsigned int size, /* in */ unsigned int num_elements, /* in */ void *data, /* in */ VABufferID *buf_id /* out */ ) { unsigned int new_size = size * num_elements; unsigned int old_size; DPY2FOOLCTX_CHK(dpy); old_size = fool_ctx->fool_buf_size[type] * fool_ctx->fool_buf_element[type]; if (old_size < new_size) fool_ctx->fool_buf[type] = realloc(fool_ctx->fool_buf[type], new_size); fool_ctx->fool_buf_size[type] = size; fool_ctx->fool_buf_element[type] = num_elements; fool_ctx->fool_buf_count[type]++; /* because we ignore the vaRenderPicture, * all buffers with same type share same real memory * bufferID = (magic number) | type */ *buf_id = FOOL_BUFID_MAGIC | type; return 1; /* don't call into driver */ } VAStatus va_FoolBufferInfo( VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ VABufferType *type, /* out */ unsigned int *size, /* out */ unsigned int *num_elements /* out */ ) { unsigned int magic; DPY2FOOLCTX_CHK(dpy); magic = buf_id & FOOL_BUFID_MASK; if (magic != FOOL_BUFID_MAGIC) return 0; /* could be VAImageBufferType from vaDeriveImage */ *type = buf_id & 0xff; *size = fool_ctx->fool_buf_size[*type]; *num_elements = fool_ctx->fool_buf_element[*type];; return 1; /* fool is valid */ } static int va_FoolFillCodedBufEnc(struct fool_context *fool_ctx) { char file_name[1024]; struct stat file_stat = {0}; VACodedBufferSegment *codedbuf; int i, fd = -1; /* try file_name.file_count, if fail, try file_name.file_count-- */ for (i=0; i<=1; i++) { snprintf(file_name, 1024, "%s.%d", fool_ctx->fn_enc, fool_ctx->file_count); if ((fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { fstat(fd, &file_stat); fool_ctx->file_count++; /* open next file */ break; } else /* fall back to the first file file */ fool_ctx->file_count = 0; } if (fd != -1) { fool_ctx->segbuf_enc = realloc(fool_ctx->segbuf_enc, file_stat.st_size); read(fd, fool_ctx->segbuf_enc, file_stat.st_size); close(fd); } else va_errorMessage("Open file %s failed:%s\n", file_name, strerror(errno)); codedbuf = (VACodedBufferSegment *)fool_ctx->fool_buf[VAEncCodedBufferType]; codedbuf->size = file_stat.st_size; codedbuf->bit_offset = 0; codedbuf->status = 0; codedbuf->reserved = 0; codedbuf->buf = fool_ctx->segbuf_enc; codedbuf->next = NULL; return 0; } static int va_FoolFillCodedBufJPG(struct fool_context *fool_ctx) { struct stat file_stat = {0}; VACodedBufferSegment *codedbuf; int fd = -1; if ((fd = open(fool_ctx->fn_jpg, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { fstat(fd, &file_stat); fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg = realloc(fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg, file_stat.st_size); read(fd, fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg, file_stat.st_size); close(fd); } else va_errorMessage("Open file %s failed:%s\n", fool_ctx->fn_jpg, strerror(errno)); codedbuf = (VACodedBufferSegment *)fool_ctx->fool_buf[VAEncCodedBufferType]; codedbuf->size = file_stat.st_size; codedbuf->bit_offset = 0; codedbuf->status = 0; codedbuf->reserved = 0; codedbuf->buf = fool_ctx->segbuf_jpg; codedbuf->next = NULL; return 0; } static int va_FoolFillCodedBuf(struct fool_context *fool_ctx) { if (fool_ctx->entrypoint == VAEntrypointEncSlice) va_FoolFillCodedBufEnc(fool_ctx); else if (fool_ctx->entrypoint == VAEntrypointEncPicture) va_FoolFillCodedBufJPG(fool_ctx); return 0; } VAStatus va_FoolMapBuffer( VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ void **pbuf /* out */ ) { unsigned int magic, buftype; DPY2FOOLCTX_CHK(dpy); magic = buf_id & FOOL_BUFID_MASK; if (magic != FOOL_BUFID_MAGIC) return 0; /* could be VAImageBufferType from vaDeriveImage */ buftype = buf_id & 0xff; *pbuf = fool_ctx->fool_buf[buftype]; /* it is coded buffer, fill coded segment from file */ if (*pbuf && (buftype == VAEncCodedBufferType)) va_FoolFillCodedBuf(fool_ctx); return 1; /* fool is valid */ } VAStatus va_FoolCheckContinuity(VADisplay dpy) { DPY2FOOLCTX_CHK(dpy); return 1; /* fool is valid */ }