/******************************************************************** * * * THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggVorbis SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. * * USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS * * GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE * * IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. * * * * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 * * by the Xiph.Org Foundation https://xiph.org/ * * * ******************************************************************** function: utility for finding the distribution in a data set ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "bookutil.h" /* command line: distribution file.vqd */ int ascend(const void *a,const void *b){ return(**((long **)a)-**((long **)b)); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ FILE *in; long lines=0; float min; float max; long bins=-1; int flag=0; long *countarray; long total=0; char *line; if(argv[1]==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: distribution {data.vqd [bins]| book.vqh} \n\n"); exit(1); } if(argv[2]!=NULL) bins=atoi(argv[2])-1; in=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(!in){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not open input file %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } if(strrchr(argv[1],'.') && strcmp(strrchr(argv[1],'.'),".vqh")==0){ /* load/decode a book */ codebook *b=codebook_load(argv[1]); static_codebook *c=(static_codebook *)(b->c); float delta; int i; fclose(in); switch(c->maptype){ case 0: printf("entropy codebook only; no mappings\n"); exit(0); break; case 1: bins=_book_maptype1_quantvals(c); break; case 2: bins=c->entries*c->dim; break; } max=min=_float32_unpack(c->q_min); delta=_float32_unpack(c->q_delta); for(i=0;iquantlist[i]*delta+min; if(val>max)max=val; } printf("Minimum scalar value: %f\n",min); printf("Maximum scalar value: %f\n",max); switch(c->maptype){ case 1: { /* lattice codebook. dump it. */ int j,k; long maxcount=0; long **sort=calloc(bins,sizeof(long *)); long base=c->lengthlist[0]; countarray=calloc(bins,sizeof(long)); for(i=0;iquantlist+i; qsort(sort,bins,sizeof(long *),ascend); for(i=0;ientries;i++) if(c->lengthlist[i]>base)base=c->lengthlist[i]; /* dump a full, correlated count */ for(j=0;jentries;j++){ if(c->lengthlist[j]){ int indexdiv=1; printf("%4d: ",j); for(k=0;kdim;k++){ int index= (j/indexdiv)%bins; printf("%+3.1f,", c->quantlist[index]*_float32_unpack(c->q_delta)+ _float32_unpack(c->q_min)); indexdiv*=bins; } printf("\t|"); for(k=0;klengthlist[j];k++)printf("*"); printf("\n"); } } /* do a rough count */ for(j=0;jentries;j++){ int indexdiv=1; for(k=0;kdim;k++){ if(c->lengthlist[j]){ int index= (j/indexdiv)%bins; countarray[index]+=(1<<(base-c->lengthlist[j])); indexdiv*=bins; } } } /* dump the count */ { long maxcount=0,i,j; for(i=0;imaxcount)maxcount=countarray[i]; for(i=0;iquantlist; int stars=rint(50./maxcount*countarray[ptr]); printf("%+08f (%8ld) |",c->quantlist[ptr]*delta+min,countarray[ptr]); for(j=0;jmax)max=code; } line=setup_line(in); } if(bins<1){ if((int)(max-min)==min-max){ bins=max-min; }else{ bins=25; } } printf("\r \r"); printf("Minimum scalar value: %f\n",min); printf("Maximum scalar value: %f\n",max); if(argv[2]){ printf("\n counting hits into %ld bins...\n",bins+1); countarray=calloc(bins+1,sizeof(long)); rewind(in); line=setup_line(in); while(line){ float code; lines--; if(!(lines&0xff))spinnit("counting distribution. lines so far...",lines); while(line && sscanf(line,"%f",&code)==1){ line=strchr(line,','); if(line)line++; code-=min; code/=(max-min); code*=bins; countarray[(int)rint(code)]++; total++; } line=setup_line(in); } /* make a pretty graph */ { long maxcount=0,i,j; for(i=0;imaxcount)maxcount=countarray[i]; printf("\r \r"); printf("Total scalars: %ld\n",total); for(i=0;i