use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Test::More; use Config qw( %Config ); if (defined $Config{useperlio}) { plan tests=>26; } else { plan skip_all=>'this perl doesn\'t support PerlIO layers'; } use URI (); use URI::IRI (); my $u; binmode Test::More->builder->output, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode Test::More->builder->failure_output, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; $u = URI->new("http://Bü"); is $u, ""; is $u->host, ""; is $u->ihost, "bü"; is $u->as_iri, "http://bü"; $u = URI->new("ücher"); is $u, ""; is $u->as_iri, "ücher"; $u = URI->new(""); # latin1 encoded stuff is $u->as_iri, ""; # ...should not be decoded $u = URI->new("\xFCcher"); is $u->as_string, ""; is $u->as_iri, ""; $u = URI::IRI->new("\xFCcher"); is $u->as_string, "ücher"; is $u->as_iri, "ücher"; # draft-duerst-iri-bis.txt claims this should map to $u = URI->new("http://r\xE9sum\"); is $u->as_string, ""; $u = URI->new(""); is $u->as_iri, "http://r\x80sum\"; $u = URI->new(""); is $u->as_string, ""; is $u->as_iri, "http://r\xE9sum\"; $u = URI->new("http://➡.ws/"); is $u, ""; is $u->host, ""; is $u->ihost, "➡.ws"; is $u->as_iri, "http://➡.ws/"; # draft-duerst-iri-bis.txt examples (section 3.7.1): is(URI->new("")->as_iri, "\xFCrst"); is(URI->new("")->as_iri, ""); TODO: { local $TODO = "some chars (like U+202E, RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE) need to stay escaped"; is(URI->new("")->as_iri, "http://\x{7D0D}\x{8C46}"); } # try some URLs that can't be IDNA encoded (fallback to encoded UTF8 bytes) $u = URI->new("http://" . ("ü" x 128)); is $u, "http://" . ("%C3%BC" x 128); is $u->host, ("\xC3\xBC" x 128); TODO: { local $TODO = "should ihost decode UTF8 bytes?"; is $u->ihost, ("ü" x 128); } is $u->as_iri, "http://" . ("ü" x 128);