use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use URI (); my $u = URI->new(''); is $u->to, '', 'parsing normal URI sets to()'; is $u, '', '... and stringification works'; my $old = $u->to(''); is $old, '', 'to() returns old value'; is $u->to, '', '... and sets new value'; is $u, '', '... and stringification works'; $u->to("?/#"); is $u->to, "?/#", 'to() accepts chars that need escaping'; is $u, 'mailto:%3F/%23', '... and stringification escapes them'; my @h = $u->headers; ok @h == 2 && "@h" eq "to ?/#", '... and headers() returns the correct values'; $u->headers( to => '', cc => ',', Subject => 'How do you do?', garbage => '/;?#=&', ); @h = $u->headers; ok @h == 8 && "@h" eq 'to cc, Subject How do you do? garbage /;?#=&', 'setting multiple headers at once works'; is $u->to, '', '... and to() returns the new value'; #print "$u\n"; is $u, '', '... and stringification works'; $u = URI->new("mailto:"); $u->to("gisle"); is $u, 'mailto:gisle', 'starting with an empty URI and setting to() works'; $u = URI->new(''); is $u->to, '', 'subaddress with `+` parsed correctly'; is $u, '', '... and stringification works'; TODO: { local $TODO = "We can't handle quoted local parts without properly parsing the email addresses"; $u = URI->new('mailto:"foo bar+baz"'); is $u->to, '"foo bar+baz"', 'address with quoted local part containing spaces is parsed correctly'; is $u, '', '... and stringification works'; } # RFC 5321 (4.1.3) - Address Literals # IPv4 $u = URI->new('mailto:user@[]'); is $u->to, 'user@[]', 'IPv4 host name'; is $u, 'mailto:user@[]', '... and stringification works'; # IPv6 $u = URI->new('mailto:user@[IPv6:fe80::e828:209d:20e:c0ae]'); is $u->to, 'user@[IPv6:fe80::e828:209d:20e:c0ae]', 'IPv4 host name'; is $u, 'mailto:user@[IPv6:fe80::e828:209d:20e:c0ae]', '... and stringification works'; done_testing;