yaml  0.2.3
yaml_emitter_s Struct Reference

The emitter structure. More...

#include <yaml.h>

Data Fields

unsigned char * buffer
 The buffer pointer. More...
size_t size
 The buffer size. More...
size_t * size_written
 The number of written bytes. More...
struct {
   unsigned char *   buffer
 The buffer pointer. More...
   size_t   size
 The buffer size. More...
   size_t *   size_written
 The number of written bytes. More...
 String output data. More...
FILE * file
 File output data. More...
 The beginning of the buffer. More...
 The end of the buffer. More...
 The current position of the buffer. More...
 The last filled position of the buffer. More...
unsigned char * start
 The beginning of the buffer. More...
unsigned char * end
 The end of the buffer. More...
unsigned char * pointer
 The current position of the buffer. More...
unsigned char * last
 The last filled position of the buffer. More...
 The beginning of the stack. More...
 The end of the stack. More...
 The top of the stack. More...
 The beginning of the event queue. More...
 The end of the event queue. More...
 The head of the event queue. More...
 The tail of the event queue. More...
int * start
 The beginning of the stack. More...
int * end
 The end of the stack. More...
int * top
 The top of the stack. More...
 The beginning of the list. More...
 The end of the list. More...
 The top of the list. More...
 The anchor value. More...
size_t anchor_length
 The anchor length. More...
int alias
 Is it an alias?
 The tag handle. More...
size_t handle_length
 The tag handle length. More...
 The tag suffix. More...
size_t suffix_length
 The tag suffix length. More...
 The scalar value. More...
size_t length
 The scalar length. More...
int multiline
 Does the scalar contain line breaks?
int flow_plain_allowed
 Can the scalar be expessed in the flow plain style?
int block_plain_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the block plain style?
int single_quoted_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the single quoted style?
int block_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the literal or folded styles?
yaml_scalar_style_t style
 The output style. More...
Error handling
yaml_error_type_t error
 Error type. More...
const char * problem
 Error description. More...
Writer stuff
 Write handler. More...
void * write_handler_data
 A pointer for passing to the write handler. More...
union {
   struct {
      unsigned char *   buffer
 The buffer pointer. More...
      size_t   size
 The buffer size. More...
      size_t *   size_written
 The number of written bytes. More...
   }   string
 String output data. More...
   FILE *   file
 File output data. More...
 Standard (string or file) output data. More...
struct {
   yaml_char_t *   start
 The beginning of the buffer. More...
   yaml_char_t *   end
 The end of the buffer. More...
   yaml_char_t *   pointer
 The current position of the buffer. More...
   yaml_char_t *   last
 The last filled position of the buffer. More...
 The working buffer. More...
struct {
   unsigned char *   start
 The beginning of the buffer. More...
   unsigned char *   end
 The end of the buffer. More...
   unsigned char *   pointer
 The current position of the buffer. More...
   unsigned char *   last
 The last filled position of the buffer. More...
 The raw buffer. More...
yaml_encoding_t encoding
 The stream encoding. More...
Emitter stuff
int canonical
 If the output is in the canonical style?
int best_indent
 The number of indentation spaces. More...
int best_width
 The preferred width of the output lines. More...
int unicode
 Allow unescaped non-ASCII characters?
yaml_break_t line_break
 The preferred line break. More...
struct {
   yaml_emitter_state_t *   start
 The beginning of the stack. More...
   yaml_emitter_state_t *   end
 The end of the stack. More...
   yaml_emitter_state_t *   top
 The top of the stack. More...
 The stack of states. More...
yaml_emitter_state_t state
 The current emitter state. More...
struct {
   yaml_event_t *   start
 The beginning of the event queue. More...
   yaml_event_t *   end
 The end of the event queue. More...
   yaml_event_t *   head
 The head of the event queue. More...
   yaml_event_t *   tail
 The tail of the event queue. More...
 The event queue. More...
struct {
   int *   start
 The beginning of the stack. More...
   int *   end
 The end of the stack. More...
   int *   top
 The top of the stack. More...
 The stack of indentation levels. More...
struct {
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   start
 The beginning of the list. More...
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   end
 The end of the list. More...
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   top
 The top of the list. More...
 The list of tag directives. More...
int indent
 The current indentation level. More...
int flow_level
 The current flow level. More...
int root_context
 Is it the document root context?
int sequence_context
 Is it a sequence context?
int mapping_context
 Is it a mapping context?
int simple_key_context
 Is it a simple mapping key context?
int line
 The current line. More...
int column
 The current column. More...
int whitespace
 If the last character was a whitespace?
int indention
 If the last character was an indentation character (' ', '-', '?', ':')?
int open_ended
 If an explicit document end is required?
struct {
   yaml_char_t *   anchor
 The anchor value. More...
   size_t   anchor_length
 The anchor length. More...
   int   alias
 Is it an alias?
 Anchor analysis. More...
struct {
   yaml_char_t *   handle
 The tag handle. More...
   size_t   handle_length
 The tag handle length. More...
   yaml_char_t *   suffix
 The tag suffix. More...
   size_t   suffix_length
 The tag suffix length. More...
 Tag analysis. More...
struct {
   yaml_char_t *   value
 The scalar value. More...
   size_t   length
 The scalar length. More...
   int   multiline
 Does the scalar contain line breaks?
   int   flow_plain_allowed
 Can the scalar be expessed in the flow plain style?
   int   block_plain_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the block plain style?
   int   single_quoted_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the single quoted style?
   int   block_allowed
 Can the scalar be expressed in the literal or folded styles?
   yaml_scalar_style_t   style
 The output style. More...
 Scalar analysis. More...
Dumper stuff
int opened
 If the stream was already opened?
int closed
 If the stream was already closed?
 The information associated with the document nodes. More...
int last_anchor_id
 The last assigned anchor id. More...
 The currently emitted document. More...

Detailed Description

The emitter structure.

All members are internal. Manage the structure using the yaml_emitter_ family of functions.

Field Documentation

◆ error

yaml_error_type_t yaml_emitter_s::error

Error type.

◆ problem

const char* yaml_emitter_s::problem

Error description.

◆ write_handler

yaml_write_handler_t* yaml_emitter_s::write_handler

Write handler.

◆ write_handler_data

void* yaml_emitter_s::write_handler_data

A pointer for passing to the write handler.

◆ buffer [1/2]

unsigned char* yaml_emitter_s::buffer

The buffer pointer.

◆ size

size_t yaml_emitter_s::size

The buffer size.

◆ size_written

size_t* yaml_emitter_s::size_written

The number of written bytes.

◆ string

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::string

String output data.

◆ file

FILE* yaml_emitter_s::file

File output data.

◆ output

union { ... } yaml_emitter_s::output

Standard (string or file) output data.

◆ start [1/6]

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the buffer.

◆ end [1/6]

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the buffer.

◆ pointer [1/2]

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::pointer

The current position of the buffer.

◆ last [1/2]

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::last

The last filled position of the buffer.

◆ buffer [2/2]

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::buffer

The working buffer.

◆ start [2/6]

unsigned char* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the buffer.

◆ end [2/6]

unsigned char* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the buffer.

◆ pointer [2/2]

unsigned char* yaml_emitter_s::pointer

The current position of the buffer.

◆ last [2/2]

unsigned char* yaml_emitter_s::last

The last filled position of the buffer.

◆ raw_buffer

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::raw_buffer

The raw buffer.

◆ encoding

yaml_encoding_t yaml_emitter_s::encoding

The stream encoding.

◆ best_indent

int yaml_emitter_s::best_indent

The number of indentation spaces.

◆ best_width

int yaml_emitter_s::best_width

The preferred width of the output lines.

◆ line_break

yaml_break_t yaml_emitter_s::line_break

The preferred line break.

◆ start [3/6]

yaml_emitter_state_t* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the stack.

◆ end [3/6]

yaml_emitter_state_t* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the stack.

◆ top [1/3]

yaml_emitter_state_t* yaml_emitter_s::top

The top of the stack.

◆ states

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::states

The stack of states.

◆ state

yaml_emitter_state_t yaml_emitter_s::state

The current emitter state.

◆ start [4/6]

yaml_event_t* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the event queue.

◆ end [4/6]

yaml_event_t* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the event queue.

◆ head

yaml_event_t* yaml_emitter_s::head

The head of the event queue.

◆ tail

yaml_event_t* yaml_emitter_s::tail

The tail of the event queue.

◆ events

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::events

The event queue.

◆ start [5/6]

int* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the stack.

◆ end [5/6]

int* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the stack.

◆ top [2/3]

int* yaml_emitter_s::top

The top of the stack.

◆ indents

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::indents

The stack of indentation levels.

◆ start [6/6]

yaml_tag_directive_t* yaml_emitter_s::start

The beginning of the list.

◆ end [6/6]

yaml_tag_directive_t* yaml_emitter_s::end

The end of the list.

◆ top [3/3]

yaml_tag_directive_t* yaml_emitter_s::top

The top of the list.

◆ tag_directives

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::tag_directives

The list of tag directives.

◆ indent

int yaml_emitter_s::indent

The current indentation level.

◆ flow_level

int yaml_emitter_s::flow_level

The current flow level.

◆ line

int yaml_emitter_s::line

The current line.

◆ column

int yaml_emitter_s::column

The current column.

◆ anchor

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::anchor

The anchor value.

◆ anchor_length

size_t yaml_emitter_s::anchor_length

The anchor length.

◆ anchor_data

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::anchor_data

Anchor analysis.

◆ handle

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::handle

The tag handle.

◆ handle_length

size_t yaml_emitter_s::handle_length

The tag handle length.

◆ suffix

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::suffix

The tag suffix.

◆ suffix_length

size_t yaml_emitter_s::suffix_length

The tag suffix length.

◆ tag_data

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::tag_data

Tag analysis.

◆ value

yaml_char_t* yaml_emitter_s::value

The scalar value.

◆ length

size_t yaml_emitter_s::length

The scalar length.

◆ style

yaml_scalar_style_t yaml_emitter_s::style

The output style.

◆ scalar_data

struct { ... } yaml_emitter_s::scalar_data

Scalar analysis.

◆ anchors

yaml_anchors_t* yaml_emitter_s::anchors

The information associated with the document nodes.

◆ last_anchor_id

int yaml_emitter_s::last_anchor_id

The last assigned anchor id.

◆ document

yaml_document_t* yaml_emitter_s::document

The currently emitted document.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: