Robert Ancell LightDM Help

LightDM is a Display Manager. It is a long running process (daemon) that ensures that your graphical display is set up correctly.

The LightDM daemon spawns and manages two types of processes:

Display Servers - a process that combines graphical output from one or more process together to display on graphics hardware. Also provides input from mice / keyboards etc to the process. For example X is a display server.

Sessions - a session is a process that has access to the display server and allows the user to perform tasks. Often a session will be made up of a core component, the shell, that allows the user to run applications. Both the shell and the applications communicate with the display server.

LightDM for Display Management

Authentication is performed using PAM.


A greeter is a session that provides a mechanism for choosing and authentication users.

User Sessions

A user session allows a user to interact with their computer and run applications.

Remote Access

You can allow remote computers to connect to LightDM and start sessions.