/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Robert Ancell. * Author: Robert Ancell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "configuration.h" #include "display-manager.h" #include "display-manager-service.h" #include "xdmcp-server.h" #include "vnc-server.h" #include "seat-xdmcp-session.h" #include "seat-xvnc.h" #include "x-server.h" #include "process.h" #include "session-child.h" #include "shared-data-manager.h" #include "user-list.h" #include "login1.h" #include "log-file.h" static gchar *config_path = NULL; static GMainLoop *loop = NULL; static GTimer *log_timer; static int log_fd = -1; static gboolean debug = FALSE; static DisplayManager *display_manager = NULL; static DisplayManagerService *display_manager_service = NULL; static XDMCPServer *xdmcp_server = NULL; static guint xdmcp_client_count = 0; static VNCServer *vnc_server = NULL; static guint vnc_client_count = 0; static gint exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS; static gboolean update_login1_seat (Login1Seat *login1_seat); static void log_cb (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer data) { const gchar *prefix; switch (log_level & G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK) { case G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: prefix = "ERROR:"; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: prefix = "CRITICAL:"; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: prefix = "WARNING:"; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE: prefix = "MESSAGE:"; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: prefix = "INFO:"; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: prefix = "DEBUG:"; break; default: prefix = "LOG:"; break; } g_autofree gchar *text = g_strdup_printf ("[%+.2fs] %s %s\n", g_timer_elapsed (log_timer, NULL), prefix, message); /* Log everything to a file */ if (log_fd >= 0) { ssize_t n_written = write (log_fd, text, strlen (text)); if (n_written < 0) ; /* Check result so compiler doesn't warn about it */ } /* Log to stderr if requested */ if (debug) g_printerr ("%s", text); else g_log_default_handler (log_domain, log_level, message, data); } static void log_init (void) { log_timer = g_timer_new (); /* Log to a file */ g_autofree gchar *log_dir = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "log-directory"); g_autofree gchar *path = g_build_filename (log_dir, "lightdm.log", NULL); gboolean backup_logs = config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "backup-logs"); log_fd = log_file_open (path, backup_logs ? LOG_MODE_BACKUP_AND_TRUNCATE : LOG_MODE_APPEND); fcntl (log_fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); g_log_set_default_handler (log_cb, NULL); g_debug ("Logging to %s", path); } static GList* get_config_sections (const gchar *seat_name) { /* Load seat defaults first */ GList *config_sections = g_list_append (NULL, g_strdup ("Seat:*")); g_auto(GStrv) groups = config_get_groups (config_get_instance ()); for (gchar **i = groups; *i; i++) { if (g_str_has_prefix (*i, "Seat:") && strcmp (*i, "Seat:*") != 0) { const gchar *seat_name_glob = *i + strlen ("Seat:"); if (g_pattern_match_simple (seat_name_glob, seat_name ? seat_name : "")) config_sections = g_list_append (config_sections, g_strdup (*i)); } } return config_sections; } static void set_seat_properties (Seat *seat, const gchar *seat_name) { GList *sections = get_config_sections (seat_name); for (GList *link = sections; link; link = link->next) { const gchar *section = link->data; g_auto(GStrv) keys = NULL; keys = config_get_keys (config_get_instance (), section); l_debug (seat, "Loading properties from config section %s", section); for (gint i = 0; keys && keys[i]; i++) { g_autofree gchar *value = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), section, keys[i]); seat_set_property (seat, keys[i], value); } } g_list_free_full (sections, g_free); } static void signal_cb (Process *process, int signum) { switch (signum) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: g_debug ("Caught %s signal, shutting down", g_strsignal (signum)); display_manager_stop (display_manager); // FIXME: Stop XDMCP server break; case SIGUSR1: case SIGUSR2: case SIGHUP: break; } } static void display_manager_stopped_cb (DisplayManager *display_manager) { g_debug ("Stopping daemon"); g_main_loop_quit (loop); } static Seat * create_seat (const gchar *module_name, const gchar *name) { if (strcmp (module_name, "xlocal") == 0) { g_warning ("Seat type 'xlocal' is deprecated, use 'type=local' instead"); module_name = "local"; } Seat *seat = seat_new (module_name); if (!seat) return NULL; seat_set_name (seat, name); return seat; } static Seat * service_add_xlocal_seat_cb (DisplayManagerService *service, gint display_number) { g_debug ("Adding local X seat :%d", display_number); g_autoptr(Seat) seat = create_seat ("xremote", "xremote0"); // FIXME: What to use for a name? if (!seat) return NULL; set_seat_properties (seat, NULL); g_autofree gchar *display_number_string = g_strdup_printf ("%d", display_number); seat_set_property (seat, "xserver-display-number", display_number_string); if (!display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, seat)) return NULL; return g_steal_pointer (&seat); } static void display_manager_seat_removed_cb (DisplayManager *display_manager, Seat *seat) { /* If we have fallback types registered for the seat, let's try them before giving up. */ g_auto(GStrv) types = seat_get_string_list_property (seat, "type"); g_autoptr(GString) next_types = g_string_new (""); g_autoptr(Seat) next_seat = NULL; for (gchar **iter = types; iter && *iter; iter++) { if (iter == types) continue; // skip first one, that is our current seat type if (!next_seat) { next_seat = create_seat (*iter, seat_get_name (seat)); g_string_assign (next_types, *iter); } else { // Build up list of types to try next time g_string_append_c (next_types, ';'); g_string_append (next_types, *iter); } } if (next_seat) { set_seat_properties (next_seat, seat_get_name (seat)); // We set this manually on default seat. Let's port it over if needed. if (seat_get_boolean_property (seat, "exit-on-failure")) seat_set_property (next_seat, "exit-on-failure", "true"); seat_set_property (next_seat, "type", next_types->str); display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, next_seat); } else if (seat_get_boolean_property (seat, "exit-on-failure")) { g_debug ("Required seat has stopped"); exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; display_manager_stop (display_manager); } } static gboolean xdmcp_session_cb (XDMCPServer *server, XDMCPSession *session) { g_autoptr(SeatXDMCPSession) seat = seat_xdmcp_session_new (session); g_autofree gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("xdmcp%d", xdmcp_client_count); xdmcp_client_count++; seat_set_name (SEAT (seat), name); set_seat_properties (SEAT (seat), NULL); return display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, SEAT (seat)); } static void vnc_connection_cb (VNCServer *server, GSocket *connection) { g_autoptr(SeatXVNC) seat = seat_xvnc_new (connection); g_autofree gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("vnc%d", vnc_client_count); vnc_client_count++; seat_set_name (SEAT (seat), name); set_seat_properties (SEAT (seat), NULL); display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, SEAT (seat)); } static void start_display_manager (void) { display_manager_start (display_manager); /* Start the XDMCP server */ if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "enabled")) { xdmcp_server = xdmcp_server_new (); if (config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "port")) { gint port; port = config_get_integer (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "port"); if (port > 0) xdmcp_server_set_port (xdmcp_server, port); } g_autofree gchar *listen_address = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "listen-address"); xdmcp_server_set_listen_address (xdmcp_server, listen_address); g_autofree gchar *hostname = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "hostname"); xdmcp_server_set_hostname (xdmcp_server, hostname); g_signal_connect (xdmcp_server, XDMCP_SERVER_SIGNAL_NEW_SESSION, G_CALLBACK (xdmcp_session_cb), NULL); g_autofree gchar *key_name = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "key"); g_autofree gchar *key = NULL; if (key_name) { g_autofree gchar *path = g_build_filename (config_get_directory (config_get_instance ()), "keys.conf", NULL); g_autoptr(GKeyFile) keys = g_key_file_new (); g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; gboolean result = g_key_file_load_from_file (keys, path, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error); if (error) g_warning ("Unable to load keys from %s: %s", path, error->message); if (result) { if (g_key_file_has_key (keys, "keyring", key_name, NULL)) key = g_key_file_get_string (keys, "keyring", key_name, NULL); else g_warning ("Key %s not defined", key_name); } } if (key) xdmcp_server_set_key (xdmcp_server, key); if (key_name && !key) { exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; display_manager_stop (display_manager); return; } else { g_debug ("Starting XDMCP server on UDP/IP port %d", xdmcp_server_get_port (xdmcp_server)); xdmcp_server_start (xdmcp_server); } } /* Start the VNC server */ if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "VNCServer", "enabled")) { g_autofree gchar *path = g_find_program_in_path ("Xvnc"); if (path) { vnc_server = vnc_server_new (); if (config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "VNCServer", "port")) { gint port = config_get_integer (config_get_instance (), "VNCServer", "port"); if (port > 0) vnc_server_set_port (vnc_server, port); } g_autofree gchar *listen_address = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "VNCServer", "listen-address"); vnc_server_set_listen_address (vnc_server, listen_address); g_signal_connect (vnc_server, VNC_SERVER_SIGNAL_NEW_CONNECTION, G_CALLBACK (vnc_connection_cb), NULL); g_debug ("Starting VNC server on TCP/IP port %d", vnc_server_get_port (vnc_server)); vnc_server_start (vnc_server); } else g_warning ("Can't start VNC server, Xvnc is not in the path"); } } static void service_ready_cb (DisplayManagerService *service) { start_display_manager (); } static void service_name_lost_cb (DisplayManagerService *service) { exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } static gboolean add_login1_seat (Login1Seat *login1_seat) { const gchar *seat_name = login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat); g_debug ("New seat added from logind: %s", seat_name); gboolean is_seat0 = strcmp (seat_name, "seat0") == 0; GList *config_sections = get_config_sections (seat_name); g_auto(GStrv) types = NULL; for (GList *link = g_list_last (config_sections); link; link = link->prev) { gchar *config_section = link->data; types = config_get_string_list (config_get_instance (), config_section, "type"); if (types) break; } g_list_free_full (config_sections, g_free); g_autoptr(Seat) seat = NULL; for (gchar **type = types; !seat && type && *type; type++) seat = create_seat (*type, seat_name); if (seat) { set_seat_properties (seat, seat_name); if (!login1_seat_get_can_multi_session (login1_seat)) { g_debug ("Seat %s has property CanMultiSession=no", seat_name); /* XXX: uncomment this line after bug #1371250 is closed. seat_set_property (seat, "allow-user-switching", "false"); */ } if (is_seat0) seat_set_property (seat, "exit-on-failure", "true"); } else { g_debug ("Unable to create seat: %s", seat_name); return FALSE; } gboolean started = display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, seat); if (!started) g_debug ("Failed to start seat: %s", seat_name); return started; } static void remove_login1_seat (Login1Seat *login1_seat) { Seat *seat = display_manager_get_seat (display_manager, login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); if (seat) seat_stop (seat); } static void seat_stopped_cb (Seat *seat, Login1Seat *login1_seat) { update_login1_seat (login1_seat); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (seat, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, login1_seat); } static gboolean update_login1_seat (Login1Seat *login1_seat) { if (!config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "logind-check-graphical") || login1_seat_get_can_graphical (login1_seat)) { /* Wait for existing seat to stop or ignore if we already have a valid seat */ Seat *seat = display_manager_get_seat (display_manager, login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); if (seat) { if (seat_get_is_stopping (seat)) g_signal_connect (seat, SEAT_SIGNAL_STOPPED, G_CALLBACK (seat_stopped_cb), login1_seat); return TRUE; } return add_login1_seat (login1_seat); } else { remove_login1_seat (login1_seat); return TRUE; } } static void login1_can_graphical_changed_cb (Login1Seat *login1_seat) { g_debug ("Seat %s changes graphical state to %s", login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat), login1_seat_get_can_graphical (login1_seat) ? "true" : "false"); update_login1_seat (login1_seat); } static void login1_active_session_changed_cb (Login1Seat *login1_seat, const gchar *login1_session_id) { g_debug ("Seat %s changes active session to %s", login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat), login1_session_id); Seat *seat = display_manager_get_seat (display_manager, login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); if (seat) { Session *active_session = seat_get_expected_active_session (seat); if (active_session != NULL && g_strcmp0 (login1_session_id, session_get_login1_session_id (active_session)) == 0) { // Session is already active g_debug ("Session %s is already active", login1_session_id); return; } active_session = seat_find_session_by_login1_id (seat, login1_session_id); if (active_session != NULL) { g_debug ("Activating session %s", login1_session_id); seat_set_externally_activated_session (seat, active_session); return; } } } static gboolean login1_add_seat (Login1Seat *login1_seat) { if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "logind-check-graphical")) g_signal_connect (login1_seat, "can-graphical-changed", G_CALLBACK (login1_can_graphical_changed_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (login1_seat, LOGIN1_SIGNAL_ACTIVE_SESION_CHANGED, G_CALLBACK (login1_active_session_changed_cb), NULL); return update_login1_seat (login1_seat); } static void login1_service_seat_added_cb (Login1Service *service, Login1Seat *login1_seat) { if (login1_seat_get_can_graphical (login1_seat)) g_debug ("Seat %s added from logind", login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); else g_debug ("Seat %s added from logind without graphical output", login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); login1_add_seat (login1_seat); } static void login1_service_seat_removed_cb (Login1Service *service, Login1Seat *login1_seat) { g_debug ("Seat %s removed from logind", login1_seat_get_id (login1_seat)); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (login1_seat, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, login1_can_graphical_changed_cb, NULL); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (login1_seat, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, login1_active_session_changed_cb, NULL); remove_login1_seat (login1_seat); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* Disable the SIGPIPE handler - this is a stupid Unix hangover behaviour. * We will handle pipes / sockets being closed instead of having the whole daemon be killed... * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8369506/why-does-sigpipe-exist * Similar case for SIGHUP. */ struct sigaction action; action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset (&action.sa_mask); action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction (SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); sigaction (SIGHUP, &action, NULL); /* When lightdm starts sessions it needs to run itself in a new mode */ if (argc >= 2 && strcmp (argv[1], "--session-child") == 0) return session_child_run (argc, argv); #if !defined(GLIB_VERSION_2_36) g_type_init (); #endif loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); GList *messages = g_list_append (NULL, g_strdup_printf ("Starting Light Display Manager %s, UID=%i PID=%i", VERSION, getuid (), getpid ())); g_signal_connect (process_get_current (), PROCESS_SIGNAL_GOT_SIGNAL, G_CALLBACK (signal_cb), NULL); g_autoptr(GOptionContext) option_context = g_option_context_new (/* Arguments and description for --help test */ _("- Display Manager")); gboolean test_mode = FALSE; gchar *pid_path = "/var/run/lightdm.pid"; gchar *log_dir = NULL; gchar *run_dir = NULL; gchar *cache_dir = NULL; gboolean show_config = FALSE, show_version = FALSE; GOptionEntry options[] = { { "config", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &config_path, /* Help string for command line --config flag */ N_("Use configuration file"), "FILE" }, { "debug", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &debug, /* Help string for command line --debug flag */ N_("Print debugging messages"), NULL }, { "test-mode", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &test_mode, /* Help string for command line --test-mode flag */ N_("Run as unprivileged user, skipping things that require root access"), NULL }, { "pid-file", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &pid_path, /* Help string for command line --pid-file flag */ N_("File to write PID into"), "FILE" }, { "log-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &log_dir, /* Help string for command line --log-dir flag */ N_("Directory to write logs to"), "DIRECTORY" }, { "run-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &run_dir, /* Help string for command line --run-dir flag */ N_("Directory to store running state"), "DIRECTORY" }, { "cache-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &cache_dir, /* Help string for command line --cache-dir flag */ N_("Directory to cache information"), "DIRECTORY" }, { "show-config", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_config, /* Help string for command line --show-config flag */ N_("Show combined configuration"), NULL }, { "version", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_version, /* Help string for command line --version flag */ N_("Show release version"), NULL }, { NULL } }; g_option_context_add_main_entries (option_context, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; gboolean result = g_option_context_parse (option_context, &argc, &argv, &error); if (error) g_printerr ("%s\n", error->message); if (!result) { g_printerr (/* Text printed out when an unknown command-line argument provided */ _("Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options."), argv[0]); g_printerr ("\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Show combined configuration if user requested it */ if (show_config) { if (!config_load_from_standard_locations (config_get_instance (), config_path, NULL)) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* Number sources */ GList *sources = config_get_sources (config_get_instance ()); g_autoptr(GHashTable) source_ids = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); const gchar *last_source = ""; int i = 0; for (GList *link = sources; link; i++, link = link->next) { const gchar *path = link->data; gchar *id; if (i < 26) id = g_strdup_printf ("%c", 'A' + i); else id = g_strdup_printf ("%d", i); g_hash_table_insert (source_ids, g_strdup (path), id); last_source = id; } g_autofree gchar *empty_source = g_strdup (last_source); for (i = 0; empty_source[i] != '\0'; i++) empty_source[i] = ' '; /* Print out keys */ g_auto(GStrv) groups = config_get_groups (config_get_instance ()); for (i = 0; groups[i]; i++) { if (i != 0) g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("%s [%s]\n", empty_source, groups[i]); g_auto(GStrv) keys = config_get_keys (config_get_instance (), groups[i]); for (int j = 0; keys && keys[j]; j++) { const gchar *source, *id; g_autofree gchar *value = NULL; source = config_get_source (config_get_instance (), groups[i], keys[j]); id = source ? g_hash_table_lookup (source_ids, source) : empty_source; value = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), groups[i], keys[j]); g_printerr ("%s %s=%s\n", id, keys[j], value); } } /* Show mapping from source number to path */ g_printerr ("\n"); g_printerr ("Sources:\n"); for (GList *link = sources; link; link = link->next) { const gchar *path = link->data; const gchar *source = g_hash_table_lookup (source_ids, path); g_printerr ("%s %s\n", source, path); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (show_version) { /* NOTE: Is not translated so can be easily parsed */ g_printerr ("lightdm %s\n", VERSION); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!test_mode && getuid () != 0) { g_printerr ("Only root can run Light Display Manager. To run as a regular user for testing run with the --test-mode flag.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* If running inside an X server use Xephyr for display */ if (getenv ("DISPLAY") && getuid () != 0) { g_autofree gchar *x_server_path = g_find_program_in_path ("Xephyr"); if (!x_server_path) { g_printerr ("Running inside an X server requires Xephyr to be installed but it cannot be found. Please install it or update your PATH environment variable.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Make sure the system binary directory (where the greeters are installed) is in the path */ if (test_mode) { const gchar *path = g_getenv ("PATH"); g_autofree gchar *new_path = NULL; if (path) new_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s:%s", path, SBIN_DIR); else new_path = g_strdup (SBIN_DIR); g_setenv ("PATH", new_path, TRUE); } /* Write PID file */ FILE *pid_file = fopen (pid_path, "w"); if (pid_file) { fprintf (pid_file, "%d\n", getpid ()); fclose (pid_file); } /* If not running as root write output to directories we control */ g_autofree gchar *default_log_dir = NULL; g_autofree gchar *default_run_dir = NULL; g_autofree gchar *default_cache_dir = NULL; if (getuid () != 0) { default_log_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "lightdm", "log", NULL); default_run_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "lightdm", "run", NULL); default_cache_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "lightdm", "cache", NULL); } else { default_log_dir = g_strdup (LOG_DIR); default_run_dir = g_strdup (RUN_DIR); default_cache_dir = g_strdup (CACHE_DIR); } /* Load config file(s) */ if (!config_load_from_standard_locations (config_get_instance (), config_path, &messages)) exit (EXIT_FAILURE); g_free (config_path); /* Set default values */ if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "start-default-seat")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "start-default-seat", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "minimum-vt")) config_set_integer (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "minimum-vt", 7); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "guest-account-script")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "guest-account-script", "guest-account"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "greeter-user")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "greeter-user", GREETER_USER); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "lock-memory")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "lock-memory", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "backup-logs")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "backup-logs", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "dbus-service")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "dbus-service", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "type")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "type", "local"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-service")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-service", "lightdm"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-autologin-service")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-autologin-service", "lightdm-autologin"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-greeter-service")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "pam-greeter-service", "lightdm-greeter"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xserver-command")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xserver-command", "X"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xmir-command")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xmir-command", "Xmir"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xserver-share")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "xserver-share", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "start-session")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "start-session", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "allow-user-switching")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "allow-user-switching", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "allow-guest")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "allow-guest", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-allow-guest")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-allow-guest", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-show-remote-login")) config_set_boolean (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-show-remote-login", TRUE); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-session")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "greeter-session", DEFAULT_GREETER_SESSION); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "user-session")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "user-session", DEFAULT_USER_SESSION); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "session-wrapper")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "session-wrapper", "lightdm-session"); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "log-directory")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "log-directory", default_log_dir); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "run-directory")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "run-directory", default_run_dir); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "cache-directory")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "cache-directory", default_cache_dir); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "sessions-directory")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "sessions-directory", SESSIONS_DIR); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "remote-sessions-directory")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "remote-sessions-directory", REMOTE_SESSIONS_DIR); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "greeters-directory")) { g_autoptr(GPtrArray) dirs = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); const gchar * const *data_dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs (); for (int i = 0; data_dirs[i]; i++) g_ptr_array_add (dirs, g_build_filename (data_dirs[i], "lightdm/greeters", NULL)); for (int i = 0; data_dirs[i]; i++) g_ptr_array_add (dirs, g_build_filename (data_dirs[i], "xgreeters", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (dirs, NULL); g_autofree gchar *value = g_strjoinv (":", (gchar **) dirs->pdata); config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "greeters-directory", value); } if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "hostname")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "XDMCPServer", "hostname", g_get_host_name ()); if (!config_has_key (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "logind-check-graphical")) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "logind-check-graphical", TRUE); /* Override defaults */ if (log_dir) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "log-directory", log_dir); g_free (log_dir); if (run_dir) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "run-directory", run_dir); g_free (run_dir); if (cache_dir) config_set_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "cache-directory", cache_dir); g_free (cache_dir); /* Create run and cache directories */ g_autofree gchar *log_dir_path = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "log-directory"); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (log_dir_path, S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) < 0) g_warning ("Failed to make log directory %s: %s", log_dir_path, strerror (errno)); g_autofree gchar *run_dir_path = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "run-directory"); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (run_dir_path, S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) < 0) g_warning ("Failed to make run directory %s: %s", run_dir_path, strerror (errno)); g_autofree gchar *cache_dir_path = config_get_string (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "cache-directory"); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (cache_dir_path, S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) < 0) g_warning ("Failed to make cache directory %s: %s", cache_dir_path, strerror (errno)); log_init (); /* Show queued messages once logging is complete */ for (GList *link = messages; link; link = link->next) g_debug ("%s", (gchar *)link->data); g_list_free_full (messages, g_free); if (getuid () != 0) g_debug ("Running in user mode"); if (getenv ("DISPLAY")) g_debug ("Using Xephyr for X servers"); display_manager = display_manager_new (); g_signal_connect (display_manager, DISPLAY_MANAGER_SIGNAL_STOPPED, G_CALLBACK (display_manager_stopped_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (display_manager, DISPLAY_MANAGER_SIGNAL_SEAT_REMOVED, G_CALLBACK (display_manager_seat_removed_cb), NULL); if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "dbus-service")) { display_manager_service = display_manager_service_new (display_manager); g_signal_connect (display_manager_service, DISPLAY_MANAGER_SERVICE_SIGNAL_ADD_XLOCAL_SEAT, G_CALLBACK (service_add_xlocal_seat_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (display_manager_service, DISPLAY_MANAGER_SERVICE_SIGNAL_READY, G_CALLBACK (service_ready_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (display_manager_service, DISPLAY_MANAGER_SERVICE_SIGNAL_NAME_LOST, G_CALLBACK (service_name_lost_cb), NULL); display_manager_service_start (display_manager_service); } else start_display_manager (); shared_data_manager_start (shared_data_manager_get_instance ()); /* Connect to logind */ if (login1_service_connect (login1_service_get_instance ())) { /* Load dynamic seats from logind */ g_debug ("Monitoring logind for seats"); if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "start-default-seat")) { g_signal_connect (login1_service_get_instance (), LOGIN1_SERVICE_SIGNAL_SEAT_ADDED, G_CALLBACK (login1_service_seat_added_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (login1_service_get_instance (), LOGIN1_SERVICE_SIGNAL_SEAT_REMOVED, G_CALLBACK (login1_service_seat_removed_cb), NULL); for (GList *link = login1_service_get_seats (login1_service_get_instance ()); link; link = link->next) { Login1Seat *login1_seat = link->data; if (!login1_add_seat (login1_seat)) return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } else { if (config_get_boolean (config_get_instance (), "LightDM", "start-default-seat")) { g_debug ("Adding default seat"); g_auto(GStrv) types = config_get_string_list (config_get_instance (), "Seat:*", "type"); g_autoptr(Seat) seat = NULL; for (gchar **type = types; type && *type; type++) { seat = create_seat (*type, "seat0"); if (seat) break; } if (seat) { set_seat_properties (seat, NULL); seat_set_property (seat, "exit-on-failure", "true"); if (!display_manager_add_seat (display_manager, seat)) return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { g_warning ("Failed to create default seat"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } g_main_loop_run (loop); /* Clean up shared data manager */ shared_data_manager_cleanup (); /* Clean up user list */ common_user_list_cleanup (); /* Remove D-Bus interface */ g_clear_object (&display_manager_service); /* Clean up display manager */ g_clear_object (&display_manager); g_debug ("Exiting with return value %d", exit_code); return exit_code; }