/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Robert Ancell. * Author: Robert Ancell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include #include "seat-local.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "x-server-local.h" #include "wayland-session.h" #include "plymouth.h" #include "vt.h" typedef struct { /* X server being used for XDMCP */ XServerLocal *xdmcp_x_server; } SeatLocalPrivate; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (SeatLocal, seat_local, SEAT_TYPE) static XServerLocal *create_x_server (SeatLocal *seat); static void check_stopped (SeatLocal *seat) { SeatLocalPrivate *priv = seat_local_get_instance_private (seat); if (!priv->xdmcp_x_server) SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->stop (SEAT (seat)); } static void xdmcp_x_server_stopped_cb (DisplayServer *display_server, SeatLocal *seat) { SeatLocalPrivate *priv = seat_local_get_instance_private (seat); l_debug (seat, "XDMCP X server stopped"); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (priv->xdmcp_x_server, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, seat); g_clear_object (&priv->xdmcp_x_server); if (seat_get_is_stopping (SEAT (seat))) check_stopped (seat); else seat_stop (SEAT (seat)); } static gboolean seat_local_start (Seat *seat) { seat_set_supports_multi_session (seat, TRUE); seat_set_share_display_server (seat, seat_get_boolean_property (seat, "xserver-share")); SeatLocalPrivate *priv = seat_local_get_instance_private (SEAT_LOCAL (seat)); /* If running as an XDMCP client then just start an X server */ const gchar *xdmcp_manager = seat_get_string_property (seat, "xdmcp-manager"); if (xdmcp_manager) { priv->xdmcp_x_server = create_x_server (SEAT_LOCAL (seat)); x_server_local_set_xdmcp_server (priv->xdmcp_x_server, xdmcp_manager); gint port = seat_get_integer_property (seat, "xdmcp-port"); if (port > 0) x_server_local_set_xdmcp_port (priv->xdmcp_x_server, port); const gchar *key_name = seat_get_string_property (seat, "xdmcp-key"); if (key_name) { g_autofree gchar *path = g_build_filename (config_get_directory (config_get_instance ()), "keys.conf", NULL); g_autoptr(GKeyFile) keys = g_key_file_new (); g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; gboolean result = g_key_file_load_from_file (keys, path, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, &error); if (error) l_debug (seat, "Error getting key %s", error->message); if (result) { g_autofree gchar *key = NULL; if (g_key_file_has_key (keys, "keyring", key_name, NULL)) key = g_key_file_get_string (keys, "keyring", key_name, NULL); else l_debug (seat, "Key %s not defined", key_name); if (key) x_server_local_set_xdmcp_key (priv->xdmcp_x_server, key); } } g_signal_connect (priv->xdmcp_x_server, DISPLAY_SERVER_SIGNAL_STOPPED, G_CALLBACK (xdmcp_x_server_stopped_cb), seat); return display_server_start (DISPLAY_SERVER (priv->xdmcp_x_server)); } return SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->start (seat); } static void display_server_ready_cb (DisplayServer *display_server, Seat *seat) { /* Quit Plymouth */ plymouth_quit (TRUE); } static void display_server_transition_plymouth_cb (DisplayServer *display_server, Seat *seat) { /* Quit Plymouth if we didn't do the transition */ if (plymouth_get_is_running ()) plymouth_quit (FALSE); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (display_server, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC, 0, 0, NULL, display_server_transition_plymouth_cb, NULL); } static gint get_vt (SeatLocal *seat, DisplayServer *display_server) { if (strcmp (seat_get_name (SEAT (seat)), "seat0") != 0) return -1; /* If Plymouth is running, stop it */ gint vt = -1; if (plymouth_get_is_active () && plymouth_has_active_vt ()) { gint active_vt = vt_get_active (); if (active_vt >= vt_get_min ()) { vt = active_vt; g_signal_connect (display_server, DISPLAY_SERVER_SIGNAL_READY, G_CALLBACK (display_server_ready_cb), seat); g_signal_connect (display_server, DISPLAY_SERVER_SIGNAL_STOPPED, G_CALLBACK (display_server_transition_plymouth_cb), seat); plymouth_deactivate (); } else l_debug (seat, "Plymouth is running on VT %d, but this is less than the configured minimum of %d so not replacing it", active_vt, vt_get_min ()); } if (plymouth_get_is_active ()) plymouth_quit (FALSE); if (vt < 0) vt = vt_get_unused (); return vt; } static XServerLocal * create_x_server (SeatLocal *seat) { g_autoptr(XServerLocal) x_server = x_server_local_new (); gint vt = get_vt (seat, DISPLAY_SERVER (x_server)); if (vt >= 0) x_server_local_set_vt (x_server, vt); if (vt > 0) l_debug (seat, "Starting local X display on VT %d", vt); else l_debug (seat, "Starting local X display"); /* If running inside an X server use Xephyr instead */ const gchar *command = NULL; if (g_getenv ("DISPLAY")) command = "Xephyr"; if (!command) command = seat_get_string_property (SEAT (seat), "xserver-command"); if (command) x_server_local_set_command (x_server, command); x_server_set_local_authority (X_SERVER (x_server)); const gchar *layout = seat_get_string_property (SEAT (seat), "xserver-layout"); if (layout) x_server_local_set_layout (x_server, layout); x_server_local_set_xdg_seat (x_server, seat_get_name (SEAT (seat))); const gchar *config_file = seat_get_string_property (SEAT (seat), "xserver-config"); if (config_file) x_server_local_set_config (x_server, config_file); gboolean allow_tcp = seat_get_boolean_property (SEAT (seat), "xserver-allow-tcp"); x_server_local_set_allow_tcp (x_server, allow_tcp); return g_steal_pointer (&x_server); } static DisplayServer * create_wayland_session (SeatLocal *seat) { g_autoptr(WaylandSession) session = wayland_session_new (); gint vt = get_vt (seat, DISPLAY_SERVER (session)); if (vt >= 0) wayland_session_set_vt (session, vt); return DISPLAY_SERVER (g_steal_pointer (&session)); } static DisplayServer * seat_local_create_display_server (Seat *s, Session *session) { SeatLocal *seat = SEAT_LOCAL (s); const gchar *session_type = session_get_session_type (session); if (strcmp (session_type, "x") == 0) return DISPLAY_SERVER (create_x_server (seat)); else if (strcmp (session_type, "wayland") == 0) return create_wayland_session (seat); else { l_warning (seat, "Can't create unsupported display server '%s'", session_type); return NULL; } } static gboolean seat_local_display_server_is_used (Seat *seat, DisplayServer *display_server) { return SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->display_server_is_used (seat, display_server); } static GreeterSession * seat_local_create_greeter_session (Seat *seat) { GreeterSession *greeter_session = SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->create_greeter_session (seat); session_set_env (SESSION (greeter_session), "XDG_SEAT", seat_get_name (seat)); return greeter_session; } static Session * seat_local_create_session (Seat *seat) { Session *session = SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->create_session (seat); session_set_env (SESSION (session), "XDG_SEAT", seat_get_name (seat)); return session; } static void seat_local_set_active_session (Seat *seat, Session *session) { DisplayServer *display_server = session_get_display_server (session); gint vt = display_server_get_vt (display_server); if (vt >= 0) vt_set_active (vt); SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->set_active_session (seat, session); } static Session * seat_local_get_active_session (Seat *seat) { /* * In the past, virtual terminal switching was the only way to switch * between multiple sessions associated with a seat. Due to operating * system limitations, virtual terminal switching is limited to seat0, so * the vt_* family of functions from vt.h must only be used with seat0. * * Nowadays, systemd-logind (via the org.freedesktop.login1 dbus interface) * can be used to switch sessions. logind supports multiple sessions even * on non-seat0 seats. Whenever logind switches sessions, a callback * updates priv->active_session, so seat_get_expected_active_session should * always return the currently active session. * * FIXME: Use seat_get_expected_active_session even for seat0, falling back * to VT probing if the systemd-logind service is unavailable. */ if (strcmp (seat_get_name (seat), "seat0") != 0) return seat_get_expected_active_session (seat); gint vt = vt_get_active (); if (vt < 0) return NULL; /* Find out which session is on this VT */ for (GList *link = seat_get_sessions (seat); link; link = link->next) { Session *session = link->data; DisplayServer *display_server; display_server = session_get_display_server (session); if (display_server && display_server_get_vt (display_server) == vt) return session; } return NULL; } static void seat_local_run_script (Seat *seat, DisplayServer *display_server, Process *script) { if (IS_X_SERVER_LOCAL (display_server)) { const gchar *path = x_server_local_get_authority_file_path (X_SERVER_LOCAL (display_server)); process_set_env (script, "DISPLAY", x_server_get_address (X_SERVER (display_server))); process_set_env (script, "XAUTHORITY", path); } SEAT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->run_script (seat, display_server, script); } static void seat_local_stop (Seat *seat) { SeatLocalPrivate *priv = seat_local_get_instance_private (SEAT_LOCAL (seat)); /* Stop the XDMCP X server */ if (priv->xdmcp_x_server) display_server_stop (DISPLAY_SERVER (priv->xdmcp_x_server)); check_stopped (SEAT_LOCAL (seat)); } static void seat_local_init (SeatLocal *seat) { } static void seat_local_finalize (GObject *object) { SeatLocal *seat = SEAT_LOCAL (object); SeatLocalPrivate *priv = seat_local_get_instance_private (seat); if (priv->xdmcp_x_server) g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (priv->xdmcp_x_server, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, seat); g_clear_object (&priv->xdmcp_x_server); G_OBJECT_CLASS (seat_local_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void seat_local_class_init (SeatLocalClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); SeatClass *seat_class = SEAT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = seat_local_finalize; seat_class->start = seat_local_start; seat_class->create_display_server = seat_local_create_display_server; seat_class->display_server_is_used = seat_local_display_server_is_used; seat_class->create_greeter_session = seat_local_create_greeter_session; seat_class->create_session = seat_local_create_session; seat_class->set_active_session = seat_local_set_active_session; seat_class->get_active_session = seat_local_get_active_session; seat_class->run_script = seat_local_run_script; seat_class->stop = seat_local_stop; }